1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "cr_mem.h"
8 | #include "cr_spu.h"
9 | #include "cr_error.h"
10 | #include "cr_string.h"
11 | #include "cr_url.h"
12 | #include "cr_environment.h"
13 | #include "renderspu.h"
14 | #include <stdio.h>
15 |
16 | #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
17 | # include <iprt/semaphore.h>
18 | #endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
19 |
20 | static SPUNamedFunctionTable _cr_render_table[1000];
21 |
22 | SPUFunctions render_functions = {
23 | NULL, /* CHILD COPY */
24 | NULL, /* DATA */
25 | _cr_render_table /* THE ACTUAL FUNCTIONS */
26 | };
27 |
28 | RenderSPU render_spu;
29 | uint64_t render_spu_parent_window_id = 0;
30 |
32 | CRtsd _RenderTSD;
33 | #endif
34 |
35 | static void swapsyncConnect(void)
36 | {
37 | char hostname[4096], protocol[4096];
38 | unsigned short port;
39 |
40 | crNetInit(NULL, NULL);
41 |
42 | if (!crParseURL( render_spu.swap_master_url, protocol, hostname,
43 | &port, 9876))
44 | crError( "Bad URL: %s", render_spu.swap_master_url );
45 |
46 | if (render_spu.is_swap_master)
47 | {
48 | int a;
49 |
50 | render_spu.swap_conns = (CRConnection **)crAlloc(
51 | render_spu.num_swap_clients*sizeof(CRConnection *));
52 | for (a=0; a<render_spu.num_swap_clients; a++)
53 | {
54 | render_spu.swap_conns[a] = crNetAcceptClient( protocol, hostname, port,
55 | render_spu.swap_mtu, 1);
56 | }
57 | }
58 | else
59 | {
60 | render_spu.swap_conns = (CRConnection **)crAlloc(sizeof(CRConnection *));
61 |
62 | render_spu.swap_conns[0] = crNetConnectToServer(render_spu.swap_master_url,
63 | port, render_spu.swap_mtu, 1);
64 | if (!render_spu.swap_conns[0])
65 | crError("Failed connection");
66 | }
67 | }
68 |
69 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
70 | static DWORD WINAPI renderSPUWindowThreadProc(void* unused)
71 | {
72 | MSG msg;
73 | bool bRet;
74 |
75 | (void) unused;
76 |
77 | /* Force system to create the message queue.
78 | * Else, there's a chance that render spu will issue PostThreadMessage
79 | * before this thread calls GetMessage for first time.
80 | */
81 | PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE);
82 |
83 | crDebug("RenderSPU: Window thread started (%x)", crThreadID());
84 | SetEvent(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent);
85 |
86 | while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0 )) != 0)
87 | {
88 | if (bRet == -1)
89 | {
90 | crError("RenderSPU: Window thread GetMessage failed (%x)", GetLastError());
91 | break;
92 | }
93 | else
94 | {
95 | if (msg.message == WM_VBOX_RENDERSPU_CREATE_WINDOW)
96 | {
98 | HWND hWnd;
99 | WindowInfo *pWindow = (WindowInfo *)pCS->lpCreateParams;
100 |
101 | CRASSERT(msg.lParam && !msg.wParam && pCS->lpCreateParams);
102 |
103 | hWnd = CreateWindowEx(pCS->dwExStyle, pCS->lpszName, pCS->lpszClass, pCS->style,
104 | pCS->x, pCS->y, pCS->cx, pCS->cy,
105 | pCS->hwndParent, pCS->hMenu, pCS->hInstance, &render_spu);
106 |
107 | pWindow->hWnd = hWnd;
108 |
109 | SetEvent(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent);
110 | }
111 | else if (msg.message == WM_VBOX_RENDERSPU_DESTROY_WINDOW)
112 | {
113 | CRASSERT(msg.lParam && !msg.wParam);
114 |
115 | DestroyWindow(((VBOX_RENDERSPU_DESTROY_WINDOW*) msg.lParam)->hWnd);
116 |
117 | SetEvent(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent);
118 | }
119 | else
120 | {
121 | TranslateMessage(&msg);
122 | DispatchMessage(&msg);
123 | }
124 | }
125 | }
126 |
127 | render_spu.dwWinThreadId = 0;
128 |
129 | crDebug("RenderSPU: Window thread stopped (%x)", crThreadID());
130 | SetEvent(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent);
131 |
132 | return 0;
133 | }
134 | #endif
135 |
136 | int renderspuDefaultCtxInit()
137 | {
138 | GLint defaultWin, defaultCtx;
139 | WindowInfo *windowInfo;
140 |
141 | /*
142 | * Create the default window and context. Their indexes are zero and
143 | * a client can use them without calling CreateContext or WindowCreate.
