1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 |
8 | #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
9 | #include <windows.h>
10 |
11 | #include <stdlib.h>
12 | #include <stdio.h>
13 | #include <memory.h>
14 |
15 | #include "cr_environment.h"
16 | #include "cr_error.h"
17 | #include "cr_string.h"
18 | #include "renderspu.h"
19 | #include "cr_mem.h"
20 |
21 | #define WINDOW_NAME window->title
22 |
23 | static BOOL
24 | bSetupPixelFormat( HDC hdc, GLbitfield visAttribs );
25 |
26 | GLboolean renderspu_SystemInitVisual( VisualInfo *visual )
27 | {
28 | if (visual->visAttribs & CR_PBUFFER_BIT) {
29 | crWarning("Render SPU: PBuffers not support on Windows yet.");
30 | }
31 |
32 | /* In the windows world, we need a window before a context.
33 | * Use the device_context as a marker to do just that */
34 | visual->device_context = 0;
35 |
36 | return TRUE;
37 | }
38 |
39 | void renderspu_SystemDestroyWindow( WindowInfo *window )
40 | {
42 |
43 | CRASSERT(window);
44 |
45 | /*DestroyWindow( window->hWnd );*/
46 |
47 | vrdw.hWnd = window->hWnd;
48 |
49 | if (render_spu.dwWinThreadId)
50 | {
51 | PostThreadMessage(render_spu.dwWinThreadId, WM_VBOX_RENDERSPU_DESTROY_WINDOW, 0, (LPARAM) &vrdw);
52 | WaitForSingleObject(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent, INFINITE);
53 | }
54 | else
55 | {
56 | crError("Render SPU: window thread is not running");
57 | }
58 |
59 | window->hWnd = NULL;
60 | window->visual = NULL;
61 | }
62 |
63 | static LONG WINAPI
64 | MainWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
65 | {
66 | /* int w,h; */
67 |
68 | switch ( uMsg ) {
69 |
70 | case WM_SIZE:
71 | /* w = LOWORD( lParam );
72 | * h = HIWORD( lParam ); */
73 |
74 | /* glViewport( 0, 0, w, h ); */
75 | #if 0
76 | glViewport( -render_spu.mural_x, -render_spu.mural_y,
77 | render_spu.mural_width, render_spu.mural_height );
78 | glScissor( -render_spu.mural_x, -render_spu.mural_y,
79 | render_spu.mural_width, render_spu.mural_height );
80 | #endif
81 | break;
82 |
83 | case WM_CLOSE:
84 | crWarning( "Render SPU: caught WM_CLOSE -- quitting." );
85 | exit( 0 );
86 | break;
87 |
88 | case WM_NCHITTEST:
89 | crDebug("WM_NCHITTEST");
90 | return HTNOWHERE;
91 | }
92 |
93 | return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
94 | }
95 |
96 | static BOOL
97 | bSetupPixelFormatEXT( HDC hdc, GLbitfield visAttribs)
98 | {
100 | int pixelFormat;
101 | int attribList[100];
102 | float fattribList[] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
103 | int numFormats;
104 | int i = 0;
105 | BOOL vis;
106 |
107 | CRASSERT(visAttribs & CR_RGB_BIT); /* anybody need color index */
108 |
109 | crWarning("Render SPU: Using WGL_EXT_pixel_format to select visual ID.");
110 |
111 | attribList[i++] = WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_EXT;
112 | attribList[i++] = GL_TRUE;
113 | attribList[i++] = WGL_ACCELERATION_EXT;
114 | attribList[i++] = WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_EXT;
115 | attribList[i++] = WGL_COLOR_BITS_EXT;
116 | attribList[i++] = 24;
117 | attribList[i++] = WGL_RED_BITS_EXT;
118 | attribList[i++] = 1;
119 | attribList[i++] = WGL_GREEN_BITS_EXT;
120 | attribList[i++] = 1;
121 | attribList[i++] = WGL_BLUE_BITS_EXT;
122 | attribList[i++] = 1;
123 |
124 | crWarning("Render SPU: Visual chosen is... RGB");
125 |
126 | if (visAttribs & CR_ALPHA_BIT)
127 | {
128 | attribList[i++] = WGL_ALPHA_BITS_EXT;
129 | attribList[i++] = 1;
130 | crWarning("A");
131 | }
132 |
133 | crWarning(", ");
134 |
135 | if (visAttribs & CR_DOUBLE_BIT) {
136 | attribList[i++] = WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_EXT;
137 | attribList[i++] = GL_TRUE;
138 | crWarning("DB, ");
139 | }
140 |
141 | if (visAttribs & CR_STEREO_BIT) {
