/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University * All rights reserved * * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */ #include "cr_mem.h" #include "cr_spu.h" #include "cr_error.h" #include "cr_string.h" #include "cr_url.h" #include "renderspu.h" #include #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN # include #endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */ static SPUNamedFunctionTable _cr_render_table[1000]; SPUFunctions render_functions = { NULL, /* CHILD COPY */ NULL, /* DATA */ _cr_render_table /* THE ACTUAL FUNCTIONS */ }; RenderSPU render_spu; uint64_t render_spu_parent_window_id = 0; #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE CRtsd _RenderTSD; #endif static void swapsyncConnect(void) { char hostname[4096], protocol[4096]; unsigned short port; crNetInit(NULL, NULL); if (!crParseURL( render_spu.swap_master_url, protocol, hostname, &port, 9876)) crError( "Bad URL: %s", render_spu.swap_master_url ); if (render_spu.is_swap_master) { int a; render_spu.swap_conns = (CRConnection **)crAlloc( render_spu.num_swap_clients*sizeof(CRConnection *)); for (a=0; alpCreateParams); phWnd = pCS->lpCreateParams; *phWnd = CreateWindowEx(pCS->dwExStyle, pCS->lpszName, pCS->lpszClass, pCS->style, pCS->x, pCS->y, pCS->cx, pCS->cy, pCS->hwndParent, pCS->hMenu, pCS->hInstance, &render_spu); SetEvent(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent); } else if (msg.message == WM_VBOX_RENDERSPU_DESTROY_WINDOW) { CRASSERT(msg.lParam && !msg.wParam); DestroyWindow(((VBOX_RENDERSPU_DESTROY_WINDOW*) msg.lParam)->hWnd); SetEvent(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent); } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } render_spu.dwWinThreadId = 0; crDebug("RenderSPU: Window thread stopped (%x)", crThreadID()); SetEvent(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent); return 0; } #endif static SPUFunctions * renderSPUInit( int id, SPU *child, SPU *self, unsigned int context_id, unsigned int num_contexts ) { int numFuncs, numSpecial; GLint defaultWin, defaultCtx; WindowInfo *windowInfo; (void) child; (void) context_id; (void) num_contexts; self->privatePtr = (void *) &render_spu; #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE crDebug("Render SPU: thread-safe"); #endif crMemZero(&render_spu, sizeof(render_spu)); render_spu.id = id; renderspuSetVBoxConfiguration(&render_spu); if (render_spu.swap_master_url) swapsyncConnect(); /* Get our special functions. */ numSpecial = renderspuCreateFunctions( _cr_render_table ); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /* Start thread to create windows and process window messages */ crDebug("RenderSPU: Starting windows serving thread"); render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent) { crError("RenderSPU: Failed to create WinThreadReadyEvent! (%x)", GetLastError()); return NULL; } if (!CreateThread(NULL, 0, renderSPUWindowThreadProc, 0, 0, &render_spu.dwWinThreadId)) { crError("RenderSPU: Failed to start windows thread! (%x)", GetLastError()); return NULL; } WaitForSingleObject(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent, INFINITE); #endif /* Get the OpenGL functions. */ numFuncs = crLoadOpenGL( &render_spu.ws, _cr_render_table + numSpecial ); if (numFuncs == 0) { crError("The render SPU was unable to load the native OpenGL library"); return NULL; } numFuncs += numSpecial; #ifdef GLX if (!render_spu.use_glxchoosevisual) { /* sometimes want to set this option with ATI drivers */ render_spu.ws.glXChooseVisual = NULL; } #endif render_spu.window_id = 0; render_spu.context_id = 0; render_spu.contextTable = crAllocHashtable(); render_spu.windowTable = crAllocHashtable(); CRASSERT(render_spu.default_visual & CR_RGB_BIT); #ifdef USE_OSMESA if (render_spu.use_osmesa) { if (!crLoadOSMesa(&render_spu.OSMesaCreateContext, &render_spu.OSMesaMakeCurrent, &render_spu.OSMesaDestroyContext)) { crError("Unable to load OSMesa library"); } } #endif #ifdef DARWIN # ifdef VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT # else /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */ render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion = 0; render_spu.currentBufferName = 1; render_spu.uiDockUpdateTS = 0; /* Create a mutex for synchronizing events from the main Qt thread & this thread */ RTSemFastMutexCreate(&render_spu.syncMutex); /* Create our window groups */ CreateWindowGroup(kWindowGroupAttrMoveTogether | kWindowGroupAttrLayerTogether | kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation | kWindowGroupAttrHideOnCollapse | kWindowGroupAttrFixedLevel, &render_spu.pMasterGroup); CreateWindowGroup(kWindowGroupAttrMoveTogether | kWindowGroupAttrLayerTogether | kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation | kWindowGroupAttrHideOnCollapse | kWindowGroupAttrFixedLevel, &render_spu.pParentGroup); /* Make the correct z-layering */ SendWindowGroupBehind (render_spu.pParentGroup, render_spu.pMasterGroup); /* and set the gParentGroup as parent for gMasterGroup. */ SetWindowGroupParent (render_spu.pMasterGroup, render_spu.pParentGroup); /* Install the event handlers */ EventTypeSpec eventList[] = { {kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxUpdateContext}, /* Update the context after show/size/move events */ {kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxBoundsChanged} /* Clip/Pos the OpenGL windows when the main window is changed in pos/size */ }; /* We need to process events from our main window */ render_spu.hParentEventHandler = NewEventHandlerUPP(windowEvtHndlr); InstallApplicationEventHandler (render_spu.hParentEventHandler, GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, NULL, NULL); render_spu.fInit = true; # endif /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */ #endif /* DARWIN */ /* * Create the default window and context. Their indexes are zero and * a client can use them without calling CreateContext or WindowCreate. */ crDebug("Render SPU: Creating default window (visBits=0x%x, id=0)", render_spu.default_visual); defaultWin = renderspuWindowCreate( NULL, render_spu.default_visual ); if (defaultWin != 0) { crError("Render SPU: Couldn't get a double-buffered, RGB visual with Z!"); return NULL; } crDebug( "Render SPU: WindowCreate returned %d (0=normal)", defaultWin ); crDebug("Render SPU: Creating default context, visBits=0x%x", render_spu.default_visual ); defaultCtx = renderspuCreateContext( NULL, render_spu.default_visual, 0 ); CRASSERT(defaultCtx == 0); renderspuMakeCurrent( defaultWin, 0, defaultCtx ); /* Get windowInfo for the default window */ windowInfo = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, 0); CRASSERT(windowInfo); windowInfo->mapPending = GL_TRUE; /* * Get the OpenGL extension functions. * SIGH -- we have to wait until the very bitter end to load the * extensions, because the context has to be bound before * wglGetProcAddress will work correctly. No such issue with GLX though. */ numFuncs += crLoadOpenGLExtensions( &render_spu.ws, _cr_render_table + numFuncs ); CRASSERT(numFuncs < 1000); #ifdef WINDOWS /* * Same problem as above, these are extensions so we need to * load them after a context has been bound. As they're WGL * extensions too, we can't simply tag them into the spu_loader. * So we do them here for now. * Grrr, NVIDIA driver uses EXT for GetExtensionsStringEXT, * but ARB for others. Need further testing here.... */ render_spu.ws.wglGetExtensionsStringEXT = (wglGetExtensionsStringEXTFunc_t) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglGetExtensionsStringEXT" ); render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormatEXT = (wglChoosePixelFormatEXTFunc_t) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglChoosePixelFormatARB" ); render_spu.ws.wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT = (wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXTFunc_t) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB" ); render_spu.ws.wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT = (wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXTFunc_t) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvARB" ); if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glCopyTexSubImage3D")) { _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("CopyTexSubImage3D"); _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glCopyTexSubImage3D"); ++numFuncs; crDebug("Render SPU: Found glCopyTexSubImage3D function"); } if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glDrawRangeElements")) { _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("DrawRangeElements"); _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glDrawRangeElements"); ++numFuncs; crDebug("Render SPU: Found glDrawRangeElements function"); } if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexSubImage3D")) { _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("TexSubImage3D"); _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexSubImage3D"); ++numFuncs; crDebug("Render SPU: Found glTexSubImage3D function"); } if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexImage3D")) { _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("TexImage3D"); _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexImage3D"); ++numFuncs; crDebug("Render SPU: Found glTexImage3D function"); } if (render_spu.ws.wglGetExtensionsStringEXT) { crDebug("WGL - found wglGetExtensionsStringEXT\n"); } if (render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormatEXT) { crDebug("WGL - found wglChoosePixelFormatEXT\n"); } #endif render_spu.barrierHash = crAllocHashtable(); render_spu.cursorX = 0; render_spu.cursorY = 0; render_spu.use_L2 = 0; render_spu.gather_conns = NULL; crDebug("Render SPU: ---------- End of Init -------------"); return &render_functions; } static void renderSPUSelfDispatch(SPUDispatchTable *self) { crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(render_spu.self) ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(render_spu.self), self ); render_spu.server = (CRServer *)(self->server); { GLfloat version; version = crStrToFloat((char *) render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_VERSION)); if (version>=2.f || crStrstr(render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), "GL_ARB_vertex_shader")) { GLint mu=0; render_spu.self.GetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB, &mu); crInfo("Render SPU: GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB=%i", mu); } } } static void DeleteContextCallback( void *data ) { ContextInfo *context = (ContextInfo *) data; renderspu_SystemDestroyContext(context); crFree(context); } static void DeleteWindowCallback( void *data ) { WindowInfo *window = (WindowInfo *) data; renderspu_SystemDestroyWindow(window); crFree(window); } static int renderSPUCleanup(void) { crFreeHashtable(render_spu.contextTable, DeleteContextCallback); render_spu.contextTable = NULL; crFreeHashtable(render_spu.windowTable, DeleteWindowCallback); render_spu.windowTable = NULL; crFreeHashtable(render_spu.barrierHash, crFree); render_spu.barrierHash = NULL; #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN # ifndef VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT render_spu.fInit = false; DisposeEventHandlerUPP(render_spu.hParentEventHandler); ReleaseWindowGroup(render_spu.pMasterGroup); ReleaseWindowGroup(render_spu.pParentGroup); if (render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion) { DisposeRgn(render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion); render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion = 0; } render_spu.currentBufferName = 1; render_spu.uiDockUpdateTS = 0; RTSemFastMutexDestroy(render_spu.syncMutex); # else /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */ # endif /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */ #endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */ #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS if (render_spu.dwWinThreadId) { HANDLE hNative; hNative = OpenThread(SYNCHRONIZE|THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION|THREAD_TERMINATE, false, render_spu.dwWinThreadId); if (!hNative) { crWarning("Failed to get handle for window thread(%#x)", GetLastError()); } if (PostThreadMessage(render_spu.dwWinThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0)) { WaitForSingleObject(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent, INFINITE); /*wait for os thread to actually finish*/ if (hNative && WaitForSingleObject(hNative, 3000)==WAIT_TIMEOUT) { crDebug("Wait failed, terminating"); if (!TerminateThread(hNative, 1)) { crWarning("TerminateThread failed"); } } } if (hNative) { CloseHandle(hNative); } } CloseHandle(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent); render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent = NULL; #endif crUnloadOpenGL(); #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE crFreeTSD(&_RenderTSD); #endif return 1; } extern SPUOptions renderSPUOptions[]; int SPULoad( char **name, char **super, SPUInitFuncPtr *init, SPUSelfDispatchFuncPtr *self, SPUCleanupFuncPtr *cleanup, SPUOptionsPtr *options, int *flags ) { *name = "render"; *super = NULL; *init = renderSPUInit; *self = renderSPUSelfDispatch; *cleanup = renderSPUCleanup; *options = renderSPUOptions; *flags = (SPU_NO_PACKER|SPU_IS_TERMINAL|SPU_MAX_SERVERS_ZERO); return 1; } DECLEXPORT(void) renderspuSetWindowId(uint64_t winId) { render_spu_parent_window_id = winId; } static void renderspuWindowVisibleRegionCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2) { WindowInfo *window = (WindowInfo *) data1; CRASSERT(window); renderspu_SystemWindowApplyVisibleRegion(window); } DECLEXPORT(void) renderspuSetRootVisibleRegion(GLint cRects, GLint *pRects) { #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN renderspu_SystemSetRootVisibleRegion(cRects, pRects); crHashtableWalk(render_spu.windowTable, renderspuWindowVisibleRegionCB, NULL); #endif } #ifndef RT_OS_DARWIN void renderspu_SystemWindowApplyVisibleRegion(WindowInfo *window) { } #endif