1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "server_dispatch.h"
8 | #include "server.h"
9 | #include "cr_error.h"
10 | #include "cr_mem.h"
11 | #include "cr_string.h"
12 | #include "cr_pixeldata.h"
13 |
14 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchSelectBuffer( GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer )
15 | {
16 | (void) size;
17 | (void) buffer;
18 | crError( "Unsupported network glSelectBuffer call." );
19 | }
20 |
21 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchGetChromiumParametervCR(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum type, GLsizei count, GLvoid *values)
22 | {
23 | GLubyte local_storage[4096];
24 | GLint bytes = 0;
25 |
26 | switch (type) {
27 | case GL_BYTE:
29 | bytes = count * sizeof(GLbyte);
30 | break;
31 | case GL_SHORT:
33 | bytes = count * sizeof(GLshort);
34 | break;
35 | case GL_INT:
36 | case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
37 | bytes = count * sizeof(GLint);
38 | break;
39 | case GL_FLOAT:
40 | bytes = count * sizeof(GLfloat);
41 | break;
42 | case GL_DOUBLE:
43 | bytes = count * sizeof(GLdouble);
44 | break;
45 | default:
46 | crError("Bad type in crServerDispatchGetChromiumParametervCR");
47 | }
48 |
49 | CRASSERT(bytes >= 0);
50 | CRASSERT(bytes < 4096);
51 |
52 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR( target, index, type, count, local_storage );
53 |
54 | crServerReturnValue( local_storage, bytes );
55 | }
56 |
57 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchChromiumParametervCR(GLenum target, GLenum type, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *values)
58 | {
59 | CRMuralInfo *mural = cr_server.curClient->currentMural;
60 | static int gather_connect_count = 0;
61 |
62 | switch (target) {
64 | {
65 | GLint *maxDims = (GLint *)values;
66 | cr_server.limits.maxViewportDims[0] = maxDims[0];
67 | cr_server.limits.maxViewportDims[1] = maxDims[1];
68 | }
69 | break;
70 |
71 | case GL_TILE_INFO_CR:
72 | /* message from tilesort SPU to set new tile bounds */
73 | {
74 | GLint numTiles, muralWidth, muralHeight, server, tiles;
75 | GLint *tileBounds;
76 | CRASSERT(count >= 4);
77 | CRASSERT((count - 4) % 4 == 0); /* must be multiple of four */
78 | CRASSERT(type == GL_INT);
79 | numTiles = (count - 4) / 4;
80 | tileBounds = (GLint *) values;
81 | server = tileBounds[0];
82 | muralWidth = tileBounds[1];
83 | muralHeight = tileBounds[2];
84 | tiles = tileBounds[3];
85 | CRASSERT(tiles == numTiles);
86 | tileBounds += 4; /* skip over header values */
87 | /*crServerNewMuralTiling(mural, muralWidth, muralHeight, numTiles, tileBounds);
88 | mural->viewportValidated = GL_FALSE;*/
89 | }
90 | break;
91 |
93 | if (cr_server.only_swap_once && cr_server.curClient != cr_server.clients[0])
94 | break;
95 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParametervCR( target, type, count, values );
96 | break;
97 |
99 | /*
100 | * We want the last connect to go through,
101 | * otherwise we might deadlock in CheckWindowSize()
102 | * in the readback spu
103 | */
104 | gather_connect_count++;
105 | if (cr_server.only_swap_once && (gather_connect_count != cr_server.numClients))
106 | {
107 | break;
108 | }
109 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParametervCR( target, type, count, values );
110 | gather_connect_count = 0;
111 | break;
112 |
114 | /* Set this server's view matrix which will get premultiplied onto the
115 | * modelview matrix. For non-planar tilesort and stereo.
