1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
8 | #include <AGL/agl.h>
9 | #include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
10 |
11 | #include <iprt/time.h>
12 |
13 | #include <stdio.h>
14 |
15 | #include "cr_environment.h"
16 | #include "cr_error.h"
17 | #include "cr_string.h"
18 | #include "cr_mem.h"
19 | #include "renderspu.h"
20 |
21 | /* Some necessary global defines */
22 | WindowGroupRef gParentGroup = NULL;
23 | WindowGroupRef gMasterGroup = NULL;
24 | GLint gCurrentBufferName = 1;
25 | uint64_t gDockUpdateTS = 0;
26 |
27 | enum
28 | {
29 | /* Event classes */
30 | kEventClassVBox = 'vbox',
31 | /* Event kinds */
32 | kEventVBoxShowWindow = 'swin',
33 | kEventVBoxMoveWindow = 'mwin',
34 | kEventVBoxResizeWindow = 'rwin',
35 | kEventVBoxUpdateDock = 'udck'
36 | };
37 |
38 | #define renderspuSetWindowContext(w, c) \
39 | ( SetWRefCon( (w), (unsigned long) (c) ) )
40 | #define renderspuGetWindowContext(w) \
41 | ( (ContextInfo *) GetWRefCon( ((w)->nativeWindow ? (w)->nativeWindow : (w)->window) ) )
42 |
43 | /* Debug macros */
44 | #define DEBUG_MSG_RESULT(result, text) \
45 | crDebug(text" (%d; %s:%d)", (int)(result), __FILE__, __LINE__)
46 |
47 | #define CHECK_CARBON_RC(result, text) \
48 | if((result) != noErr) \
49 | DEBUG_MSG_RESULT(result, text);
50 |
51 | #define CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN(result, text, ret) \
52 | if((result) != noErr) \
53 | { \
54 | DEBUG_MSG_RESULT(result, text); \
55 | return ret; \
56 | }
57 |
58 | #define CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID(result, text) \
59 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN(result, text,)
60 |
61 | #define CHECK_AGL_RC(result, text) \
62 | if(!(result)) \
63 | { \
64 | GLenum error = render_spu.ws.aglGetError(); \
65 | DEBUG_MSG_RESULT(result, text); \
66 | }
67 |
68 | /* Window event handler */
69 | static pascal OSStatus
70 | windowEvtHndlr(EventHandlerCallRef myHandler, EventRef event, void* userData)
71 | {
72 | /* Currently this is *NOT* used */
73 |
74 | #pragma unused (userData)
75 | WindowRef window = NULL;
76 | Rect rectPort = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
77 | OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
78 | UInt32 class = GetEventClass( event );
79 | UInt32 kind = GetEventKind( event );
80 |
81 | GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef,
82 | NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &window);
83 | if( window )
84 | GetWindowPortBounds( window, &rectPort );
85 |
86 | switch (class) {
87 | case kEventClassWindow:
88 | switch (kind) {
89 | case kEventWindowActivated:
90 | case kEventWindowDrawContent:
91 | break;
92 |
93 | case kEventWindowClose:
94 | HideWindow( window );
95 | SetWRefCon( window, (int)NULL );
96 |
97 | crWarning( "Render SPU: caught kEventWindowClose -- quitting." );
98 | break;
99 |
100 | case kEventWindowShown:
101 | /* build gl */
102 | if( window == FrontWindow() )
103 | SetUserFocusWindow( window );
104 | InvalWindowRect( window, &rectPort );
105 | break;
106 |
107 | case kEventWindowBoundsChanged:
108 | /* resize
109 | update */
110 | break;
111 |
112 | case kEventWindowZoomed:
113 | /* zoom button */
114 | break;
115 | }
116 | break;
117 | }
118 |
119 | return result;
120 | }
121 |
122 | GLboolean
123 | renderspu_SystemInitVisual(VisualInfo *visual)
124 | {
125 | if(visual->visAttribs & CR_PBUFFER_BIT)
126 | crWarning("Render SPU: PBuffers not support on Darwin/AGL yet.");
127 |
128 | return GL_TRUE;
129 | }
130 |
131 | GLboolean
132 | renderspuChoosePixelFormat(ContextInfo *context, AGLPixelFormat *pix)
133 | {
134 | GLbitfield visAttribs = context->visual->visAttribs;
135 | GLint attribs[32];
136 | GLint ind = 0;
137 |
138 | #define ATTR_ADD(s) ( attribs[ind++] = (s) )
139 | #define ATTR_ADDV(s,v) ( ATTR_ADD((s)), ATTR_ADD((v)) )
140 |
141 | CRASSERT(render_spu.ws.aglChoosePixelFormat);
142 |
144 | /* ATTR_ADDV(AGL_RED_SIZE, 1);
147 |
148 | /* if( render_spu.fullscreen )*/
150 |
151 | if( visAttribs & CR_ALPHA_BIT )
153 |
154 | if( visAttribs & CR_DOUBLE_BIT )
