/* $Id: VBoxUSBMon-solaris.c 42946 2012-08-23 11:47:22Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox USB Monitor Driver, Solaris Hosts. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_USB_DRV #ifdef DEBUG_ramshankar # define LOG_ENABLED # define LOG_INSTANCE RTLogRelDefaultInstance() #endif #include "VBoxUSBFilterMgr.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USBDRV_MAJOR_VER 2 #define USBDRV_MINOR_VER 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** The module name. */ #define DEVICE_NAME "vboxusbmon" /** The module description as seen in 'modinfo'. */ #define DEVICE_DESC_DRV "VirtualBox USBMon" /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisOpen(dev_t *pDev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisClose(dev_t Dev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisRead(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisWrite(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl(dev_t Dev, int Cmd, intptr_t pArg, int Mode, cred_t *pCred, int *pVal); static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisGetInfo(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_info_cmd_t enmCmd, void *pArg, void **ppResult); static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisAttach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_attach_cmd_t enmCmd); static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisDetach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_detach_cmd_t enmCmd); /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * cb_ops: for drivers that support char/block entry points */ static struct cb_ops g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisCbOps = { VBoxUSBMonSolarisOpen, VBoxUSBMonSolarisClose, nodev, /* b strategy */ nodev, /* b dump */ nodev, /* b print */ VBoxUSBMonSolarisRead, VBoxUSBMonSolarisWrite, VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl, nodev, /* c devmap */ nodev, /* c mmap */ nodev, /* c segmap */ nochpoll, /* c poll */ ddi_prop_op, /* property ops */ NULL, /* streamtab */ D_NEW | D_MP, /* compat. flag */ CB_REV /* revision */ }; /** * dev_ops: for driver device operations */ static struct dev_ops g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisDevOps = { DEVO_REV, /* driver build revision */ 0, /* ref count */ VBoxUSBMonSolarisGetInfo, nulldev, /* identify */ nulldev, /* probe */ VBoxUSBMonSolarisAttach, VBoxUSBMonSolarisDetach, nodev, /* reset */ &g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisCbOps, (struct bus_ops *)0, nodev /* power */ }; /** * modldrv: export driver specifics to the kernel */ static struct modldrv g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisModule = { &mod_driverops, /* extern from kernel */ DEVICE_DESC_DRV " " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "r" RT_XSTR(VBOX_SVN_REV), &g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisDevOps }; /** * modlinkage: export install/remove/info to the kernel */ static struct modlinkage g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisModLinkage = { MODREV_1, &g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisModule, NULL, }; /** * Client driver info. */ typedef struct vboxusbmon_client_t { dev_info_t *pDip; /* Client device info. pointer */ VBOXUSB_CLIENT_INFO Info; /* Client registration data. */ struct vboxusbmon_client_t *pNext; /* Pointer to next client */ } vboxusbmon_client_t; /** * Device state info. */ typedef struct { RTPROCESS Process; /* The process (id) of the session */ } vboxusbmon_state_t; /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** Global Device handle we only support one instance. */ static dev_info_t *g_pDip = NULL; /** Global Mutex. */ static kmutex_t g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx; /** Number of userland clients that have kept us open. */ static uint64_t g_cVBoxUSBMonSolarisClient = 0; /** Global list of client drivers registered with us. */ vboxusbmon_client_t *g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisClients = NULL; /** Opaque pointer to list of soft states. */ static void *g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static int vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl(int iFunction, void *pvState, void *pvData, size_t cbData, size_t *pcbReturnedData); static int vboxUSBMonSolarisResetDevice(char *pszDevicePath, bool fReattach); /******************************************************************************* * Monitor Global Hooks * *******************************************************************************/ static int vboxUSBMonSolarisClientInfo(vboxusbmon_state_t *pState, PVBOXUSB_CLIENT_INFO pClientInfo); int VBoxUSBMonSolarisRegisterClient(dev_info_t *pClientDip, PVBOXUSB_CLIENT_INFO pClientInfo); int VBoxUSBMonSolarisUnregisterClient(dev_info_t *pClientDip); int VBoxUSBMonSolarisElectDriver(usb_dev_descr_t *pDevDesc, usb_dev_str_t *pDevStrings, char *pszDevicePath, int Bus, int Port, char **ppszDrv, void *pvReserved); /** * Kernel entry points */ int _init(void) { int rc; LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":_init\n")); g_pDip = NULL; /* * Prevent module autounloading. */ modctl_t *pModCtl = mod_getctl(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisModLinkage); if (pModCtl) pModCtl->mod_loadflags |= MOD_NOAUTOUNLOAD; else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":failed to disable autounloading!