1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VBox Console COM Class implementation
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
18 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
19 | * additional information or have any questions.
20 | */
21 |
22 | #include <iprt/types.h> /* for stdint.h constants */
23 |
24 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
25 | #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX)
26 | # include <errno.h>
27 | # include <sys/ioctl.h>
28 | # include <sys/poll.h>
29 | # include <sys/fcntl.h>
30 | # include <sys/types.h>
31 | # include <sys/wait.h>
32 | # include <net/if.h>
33 | # include <linux/if_tun.h>
34 | # include <stdio.h>
35 | # include <stdlib.h>
36 | # include <string.h>
38 | # include <sys/wait.h>
39 | # include <sys/fcntl.h>
40 | #endif
41 |
42 | #include "ConsoleImpl.h"
43 | #include "GuestImpl.h"
44 | #include "KeyboardImpl.h"
45 | #include "MouseImpl.h"
46 | #include "DisplayImpl.h"
47 | #include "MachineDebuggerImpl.h"
48 | #include "USBDeviceImpl.h"
49 | #include "RemoteUSBDeviceImpl.h"
50 | #include "SharedFolderImpl.h"
51 | #include "AudioSnifferInterface.h"
52 | #include "ConsoleVRDPServer.h"
53 | #include "VMMDev.h"
54 | #include "Version.h"
55 |
56 | // generated header
57 | #include "SchemaDefs.h"
58 |
59 | #include "Logging.h"
60 |
61 | #include <iprt/string.h>
62 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
63 | #include <iprt/file.h>
64 | #include <iprt/path.h>
65 | #include <iprt/dir.h>
66 | #include <iprt/process.h>
67 | #include <iprt/ldr.h>
68 | #include <iprt/cpputils.h>
69 |
70 | #include <VBox/vmapi.h>
71 | #include <VBox/err.h>
72 | #include <VBox/param.h>
73 | #include <VBox/vusb.h>
74 | #include <VBox/mm.h>
75 | #include <VBox/ssm.h>
76 | #include <VBox/version.h>
77 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB
78 | # include <VBox/pdmusb.h>
79 | #endif
80 |
81 | #include <VBox/VBoxDev.h>
82 |
83 | #include <VBox/HostServices/VBoxClipboardSvc.h>
84 |
85 | #include <set>
86 | #include <algorithm>
87 | #include <memory> // for auto_ptr
88 |
89 |
90 | // VMTask and friends
91 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * Task structure for asynchronous VM operations.
95 | *
96 | * Once created, the task structure adds itself as a Console caller.
97 | * This means:
98 | *
99 | * 1. The user must check for #rc() before using the created structure
100 | * (e.g. passing it as a thread function argument). If #rc() returns a
101 | * failure, the Console object may not be used by the task (see
102 | Console::addCaller() for more details).
103 | * 2. On successful initialization, the structure keeps the Console caller
104 | * until destruction (to ensure Console remains in the Ready state and won't
105 | * be accidentially uninitialized). Forgetting to delete the created task
106 | * will lead to Console::uninit() stuck waiting for releasing all added
107 | * callers.
108 | *
109 | * If \a aUsesVMPtr parameter is true, the task structure will also add itself
110 | * as a Console::mpVM caller with the same meaning as above. See
111 | * Console::addVMCaller() for more info.
112 | */
113 | struct VMTask
114 | {
115 | VMTask (Console *aConsole, bool aUsesVMPtr)
116 | : mConsole (aConsole), mCallerAdded (false), mVMCallerAdded (false)
117 | {
118 | AssertReturnVoid (aConsole);
119 | mRC = aConsole->addCaller();
120 | if (SUCCEEDED (mRC))
121 | {
122 | mCallerAdded = true;
123 | if (aUsesVMPtr)
124 | {
125 | mRC = aConsole->addVMCaller();
126 | if (SUCCEEDED (mRC))
127 | mVMCallerAdded = true;
128 | }
129 | }
130 | }
131 |
132 | ~VMTask()
133 | {
134 | if (mVMCallerAdded)
135 | mConsole->releaseVMCaller();
136 | if (mCallerAdded)
137 | mConsole->releaseCaller();
138 | }
139 |
140 | HRESULT rc() const { return mRC; }
141 | bool isOk() const { return SUCCEEDED (rc()); }
142 |
143 | /** Releases the Console caller before destruction. Not normally necessary. */
144 | void releaseCaller()
145 | {
146 | AssertReturnVoid (mCallerAdded);
147 | mConsole->releaseCaller();
148 | mCallerAdded = false;
149 | }
150 |
151 | /** Releases the VM caller before destruction. Not normally necessary. */
152 | void releaseVMCaller()
153 | {
154 | AssertReturnVoid (mVMCallerAdded);
155 | mConsole->releaseVMCaller();
156 | mVMCallerAdded = false;
157 | }
158 |
159 | const ComObjPtr <Console> mConsole;
160 |
161 | private:
162 |
163 | HRESULT mRC;
164 | bool mCallerAdded : 1;
165 | bool mVMCallerAdded : 1;
166 | };
167 |
168 | struct VMProgressTask : public VMTask
169 | {
170 | VMProgressTask (Console *aConsole, Progress *aProgress, bool aUsesVMPtr)
171 | : VMTask (aConsole, aUsesVMPtr), mProgress (aProgress) {}
172 |
173 | const ComObjPtr <Progress> mProgress;
174 |
175 | Utf8Str mErrorMsg;
176 | };
177 |
178 | struct VMPowerUpTask : public VMProgressTask
179 | {
180 | VMPowerUpTask (Console *aConsole, Progress *aProgress)
181 | : VMProgressTask (aConsole, aProgress, false /* aUsesVMPtr */)
182 | , mSetVMErrorCallback (NULL), mConfigConstructor (NULL) {}
183 |
184 | PFNVMATERROR mSetVMErrorCallback;
185 | PFNCFGMCONSTRUCTOR mConfigConstructor;
186 | Utf8Str mSavedStateFile;
187 | Console::SharedFolderDataMap mSharedFolders;
188 | };
189 |
190 | struct VMSaveTask : public VMProgressTask
191 | {
192 | VMSaveTask (Console *aConsole, Progress *aProgress)
193 | : VMProgressTask (aConsole, aProgress, true /* aUsesVMPtr */)
194 | , mIsSnapshot (false)
195 | , mLastMachineState (MachineState_Null) {}
196 |
197 | bool mIsSnapshot;
198 | Utf8Str mSavedStateFile;
199 | MachineState_T mLastMachineState;
200 | ComPtr <IProgress> mServerProgress;
201 | };
202 |
203 |
204 | // constructor / desctructor
205 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
206 |
207 | Console::Console()
208 | : mSavedStateDataLoaded (false)
209 | , mConsoleVRDPServer (NULL)
210 | , mpVM (NULL)
211 | , mVMCallers (0)
212 | , mVMZeroCallersSem (NIL_RTSEMEVENT)
213 | , mVMDestroying (false)
214 | , meDVDState (DriveState_NotMounted)
215 | , meFloppyState (DriveState_NotMounted)
216 | , mVMMDev (NULL)
217 | , mAudioSniffer (NULL)
218 | , mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled (false)
219 | , mMachineState (MachineState_PoweredOff)
220 | {}
221 |
222 | Console::~Console()
223 | {}
224 |
225 | HRESULT Console::FinalConstruct()
226 | {
227 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
228 |
229 | memset(mapFDLeds, 0, sizeof(mapFDLeds));
230 | memset(mapIDELeds, 0, sizeof(mapIDELeds));
231 | memset(mapSATALeds, 0, sizeof(mapSATALeds));
232 | memset(mapNetworkLeds, 0, sizeof(mapNetworkLeds));
233 | memset(&mapUSBLed, 0, sizeof(mapUSBLed));
234 | memset(&mapSharedFolderLed, 0, sizeof(mapSharedFolderLed));
235 |
237 | Assert(ELEMENTS(maTapFD) == ELEMENTS(maTAPDeviceName));
238 | Assert(ELEMENTS(maTapFD) >= SchemaDefs::NetworkAdapterCount);
239 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(maTapFD); i++)
240 | {
241 | maTapFD[i] = NIL_RTFILE;
242 | maTAPDeviceName[i] = "";
243 | }
244 | #endif
245 |
246 | return S_OK;
247 | }
248 |
249 | void Console::FinalRelease()
250 | {
251 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
252 |
253 | uninit();
254 | }
255 |
256 | // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only
257 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
258 |
259 | HRESULT Console::init (IMachine *aMachine, IInternalMachineControl *aControl)
260 | {
261 | AssertReturn (aMachine && aControl, E_INVALIDARG);
262 |
263 | /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */
264 | AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan (this);
265 | AssertReturn (autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_UNEXPECTED);
266 |
267 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
268 | LogFlowThisFunc(("aMachine=%p, aControl=%p\n", aMachine, aControl));
269 |
270 | HRESULT rc = E_FAIL;
271 |
272 | unconst (mMachine) = aMachine;
273 | unconst (mControl) = aControl;
274 |
275 | memset (&mCallbackData, 0, sizeof (mCallbackData));
276 |
277 | /* Cache essential properties and objects */
278 |
279 | rc = mMachine->COMGETTER(State) (&mMachineState);
280 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
281 |
282 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
283 | rc = mMachine->COMGETTER(VRDPServer) (unconst (mVRDPServer).asOutParam());
284 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
285 | #endif
286 |
287 | rc = mMachine->COMGETTER(DVDDrive) (unconst (mDVDDrive).asOutParam());
288 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
289 |
290 | rc = mMachine->COMGETTER(FloppyDrive) (unconst (mFloppyDrive).asOutParam());
291 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
292 |
293 | /* Create associated child COM objects */
294 |
295 | unconst (mGuest).createObject();
296 | rc = mGuest->init (this);
297 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
298 |
299 | unconst (mKeyboard).createObject();
300 | rc = mKeyboard->init (this);
301 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
302 |
303 | unconst (mMouse).createObject();
304 | rc = mMouse->init (this);
305 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
306 |
307 | unconst (mDisplay).createObject();
308 | rc = mDisplay->init (this);
309 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
310 |
311 | unconst (mRemoteDisplayInfo).createObject();
312 | rc = mRemoteDisplayInfo->init (this);
313 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
314 |
315 | /* Grab global and machine shared folder lists */
316 |
317 | rc = fetchSharedFolders (true /* aGlobal */);
318 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
319 | rc = fetchSharedFolders (false /* aGlobal */);
320 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
321 |
322 | /* Create other child objects */
323 |
324 | unconst (mConsoleVRDPServer) = new ConsoleVRDPServer (this);
325 | AssertReturn (mConsoleVRDPServer, E_FAIL);
326 |
327 | mcAudioRefs = 0;
328 | mcVRDPClients = 0;
329 |
330 | unconst (mVMMDev) = new VMMDev(this);
331 | AssertReturn (mVMMDev, E_FAIL);
332 |
333 | unconst (mAudioSniffer) = new AudioSniffer(this);
334 | AssertReturn (mAudioSniffer, E_FAIL);
335 |
336 | /* Confirm a successful initialization when it's the case */
337 | autoInitSpan.setSucceeded();
338 |
339 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
340 |
341 | return S_OK;
342 | }
343 |
344 | /**
345 | * Uninitializes the Console object.
346 | */
347 | void Console::uninit()
348 | {
349 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
350 |
351 | /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady */
352 | AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan (this);
353 | if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone())
354 | {
355 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Already uninitialized.\n"));
356 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
357 | return;
358 | }
359 |
360 | LogFlowThisFunc (("initFailed()=%d\n", autoUninitSpan.initFailed()));
361 |
362 | /*
363 | * Uninit all children that ise addDependentChild()/removeDependentChild()
364 | * in their init()/uninit() methods.
365 | */
366 | uninitDependentChildren();
367 |
368 | /* power down the VM if necessary */
369 | if (mpVM)
370 | {
371 | powerDown();
372 | Assert (mpVM == NULL);
373 | }
374 |
375 | if (mVMZeroCallersSem != NIL_RTSEMEVENT)
376 | {
377 | RTSemEventDestroy (mVMZeroCallersSem);
378 | mVMZeroCallersSem = NIL_RTSEMEVENT;
379 | }
380 |
381 | if (mAudioSniffer)
382 | {
383 | delete mAudioSniffer;
384 | unconst (mAudioSniffer) = NULL;
385 | }
386 |
387 | if (mVMMDev)
388 | {
389 | delete mVMMDev;
390 | unconst (mVMMDev) = NULL;
391 | }
392 |
393 | mGlobalSharedFolders.clear();
394 | mMachineSharedFolders.clear();
395 |
396 | mSharedFolders.clear();
397 | mRemoteUSBDevices.clear();
398 | mUSBDevices.clear();
399 |
400 | if (mRemoteDisplayInfo)
401 | {
402 | mRemoteDisplayInfo->uninit();
403 | unconst (mRemoteDisplayInfo).setNull();;
404 | }
405 |
406 | if (mDebugger)
407 | {
408 | mDebugger->uninit();
409 | unconst (mDebugger).setNull();
410 | }
411 |
412 | if (mDisplay)
413 | {
414 | mDisplay->uninit();
415 | unconst (mDisplay).setNull();
416 | }
417 |
418 | if (mMouse)
419 | {
420 | mMouse->uninit();
421 | unconst (mMouse).setNull();
422 | }
423 |
424 | if (mKeyboard)
425 | {
426 | mKeyboard->uninit();
427 | unconst (mKeyboard).setNull();;
428 | }
429 |
430 | if (mGuest)
431 | {
432 | mGuest->uninit();
433 | unconst (mGuest).setNull();;
434 | }
435 |
436 | if (mConsoleVRDPServer)
437 | {
438 | delete mConsoleVRDPServer;
439 | unconst (mConsoleVRDPServer) = NULL;
440 | }
441 |
442 | unconst (mFloppyDrive).setNull();
443 | unconst (mDVDDrive).setNull();
444 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
445 | unconst (mVRDPServer).setNull();
446 | #endif
447 |
448 | unconst (mControl).setNull();
449 | unconst (mMachine).setNull();
450 |
451 | /* Release all callbacks. Do this after uninitializing the components,
452 | * as some of them are well-behaved and unregister their callbacks.
453 | * These would trigger error messages complaining about trying to
454 | * unregister a non-registered callback. */
455 | mCallbacks.clear();
456 |
457 | /* dynamically allocated members of mCallbackData are uninitialized
458 | * at the end of powerDown() */
459 | Assert (!mCallbackData.mpsc.valid && mCallbackData.mpsc.shape == NULL);
460 | Assert (!mCallbackData.mcc.valid);
461 | Assert (!mCallbackData.klc.valid);
462 |
463 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
464 | }
465 |
466 | int Console::VRDPClientLogon (uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszUser, const char *pszPassword, const char *pszDomain)
467 | {
468 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
469 | LogFlowFunc (("%d, %s, %s, %s\n", u32ClientId, pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain));
470 |
471 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
472 | if (!autoCaller.isOk())
473 | {
474 | /* Console has been already uninitialized, deny request */
475 | LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Access denied (Console uninitialized).\n"));
476 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
477 | return VERR_ACCESS_DENIED;
478 | }
479 |
480 | Guid uuid;
481 | HRESULT hrc = mMachine->COMGETTER (Id) (uuid.asOutParam());
482 | AssertComRCReturn (hrc, VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
483 |
484 | VRDPAuthType_T authType = VRDPAuthType_Null;
485 | hrc = mVRDPServer->COMGETTER(AuthType) (&authType);
486 | AssertComRCReturn (hrc, VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
487 |
488 | ULONG authTimeout = 0;
489 | hrc = mVRDPServer->COMGETTER(AuthTimeout) (&authTimeout);
490 | AssertComRCReturn (hrc, VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
491 |
492 | VRDPAuthResult result = VRDPAuthAccessDenied;
493 | VRDPAuthGuestJudgement guestJudgement = VRDPAuthGuestNotAsked;
494 |
495 | LogFlowFunc(("Auth type %d\n", authType));
496 |
497 | LogRel (("VRDPAUTH: User: [%s]. Domain: [%s]. Authentication type: [%s]\n",
498 | pszUser, pszDomain,
499 | authType == VRDPAuthType_Null?
500 | "Null":
501 | (authType == VRDPAuthType_External?
502 | "External":
503 | (authType == VRDPAuthType_Guest?
504 | "Guest":
505 | "INVALID"
506 | )
507 | )
508 | ));
509 |
510 | /* Multiconnection check. */
511 | BOOL allowMultiConnection = FALSE;
512 | hrc = mVRDPServer->COMGETTER(AllowMultiConnection) (&allowMultiConnection);
513 | AssertComRCReturn (hrc, VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
514 |
515 | LogFlowFunc(("allowMultiConnection %d, mcVRDPClients = %d\n", allowMultiConnection, mcVRDPClients));
516 |
517 | if (allowMultiConnection == FALSE)
518 | {
519 | /* Note: the variable is incremented in ClientConnect callback, which is called when the client
520 | * is successfully connected, that is after the ClientLogon callback. Therefore the mcVRDPClients
521 | * value is 0 for first client.