156 |
157 | if( visAttribs & CR_STEREO_BIT )
159 |
160 | if( visAttribs & CR_DEPTH_BIT )
162 |
163 | if( visAttribs & CR_STENCIL_BIT )
165 |
166 | if( visAttribs & CR_ACCUM_BIT ) {
170 | if( visAttribs & CR_ALPHA_BIT )
172 | }
173 |
174 | if( visAttribs & CR_MULTISAMPLE_BIT ) {
177 | }
178 |
179 | if( visAttribs & CR_OVERLAY_BIT )
181 |
183 |
184 | *pix = render_spu.ws.aglChoosePixelFormat( NULL, 0, attribs );
185 |
186 | return (*pix != NULL);
187 | }
188 |
189 | void
190 | renderspuDestroyPixelFormat(ContextInfo *context, AGLPixelFormat *pix)
191 | {
192 | render_spu.ws.aglDestroyPixelFormat( *pix );
193 | *pix = NULL;
194 | }
195 |
196 | GLboolean
197 | renderspu_SystemCreateContext(VisualInfo *visual, ContextInfo *context, ContextInfo *sharedContext)
198 | {
199 | AGLPixelFormat pix;
200 |
201 | (void) sharedContext;
202 | CRASSERT(visual);
203 | CRASSERT(context);
204 |
205 | context->visual = visual;
206 |
207 | if( !renderspuChoosePixelFormat(context, &pix) ) {
208 | crError( "Render SPU: Unable to create pixel format" );
209 | return GL_FALSE;
210 | }
211 |
212 | context->context = render_spu.ws.aglCreateContext( pix, NULL );
213 | renderspuDestroyPixelFormat( context, &pix );
214 |
215 | if( !context->context ) {
216 | crError( "Render SPU: Could not create rendering context" );
217 | return GL_FALSE;
218 | }
219 |
220 | return GL_TRUE;
221 | }
222 |
223 | void
224 | renderspu_SystemDestroyContext(ContextInfo *context)
225 | {
226 | if(!context)
227 | return;
228 |
229 | render_spu.ws.aglSetDrawable(context->context, NULL);
230 | render_spu.ws.aglSetCurrentContext(NULL);
231 | if(context->context)
232 | {
233 | render_spu.ws.aglDestroyContext(context->context);
234 | context->context = NULL;
235 | }
236 |
237 | context->visual = NULL;
238 | }
239 |
240 | void
241 | renderspuFullscreen(WindowInfo *window, GLboolean fullscreen)
242 | {
243 | /* Real fullscreen isn't supported by VirtualBox */
244 | }
245 |
246 | GLboolean
247 | renderspuWindowAttachContext(WindowInfo *wi, WindowRef window,
248 | ContextInfo *context)
249 | {
250 | GLboolean result;
251 |
252 | if(!context || !wi)
253 | return render_spu.ws.aglSetCurrentContext( NULL );
254 |
255 | /* Flush old context first */
256 | if (context->currentWindow->window != window)
257 | render_spu.self.Flush();
258 | /* If the window buffer name is uninitialized we have to create a new
259 | * dummy context. */
260 | if (wi->bufferName == -1)
261 | {
262 | /* Use the same visual bits as those in the context structure */
263 | AGLPixelFormat pix;
264 | if( !renderspuChoosePixelFormat(context, &pix) )
265 | {
266 | crError( "Render SPU: Unable to create pixel format" );
267 | return GL_FALSE;
268 | }
269 | /* Create the dummy context */
270 | wi->dummyContext = render_spu.ws.aglCreateContext( pix, NULL );
271 | renderspuDestroyPixelFormat( context, &pix );
272 | if( !wi->dummyContext )
273 | {
274 | crError( "Render SPU: Could not create rendering context" );
275 | return GL_FALSE;
276 | }
277 | AGLDrawable drawable;
278 | drawable = (AGLDrawable) GetWindowPort(window);
279 | /* New global buffer name */
280 | wi->bufferName = gCurrentBufferName++;
281 | /* Set the new buffer name to the dummy context. This enable the
282 | * sharing of the same hardware buffer afterwards. */
283 | result = render_spu.ws.aglSetInteger(wi->dummyContext, AGL_BUFFER_NAME, &wi->bufferName);
284 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: SetInteger Failed");
285 | /* Assign the dummy context to the window */
286 | result = render_spu.ws.aglSetDrawable(wi->dummyContext, drawable);
287 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: SetDrawable Failed");
288 | }
289 |
290 | AGLDrawable oldDrawable;
291 | AGLDrawable newDrawable;
292 |
293 | oldDrawable = render_spu.ws.aglGetDrawable(context->context);
294 | newDrawable = (AGLDrawable) GetWindowPort(window);
295 | /* Only switch the context if the drawable has changed */
296 | if (oldDrawable != newDrawable)
297 | {
298 | /* Reset the current context */
299 | result = render_spu.ws.aglSetDrawable(context->context, NULL);