144 | */
145 | crDebug("Render SPU: Creating default window (visBits=0x%x, id=0)",
146 | render_spu.default_visual);
147 | defaultWin = renderspuWindowCreateEx( NULL, render_spu.default_visual, CR_RENDER_DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID );
148 | if (defaultWin != CR_RENDER_DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID) {
149 | crError("Render SPU: Couldn't get a double-buffered, RGB visual with Z!");
151 | }
152 | crDebug( "Render SPU: WindowCreate returned %d (0=normal)", defaultWin );
153 |
154 | crDebug("Render SPU: Creating default context, visBits=0x%x",
155 | render_spu.default_visual );
156 | defaultCtx = renderspuCreateContextEx( NULL, render_spu.default_visual, CR_RENDER_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID, 0 );
157 | if (defaultCtx != CR_RENDER_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID) {
158 | crError("Render SPU: failed to create default context!");
160 | }
161 |
162 | renderspuMakeCurrent( defaultWin, 0, defaultCtx );
163 |
164 | /* Get windowInfo for the default window */
165 | windowInfo = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(render_spu.windowTable, CR_RENDER_DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID);
166 | CRASSERT(windowInfo);
167 | windowInfo->mapPending = GL_TRUE;
168 |
169 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
170 | }
171 |
172 | static SPUFunctions *
173 | renderSPUInit( int id, SPU *child, SPU *self,
174 | unsigned int context_id, unsigned int num_contexts )
175 | {
176 | int numFuncs, numSpecial;
177 |
178 | const char * pcpwSetting;
179 | int rc;
180 |
181 | (void) child;
182 | (void) context_id;
183 | (void) num_contexts;
184 |
185 | self->privatePtr = (void *) &render_spu;
186 |
188 | crDebug("Render SPU: thread-safe");
189 | #endif
190 |
191 | crMemZero(&render_spu, sizeof(render_spu));
192 |
193 | render_spu.id = id;
194 | renderspuSetVBoxConfiguration(&render_spu);
195 |
196 | if (render_spu.swap_master_url)
197 | swapsyncConnect();
198 |
199 |
200 | /* Get our special functions. */
201 | numSpecial = renderspuCreateFunctions( _cr_render_table );
202 |
203 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
204 | /* Start thread to create windows and process window messages */
205 | crDebug("RenderSPU: Starting windows serving thread");
206 | render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
207 | if (!render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent)
208 | {
209 | crError("RenderSPU: Failed to create WinThreadReadyEvent! (%x)", GetLastError());
210 | return NULL;
211 | }
212 |
213 | if (!CreateThread(NULL, 0, renderSPUWindowThreadProc, 0, 0, &render_spu.dwWinThreadId))
214 | {
215 | crError("RenderSPU: Failed to start windows thread! (%x)", GetLastError());
216 | return NULL;
217 | }
218 | WaitForSingleObject(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent, INFINITE);
219 | #endif
220 |
221 | /* Get the OpenGL functions. */
222 | numFuncs = crLoadOpenGL( &render_spu.ws, _cr_render_table + numSpecial );
223 | if (numFuncs == 0) {
224 | crError("The render SPU was unable to load the native OpenGL library");
225 | return NULL;
226 | }
227 |
228 | numFuncs += numSpecial;
229 |
230 | render_spu.contextTable = crAllocHashtableEx(1, INT32_MAX);
231 | render_spu.windowTable = crAllocHashtableEx(1, INT32_MAX);
232 |
233 | render_spu.dummyWindowTable = crAllocHashtable();
234 |
235 | pcpwSetting = crGetenv("CR_RENDER_ENABLE_SINGLE_PRESENT_CONTEXT");
236 | if (pcpwSetting)
237 | {
238 | if (pcpwSetting[0] == '0')
239 | pcpwSetting = NULL;
240 | }
241 |
242 | if (pcpwSetting)
243 | {
244 | /* TODO: need proper blitter synchronization, do not use so far!