116 | */
117 | CRASSERT(count == 18);
118 | CRASSERT(type == GL_FLOAT);
119 | /* values[0] is the server index. Ignored here but used in tilesort SPU */
120 | /* values[1] is the left/right eye index (0 or 1) */
121 | {
122 | const GLfloat *v = (const GLfloat *) values;
123 | const int eye = v[1] == 0.0 ? 0 : 1;
124 | crMatrixInitFromFloats(&cr_server.viewMatrix[eye], v + 2);
125 |
126 | crDebug("Got GL_SERVER_VIEW_MATRIX_CR:\n"
127 | " %f %f %f %f\n"
128 | " %f %f %f %f\n"
129 | " %f %f %f %f\n"
130 | " %f %f %f %f",
131 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m00,
132 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m10,
133 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m20,
134 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m30,
135 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m01,
136 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m11,
137 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m21,
138 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m31,
139 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m02,
140 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m12,
141 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m22,
142 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m32,
143 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m03,
144 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m13,
145 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m23,
146 | cr_server.viewMatrix[eye].m33);
147 | }
148 | cr_server.viewOverride = GL_TRUE;
149 | break;
150 |
152 | /* Set this server's projection matrix which will get replace the user's
153 | * projection matrix. For non-planar tilesort and stereo.
154 | */
155 | CRASSERT(count == 18);
156 | CRASSERT(type == GL_FLOAT);
157 | /* values[0] is the server index. Ignored here but used in tilesort SPU */
158 | /* values[1] is the left/right eye index (0 or 1) */
159 | {
160 | const GLfloat *v = (const GLfloat *) values;
161 | const int eye = v[1] == 0.0 ? 0 : 1;
162 | crMatrixInitFromFloats(&cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye], v + 2);
163 |
165 | " %f %f %f %f\n"
166 | " %f %f %f %f\n"
167 | " %f %f %f %f\n"
168 | " %f %f %f %f",
169 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m00,
170 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m10,
171 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m20,
172 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m30,
173 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m01,
174 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m11,
175 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m21,
176 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m31,
177 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m02,
178 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m12,
179 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m22,
180 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m32,
181 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m03,
182 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m13,
183 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m23,
184 | cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m33);
185 |
186 | if (cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m33 == 0.0f) {
187 | float x = cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m00;
188 | float y = cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m11;
189 | float a = cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m20;
190 | float b = cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m21;
191 | float c = cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m22;
192 | float d = cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye].m32;
193 | float znear = -d / (1.0f - c);
194 | float zfar = (c - 1.0f) * znear / (c + 1.0f);
195 | float left = znear * (a - 1.0f) / x;
196 | float right = 2.0f * znear / x + left;
197 | float bottom = znear * (b - 1.0f) / y;
198 | float top = 2.0f * znear / y + bottom;
199 | crDebug("Frustum: left, right, bottom, top, near, far: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar);
200 | }
201 | else {
202 | /* Todo: Add debug output for orthographic projection*/
203 | }
204 |
205 | }
206 | cr_server.projectionOverride = GL_TRUE;
207 | break;
208 |
209 | default:
210 | /* Pass the parameter info to the head SPU */
211 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParametervCR( target, type, count, values );
212 | break;
213 | }
214 | }
215 |
216 |
217 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchChromiumParameteriCR(GLenum target, GLint value)