142 | attribList[i++] = WGL_STEREO_EXT;
143 | attribList[i++] = GL_TRUE;
144 | crWarning("Stereo, ");
145 | }
146 |
147 | if (visAttribs & CR_DEPTH_BIT)
148 | {
149 | attribList[i++] = WGL_DEPTH_BITS_EXT;
150 | attribList[i++] = 1;
151 | crWarning("Z, ");
152 | }
153 |
154 | if (visAttribs & CR_STENCIL_BIT)
155 | {
156 | attribList[i++] = WGL_STENCIL_BITS_EXT;
157 | attribList[i++] = 1;
158 | crWarning("Stencil, ");
159 | }
160 |
161 | if (visAttribs & CR_ACCUM_BIT)
162 | {
163 | attribList[i++] = WGL_ACCUM_RED_BITS_EXT;
164 | attribList[i++] = 1;
165 | attribList[i++] = WGL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS_EXT;
166 | attribList[i++] = 1;
167 | attribList[i++] = WGL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS_EXT;
168 | attribList[i++] = 1;
169 | crWarning("Accum, ");
170 | if (visAttribs & CR_ALPHA_BIT)
171 | {
172 | attribList[i++] = WGL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS_EXT;
173 | attribList[i++] = 1;
174 | crWarning("Accum Alpha, ");
175 | }
176 | }
177 |
178 | if (visAttribs & CR_MULTISAMPLE_BIT)
179 | {
180 | attribList[i++] = WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_EXT;
181 | attribList[i++] = 1;
182 | attribList[i++] = WGL_SAMPLES_EXT;
183 | attribList[i++] = 4;
184 | crWarning("Multisample, ");
185 | }
186 |
187 | crWarning("\n");
188 |
189 | /* End the list */
190 | attribList[i++] = 0;
191 | attribList[i++] = 0;
192 |
193 | vis = render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormatEXT( hdc, attribList, fattribList, 1, &pixelFormat, &numFormats);
194 |
195 | crDebug("Render SPU: wglChoosePixelFormatEXT (vis 0x%x, LastError 0x%x, pixelFormat 0x%x", vis, GetLastError(), pixelFormat);
196 |
197 | render_spu.ws.wglSetPixelFormat( hdc, pixelFormat, &ppfd );
198 |
199 | crDebug("Render SPU: wglSetPixelFormat (Last error 0x%x)", GetLastError());
200 |
201 | return vis;
202 | }
203 |
204 | static BOOL
205 | bSetupPixelFormatNormal( HDC hdc, GLbitfield visAttribs )
206 | {
208 | sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), /* size of this pfd */
209 | 1, /* version number */
210 | PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | /* support window */
211 | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL, /* support OpenGL */
212 | PFD_TYPE_RGBA, /* RGBA type */
213 | 24, /* 24-bit color depth */
214 | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* color bits ignored */
215 | 0, /* no alpha buffer */
216 | 0, /* shift bit ignored */
217 | 0, /* no accumulation buffer */
218 | 0, 0, 0, 0, /* accum bits ignored */
219 | 0, /* set depth buffer */
220 | 0, /* set stencil buffer */
221 | 0, /* no auxiliary buffer */
222 | PFD_MAIN_PLANE, /* main layer */
223 | 0, /* reserved */
224 | 0, 0, 0 /* layer masks ignored */
225 | };
227 | char s[1000];
228 | GLbitfield b = 0;
229 | int pixelformat;
230 |
231 | renderspuMakeVisString( visAttribs, s );
232 |
233 | crWarning( "Render SPU: WGL wants these visual capabilities: %s", s);
234 |
235 | /* These really come into play with sort-last configs */
236 | if (visAttribs & CR_DEPTH_BIT)
237 | ppfd->cDepthBits = 24;
238 | if (visAttribs & CR_ACCUM_BIT)
239 | ppfd->cAccumBits = 16;
240 | if (visAttribs & CR_RGB_BIT)
241 | ppfd->cColorBits = 24;
242 | if (visAttribs & CR_STENCIL_BIT)
243 | ppfd->cStencilBits = 8;
244 | if (visAttribs & CR_ALPHA_BIT)
245 | ppfd->cAlphaBits = 8;
246 | if (visAttribs & CR_DOUBLE_BIT)
247 | ppfd->dwFlags |= PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER;
248 | if (visAttribs & CR_STEREO_BIT)
249 | ppfd->dwFlags |= PFD_STEREO;
250 |
251 | /*
252 | * We call the wgl functions directly if the SPU was loaded
253 | * by our faker library, otherwise we have to call the GDI
254 | * versions.