522 | */
523 | if (mcVRDPClients > 0)
524 | {
525 | /* Reject. */
526 | LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Multiple connections are not enabled. Access denied.\n"));
527 | return VERR_ACCESS_DENIED;
528 | }
529 | }
530 |
531 | switch (authType)
532 | {
533 | case VRDPAuthType_Null:
534 | {
535 | result = VRDPAuthAccessGranted;
536 | break;
537 | }
538 |
539 | case VRDPAuthType_External:
540 | {
541 | /* Call the external library. */
542 | result = mConsoleVRDPServer->Authenticate (uuid, guestJudgement, pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain, u32ClientId);
543 |
544 | if (result != VRDPAuthDelegateToGuest)
545 | {
546 | break;
547 | }
548 |
549 | LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Delegated to guest.\n"));
550 |
551 | LogFlowFunc (("External auth asked for guest judgement\n"));
552 | } /* pass through */
553 |
554 | case VRDPAuthType_Guest:
555 | {
556 | guestJudgement = VRDPAuthGuestNotReacted;
557 |
558 | if (mVMMDev)
559 | {
560 | /* Issue the request to guest. Assume that the call does not require EMT. It should not. */
561 |
562 | /* Ask the guest to judge these credentials. */
563 | uint32_t u32GuestFlags = VMMDEV_SETCREDENTIALS_JUDGE;
564 |
565 | int rc = mVMMDev->getVMMDevPort()->pfnSetCredentials (mVMMDev->getVMMDevPort(),
566 | pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain, u32GuestFlags);
567 |
568 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rc))
569 | {
570 | /* Wait for guest. */
571 | rc = mVMMDev->WaitCredentialsJudgement (authTimeout, &u32GuestFlags);
572 |
573 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rc))
574 | {
576 | {
577 | case VMMDEV_CREDENTIALS_JUDGE_DENY: guestJudgement = VRDPAuthGuestAccessDenied; break;
578 | case VMMDEV_CREDENTIALS_JUDGE_NOJUDGEMENT: guestJudgement = VRDPAuthGuestNoJudgement; break;
579 | case VMMDEV_CREDENTIALS_JUDGE_OK: guestJudgement = VRDPAuthGuestAccessGranted; break;
580 | default:
581 | LogFlowFunc (("Invalid guest flags %08X!!!\n", u32GuestFlags)); break;
582 | }
583 | }
584 | else
585 | {
586 | LogFlowFunc (("Wait for credentials judgement rc = %Vrc!!!\n", rc));
587 | }
588 |
589 | LogFlowFunc (("Guest judgement %d\n", guestJudgement));
590 | }
591 | else
592 | {
593 | LogFlowFunc (("Could not set credentials rc = %Vrc!!!\n", rc));
594 | }
595 | }
596 |
597 | if (authType == VRDPAuthType_External)
598 | {
599 | LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Guest judgement %d.\n", guestJudgement));
600 | LogFlowFunc (("External auth called again with guest judgement = %d\n", guestJudgement));
601 | result = mConsoleVRDPServer->Authenticate (uuid, guestJudgement, pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain, u32ClientId);
602 | }
603 | else
604 | {
605 | switch (guestJudgement)
606 | {
607 | case VRDPAuthGuestAccessGranted:
608 | result = VRDPAuthAccessGranted;
609 | break;
610 | default:
611 | result = VRDPAuthAccessDenied;
612 | break;
613 | }
614 | }
615 | } break;
616 |
617 | default:
618 | AssertFailed();
619 | }
620 |
621 | LogFlowFunc (("Result = %d\n", result));
622 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
623 |
624 | if (result == VRDPAuthAccessGranted)
625 | {
626 | LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Access granted.\n"));
627 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
628 | }
629 |
630 | /* Reject. */
631 | LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Access denied.\n"));
632 | return VERR_ACCESS_DENIED;
633 | }
634 |
635 | void Console::VRDPClientConnect (uint32_t u32ClientId)
636 | {
637 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
638 |
639 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
640 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
641 |
642 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
643 | uint32_t u32Clients = ASMAtomicIncU32(&mcVRDPClients);
644 |
645 | if (u32Clients == 1)
646 | {
647 | getVMMDev()->getVMMDevPort()->
648 | pfnVRDPChange (getVMMDev()->getVMMDevPort(),
649 | true, VRDP_EXPERIENCE_LEVEL_FULL); // @todo configurable
650 | }
651 |
652 | NOREF(u32ClientId);
653 | mDisplay->VideoAccelVRDP (true);
654 | #endif /* VBOX_VRDP */
655 |
656 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
657 | return;
658 | }
659 |
660 | void Console::VRDPClientDisconnect (uint32_t u32ClientId,
661 | uint32_t fu32Intercepted)
662 | {
663 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
664 |
665 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
666 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
667 |
668 | AssertReturnVoid (mConsoleVRDPServer);
669 |
670 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
671 | uint32_t u32Clients = ASMAtomicDecU32(&mcVRDPClients);
672 |
673 | if (u32Clients == 0)
674 | {
675 | getVMMDev()->getVMMDevPort()->
676 | pfnVRDPChange (getVMMDev()->getVMMDevPort(),
677 | false, 0);
678 | }
679 |
680 | mDisplay->VideoAccelVRDP (false);
681 | #endif /* VBOX_VRDP */
682 |
683 | if (fu32Intercepted & VRDP_CLIENT_INTERCEPT_USB)
684 | {
685 | mConsoleVRDPServer->USBBackendDelete (u32ClientId);
686 | }
687 |
688 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
689 | if (fu32Intercepted & VRDP_CLIENT_INTERCEPT_CLIPBOARD)
690 | {
691 | mConsoleVRDPServer->ClipboardDelete (u32ClientId);
692 | }
693 |
694 | if (fu32Intercepted & VRDP_CLIENT_INTERCEPT_AUDIO)
695 | {
696 | mcAudioRefs--;
697 |
698 | if (mcAudioRefs <= 0)
699 | {
700 | if (mAudioSniffer)
701 | {
702 | PPDMIAUDIOSNIFFERPORT port = mAudioSniffer->getAudioSnifferPort();
703 | if (port)
704 | {
705 | port->pfnSetup (port, false, false);
706 | }
707 | }
708 | }
709 | }
710 | #endif /* VBOX_VRDP */
711 |
712 | Guid uuid;
713 | HRESULT hrc = mMachine->COMGETTER (Id) (uuid.asOutParam());
714 | AssertComRC (hrc);
715 |
716 | VRDPAuthType_T authType = VRDPAuthType_Null;
717 | hrc = mVRDPServer->COMGETTER(AuthType) (&authType);
718 | AssertComRC (hrc);
719 |
720 | if (authType == VRDPAuthType_External)
721 | mConsoleVRDPServer->AuthDisconnect (uuid, u32ClientId);
722 |
723 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
724 | return;
725 | }
726 |
727 | void Console::VRDPInterceptAudio (uint32_t u32ClientId)
728 | {
729 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
730 |
731 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
732 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
733 |
734 | LogFlowFunc (("mAudioSniffer %p, u32ClientId %d.\n",
735 | mAudioSniffer, u32ClientId));
736 | NOREF(u32ClientId);
737 |
738 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
739 | mcAudioRefs++;
740 |
741 | if (mcAudioRefs == 1)
742 | {
743 | if (mAudioSniffer)
744 | {
745 | PPDMIAUDIOSNIFFERPORT port = mAudioSniffer->getAudioSnifferPort();
746 | if (port)
747 | {
748 | port->pfnSetup (port, true, true);
749 | }
750 | }
751 | }
752 | #endif
753 |
754 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
755 | return;
756 | }
757 |
758 | void Console::VRDPInterceptUSB (uint32_t u32ClientId, void **ppvIntercept)
759 | {
760 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
761 |
762 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
763 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
764 |
765 | AssertReturnVoid (mConsoleVRDPServer);
766 |
767 | mConsoleVRDPServer->USBBackendCreate (u32ClientId, ppvIntercept);
768 |
769 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
770 | return;
771 | }
772 |
773 | void Console::VRDPInterceptClipboard (uint32_t u32ClientId)
774 | {
775 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
776 |
777 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
778 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
779 |
780 | AssertReturnVoid (mConsoleVRDPServer);
781 |
782 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
783 | mConsoleVRDPServer->ClipboardCreate (u32ClientId);
784 | #endif /* VBOX_VRDP */
785 |
786 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
787 | return;
788 | }
789 |
790 |
791 | //static
792 | const char *Console::sSSMConsoleUnit = "ConsoleData";
793 | //static
794 | uint32_t Console::sSSMConsoleVer = 0x00010001;
795 |
796 | /**
797 | * Loads various console data stored in the saved state file.
798 | * This method does validation of the state file and returns an error info
799 | * when appropriate.
800 | *
801 | * The method does nothing if the machine is not in the Saved file or if
802 | * console data from it has already been loaded.
803 | *
804 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
805 | */
806 | HRESULT Console::loadDataFromSavedState()
807 | {
808 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Saved || mSavedStateDataLoaded)
809 | return S_OK;
810 |
811 | Bstr savedStateFile;
812 | HRESULT rc = mMachine->COMGETTER(StateFilePath) (savedStateFile.asOutParam());
813 | if (FAILED (rc))
814 | return rc;
815 |
816 | PSSMHANDLE ssm;
817 | int vrc = SSMR3Open (Utf8Str(savedStateFile), 0, &ssm);
818 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
819 | {
820 | uint32_t version = 0;
821 | vrc = SSMR3Seek (ssm, sSSMConsoleUnit, 0 /* iInstance */, &version);
822 | if (SSM_VERSION_MAJOR(version) == SSM_VERSION_MAJOR(sSSMConsoleVer))
823 | {
824 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
825 | vrc = loadStateFileExec (ssm, this, 0);
826 | else if (vrc == VERR_SSM_UNIT_NOT_FOUND)
827 | vrc = VINF_SUCCESS;
828 | }
829 | else
831 |
832 | SSMR3Close (ssm);
833 | }
834 |
835 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
836 | rc = setError (E_FAIL,
837 | tr ("The saved state file '%ls' is invalid (%Vrc). "
838 | "Discard the saved state and try again"),
839 | savedStateFile.raw(), vrc);
840 |
841 | mSavedStateDataLoaded = true;
842 |
843 | return rc;
844 | }
845 |
846 | /**
847 | * Callback handler to save various console data to the state file,
848 | * called when the user saves the VM state.
849 | *
850 | * @param pvUser pointer to Console
851 | *
852 | * @note Locks the Console object for reading.
853 | */
854 | //static
855 | DECLCALLBACK(void)
856 | Console::saveStateFileExec (PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser)
857 | {
858 | LogFlowFunc (("\n"));
859 |
860 | Console *that = static_cast <Console *> (pvUser);
861 | AssertReturnVoid (that);
862 |
863 | AutoCaller autoCaller (that);
864 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
865 |
866 | AutoReadLock alock (that);
867 |
868 | int vrc = SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, (uint32_t)that->mSharedFolders.size());
869 | AssertRC (vrc);
870 |
871 | for (SharedFolderMap::const_iterator it = that->mSharedFolders.begin();
872 | it != that->mSharedFolders.end();
873 | ++ it)
874 | {
875 | ComObjPtr <SharedFolder> folder = (*it).second;
876 | // don't lock the folder because methods we access are const
877 |
878 | Utf8Str name = folder->name();
879 | vrc = SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, (uint32_t)name.length() + 1 /* term. 0 */);
880 | AssertRC (vrc);
881 | vrc = SSMR3PutStrZ (pSSM, name);
882 | AssertRC (vrc);
883 |
884 | Utf8Str hostPath = folder->hostPath();
885 | vrc = SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, (uint32_t)hostPath.length() + 1 /* term. 0 */);
886 | AssertRC (vrc);
887 | vrc = SSMR3PutStrZ (pSSM, hostPath);
888 | AssertRC (vrc);
889 |
890 | vrc = SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, !!folder->writable());
891 | AssertRC (vrc);
892 | }
893 |
894 | return;
895 | }
896 |
897 | /**
898 | * Callback handler to load various console data from the state file.
899 | * When \a u32Version is 0, this method is called from #loadDataFromSavedState,
900 | * otherwise it is called when the VM is being restored from the saved state.
901 | *
902 | * @param pvUser pointer to Console
903 | * @param u32Version Console unit version.
904 | * When not 0, should match sSSMConsoleVer.
905 | *
906 | * @note Locks the Console object for writing.
907 | */
908 | //static
910 | Console::loadStateFileExec (PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser, uint32_t u32Version)
911 | {
912 | LogFlowFunc (("\n"));
913 |
914 | if (u32Version != 0 && SSM_VERSION_MAJOR_CHANGED(u32Version, sSSMConsoleVer))
916 |
917 | if (u32Version != 0)
918 | {
919 | /* currently, nothing to do when we've been called from VMR3Load */
920 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
921 | }
922 |
923 | Console *that = static_cast <Console *> (pvUser);
924 | AssertReturn (that, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
925 |
926 | AutoCaller autoCaller (that);
927 | AssertComRCReturn (autoCaller.rc(), VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
928 |
929 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
930 |
931 | AssertReturn (that->mSharedFolders.size() == 0, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
932 |
933 | uint32_t size = 0;
934 | int vrc = SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &size);
935 | AssertRCReturn (vrc, vrc);
936 |
937 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++ i)
938 | {
939 | Bstr name;
940 | Bstr hostPath;
941 | bool writable = true;
942 |
943 | uint32_t szBuf = 0;
944 | char *buf = NULL;
945 |
946 | vrc = SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &szBuf);
947 | AssertRCReturn (vrc, vrc);
948 | buf = new char [szBuf];
949 | vrc = SSMR3GetStrZ (pSSM, buf, szBuf);
950 | AssertRC (vrc);
951 | name = buf;
952 | delete[] buf;
953 |
954 | vrc = SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &szBuf);
955 | AssertRCReturn (vrc, vrc);
956 | buf = new char [szBuf];
957 | vrc = SSMR3GetStrZ (pSSM, buf, szBuf);
958 | AssertRC (vrc);
959 | hostPath = buf;
960 | delete[] buf;
961 |
962 | if (u32Version > 0x00010000)
963 | SSMR3GetBool (pSSM, &writable);
964 |
965 | ComObjPtr <SharedFolder> sharedFolder;
966 | sharedFolder.createObject();
967 | HRESULT rc = sharedFolder->init (that, name, hostPath, writable);
968 | AssertComRCReturn (rc, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
969 |
970 | that->mSharedFolders.insert (std::make_pair (name, sharedFolder));
971 | }
972 |
973 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
974 | }
975 |
976 | // IConsole properties
977 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
978 |
979 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(Machine) (IMachine **aMachine)
980 | {
981 | if (!aMachine)
982 | return E_POINTER;
983 |
984 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
985 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
986 |
987 | /* mMachine is constant during life time, no need to lock */
988 | mMachine.queryInterfaceTo (aMachine);
989 |
990 | return S_OK;
991 | }
992 |
993 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(State) (MachineState_T *aMachineState)
994 | {
995 | if (!aMachineState)
996 | return E_POINTER;
997 |
998 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
999 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1000 |
1001 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
1002 |
1003 | /* we return our local state (since it's always the same as on the server) */
1004 | *aMachineState = mMachineState;
1005 |
1006 | return S_OK;
1007 | }
1008 |
1009 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(Guest) (IGuest **aGuest)
1010 | {
1011 | if (!aGuest)
1012 | return E_POINTER;
1013 |
1014 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1015 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1016 |
1017 | /* mGuest is constant during life time, no need to lock */
1018 | mGuest.queryInterfaceTo (aGuest);
1019 |
1020 | return S_OK;
1021 | }
1022 |
1023 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(Keyboard) (IKeyboard **aKeyboard)
1024 | {
1025 | if (!aKeyboard)
1026 | return E_POINTER;
1027 |
1028 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1029 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1030 |
1031 | /* mKeyboard is constant during life time, no need to lock */
1032 | mKeyboard.queryInterfaceTo (aKeyboard);
1033 |
1034 | return S_OK;
1035 | }
1036 |
1037 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(Mouse) (IMouse **aMouse)
1038 | {
1039 | if (!aMouse)
1040 | return E_POINTER;
1041 |
1042 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1043 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1044 |
1045 | /* mMouse is constant during life time, no need to lock */
1046 | mMouse.queryInterfaceTo (aMouse);
1047 |
1048 | return S_OK;
1049 | }
1050 |
1051 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(Display) (IDisplay **aDisplay)
1052 | {
1053 | if (!aDisplay)
1054 | return E_POINTER;
1055 |
1056 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1057 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1058 |
1059 | /* mDisplay is constant during life time, no need to lock */
1060 | mDisplay.queryInterfaceTo (aDisplay);
1061 |
1062 | return S_OK;
1063 | }
1064 |
1065 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(Debugger) (IMachineDebugger **aDebugger)
1066 | {
1067 | if (!aDebugger)
1068 | return E_POINTER;
1069 |
1070 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1071 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1072 |
1073 | /* we need a write lock because of the lazy mDebugger initialization*/
1074 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1075 |
1076 | /* check if we have to create the debugger object */
1077 | if (!mDebugger)
1078 | {
1079 | unconst (mDebugger).createObject();
1080 | mDebugger->init (this);
1081 | }
1082 |
1083 | mDebugger.queryInterfaceTo (aDebugger);
1084 |
1085 | return S_OK;
1086 | }
1087 |
1088 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(USBDevices) (IUSBDeviceCollection **aUSBDevices)
1089 | {
1090 | if (!aUSBDevices)
1091 | return E_POINTER;
1092 |
1093 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1094 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1095 |
1096 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
1097 |
1098 | ComObjPtr <OUSBDeviceCollection> collection;
1099 | collection.createObject();
1100 | collection->init (mUSBDevices);
1101 | collection.queryInterfaceTo (aUSBDevices);
1102 |
1103 | return S_OK;
1104 | }
1105 |
1106 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(RemoteUSBDevices) (IHostUSBDeviceCollection **aRemoteUSBDevices)
1107 | {
1108 | if (!aRemoteUSBDevices)
1109 | return E_POINTER;
1110 |
1111 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1112 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1113 |
1114 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
1115 |
1116 | ComObjPtr <RemoteUSBDeviceCollection> collection;
1117 | collection.createObject();
1118 | collection->init (mRemoteUSBDevices);
1119 | collection.queryInterfaceTo (aRemoteUSBDevices);
1120 |
1121 | return S_OK;
1122 | }
1123 |
1124 | STDMETHODIMP Console::COMGETTER(RemoteDisplayInfo) (IRemoteDisplayInfo **aRemoteDisplayInfo)
1125 | {
1126 | if (!aRemoteDisplayInfo)
1127 | return E_POINTER;
1128 |
1129 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1130 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1131 |
1132 | /* mDisplay is constant during life time, no need to lock */
1133 | mRemoteDisplayInfo.queryInterfaceTo (aRemoteDisplayInfo);
1134 |
1135 | return S_OK;
1136 | }
1137 |
1139 | Console::COMGETTER(SharedFolders) (ISharedFolderCollection **aSharedFolders)
1140 | {
1141 | if (!aSharedFolders)
1142 | return E_POINTER;
1143 |
1144 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1145 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1146 |
1147 | /* loadDataFromSavedState() needs a write lock */
1148 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1149 |
1150 | /* Read console data stored in the saved state file (if not yet done) */
1151 | HRESULT rc = loadDataFromSavedState();
1152 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1153 |
1154 | ComObjPtr <SharedFolderCollection> coll;
1155 | coll.createObject();
1156 | coll->init (mSharedFolders);
1157 | coll.queryInterfaceTo (aSharedFolders);
1158 |
1159 | return S_OK;
1160 | }
1161 |
1162 | // IConsole methods
1163 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1164 |
1165 | STDMETHODIMP Console::PowerUp (IProgress **aProgress)
1166 | {
1167 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1168 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mMachineState=%d\n", mMachineState));
1169 |
1170 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1171 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1172 |
1173 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1174 |
1175 | if (mMachineState >= MachineState_Running)
1176 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot power up the machine as it is "
1177 | "already running (machine state: %d)"),
1178 | mMachineState);
1179 |
1180 | /*
1181 | * First check whether all disks are accessible. This is not a 100%
1182 | * bulletproof approach (race condition, it might become inaccessible
1183 | * right after the check) but it's convenient as it will cover 99.9%
1184 | * of the cases and here, we're able to provide meaningful error
1185 | * information.