245 | * the problem is that rendering can be done in multiple thread: the main command (hgcm) thread and the redraw thread
246 | * we currently use per-window synchronization, while we'll need a per-blitter synchronization if one blitter is used for multiple windows
247 | * this is not done currently */
248 | crWarning("TODO: need proper blitter synchronization, do not use so far!");
249 | render_spu.blitterTable = crAllocHashtable();
250 | CRASSERT(render_spu.blitterTable);
251 | }
252 | else
253 | render_spu.blitterTable = NULL;
254 |
255 | CRASSERT(render_spu.default_visual & CR_RGB_BIT);
256 |
257 | rc = renderspu_SystemInit();
258 | if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
259 | {
260 | crError("renderspu_SystemInit failed rc %d", rc);
261 | return NULL;
262 | }
263 | #ifdef USE_OSMESA
264 | if (render_spu.use_osmesa) {
265 | if (!crLoadOSMesa(&render_spu.OSMesaCreateContext,
266 | &render_spu.OSMesaMakeCurrent,
267 | &render_spu.OSMesaDestroyContext)) {
268 | crError("Unable to load OSMesa library");
269 | }
270 | }
271 | #endif
272 |
273 | #ifdef DARWIN
274 | # ifdef VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT
275 | # else /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */
276 | render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion = 0;
277 | render_spu.currentBufferName = 1;
278 | render_spu.uiDockUpdateTS = 0;
279 | /* Create a mutex for synchronizing events from the main Qt thread & this
280 | thread */
281 | RTSemFastMutexCreate(&render_spu.syncMutex);
282 | /* Create our window groups */
283 | CreateWindowGroup(kWindowGroupAttrMoveTogether | kWindowGroupAttrLayerTogether | kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation | kWindowGroupAttrHideOnCollapse | kWindowGroupAttrFixedLevel, &render_spu.pMasterGroup);
284 | CreateWindowGroup(kWindowGroupAttrMoveTogether | kWindowGroupAttrLayerTogether | kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation | kWindowGroupAttrHideOnCollapse | kWindowGroupAttrFixedLevel, &render_spu.pParentGroup);
285 | /* Make the correct z-layering */
286 | SendWindowGroupBehind (render_spu.pParentGroup, render_spu.pMasterGroup);
287 | /* and set the gParentGroup as parent for gMasterGroup. */
288 | SetWindowGroupParent (render_spu.pMasterGroup, render_spu.pParentGroup);
289 | /* Install the event handlers */
290 | EventTypeSpec eventList[] =
291 | {
292 | {kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxUpdateContext}, /* Update the context after show/size/move events */
293 | {kEventClassVBox, kEventVBoxBoundsChanged} /* Clip/Pos the OpenGL windows when the main window is changed in pos/size */
294 | };
295 | /* We need to process events from our main window */
296 | render_spu.hParentEventHandler = NewEventHandlerUPP(windowEvtHndlr);
297 | InstallApplicationEventHandler (render_spu.hParentEventHandler,
298 | GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList,
299 | NULL, NULL);
300 | render_spu.fInit = true;
301 | # endif /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */
302 | #endif /* DARWIN */
303 |
304 | rc = renderspuDefaultCtxInit();
305 | if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
306 | {
307 | WARN(("renderspuDefaultCtxInit failed %d", rc));
308 | return NULL;
309 | }
310 |
311 | /*
312 | * Get the OpenGL extension functions.