255 | */
256 | if (crGetenv( "CR_WGL_DO_NOT_USE_GDI" ) != NULL)
257 | {
258 | pixelformat = render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormat( hdc, ppfd );
259 | /* doing this twice is normal Win32 magic */
260 | pixelformat = render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormat( hdc, ppfd );
261 | if ( pixelformat == 0 )
262 | {
263 | crError( "render_spu.ws.wglChoosePixelFormat failed" );
264 | }
265 | if ( !render_spu.ws.wglSetPixelFormat( hdc, pixelformat, ppfd ) )
266 | {
267 | crError( "render_spu.ws.wglSetPixelFormat failed" );
268 | }
269 |
270 | render_spu.ws.wglDescribePixelFormat( hdc, pixelformat, sizeof(*ppfd), ppfd );
271 | }
272 | else
273 | {
274 | /* Okay, we were loaded manually. Call the GDI functions. */
275 | pixelformat = ChoosePixelFormat( hdc, ppfd );
276 | /* doing this twice is normal Win32 magic */
277 | pixelformat = ChoosePixelFormat( hdc, ppfd );
278 | if ( pixelformat == 0 )
279 | {
280 | crError( "ChoosePixelFormat failed" );
281 | }
282 | if ( !SetPixelFormat( hdc, pixelformat, ppfd ) )
283 | {
284 | crError( "SetPixelFormat failed (Error 0x%x)", GetLastError() );
285 | }
286 |
287 | DescribePixelFormat( hdc, pixelformat, sizeof(*ppfd), ppfd );
288 | }
289 |
290 |
291 | if (ppfd->cDepthBits > 0)
292 | b |= CR_DEPTH_BIT;
293 | if (ppfd->cAccumBits > 0)
294 | b |= CR_ACCUM_BIT;
295 | if (ppfd->cColorBits > 8)
296 | b |= CR_RGB_BIT;
297 | if (ppfd->cStencilBits > 0)
298 | b |= CR_STENCIL_BIT;
299 | if (ppfd->cAlphaBits > 0)
300 | b |= CR_ALPHA_BIT;
301 | if (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER)
302 | b |= CR_DOUBLE_BIT;
303 | if (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_STEREO)
304 | b |= CR_STEREO_BIT;
305 |
306 | renderspuMakeVisString( b, s );
307 |
308 | crWarning( "Render SPU: WGL chose these visual capabilities: %s", s);
309 | return TRUE;
310 | }
311 |
312 | static BOOL
313 | bSetupPixelFormat( HDC hdc, GLbitfield visAttribs )
314 | {
315 | /* According to http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/mswindows.htm
316 | we shouldn't be using wgl functions to setup pixel formats unless we're loading ICD driver.
317 | In particular, bSetupPixelFormatEXT bugs with Intel drivers.
318 | */
319 | bSetupPixelFormatNormal(hdc, visAttribs);
320 | }
321 |
322 | GLboolean renderspu_SystemCreateWindow( VisualInfo *visual, GLboolean showIt, WindowInfo *window )
323 | {
324 | HDESK desktop;
325 | HINSTANCE hinstance;
326 | WNDCLASS wc;
327 | DWORD window_style;
328 | int window_plus_caption_width;
329 | int window_plus_caption_height;
330 |
331 | window->visual = visual;
332 | window->nativeWindow = 0;
333 |
334 | if ( render_spu.use_L2 )
335 | {
336 | crWarning( "Going fullscreen because we think we're using Lightning-2." );
337 | render_spu.fullscreen = 1;
338 | }
339 |
340 | /*
341 | * Begin Windows / WGL code
342 | */
343 |
344 | hinstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
345 | if (!hinstance)
346 | {
347 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't get a handle to my module." );
348 | return GL_FALSE;
349 | }
350 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the module handle: 0x%x", hinstance );
351 |
352 | /* If we were launched from a service, telnet, or rsh, we need to
353 | * get the input desktop. */
354 |
355 | desktop = OpenInputDesktop( 0, FALSE,
360 |
361 | if ( !desktop )
362 | {
363 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't aquire input desktop" );
364 | return GL_FALSE;
365 | }
366 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the desktop: 0x%x", desktop );
367 |
368 | if ( !SetThreadDesktop( desktop ) )
369 | {
370 | /* If this function fails, it's probably because
371 | * it's already been called (i.e., the render SPU
372 | * is bolted to an application?) */
373 |
374 | /*crError( "Couldn't set thread to input desktop" ); */
375 | }
376 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Set the thread desktop -- this might have failed." );
377 |
378 | if ( !GetClassInfo(hinstance, WINDOW_NAME, &wc) )
379 | {
380 | wc.style = CS_OWNDC;
381 | wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) MainWndProc;
382 | wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
383 | wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
384 | wc.hInstance = hinstance;
385 | wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION );
386 | wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
387 | wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
388 | wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
389 | wc.lpszClassName = WINDOW_NAME;
390 |
391 | if ( !RegisterClass( &wc ) )
392 | {
393 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't register window class -- you're not trying "
394 | "to do multi-pipe stuff on windows, are you?\n\nNote --"
395 | "This error message is from 1997 and probably doesn't make"
396 | "any sense any more, but it's nostalgic for Humper." );