1186 | */
1187 | ComPtr<IHardDiskAttachmentCollection> coll;
1188 | mMachine->COMGETTER(HardDiskAttachments)(coll.asOutParam());
1189 | ComPtr<IHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator> enumerator;
1190 | coll->Enumerate(enumerator.asOutParam());
1191 | BOOL fHasMore;
1192 | while (SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMore(&fHasMore)) && fHasMore)
1193 | {
1194 | ComPtr<IHardDiskAttachment> attach;
1195 | enumerator->GetNext(attach.asOutParam());
1196 | ComPtr<IHardDisk> hdd;
1197 | attach->COMGETTER(HardDisk)(hdd.asOutParam());
1198 | Assert(hdd);
1199 | BOOL fAccessible;
1200 | HRESULT rc = hdd->COMGETTER(AllAccessible)(&fAccessible);
1201 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1202 | if (!fAccessible)
1203 | {
1204 | Bstr loc;
1205 | hdd->COMGETTER(Location) (loc.asOutParam());
1206 | Bstr errMsg;
1207 | hdd->COMGETTER(LastAccessError) (errMsg.asOutParam());
1208 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1209 | tr ("VM cannot start because the hard disk '%ls' is not accessible "
1210 | "(%ls)"),
1211 | loc.raw(), errMsg.raw());
1212 | }
1213 | }
1214 |
1215 | /* now perform the same check if a ISO is mounted */
1216 | ComPtr<IDVDDrive> dvdDrive;
1217 | mMachine->COMGETTER(DVDDrive)(dvdDrive.asOutParam());
1218 | ComPtr<IDVDImage> dvdImage;
1219 | dvdDrive->GetImage(dvdImage.asOutParam());
1220 | if (dvdImage)
1221 | {
1222 | BOOL fAccessible;
1223 | HRESULT rc = dvdImage->COMGETTER(Accessible)(&fAccessible);
1224 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1225 | if (!fAccessible)
1226 | {
1227 | Bstr filePath;
1228 | dvdImage->COMGETTER(FilePath)(filePath.asOutParam());
1229 | /// @todo (r=dmik) grab the last access error once
1230 | // IDVDImage::lastAccessError is there
1231 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1232 | tr ("The virtual machine could not be started because the DVD image '%ls' which is attached to it could not be found or could not be opened. Please detach the image and try again"),
1233 | filePath.raw());
1234 | }
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | /* now perform the same check if a floppy is mounted */
1238 | ComPtr<IFloppyDrive> floppyDrive;
1239 | mMachine->COMGETTER(FloppyDrive)(floppyDrive.asOutParam());
1240 | ComPtr<IFloppyImage> floppyImage;
1241 | floppyDrive->GetImage(floppyImage.asOutParam());
1242 | if (floppyImage)
1243 | {
1244 | BOOL fAccessible;
1245 | HRESULT rc = floppyImage->COMGETTER(Accessible)(&fAccessible);
1246 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1247 | if (!fAccessible)
1248 | {
1249 | Bstr filePath;
1250 | floppyImage->COMGETTER(FilePath)(filePath.asOutParam());
1251 | /// @todo (r=dmik) grab the last access error once
1252 | // IDVDImage::lastAccessError is there
1253 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1254 | tr ("The virtual machine could not be started because the floppy image '%ls' which is attached to it could not be found or could not be opened. Please detach the image and try again"),
1255 | filePath.raw());
1256 | }
1257 | }
1258 |
1259 | /* now the network cards will undergo a quick consistency check */
1260 | for (ULONG slot = 0; slot < SchemaDefs::NetworkAdapterCount; slot ++)
1261 | {
1262 | ComPtr<INetworkAdapter> adapter;
1263 | mMachine->GetNetworkAdapter (slot, adapter.asOutParam());
1264 | BOOL enabled = FALSE;
1265 | adapter->COMGETTER(Enabled) (&enabled);
1266 | if (!enabled)
1267 | continue;
1268 |
1269 | NetworkAttachmentType_T netattach;
1270 | adapter->COMGETTER(AttachmentType)(&netattach);
1271 | switch (netattach)
1272 | {
1273 | case NetworkAttachmentType_HostInterface:
1274 | {
1275 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1276 | /* a valid host interface must have been set */
1277 | Bstr hostif;
1278 | adapter->COMGETTER(HostInterface)(hostif.asOutParam());
1279 | if (!hostif)
1280 | {
1281 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1282 | tr ("VM cannot start because host interface networking "
1283 | "requires a host interface name to be set"));
1284 | }
1285 | ComPtr<IVirtualBox> virtualBox;
1286 | mMachine->COMGETTER(Parent)(virtualBox.asOutParam());
1287 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
1288 | virtualBox->COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam());
1289 | ComPtr<IHostNetworkInterfaceCollection> coll;
1290 | host->COMGETTER(NetworkInterfaces)(coll.asOutParam());
1291 | ComPtr<IHostNetworkInterface> hostInterface;
1292 | if (!SUCCEEDED(coll->FindByName(hostif, hostInterface.asOutParam())))
1293 | {
1294 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1295 | tr ("VM cannot start because the host interface '%ls' "
1296 | "does not exist"),
1297 | hostif.raw());
1298 | }
1299 | #endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */
1300 | break;
1301 | }
1302 | default:
1303 | break;
1304 | }
1305 | }
1306 |
1307 | /* Read console data stored in the saved state file (if not yet done) */
1308 | {
1309 | HRESULT rc = loadDataFromSavedState();
1310 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1311 | }
1312 |
1313 | /* Check all types of shared folders and compose a single list */
1314 | SharedFolderDataMap sharedFolders;
1315 | {
1316 | /* first, insert global folders */
1317 | for (SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator it = mGlobalSharedFolders.begin();
1318 | it != mGlobalSharedFolders.end(); ++ it)
1319 | sharedFolders [it->first] = it->second;
1320 |
1321 | /* second, insert machine folders */
1322 | for (SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator it = mMachineSharedFolders.begin();
1323 | it != mMachineSharedFolders.end(); ++ it)
1324 | sharedFolders [it->first] = it->second;
1325 |
1326 | /* third, insert console folders */
1327 | for (SharedFolderMap::const_iterator it = mSharedFolders.begin();
1328 | it != mSharedFolders.end(); ++ it)
1329 | sharedFolders [it->first] = SharedFolderData(it->second->hostPath(), it->second->writable());
1330 | }
1331 |
1332 | Bstr savedStateFile;
1333 |
1334 | /*
1335 | * Saved VMs will have to prove that their saved states are kosher.
1336 | */
1337 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Saved)
1338 | {
1339 | HRESULT rc = mMachine->COMGETTER(StateFilePath) (savedStateFile.asOutParam());
1340 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1341 | ComAssertRet (!!savedStateFile, E_FAIL);
1342 | int vrc = SSMR3ValidateFile (Utf8Str (savedStateFile));
1343 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
1344 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1345 | tr ("VM cannot start because the saved state file '%ls' is invalid (%Vrc). "
1346 | "Discard the saved state prior to starting the VM"),
1347 | savedStateFile.raw(), vrc);
1348 | }
1349 |
1350 | /* create an IProgress object to track progress of this operation */
1351 | ComObjPtr <Progress> progress;
1352 | progress.createObject();
1353 | Bstr progressDesc;
1354 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Saved)
1355 | progressDesc = tr ("Restoring the virtual machine");
1356 | else
1357 | progressDesc = tr ("Starting the virtual machine");
1358 | progress->init (static_cast <IConsole *> (this),
1359 | progressDesc, FALSE /* aCancelable */);
1360 |
1361 | /* pass reference to caller if requested */
1362 | if (aProgress)
1363 | progress.queryInterfaceTo (aProgress);
1364 |
1365 | /* setup task object and thread to carry out the operation asynchronously */
1366 | std::auto_ptr <VMPowerUpTask> task (new VMPowerUpTask (this, progress));
1367 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (task->rc());
1368 |
1369 | task->mSetVMErrorCallback = setVMErrorCallback;
1370 | task->mConfigConstructor = configConstructor;
1371 | task->mSharedFolders = sharedFolders;
1372 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Saved)
1373 | task->mSavedStateFile = savedStateFile;
1374 |
1375 | HRESULT hrc = consoleInitReleaseLog (mMachine);
1376 | if (FAILED (hrc))
1377 | return hrc;
1378 |
1379 | int vrc = RTThreadCreate (NULL, Console::powerUpThread, (void *) task.get(),
1380 | 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_WORKER, 0, "VMPowerUp");
1381 |
1382 | ComAssertMsgRCRet (vrc, ("Could not create VMPowerUp thread (%Vrc)\n", vrc),
1383 | E_FAIL);
1384 |
1385 | /* task is now owned by powerUpThread(), so release it */
1386 | task.release();
1387 |
1388 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Saved)
1389 | setMachineState (MachineState_Restoring);
1390 | else
1391 | setMachineState (MachineState_Starting);
1392 |
1393 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mMachineState=%d\n", mMachineState));
1394 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1395 | return S_OK;
1396 | }
1397 |
1398 | STDMETHODIMP Console::PowerDown()
1399 | {
1400 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1401 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mMachineState=%d\n", mMachineState));
1402 |
1403 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1404 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1405 |
1406 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1407 |
1408 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running &&
1409 | mMachineState != MachineState_Paused &&
1410 | mMachineState != MachineState_Stuck)
1411 | {
1412 | /* extra nice error message for a common case */
1413 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Saved)
1414 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot power off a saved machine"));
1415 | else
1416 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot power off the machine as it is "
1417 | "not running or paused (machine state: %d)"),
1418 | mMachineState);
1419 | }
1420 |
1421 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Sending SHUTDOWN request...\n"));
1422 |
1423 | HRESULT rc = powerDown();
1424 |
1425 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mMachineState=%d, rc=%08X\n", mMachineState, rc));
1426 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1427 | return rc;
1428 | }
1429 |
1430 | STDMETHODIMP Console::Reset()
1431 | {
1432 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1433 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mMachineState=%d\n", mMachineState));
1434 |
1435 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1436 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1437 |
1438 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1439 |
1440 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running)
1441 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot reset the machine as it is "
1442 | "not running (machine state: %d)"),
1443 | mMachineState);
1444 |
1445 | /* protect mpVM */
1446 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
1447 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
1448 |
1449 | /* leave the lock before a VMR3* call (EMT will call us back)! */
1450 | alock.leave();
1451 |
1452 | int vrc = VMR3Reset (mpVM);
1453 |
1454 | HRESULT rc = VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) ? S_OK :
1455 | setError (E_FAIL, tr ("Could not reset the machine (%Vrc)"), vrc);
1456 |
1457 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mMachineState=%d, rc=%08X\n", mMachineState, rc));
1458 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1459 | return rc;
1460 | }
1461 |
1462 | STDMETHODIMP Console::Pause()
1463 | {
1464 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1465 |
1466 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1467 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1468 |
1469 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1470 |
1471 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running)
1472 | return setError (E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot pause the machine as it is "
1473 | "not running (machine state: %d)"),
1474 | mMachineState);
1475 |
1476 | /* protect mpVM */
1477 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
1478 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
1479 |
1480 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Sending PAUSE request...\n"));
1481 |
1482 | /* leave the lock before a VMR3* call (EMT will call us back)! */
1483 | alock.leave();
1484 |
1485 | int vrc = VMR3Suspend (mpVM);
1486 |
1487 | HRESULT rc = VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) ? S_OK :
1488 | setError (E_FAIL,
1489 | tr ("Could not suspend the machine execution (%Vrc)"), vrc);
1490 |
1491 | LogFlowThisFunc (("rc=%08X\n", rc));
1492 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1493 | return rc;
1494 | }
1495 |
1496 | STDMETHODIMP Console::Resume()
1497 | {
1498 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1499 |
1500 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1501 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1502 |
1503 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1504 |
1505 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Paused)
1506 | return setError (E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot resume the machine as it is "
1507 | "not paused (machine state: %d)"),
1508 | mMachineState);
1509 |
1510 | /* protect mpVM */
1511 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
1512 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
1513 |
1514 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Sending RESUME request...\n"));
1515 |
1516 | /* leave the lock before a VMR3* call (EMT will call us back)! */
1517 | alock.leave();
1518 |
1519 | int vrc = VMR3Resume (mpVM);
1520 |
1521 | HRESULT rc = VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) ? S_OK :
1522 | setError (E_FAIL,
1523 | tr ("Could not resume the machine execution (%Vrc)"), vrc);
1524 |
1525 | LogFlowThisFunc (("rc=%08X\n", rc));
1526 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1527 | return rc;
1528 | }
1529 |
1530 | STDMETHODIMP Console::PowerButton()
1531 | {
1532 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1533 |
1534 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1535 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1536 |
1537 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1538 |
1539 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running)
1540 | return setError (E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot power off the machine as it is "
1541 | "not running (machine state: %d)"),
1542 | mMachineState);
1543 |
1544 | /* protect mpVM */
1545 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
1546 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
1547 |
1548 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
1549 | int vrc = PDMR3QueryDeviceLun (mpVM, "acpi", 0, 0, &pBase);
1550 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
1551 | {
1552 | Assert (pBase);
1553 | PPDMIACPIPORT pPort =
1554 | (PPDMIACPIPORT) pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase, PDMINTERFACE_ACPI_PORT);
1555 | vrc = pPort ? pPort->pfnPowerButtonPress(pPort) : VERR_INVALID_POINTER;
1556 | }
1557 |
1558 | HRESULT rc = VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) ? S_OK :
1559 | setError (E_FAIL,
1560 | tr ("Controlled power off failed (%Vrc)"), vrc);
1561 |
1562 | LogFlowThisFunc (("rc=%08X\n", rc));
1563 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1564 | return rc;
1565 | }
1566 |
1567 | STDMETHODIMP Console::GetPowerButtonHandled(BOOL *aHandled)
1568 | {
1569 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1570 |
1571 | if (!aHandled)
1572 | return E_POINTER;
1573 |
1574 | *aHandled = FALSE;
1575 |
1576 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1577 |
1578 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1579 |
1580 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running)
1581 | return E_FAIL;
1582 |
1583 | /* protect mpVM */
1584 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
1585 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
1586 |
1587 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
1588 | int vrc = PDMR3QueryDeviceLun (mpVM, "acpi", 0, 0, &pBase);
1589 | bool handled = false;
1590 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
1591 | {
1592 | Assert (pBase);
1593 | PPDMIACPIPORT pPort =
1594 | (PPDMIACPIPORT) pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase, PDMINTERFACE_ACPI_PORT);
1595 | vrc = pPort ? pPort->pfnGetPowerButtonHandled(pPort, &handled) : VERR_INVALID_POINTER;
1596 | }
1597 |
1598 | HRESULT rc = VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) ? S_OK :
1599 | setError (E_FAIL,
1600 | tr ("Checking if the ACPI Power Button event was handled by the "
1601 | "guest OS failed (%Vrc)"), vrc);
1602 |
1603 | *aHandled = handled;
1604 |
1605 | LogFlowThisFunc (("rc=%08X\n", rc));
1606 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1607 | return rc;
1608 | }
1609 |
1610 | STDMETHODIMP Console::SleepButton()
1611 | {
1612 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1613 |
1614 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1615 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1616 |
1617 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1618 |
1619 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running)
1620 | return setError (E_FAIL, tr ("Cannot send the sleep button event as it is "
1621 | "not running (machine state: %d)"),
1622 | mMachineState);
1623 |
1624 | /* protect mpVM */
1625 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
1626 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
1627 |
1628 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
1629 | int vrc = PDMR3QueryDeviceLun (mpVM, "acpi", 0, 0, &pBase);
1630 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
1631 | {
1632 | Assert (pBase);
1633 | PPDMIACPIPORT pPort =
1634 | (PPDMIACPIPORT) pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase, PDMINTERFACE_ACPI_PORT);
1635 | vrc = pPort ? pPort->pfnSleepButtonPress(pPort) : VERR_INVALID_POINTER;
1636 | }
1637 |
1638 | HRESULT rc = VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) ? S_OK :
1639 | setError (E_FAIL,
1640 | tr ("Sending sleep button event failed (%Vrc)"), vrc);
1641 |
1642 | LogFlowThisFunc (("rc=%08X\n", rc));
1643 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1644 | return rc;
1645 | }
1646 |
1647 | STDMETHODIMP Console::SaveState (IProgress **aProgress)
1648 | {
1649 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
1650 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mMachineState=%d\n", mMachineState));
1651 |
1652 | if (!aProgress)
1653 | return E_POINTER;
1654 |
1655 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1656 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1657 |
1658 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1659 |
1660 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running &&
1661 | mMachineState != MachineState_Paused)
1662 | {
1663 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1664 | tr ("Cannot save the execution state as the machine "
1665 | "is not running (machine state: %d)"), mMachineState);
1666 | }
1667 |
1668 | /* memorize the current machine state */
1669 | MachineState_T lastMachineState = mMachineState;
1670 |
1671 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Running)
1672 | {
1673 | HRESULT rc = Pause();
1674 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1675 | }
1676 |
1677 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1678 |
1679 | /* create a progress object to track operation completion */
1680 | ComObjPtr <Progress> progress;
1681 | progress.createObject();
1682 | progress->init (static_cast <IConsole *> (this),
1683 | Bstr (tr ("Saving the execution state of the virtual machine")),
1684 | FALSE /* aCancelable */);
1685 |
1686 | bool beganSavingState = false;
1687 | bool taskCreationFailed = false;
1688 |
1689 | do
1690 | {
1691 | /* create a task object early to ensure mpVM protection is successful */
1692 | std::auto_ptr <VMSaveTask> task (new VMSaveTask (this, progress));
1693 | rc = task->rc();
1694 | /*
1695 | * If we fail here it means a PowerDown() call happened on another
1696 | * thread while we were doing Pause() (which leaves the Console lock).
1697 | * We assign PowerDown() a higher precendence than SaveState(),
1698 | * therefore just return the error to the caller.
1699 | */
1700 | if (FAILED (rc))
1701 | {
1702 | taskCreationFailed = true;
1703 | break;
1704 | }
1705 |
1706 | Bstr stateFilePath;
1707 |
1708 | /*
1709 | * request a saved state file path from the server
1710 | * (this will set the machine state to Saving on the server to block
1711 | * others from accessing this machine)
1712 | */
1713 | rc = mControl->BeginSavingState (progress, stateFilePath.asOutParam());
1714 | CheckComRCBreakRC (rc);
1715 |
1716 | beganSavingState = true;
1717 |
1718 | /* sync the state with the server */
1719 | setMachineStateLocally (MachineState_Saving);
1720 |
1721 | /* ensure the directory for the saved state file exists */
1722 | {
1723 | Utf8Str dir = stateFilePath;
1724 | RTPathStripFilename (dir.mutableRaw());
1725 | if (!RTDirExists (dir))
1726 | {
1727 | int vrc = RTDirCreateFullPath (dir, 0777);
1728 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
1729 | {
1730 | rc = setError (E_FAIL,
1731 | tr ("Could not create a directory '%s' to save the state to (%Vrc)"),
1732 | dir.raw(), vrc);
1733 | break;
1734 | }
1735 | }
1736 | }
1737 |
1738 | /* setup task object and thread to carry out the operation asynchronously */
1739 | task->mIsSnapshot = false;
1740 | task->mSavedStateFile = stateFilePath;
1741 | /* set the state the operation thread will restore when it is finished */
1742 | task->mLastMachineState = lastMachineState;
1743 |
1744 | /* create a thread to wait until the VM state is saved */
1745 | int vrc = RTThreadCreate (NULL, Console::saveStateThread, (void *) task.get(),
1747 |
1748 | ComAssertMsgRCBreak (vrc, ("Could not create VMSave thread (%Vrc)\n", vrc),
1749 | rc = E_FAIL);
1750 |
1751 | /* task is now owned by saveStateThread(), so release it */
1752 | task.release();
1753 |
1754 | /* return the progress to the caller */
1755 | progress.queryInterfaceTo (aProgress);
1756 | }
1757 | while (0);
1758 |
1759 | if (FAILED (rc) && !taskCreationFailed)
1760 | {
1761 | /* preserve existing error info */
1762 | ErrorInfoKeeper eik;
1763 |
1764 | if (beganSavingState)
1765 | {
1766 | /*
1767 | * cancel the requested save state procedure.
