1 | @echo off
2 | rem $Id: UnpackBlessedDrivers.cmd 72049 2018-04-27 08:38:20Z vboxsync $
3 | rem rem @file
4 | rem Windows NT batch script for unpacking drivers after being signed.
5 | rem
6 |
7 | rem
8 | rem Copyright (C) 2018 Oracle Corporation
9 | rem
10 | rem This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | rem available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | rem you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | rem General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | rem Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | rem VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | rem hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | rem
18 |
19 |
21 | setlocal
22 |
23 | rem
24 | rem Globals and Check for environment variables we need.
25 | rem
26 | if ".%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%" == "." (echo KBUILD_DEVTOOLS is not set & goto end_failed)
27 | set _MY_DRIVER_BASE_NAMES=VBoxDrv VBoxNetAdp6 VBoxNetLwf VBoxUSB VBoxUSBMon
28 | set _MY_DRIVER_BASE_NAMES=VBoxDrv VBoxNetAdp6 VBoxNetLwf VBoxUSB VBoxUSBMon
29 | set _MY_UNZIP=%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\bin\unzip.exe
30 | if not exist "%_MY_UNZIP%" (echo "%_MY_UNZIP%" does not exist & goto end_failed)
31 |
32 | rem
33 | rem Parse arguments.
34 | rem
35 | set _MY_OPT_BINDIR=..\bin
36 | set _MY_OPT_INPUT=
37 | set _MY_OPT_SIGN_CAT=1
38 |
39 | :argument_loop
40 | if ".%1" == "." goto no_more_arguments
41 |
42 | if ".%1" == ".-h" goto opt_h
43 | if ".%1" == ".-?" goto opt_h
44 | if ".%1" == "./h" goto opt_h
45 | if ".%1" == "./H" goto opt_h
46 | if ".%1" == "./?" goto opt_h
47 | if ".%1" == ".-help" goto opt_h
48 | if ".%1" == ".--help" goto opt_h
49 |
50 | if ".%1" == ".-b" goto opt_b
51 | if ".%1" == ".--bindir" goto opt_b
52 | if ".%1" == ".-i" goto opt_i
53 | if ".%1" == ".--input" goto opt_i
54 | if ".%1" == ".-n" goto opt_n
55 | if ".%1" == ".--no-sign-cat" goto opt_n
56 | echo syntax error: Unknown option: %1
57 | echo Try --help to list valid options.
58 | goto end_failed
59 |
60 | :argument_loop_next_with_value
61 | shift
62 | shift
63 | goto argument_loop
64 |
65 | :opt_b
66 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
67 | set _MY_OPT_BINDIR=%~2
68 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
69 |
70 | :opt_h
71 | echo This script unpacks the zip-file containing the blessed driver files from
72 | echo Microsoft, replacing original files in the bin directory. The catalog files
73 | echo will be signed again and the Microsoft signature merged with ours.
74 | echo .
75 | echo Usage: UnpackBlessedDrivers.cmd [-b bindir] [-n/--no-sign-cat] -i input.zip
76 | echo .
77 | echo Warning! This script should normally be invoked from the repack directory
78 | goto end_failed
79 |
80 | :opt_i
81 | if ".%~2" == "." goto syntax_error_missing_value
82 | set _MY_OPT_INPUT=%~2
83 | goto argument_loop_next_with_value
84 |
85 | :opt_n
86 | set _MY_OPT_SIGN_CAT=0
87 | shift
88 | goto argument_loop
89 |
90 | :syntax_error_missing_value
91 | echo syntax error: missing or empty option value after %1
92 | goto end_failed
93 |
94 | :error_bindir_does_not_exist
95 | echo syntax error: Specified BIN directory does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%"
96 | goto end_failed
97 |
98 | :error_input_not_found
99 | echo error: Input file does not exist: "%_MY_OPT_INPUT%"
100 | goto end_failed
101 |
102 | :no_more_arguments
103 | rem validate specified options
104 | if not exist "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%" goto error_bindir_does_not_exist
105 |
106 | rem figure defaults here: if ".%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" == "." if exist "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\x86" set _MY_OPT_INPUT=VBoxDrivers-amd64.cab
107 | rem figure defaults here: if ".%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" == "." set _MY_OPT_INPUT=VBoxDrivers-x86.cab
108 | if not exist "%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" goto error_input_not_found
109 |
110 | rem
111 | rem Unpack the stuff.
112 | rem We ignore error level 1 here as that is what unzip returns on warning (slashes).
113 | rem
114 | "%_MY_UNZIP%" -o -j "%_MY_OPT_INPUT%" -d "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%" && goto unzip_okay
115 | if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto end_failed
116 | :unzip_okay
117 |
118 | rem
119 | rem Verify it against the PreW10 catalog files we saved.
120 | rem
121 | set _MY_SIGNTOOL=%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\sdk\v8.1\bin\x86\signtool.exe
122 | if not exist "%_MY_SIGNTOOL%" set _MY_SIGNTOOL=%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\selfsign\r3\signtool.exe
123 |
124 | for %%d in (%_MY_DRIVER_BASE_NAMES%) do (
125 | @echo * Verifying %%d against %%d.cat...
126 | "%_MY_SIGNTOOL%" verify /kp /c "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.cat" "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.inf" || goto end_failed
127 | "%_MY_SIGNTOOL%" verify /kp /c "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.cat" "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.sys" || goto end_failed
128 | @echo * Verifying %%d against %%d-PreW10.cat...
129 | "%_MY_SIGNTOOL%" verify /kp /c "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d-PreW10.cat" "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.inf" || goto end_failed
130 | "%_MY_SIGNTOOL%" verify /kp /c "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d-PreW10.cat" "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.sys" || goto end_failed
131 | )
132 |
133 |
134 | rem
135 | rem Modify the catalog signatures.
136 | rem
137 | if "%_MY_OPT_SIGN_CAT%" == "0" goto no_sign_cat
138 | for %%d in (%_MY_DRIVER_BASE_NAMES%) do (
139 | copy /y "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.cat" "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.cat.ms" || goto end_failed
140 | call sign-dual.cmd "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.cat" || goto end_failed
141 | "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\tools\RTSignTool.exe" add-nested-exe-signature -v "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.cat" "%_MY_OPT_BINDIR%\%%d.cat.ms" || goto end_failed
142 | )
143 | :no_sign_cat
144 | goto end
145 |
146 | :end_failed
147 | @echo failed (%ERRORLEVEL%)
148 | @endlocal
149 | @endlocal
150 | @exit /b 1
151 |
152 | :end
153 | @endlocal
154 | @endlocal
155 |