397 | return GL_FALSE;
398 | }
399 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Registered the class" );
400 | }
401 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the class information" );
402 |
403 | /* Full screen window should be a popup (undecorated) window */
404 | #if 1
405 | window_style = ( render_spu.fullscreen ? WS_POPUP : WS_CAPTION );
406 | #else
408 | window_style |= WS_SYSMENU;
409 | #endif
410 |
411 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Fullscreen: %s", render_spu.fullscreen ? "yes" : "no");
412 |
413 | if ( render_spu.fullscreen )
414 | {
415 | #if 0
416 |
417 | int smCxFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFIXEDFRAME );
418 | int smCyFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFIXEDFRAME ) + 1;
419 | int smCyCaption = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION );
420 |
421 | window->width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) ;
422 | window->height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ;
423 |
424 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Window Dims: %d, %d", window->width, window->height );
425 |
426 | window->x = render_spu->defaultX - smCxFixedFrame - 1;
427 | window->y = render_spu->defaultY - smCyFixedFrame - smCyCaption;
428 |
429 | window_plus_caption_width = window->width + 2 * smCxFixedFrame;
430 | window_plus_caption_height = window->height + 2 * smCyFixedFrame + smCyCaption;
431 |
432 | #else
433 | /* Since it's undecorated, we don't have to do anything fancy
434 | * with these parameters. */
435 |
436 | window->width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) ;
437 | window->height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ;
438 | window->x = 0;
439 | window->y = 0;
440 | window_plus_caption_width = window->width;
441 | window_plus_caption_height = window->height;
442 |
443 | #endif
444 | }
445 | else
446 | {
447 | /* CreateWindow takes the size of the entire window, so we add
448 | * in the size necessary for the frame and the caption. */
449 |
450 | int smCxFixedFrame, smCyFixedFrame, smCyCaption;
451 | smCxFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFIXEDFRAME );
452 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the X fixed frame" );
453 | smCyFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFIXEDFRAME );
454 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the Y fixed frame" );
455 | smCyCaption = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION );
456 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the Caption " );
457 |
458 | window_plus_caption_width = window->width + 2 * smCxFixedFrame;
459 | window_plus_caption_height = window->height + 2 * smCyFixedFrame + smCyCaption;
460 |
461 | window->x = render_spu.defaultX - smCxFixedFrame;
462 | window->y = render_spu.defaultY - smCyFixedFrame - smCyCaption;
463 | }
464 |
465 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Creating the window: (%d,%d), (%d,%d)", render_spu.defaultX, render_spu.defaultY, window_plus_caption_width, window_plus_caption_height );
466 | window->hWnd = CreateWindow( WINDOW_NAME, WINDOW_NAME,
467 | window_style,
468 | window->x, window->y,
469 | window_plus_caption_width,
470 | window_plus_caption_height,
471 | NULL, NULL, hinstance, &render_spu );
472 |
473 | if ( !window->hWnd )
474 | {
475 | crError( "Render SPU: Create Window failed! That's almost certainly terrible." );
476 | return GL_FALSE;
477 | }
478 |
479 | if (showIt) {
481 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Showing the window" );
482 | ShowWindow( window->hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
483 | }
484 |
485 | SetForegroundWindow( window->hWnd );
486 |
487 | SetWindowPos( window->hWnd, HWND_TOP, window->x, window->y,
488 | window_plus_caption_width, window_plus_caption_height,
489 | ( render_spu.fullscreen ? (SWP_SHOWWINDOW |
493 | 0 ) );
494 |
495 | if ( render_spu.fullscreen )
496 | ShowCursor( FALSE );
497 |
498 | window->device_context = GetDC( window->hWnd );
499 |
500 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the DC: 0x%x", window->device_context );
501 |
502 | if ( !bSetupPixelFormat( window->device_context, visual->visAttribs ) )
503 | {
504 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't set up the device context! Yikes!" );
505 | return GL_FALSE;
506 | }
507 |
508 | return GL_TRUE;
509 | }
510 |
511 | GLboolean renderspu_SystemVBoxCreateWindow( VisualInfo *visual, GLboolean showIt, WindowInfo *window )
512 | {
513 | HDESK desktop;
514 | HINSTANCE hinstance;
515 | WNDCLASS wc;
516 | DWORD window_style;
517 | int window_plus_caption_width;
518 | int window_plus_caption_height;
519 |
520 | window->visual = visual;
521 | window->nativeWindow = 0;
522 |
523 | if ( render_spu.use_L2 )
524 | {
525 | crWarning( "Going fullscreen because we think we're using Lightning-2." );
526 | render_spu.fullscreen = 1;
