# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University # All rights reserved. # # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. import sys import apiutil apiutil.CopyrightC() print """/* DO NOT EDIT! THIS CODE IS AUTOGENERATED BY unpack.py */ #include "unpacker.h" #include "cr_opcodes.h" #include "cr_error.h" #include "cr_mem.h" #include "cr_spu.h" #include "unpack_extend.h" #include #include #include DECLEXPORT(const unsigned char *) cr_unpackData = NULL; SPUDispatchTable cr_unpackDispatch; static void crUnpackExtend(void); static void crUnpackExtendDbg(void); /*#define CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_OPCODES*/ /*#define CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_LAST_OPCODES*/ """ nodebug_opcodes = [ "CR_MULTITEXCOORD2FARB_OPCODE", "CR_VERTEX3F_OPCODE", "CR_NORMAL3F_OPCODE", "CR_COLOR4UB_OPCODE", "CR_LOADIDENTITY_OPCODE", "CR_MATRIXMODE_OPCODE", "CR_LOADMATRIXF_OPCODE", "CR_DISABLE_OPCODE", "CR_COLOR4F_OPCODE", "CR_ENABLE_OPCODE", "CR_BEGIN_OPCODE", "CR_END_OPCODE", "CR_SECONDARYCOLOR3FEXT_OPCODE" ] nodebug_extopcodes = [ "CR_ACTIVETEXTUREARB_EXTEND_OPCODE" ] # # Useful functions # def ReadData( offset, arg_type ): """Emit a READ_DOUBLE or READ_DATA call for pulling a GL function argument out of the buffer's operand area.""" if arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd": retval = "READ_DOUBLE( %d )" % offset else: retval = "READ_DATA( %d, %s )" % (offset, arg_type) return retval def FindReturnPointer( return_type, params ): """For GL functions that return values (either as the return value or through a pointer parameter) emit a SET_RETURN_PTR call.""" arg_len = apiutil.PacketLength( params ) if (return_type != 'void'): print '\tSET_RETURN_PTR( %d );' % (arg_len + 8) # extended opcode plus packet length else: paramList = [ ('foo', 'void *', 0) ] print '\tSET_RETURN_PTR( %d );' % (arg_len + 8 - apiutil.PacketLength(paramList)) def FindWritebackPointer( return_type, params ): """Emit a SET_WRITEBACK_PTR call.""" arg_len = apiutil.PacketLength( params ) if return_type != 'void': paramList = [ ('foo', 'void *', 0) ] arg_len += apiutil.PacketLength( paramList ) print '\tSET_WRITEBACK_PTR( %d );' % (arg_len + 8) # extended opcode plus packet length def MakeNormalCall( return_type, func_name, params, counter_init = 0 ): counter = counter_init copy_of_params = params[:] for i in range( 0, len(params) ): (name, type, vecSize) = params[i] if apiutil.IsPointer(copy_of_params[i][1]): params[i] = ('NULL', type, vecSize) copy_of_params[i] = (copy_of_params[i][0], 'void', 0) if not "get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name): print '\tcrError( "%s needs to be special cased!" );' % func_name else: print "\t%s %s = %s;" % ( copy_of_params[i][1], name, ReadData( counter, copy_of_params[i][1] ) ) counter += apiutil.sizeof(copy_of_params[i][1]) if ("get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name)): FindReturnPointer( return_type, params ) FindWritebackPointer( return_type, params ) if return_type != "void": print "\t(void)", else: print "\t", print "cr_unpackDispatch.%s( %s );" % (func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString(params)) def MakeVectorCall( return_type, func_name, arg_type ): """Convert a call like glVertex3f to glVertex3fv.""" vec_func = apiutil.VectorFunction(func_name) params = apiutil.Parameters(vec_func) assert len(params) == 1 (arg_name, vecType, vecSize) = params[0] if arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd": print "#ifdef CR_UNALIGNED_ACCESS_OKAY" print "\tcr_unpackDispatch.%s((%s) cr_unpackData);" % (vec_func, vecType) print "#else" for index in range(0, vecSize): print "\tGLdouble v" + `index` + " = READ_DOUBLE(", `index * 8`, ");" if return_type != "void": print "\t(void) cr_unpackDispatch.%s(" % func_name, else: print "\tcr_unpackDispatch.%s(" % func_name, for index in range(0, vecSize): print "v" + `index`, if index != vecSize - 1: print ",", print ");" print "#endif" else: print "\tcr_unpackDispatch.%s((%s) cr_unpackData);" % (vec_func, vecType) keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt") # # Generate unpack functions for all the simple functions. # for func_name in keys: if (not "pack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name) or apiutil.FindSpecial( "unpacker", func_name )): continue params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name) return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name) print "static void crUnpack%s(void)" % func_name print "{" vector_func = apiutil.VectorFunction(func_name) if (vector_func and len(apiutil.Parameters(vector_func)) == 1): MakeVectorCall( return_type, func_name, params[0][1] ) else: MakeNormalCall( return_type, func_name, params ) packet_length = apiutil.PacketLength( params ) if packet_length == 0: print "\tINCR_DATA_PTR_NO_ARGS( );" else: print "\tINCR_DATA_PTR( %d );" % packet_length print "}\n" # # Emit some code # print """ typedef struct __dispatchNode { const unsigned char *unpackData; struct __dispatchNode *next; } DispatchNode; static DispatchNode *unpackStack = NULL; static SPUDispatchTable *cr_lastDispatch = NULL; void