300 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: SetDrawable Failed");
301 | /* Set the buffer name of the dummy context to the current context
302 | * also. After that both share the same hardware buffer. */
303 | render_spu.ws.aglSetInteger (context->context, AGL_BUFFER_NAME, &wi->bufferName);
304 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: SetInteger Failed");
305 | /* Set the new drawable */
306 | result = render_spu.ws.aglSetDrawable(context->context, newDrawable);
307 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: SetDrawable Failed");
308 | renderspuSetWindowContext( window, context );
309 | }
310 | result = render_spu.ws.aglSetCurrentContext(context->context);
311 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: SetCurrentContext Failed");
312 | result = render_spu.ws.aglUpdateContext(context->context);
313 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: UpdateContext Failed");
314 |
315 | return result;
316 | }
317 |
318 | GLboolean
319 | renderspu_SystemCreateWindow(VisualInfo *visual, GLboolean showIt,
320 | WindowInfo *window)
321 | {
322 | return GL_TRUE;
323 | }
324 |
325 | void
326 | renderspu_SystemDestroyWindow(WindowInfo *window)
327 | {
328 | CRASSERT(window);
329 | CRASSERT(window->visual);
330 |
331 | if(!window->nativeWindow)
332 | DisposeWindow(window->window);
333 |
334 | /* Delete the dummy context */
335 | if(window->dummyContext)
336 | {
337 | render_spu.ws.aglSetDrawable(window->dummyContext, NULL);
338 | render_spu.ws.aglDestroyContext(window->dummyContext);
339 | window->dummyContext = NULL;
340 | }
341 |
342 | /* Reset some values */
343 | window->bufferName = -1;
344 | window->visual = NULL;
345 | window->window = NULL;
346 | }
347 |
348 | void
349 | renderspu_SystemWindowSize(WindowInfo *window, GLint w, GLint h)
350 | {
351 | CRASSERT(window);
352 | CRASSERT(window->window);
353 |
354 | OSStatus status = noErr;
355 | /* Send a event to the main thread, cause some function of Carbon aren't
356 | * thread safe */
357 | EventRef evt;
358 | status = CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxResizeWindow, 0, kEventAttributeNone, &evt);
359 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: CreateEvent Failed");
360 | status = SetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamWindowRef, typeWindowRef, sizeof(window->window), &window->window);
361 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: SetEventParameter Failed");
362 | HISize s = CGSizeMake (w, h);
363 | status = SetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamDimensions, typeHISize, sizeof (s), &s);
364 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: SetEventParameter Failed");
365 | status = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), evt, kEventPriorityStandard);
366 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: PostEventToQueue Failed");
367 |
368 | /* Update the context */
369 | GLboolean result = true;
370 | ContextInfo *context = renderspuGetWindowContext(window);
371 | if (context &&
372 | context->context)
373 | {
374 | result = render_spu.ws.aglUpdateContext(context->context);
375 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: UpdateContext Failed");
376 | }
377 | /* save the new size */
378 | window->width = w;
379 | window->height = h;
380 | }
381 |
382 | void
383 | renderspu_SystemGetWindowGeometry(WindowInfo *window,
384 | GLint *x, GLint *y,
385 | GLint *w, GLint *h)
386 | {
387 | CRASSERT(window);
388 | CRASSERT(window->window);
389 |
390 | OSStatus status = noErr;
391 | Rect r;
392 | status = GetWindowBounds(window->window, kWindowStructureRgn, &r);
393 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: GetWindowBounds Failed");
394 |
395 | *x = (int) r.left;
396 | *y = (int) r.top;
397 | *w = (int) (r.right - r.left);
398 | *h = (int) (r.bottom - r.top);
399 | }
400 |
401 | void
402 | renderspu_SystemGetMaxWindowSize(WindowInfo *window,
403 | GLint *w, GLint *h)
404 | {
405 | CRASSERT(window);
406 | CRASSERT(window->window);
407 |
408 | OSStatus status = noErr;