218 | {
219 | switch (target) {
221 | crStateShareContext(value);
222 | break;
224 | cr_server.sharedDisplayLists = value;
225 | break;
227 | cr_server.sharedTextureObjects = value;
228 | break;
230 | cr_server.sharedPrograms = value;
231 | break;
233 | cr_server.currentEye = value ? 1 : 0;
234 | break;
235 | default:
236 | /* Pass the parameter info to the head SPU */
237 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParameteriCR( target, value );
238 | }
239 | }
240 |
241 |
242 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchChromiumParameterfCR(GLenum target, GLfloat value)
243 | {
244 | switch (target) {
246 | cr_server.sharedDisplayLists = (int) value;
247 | break;
249 | cr_server.sharedTextureObjects = (int) value;
250 | break;
252 | cr_server.sharedPrograms = (int) value;
253 | break;
254 | default:
255 | /* Pass the parameter info to the head SPU */
256 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParameterfCR( target, value );
257 | }
258 | }
259 |
260 | void crServerCreateInfoDeleteCB(void *data)
261 | {
262 | CRCreateInfo_t *pCreateInfo = (CRCreateInfo_t *) data;
263 | if (pCreateInfo->pszDpyName)
264 | crFree(pCreateInfo->pszDpyName);
265 | }
266 |
267 | GLint crServerGenerateID(GLint *pCounter)
268 | {
269 | return (*pCounter)++;
270 | }
271 |
273 | crServerDispatchCopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
274 | {
275 | /*@todo pbo/fbo disabled for now as it's slower, check on other gpus*/
276 | static int siHavePBO = 0;
277 | static int siHaveFBO = 0;
278 |
279 | if ((target!=GL_TEXTURE_2D) || (height>=0))
280 | {
281 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.CopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height);
282 | }
283 | else /* negative height, means we have to Yinvert the source pixels while copying */
284 | {
285 | SPUDispatchTable *gl = &cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table;
286 |
287 | if (siHavePBO<0)
288 | {
289 | const char *ext = (const char*)gl->GetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
290 | siHavePBO = crStrstr(ext, "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object") ? 1:0;
291 | }
292 |
293 | if (siHaveFBO<0)
294 | {
295 | const char *ext = (const char*)gl->GetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
296 | siHaveFBO = crStrstr(ext, "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object") ? 1:0;
297 | }
298 |
299 | if (siHavePBO==0 && siHaveFBO==0)
300 | {
301 | #if 1
302 | GLint dRow, sRow;
303 | for (dRow=yoffset, sRow=y-height-1; dRow<yoffset-height; dRow++, sRow--)
304 | {
305 | gl->CopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, dRow, x, sRow, width, 1);
306 | }
307 | #else
308 | {
309 | GLint w, h, i;
310 | char *img1, *img2, *sPtr, *dPtr;
311 | CRContext *ctx = crStateGetCurrent();
312 |
313 | w = ctx->texture.unit[ctx->texture.curTextureUnit].currentTexture2D->level[0][level].width;
314 | h = ctx->texture.unit[ctx->texture.curTextureUnit].currentTexture2D->level[0][level].height;
315 |
316 | img1 = crAlloc(4*w*h);
317 | img2 = crAlloc(4*width*(-height));
318 | CRASSERT(img1 && img2);
319 |
320 | gl->CopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, -height);
321 | gl->GetTexImage(target, level, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img1);
322 |
323 | sPtr=img1+4*xoffset+4*w*yoffset;
324 | dPtr=img2+4*width*(-height-1);
325 |
326 | for (i=0; i<-height; ++i)
327 | {
328 | crMemcpy(dPtr, sPtr, 4*width);
329 | sPtr += 4*w;
330 | dPtr -= 4*width;
331 | }
332 |
333 | gl->TexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, -height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img2);
334 |
335 | crFree(img1);
336 | crFree(img2);
337 | }
338 | #endif
339 | }
340 | else if (siHaveFBO==1) /*@todo more states to set and restore here*/
341 | {
342 | GLuint tID, fboID;
343 | GLenum status;
344 | CRContext *ctx = crStateGetCurrent();
345 |
346 | gl->GenTextures(1, &tID);
347 | gl->BindTexture(target, tID);
348 | gl->CopyTexImage2D(target, level, GL_RGBA, x, y, width, -height, 0);
349 | gl->GenFramebuffersEXT(1, &fboID);
350 | gl->BindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fboID);
351 | gl->FramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, target,
352 | ctx->texture.unit[ctx->texture.curTextureUnit].currentTexture2D->hwid, level);
353 | status = gl->CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
354 | if (status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT)
355 | {
356 | crWarning("Framebuffer status 0x%x", status);
357 | }
358 |
359 | gl->Enable(target);