527 | }
528 |
529 | /*
530 | * Begin Windows / WGL code
531 | */
532 |
533 | hinstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
534 | if (!hinstance)
535 | {
536 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't get a handle to my module." );
537 | return GL_FALSE;
538 | }
539 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the module handle: 0x%x", hinstance );
540 |
541 | #if 0
542 | /* If we were launched from a service, telnet, or rsh, we need to
543 | * get the input desktop. */
544 |
545 | desktop = OpenInputDesktop( 0, FALSE,
550 |
551 | if ( !desktop )
552 | {
553 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't aquire input desktop" );
554 | return GL_FALSE;
555 | }
556 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the desktop: 0x%x", desktop );
557 |
558 | if ( !SetThreadDesktop( desktop ) )
559 | {
560 | /* If this function fails, it's probably because
561 | * it's already been called (i.e., the render SPU
562 | * is bolted to an application?) */
563 |
564 | /*crError( "Couldn't set thread to input desktop" ); */
565 | }
566 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Set the thread desktop -- this might have failed." );
567 | #endif
568 |
569 | if ( !GetClassInfo(hinstance, WINDOW_NAME, &wc) )
570 | {
571 | wc.style = CS_OWNDC; // | CS_PARENTDC;
572 | wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) MainWndProc;
573 | wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
574 | wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
575 | wc.hInstance = hinstance;
576 | wc.hIcon = NULL; //LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION );
577 | wc.hCursor = NULL; //LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
578 | wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
579 | wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
580 | wc.lpszClassName = WINDOW_NAME;
581 |
582 | if ( !RegisterClass( &wc ) )
583 | {
584 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't register window class -- you're not trying "
585 | "to do multi-pipe stuff on windows, are you?\n\nNote --"
586 | "This error message is from 1997 and probably doesn't make"
587 | "any sense any more, but it's nostalgic for Humper." );
588 | return GL_FALSE;
589 | }
590 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Registered the class" );
591 | }
592 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the class information" );
593 |
594 | /* Full screen window should be a popup (undecorated) window */
595 | #if 1
597 | if (render_spu_parent_window_id)
598 | {
599 | window_style |= WS_CHILD;
600 | }
601 | #else
603 | window_style |= WS_SYSMENU;
604 | #endif
605 |
606 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Fullscreen: %s", render_spu.fullscreen ? "yes" : "no");
607 |
608 | if ( render_spu.fullscreen )
609 | {
610 | #if 0
611 |
612 | int smCxFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFIXEDFRAME );
613 | int smCyFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFIXEDFRAME ) + 1;
614 | int smCyCaption = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION );
615 |
616 | window->width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) ;
617 | window->height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ;
618 |
619 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Window Dims: %d, %d", window->width, window->height );
620 |
621 | window->x = render_spu->defaultX - smCxFixedFrame - 1;
622 | window->y = render_spu->defaultY - smCyFixedFrame - smCyCaption;
623 |
624 | window_plus_caption_width = window->width + 2 * smCxFixedFrame;
625 | window_plus_caption_height = window->height + 2 * smCyFixedFrame + smCyCaption;
626 |
627 | #else
628 | /* Since it's undecorated, we don't have to do anything fancy
629 | * with these parameters. */
630 |
631 | window->width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) ;
632 | window->height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ;
633 | window->x = 0;
634 | window->y = 0;
635 | window_plus_caption_width = window->width;
636 | window_plus_caption_height = window->height;
637 |
638 | #endif
639 | }
640 | else
641 | {
642 | /* CreateWindow takes the size of the entire window, so we add
643 | * in the size necessary for the frame and the caption. */
644 | int smCxFixedFrame, smCyFixedFrame, smCyCaption;
645 | smCxFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFIXEDFRAME );
646 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the X fixed frame" );
647 | smCyFixedFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFIXEDFRAME );
648 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the Y fixed frame" );
649 | smCyCaption = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION );
650 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the Caption " );
651 |
652 | window_plus_caption_width = window->width + 2 * smCxFixedFrame;