409 | HISize s;
410 | status = GetWindowResizeLimits (window->window, NULL, &s);
411 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: GetWindowResizeLimits Failed");
412 |
413 | *w = s.width;
414 | *h = s.height;
415 | }
416 |
417 | void
418 | renderspu_SystemWindowPosition(WindowInfo *window,
419 | GLint x, GLint y)
420 | {
421 | CRASSERT(window);
422 | CRASSERT(window->window);
423 |
424 | OSStatus status = noErr;
425 | /* Send a event to the main thread, cause some function of Carbon aren't
426 | * thread safe */
427 | EventRef evt;
428 | status = CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxMoveWindow, 0, kEventAttributeNone, &evt);
429 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: CreateEvent Failed");
430 | status = SetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamWindowRef, typeWindowRef, sizeof(window->window), &window->window);
431 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: SetEventParameter Failed");
432 | HIPoint p = CGPointMake (x, y);
433 | status = SetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamOrigin, typeHIPoint, sizeof (p), &p);
434 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: SetEventParameter Failed");
435 | status = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), evt, kEventPriorityStandard);
436 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: PostEventToQueue Failed");
437 |
438 | /* Update the context */
439 | GLboolean result = true;
440 | ContextInfo *context = renderspuGetWindowContext(window);
441 | if (context &&
442 | context->context)
443 | {
444 | result = render_spu.ws.aglUpdateContext(context->context);
445 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: UpdateContext Failed");
446 | }
447 | }
448 |
449 | /* Either show or hide the render SPU's window. */
450 | void
451 | renderspu_SystemShowWindow(WindowInfo *window, GLboolean showIt)
452 | {
453 | CRASSERT(window);
454 | CRASSERT(window->window);
455 |
456 | if (!IsValidWindowPtr(window->window))
457 | return;
458 |
459 | if(showIt)
460 | {
461 | /* Force moving the win to the right position before we show it */
462 | renderspu_SystemWindowPosition (window, window->x, window->y);
463 | OSStatus status = noErr;
464 | /* Send a event to the main thread, cause some function of Carbon
465 | * aren't thread safe */
466 | EventRef evt;
467 | status = CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxShowWindow, 0, kEventAttributeNone, &evt);
468 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: CreateEvent Failed");
469 | status = SetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamWindowRef, typeWindowRef, sizeof (window->window), &window->window);
470 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: SetEventParameter Failed");
471 | status = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), evt, kEventPriorityStandard);
472 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: PostEventToQueue Failed");
473 | }
474 | else
475 | HideWindow(window->window);
476 |
477 | /* Update the context */
478 | GLboolean result = true;
479 | ContextInfo *context = renderspuGetWindowContext(window);
480 | if (context &&
481 | context->context)
482 | {
483 | result = render_spu.ws.aglUpdateContext(context->context);
484 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: UpdateContext Failed");
485 | }
486 |
487 | window->visible = showIt;
488 | }
489 |
490 | void
491 | renderspu_SystemMakeCurrent(WindowInfo *window, GLint nativeWindow,
492 | ContextInfo *context)
493 | {
494 | Boolean result;
495 |
496 | CRASSERT(render_spu.ws.aglSetCurrentContext);
497 | /* crDebug( "renderspu_SystemMakeCurrent( %x, %i, %x )", window, nativeWindow, context );*/
498 |
499 | if(window && context)
500 | {
501 | CRASSERT(window->window);
502 | CRASSERT(context->context);
503 |
504 | if(window->visual != context->visual)
505 | {
506 | crDebug("Render SPU: MakeCurrent visual mismatch (0x%x != 0x%x); remaking window.",
507 | (uint)window->visual->visAttribs, (uint)context->visual->visAttribs);
508 | /*
509 | * XXX have to revisit this issue!!!