1768 | * This will reset the machine state to the state it had right
1769 | * before calling mControl->BeginSavingState().
1770 | */
1771 | mControl->EndSavingState (FALSE);
1772 | }
1773 |
1774 | if (lastMachineState == MachineState_Running)
1775 | {
1776 | /* restore the paused state if appropriate */
1777 | setMachineStateLocally (MachineState_Paused);
1778 | /* restore the running state if appropriate */
1779 | Resume();
1780 | }
1781 | else
1782 | setMachineStateLocally (lastMachineState);
1783 | }
1784 |
1785 | LogFlowThisFunc (("rc=%08X\n", rc));
1786 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
1787 | return rc;
1788 | }
1789 |
1790 | STDMETHODIMP Console::AdoptSavedState (INPTR BSTR aSavedStateFile)
1791 | {
1792 | if (!aSavedStateFile)
1793 | return E_INVALIDARG;
1794 |
1795 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1796 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1797 |
1798 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1799 |
1800 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_PoweredOff &&
1801 | mMachineState != MachineState_Aborted)
1802 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1803 | tr ("Cannot adopt the saved machine state as the machine is "
1804 | "not in Powered Off or Aborted state (machine state: %d)"),
1805 | mMachineState);
1806 |
1807 | return mControl->AdoptSavedState (aSavedStateFile);
1808 | }
1809 |
1810 | STDMETHODIMP Console::DiscardSavedState()
1811 | {
1812 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1813 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1814 |
1815 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1816 |
1817 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Saved)
1818 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1819 | tr ("Cannot discard the machine state as the machine is "
1820 | "not in the saved state (machine state: %d)"),
1821 | mMachineState);
1822 |
1823 | /*
1824 | * Saved -> PoweredOff transition will be detected in the SessionMachine
1825 | * and properly handled.
1826 | */
1827 | setMachineState (MachineState_PoweredOff);
1828 |
1829 | return S_OK;
1830 | }
1831 |
1832 | /** read the value of a LEd. */
1833 | inline uint32_t readAndClearLed(PPDMLED pLed)
1834 | {
1835 | if (!pLed)
1836 | return 0;
1837 | uint32_t u32 = pLed->Actual.u32 | pLed->Asserted.u32;
1838 | pLed->Asserted.u32 = 0;
1839 | return u32;
1840 | }
1841 |
1842 | STDMETHODIMP Console::GetDeviceActivity (DeviceType_T aDeviceType,
1843 | DeviceActivity_T *aDeviceActivity)
1844 | {
1845 | if (!aDeviceActivity)
1846 | return E_INVALIDARG;
1847 |
1848 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1849 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1850 |
1851 | /*
1852 | * Note: we don't lock the console object here because
1853 | * readAndClearLed() should be thread safe.
1854 | */
1855 |
1856 | /* Get LED array to read */
1857 | PDMLEDCORE SumLed = {0};
1858 | switch (aDeviceType)
1859 | {
1860 | case DeviceType_Floppy:
1861 | {
1862 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(mapFDLeds); i++)
1863 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapFDLeds[i]);
1864 | break;
1865 | }
1866 |
1867 | case DeviceType_DVD:
1868 | {
1869 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapIDELeds[2]);
1870 | break;
1871 | }
1872 |
1873 | case DeviceType_HardDisk:
1874 | {
1875 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapIDELeds[0]);
1876 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapIDELeds[1]);
1877 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapIDELeds[3]);
1878 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(mapSATALeds); i++)
1879 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapSATALeds[i]);
1880 | break;
1881 | }
1882 |
1883 | case DeviceType_Network:
1884 | {
1885 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(mapNetworkLeds); i++)
1886 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapNetworkLeds[i]);
1887 | break;
1888 | }
1889 |
1890 | case DeviceType_USB:
1891 | {
1892 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(mapUSBLed); i++)
1893 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapUSBLed[i]);
1894 | break;
1895 | }
1896 |
1897 | case DeviceType_SharedFolder:
1898 | {
1899 | SumLed.u32 |= readAndClearLed(mapSharedFolderLed);
1900 | break;
1901 | }
1902 |
1903 | default:
1904 | return setError (E_INVALIDARG,
1905 | tr ("Invalid device type: %d"), aDeviceType);
1906 | }
1907 |
1908 | /* Compose the result */
1909 | switch (SumLed.u32 & (PDMLED_READING | PDMLED_WRITING))
1910 | {
1911 | case 0:
1912 | *aDeviceActivity = DeviceActivity_Idle;
1913 | break;
1914 | case PDMLED_READING:
1915 | *aDeviceActivity = DeviceActivity_Reading;
1916 | break;
1917 | case PDMLED_WRITING:
1919 | *aDeviceActivity = DeviceActivity_Writing;
1920 | break;
1921 | }
1922 |
1923 | return S_OK;
1924 | }
1925 |
1926 | STDMETHODIMP Console::AttachUSBDevice (INPTR GUIDPARAM aId)
1927 | {
1928 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB
1929 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1930 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1931 |
1932 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1933 |
1934 | /// @todo (r=dmik) is it legal to attach USB devices when the machine is
1935 | // Paused, Starting, Saving, Stopping, etc? if not, we should make a
1936 | // stricter check (mMachineState != MachineState_Running).
1937 | //
1938 | // I'm changing it to the semi-strict check for the time being. We'll
1939 | // consider the below later.
1940 | //
1941 | /* bird: It is not permitted to attach or detach while the VM is saving,
1942 | * is restoring or has stopped - definintly not.
1943 | *
1944 | * Attaching while starting, well, if you don't create any deadlock it
1945 | * should work... Paused should work I guess, but we shouldn't push our
1946 | * luck if we're pausing because an runtime error condition was raised
1947 | * (which is one of the reasons there better be a separate state for that
1948 | * in the VMM).
1949 | */
1950 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Running &&
1951 | mMachineState != MachineState_Paused)
1952 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1953 | tr ("Cannot attach a USB device to the machine which is not running"
1954 | "(machine state: %d)"),
1955 | mMachineState);
1956 |
1957 | /* protect mpVM */
1958 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
1959 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
1960 |
1961 | /* Don't proceed unless we've found the usb controller. */
1962 | PPDMIBASE pBase = NULL;
1963 | int vrc = PDMR3QueryLun (mpVM, "usb-ohci", 0, 0, &pBase);
1964 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
1965 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1966 | tr ("The virtual machine does not have a USB controller"));
1967 |
1968 | /* leave the lock because the USB Proxy service may call us back
1969 | * (via onUSBDeviceAttach()) */
1970 | alock.leave();
1971 |
1972 | /* Request the device capture */
1973 | HRESULT rc = mControl->CaptureUSBDevice (aId);
1974 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
1975 |
1976 | return rc;
1977 |
1978 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
1979 | return setError (E_FAIL,
1980 | tr ("The virtual machine does not have a USB controller"));
1981 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
1982 | }
1983 |
1984 | STDMETHODIMP Console::DetachUSBDevice (INPTR GUIDPARAM aId, IUSBDevice **aDevice)
1985 | {
1986 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB
1987 | if (!aDevice)
1988 | return E_POINTER;
1989 |
1990 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
1991 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
1992 |
1993 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
1994 |
1995 | /* Find it. */
1996 | ComObjPtr <OUSBDevice> device;
1997 | USBDeviceList::iterator it = mUSBDevices.begin();
1998 | while (it != mUSBDevices.end())
1999 | {
2000 | if ((*it)->id() == aId)
2001 | {
2002 | device = *it;
2003 | break;
2004 | }
2005 | ++ it;
2006 | }
2007 |
2008 | if (!device)
2009 | return setError (E_INVALIDARG,
2010 | tr ("USB device with UUID {%Vuuid} is not attached to this machine"),
2011 | Guid (aId).raw());
2012 |
2013 | /*
2014 | * Inform the USB device and USB proxy about what's cooking.
2015 | */
2016 | alock.leave();
2017 | HRESULT rc2 = mControl->DetachUSBDevice (aId, false /* aDone */);
2018 | if (FAILED (rc2))
2019 | return rc2;
2020 | alock.enter();
2021 |
2022 | /* Request the PDM to detach the USB device. */
2023 | HRESULT rc = detachUSBDevice (it);
2024 |
2025 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2026 | {
2027 | /* leave the lock since we don't need it any more (note though that
2028 | * the USB Proxy service must not call us back here) */
2029 | alock.leave();
2030 |
2031 | /* Request the device release. Even if it fails, the device will
2032 | * remain as held by proxy, which is OK for us (the VM process). */
2033 | rc = mControl->DetachUSBDevice (aId, true /* aDone */);
2034 | }
2035 |
2036 | return rc;
2037 |
2038 |
2039 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
2040 | return setError (E_INVALIDARG,
2041 | tr ("USB device with UUID {%Vuuid} is not attached to this machine"),
2042 | Guid (aId).raw());
2043 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
2044 | }
2045 |
2047 | Console::CreateSharedFolder (INPTR BSTR aName, INPTR BSTR aHostPath, BOOL aWritable)
2048 | {
2049 | if (!aName || !aHostPath)
2050 | return E_INVALIDARG;
2051 |
2052 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2053 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2054 |
2055 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2056 |
2057 | /// @todo see @todo in AttachUSBDevice() about the Paused state
2058 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Saved)
2059 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2060 | tr ("Cannot create a transient shared folder on the "
2061 | "machine in the saved state"));
2062 | if (mMachineState > MachineState_Paused)
2063 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2064 | tr ("Cannot create a transient shared folder on the "
2065 | "machine while it is changing the state (machine state: %d)"),
2066 | mMachineState);
2067 |
2068 | ComObjPtr <SharedFolder> sharedFolder;
2069 | HRESULT rc = findSharedFolder (aName, sharedFolder, false /* aSetError */);
2070 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2071 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2072 | tr ("Shared folder named '%ls' already exists"), aName);
2073 |
2074 | sharedFolder.createObject();
2075 | rc = sharedFolder->init (this, aName, aHostPath, aWritable);
2076 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2077 |
2078 | BOOL accessible = FALSE;
2079 | rc = sharedFolder->COMGETTER(Accessible) (&accessible);
2080 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2081 |
2082 | if (!accessible)
2083 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2084 | tr ("Shared folder host path '%ls' is not accessible"), aHostPath);
2085 |
2086 | /* protect mpVM (if not NULL) */
2087 | AutoVMCallerQuietWeak autoVMCaller (this);
2088 |
2089 | if (mpVM && autoVMCaller.isOk() && mVMMDev->isShFlActive())
2090 | {
2091 | /* If the VM is online and supports shared folders, share this folder
2092 | * under the specified name. */
2093 |
2094 | /* first, remove the machine or the global folder if there is any */
2095 | SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator it;
2096 | if (findOtherSharedFolder (aName, it))
2097 | {
2098 | rc = removeSharedFolder (aName);
2099 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2100 | }
2101 |
2102 | /* second, create the given folder */
2103 | rc = createSharedFolder (aName, SharedFolderData (aHostPath, aWritable));
2104 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2105 | }
2106 |
2107 | mSharedFolders.insert (std::make_pair (aName, sharedFolder));
2108 |
2109 | /* notify console callbacks after the folder is added to the list */
2110 | {
2111 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
2112 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
2113 | (*it++)->OnSharedFolderChange (Scope_Session);
2114 | }
2115 |
2116 | return rc;
2117 | }
2118 |
2119 | STDMETHODIMP Console::RemoveSharedFolder (INPTR BSTR aName)
2120 | {
2121 | if (!aName)
2122 | return E_INVALIDARG;
2123 |
2124 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2125 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2126 |
2127 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2128 |
2129 | /// @todo see @todo in AttachUSBDevice() about the Paused state
2130 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Saved)
2131 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2132 | tr ("Cannot remove a transient shared folder from the "
2133 | "machine in the saved state"));
2134 | if (mMachineState > MachineState_Paused)
2135 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2136 | tr ("Cannot remove a transient shared folder from the "
2137 | "machine while it is changing the state (machine state: %d)"),
2138 | mMachineState);
2139 |
2140 | ComObjPtr <SharedFolder> sharedFolder;
2141 | HRESULT rc = findSharedFolder (aName, sharedFolder, true /* aSetError */);
2142 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2143 |
2144 | /* protect mpVM (if not NULL) */
2145 | AutoVMCallerQuietWeak autoVMCaller (this);
2146 |
2147 | if (mpVM && autoVMCaller.isOk() && mVMMDev->isShFlActive())
2148 | {
2149 | /* if the VM is online and supports shared folders, UNshare this
2150 | * folder. */
2151 |
2152 | /* first, remove the given folder */
2153 | rc = removeSharedFolder (aName);
2154 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2155 |
2156 | /* first, remove the machine or the global folder if there is any */
2157 | SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator it;
2158 | if (findOtherSharedFolder (aName, it))
2159 | {
2160 | rc = createSharedFolder (aName, it->second);
2161 | /* don't check rc here because we need to remove the console
2162 | * folder from the collection even on failure */
2163 | }
2164 | }
2165 |
2166 | mSharedFolders.erase (aName);
2167 |
2168 | /* notify console callbacks after the folder is removed to the list */
2169 | {
2170 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
2171 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
2172 | (*it++)->OnSharedFolderChange (Scope_Session);
2173 | }
2174 |
2175 | return rc;
2176 | }
2177 |
2178 | STDMETHODIMP Console::TakeSnapshot (INPTR BSTR aName, INPTR BSTR aDescription,
2179 | IProgress **aProgress)
2180 | {
2181 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
2182 | LogFlowThisFunc (("aName='%ls' mMachineState=%08X\n", aName, mMachineState));
2183 |
2184 | if (!aName)
2185 | return E_INVALIDARG;
2186 | if (!aProgress)
2187 | return E_POINTER;
2188 |
2189 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2190 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2191 |
2192 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2193 |
2194 | if (mMachineState > MachineState_Paused)
2195 | {
2196 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2197 | tr ("Cannot take a snapshot of the machine "
2198 | "while it is changing the state (machine state: %d)"),
2199 | mMachineState);
2200 | }
2201 |
2202 | /* memorize the current machine state */
2203 | MachineState_T lastMachineState = mMachineState;
2204 |
2205 | if (mMachineState == MachineState_Running)
2206 | {
2207 | HRESULT rc = Pause();
2208 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2209 | }
2210 |
2211 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
2212 |
2213 | bool takingSnapshotOnline = mMachineState == MachineState_Paused;
2214 |
2215 | /*
2216 | * create a descriptionless VM-side progress object
2217 | * (only when creating a snapshot online)
2218 | */
2219 | ComObjPtr <Progress> saveProgress;
2220 | if (takingSnapshotOnline)
2221 | {
2222 | saveProgress.createObject();
2223 | rc = saveProgress->init (FALSE, 1, Bstr (tr ("Saving the execution state")));
2224 | AssertComRCReturn (rc, rc);
2225 | }
2226 |
2227 | bool beganTakingSnapshot = false;
2228 | bool taskCreationFailed = false;
2229 |
2230 | do
2231 | {
2232 | /* create a task object early to ensure mpVM protection is successful */
2233 | std::auto_ptr <VMSaveTask> task;
2234 | if (takingSnapshotOnline)
2235 | {
2236 | task.reset (new VMSaveTask (this, saveProgress));
2237 | rc = task->rc();
2238 | /*
2239 | * If we fail here it means a PowerDown() call happened on another
2240 | * thread while we were doing Pause() (which leaves the Console lock).
2241 | * We assign PowerDown() a higher precendence than TakeSnapshot(),
2242 | * therefore just return the error to the caller.
2243 | */
2244 | if (FAILED (rc))
2245 | {
2246 | taskCreationFailed = true;
2247 | break;
2248 | }
2249 | }
2250 |
2251 | Bstr stateFilePath;
2252 | ComPtr <IProgress> serverProgress;
2253 |
2254 | /*
2255 | * request taking a new snapshot object on the server
2256 | * (this will set the machine state to Saving on the server to block
2257 | * others from accessing this machine)
2258 | */
2259 | rc = mControl->BeginTakingSnapshot (this, aName, aDescription,
2260 | saveProgress, stateFilePath.asOutParam(),
2261 | serverProgress.asOutParam());
2262 | if (FAILED (rc))
2263 | break;
2264 |
2265 | /*
2266 | * state file is non-null only when the VM is paused
2267 | * (i.e. createing a snapshot online)
2268 | */
2269 | ComAssertBreak (
2270 | (!stateFilePath.isNull() && takingSnapshotOnline) ||
2271 | (stateFilePath.isNull() && !takingSnapshotOnline),
2272 | rc = E_FAIL);
2273 |
2274 | beganTakingSnapshot = true;
2275 |
2276 | /* sync the state with the server */
2277 | setMachineStateLocally (MachineState_Saving);
2278 |
2279 | /*
2280 | * create a combined VM-side progress object and start the save task
2281 | * (only when creating a snapshot online)
2282 | */
2283 | ComObjPtr <CombinedProgress> combinedProgress;
2284 | if (takingSnapshotOnline)
2285 | {
2286 | combinedProgress.createObject();
2287 | rc = combinedProgress->init (static_cast <IConsole *> (this),
2288 | Bstr (tr ("Taking snapshot of virtual machine")),
2289 | serverProgress, saveProgress);
2290 | AssertComRCBreakRC (rc);
2291 |
2292 | /* setup task object and thread to carry out the operation asynchronously */
2293 | task->mIsSnapshot = true;
2294 | task->mSavedStateFile = stateFilePath;
2295 | task->mServerProgress = serverProgress;
2296 | /* set the state the operation thread will restore when it is finished */
2297 | task->mLastMachineState = lastMachineState;
2298 |
2299 | /* create a thread to wait until the VM state is saved */
2300 | int vrc = RTThreadCreate (NULL, Console::saveStateThread, (void *) task.get(),
2301 | 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_WORKER, 0, "VMTakeSnap");
2302 |
2303 | ComAssertMsgRCBreak (vrc, ("Could not create VMTakeSnap thread (%Vrc)\n", vrc),
2304 | rc = E_FAIL);
2305 |
2306 | /* task is now owned by saveStateThread(), so release it */
2307 | task.release();
2308 | }
2309 |
2310 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2311 | {
2312 | /* return the correct progress to the caller */
2313 | if (combinedProgress)
2314 | combinedProgress.queryInterfaceTo (aProgress);
2315 | else
2316 | serverProgress.queryInterfaceTo (aProgress);
2317 | }
2318 | }
2319 | while (0);
2320 |
2321 | if (FAILED (rc) && !taskCreationFailed)
2322 | {
2323 | /* preserve existing error info */
2324 | ErrorInfoKeeper eik;
2325 |
2326 | if (beganTakingSnapshot && takingSnapshotOnline)
2327 | {
2328 | /*
2329 | * cancel the requested snapshot (only when creating a snapshot
2330 | * online, otherwise the server will cancel the snapshot itself).