360 | gl->PushAttrib(GL_VIEWPORT_BIT);
361 | gl->Viewport(xoffset, yoffset, width, -height);
362 | gl->MatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
363 | gl->PushMatrix();
364 | gl->LoadIdentity();
365 | gl->MatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
366 | gl->PushMatrix();
367 | gl->LoadIdentity();
368 |
369 | gl->Disable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
370 | gl->Disable(GL_CULL_FACE);
371 | gl->Disable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
372 | gl->Disable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
373 |
374 | gl->TexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP);
375 | gl->TexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP);
379 |
380 | gl->Begin(GL_QUADS);
381 | gl->TexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f);
382 | gl->Vertex2f(-1.0, -1.0);
383 |
384 | gl->TexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
385 | gl->Vertex2f(-1.0f, 1.0f);
386 |
387 | gl->TexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f);
388 | gl->Vertex2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
389 |
390 | gl->TexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
391 | gl->Vertex2f(1.0f, -1.0f);
392 | gl->End();
393 |
394 | gl->PopMatrix();
395 | gl->MatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
396 | gl->PopMatrix();
397 | gl->PopAttrib();
398 |
399 | gl->FramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, target, 0, level);
400 | gl->BindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, ctx->framebufferobject.drawFB ? ctx->framebufferobject.drawFB->hwid:0);
401 | gl->BindTexture(target, ctx->texture.unit[ctx->texture.curTextureUnit].currentTexture2D->hwid);
402 | gl->DeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, &fboID);
403 | gl->DeleteTextures(1, &tID);
404 |
405 | #if 0
406 | {
407 | GLint dRow, sRow, w, h;
408 | void *img1, *img2;
409 |
410 | w = ctx->texture.unit[ctx->texture.curTextureUnit].currentTexture2D->level[0][level].width;
411 | h = ctx->texture.unit[ctx->texture.curTextureUnit].currentTexture2D->level[0][level].height;
412 |
413 | img1 = crAlloc(4*w*h);
414 | img2 = crAlloc(4*w*h);
415 | CRASSERT(img1 && img2);
416 |
417 | gl->GetTexImage(target, level, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img1);
418 |
419 |
420 | for (dRow=yoffset, sRow=y-height-1; dRow<yoffset-height; dRow++, sRow--)
421 | {
422 | gl->CopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, dRow, x, sRow, width, 1);
423 | }
424 |
425 | gl->GetTexImage(target, level, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img2);
426 |
427 | if (crMemcmp(img1, img2, 4*w*h))
428 | {
429 | crDebug("MISMATCH! (%x, %i, ->%i,%i <-%i, %i [%ix%i])", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height);
430 | crDumpTGA(w, h, img1);
431 | crDumpTGA(w, h, img2);
432 | DebugBreak();
433 | }
434 | crFree(img1);
435 | crFree(img2);
436 | }
437 | #endif
438 | }
439 | else
440 | {
441 | GLuint pboId, dRow, sRow;
442 | CRContext *ctx = crStateGetCurrent();
443 |
444 | gl->GenBuffersARB(1, &pboId);
445 | gl->BindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, pboId);
446 | gl->BufferDataARB(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, -width*height*4, 0, GL_STATIC_COPY_ARB);
447 |
448 | #if 1
449 | gl->ReadPixels(x, y, width, -height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
450 | gl->BindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, ctx->bufferobject.packBuffer->hwid);
451 |
452 | gl->BindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, pboId);
453 | for (dRow=yoffset, sRow=-height-1; dRow<yoffset-height; dRow++, sRow--)
454 | {
455 | gl->TexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, dRow, width, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void*)((uintptr_t)sRow*width*4));
456 | }
457 | #else /*few times slower again*/
458 | for (dRow=0, sRow=y-height-1; dRow<-height; dRow++, sRow--)
459 | {
460 | gl->ReadPixels(x, sRow, width, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void*)((uintptr_t)dRow*width*4));
461 | }
462 | gl->BindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, ctx->bufferobject.packBuffer->hwid);
463 |
464 | gl->BindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, pboId);
465 | gl->TexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, -height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
466 | #endif
467 |
468 | gl->BindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, ctx->bufferobject.unpackBuffer->hwid);
469 | gl->DeleteBuffersARB(1, &pboId);
470 | }
471 | }
472 | }