510 | *
511 | * But for now we destroy the current window
512 | * and re-create it with the context's visual abilities
513 | */
514 | renderspu_SystemDestroyWindow(window);
515 | renderspu_SystemCreateWindow(context->visual, window->visible,
516 | window);
517 | }
518 |
519 | /* This is the normal case: rendering to the render SPU's own window */
520 | result = renderspuWindowAttachContext(window, window->window,
521 | context);
522 | /* XXX this is a total hack to work around an NVIDIA driver bug */
523 | if(render_spu.self.GetFloatv && context->haveWindowPosARB)
524 | {
525 | GLfloat f[4];
526 | render_spu.self.GetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, f);
527 | if (!window->everCurrent || f[1] < 0.0)
528 | {
529 | crDebug("Render SPU: Resetting raster pos");
530 | render_spu.self.WindowPos2iARB(0, 0);
531 | }
532 | }
533 | }
534 | else
535 | renderspuWindowAttachContext (0, 0, 0);
536 | }
537 |
538 | void
539 | renderspu_SystemSwapBuffers(WindowInfo *window, GLint flags)
540 | {
541 | CRASSERT(window);
542 | CRASSERT(window->window);
543 |
544 | ContextInfo *context = renderspuGetWindowContext(window);
545 |
546 | if(!context)
547 | crError("Render SPU: SwapBuffers got a null context from the window");
548 |
549 | render_spu.ws.aglSwapBuffers(context->context);
550 |
551 |
552 | /* This method seems called very often. To prevent the dock using all free
553 | * resources we update the dock only two times per second. */
554 | uint64_t curTS = RTTimeMilliTS();
555 | if ((curTS - gDockUpdateTS) > 500)
556 | {
557 | OSStatus status = noErr;
558 | /* Send a event to the main thread, cause some function of Carbon aren't
559 | * thread safe */
560 | EventRef evt;
561 | status = CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxUpdateDock, 0, kEventAttributeNone, &evt);
562 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: CreateEvent Failed");
563 | status = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), evt, kEventPriorityStandard);
564 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN_VOID (status, "Render SPU: PostEventToQueue Failed");
565 |
566 | gDockUpdateTS = curTS;
567 | }
568 | }
569 |
570 | void renderspu_SystemWindowVisibleRegion(WindowInfo *window, GLint cRects, GLint* pRects)
571 | {
572 | CRASSERT(window);
573 | CRASSERT(window->window);
574 |
575 | ContextInfo *c;
576 | c = renderspuGetWindowContext (window);
577 | if (c &&
578 | c->context)
579 | {
580 | int i;
581 | /* Create some temporary regions */
582 | RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn();
583 | SetEmptyRgn (rgn);
584 | RgnHandle tmpRgn = NewRgn();
585 | for (i=0; i<cRects; ++i)
586 | {
587 | SetRectRgn (tmpRgn,
588 | pRects[4*i] , pRects[4*i+1],
589 | pRects[4*i+2], pRects[4*i+3]);
590 | UnionRgn (rgn, tmpRgn, rgn);
591 | }
592 | DisposeRgn (tmpRgn);
593 |
594 | GLboolean result = true;
595 | /* Set the clip region to the context */
596 | result = render_spu.ws.aglSetInteger(c->context, AGL_CLIP_REGION, (const GLint*)rgn);
597 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: SetInteger Failed");
598 | result = render_spu.ws.aglEnable(c->context, AGL_CLIP_REGION);
599 | CHECK_AGL_RC (result, "Render SPU: Enable Failed");
600 | /* Clear the region structure */
601 | DisposeRgn (rgn);
602 | }
603 | }
604 |
605 | GLboolean
606 | renderspu_SystemVBoxCreateWindow(VisualInfo *visual, GLboolean showIt,
607 | WindowInfo *window)
608 | {
609 | CRASSERT(visual);
610 | CRASSERT(window);
611 |