313 | * SIGH -- we have to wait until the very bitter end to load the
314 | * extensions, because the context has to be bound before
315 | * wglGetProcAddress will work correctly. No such issue with GLX though.
316 | */
317 | numFuncs += crLoadOpenGLExtensions( &render_spu.ws, _cr_render_table + numFuncs );
318 | CRASSERT(numFuncs < 1000);
319 |
320 | #ifdef WINDOWS
321 | /*
322 | * Same problem as above, these are extensions so we need to
323 | * load them after a context has been bound. As they're WGL
324 | * extensions too, we can't simply tag them into the spu_loader.
325 | * So we do them here for now.
326 | * Grrr, NVIDIA driver uses EXT for GetExtensionsStringEXT,
327 | * but ARB for others. Need further testing here....
328 | */
329 | render_spu.ws.wglGetExtensionsStringEXT =
330 | (wglGetExtensionsStringEXTFunc_t)
331 | render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglGetExtensionsStringEXT" );
332 | render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormatEXT =
333 | (wglChoosePixelFormatEXTFunc_t)
334 | render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglChoosePixelFormatARB" );
335 | render_spu.ws.wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT =
336 | (wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXTFunc_t)
337 | render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB" );
338 | render_spu.ws.wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT =
339 | (wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXTFunc_t)
340 | render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress( "wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvARB" );
341 |
342 | if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glCopyTexSubImage3D"))
343 | {
344 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("CopyTexSubImage3D");
345 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glCopyTexSubImage3D");
346 | ++numFuncs;
347 | crDebug("Render SPU: Found glCopyTexSubImage3D function");
348 | }
349 |
350 | if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glDrawRangeElements"))
351 | {
352 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("DrawRangeElements");
353 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glDrawRangeElements");
354 | ++numFuncs;
355 | crDebug("Render SPU: Found glDrawRangeElements function");
356 | }
357 |
358 | if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexSubImage3D"))
359 | {
360 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("TexSubImage3D");
361 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexSubImage3D");
362 | ++numFuncs;
363 | crDebug("Render SPU: Found glTexSubImage3D function");
364 | }
365 |
366 | if (render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexImage3D"))
367 | {
368 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].name = crStrdup("TexImage3D");
369 | _cr_render_table[numFuncs].fn = (SPUGenericFunction) render_spu.ws.wglGetProcAddress("glTexImage3D");
370 | ++numFuncs;
371 | crDebug("Render SPU: Found glTexImage3D function");
372 | }
373 |
374 | if (render_spu.ws.wglGetExtensionsStringEXT) {
375 | crDebug("WGL - found wglGetExtensionsStringEXT\n");
376 | }
377 | if (render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormatEXT) {
378 | crDebug("WGL - found wglChoosePixelFormatEXT\n");
379 | }
380 | #endif
381 |
382 | render_spu.barrierHash = crAllocHashtable();
383 |
384 | render_spu.cursorX = 0;
385 | render_spu.cursorY = 0;
386 | render_spu.use_L2 = 0;
387 |
388 | render_spu.gather_conns = NULL;
389 |
390 | numFuncs = renderspu_SystemPostprocessFunctions(_cr_render_table, numFuncs, RT_ELEMENTS(_cr_render_table));
