1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | import sys
7 |
8 | import apiutil
9 |
10 |
11 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
12 |
13 | print """/* DO NOT EDIT! THIS CODE IS AUTOGENERATED BY unpack.py */
14 |
15 | #include "unpacker.h"
16 | #include "cr_opcodes.h"
17 | #include "cr_error.h"
18 | #include "cr_mem.h"
19 | #include "cr_spu.h"
20 | #include "unpack_extend.h"
21 | #include <stdio.h>
22 | #include <memory.h>
23 |
24 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
25 |
26 | DECLEXPORT(const unsigned char *) cr_unpackData = NULL;
27 | SPUDispatchTable cr_unpackDispatch;
28 |
29 | static void crUnpackExtend(void);
30 | """
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 | #
35 | # Useful functions
36 | #
37 |
38 | def ReadData( offset, arg_type ):
39 | """Emit a READ_DOUBLE or READ_DATA call for pulling a GL function
40 | argument out of the buffer's operand area."""
41 | if arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd":
42 | retval = "READ_DOUBLE( %d )" % offset
43 | else:
44 | retval = "READ_DATA( %d, %s )" % (offset, arg_type)
45 | return retval
46 |
47 |
48 | def FindReturnPointer( return_type, params ):
49 | """For GL functions that return values (either as the return value or
50 | through a pointer parameter) emit a SET_RETURN_PTR call."""
51 | arg_len = apiutil.PacketLength( params )
52 | if (return_type != 'void'):
53 | print '\tSET_RETURN_PTR( %d );' % (arg_len + 8) # extended opcode plus packet length
54 | else:
55 | paramList = [ ('foo', 'void *', 0) ]
56 | print '\tSET_RETURN_PTR( %d );' % (arg_len + 8 - apiutil.PacketLength(paramList))
57 |
58 |
59 | def FindWritebackPointer( return_type, params ):
60 | """Emit a SET_WRITEBACK_PTR call."""
61 | arg_len = apiutil.PacketLength( params )
62 | if return_type != 'void':
63 | paramList = [ ('foo', 'void *', 0) ]
64 | arg_len += apiutil.PacketLength( paramList )
65 |
66 | print '\tSET_WRITEBACK_PTR( %d );' % (arg_len + 8) # extended opcode plus packet length
67 |
68 |
69 | def MakeNormalCall( return_type, func_name, params, counter_init = 0 ):
70 | counter = counter_init
71 | copy_of_params = params[:]
72 |
73 | for i in range( 0, len(params) ):
74 | (name, type, vecSize) = params[i]
75 | if apiutil.IsPointer(copy_of_params[i][1]):
76 | params[i] = ('NULL', type, vecSize)
77 | copy_of_params[i] = (copy_of_params[i][0], 'void', 0)
78 | if not "get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name):
79 | print '\tcrError( "%s needs to be special cased!" );' % func_name
80 | else:
81 | print "\t%s %s = %s;" % ( copy_of_params[i][1], name, ReadData( counter, copy_of_params[i][1] ) )
82 | counter += apiutil.sizeof(copy_of_params[i][1])
83 |
84 | if ("get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name)):
85 | FindReturnPointer( return_type, params )
86 | FindWritebackPointer( return_type, params )
87 |
88 | if return_type != "void":
89 | print "\t(void)",
90 | else:
91 | print "\t",
92 | print "cr_unpackDispatch.%s( %s );" % (func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString(params))
93 |
94 |
95 | def MakeVectorCall( return_type, func_name, arg_type ):
96 | """Convert a call like glVertex3f to glVertex3fv."""
97 | vec_func = apiutil.VectorFunction(func_name)
98 | params = apiutil.Parameters(vec_func)
99 | assert len(params) == 1
100 | (arg_name, vecType, vecSize) = params[0]
101 |
102 | if arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd":
103 | print "#ifdef CR_UNALIGNED_ACCESS_OKAY"
104 | print "\tcr_unpackDispatch.%s((%s) cr_unpackData);" % (vec_func, vecType)
105 | print "#else"
106 | for index in range(0, vecSize):
107 | print "\tGLdouble v" + `index` + " = READ_DOUBLE(", `index * 8`, ");"
108 | if return_type != "void":
109 | print "\t(void) cr_unpackDispatch.%s(" % func_name,
110 | else:
111 | print "\tcr_unpackDispatch.%s(" % func_name,
112 | for index in range(0, vecSize):
113 | print "v" + `index`,
114 | if index != vecSize - 1:
115 | print ",",
116 | print ");"
117 | print "#endif"
118 | else:
119 | print "\tcr_unpackDispatch.%s((%s) cr_unpackData);" % (vec_func, vecType)
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 | keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
124 |
125 |
126 | #
127 | # Generate unpack functions for all the simple functions.