653 | window_plus_caption_height = window->height + 2 * smCyFixedFrame + smCyCaption;
654 |
655 | window->x = render_spu.defaultX;
656 | window->y = render_spu.defaultY;
657 | }
658 |
659 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Creating the window: (%d,%d), (%d,%d)", render_spu.defaultX, render_spu.defaultY, window_plus_caption_width, window_plus_caption_height );
660 | /*window->hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOACTIVATE | WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY,
662 | window_style,
663 | window->x, window->y,
664 | window->width,
665 | window->height,
666 | (void*) render_spu_parent_window_id, NULL, hinstance, &render_spu );*/
667 | {
669 |
670 | cs.lpCreateParams = &window->hWnd;
671 |
673 | cs.lpszName = WINDOW_NAME;
674 | cs.lpszClass = WINDOW_NAME;
675 | cs.style = window_style;
676 | cs.x = window->x;
677 | cs.y = window->y;
678 | cs.cx = window->width;
679 | cs.cy = window->height;
680 | cs.hwndParent = (void*) render_spu_parent_window_id;
681 | cs.hMenu = NULL;
682 | cs.hInstance = hinstance;
683 |
684 | if (render_spu.dwWinThreadId)
685 | {
686 | DWORD res;
687 | int cnt=0;
688 |
689 | if (!PostThreadMessage(render_spu.dwWinThreadId, WM_VBOX_RENDERSPU_CREATE_WINDOW, 0, (LPARAM) &cs))
690 | {
691 | crError("Render SPU: PostThreadMessage failed with %i", GetLastError());
692 | return GL_FALSE;
693 | }
694 |
695 | do
696 | {
697 | res = WaitForSingleObject(render_spu.hWinThreadReadyEvent, 1000);
698 | cnt++;
699 | }
700 | while ((res!=WAIT_OBJECT_0) && (cnt<10));
701 |
702 | crDebug("Render SPU: window thread waited %i secs", cnt);
703 |
704 | if (res!=WAIT_OBJECT_0)
705 | {
706 | crError("Render SPU: window thread not responded after %i tries", cnt);
707 | return GL_FALSE;
708 | }
709 | }
710 | else
711 | {
712 | crError("Render SPU: window thread is not running");
713 | return GL_FALSE;
714 | }
715 | }
716 |
717 | if ( !window->hWnd )
718 | {
719 | crError( "Render SPU: Create Window failed! That's almost certainly terrible." );
720 | return GL_FALSE;
721 | }
722 |
723 | if (showIt) {
725 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Showing the window" );
726 | ShowWindow( window->hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
727 | }
728 |
729 | //SetForegroundWindow( visual->hWnd );
730 |
731 | SetWindowPos( window->hWnd, HWND_TOP, window->x, window->y,
732 | window->width, window->height,
733 | ( render_spu.fullscreen ?
735 | ) );
736 | crDebug("Render SPU: SetWindowPos (%x, %d, %d, %d, %d)", window->hWnd,
737 | window->x, window->y, window->width, window->height);
738 |
739 | if ( render_spu.fullscreen )
740 | ShowCursor( FALSE );
741 |
742 | window->device_context = GetDC( window->hWnd );
743 |
744 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Got the DC: 0x%x", window->device_context );
745 |
746 | if ( !bSetupPixelFormat( window->device_context, visual->visAttribs ) )
747 | {
748 | crError( "Render SPU: Couldn't set up the device context! Yikes!" );
749 | return GL_FALSE;
750 | }
751 |
752 | return GL_TRUE;
753 | }
754 |
755 |
756 | /* Either show or hide the render SPU's window. */
757 | void renderspu_SystemShowWindow( WindowInfo *window, GLboolean showIt )
758 | {
759 | if (showIt)
760 | ShowWindow( window->hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
761 | else
762 | ShowWindow( window->hWnd, SW_HIDE );
763 | }
764 |
765 | GLboolean renderspu_SystemCreateContext( VisualInfo *visual, ContextInfo *context, ContextInfo *sharedContext )
766 | {
767 | (void) sharedContext;
768 | context->visual = visual;
769 |
770 | /* Found a visual, so we're o.k. to create the context now */
771 | if (0/*visual->device_context*/) {
772 |
773 | //crDebug( "Render SPU: Using the DC: 0x%x", visual->device_context );
774 |
775 | //context->hRC = render_spu.ws.wglCreateContext( visual->device_context );
776 | if (!context->hRC)
777 | {
778 | crError( "Render SPU: wglCreateContext failed (error 0x%x)", GetLastError() );
779 | return GL_FALSE;
780 | }
781 | } else {
782 | crDebug( "Render SPU: Delaying DC creation " );
783 | context->hRC = NULL; /* create it later in makecurrent */
784 | }
785 |
786 |
787 | return GL_TRUE;
788 | }
789 |
790 | void renderspu_SystemDestroyContext( ContextInfo *context )
791 | {
792 | render_spu.ws.wglDeleteContext( context->hRC );
793 | context->hRC = NULL;
794 | }
795 |
796 | void renderspu_SystemMakeCurrent( WindowInfo *window, GLint nativeWindow, ContextInfo *context )
797 | {
798 | CRASSERT(render_spu.ws.wglMakeCurrent);
799 |
800 | if (context && window) {
801 | if (window->visual != context->visual) {
802 | /*
803 | * XXX have to revisit this issue!!!
804 | *
805 | * But for now we destroy the current window
806 | * and re-create it with the context's visual abilities
807 | */
808 |
809 | /*@todo Chromium has no correct code to remove window ids and associated info from
810 | * various tables. This is hack which just hides the root case.