391 |
392 | crDebug("Render SPU: ---------- End of Init -------------");
393 |
394 | return &render_functions;
395 | }
396 |
397 | static void renderSPUSelfDispatch(SPUDispatchTable *self)
398 | {
399 | crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(render_spu.self) );
400 | crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(render_spu.self), self );
401 |
402 | crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(render_spu.blitterDispatch) );
403 | crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(render_spu.blitterDispatch), self );
404 |
405 | render_spu.server = (CRServer *)(self->server);
406 |
407 | {
408 | GLfloat version;
409 | version = crStrToFloat((const char *) render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_VERSION));
410 |
411 | if (version>=2.f || crStrstr((const char*)render_spu.ws.glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), "GL_ARB_vertex_shader"))
412 | {
413 | GLint mu=0;
414 | render_spu.self.GetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB, &mu);
415 | crInfo("Render SPU: GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB=%i", mu);
416 | }
417 | }
418 | }
419 |
420 |
421 | static void DeleteContextCallback( void *data )
422 | {
423 | ContextInfo *context = (ContextInfo *) data;
424 | renderspuContextMarkDeletedAndRelease(context);
425 | }
426 |
427 | static void DeleteWindowCallback( void *data )
428 | {
429 | WindowInfo *window = (WindowInfo *) data;
430 | renderspuWinTermOnShutdown(window);
431 | renderspuWinRelease(window);
432 | }
433 |
434 | static void DeleteBlitterCallback( void *data )
435 | {
436 | PCR_BLITTER pBlitter = (PCR_BLITTER) data;
437 | CrBltTerm(pBlitter);
438 | crFree(pBlitter);
439 | }
440 |
441 | static void renderspuBlitterCleanupCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2)
442 | {
443 | WindowInfo *window = (WindowInfo *) data1;
444 | CRASSERT(window);
445 |
446 | renderspuVBoxPresentBlitterCleanup( window );
447 | }
448 |
449 |
450 | static void renderspuDeleteBlitterCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2)
451 | {
452 | CRHashTable *pTbl = (CRHashTable*)data2;
453 |
454 | crHashtableDelete( pTbl, key, NULL );
455 |
456 | DeleteBlitterCallback(data1);
457 | }
458 |
459 |
460 | static void renderspuDeleteWindowCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2)
461 | {
462 | CRHashTable *pTbl = (CRHashTable*)data2;
463 |
464 | crHashtableDelete( pTbl, key, NULL );
465 |
466 | DeleteWindowCallback(data1);
467 | }
468 |
469 | static void renderspuDeleteBarierCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2)
470 | {
471 | CRHashTable *pTbl = (CRHashTable*)data2;
472 |
473 | crHashtableDelete( pTbl, key, NULL );
474 |
475 | crFree(data1);
476 | }
477 |
478 |
479 | static void renderspuDeleteContextCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2)
480 | {
481 | CRHashTable *pTbl = (CRHashTable*)data2;
482 |
483 | crHashtableDelete( pTbl, key, NULL );
484 |
485 | DeleteContextCallback(data1);
486 | }
487 |
488 | void renderspuCleanupBase(bool fDeleteTables)
489 | {
490 | renderspuVBoxCompositorClearAll();
491 |
492 | if (render_spu.blitterTable)
493 | {
494 | if (fDeleteTables)
495 | {
496 | crFreeHashtable(render_spu.blitterTable, DeleteBlitterCallback);
497 | render_spu.blitterTable = NULL;
498 | }
499 | else
500 | {
501 | crHashtableWalk(render_spu.blitterTable, renderspuDeleteBlitterCB, render_spu.contextTable);
502 | }
503 | }
504 | else
505 | {
506 | crHashtableWalk(render_spu.windowTable, renderspuBlitterCleanupCB, NULL);
507 |
508 | crHashtableWalk(render_spu.dummyWindowTable, renderspuBlitterCleanupCB, NULL);