612 | WindowAttributes winAttr = kWindowNoShadowAttribute | kWindowCompositingAttribute | kWindowIgnoreClicksAttribute | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | kWindowLiveResizeAttribute;
613 | WindowClass winClass = kOverlayWindowClass;
614 | Rect windowRect;
615 | OSStatus status = noErr;
616 |
617 | window->visual = visual;
618 | window->nativeWindow = NULL;
619 |
620 | if(window->window && IsValidWindowPtr(window->window))
621 | /* Destroy the old one */
622 | DisposeWindow(window->window);
623 |
624 | windowRect.left = window->x;
625 | windowRect.top = window->y;
626 | windowRect.right = window->x + window->width;
627 | windowRect.bottom = window->y + window->height;
628 |
629 | status = CreateNewWindow(winClass, winAttr, &windowRect, &window->window);
630 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN (status, "Render SPU: CreateNewWindow Failed", GL_FALSE);
631 |
632 | /* We set a title for debugging purposes */
633 | CFStringRef title_string;
634 | title_string = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, window->title,
635 | kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, NULL);
636 | SetWindowTitleWithCFString(window->window, title_string);
637 | CFRelease(title_string);
638 |
639 | /* We need grouping so create a master group for this & all following
640 | * windows & one group for the parent. */
641 | if(!gMasterGroup || !gParentGroup)
642 | {
643 | status = CreateWindowGroup(kWindowGroupAttrMoveTogether | kWindowGroupAttrLayerTogether | kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation | kWindowGroupAttrHideOnCollapse | kWindowGroupAttrFixedLevel, &gMasterGroup);
644 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN (status, "Render SPU: CreateWindowGroup Failed", GL_FALSE);
645 | status = CreateWindowGroup(kWindowGroupAttrMoveTogether | kWindowGroupAttrLayerTogether | kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation | kWindowGroupAttrHideOnCollapse | kWindowGroupAttrFixedLevel, &gParentGroup);
646 | CHECK_CARBON_RC_RETURN (status, "Render SPU: CreateWindowGroup Failed", GL_FALSE);
647 | /* Make the correct z-layering */
648 | SendWindowGroupBehind (gParentGroup, gMasterGroup);
649 | /* and set the gParentGroup as parent for gMasterGroup. */
650 | SetWindowGroupParent (gMasterGroup, gParentGroup);
651 | }
652 |
653 | /* The parent has to be in its own group */
654 | WindowRef parent = NULL;
655 | if (render_spu_parent_window_id)
656 | {
657 | parent = HIViewGetWindow ((HIViewRef)render_spu_parent_window_id);
658 | SetWindowGroup (parent, gParentGroup);
659 | }
660 | /* Add the new window to the master group */
661 | SetWindowGroup(window->window, gMasterGroup);
662 |
663 | /* Own handler needed? */
664 | {
665 | /* Even though there are still issues with the windows themselves,
666 | install the event handlers */
667 | EventTypeSpec event_list[] = { {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose} };
668 |
669 | window->event_handler = NewEventHandlerUPP( windowEvtHndlr );
670 |
671 | /*InstallWindowEventHandler(window->window, window->event_handler,
672 | GetEventTypeCount(event_list), event_list,
673 | NULL, NULL);*/
674 | }
675 |
676 | /* This will be initialized on the first attempt to attach the global
677 | * context to this new window */
678 | window->bufferName = -1;
679 | window->dummyContext = NULL;
680 |
681 | if(showIt)
682 | renderspu_SystemShowWindow(window, GL_TRUE);
683 |
684 | crDebug("Render SPU: actual window (x, y, width, height): %d, %d, %d, %d",
685 | window->x, window->y, window->width, window->height);
686 |
687 | return GL_TRUE;
688 | }
689 |