\n")); /* * Initialize IPRT R0 driver, which internally calls OS-specific r0 init. */ rc = RTR0Init(0); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Initialize global mutex. */ mutex_init(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx, NULL, MUTEX_DRIVER, NULL); rc = VBoxUSBFilterInit(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = ddi_soft_state_init(&g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState, sizeof(vboxusbmon_state_t), 1); if (!rc) { rc = mod_install(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisModLinkage); if (!rc) return rc; LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":mod_install failed! rc=%d\n", rc)); ddi_soft_state_fini(&g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_soft_state_init failed! rc=%d\n", rc)); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBFilterInit failed! rc=%d\n", rc)); mutex_destroy(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); RTR0Term(); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":RTR0Init failed! rc=%d\n", rc)); return -1; } int _fini(void) { int rc; LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":_fini\n")); rc = mod_remove(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisModLinkage); if (!rc) { ddi_soft_state_fini(&g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState); VBoxUSBFilterTerm(); mutex_destroy(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); RTR0Term(); } return rc; } int _info(struct modinfo *pModInfo) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":_info\n")); return mod_info(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisModLinkage, pModInfo); } /** * Attach entry point, to attach a device to the system or resume it. * * @param pDip The module structure instance. * @param enmCmd Attach type (ddi_attach_cmd_t) * * @returns corresponding solaris error code. */ static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisAttach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_attach_cmd_t enmCmd) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisAttach pDip=%p enmCmd=%d\n", pDip, enmCmd)); switch (enmCmd) { case DDI_ATTACH: { if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_pDip)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisAttach global instance already initialized.\n")); return DDI_FAILURE; } g_pDip = pDip; int instance = ddi_get_instance(pDip); int rc = ddi_create_priv_minor_node(pDip, DEVICE_NAME, S_IFCHR, instance, DDI_PSEUDO, 0, "none", "none", 0660); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { ddi_report_dev(pDip); return rc; } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisAttach ddi_create_minor_node failed! rc=%d\n", rc)); return DDI_FAILURE; } case DDI_RESUME: { /* We don't have to bother about power management. */ return DDI_SUCCESS; } default: return DDI_FAILURE; } } /** * Detach entry point, to detach a device to the system or suspend it. * * @param pDip The module structure instance. * @param enmCmd Attach type (ddi_attach_cmd_t) * * @returns corresponding solaris error code. */ static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisDetach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_detach_cmd_t enmCmd) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisDetach\n")); switch (enmCmd) { case DDI_DETACH: { /* * Free all registered clients' info. */ mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); vboxusbmon_client_t *pCur = g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisClients; while (pCur) { vboxusbmon_client_t *pNext = pCur->pNext; RTMemFree(pCur); pCur = pNext; } mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); ddi_remove_minor_node(pDip, NULL); g_pDip = NULL; return DDI_SUCCESS; } case DDI_SUSPEND: { /* We don't have to bother about power management. */ return DDI_SUCCESS; } default: return DDI_FAILURE; } } /** * Info entry point, called by solaris kernel for obtaining driver info. * * @param pDip The module structure instance (do not use). * @param enmCmd Information request type. * @param pvArg Type specific argument. * @param ppvResult Where to store the requested info. * * @returns corresponding solaris error code. */ static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisGetInfo(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_info_cmd_t enmCmd, void *pvArg, void **ppvResult) { int rc = DDI_SUCCESS; LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisGetInfo\n")); switch (enmCmd) { case DDI_INFO_DEVT2DEVINFO: *ppvResult = (void *)g_pDip; break; case DDI_INFO_DEVT2INSTANCE: *ppvResult = (void *)(uintptr_t)ddi_get_instance(g_pDip); break; default: rc = DDI_FAILURE; break; } return rc; } static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisOpen(dev_t *pDev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred) { vboxusbmon_state_t *pState = NULL; unsigned iOpenInstance; LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisOpen\n")); /* * Verify we are being opened as a character device. */ if (fType != OTYP_CHR) return EINVAL; /* * Verify that we're called after attach. */ if (!g_pDip) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisOpen invalid state for opening.\n")); return ENXIO; } mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); if (!g_cVBoxUSBMonSolarisClient) { mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); int rc = usb_register_dev_driver(g_pDip, VBoxUSBMonSolarisElectDriver); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != DDI_SUCCESS)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":Failed to register driver election callback with USBA rc=%d\n", rc)); return EINVAL; } Log((DEVICE_NAME ":Successfully registered election callback with USBA\n")); mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); } g_cVBoxUSBMonSolarisClient++; mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); for (iOpenInstance = 0; iOpenInstance < 4096; iOpenInstance++) { if ( !ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState, iOpenInstance) /* faster */ && ddi_soft_state_zalloc(g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState, iOpenInstance) == DDI_SUCCESS) { pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState, iOpenInstance); break; } } if (!pState) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisOpen: too many open instances.")); mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); g_cVBoxUSBMonSolarisClient--; mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); return ENXIO; } pState->Process = RTProcSelf(); *pDev = makedevice(getmajor(*pDev), iOpenInstance); NOREF(fFlag); NOREF(pCred); return 0; } static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisClose(dev_t Dev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred) { vboxusbmon_state_t *pState = NULL; LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisClose\n")); pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState, getminor(Dev)); if (!pState) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisClose: failed to get pState.\n")); return EFAULT; } mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); g_cVBoxUSBMonSolarisClient--; if (!g_cVBoxUSBMonSolarisClient) { if (RT_LIKELY(g_pDip)) { mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); usb_unregister_dev_driver(g_pDip); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":Successfully deregistered driver election callback\n")); } else { mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":Extreme error! Missing device info during close.\n")); } } else mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); /* * Remove all filters for this client process. */ VBoxUSBFilterRemoveOwner(pState->Process); ddi_soft_state_free(g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState, getminor(Dev)); pState = NULL; NOREF(fFlag); NOREF(fType); NOREF(pCred); return 0; } static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisRead(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisRead\n")); return 0; } static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisWrite(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisWrite\n")); return 0; } /** @def IOCPARM_LEN * Gets the length from the ioctl number. * This is normally defined by sys/ioccom.h on BSD systems... */ #ifndef IOCPARM_LEN # define IOCPARM_LEN(Code) (((Code) >> 16) & IOCPARM_MASK) #endif static int VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl(dev_t Dev, int Cmd, intptr_t pArg, int Mode, cred_t *pCred, int *pVal) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl Dev=%d Cmd=%d pArg=%p Mode=%d\n", Dev, Cmd, pArg)); /* * Get the session from the soft state item. */ vboxusbmon_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisState, getminor(Dev)); if (!pState) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: no state data for %d\n", getminor(Dev))); return EINVAL; } /* * Read the request wrapper. Though We don't really need wrapper struct. now * it's room for the future as Solaris isn't generous regarding the size. */ VBOXUSBREQ ReqWrap; if (IOCPARM_LEN(Cmd) != sizeof(ReqWrap)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: bad request %#x size=%d expected=%d\n", Cmd, IOCPARM_LEN(Cmd), sizeof(ReqWrap))); return ENOTTY; } int rc = ddi_copyin((void *)pArg, &ReqWrap, sizeof(ReqWrap), Mode); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: ddi_copyin failed to read header pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%d.