2331 | * This will reset the machine state to the state it had right
2332 | * before calling mControl->BeginTakingSnapshot().
2333 | */
2334 | mControl->EndTakingSnapshot (FALSE);
2335 | }
2336 |
2337 | if (lastMachineState == MachineState_Running)
2338 | {
2339 | /* restore the paused state if appropriate */
2340 | setMachineStateLocally (MachineState_Paused);
2341 | /* restore the running state if appropriate */
2342 | Resume();
2343 | }
2344 | else
2345 | setMachineStateLocally (lastMachineState);
2346 | }
2347 |
2348 | LogFlowThisFunc (("rc=%08X\n", rc));
2349 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
2350 | return rc;
2351 | }
2352 |
2353 | STDMETHODIMP Console::DiscardSnapshot (INPTR GUIDPARAM aId, IProgress **aProgress)
2354 | {
2355 | if (Guid (aId).isEmpty())
2356 | return E_INVALIDARG;
2357 | if (!aProgress)
2358 | return E_POINTER;
2359 |
2360 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2361 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2362 |
2363 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2364 |
2365 | if (mMachineState >= MachineState_Running)
2366 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2367 | tr ("Cannot discard a snapshot of the running machine "
2368 | "(machine state: %d)"),
2369 | mMachineState);
2370 |
2371 | MachineState_T machineState = MachineState_Null;
2372 | HRESULT rc = mControl->DiscardSnapshot (this, aId, &machineState, aProgress);
2373 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2374 |
2375 | setMachineStateLocally (machineState);
2376 | return S_OK;
2377 | }
2378 |
2379 | STDMETHODIMP Console::DiscardCurrentState (IProgress **aProgress)
2380 | {
2381 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2382 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2383 |
2384 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2385 |
2386 | if (mMachineState >= MachineState_Running)
2387 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2388 | tr ("Cannot discard the current state of the running machine "
2389 | "(nachine state: %d)"),
2390 | mMachineState);
2391 |
2392 | MachineState_T machineState = MachineState_Null;
2393 | HRESULT rc = mControl->DiscardCurrentState (this, &machineState, aProgress);
2394 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2395 |
2396 | setMachineStateLocally (machineState);
2397 | return S_OK;
2398 | }
2399 |
2400 | STDMETHODIMP Console::DiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (IProgress **aProgress)
2401 | {
2402 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2403 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2404 |
2405 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2406 |
2407 | if (mMachineState >= MachineState_Running)
2408 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2409 | tr ("Cannot discard the current snapshot and state of the "
2410 | "running machine (machine state: %d)"),
2411 | mMachineState);
2412 |
2413 | MachineState_T machineState = MachineState_Null;
2414 | HRESULT rc =
2415 | mControl->DiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (this, &machineState, aProgress);
2416 | CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
2417 |
2418 | setMachineStateLocally (machineState);
2419 | return S_OK;
2420 | }
2421 |
2422 | STDMETHODIMP Console::RegisterCallback (IConsoleCallback *aCallback)
2423 | {
2424 | if (!aCallback)
2425 | return E_INVALIDARG;
2426 |
2427 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2428 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2429 |
2430 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2431 |
2432 | mCallbacks.push_back (CallbackList::value_type (aCallback));
2433 |
2434 | /* Inform the callback about the current status (for example, the new
2435 | * callback must know the current mouse capabilities and the pointer
2436 | * shape in order to properly integrate the mouse pointer). */
2437 |
2438 | if (mCallbackData.mpsc.valid)
2439 | aCallback->OnMousePointerShapeChange (mCallbackData.mpsc.visible,
2440 | mCallbackData.mpsc.alpha,
2441 | mCallbackData.mpsc.xHot,
2442 | mCallbackData.mpsc.yHot,
2443 | mCallbackData.mpsc.width,
2444 | mCallbackData.mpsc.height,
2445 | mCallbackData.mpsc.shape);
2446 | if (mCallbackData.mcc.valid)
2447 | aCallback->OnMouseCapabilityChange (mCallbackData.mcc.supportsAbsolute,
2448 | mCallbackData.mcc.needsHostCursor);
2449 |
2450 | aCallback->OnAdditionsStateChange();
2451 |
2452 | if (mCallbackData.klc.valid)
2453 | aCallback->OnKeyboardLedsChange (mCallbackData.klc.numLock,
2454 | mCallbackData.klc.capsLock,
2455 | mCallbackData.klc.scrollLock);
2456 |
2457 | /* Note: we don't call OnStateChange for new callbacks because the
2458 | * machine state is a) not actually changed on callback registration
2459 | * and b) can be always queried from Console. */
2460 |
2461 | return S_OK;
2462 | }
2463 |
2464 | STDMETHODIMP Console::UnregisterCallback (IConsoleCallback *aCallback)
2465 | {
2466 | if (!aCallback)
2467 | return E_INVALIDARG;
2468 |
2469 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2470 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2471 |
2472 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2473 |
2474 | CallbackList::iterator it;
2475 | it = std::find (mCallbacks.begin(),
2476 | mCallbacks.end(),
2477 | CallbackList::value_type (aCallback));
2478 | if (it == mCallbacks.end())
2479 | return setError (E_INVALIDARG,
2480 | tr ("The given callback handler is not registered"));
2481 |
2482 | mCallbacks.erase (it);
2483 | return S_OK;
2484 | }
2485 |
2486 | // Non-interface public methods
2487 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2488 |
2489 | /**
2490 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnDVDDriveChange().
2491 | *
2492 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
2493 | */
2494 | HRESULT Console::onDVDDriveChange()
2495 | {
2496 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
2497 |
2498 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2499 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2500 |
2501 | /* doDriveChange() needs a write lock */
2502 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2503 |
2504 | /* Ignore callbacks when there's no VM around */
2505 | if (!mpVM)
2506 | return S_OK;
2507 |
2508 | /* protect mpVM */
2509 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
2510 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
2511 |
2512 | /* Get the current DVD state */
2513 | HRESULT rc;
2514 | DriveState_T eState;
2515 |
2516 | rc = mDVDDrive->COMGETTER (State) (&eState);
2517 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (rc);
2518 |
2519 | /* Paranoia */
2520 | if ( eState == DriveState_NotMounted
2521 | && meDVDState == DriveState_NotMounted)
2522 | {
2523 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Returns (NotMounted -> NotMounted)\n"));
2524 | return S_OK;
2525 | }
2526 |
2527 | /* Get the path string and other relevant properties */
2528 | Bstr Path;
2529 | bool fPassthrough = false;
2530 | switch (eState)
2531 | {
2532 | case DriveState_ImageMounted:
2533 | {
2534 | ComPtr <IDVDImage> ImagePtr;
2535 | rc = mDVDDrive->GetImage (ImagePtr.asOutParam());
2536 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2537 | rc = ImagePtr->COMGETTER(FilePath) (Path.asOutParam());
2538 | break;
2539 | }
2540 |
2541 | case DriveState_HostDriveCaptured:
2542 | {
2543 | ComPtr <IHostDVDDrive> DrivePtr;
2544 | BOOL enabled;
2545 | rc = mDVDDrive->GetHostDrive (DrivePtr.asOutParam());
2546 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2547 | rc = DrivePtr->COMGETTER (Name) (Path.asOutParam());
2548 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2549 | rc = mDVDDrive->COMGETTER (Passthrough) (&enabled);
2550 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2551 | fPassthrough = !!enabled;
2552 | break;
2553 | }
2554 |
2555 | case DriveState_NotMounted:
2556 | break;
2557 |
2558 | default:
2559 | AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid DriveState: %d\n", eState));
2560 | rc = E_FAIL;
2561 | break;
2562 | }
2563 |
2564 | AssertComRC (rc);
2565 | if (FAILED (rc))
2566 | {
2567 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Returns %#x\n", rc));
2568 | return rc;
2569 | }
2570 |
2571 | rc = doDriveChange ("piix3ide", 0, 2, eState, &meDVDState,
2572 | Utf8Str (Path).raw(), fPassthrough);
2573 |
2574 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
2575 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2576 | {
2577 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
2578 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
2579 | (*it++)->OnDVDDriveChange();
2580 | }
2581 |
2582 | return rc;
2583 | }
2584 |
2585 |
2586 | /**
2587 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnFloppyDriveChange().
2588 | *
2589 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
2590 | */
2591 | HRESULT Console::onFloppyDriveChange()
2592 | {
2593 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
2594 |
2595 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2596 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2597 |
2598 | /* doDriveChange() needs a write lock */
2599 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2600 |
2601 | /* Ignore callbacks when there's no VM around */
2602 | if (!mpVM)
2603 | return S_OK;
2604 |
2605 | /* protect mpVM */
2606 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
2607 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
2608 |
2609 | /* Get the current floppy state */
2610 | HRESULT rc;
2611 | DriveState_T eState;
2612 |
2613 | /* If the floppy drive is disabled, we're not interested */
2614 | BOOL fEnabled;
2615 | rc = mFloppyDrive->COMGETTER (Enabled) (&fEnabled);
2616 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (rc);
2617 |
2618 | if (!fEnabled)
2619 | return S_OK;
2620 |
2621 | rc = mFloppyDrive->COMGETTER (State) (&eState);
2622 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (rc);
2623 |
2624 | Log2 (("onFloppyDriveChange: eState=%d meFloppyState=%d\n", eState, meFloppyState));
2625 |
2626 |
2627 | /* Paranoia */
2628 | if ( eState == DriveState_NotMounted
2629 | && meFloppyState == DriveState_NotMounted)
2630 | {
2631 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Returns (NotMounted -> NotMounted)\n"));
2632 | return S_OK;
2633 | }
2634 |
2635 | /* Get the path string and other relevant properties */
2636 | Bstr Path;
2637 | switch (eState)
2638 | {
2639 | case DriveState_ImageMounted:
2640 | {
2641 | ComPtr <IFloppyImage> ImagePtr;
2642 | rc = mFloppyDrive->GetImage (ImagePtr.asOutParam());
2643 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2644 | rc = ImagePtr->COMGETTER(FilePath) (Path.asOutParam());
2645 | break;
2646 | }
2647 |
2648 | case DriveState_HostDriveCaptured:
2649 | {
2650 | ComPtr <IHostFloppyDrive> DrivePtr;
2651 | rc = mFloppyDrive->GetHostDrive (DrivePtr.asOutParam());
2652 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2653 | rc = DrivePtr->COMGETTER (Name) (Path.asOutParam());
2654 | break;
2655 | }
2656 |
2657 | case DriveState_NotMounted:
2658 | break;
2659 |
2660 | default:
2661 | AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid DriveState: %d\n", eState));
2662 | rc = E_FAIL;
2663 | break;
2664 | }
2665 |
2666 | AssertComRC (rc);
2667 | if (FAILED (rc))
2668 | {
2669 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Returns %#x\n", rc));
2670 | return rc;
2671 | }
2672 |
2673 | rc = doDriveChange ("i82078", 0, 0, eState, &meFloppyState,
2674 | Utf8Str (Path).raw(), false);
2675 |
2676 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
2677 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
2678 | {
2679 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
2680 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
2681 | (*it++)->OnFloppyDriveChange();
2682 | }
2683 |
2684 | return rc;
2685 | }
2686 |
2687 |
2688 | /**
2689 | * Process a floppy or dvd change.
2690 | *
2691 | * @returns COM status code.
2692 | *
2693 | * @param pszDevice The PDM device name.
2694 | * @param uInstance The PDM device instance.
2695 | * @param uLun The PDM LUN number of the drive.
2696 | * @param eState The new state.
2697 | * @param peState Pointer to the variable keeping the actual state of the drive.
2698 | * This will be both read and updated to eState or other appropriate state.
2699 | * @param pszPath The path to the media / drive which is now being mounted / captured.
2700 | * If NULL no media or drive is attached and the lun will be configured with
2701 | * the default block driver with no media. This will also be the state if
2702 | * mounting / capturing the specified media / drive fails.
2703 | * @param fPassthrough Enables using passthrough mode of the host DVD drive if applicable.
2704 | *
2705 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
2706 | */
2707 | HRESULT Console::doDriveChange (const char *pszDevice, unsigned uInstance, unsigned uLun, DriveState_T eState,
2708 | DriveState_T *peState, const char *pszPath, bool fPassthrough)
2709 | {
2710 | LogFlowThisFunc (("pszDevice=%p:{%s} uInstance=%u uLun=%u eState=%d "
2711 | "peState=%p:{%d} pszPath=%p:{%s} fPassthrough=%d\n",
2712 | pszDevice, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun, eState,
2713 | peState, *peState, pszPath, pszPath, fPassthrough));
2714 |
2715 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
2716 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
2717 |
2718 | /* We will need to release the write lock before calling EMT */
2719 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
2720 |
2721 | /* protect mpVM */
2722 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
2723 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
2724 |
2725 | /*
2726 | * Call worker in EMT, that's faster and safer than doing everything
2727 | * using VM3ReqCall. Note that we separate VMR3ReqCall from VMR3ReqWait
2728 | * here to make requests from under the lock in order to serialize them.
2729 | */
2730 | PVMREQ pReq;
2731 | int vrc = VMR3ReqCall (mpVM, &pReq, 0 /* no wait! */,
2732 | (PFNRT) Console::changeDrive, 8,
2733 | this, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun, eState, peState,
2734 | pszPath, fPassthrough);
2735 | /// @todo (r=dmik) bird, it would be nice to have a special VMR3Req method
2736 | // for that purpose, that doesn't return useless VERR_TIMEOUT
2737 | if (vrc == VERR_TIMEOUT)
2738 | vrc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2739 |
2740 | /* leave the lock before waiting for a result (EMT will call us back!) */
2741 | alock.leave();
2742 |
2743 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
2744 | {
2745 | vrc = VMR3ReqWait (pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
2746 | AssertRC (vrc);
2747 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
2748 | vrc = pReq->iStatus;
2749 | }
2750 | VMR3ReqFree (pReq);
2751 |
2752 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
2753 | {
2754 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Returns S_OK\n"));
2755 | return S_OK;
2756 | }
2757 |
2758 | if (pszPath)
2759 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2760 | tr ("Could not mount the media/drive '%s' (%Vrc)"), pszPath, vrc);
2761 |
2762 | return setError (E_FAIL,
2763 | tr ("Could not unmount the currently mounted media/drive (%Vrc)"), vrc);
2764 | }
2765 |
2766 |
2767 | /**
2768 | * Performs the Floppy/DVD change in EMT.
2769 | *
2770 | * @returns VBox status code.
2771 | *
2772 | * @param pThis Pointer to the Console object.
2773 | * @param pszDevice The PDM device name.
2774 | * @param uInstance The PDM device instance.
2775 | * @param uLun The PDM LUN number of the drive.
2776 | * @param eState The new state.
2777 | * @param peState Pointer to the variable keeping the actual state of the drive.
2778 | * This will be both read and updated to eState or other appropriate state.
2779 | * @param pszPath The path to the media / drive which is now being mounted / captured.
2780 | * If NULL no media or drive is attached and the lun will be configured with
2781 | * the default block driver with no media. This will also be the state if
2782 | * mounting / capturing the specified media / drive fails.
2783 | * @param fPassthrough Enables using passthrough mode of the host DVD drive if applicable.
2784 | *
2785 | * @thread EMT
2786 | * @note Locks the Console object for writing.
2787 | */
2788 | DECLCALLBACK(int) Console::changeDrive (Console *pThis, const char *pszDevice, unsigned uInstance, unsigned uLun,
2789 | DriveState_T eState, DriveState_T *peState,
2790 | const char *pszPath, bool fPassthrough)
2791 | {
2792 | LogFlowFunc (("pThis=%p pszDevice=%p:{%s} uInstance=%u uLun=%u eState=%d "
2793 | "peState=%p:{%d} pszPath=%p:{%s} fPassthrough=%d\n",
2794 | pThis, pszDevice, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun, eState,
2795 | peState, *peState, pszPath, pszPath, fPassthrough));
2796 |
2797 | AssertReturn (pThis, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
2798 |
2799 | AssertMsg ( (!strcmp (pszDevice, "i82078") && uLun == 0 && uInstance == 0)
2800 | || (!strcmp (pszDevice, "piix3ide") && uLun == 2 && uInstance == 0),
2801 | ("pszDevice=%s uLun=%d uInstance=%d\n", pszDevice, uLun, uInstance));
2802 |
2803 | AutoCaller autoCaller (pThis);
2804 | AssertComRCReturn (autoCaller.rc(), VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
2805 |
2806 | /*
2807 | * Locking the object before doing VMR3* calls is quite safe here, since
2808 | * we're on EMT. Write lock is necessary because we indirectly modify the
2809 | * meDVDState/meFloppyState members (pointed to by peState).
2810 | */
2811 | AutoWriteLock alock (pThis);
2812 |
2813 | /* protect mpVM */
2814 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (pThis);
2815 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
2816 |
2817 | PVM pVM = pThis->mpVM;
2818 |
2819 | /*
2820 | * Suspend the VM first.
2821 | *
2822 | * The VM must not be running since it might have pending I/O to
2823 | * the drive which is being changed.
2824 | */
2825 | bool fResume;
2826 | VMSTATE enmVMState = VMR3GetState (pVM);
2827 | switch (enmVMState)
2828 | {
2830 | case VMSTATE_RUNNING:
2831 | {
2832 | LogFlowFunc (("Suspending the VM...\n"));
2833 | /* disable the callback to prevent Console-level state change */
2834 | pThis->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled = true;
2835 | int rc = VMR3Suspend (pVM);
2836 | pThis->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled = false;
2837 | AssertRCReturn (rc, rc);
2838 | fResume = true;
2839 | break;
2840 | }
2841 |
2843 | case VMSTATE_CREATED:
2844 | case VMSTATE_OFF:
2845 | fResume = false;
2846 | break;
2847 |
2848 | default:
2849 | AssertMsgFailedReturn (("enmVMState=%d\n", enmVMState), VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
2850 | }
2851 |
2852 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2853 | int rcRet = VINF_SUCCESS;
2854 |
2855 | do
2856 | {
2857 | /*
2858 | * Unmount existing media / detach host drive.
2859 | */
2860 | PPDMIMOUNT pIMount = NULL;
2861 | switch (*peState)
2862 | {
2863 |
2864 | case DriveState_ImageMounted:
2865 | {
2866 | /*
2867 | * Resolve the interface.
2868 | */
2869 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
2870 | rc = PDMR3QueryLun (pVM, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun, &pBase);
2871 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc))
2872 | {
2873 | if (rc == VERR_PDM_LUN_NOT_FOUND)
2874 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2875 | AssertRC (rc);
2876 | break;
2877 | }
2878 |
2879 | pIMount = (PPDMIMOUNT) pBase->pfnQueryInterface (pBase, PDMINTERFACE_MOUNT);
2880 | AssertBreakStmt (pIMount, rc = VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
2881 |
2882 | /*
2883 | * Unmount the media.