811 | */
812 | crDebug("Recreating window in renderspu_SystemMakeCurrent\n");
813 | renderspu_SystemDestroyWindow( window );
814 | renderspu_SystemVBoxCreateWindow( context->visual, window->visible, window );
815 | }
816 |
817 | if (render_spu.render_to_app_window && nativeWindow)
818 | {
819 | /* The render_to_app_window option
820 | * is set and we've got a nativeWindow
821 | * handle, save the handle for
822 | * later calls to swapbuffers().
823 | *
824 | * NOTE: This doesn't work, except
825 | * for software driven Mesa.
826 | * We'd need to object link the
827 | * crappfaker and crserver to be able to share
828 | * the HDC values between processes.. FIXME!
829 | */
830 | window->nativeWindow = (HDC) nativeWindow;
831 | if (context->hRC == 0) {
832 | context->hRC = render_spu.ws.wglCreateContext( window->nativeWindow );
833 | if (!context->hRC)
834 | {
835 | crError( "(MakeCurrent) Couldn't create the context for the window (error 0x%x)", GetLastError() );
836 | }
837 | }
838 | render_spu.ws.wglMakeCurrent( window->nativeWindow, context->hRC );
839 | }
840 | else
841 | {
842 | if (!context->visual->device_context) {
843 | context->visual->device_context = GetDC( window->hWnd );
844 |
845 | crDebug( "Render SPU: MakeCurrent made the DC: 0x%x", context->visual->device_context );
846 |
847 | if ( !bSetupPixelFormat( context->visual->device_context, context->visual->visAttribs ) )
848 | {
849 | crError( "Render SPU: (MakeCurrent) Couldn't set up the device context! Yikes!" );
850 | }
851 | }
852 |
853 | if (!context->hRC) {
854 | context->hRC = render_spu.ws.wglCreateContext(context->visual->device_context);
855 | if (!context->hRC)
856 | {
857 | crError( "Render SPU: (MakeCurrent) Couldn't create the context for the window (error 0x%x)", GetLastError() );
858 | }
859 | }
860 |
861 | if (!render_spu.ws.wglMakeCurrent(window->device_context, context->hRC))
862 | {
863 | DWORD err = GetLastError();
864 | crError("Render SPU: (MakeCurrent) failed to make 0x%x, 0x%x current with 0x%x error.", window->device_context, context->hRC, err);
865 | }
866 | }
867 |
868 | }
869 | else {
870 | render_spu.ws.wglMakeCurrent( 0, 0 );
871 | }
872 | }
873 |
874 | void renderspu_SystemWindowSize( WindowInfo *window, GLint w, GLint h )
875 | {
876 | int winprop;
877 | CRASSERT(window);
878 | CRASSERT(window->visual);
879 | if ( render_spu.fullscreen )
882 | else
884 |
885 | /*SetWindowRgn(window->hWnd, NULL, false);*/
886 |
887 | if (!SetWindowPos( window->hWnd, HWND_TOP,
888 | window->x, window->y, w, h, winprop )) {
889 | crWarning("!!!FAILED!!! Render SPU: SetWindowPos (%x, %d, %d, %d, %d)", window->hWnd, window->x, window->y, w, h);
890 | } else {
891 | crDebug("Render SPU: SetWindowSize (%x, %d, %d, %d, %d)", window->hWnd, window->x, window->y, w, h);
892 | }
893 | /* save the new size */
894 | window->width = w;
895 | window->height = h;
896 | }
897 |
898 |
899 | void renderspu_SystemGetWindowGeometry( WindowInfo *window, GLint *x, GLint *y, GLint *w, GLint *h )
900 | {
901 | RECT rect;
902 |
903 | CRASSERT(window);
904 | CRASSERT(window->visual);
905 |
906 | GetClientRect( window->hWnd, &rect );
907 | *x = rect.left;
908 | *y = rect.top;
909 | *w = rect.right - rect.left;
910 | *h = rect.bottom - rect.top;
911 | }
912 |
913 |
914 | void renderspu_SystemGetMaxWindowSize( WindowInfo *window, GLint *w, GLint *h )
915 | {
916 | /* XXX fix this */
917 | (void) window;
918 | *w = 1600;
919 | *h = 1200;
920 | }
921 |
922 |
923 | void renderspu_SystemWindowPosition( WindowInfo *window, GLint x, GLint y )
924 | {
925 | int winprop;
926 | CRASSERT(window);
927 | CRASSERT(window->visual);
928 | if ( render_spu.fullscreen )
931 | else
933 |
934 | /*SetWindowRgn(window->visual->hWnd, NULL, false);*/
935 |
936 | if (!SetWindowPos( window->hWnd, HWND_TOP,