\n", pArg, Cmd, rc)); return EINVAL; } if (ReqWrap.u32Magic != VBOXUSBMON_MAGIC) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: bad magic %#x; pArg=%p Cmd=%d.\n", ReqWrap.u32Magic, pArg, Cmd)); return EINVAL; } if (RT_UNLIKELY( ReqWrap.cbData == 0 || ReqWrap.cbData > _1M*16)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: bad size %#x; pArg=%p Cmd=%d.\n", ReqWrap.cbData, pArg, Cmd)); return EINVAL; } /* * Read the request. */ void *pvBuf = RTMemTmpAlloc(ReqWrap.cbData); if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pvBuf)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: RTMemTmpAlloc failed to alloc %d bytes.\n", ReqWrap.cbData)); return ENOMEM; } rc = ddi_copyin((void *)(uintptr_t)ReqWrap.pvDataR3, pvBuf, ReqWrap.cbData, Mode); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc)) { RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: ddi_copyin failed; pvBuf=%p pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%d\n", pvBuf, pArg, Cmd, rc)); return EFAULT; } if (RT_UNLIKELY( ReqWrap.cbData != 0 && !VALID_PTR(pvBuf))) { RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: pvBuf invalid pointer %p\n", pvBuf)); return EINVAL; } Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: pid=%d.\n", (int)RTProcSelf())); /* * Process the IOCtl. */ size_t cbDataReturned; rc = vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl(Cmd, pState, pvBuf, ReqWrap.cbData, &cbDataReturned); ReqWrap.rc = rc; rc = 0; if (RT_UNLIKELY(cbDataReturned > ReqWrap.cbData)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: too much output data %d expected %d\n", cbDataReturned, ReqWrap.cbData)); cbDataReturned = ReqWrap.cbData; } ReqWrap.cbData = cbDataReturned; /* * Copy the request back to user space. */ rc = ddi_copyout(&ReqWrap, (void *)pArg, sizeof(ReqWrap), Mode); if (RT_LIKELY(!rc)) { /* * Copy the payload (if any) back to user space. */ if (cbDataReturned > 0) { rc = ddi_copyout(pvBuf, (void *)(uintptr_t)ReqWrap.pvDataR3, cbDataReturned, Mode); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: ddi_copyout failed; pvBuf=%p pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%d\n", pvBuf, pArg, Cmd, rc)); rc = EFAULT; } } } else { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisIOCtl: ddi_copyout(1) failed pArg=%p Cmd=%d\n", pArg, Cmd)); rc = EFAULT; } *pVal = rc; RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); return rc; } /** * IOCtl processor for user to kernel and kernel to kernel communication. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param iFunction The requested function. * @param pvState Opaque pointer to driver state used for getting ring-3 process (Id). * @param pvData The input/output data buffer. Can be NULL depending on the function. * @param cbData The max size of the data buffer. * @param pcbDataReturned Where to store the amount of returned data. Can be NULL. */ static int vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl(int iFunction, void *pvState, void *pvData, size_t cbData, size_t *pcbReturnedData) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":solarisUSBProcessIOCtl iFunction=%d pvBuf=%p cbBuf=%zu\n", iFunction, pvData, cbData)); AssertPtrReturn(pvState, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); vboxusbmon_state_t *pState = (vboxusbmon_state_t *)pvState; int rc; #define CHECKRET_MIN_SIZE(mnemonic, cbMin) \ do { \ if (cbData < (cbMin)) \ { \ LogRel(("vboxUSBSolarisProcessIOCtl: " mnemonic ": cbData=%#zx (%zu) min is %#zx (%zu)\n", \ cbData, cbData, (size_t)(cbMin), (size_t)(cbMin))); \ return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; \ } \ if ((cbMin) != 0 && !VALID_PTR(pvData)) \ { \ LogRel(("vboxUSBSolarisProcessIOCtl: " mnemonic ": Invalid pointer %p\n", pvData)); \ return VERR_INVALID_POINTER; \ } \ } while (0) switch (iFunction) { case VBOXUSBMON_IOCTL_ADD_FILTER: { CHECKRET_MIN_SIZE("ADD_FILTER", sizeof(VBOXUSBREQ_ADD_FILTER)); VBOXUSBREQ_ADD_FILTER *pReq = (VBOXUSBREQ_ADD_FILTER *)pvData; PUSBFILTER pFilter = (PUSBFILTER)&pReq->Filter; Log(("vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: idVendor=%#x idProduct=%#x bcdDevice=%#x bDeviceClass=%#x bDeviceSubClass=%#x bDeviceProtocol=%#x bBus=%#x