1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "cr_spu.h"
8 | #include "chromium.h"
9 | #include "cr_error.h"
10 | #include "cr_mem.h"
11 | #include "cr_net.h"
12 | #include "server_dispatch.h"
13 | #include "server.h"
14 |
15 | static GLint __sizeQuery( GLenum map )
16 | {
17 | GLint get_values = 0;
18 | /* Windows compiler gets mad if variables might be uninitialized */
19 | GLenum newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE;
20 |
21 | switch( map )
22 | {
23 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I:
24 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE;
25 | break;
26 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S:
27 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE;
28 | break;
29 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R:
30 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE;
31 | break;
32 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G:
33 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE;
34 | break;
35 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B:
36 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE;
37 | break;
38 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A:
39 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE;
40 | break;
41 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R:
42 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE;
43 | break;
44 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G:
45 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE;
46 | break;
47 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B:
48 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE;
49 | break;
50 | case GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A:
51 | newmap = GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE;
52 | break;
53 | default:
54 | crError( "Bad map in crServerDispatchGetPixelMap: %d", map );
55 | break;
56 | }
57 |
58 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetIntegerv( newmap, &get_values );
59 |
60 | return get_values;
61 | }
62 |
63 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchGetPixelMapfv( GLenum map, GLfloat *values )
64 | {
65 | #ifdef CR_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
66 | if (crStateIsBufferBound(&cr_server.StateTracker, GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB))
67 | {
68 | GLvoid *pbo_offset;
69 |
70 | pbo_offset = (GLfloat*) ((uintptr_t) *((GLint*)values));
71 |
72 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetPixelMapfv( map, (GLfloat *)pbo_offset );
73 | }
74 | else
75 | #endif
76 | {
77 | int size = sizeof( GLfloat );
78 | int tabsize = __sizeQuery( map );
79 | GLfloat *local_values;
80 |
81 | size *= tabsize;
82 | if (size)
83 | {
84 | local_values = (GLfloat*)crCalloc( size );
85 |
86 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetPixelMapfv( map, local_values );
87 | crServerReturnValue( local_values, size );
88 | crFree( local_values );
89 | }
90 | else
91 | {
92 | crError("crServerDispatchGetPixelMapfv: __sizeQuery() returned 0");
93 | crServerReturnValue(NULL, 0);
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchGetPixelMapuiv( GLenum map, GLuint *values )
99 | {
100 | #ifdef CR_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
101 | if (crStateIsBufferBound(&cr_server.StateTracker, GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB))
102 | {
103 | GLvoid *pbo_offset;
104 |
105 | pbo_offset = (GLuint*) ((uintptr_t) *((GLint*)values));
106 |
107 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetPixelMapuiv( map, (GLuint *)pbo_offset );
108 | }
109 | else
110 | #endif
111 | {
112 | int size = sizeof( GLuint );
113 | int tabsize = __sizeQuery( map );
114 | GLuint *local_values;
115 |
116 | size *= tabsize;
117 | if (size)
118 | {
119 | local_values = (GLuint*)crCalloc( size );
120 |
121 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetPixelMapuiv( map, local_values );
122 | crServerReturnValue( local_values, size );
123 | crFree( local_values );
124 | }
125 | else
126 | {
127 | crError( "crServerDispatchGetPixelMapuiv: __sizeQuery() returned 0");
128 | crServerReturnValue(NULL, 0);
129 | }
130 | }
131 | }
132 |
133 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchGetPixelMapusv( GLenum map, GLushort *values )
134 | {
135 | #ifdef CR_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
136 | if (crStateIsBufferBound(&cr_server.StateTracker, GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB))
137 | {
138 | GLvoid *pbo_offset;
139 |
140 | pbo_offset = (GLushort*) ((uintptr_t) *((GLint*)values));
141 |
142 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetPixelMapusv( map, (GLushort *)pbo_offset );
143 | }
144 | else
145 | #endif
146 | {
147 | int size = sizeof( GLushort );
148 | int tabsize = __sizeQuery( map );
149 | GLushort *local_values;
150 |
151 | size *= tabsize;
152 | if (size)
153 | {
154 | local_values = (GLushort*)crCalloc( size );
155 |
156 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetPixelMapusv( map, local_values );
157 | crServerReturnValue( local_values, size );
158 | crFree( local_values );
159 | }
160 | else
161 | {
162 | crError( "crServerDispatchGetPixelMapuiv: __sizeQuery() returned 0");
163 | crServerReturnValue(NULL, 0);
164 | }
165 | }
166 | }