937 | x, y, window->width, window->height, winprop )) {
938 | crWarning("!!!FAILED!!! Render SPU: SetWindowPos (%x, %d, %d, %d, %d)", window->hWnd, x, y, window->width, window->height);
939 | } else {
940 | crDebug("Render SPU: SetWindowPos (%x, %d, %d, %d, %d)", window->hWnd,
941 | x, y, window->width, window->height);
942 | }
943 | }
944 |
945 | void renderspu_SystemWindowVisibleRegion(WindowInfo *window, GLint cRects, GLint* pRects)
946 | {
947 | GLint i;
948 | HRGN hRgn, hTmpRgn;
949 |
950 | CRASSERT(window);
951 | CRASSERT(window->visual);
952 |
953 | hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
954 |
955 | for (i=0; i<cRects; i++)
956 | {
957 | hTmpRgn = CreateRectRgn(pRects[4*i], pRects[4*i+1], pRects[4*i+2], pRects[4*i+3]);
958 | CombineRgn(hRgn, hRgn, hTmpRgn, RGN_OR);
959 | DeleteObject(hTmpRgn);
960 | }
961 |
962 | SetWindowRgn(window->hWnd, hRgn, true);
963 | crDebug("Render SPU: SetWindowRgn (%x, cRects=%i)", window->hWnd, cRects);
964 | }
965 |
966 | static void renderspuHandleWindowMessages( HWND hWnd )
967 | {
968 | MSG msg;
969 | while ( PeekMessage( &msg, hWnd, 0, 0xffffffff, PM_REMOVE ) )
970 | {
971 | TranslateMessage( &msg );
972 | DispatchMessage( &msg );
973 | }
974 |
975 | //BringWindowToTop( hWnd );
976 | }
977 |
978 | void renderspu_SystemSwapBuffers( WindowInfo *w, GLint flags )
979 | {
980 | int return_value;
981 |
982 | /* peek at the windows message queue */
983 | renderspuHandleWindowMessages( w->hWnd );
984 |
985 | /* render_to_app_window:
986 | * w->nativeWindow will only be non-zero if the
987 | * render_spu.render_to_app_window option is true and
988 | * MakeCurrent() recorded the nativeWindow handle in the WindowInfo
989 | * structure.
990 | */
991 | if (render_spu.render_to_app_window && w->nativeWindow) {
992 | return_value = render_spu.ws.wglSwapBuffers( w->nativeWindow );
993 | } else {
994 | /*
995 | HRGN hRgn1, hRgn2, hRgn3;
996 | HWND hWndParent;
997 | LONG ws;
998 |
999 | hRgn1 = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, w->width, w->height);
1000 | hRgn2 = CreateRectRgn(50, 50, 100, 100);
1001 | hRgn3 = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
1002 | CombineRgn(hRgn3, hRgn1, hRgn2, RGN_DIFF);
1003 | SetWindowRgn(w->visual->hWnd, hRgn3, true);
1004 | DeleteObject(hRgn1);
1005 | DeleteObject(hRgn2);
1006 |
1007 | hWndParent = GetParent(w->visual->hWnd);
1008 | ws = GetWindowLong(hWndParent, GWL_STYLE);
1009 | ws &= ~WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
1010 | SetWindowLong(hWndParent, GWL_STYLE, ws);
1011 |
1012 | RECT rcClip;
1013 |
1014 | rcClip.left = 50;
1015 | rcClip.top = 50;
1016 | rcClip.right = 100;
1017 | rcClip.bottom = 100;
1018 | ValidateRect(w->visual->hWnd, &rcClip);
1019 |
1020 | return_value = GetClipBox(w->visual->device_context, &rcClip);
1021 | crDebug("GetClipBox returned %d (NR=%d,SR=%d,CR=%d,ERR=%d)",
1023 |
1024 | crDebug("rcClip(%d, %d, %d, %d)", rcClip.left, rcClip.top, rcClip.right, rcClip.bottom);
1025 |
1026 | return_value = ExcludeClipRect(w->visual->device_context, 50, 50, 100, 100);
1027 | crDebug("ExcludeClipRect returned %d (NR=%d,SR=%d,CR=%d,ERR=%d)",
1029 |
1030 | return_value = GetClipBox(w->visual->device_context, &rcClip);
1031 | crDebug("GetClipBox returned %d (NR=%d,SR=%d,CR=%d,ERR=%d)",
1033 | crDebug("rcClip(%d, %d, %d, %d)", rcClip.left, rcClip.top, rcClip.right, rcClip.bottom);
1034 | */
1035 | return_value = render_spu.ws.wglSwapBuffers( w->device_context );
1036 | }
1037 | if (!return_value)
1038 | {
1039 | /* GOD DAMN IT. The latest versions of the NVIDIA drivers
1040 | * return failure from wglSwapBuffers, but it works just fine.
1041 | * WHAT THE HELL?! */
1042 |
1043 | crWarning( "wglSwapBuffers failed: return value of %d!", return_value);
1044 | }
1045 | }