bPort=%#x\n", USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_VENDOR_ID), USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_ID), USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_REV), USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_CLASS), USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_SUB_CLASS), USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_PROTOCOL), USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_BUS), USBFilterGetNum(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_PORT))); Log(("vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: Manufacturer=%s Product=%s Serial=%s\n", USBFilterGetString(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_MANUFACTURER_STR) ? USBFilterGetString(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_MANUFACTURER_STR) : "", USBFilterGetString(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_STR) ? USBFilterGetString(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_STR) : "", USBFilterGetString(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_SERIAL_NUMBER_STR) ? USBFilterGetString(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_SERIAL_NUMBER_STR) : "")); rc = USBFilterSetMustBePresent(pFilter, USBFILTERIDX_BUS, false /* fMustBePresent */); AssertRC(rc); rc = VBoxUSBFilterAdd(pFilter, pState->Process, &pReq->uId); *pcbReturnedData = cbData; Log((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: ADD_FILTER (Process:%d) returned %d\n", pState->Process, rc)); break; } case VBOXUSBMON_IOCTL_REMOVE_FILTER: { CHECKRET_MIN_SIZE("REMOVE_FILTER", sizeof(VBOXUSBREQ_REMOVE_FILTER)); VBOXUSBREQ_REMOVE_FILTER *pReq = (VBOXUSBREQ_REMOVE_FILTER *)pvData; rc = VBoxUSBFilterRemove(pState->Process, (uintptr_t)pReq->uId); *pcbReturnedData = 0; Log((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: REMOVE_FILTER (Process:%d) returned %d\n", pState->Process, rc)); break; } case VBOXUSBMON_IOCTL_RESET_DEVICE: { CHECKRET_MIN_SIZE("RESET_DEVICE", sizeof(VBOXUSBREQ_RESET_DEVICE)); VBOXUSBREQ_RESET_DEVICE *pReq = (VBOXUSBREQ_RESET_DEVICE *)pvData; rc = vboxUSBMonSolarisResetDevice(pReq->szDevicePath, pReq->fReattach); *pcbReturnedData = 0; Log((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: RESET_DEVICE (Process:%d) returned %d\n", pState->Process, rc)); break; } case VBOXUSBMON_IOCTL_CLIENT_INFO: { CHECKRET_MIN_SIZE("CLIENT_INFO", sizeof(VBOXUSBREQ_CLIENT_INFO)); VBOXUSBREQ_CLIENT_INFO *pReq = (VBOXUSBREQ_CLIENT_INFO *)pvData; rc = vboxUSBMonSolarisClientInfo(pState, pReq); *pcbReturnedData = cbData; Log((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: CLIENT_INFO (Process:%d) returned %d\n", pState->Process, rc)); break; } case VBOXUSBMON_IOCTL_GET_VERSION: { CHECKRET_MIN_SIZE("GET_VERSION", sizeof(VBOXUSBREQ_GET_VERSION)); PVBOXUSBREQ_GET_VERSION pGetVersionReq = (PVBOXUSBREQ_GET_VERSION)pvData; pGetVersionReq->u32Major = VBOXUSBMON_VERSION_MAJOR; pGetVersionReq->u32Minor = VBOXUSBMON_VERSION_MINOR; *pcbReturnedData = sizeof(VBOXUSBREQ_GET_VERSION); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; Log((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: GET_VERSION returned %d\n", rc)); break; } default: { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisProcessIOCtl: Unknown request (Process:%d) %#x\n", pState->Process, iFunction)); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } return rc; } static int vboxUSBMonSolarisResetDevice(char *pszDevicePath, bool fReattach) { int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisResetDevice pszDevicePath=%s fReattach=%d\n", pszDevicePath, fReattach)); /* * Try grabbing the dev_info_t. */ dev_info_t *pDeviceInfo = e_ddi_hold_devi_by_path(pszDevicePath, 0); if (pDeviceInfo) { ddi_release_devi(pDeviceInfo); /* * Grab the root device node from the parent hub for resetting. */ dev_info_t *pTmpDeviceInfo = NULL; for (;;) { pTmpDeviceInfo = ddi_get_parent(pDeviceInfo); if (!pTmpDeviceInfo) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisResetDevice failed to get parent device info for %s\n", pszDevicePath)); return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } if (ddi_prop_exists(DDI_DEV_T_ANY, pTmpDeviceInfo, DDI_PROP_DONTPASS, "usb-port-count")) /* parent hub */ break; pDeviceInfo = pTmpDeviceInfo; } /* * Try re-enumerating the device. */ rc = usb_reset_device(pDeviceInfo, fReattach ? USB_RESET_LVL_REATTACH : USB_RESET_LVL_DEFAULT); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":usb_reset_device for %s level=%s returned %d\n", pszDevicePath, fReattach ? "ReAttach" : "Default", rc)); switch (rc) { case USB_SUCCESS: rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; case USB_INVALID_PERM: rc = VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED; break; case USB_INVALID_ARGS: rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; case USB_BUSY: rc = VERR_RESOURCE_BUSY; break; case USB_INVALID_CONTEXT: rc = VERR_INVALID_CONTEXT; break; case USB_FAILURE: rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; break; default: rc = VERR_UNRESOLVED_ERROR; break; } } else { rc = VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisResetDevice Cannot obtain device info for %s\n", pszDevicePath)); } return rc; } /** * Query client driver information. This also has a side-effect that it informs * the client driver which upcoming VM process should be allowed to open it. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pState Pointer to the device state. * @param pClientInfo Pointer to the client info. object. */ static int vboxUSBMonSolarisClientInfo(vboxusbmon_state_t *pState, PVBOXUSB_CLIENT_INFO pClientInfo) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisClientInfo pState=%p pClientInfo=%p\n", pState, pClientInfo)); AssertPtrReturn(pState, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pClientInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); vboxusbmon_client_t *pCur = g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisClients; vboxusbmon_client_t *pPrev = NULL; while (pCur) { if (strncmp(pClientInfo->szDeviceIdent, pCur->Info.szDeviceIdent, sizeof(pCur->Info.szDeviceIdent) - 1) == 0) { pClientInfo->Instance = pCur->Info.Instance; RTStrPrintf(pClientInfo->szClientPath, sizeof(pClientInfo->szClientPath), "%s", pCur->Info.szClientPath); /* * Inform the client driver that this is the client process that is going to open it. We can predict the future! */ int rc; if (pCur->Info.pfnSetConsumerCredentials) { rc = pCur->Info.pfnSetConsumerCredentials(pState->Process, pCur->Info.Instance, NULL /* pvReserved */); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisClientInfo pfnSetConsumerCredentials failed. rc=%d\n", rc)); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_FUNCTION; mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisClientInfo found. %s rc=%d\n", pClientInfo->szDeviceIdent, rc)); return rc; } pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext; } mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":vboxUSBMonSolarisClientInfo Failed to find client %s\n", pClientInfo->szDeviceIdent)); return VERR_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Registers client driver. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pszDevicePath The device path of the client driver. * @param Instance The client driver instance. */ int VBoxUSBMonSolarisRegisterClient(dev_info_t *pClientDip, PVBOXUSB_CLIENT_INFO pClientInfo) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisRegisterClient pClientDip=%p pClientInfo=%p\n", pClientDip, pClientInfo)); AssertPtrReturn(pClientInfo, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (RT_LIKELY(g_pDip)) { vboxusbmon_client_t *pClient = RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(vboxusbmon_client_t)); if (RT_LIKELY(pClient)) { pClient->Info.Instance = pClientInfo->Instance; strncpy(pClient->Info.szClientPath, pClientInfo->szClientPath, sizeof(pClient->Info.szClientPath)); strncpy(pClient->Info.szDeviceIdent, pClientInfo->szDeviceIdent, sizeof(pClient->Info.szDeviceIdent)); pClient->Info.pfnSetConsumerCredentials = pClientInfo->pfnSetConsumerCredentials; pClient->pDip = pClientDip; mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); pClient->pNext = g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisClients; g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisClients = pClient; mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisRegisterClient registered. %d %s %s\n", pClient->Info.Instance, pClient->Info.szClientPath, pClient->Info.szDeviceIdent)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } else return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } else return VERR_INVALID_STATE; } /** * Deregisters client driver. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pszDevicePath The device path of the client driver. * @param Instance The client driver instance. */ int VBoxUSBMonSolarisUnregisterClient(dev_info_t *pClientDip) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisUnregisterClient pClientDip=%p\n", pClientDip)); AssertReturn(pClientDip, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (RT_LIKELY(g_pDip)) { mutex_enter(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); vboxusbmon_client_t *pCur = g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisClients; vboxusbmon_client_t *pPrev = NULL; while (pCur) { if (pCur->pDip == pClientDip) { if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext; else g_pVBoxUSBMonSolarisClients = pCur->pNext; mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisUnregisterClient unregistered. %d %s %s\n", pCur->Info.Instance, pCur->Info.szClientPath, pCur->Info.szDeviceIdent)); RTMemFree(pCur); pCur = NULL; return