1 | # Oracle VM VirtualBox
2 | # VirtualBox installer shell routines
3 | #
4 |
5 | # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Oracle Corporation
6 | #
7 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
8 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
9 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
10 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
11 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
12 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
13 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
14 | #
15 |
16 | setup_normal_input_install_udev() {
17 | # The udev rule setup functions contain some aliases which are used for unit
18 | # testing purposes. This function sets up the aliases to point to the real
19 | # commands for "normal" use.
20 | eval 'my_which() { which "$@" ; }'
21 | eval 'my_test() { test "$@" ; }'
22 | eval 'my_rm() { rm "$@" ; }'
23 | }
24 |
25 | # Needs to be done before the udev setup functions are called "normally" (i.e.
26 | # not in a unit testing context). Will be overridden later in a unit test.
27 | setup_normal_input_install_udev
28 |
29 | setup_test_input_install_udev() {
30 | # Set up unit testing environment for the "install_udev" function below.
31 | TEST_NAME="$1" # used to identify the current test
32 | TEST_UDEV_VERSION="$2" # udev version to simulate
33 | eval 'my_which() { echo test_udev ; }'
34 | eval 'my_test() { true ; }'
35 | eval 'my_rm() { case "$2" in "/etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules") true ;; *) echo "rm: bad file name \"$2\"!"; false ;; esac ; }'
36 | eval 'test_udev() { echo "$TEST_UDEV_VERSION" ; }'
38 | }
39 |
40 | cleanup_test_input_install_udev() {
41 | # Clean up after unit testing install_udev for a given input
42 | setup_normal_input_install_udev
43 | unset test_udev
45 | }
46 |
47 | udev_write_vboxdrv() {
48 | VBOXDRV_GRP="$1"
49 | VBOXDRV_MODE="$2"
50 |
51 | echo "KERNEL==\"vboxdrv\", NAME=\"vboxdrv\", OWNER=\"root\", GROUP=\"$VBOXDRV_GRP\", MODE=\"$VBOXDRV_MODE\""
52 | }
53 |
54 | udev_write_usb() {
56 | USB_GROUP="$2"
57 |
58 | echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb_device\", ACTION==\"add\", RUN+=\"$INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh \$major \$minor \$attr{bDeviceClass}${USB_GROUP}\""
59 | echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ACTION==\"add\", ENV{DEVTYPE}==\"usb_device\", RUN+=\"$INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh \$major \$minor \$attr{bDeviceClass}${USB_GROUP}\""
60 | echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb_device\", ACTION==\"remove\", RUN+=\"$INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh --remove \$major \$minor\""
61 | echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ACTION==\"remove\", ENV{DEVTYPE}==\"usb_device\", RUN+=\"$INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh --remove \$major \$minor\""
62 | }
63 |
64 | install_udev() {
65 | # install udev rule (disable with INSTALL_NO_UDEV=1 in /etc/default/virtualbox) for distribution packages
66 | VBOXDRV_GRP="$1" # The group owning the vboxdrv device
67 | VBOXDRV_MODE="$2" # The access mode for the vboxdrv device
68 | INSTALLATION_DIR="$3" # The directory VirtualBox is installed in
69 | USB_GROUP="$4" # The group that has permission to access USB devices
70 | NO_INSTALL="$5" # Set this to "1" to remove but not re-install rules
71 |
72 | # Extra space!
73 | case "$USB_GROUP" in ?*) USB_GROUP=" $USB_GROUP" ;; esac
74 | case "$NO_INSTALL" in
75 | "1") ;;
76 | *)
77 | if my_test -d /etc/udev/rules.d; then
78 | udev_call=""
79 | udev_app=`my_which udevadm 2> /dev/null`
80 | if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
81 | udev_call="${udev_app} version 2> /dev/null"
82 | else
83 | udev_app=`my_which udevinfo 2> /dev/null`
84 | if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
85 | udev_call="${udev_app} -V 2> /dev/null"
86 | fi
87 | fi
88 | udev_fix=""
89 | if [ "${udev_call}" != "" ]; then
90 | udev_out=`${udev_call}`
91 | udev_ver=`expr "$udev_out" : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)'`
92 | if [ "$udev_ver" = "" -o "$udev_ver" -lt 55 ]; then
93 | udev_fix="1"
94 | fi
95 | udev_do_usb=""
96 | if [ "$udev_ver" -ge 59 ]; then
97 | udev_do_usb="1"
98 | fi
99 | fi
100 | case "$udev_fix" in
101 | "1")
102 | udev_write_vboxdrv "$VBOXDRV_GRP" "$VBOXDRV_MODE" |
103 | sed 's/\([^+=]*\)[+=]*\([^"]*"[^"]*"\)/\1=\2/g'
104 | ;;
105 | *)
106 | udev_write_vboxdrv "$VBOXDRV_GRP" "$VBOXDRV_MODE"
107 | case "$udev_do_usb" in "1")
108 | udev_write_usb "$INSTALLATION_DIR" "$USB_GROUP" ;;
109 | esac
110 | ;;
111 | esac
112 |
113 | fi
114 | ;;
115 | esac
116 | # Remove old udev description file
117 | if my_test -f /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules; then
118 | my_rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules 2> /dev/null
119 | fi
120 | }
121 |
122 | setup_normal_input_install_create_usb_node() {
123 | # install_create_usb_node_for_sysfs contain some aliases for unit testing
124 | # purposes. This function sets up the aliases to point to the real
125 | # commands for "normal" use.