2884 | */
2885 | rc = pIMount->pfnUnmount (pIMount, false);
2886 | if (rc == VERR_PDM_MEDIA_NOT_MOUNTED)
2887 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2888 | break;
2889 | }
2890 |
2891 | case DriveState_HostDriveCaptured:
2892 | {
2893 | rc = PDMR3DeviceDetach (pVM, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun);
2895 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2896 | AssertRC (rc);
2897 | break;
2898 | }
2899 |
2900 | case DriveState_NotMounted:
2901 | break;
2902 |
2903 | default:
2904 | AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid *peState: %d\n", peState));
2905 | break;
2906 | }
2907 |
2908 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc))
2909 | {
2910 | rcRet = rc;
2911 | break;
2912 | }
2913 |
2914 | /*
2915 | * Nothing is currently mounted.
2916 | */
2917 | *peState = DriveState_NotMounted;
2918 |
2919 |
2920 | /*
2921 | * Process the HostDriveCaptured state first, as the fallback path
2922 | * means mounting the normal block driver without media.
2923 | */
2924 | if (eState == DriveState_HostDriveCaptured)
2925 | {
2926 | /*
2927 | * Detach existing driver chain (block).
2928 | */
2929 | int rc = PDMR3DeviceDetach (pVM, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun);
2930 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc))
2931 | {
2932 | if (rc == VERR_PDM_LUN_NOT_FOUND)
2933 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2934 | AssertReleaseRC (rc);
2935 | break; /* we're toast */
2936 | }
2937 | pIMount = NULL;
2938 |
2939 | /*
2940 | * Construct a new driver configuration.
2941 | */
2942 | PCFGMNODE pInst = CFGMR3GetChildF (CFGMR3GetRoot (pVM), "Devices/%s/%d/", pszDevice, uInstance);
2943 | AssertRelease (pInst);
2944 | /* nuke anything which might have been left behind. */
2945 | CFGMR3RemoveNode (CFGMR3GetChildF (pInst, "LUN#%d", uLun));
2946 |
2947 | /* create a new block driver config */
2948 | PCFGMNODE pLunL0;
2949 | PCFGMNODE pCfg;
2950 | if ( VBOX_SUCCESS (rc = CFGMR3InsertNodeF (pInst, &pLunL0, "LUN#%u", uLun))
2951 | && VBOX_SUCCESS (rc = CFGMR3InsertString (pLunL0, "Driver", !strcmp (pszDevice, "i82078") ? "HostFloppy" : "HostDVD"))
2952 | && VBOX_SUCCESS (rc = CFGMR3InsertNode (pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg))
2953 | && VBOX_SUCCESS (rc = CFGMR3InsertString (pCfg, "Path", pszPath))
2954 | && VBOX_SUCCESS (rc = !strcmp (pszDevice, "i82078") ? VINF_SUCCESS : CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Passthrough", fPassthrough)))
2955 | {
2956 | /*
2957 | * Attempt to attach the driver.
2958 | */
2959 | rc = PDMR3DeviceAttach (pVM, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun, NULL);
2960 | AssertRC (rc);
2961 | }
2962 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc))
2963 | rcRet = rc;
2964 | }
2965 |
2966 | /*
2967 | * Process the ImageMounted, NotMounted and failed HostDriveCapture cases.
2968 | */
2969 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2970 | switch (eState)
2971 | {
2972 | #define RC_CHECK() do { if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc)) { AssertReleaseRC (rc); break; } } while (0)
2973 |
2974 | case DriveState_HostDriveCaptured:
2975 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rcRet))
2976 | break;
2977 | /* fallback: umounted block driver. */
2978 | pszPath = NULL;
2979 | eState = DriveState_NotMounted;
2980 | /* fallthru */
2981 | case DriveState_ImageMounted:
2982 | case DriveState_NotMounted:
2983 | {
2984 | /*
2985 | * Resolve the drive interface / create the driver.
2986 | */
2987 | if (!pIMount)
2988 | {
2989 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
2990 | rc = PDMR3QueryLun (pVM, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun, &pBase);
2992 | {
2993 | /*
2994 | * We have to create it, so we'll do the full config setup and everything.
2995 | */
2996 | PCFGMNODE pIdeInst = CFGMR3GetChildF (CFGMR3GetRoot (pVM), "Devices/%s/%d/", pszDevice, uInstance);
2997 | AssertRelease (pIdeInst);
2998 |
2999 | /* nuke anything which might have been left behind. */
3000 | CFGMR3RemoveNode (CFGMR3GetChildF (pIdeInst, "LUN#%d", uLun));
3001 |
3002 | /* create a new block driver config */
3003 | PCFGMNODE pLunL0;
3004 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNodeF (pIdeInst, &pLunL0, "LUN#%d", uLun); RC_CHECK();
3005 | rc = CFGMR3InsertString (pLunL0, "Driver", "Block"); RC_CHECK();
3006 | PCFGMNODE pCfg;
3007 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNode (pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); RC_CHECK();
3008 | rc = CFGMR3InsertString (pCfg, "Type", !strcmp (pszDevice, "i82078") ? "Floppy 1.44" : "DVD");
3009 | RC_CHECK();
3010 | rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger (pCfg, "Mountable", 1); RC_CHECK();
3011 |
3012 | /*
3013 | * Attach the driver.
3014 | */
3015 | rc = PDMR3DeviceAttach (pVM, pszDevice, uInstance, uLun, &pBase);
3016 | RC_CHECK();
3017 | }
3018 | else if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc))
3019 | {
3020 | AssertRC (rc);
3021 | return rc;
3022 | }
3023 |
3024 | pIMount = (PPDMIMOUNT) pBase->pfnQueryInterface (pBase, PDMINTERFACE_MOUNT);
3025 | if (!pIMount)
3026 | {
3027 | AssertFailed();
3028 | return rc;
3029 | }
3030 | }
3031 |
3032 | /*
3033 | * If we've got an image, let's mount it.
3034 | */
3035 | if (pszPath && *pszPath)
3036 | {
3037 | rc = pIMount->pfnMount (pIMount, pszPath, strcmp (pszDevice, "i82078") ? "MediaISO" : "RawImage");
3038 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc))
3039 | eState = DriveState_NotMounted;
3040 | }
3041 | break;
3042 | }
3043 |
3044 | default:
3045 | AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid eState: %d\n", eState));
3046 | break;
3047 |
3048 | #undef RC_CHECK
3049 | }
3050 |
3051 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc) && VBOX_SUCCESS (rcRet))
3052 | rcRet = rc;
3053 |
3054 | *peState = eState;
3055 | }
3056 | while (0);
3057 |
3058 | /*
3059 | * Resume the VM if necessary.
3060 | */
3061 | if (fResume)
3062 | {
3063 | LogFlowFunc (("Resuming the VM...\n"));
3064 | /* disable the callback to prevent Console-level state change */
3065 | pThis->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled = true;
3066 | rc = VMR3Resume (pVM);
3067 | pThis->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled = false;
3068 | AssertRC (rc);
3069 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (rc))
3070 | {
3071 | /* too bad, we failed. try to sync the console state with the VMM state */
3072 | vmstateChangeCallback (pVM, VMSTATE_SUSPENDED, enmVMState, pThis);
3073 | }
3074 | /// @todo (r=dmik) if we failed with drive mount, then the VMR3Resume
3075 | // error (if any) will be hidden from the caller. For proper reporting
3076 | // of such multiple errors to the caller we need to enhance the
3077 | // IVurtualBoxError interface. For now, give the first error the higher
3078 | // priority.
3079 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rcRet))
3080 | rcRet = rc;
3081 | }
3082 |
3083 | LogFlowFunc (("Returning %Vrc\n", rcRet));
3084 | return rcRet;
3085 | }
3086 |
3087 |
3088 | /**
3089 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnNetworkAdapterChange().
3090 | *
3091 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3092 | */
3093 | HRESULT Console::onNetworkAdapterChange (INetworkAdapter *aNetworkAdapter)
3094 | {
3095 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
3096 |
3097 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3098 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3099 |
3100 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3101 |
3102 | /* Don't do anything if the VM isn't running */
3103 | if (!mpVM)
3104 | return S_OK;
3105 |
3106 | /* protect mpVM */
3107 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
3108 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
3109 |
3110 | /* Get the properties we need from the adapter */
3111 | BOOL fCableConnected;
3112 | HRESULT rc = aNetworkAdapter->COMGETTER(CableConnected) (&fCableConnected);
3113 | AssertComRC(rc);
3114 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
3115 | {
3116 | ULONG ulInstance;
3117 | rc = aNetworkAdapter->COMGETTER(Slot) (&ulInstance);
3118 | AssertComRC (rc);
3119 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
3120 | {
3121 | /*
3122 | * Find the pcnet instance, get the config interface and update
3123 | * the link state.
3124 | */
3125 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
3126 | const char *cszAdapterName = "pcnet";
3127 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_E1000
3128 | /*
3129 | * Perharps it would be much wiser to wrap both 'pcnet' and 'e1000'
3130 | * into generic 'net' device.
3131 | */
3132 | NetworkAdapterType_T adapterType;
3133 | rc = aNetworkAdapter->COMGETTER(AdapterType)(&adapterType);
3134 | AssertComRC(rc);
3135 | if (adapterType == NetworkAdapterType_I82540EM ||
3136 | adapterType == NetworkAdapterType_I82543GC)
3137 | cszAdapterName = "e1000";
3138 | #endif
3139 | int vrc = PDMR3QueryDeviceLun (mpVM, cszAdapterName,
3140 | (unsigned) ulInstance, 0, &pBase);
3141 | ComAssertRC (vrc);
3142 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
3143 | {
3144 | Assert(pBase);
3146 | pfnQueryInterface(pBase, PDMINTERFACE_NETWORK_CONFIG);
3147 | if (pINetCfg)
3148 | {
3149 | Log (("Console::onNetworkAdapterChange: setting link state to %d\n",
3150 | fCableConnected));
3151 | vrc = pINetCfg->pfnSetLinkState (pINetCfg,
3152 | fCableConnected ? PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE_UP
3154 | ComAssertRC (vrc);
3155 | }
3156 | }
3157 |
3158 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
3159 | rc = E_FAIL;
3160 | }
3161 | }
3162 |
3163 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
3164 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
3165 | {
3166 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3167 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3168 | (*it++)->OnNetworkAdapterChange (aNetworkAdapter);
3169 | }
3170 |
3171 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Leaving rc=%#x\n", rc));
3172 | return rc;
3173 | }
3174 |
3175 | /**
3176 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnSerialPortChange().
3177 | *
3178 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3179 | */
3180 | HRESULT Console::onSerialPortChange (ISerialPort *aSerialPort)
3181 | {
3182 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
3183 |
3184 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3185 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3186 |
3187 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3188 |
3189 | /* Don't do anything if the VM isn't running */
3190 | if (!mpVM)
3191 | return S_OK;
3192 |
3193 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
3194 |
3195 | /* protect mpVM */
3196 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
3197 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
3198 |
3199 | /* nothing to do so far */
3200 |
3201 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
3202 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
3203 | {
3204 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3205 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3206 | (*it++)->OnSerialPortChange (aSerialPort);
3207 | }
3208 |
3209 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Leaving rc=%#x\n", rc));
3210 | return rc;
3211 | }
3212 |
3213 | /**
3214 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnParallelPortChange().
3215 | *
3216 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3217 | */
3218 | HRESULT Console::onParallelPortChange (IParallelPort *aParallelPort)
3219 | {
3220 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
3221 |
3222 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3223 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3224 |
3225 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3226 |
3227 | /* Don't do anything if the VM isn't running */
3228 | if (!mpVM)
3229 | return S_OK;
3230 |
3231 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
3232 |
3233 | /* protect mpVM */
3234 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
3235 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
3236 |
3237 | /* nothing to do so far */
3238 |
3239 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
3240 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
3241 | {
3242 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3243 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3244 | (*it++)->OnParallelPortChange (aParallelPort);
3245 | }
3246 |
3247 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Leaving rc=%#x\n", rc));
3248 | return rc;
3249 | }
3250 |
3251 | /**
3252 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnVRDPServerChange().
3253 | *
3254 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3255 | */
3256 | HRESULT Console::onVRDPServerChange()
3257 | {
3258 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3259 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3260 |
3261 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3262 |
3263 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
3264 |
3265 | if (mVRDPServer && mMachineState == MachineState_Running)
3266 | {
3267 | BOOL vrdpEnabled = FALSE;
3268 |
3269 | rc = mVRDPServer->COMGETTER(Enabled) (&vrdpEnabled);
3270 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (rc);
3271 |
3272 | if (vrdpEnabled)
3273 | {
3274 | // If there was no VRDP server started the 'stop' will do nothing.
3275 | // However if a server was started and this notification was called,
3276 | // we have to restart the server.
3277 | mConsoleVRDPServer->Stop ();
3278 |
3279 | if (VBOX_FAILURE(mConsoleVRDPServer->Launch ()))
3280 | {
3281 | rc = E_FAIL;
3282 | }
3283 | else
3284 | {
3285 | mConsoleVRDPServer->EnableConnections ();
3286 | }
3287 | }
3288 | else
3289 | {
3290 | mConsoleVRDPServer->Stop ();
3291 | }
3292 | }
3293 |
3294 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
3295 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
3296 | {
3297 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3298 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3299 | (*it++)->OnVRDPServerChange();
3300 | }
3301 |
3302 | return rc;
3303 | }
3304 |
3305 | /**
3306 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnUSBControllerChange().
3307 | *
3308 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3309 | */
3310 | HRESULT Console::onUSBControllerChange()
3311 | {
3312 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
3313 |
3314 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3315 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3316 |
3317 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3318 |
3319 | /* Ignore if no VM is running yet. */
3320 | if (!mpVM)
3321 | return S_OK;
3322 |
3323 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
3324 |
3325 | /// @todo (dmik)
3326 | // check for the Enabled state and disable virtual USB controller??
3327 | // Anyway, if we want to query the machine's USB Controller we need to cache
3328 | // it to to mUSBController in #init() (as it is done with mDVDDrive).
3329 | //
3330 | // bird: While the VM supports hot-plugging, I doubt any guest can handle it at this time... :-)
3331 | //
3332 | // /* protect mpVM */
3333 | // AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
3334 | // CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
3335 |
3336 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
3337 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
3338 | {
3339 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3340 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3341 | (*it++)->OnUSBControllerChange();
3342 | }
3343 |
3344 | return rc;
3345 | }
3346 |
3347 | /**
3348 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnSharedFolderChange().
3349 | *
3350 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3351 | */
3352 | HRESULT Console::onSharedFolderChange (BOOL aGlobal)
3353 | {
3354 | LogFlowThisFunc (("aGlobal=%RTbool\n", aGlobal));
3355 |
3356 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3357 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3358 |
3359 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3360 |
3361 | HRESULT rc = fetchSharedFolders (aGlobal);
3362 |
3363 | /* notify console callbacks on success */
3364 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
3365 | {
3366 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3367 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3368 | (*it++)->OnSharedFolderChange (aGlobal ? (Scope_T) Scope_Global
3369 | : (Scope_T) Scope_Machine);
3370 | }
3371 |
3372 | return rc;
3373 | }
3374 |
3375 | /**
3376 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnUSBDeviceAttach() or locally by
3377 | * processRemoteUSBDevices() after IInternalMachineControl::RunUSBDeviceFilters()
3378 | * returns TRUE for a given remote USB device.
3379 | *
3380 | * @return S_OK if the device was attached to the VM.
3381 | * @return failure if not attached.
3382 | *
3383 | * @param aDevice
3384 | * The device in question.
3385 | * @param aMaskedIfs
3386 | * The interfaces to hide from the guest.
3387 | *
3388 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3389 | */
3390 | HRESULT Console::onUSBDeviceAttach (IUSBDevice *aDevice, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aError, ULONG aMaskedIfs)
3391 | {
3392 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB
3393 | LogFlowThisFunc (("aDevice=%p aError=%p\n", aDevice, aError));
3394 |
3395 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3396 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (autoCaller.rc());
3397 |
3398 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3399 |
3400 | /* protect mpVM (we don't need error info, since it's a callback) */
3401 | AutoVMCallerQuiet autoVMCaller (this);
3402 | if (FAILED (autoVMCaller.rc()))
3403 | {
3404 | /* The VM may be no more operational when this message arrives
3405 | * (e.g. it may be Saving or Stopping or just PoweredOff) --
3406 | * autoVMCaller.rc() will return a failure in this case. */
3407 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Attach request ignored (mMachineState=%d).\n",
3408 | mMachineState));
3409 | return autoVMCaller.rc();
3410 | }
3411 |
3412 | if (aError != NULL)
3413 | {
3414 | /* notify callbacks about the error */
3415 | onUSBDeviceStateChange (aDevice, true /* aAttached */, aError);
3416 | return S_OK;
3417 | }
3418 |
3419 | /* Don't proceed unless there's at least one USB hub. */
3420 | if (!PDMR3USBHasHub (mpVM))
3421 | {
3422 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Attach request ignored (no USB controller).\n"));
3423 | return E_FAIL;
3424 | }
3425 |
3426 | HRESULT rc = attachUSBDevice (aDevice, aMaskedIfs);
3427 | if (FAILED (rc))
3428 | {
3429 | /* take the current error info */
3430 | com::ErrorInfoKeeper eik;
3431 | /* the error must be a VirtualBoxErrorInfo instance */
3432 | ComPtr <IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> error = eik.takeError();
3433 | Assert (!error.isNull());
3434 | if (!error.isNull())
3435 | {
3436 | /* notify callbacks about the error */
3437 | onUSBDeviceStateChange (aDevice, true /* aAttached */, error);
3438 | }
3439 | }
3440 |
3441 | return rc;
3442 |
3443 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
3444 | return E_FAIL;
3445 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
3446 | }
3447 |
3448 | /**
3449 | * Called by IInternalSessionControl::OnUSBDeviceDetach() and locally by
3450 | * processRemoteUSBDevices().
3451 | *
3452 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3453 | */
3454 | HRESULT Console::onUSBDeviceDetach (INPTR GUIDPARAM aId,
3455 | IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aError)
3456 | {
3457 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB
3458 | Guid Uuid (aId);
3459 | LogFlowThisFunc (("aId={%Vuuid} aError=%p\n", Uuid.raw(), aError));
3460 |
3461 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3462 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3463 |
3464 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3465 |
3466 | /* Find the device. */
3467 | ComObjPtr <OUSBDevice> device;
3468 | USBDeviceList::iterator it = mUSBDevices.begin();
3469 | while (it != mUSBDevices.end())
3470 | {
3471 | LogFlowThisFunc (("it={%Vuuid}\n", (*it)->id().raw()));
3472 | if ((*it)->id() == Uuid)
3473 | {
3474 | device = *it;
3475 | break;
3476 | }
3477 | ++ it;
3478 | }
3479 |
3480 |
3481 | if (device.isNull())
3482 | {
3483 | LogFlowThisFunc (("USB device not found.\n"));
3484 |
3485 | /* The VM may be no more operational when this message arrives
3486 | * (e.g. it may be Saving or Stopping or just PoweredOff). Use
3487 | * AutoVMCaller to detect it -- AutoVMCaller::rc() will return a
3488 | * failure in this case. */
3489 |
3490 | AutoVMCallerQuiet autoVMCaller (this);
3491 | if (FAILED (autoVMCaller.rc()))
3492 | {
3493 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Detach request ignored (mMachineState=%d).\n",
3494 | mMachineState));
3495 | return autoVMCaller.rc();
3496 | }
3497 |
3498 | /* the device must be in the list otherwise */
3499 | AssertFailedReturn (E_FAIL);
3500 | }
3501 |
3502 | if (aError != NULL)
3503 | {
3504 | /* notify callback about an error */
3505 | onUSBDeviceStateChange (device, false /* aAttached */, aError);
3506 | return S_OK;
3507 | }
3508 |
3509 | HRESULT rc = detachUSBDevice (it);
3510 |
3511 | if (FAILED (rc))
3512 | {
3513 | /* take the current error info */
3514 | com::ErrorInfoKeeper eik;
3515 | /* the error must be a VirtualBoxErrorInfo instance */
3516 | ComPtr <IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> error = eik.takeError();
3517 | Assert (!error.isNull());
3518 | if (!error.isNull())
3519 | {
3520 | /* notify callbacks about the error */
3521 | onUSBDeviceStateChange (device, false /* aAttached */, error);
3522 | }
3523 | }
3524 |
3525 | return rc;
3526 |
3527 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
3528 | return E_FAIL;
3529 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_USB */
3530 | }
3531 |
3532 | /**
3533 | * Gets called by Session::UpdateMachineState()
3534 | * (IInternalSessionControl::updateMachineState()).