crUnpackPush(void) { DispatchNode *node = (DispatchNode*)crAlloc( sizeof( *node ) ); node->next = unpackStack; unpackStack = node; node->unpackData = cr_unpackData; } void crUnpackPop(void) { DispatchNode *node = unpackStack; if (!node) { crError( "crUnpackPop called with an empty stack!" ); } unpackStack = node->next; cr_unpackData = node->unpackData; crFree( node ); } CR_UNPACK_BUFFER_TYPE crUnpackGetBufferType(const void *opcodes, unsigned int num_opcodes) { const uint8_t *pu8Codes = (const uint8_t *)opcodes; uint8_t first; uint8_t last; if (!num_opcodes) return CR_UNPACK_BUFFER_TYPE_GENERIC; first = pu8Codes[0]; last = pu8Codes[1-(int)num_opcodes]; switch (last) { case CR_CMDBLOCKFLUSH_OPCODE: return CR_UNPACK_BUFFER_TYPE_CMDBLOCK_FLUSH; case CR_CMDBLOCKEND_OPCODE: return (first == CR_CMDBLOCKBEGIN_OPCODE) ? CR_UNPACK_BUFFER_TYPE_GENERIC : CR_UNPACK_BUFFER_TYPE_CMDBLOCK_END; default: return (first != CR_CMDBLOCKBEGIN_OPCODE) ? CR_UNPACK_BUFFER_TYPE_GENERIC : CR_UNPACK_BUFFER_TYPE_CMDBLOCK_BEGIN; } } void crUnpack( const void *data, const void *opcodes, unsigned int num_opcodes, SPUDispatchTable *table ) { unsigned int i; const unsigned char *unpack_opcodes; if (table != cr_lastDispatch) { crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &cr_unpackDispatch, table ); cr_lastDispatch = table; } unpack_opcodes = (const unsigned char *)opcodes; cr_unpackData = (const unsigned char *)data; #if defined(CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_OPCODES) || defined(CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_LAST_OPCODES) crDebug("crUnpack: %d opcodes", num_opcodes); #endif for (i = 0 ; i < num_opcodes ; i++) { CRDBGPTR_CHECKZ(writeback_ptr); CRDBGPTR_CHECKZ(return_ptr); /*crDebug(\"Unpacking opcode \%d\", *unpack_opcodes);*/ switch( *unpack_opcodes ) {""" # # Emit switch cases for all unextended opcodes # for func_name in keys: if "pack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name): print '\t\t\tcase %s:' % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name ) if not apiutil.OpcodeName(func_name) in nodebug_opcodes: print """ #ifdef CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_LAST_OPCODES if (i==(num_opcodes-1)) #endif #if defined(CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_OPCODES) || defined(CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_LAST_OPCODES) crDebug("Unpack: %s"); #endif """ % apiutil.OpcodeName(func_name) print '\t\t\t\tcrUnpack%s(); \n\t\t\t\tbreak;' % func_name print """ case CR_EXTEND_OPCODE: #ifdef CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_OPCODES crUnpackExtendDbg(); #else # ifdef CR_UNPACK_DEBUG_LAST_OPCODES if (i==(num_opcodes-1)) crUnpackExtendDbg(); else # endif crUnpackExtend(); #endif break; case CR_CMDBLOCKBEGIN_OPCODE: case CR_CMDBLOCKEND_OPCODE: case CR_CMDBLOCKFLUSH_OPCODE: case CR_NOP_OPCODE: INCR_DATA_PTR_NO_ARGS( ); break; default: crError( "Unknown opcode: %d", *unpack_opcodes ); break; } CRDBGPTR_CHECKZ(writeback_ptr); CRDBGPTR_CHECKZ(return_ptr); unpack_opcodes--; } }""" # # Emit unpack functions for extended opcodes, non-special functions only. # for func_name in keys: if ("extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name) and not apiutil.FindSpecial("unpacker", func_name)): return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name) params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name) print 'static void crUnpackExtend%s(void)' % func_name print '{' MakeNormalCall( return_type, func_name, params, 8 ) print '}\n' print 'static void crUnpackExtend(void)' print '{' print '\tGLenum extend_opcode = %s;' % ReadData( 4, 'GLenum' ); print '' print '\t/*crDebug(\"Unpacking extended opcode \%d", extend_opcode);*/' print '\tswitch( extend_opcode )' print '\t{' # # Emit switch statement for extended opcodes # for func_name in keys: if "extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name): print '\t\tcase %s:' % apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName( func_name ) # print '\t\t\t\tcrDebug("Unpack: %s");' % apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName( func_name ) print '\t\t\tcrUnpackExtend%s( );' % func_name print '\t\t\tbreak;' print """ default: crError( "Unknown extended opcode: %d", (int) extend_opcode ); break; } INCR_VAR_PTR(); }""" print 'static void crUnpackExtendDbg(void)' print '{' print '\tGLenum extend_opcode = %s;' % ReadData( 4, 'GLenum' ); print '' print '\t/*crDebug(\"Unpacking extended opcode \%d", extend_opcode);*/' print '\tswitch( extend_opcode )' print '\t{' # # Emit switch statement for extended opcodes # for func_name in keys: if "extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name): print '\t\tcase %s:' % apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName( func_name ) if not apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName(func_name) in nodebug_extopcodes: print '\t\t\tcrDebug("Unpack: %s");' % apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName( func_name ) print '\t\t\tcrUnpackExtend%s( );' % func_name print '\t\t\tbreak;' print """ default: crError( "Unknown extended opcode: %d", (int) extend_opcode ); break; } INCR_VAR_PTR(); }"""