509 | }
510 |
511 | renderspuSetDefaultSharedContext(NULL);
512 |
513 | if (fDeleteTables)
514 | {
515 | crFreeHashtable(render_spu.contextTable, DeleteContextCallback);
516 | render_spu.contextTable = NULL;
517 | crFreeHashtable(render_spu.windowTable, DeleteWindowCallback);
518 | render_spu.windowTable = NULL;
519 | crFreeHashtable(render_spu.dummyWindowTable, DeleteWindowCallback);
520 | render_spu.dummyWindowTable = NULL;
521 | crFreeHashtable(render_spu.barrierHash, crFree);
522 | render_spu.barrierHash = NULL;
523 | }
524 | else
525 | {
526 | crHashtableWalk(render_spu.contextTable, renderspuDeleteContextCB, render_spu.contextTable);
527 | crHashtableWalk(render_spu.windowTable, renderspuDeleteWindowCB, render_spu.windowTable);
528 | crHashtableWalk(render_spu.dummyWindowTable, renderspuDeleteWindowCB, render_spu.dummyWindowTable);
529 | crHashtableWalk(render_spu.barrierHash, renderspuDeleteBarierCB, render_spu.barrierHash);
530 | }
531 | }
532 |
533 | static int renderSPUCleanup(void)
534 | {
535 | renderspuCleanupBase(true);
536 |
537 | #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
538 | # ifndef VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT
539 | render_spu.fInit = false;
540 | DisposeEventHandlerUPP(render_spu.hParentEventHandler);
541 | ReleaseWindowGroup(render_spu.pMasterGroup);
542 | ReleaseWindowGroup(render_spu.pParentGroup);
543 | if (render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion)
544 | {
545 | DisposeRgn(render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion);
546 | render_spu.hRootVisibleRegion = 0;
547 | }
548 | render_spu.currentBufferName = 1;
549 | render_spu.uiDockUpdateTS = 0;
550 | RTSemFastMutexDestroy(render_spu.syncMutex);
551 | # else /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */
552 | # endif /* VBOX_WITH_COCOA_QT */
553 | #endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
554 |
555 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
556 | if (render_spu.dwWinThreadId)
557 | {
558 | HANDLE hNative;
559 |
561 | false, render_spu.dwWinThreadId);
562 | if (!hNative)
563 | {
564 | crWarning("Failed to get handle for window thread(%#x)", GetLastError());
565 | }
566 |
567 | if (PostThreadMessage(render_spu.dwWinThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0))
568 | {
569 | WaitForSingleObject(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent, INFINITE);
570 |
571 | /*wait for os thread to actually finish*/
572 | if (hNative && WaitForSingleObject(hNative, 3000)==WAIT_TIMEOUT)
573 | {
574 | crDebug("Wait failed, terminating");
575 | if (!TerminateThread(hNative, 1))
576 | {
577 | crWarning("TerminateThread failed");
578 | }
579 | }
580 | }
581 |
582 | if (hNative)
583 | {
584 | CloseHandle(hNative);
585 | }
586 | }
587 | CloseHandle(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent);
588 | render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent = NULL;
589 | #endif
590 |
591 | crUnloadOpenGL();
592 |
594 | crFreeTSD(&_RenderTSD);
595 | #endif
596 |
597 | return 1;
598 | }
599 |
600 |
601 | extern SPUOptions renderSPUOptions[];
602 |
603 | int SPULoad( char **name, char **super, SPUInitFuncPtr *init,
604 | SPUSelfDispatchFuncPtr *self, SPUCleanupFuncPtr *cleanup,
605 | SPUOptionsPtr *options, int *flags )
606 | {
607 | *name = "render";
608 | *super = NULL;
609 | *init = renderSPUInit;
610 | *self = renderSPUSelfDispatch;
611 | *cleanup = renderSPUCleanup;
612 | *options = renderSPUOptions;
614 |
615 | return 1;
616 | }
617 |
618 | DECLEXPORT(void) renderspuSetWindowId(uint64_t winId)
619 | {
620 | render_spu_parent_window_id = winId;
621 | }