VINF_SUCCESS; } pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext; } mutex_exit(&g_VBoxUSBMonSolarisMtx); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisUnregisterClient Failed to find registered client %p\n", pClientDip)); return VERR_NOT_FOUND; } else return VERR_INVALID_STATE; } /** * USBA driver election callback. * * @returns USB_SUCCESS if we want to capture the device, USB_FAILURE otherwise. * @param pDevDesc The parsed device descriptor (does not include subconfigs). * @param pDevStrings Device strings: Manufacturer, Product, Serial Number. * @param pszDevicePath The physical path of the device being attached. * @param Bus The Bus number on which the device is on. * @param Port The Port number on the bus. * @param ppszDrv The name of the driver we wish to capture the device with. * @param pvReserved Reserved for future use. */ int VBoxUSBMonSolarisElectDriver(usb_dev_descr_t *pDevDesc, usb_dev_str_t *pDevStrings, char *pszDevicePath, int Bus, int Port, char **ppszDrv, void *pvReserved) { LogFunc((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisElectDriver pDevDesc=%p pDevStrings=%p pszDevicePath=%s Bus=%d Port=%d\n", pDevDesc, pDevStrings, pszDevicePath, Bus, Port)); AssertPtrReturn(pDevDesc, USB_FAILURE); AssertPtrReturn(pDevStrings, USB_FAILURE); /* * Create a filter from the device being attached. */ USBFILTER Filter; USBFilterInit(&Filter, USBFILTERTYPE_CAPTURE); USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_VENDOR_ID, pDevDesc->idVendor, true); USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_ID, pDevDesc->idProduct, true); USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_REV, pDevDesc->bcdDevice, true); USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_CLASS, pDevDesc->bDeviceClass, true); USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_SUB_CLASS, pDevDesc->bDeviceSubClass, true); USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_PROTOCOL, pDevDesc->bDeviceProtocol, true); USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_BUS, 0x0 /* Bus */, true); /* Use 0x0 as userland initFilterFromDevice function in Main: see comment on "SetMustBePresent" below */ USBFilterSetNumExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_PORT, Port, true); USBFilterSetStringExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_MANUFACTURER_STR, pDevStrings->usb_mfg, true); USBFilterSetStringExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_STR, pDevStrings->usb_product, true); USBFilterSetStringExact(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_SERIAL_NUMBER_STR, pDevStrings->usb_serialno, true); /* This doesn't work like it should (USBFilterMatch fails on matching field (6) i.e. Bus despite this. Investigate later. */ USBFilterSetMustBePresent(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_BUS, false /* fMustBePresent */); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisElectDriver: idVendor=%#x idProduct=%#x bcdDevice=%#x bDeviceClass=%#x bDeviceSubClass=%#x bDeviceProtocol=%#x bBus=%#x bPort=%#x\n", USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_VENDOR_ID), USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_ID), USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_REV), USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_CLASS), USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_SUB_CLASS), USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_DEVICE_PROTOCOL), USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_BUS), USBFilterGetNum(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_PORT))); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxUSBMonSolarisElectDriver: Manufacturer=%s Product=%s Serial=%s\n", USBFilterGetString(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_MANUFACTURER_STR) ? USBFilterGetString(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_MANUFACTURER_STR) : "", USBFilterGetString(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_STR) ? USBFilterGetString(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_PRODUCT_STR) : "", USBFilterGetString(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_SERIAL_NUMBER_STR) ? USBFilterGetString(&Filter, USBFILTERIDX_SERIAL_NUMBER_STR) : "")); /* * Run through user filters and try to see if it has a match. */ uintptr_t uId = 0; RTPROCESS Owner = VBoxUSBFilterMatch(&Filter, &uId); USBFilterDelete(&Filter); if (Owner == NIL_RTPROCESS) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":No matching filters, device %#x:%#x uninteresting.\n", pDevDesc->idVendor, pDevDesc->idProduct)); return USB_FAILURE; } *ppszDrv = ddi_strdup(VBOXUSB_DRIVER_NAME, KM_SLEEP); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": Capturing %s %#x:%#x:%s\n", pDevStrings->usb_product ? pDevStrings->usb_product : "", pDevDesc->idVendor, pDevDesc->idProduct, pszDevicePath)); return USB_SUCCESS; }