3535 | *
3536 | * Must be called only in certain cases (see the implementation).
3537 | *
3538 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3539 | */
3540 | HRESULT Console::updateMachineState (MachineState_T aMachineState)
3541 | {
3542 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3543 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3544 |
3545 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3546 |
3547 | AssertReturn (mMachineState == MachineState_Saving ||
3548 | mMachineState == MachineState_Discarding,
3549 | E_FAIL);
3550 |
3551 | return setMachineStateLocally (aMachineState);
3552 | }
3553 |
3554 | /**
3555 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3556 | */
3557 | void Console::onMousePointerShapeChange(bool fVisible, bool fAlpha,
3558 | uint32_t xHot, uint32_t yHot,
3559 | uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
3560 | void *pShape)
3561 | {
3562 | #if 0
3563 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
3564 | LogFlowThisFunc (("fVisible=%d, fAlpha=%d, xHot = %d, yHot = %d, width=%d, "
3565 | "height=%d, shape=%p\n",
3566 | fVisible, fAlpha, xHot, yHot, width, height, pShape));
3567 | #endif
3568 |
3569 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3570 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3571 |
3572 | /* We need a write lock because we alter the cached callback data */
3573 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3574 |
3575 | /* Save the callback arguments */
3576 | mCallbackData.mpsc.visible = fVisible;
3577 | mCallbackData.mpsc.alpha = fAlpha;
3578 | mCallbackData.mpsc.xHot = xHot;
3579 | mCallbackData.mpsc.yHot = yHot;
3580 | mCallbackData.mpsc.width = width;
3581 | mCallbackData.mpsc.height = height;
3582 |
3583 | /* start with not valid */
3584 | bool wasValid = mCallbackData.mpsc.valid;
3585 | mCallbackData.mpsc.valid = false;
3586 |
3587 | if (pShape != NULL)
3588 | {
3589 | size_t cb = (width + 7) / 8 * height; /* size of the AND mask */
3590 | cb = ((cb + 3) & ~3) + width * 4 * height; /* + gap + size of the XOR mask */
3591 | /* try to reuse the old shape buffer if the size is the same */
3592 | if (!wasValid)
3593 | mCallbackData.mpsc.shape = NULL;
3594 | else
3595 | if (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape != NULL && mCallbackData.mpsc.shapeSize != cb)
3596 | {
3597 | RTMemFree (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape);
3598 | mCallbackData.mpsc.shape = NULL;
3599 | }
3600 | if (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape == NULL)
3601 | {
3602 | mCallbackData.mpsc.shape = (BYTE *) RTMemAllocZ (cb);
3603 | AssertReturnVoid (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape);
3604 | }
3605 | mCallbackData.mpsc.shapeSize = cb;
3606 | memcpy (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape, pShape, cb);
3607 | }
3608 | else
3609 | {
3610 | if (wasValid && mCallbackData.mpsc.shape != NULL)
3611 | RTMemFree (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape);
3612 | mCallbackData.mpsc.shape = NULL;
3613 | mCallbackData.mpsc.shapeSize = 0;
3614 | }
3615 |
3616 | mCallbackData.mpsc.valid = true;
3617 |
3618 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3619 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3620 | (*it++)->OnMousePointerShapeChange (fVisible, fAlpha, xHot, yHot,
3621 | width, height, (BYTE *) pShape);
3622 |
3623 | #if 0
3624 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
3625 | #endif
3626 | }
3627 |
3628 | /**
3629 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3630 | */
3631 | void Console::onMouseCapabilityChange (BOOL supportsAbsolute, BOOL needsHostCursor)
3632 | {
3633 | LogFlowThisFunc (("supportsAbsolute=%d needsHostCursor=%d\n",
3634 | supportsAbsolute, needsHostCursor));
3635 |
3636 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3637 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3638 |
3639 | /* We need a write lock because we alter the cached callback data */
3640 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3641 |
3642 | /* save the callback arguments */
3643 | mCallbackData.mcc.supportsAbsolute = supportsAbsolute;
3644 | mCallbackData.mcc.needsHostCursor = needsHostCursor;
3645 | mCallbackData.mcc.valid = true;
3646 |
3647 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3648 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3649 | {
3650 | Log2(("Console::onMouseCapabilityChange: calling %p\n", (void*)*it));
3651 | (*it++)->OnMouseCapabilityChange (supportsAbsolute, needsHostCursor);
3652 | }
3653 | }
3654 |
3655 | /**
3656 | * @note Locks this object for reading.
3657 | */
3658 | void Console::onStateChange (MachineState_T machineState)
3659 | {
3660 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3661 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3662 |
3663 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
3664 |
3665 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3666 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3667 | (*it++)->OnStateChange (machineState);
3668 | }
3669 |
3670 | /**
3671 | * @note Locks this object for reading.
3672 | */
3673 | void Console::onAdditionsStateChange()
3674 | {
3675 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3676 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3677 |
3678 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
3679 |
3680 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3681 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3682 | (*it++)->OnAdditionsStateChange();
3683 | }
3684 |
3685 | /**
3686 | * @note Locks this object for reading.
3687 | */
3688 | void Console::onAdditionsOutdated()
3689 | {
3690 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3691 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3692 |
3693 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
3694 |
3695 | /** @todo Use the On-Screen Display feature to report the fact.
3696 | * The user should be told to install additions that are
3697 | * provided with the current VBox build:
3699 | */
3700 | }
3701 |
3702 | /**
3703 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3704 | */
3705 | void Console::onKeyboardLedsChange(bool fNumLock, bool fCapsLock, bool fScrollLock)
3706 | {
3707 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3708 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3709 |
3710 | /* We need a write lock because we alter the cached callback data */
3711 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3712 |
3713 | /* save the callback arguments */
3714 | mCallbackData.klc.numLock = fNumLock;
3715 | mCallbackData.klc.capsLock = fCapsLock;
3716 | mCallbackData.klc.scrollLock = fScrollLock;
3717 | mCallbackData.klc.valid = true;
3718 |
3719 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3720 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3721 | (*it++)->OnKeyboardLedsChange(fNumLock, fCapsLock, fScrollLock);
3722 | }
3723 |
3724 | /**
3725 | * @note Locks this object for reading.
3726 | */
3727 | void Console::onUSBDeviceStateChange (IUSBDevice *aDevice, bool aAttached,
3728 | IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aError)
3729 | {
3730 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3731 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3732 |
3733 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
3734 |
3735 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3736 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3737 | (*it++)->OnUSBDeviceStateChange (aDevice, aAttached, aError);
3738 | }
3739 |
3740 | /**
3741 | * @note Locks this object for reading.
3742 | */
3743 | void Console::onRuntimeError (BOOL aFatal, INPTR BSTR aErrorID, INPTR BSTR aMessage)
3744 | {
3745 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3746 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3747 |
3748 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
3749 |
3750 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3751 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3752 | (*it++)->OnRuntimeError (aFatal, aErrorID, aMessage);
3753 | }
3754 |
3755 | /**
3756 | * @note Locks this object for reading.
3757 | */
3758 | HRESULT Console::onShowWindow (BOOL aCheck, BOOL *aCanShow, ULONG64 *aWinId)
3759 | {
3760 | AssertReturn (aCanShow, E_POINTER);
3761 | AssertReturn (aWinId, E_POINTER);
3762 |
3763 | *aCanShow = FALSE;
3764 | *aWinId = 0;
3765 |
3766 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3767 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3768 |
3769 | AutoReadLock alock (this);
3770 |
3771 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
3772 | CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbacks.begin();
3773 |
3774 | if (aCheck)
3775 | {
3776 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3777 | {
3778 | BOOL canShow = FALSE;
3779 | rc = (*it++)->OnCanShowWindow (&canShow);
3780 | AssertComRC (rc);
3781 | if (FAILED (rc) || !canShow)
3782 | return rc;
3783 | }
3784 | *aCanShow = TRUE;
3785 | }
3786 | else
3787 | {
3788 | while (it != mCallbacks.end())
3789 | {
3790 | ULONG64 winId = 0;
3791 | rc = (*it++)->OnShowWindow (&winId);
3792 | AssertComRC (rc);
3793 | if (FAILED (rc))
3794 | return rc;
3795 | /* only one callback may return non-null winId */
3796 | Assert (*aWinId == 0 || winId == 0);
3797 | if (*aWinId == 0)
3798 | *aWinId = winId;
3799 | }
3800 | }
3801 |
3802 | return S_OK;
3803 | }
3804 |
3805 | // private methods
3806 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3807 |
3808 | /**
3809 | * Increases the usage counter of the mpVM pointer. Guarantees that
3810 | * VMR3Destroy() will not be called on it at least until releaseVMCaller()
3811 | * is called.
3812 | *
3813 | * If this method returns a failure, the caller is not allowed to use mpVM
3814 | * and may return the failed result code to the upper level. This method sets
3815 | * the extended error info on failure if \a aQuiet is false.
3816 | *
3817 | * Setting \a aQuiet to true is useful for methods that don't want to return
3818 | * the failed result code to the caller when this method fails (e.g. need to
3819 | * silently check for the mpVM avaliability).
3820 | *
3821 | * When mpVM is NULL but \a aAllowNullVM is true, a corresponding error will be
3822 | * returned instead of asserting. Having it false is intended as a sanity check
3823 | * for methods that have checked mMachineState and expect mpVM *NOT* to be NULL.
3824 | *
3825 | * @param aQuiet true to suppress setting error info
3826 | * @param aAllowNullVM true to accept mpVM being NULL and return a failure
3827 | * (otherwise this method will assert if mpVM is NULL)
3828 | *
3829 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3830 | */
3831 | HRESULT Console::addVMCaller (bool aQuiet /* = false */,
3832 | bool aAllowNullVM /* = false */)
3833 | {
3834 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3835 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
3836 |
3837 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3838 |
3839 | if (mVMDestroying)
3840 | {
3841 | /* powerDown() is waiting for all callers to finish */
3842 | return aQuiet ? E_ACCESSDENIED : setError (E_ACCESSDENIED,
3843 | tr ("Virtual machine is being powered down"));
3844 | }
3845 |
3846 | if (mpVM == NULL)
3847 | {
3848 | Assert (aAllowNullVM == true);
3849 |
3850 | /* The machine is not powered up */
3851 | return aQuiet ? E_ACCESSDENIED : setError (E_ACCESSDENIED,
3852 | tr ("Virtual machine is not powered up"));
3853 | }
3854 |
3855 | ++ mVMCallers;
3856 |
3857 | return S_OK;
3858 | }
3859 |
3860 | /**
3861 | * Decreases the usage counter of the mpVM pointer. Must always complete
3862 | * the addVMCaller() call after the mpVM pointer is no more necessary.
3863 | *
3864 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
3865 | */
3866 | void Console::releaseVMCaller()
3867 | {
3868 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
3869 | AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc());
3870 |
3871 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
3872 |
3873 | AssertReturnVoid (mpVM != NULL);
3874 |
3875 | Assert (mVMCallers > 0);
3876 | -- mVMCallers;
3877 |
3878 | if (mVMCallers == 0 && mVMDestroying)
3879 | {
3880 | /* inform powerDown() there are no more callers */
3881 | RTSemEventSignal (mVMZeroCallersSem);
3882 | }
3883 | }
3884 |
3885 | /**
3886 | * Initialize the release logging facility. In case something
3887 | * goes wrong, there will be no release logging. Maybe in the future
3888 | * we can add some logic to use different file names in this case.
3889 | * Note that the logic must be in sync with Machine::DeleteSettings().
3890 | */
3891 | HRESULT Console::consoleInitReleaseLog (const ComPtr <IMachine> aMachine)
3892 | {
3893 | HRESULT hrc = S_OK;
3894 |
3895 | Bstr logFolder;
3896 | hrc = aMachine->COMGETTER(LogFolder) (logFolder.asOutParam());
3897 | CheckComRCReturnRC (hrc);
3898 |
3899 | Utf8Str logDir = logFolder;
3900 |
3901 | /* make sure the Logs folder exists */
3902 | Assert (!logDir.isEmpty());
3903 | if (!RTDirExists (logDir))
3904 | RTDirCreateFullPath (logDir, 0777);
3905 |
3906 | Utf8Str logFile = Utf8StrFmt ("%s%cVBox.log",
3907 | logDir.raw(), RTPATH_DELIMITER);
3908 | Utf8Str pngFile = Utf8StrFmt ("%s%cVBox.png",
3909 | logDir.raw(), RTPATH_DELIMITER);
3910 |
3911 | /*
3912 | * Age the old log files
3913 | * Rename .(n-1) to .(n), .(n-2) to .(n-1), ..., and the last log file to .1
3914 | * Overwrite target files in case they exist.
3915 | */
3916 | ComPtr<IVirtualBox> virtualBox;
3917 | aMachine->COMGETTER(Parent)(virtualBox.asOutParam());
3918 | ComPtr <ISystemProperties> systemProperties;
3919 | virtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam());
3920 | ULONG uLogHistoryCount = 3;
3921 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(LogHistoryCount)(&uLogHistoryCount);
3922 | if (uLogHistoryCount)
3923 | {
3924 | for (int i = uLogHistoryCount-1; i >= 0; i--)
3925 | {
3926 | Utf8Str *files[] = { &logFile, &pngFile };
3927 | Utf8Str oldName, newName;
3928 |
3929 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ELEMENTS (files); ++ j)
3930 | {
3931 | if (i > 0)
3932 | oldName = Utf8StrFmt ("%s.%d", files [j]->raw(), i);
3933 | else
3934 | oldName = *files [j];
3935 | newName = Utf8StrFmt ("%s.%d", files [j]->raw(), i + 1);
3936 | /* If the old file doesn't exist, delete the new file (if it
3937 | * exists) to provide correct rotation even if the sequence is
3938 | * broken */
3939 | if ( RTFileRename (oldName, newName, RTFILEMOVE_FLAGS_REPLACE)
3941 | RTFileDelete (newName);
3942 | }
3943 | }
3944 | }
3945 |
3946 | PRTLOGGER loggerRelease;
3947 | static const char * const s_apszGroups[] = VBOX_LOGGROUP_NAMES;
3949 | #if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined (RT_OS_OS2)
3950 | fFlags |= RTLOGFLAGS_USECRLF;
3951 | #endif
3952 | char szError[RTPATH_MAX + 128] = "";
3953 | int vrc = RTLogCreateEx(&loggerRelease, fFlags, "all",
3954 | "VBOX_RELEASE_LOG", RT_ELEMENTS(s_apszGroups), s_apszGroups,
3955 | RTLOGDEST_FILE, szError, sizeof(szError), logFile.raw());
3956 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
3957 | {
3958 | /* some introductory information */
3959 | RTTIMESPEC timeSpec;
3960 | char nowUct[64];
3961 | RTTimeSpecToString(RTTimeNow(&timeSpec), nowUct, sizeof(nowUct));
3962 | RTLogRelLogger(loggerRelease, 0, ~0U,
3963 | "VirtualBox %s r%d %s (%s %s) release log\n"
3964 | "Log opened %s\n",
3966 | __DATE__, __TIME__, nowUct);
3967 |
3968 | /* register this logger as the release logger */
3969 | RTLogRelSetDefaultInstance(loggerRelease);
3970 | hrc = S_OK;
3971 | }
3972 | else
3973 | hrc = setError (E_FAIL,
3974 | tr ("Failed to open release log (%s, %Rrc)"), szError, vrc);
3975 |
3976 | return hrc;
3977 | }
3978 |
3979 |
3980 | /**
3981 | * Internal power off worker routine.
3982 | *
3983 | * This method may be called only at certain places with the folliwing meaning
3984 | * as shown below:
3985 | *
3986 | * - if the machine state is either Running or Paused, a normal
3987 | * Console-initiated powerdown takes place (e.g. PowerDown());
3988 | * - if the machine state is Saving, saveStateThread() has successfully
3989 | * done its job;
3990 | * - if the machine state is Starting or Restoring, powerUpThread() has
3991 | * failed to start/load the VM;
3992 | * - if the machine state is Stopping, the VM has powered itself off
3993 | * (i.e. not as a result of the powerDown() call).
3994 | *
3995 | * Calling it in situations other than the above will cause unexpected
3996 | * behavior.
3997 | *
3998 | * Note that this method should be the only one that destroys mpVM and sets
3999 | * it to NULL.
4000 | *
4001 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
4002 | *
4003 | * @note Never call this method from a thread that called addVMCaller() or
4004 | * instantiated an AutoVMCaller object; first call releaseVMCaller() or
4005 | * release(). Otherwise it will deadlock.
4006 | */
4007 | HRESULT Console::powerDown()
4008 | {
4009 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
4010 |
4011 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
4012 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
4013 |
4014 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
4015 |
4016 | /* sanity */
4017 | AssertReturn (mVMDestroying == false, E_FAIL);
4018 |
4019 | LogRel (("Console::powerDown(): a request to power off the VM has been issued "
4020 | "(mMachineState=%d, InUninit=%d)\n",
4021 | mMachineState, autoCaller.state() == InUninit));
4022 |
4023 | /*
4024 | * Stop the VRDP server to prevent new clients connection while VM is being powered off.
4025 | */
4026 | if (mConsoleVRDPServer)
4027 | {
4028 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Stopping VRDP server...\n"));
4029 |
4030 | /* Leave the lock since EMT will call us back as addVMCaller in updateDisplayData(). */
4031 | alock.leave();
4032 |
4033 | mConsoleVRDPServer->Stop();
4034 |
4035 | alock.enter();
4036 | }
4037 |
4038 |
4039 | #ifdef VBOX_HGCM
4040 | /*
4041 | * Shutdown HGCM services before stopping the guest, because they might need a cleanup.