126 | eval 'my_test() { test "$@" ; }'
127 | eval 'my_cat() { cat "$@" ; }'
128 | eval 'my_sh() { sh "$@" ; }'
129 | }
130 |
131 | # Assume we will be calling the function normally, not for unit testing
132 | setup_normal_input_install_create_usb_node
133 |
134 | # Add a unit test here if/when needed following the same pattern as
135 | # setup_test_input_install_udev.
136 |
137 | install_create_usb_node_for_sysfs() {
138 | # Create a usb device node for a given sysfs path
139 | path="$1" # sysfs path for the device
140 | usb_createnode="$2" # Path to the USB device node creation script
141 | usb_group="$3" # The group to give ownership of the node to
142 | if my_test -r "${path}/dev"; then
143 | dev="`my_cat "${path}/dev" 2> /dev/null`"
144 | major="`expr "$dev" : '\(.*\):' 2> /dev/null`"
145 | minor="`expr "$dev" : '.*:\(.*\)' 2> /dev/null`"
146 | class="`my_cat ${path}/bDeviceClass 2> /dev/null`"
147 | my_sh "${usb_createnode}" "$major" "$minor" "$class" "${usb_group}" \
148 | 2>/dev/null
149 | fi
150 | }
151 |
152 | setup_normal_input_install_device_node_setup() {
153 | # install_device_node_setup contain some aliases for unit testing
154 | # purposes. This function sets up the aliases to point to the real
155 | # values for "normal" use.
156 | udev_rule_file=/etc/udev/rules.d/10-vboxdrv.rules # Set this to /dev/null
157 | # for unit testing
158 | sysfs_usb_devices="/sys/bus/usb/devices/*"
159 | eval 'do_install_udev() { install_udev "$@"; }'
160 | eval 'do_install_create_usb_node_for_sysfs() { \
161 | install_create_usb_node_for_sysfs "$@" ; }'
162 | }
163 |
164 | # Assume we will be calling the function normally, not for unit testing
165 | setup_normal_input_install_device_node_setup
166 |
167 | setup_test_input_install_device_node_setup() {
168 | # Set up unit testing environment for the "install_udev" function below.
169 | test_drv_grp="$1" # The expected vboxdrv group
170 | test_drv_mode="$2" # The expected vboxdrv mode
171 | test_inst_dir="$3" # The expected installation directory
172 | test_usb_grp="$4" # The expected USB node group
173 | udev_rule_file=/dev/null
174 | sysfs_usb_devices=test_sysfs_path
175 | eval 'do_install_udev() { test "$1" = "${test_drv_grp}" \
176 | -a "$2" = "${test_drv_mode}" \
177 | -a "$3" = "${test_inst_dir}" \
178 | -a "$4" = "${test_usb_grp}" \
179 | -a "$5" = "${INSTALL_NO_UDEV}" \
180 | || echo "do_install_udev: bad parameters: $@" >&2 ; }'
181 | eval 'do_install_create_usb_node_for_sysfs() { \
182 | test "$1" = "${sysfs_usb_devices}" \
183 | -a "$2" = "${test_inst_dir}/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh" \
184 | -a "$3" = "${test_usb_grp}" \
185 | || echo "do_install_create_usb_node_for_sysfs: \
186 | bad parameters: $@" >&2 ; }'
187 | }
188 |
189 | cleanup_test_input_install_device_node_setup() {
190 | # Clean up unit testing environment for the "install_udev" function below.
191 | # Nothing to do.
192 | true
193 | }
194 |
195 | install_device_node_setup() {
196 | # Install udev rules and create device nodes for usb access
197 | VBOXDRV_GRP="$1" # The group that should own /dev/vboxdrv
198 | VBOXDRV_MODE="$2" # The mode to be used for /dev/vboxdrv
199 | INSTALLATION_DIR="$3" # The directory VirtualBox is installed in
200 | USB_GROUP="$4" # The group that should own the /dev/vboxusb device
201 | # nodes unless INSTALL_NO_GROUP=1 in
202 | # /etc/default/virtualbox. Optional.
203 | usb_createnode="$INSTALLATION_DIR/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh"
204 | # install udev rule (disable with INSTALL_NO_UDEV=1 in
205 | # /etc/default/virtualbox)
206 | if [ "$INSTALL_NO_GROUP" != "1" ]; then
207 | usb_group=$USB_GROUP
208 | vboxdrv_group=$VBOXDRV_GRP
209 | else
210 | usb_group=root
211 | vboxdrv_group=root
212 | fi
213 | do_install_udev "${vboxdrv_group}" "$VBOXDRV_MODE" "$INSTALLATION_DIR" \
214 | "${usb_group}" "$INSTALL_NO_UDEV" > ${udev_rule_file}
215 | # Build our device tree
216 | for i in ${sysfs_usb_devices}; do # This line intentionally without quotes.
217 | do_install_create_usb_node_for_sysfs "$i" "${usb_createnode}" \
218 | "${usb_group}"
219 | done
220 | }