128 | #
129 | for func_name in keys:
130 | if (not "pack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name) or
131 | apiutil.FindSpecial( "unpacker", func_name )):
132 | continue
133 |
134 | params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
135 | return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
136 |
137 | print "static void crUnpack%s(void)" % func_name
138 | print "{"
139 |
140 | vector_func = apiutil.VectorFunction(func_name)
141 | if (vector_func and len(apiutil.Parameters(vector_func)) == 1):
142 | MakeVectorCall( return_type, func_name, params[0][1] )
143 | else:
144 | MakeNormalCall( return_type, func_name, params )
145 | packet_length = apiutil.PacketLength( params )
146 | if packet_length == 0:
147 | print "\tINCR_DATA_PTR_NO_ARGS( );"
148 | else:
149 | print "\tINCR_DATA_PTR( %d );" % packet_length
150 | print "}\n"
151 |
152 |
153 | #
154 | # Emit some code
155 | #
156 | print """
157 | typedef struct __dispatchNode {
158 | const unsigned char *unpackData;
159 | struct __dispatchNode *next;
160 | } DispatchNode;
161 |
162 | static DispatchNode *unpackStack = NULL;
163 |
164 | static SPUDispatchTable *cr_lastDispatch = NULL;
165 |
166 | void crUnpackPush(void)
167 | {
168 | DispatchNode *node = (DispatchNode*)crAlloc( sizeof( *node ) );
169 | node->next = unpackStack;
170 | unpackStack = node;
171 | node->unpackData = cr_unpackData;
172 | }
173 |
174 | void crUnpackPop(void)
175 | {
176 | DispatchNode *node = unpackStack;
177 |
178 | if (!node)
179 | {
180 | crError( "crUnpackPop called with an empty stack!" );
181 | }
182 | unpackStack = node->next;
183 | cr_unpackData = node->unpackData;
184 | crFree( node );
185 | }
186 |
187 | void crUnpack( const void *data, const void *opcodes,
188 | unsigned int num_opcodes, SPUDispatchTable *table )
189 | {
190 | unsigned int i;
191 | const unsigned char *unpack_opcodes;
192 | if (table != cr_lastDispatch)
193 | {
194 | crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &cr_unpackDispatch, table );
195 | cr_lastDispatch = table;
196 | }
197 |
198 | unpack_opcodes = (const unsigned char *)opcodes;
199 | cr_unpackData = (const unsigned char *)data;
200 |
201 | for (i = 0 ; i < num_opcodes ; i++)
202 | {
203 | /*crDebug(\"Unpacking opcode \%d\", *unpack_opcodes);*/
204 | switch( *unpack_opcodes )
205 | {"""
206 |
207 | #
208 | # Emit switch cases for all unextended opcodes
209 | #
210 | for func_name in keys:
211 | if "pack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name):
212 | print '\t\t\tcase %s:' % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name )
213 | # print '\t\t\t\tcrDebug("Unpack: %s");' % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name )
214 | print '\t\t\t\tcrUnpack%s(); \n\t\t\t\tbreak;' % func_name
215 |
216 | print """
217 | case CR_EXTEND_OPCODE: crUnpackExtend(); break;
218 | default:
219 | crError( "Unknown opcode: %d", *unpack_opcodes );
220 | break;
221 | }
222 | unpack_opcodes--;
223 | }
224 | }"""
225 |
226 |
227 | #
228 | # Emit unpack functions for extended opcodes, non-special functions only.
229 | #
230 | for func_name in keys:
231 | if ("extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name)
232 | and not apiutil.FindSpecial("unpacker", func_name)):
233 | return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
234 | params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
235 | print 'static void crUnpackExtend%s(void)' % func_name
236 | print '{'
237 | MakeNormalCall( return_type, func_name, params, 8 )
238 | print '}\n'
239 |
240 | print 'static void crUnpackExtend(void)'
241 | print '{'
242 | print '\tGLenum extend_opcode = %s;' % ReadData( 4, 'GLenum' );
243 | print ''
244 | print '\t/*crDebug(\"Unpacking extended opcode \%d", extend_opcode);*/'
245 | print '\tswitch( extend_opcode )'
246 | print '\t{'
247 |
248 |
249 | #
250 | # Emit switch statement for extended opcodes
251 | #
252 | for func_name in keys:
253 | if "extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name):
254 | print '\t\tcase %s:' % apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName( func_name )
255 | # print '\t\t\t\tcrDebug("Unpack: %s");' % apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName( func_name )
256 | print '\t\t\tcrUnpackExtend%s( );' % func_name
257 | print '\t\t\tbreak;'
258 |
259 | print """ default:
260 | crError( "Unknown extended opcode: %d", (int) extend_opcode );
261 | break;
262 | }
263 | INCR_VAR_PTR();
264 | }"""