4042 | */
4043 | if (mVMMDev)
4044 | {
4045 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Shutdown HGCM...\n"));
4046 |
4047 | /* Leave the lock. */
4048 | alock.leave();
4049 |
4050 | mVMMDev->hgcmShutdown ();
4051 |
4052 | alock.enter();
4053 | }
4054 | #endif /* VBOX_HGCM */
4055 |
4056 | /* First, wait for all mpVM callers to finish their work if necessary */
4057 | if (mVMCallers > 0)
4058 | {
4059 | /* go to the destroying state to prevent from adding new callers */
4060 | mVMDestroying = true;
4061 |
4062 | /* lazy creation */
4063 | if (mVMZeroCallersSem == NIL_RTSEMEVENT)
4064 | RTSemEventCreate (&mVMZeroCallersSem);
4065 |
4066 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Waiting for mpVM callers (%d) to drop to zero...\n",
4067 | mVMCallers));
4068 |
4069 | alock.leave();
4070 |
4071 | RTSemEventWait (mVMZeroCallersSem, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
4072 |
4073 | alock.enter();
4074 | }
4075 |
4076 | AssertReturn (mpVM, E_FAIL);
4077 |
4078 | AssertMsg (mMachineState == MachineState_Running ||
4079 | mMachineState == MachineState_Paused ||
4080 | mMachineState == MachineState_Stuck ||
4081 | mMachineState == MachineState_Saving ||
4082 | mMachineState == MachineState_Starting ||
4083 | mMachineState == MachineState_Restoring ||
4084 | mMachineState == MachineState_Stopping,
4085 | ("Invalid machine state: %d\n", mMachineState));
4086 |
4087 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
4088 | int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4089 |
4090 | /*
4091 | * Power off the VM if not already done that. In case of Stopping, the VM
4092 | * has powered itself off and notified Console in vmstateChangeCallback().
4093 | * In case of Starting or Restoring, powerUpThread() is calling us on
4094 | * failure, so the VM is already off at that point.
4095 | */
4096 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Stopping &&
4097 | mMachineState != MachineState_Starting &&
4098 | mMachineState != MachineState_Restoring)
4099 | {
4100 | /*
4101 | * don't go from Saving to Stopping, vmstateChangeCallback needs it
4102 | * to set the state to Saved on VMSTATE_TERMINATED.
4103 | */
4104 | if (mMachineState != MachineState_Saving)
4105 | setMachineState (MachineState_Stopping);
4106 |
4107 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Powering off the VM...\n"));
4108 |
4109 | /* Leave the lock since EMT will call us back on VMR3PowerOff() */
4110 | alock.leave();
4111 |
4112 | vrc = VMR3PowerOff (mpVM);
4113 | /*
4114 | * Note that VMR3PowerOff() may fail here (invalid VMSTATE) if the
4115 | * VM-(guest-)initiated power off happened in parallel a ms before
4116 | * this call. So far, we let this error pop up on the user's side.
4117 | */
4118 |
4119 | alock.enter();
4120 | }
4121 |
4122 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Ready for VM destruction\n"));
4123 |
4124 | /*
4125 | * If we are called from Console::uninit(), then try to destroy the VM
4126 | * even on failure (this will most likely fail too, but what to do?..)
4127 | */
4128 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) || autoCaller.state() == InUninit)
4129 | {
4130 | /* If the machine has an USB comtroller, release all USB devices
4131 | * (symmetric to the code in captureUSBDevices()) */
4132 | bool fHasUSBController = false;
4133 | {
4134 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
4135 | int vrc = PDMR3QueryLun (mpVM, "usb-ohci", 0, 0, &pBase);
4136 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
4137 | {
4138 | fHasUSBController = true;
4139 | detachAllUSBDevices (false /* aDone */);
4140 | }
4141 | }
4142 |
4143 | /*
4144 | * Now we've got to destroy the VM as well. (mpVM is not valid
4145 | * beyond this point). We leave the lock before calling VMR3Destroy()
4146 | * because it will result into calling destructors of drivers
4147 | * associated with Console children which may in turn try to lock
4148 | * Console (e.g. by instantiating SafeVMPtr to access mpVM). It's safe
4149 | * here because mVMDestroying is set which should prevent any activity.
4150 | */
4151 |
4152 | /*
4153 | * Set mpVM to NULL early just in case if some old code is not using
4154 | * addVMCaller()/releaseVMCaller().
4155 | */
4156 | PVM pVM = mpVM;
4157 | mpVM = NULL;
4158 |
4159 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Destroying the VM...\n"));
4160 |
4161 | alock.leave();
4162 |
4163 | vrc = VMR3Destroy (pVM);
4164 |
4165 | /* take the lock again */
4166 | alock.enter();
4167 |
4168 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
4169 | {
4170 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Machine has been destroyed (mMachineState=%d)\n",
4171 | mMachineState));
4172 | /*
4173 | * Note: the Console-level machine state change happens on the
4174 | * VMSTATE_TERMINATE state change in vmstateChangeCallback(). If
4175 | * powerDown() is called from EMT (i.e. from vmstateChangeCallback()
4176 | * on receiving VM-initiated VMSTATE_OFF), VMSTATE_TERMINATE hasn't
4177 | * occured yet. This is okay, because mMachineState is already
4178 | * Stopping in this case, so any other attempt to call PowerDown()
4179 | * will be rejected.
4180 | */
4181 | }
4182 | else
4183 | {
4184 | /* bad bad bad, but what to do? */
4185 | mpVM = pVM;
4186 | rc = setError (E_FAIL,
4187 | tr ("Could not destroy the machine. (Error: %Vrc)"), vrc);
4188 | }
4189 |
4190 | /*
4191 | * Complete the detaching of the USB devices.
4192 | */
4193 | if (fHasUSBController)
4194 | detachAllUSBDevices (true /* aDone */);
4195 | }
4196 | else
4197 | {
4198 | rc = setError (E_FAIL,
4199 | tr ("Could not power off the machine. (Error: %Vrc)"), vrc);
4200 | }
4201 |
4202 | /*
4203 | * Finished with destruction. Note that if something impossible happened
4204 | * and we've failed to destroy the VM, mVMDestroying will remain false and
4205 | * mMachineState will be something like Stopping, so most Console methods
4206 | * will return an error to the caller.
4207 | */
4208 | if (mpVM == NULL)
4209 | mVMDestroying = false;
4210 |
4211 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
4212 | {
4213 | /* uninit dynamically allocated members of mCallbackData */
4214 | if (mCallbackData.mpsc.valid)
4215 | {
4216 | if (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape != NULL)
4217 | RTMemFree (mCallbackData.mpsc.shape);
4218 | }
4219 | memset (&mCallbackData, 0, sizeof (mCallbackData));
4220 | }
4221 |
4222 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
4223 | return rc;
4224 | }
4225 |
4226 | /**
4227 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
4228 | */
4229 | HRESULT Console::setMachineState (MachineState_T aMachineState,
4230 | bool aUpdateServer /* = true */)
4231 | {
4232 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
4233 | AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
4234 |
4235 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
4236 |
4237 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
4238 |
4239 | if (mMachineState != aMachineState)
4240 | {
4241 | LogFlowThisFunc (("machineState=%d\n", aMachineState));
4242 | mMachineState = aMachineState;
4243 |
4244 | /// @todo (dmik)
4245 | // possibly, we need to redo onStateChange() using the dedicated
4246 | // Event thread, like it is done in VirtualBox. This will make it
4247 | // much safer (no deadlocks possible if someone tries to use the
4248 | // console from the callback), however, listeners will lose the
4249 | // ability to synchronously react to state changes (is it really
4250 | // necessary??)
4251 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Doing onStateChange()...\n"));
4252 | onStateChange (aMachineState);
4253 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Done onStateChange()\n"));
4254 |
4255 | if (aUpdateServer)
4256 | {
4257 | /*
4258 | * Server notification MUST be done from under the lock; otherwise
4259 | * the machine state here and on the server might go out of sync, that
4260 | * can lead to various unexpected results (like the machine state being
4261 | * >= MachineState_Running on the server, while the session state is
4262 | * already SessionState_Closed at the same time there).
4263 | *
4264 | * Cross-lock conditions should be carefully watched out: calling
4265 | * UpdateState we will require Machine and SessionMachine locks
4266 | * (remember that here we're holding the Console lock here, and
4267 | * also all locks that have been entered by the thread before calling
4268 | * this method).
4269 | */
4270 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Doing mControl->UpdateState()...\n"));
4271 | rc = mControl->UpdateState (aMachineState);
4272 | LogFlowThisFunc (("mControl->UpdateState()=%08X\n", rc));
4273 | }
4274 | }
4275 |
4276 | return rc;
4277 | }
4278 |
4279 | /**
4280 | * Searches for a shared folder with the given logical name
4281 | * in the collection of shared folders.
4282 | *
4283 | * @param aName logical name of the shared folder
4284 | * @param aSharedFolder where to return the found object
4285 | * @param aSetError whether to set the error info if the folder is
4286 | * not found
4287 | * @return
4288 | * S_OK when found or E_INVALIDARG when not found
4289 | *
4290 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
4291 | */
4292 | HRESULT Console::findSharedFolder (const BSTR aName,
4293 | ComObjPtr <SharedFolder> &aSharedFolder,
4294 | bool aSetError /* = false */)
4295 | {
4296 | /* sanity check */
4297 | AssertReturn (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
4298 |
4299 | SharedFolderMap::const_iterator it = mSharedFolders.find (aName);
4300 | if (it != mSharedFolders.end())
4301 | {
4302 | aSharedFolder = it->second;
4303 | return S_OK;
4304 | }
4305 |
4306 | if (aSetError)
4307 | setError (E_INVALIDARG,
4308 | tr ("Could not find a shared folder named '%ls'."), aName);
4309 |
4310 | return E_INVALIDARG;
4311 | }
4312 |
4313 | /**
4314 | * Fetches the list of global or machine shared folders from the server.
4315 | *
4316 | * @param aGlobal true to fetch global folders.
4317 | *
4318 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
4319 | */
4320 | HRESULT Console::fetchSharedFolders (BOOL aGlobal)
4321 | {
4322 | /* sanity check */
4323 | AssertReturn (AutoCaller (this).state() == InInit ||
4324 | isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
4325 |
4326 | /* protect mpVM (if not NULL) */
4327 | AutoVMCallerQuietWeak autoVMCaller (this);
4328 |
4329 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
4330 |
4331 | bool online = mpVM && autoVMCaller.isOk() && mVMMDev->isShFlActive();
4332 |
4333 | if (aGlobal)
4334 | {
4335 | /// @todo grab & process global folders when they are done
4336 | }
4337 | else
4338 | {
4339 | SharedFolderDataMap oldFolders;
4340 | if (online)
4341 | oldFolders = mMachineSharedFolders;
4342 |
4343 | mMachineSharedFolders.clear();
4344 |
4345 | ComPtr <ISharedFolderCollection> coll;
4346 | rc = mMachine->COMGETTER(SharedFolders) (coll.asOutParam());
4347 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
4348 |
4349 | ComPtr <ISharedFolderEnumerator> en;
4350 | rc = coll->Enumerate (en.asOutParam());
4351 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
4352 |
4353 | BOOL hasMore = FALSE;
4354 | while (SUCCEEDED (rc = en->HasMore (&hasMore)) && hasMore)
4355 | {
4356 | ComPtr <ISharedFolder> folder;
4357 | rc = en->GetNext (folder.asOutParam());
4358 | CheckComRCBreakRC (rc);
4359 |
4360 | Bstr name;
4361 | Bstr hostPath;
4362 | BOOL writable;
4363 |
4364 | rc = folder->COMGETTER(Name) (name.asOutParam());
4365 | CheckComRCBreakRC (rc);
4366 | rc = folder->COMGETTER(HostPath) (hostPath.asOutParam());
4367 | CheckComRCBreakRC (rc);
4368 | rc = folder->COMGETTER(Writable) (&writable);
4369 |
4370 | mMachineSharedFolders.insert (std::make_pair (name, SharedFolderData (hostPath, writable)));
4371 |
4372 | /* send changes to HGCM if the VM is running */
4373 | /// @todo report errors as runtime warnings through VMSetError
4374 | if (online)
4375 | {
4376 | SharedFolderDataMap::iterator it = oldFolders.find (name);
4377 | if (it == oldFolders.end() || it->second.mHostPath != hostPath)
4378 | {
4379 | /* a new machine folder is added or
4380 | * the existing machine folder is changed */
4381 | if (mSharedFolders.find (name) != mSharedFolders.end())
4382 | ; /* the console folder exists, nothing to do */
4383 | else
4384 | {
4385 | /* remove the old machhine folder (when changed)
4386 | * or the global folder if any (when new) */
4387 | if (it != oldFolders.end() ||
4388 | mGlobalSharedFolders.find (name) !=
4389 | mGlobalSharedFolders.end())
4390 | rc = removeSharedFolder (name);
4391 | /* create the new machine folder */
4392 | rc = createSharedFolder (name, SharedFolderData (hostPath, writable));
4393 | }
4394 | }
4395 | /* forget the processed (or identical) folder */
4396 | if (it != oldFolders.end())
4397 | oldFolders.erase (it);
4398 |
4399 | rc = S_OK;
4400 | }
4401 | }
4402 |
4403 | AssertComRCReturnRC (rc);
4404 |
4405 | /* process outdated (removed) folders */
4406 | /// @todo report errors as runtime warnings through VMSetError
4407 | if (online)
4408 | {
4409 | for (SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator it = oldFolders.begin();
4410 | it != oldFolders.end(); ++ it)
4411 | {
4412 | if (mSharedFolders.find (it->first) != mSharedFolders.end())
4413 | ; /* the console folder exists, nothing to do */
4414 | else
4415 | {
4416 | /* remove the outdated machine folder */
4417 | rc = removeSharedFolder (it->first);
4418 | /* create the global folder if there is any */
4419 | SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator git =
4420 | mGlobalSharedFolders.find (it->first);
4421 | if (git != mGlobalSharedFolders.end())
4422 | rc = createSharedFolder (git->first, git->second);
4423 | }
4424 | }
4425 |
4426 | rc = S_OK;
4427 | }
4428 | }
4429 |
4430 | return rc;
4431 | }
4432 |
4433 | /**
4434 | * Searches for a shared folder with the given name in the list of machine
4435 | * shared folders and then in the list of the global shared folders.
4436 | *
4437 | * @param aName Name of the folder to search for.
4438 | * @param aIt Where to store the pointer to the found folder.
4439 | * @return @c true if the folder was found and @c false otherwise.
4440 | *
4441 | * @note The caller must lock this object for reading.
4442 | */
4443 | bool Console::findOtherSharedFolder (INPTR BSTR aName,
4444 | SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator &aIt)
4445 | {
4446 | /* sanity check */
4447 | AssertReturn (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), false);
4448 |
4449 | /* first, search machine folders */
4450 | aIt = mMachineSharedFolders.find (aName);
4451 | if (aIt != mMachineSharedFolders.end())
4452 | return true;
4453 |
4454 | /* second, search machine folders */
4455 | aIt = mGlobalSharedFolders.find (aName);
4456 | if (aIt != mGlobalSharedFolders.end())
4457 | return true;
4458 |
4459 | return false;
4460 | }
4461 |
4462 | /**
4463 | * Calls the HGCM service to add a shared folder definition.
4464 | *
4465 | * @param aName Shared folder name.
4466 | * @param aHostPath Shared folder path.
4467 | *
4468 | * @note Must be called from under AutoVMCaller and when mpVM != NULL!
4469 | * @note Doesn't lock anything.
4470 | */
4471 | HRESULT Console::createSharedFolder (INPTR BSTR aName, SharedFolderData aData)
4472 | {
4473 | ComAssertRet (aName && *aName, E_FAIL);
4474 | ComAssertRet (aData.mHostPath, E_FAIL);
4475 |
4476 | /* sanity checks */
4477 | AssertReturn (mpVM, E_FAIL);
4478 | AssertReturn (mVMMDev->isShFlActive(), E_FAIL);
4479 |
4481 | SHFLSTRING *pFolderName, *pMapName;
4482 | size_t cbString;
4483 |
4484 | Log (("Adding shared folder '%ls' -> '%ls'\n", aName, aData.mHostPath.raw()));
4485 |
4486 | cbString = (RTUtf16Len (aData.mHostPath) + 1) * sizeof (RTUTF16);
4487 | if (cbString >= UINT16_MAX)
4488 | return setError (E_INVALIDARG, tr ("The name is too long"));
4489 | pFolderName = (SHFLSTRING *) RTMemAllocZ (sizeof (SHFLSTRING) + cbString);
4490 | Assert (pFolderName);
4491 | memcpy (pFolderName->String.ucs2, aData.mHostPath, cbString);
4492 |
4493 | pFolderName->u16Size = (uint16_t)cbString;
4494 | pFolderName->u16Length = (uint16_t)cbString - sizeof(RTUTF16);
4495 |
4496 | parms[0].type = VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_PTR;
4497 | parms[0].u.pointer.addr = pFolderName;
4498 | parms[0].u.pointer.size = sizeof (SHFLSTRING) + (uint16_t)cbString;
4499 |
4500 | cbString = (RTUtf16Len (aName) + 1) * sizeof (RTUTF16);
4501 | if (cbString >= UINT16_MAX)
4502 | {
4503 | RTMemFree (pFolderName);
4504 | return setError (E_INVALIDARG, tr ("The host path is too long"));
4505 | }
4506 | pMapName = (SHFLSTRING *) RTMemAllocZ (sizeof(SHFLSTRING) + cbString);
4507 | Assert (pMapName);
4508 | memcpy (pMapName->String.ucs2, aName, cbString);
4509 |
4510 | pMapName->u16Size = (uint16_t)cbString;
4511 | pMapName->u16Length = (uint16_t)cbString - sizeof (RTUTF16);
4512 |
4513 | parms[1].type = VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_PTR;
4514 | parms[1].u.pointer.addr = pMapName;
4515 | parms[1].u.pointer.size = sizeof (SHFLSTRING) + (uint16_t)cbString;
4516 |
4517 | parms[2].type = VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_32BIT;
4518 | parms[2].u.uint32 = aData.mWritable;
4519 |
4520 | int vrc = mVMMDev->hgcmHostCall ("VBoxSharedFolders",
4522 | SHFL_CPARMS_ADD_MAPPING, &parms[0]);
4523 | RTMemFree (pFolderName);
4524 | RTMemFree (pMapName);
4525 |
4526 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
4527 | return setError (E_FAIL,
4528 | tr ("Could not create a shared folder '%ls' "
4529 | "mapped to '%ls' (%Vrc)"),
4530 | aName, aData.mHostPath.raw(), vrc);
4531 |
4532 | return S_OK;
4533 | }
4534 |
4535 | /**
4536 | * Calls the HGCM service to remove the shared folder definition.
4537 | *
4538 | * @param aName Shared folder name.
4539 | *
4540 | * @note Must be called from under AutoVMCaller and when mpVM != NULL!
4541 | * @note Doesn't lock anything.
4542 | */
4543 | HRESULT Console::removeSharedFolder (INPTR BSTR aName)
4544 | {
4545 | ComAssertRet (aName && *aName, E_FAIL);
4546 |
4547 | /* sanity checks */
4548 | AssertReturn (mpVM, E_FAIL);
4549 | AssertReturn (mVMMDev->isShFlActive(), E_FAIL);
4550 |
4552 | SHFLSTRING *pMapName;
4553 | size_t cbString;
4554 |
4555 | Log (("Removing shared folder '%ls'\n", aName));
4556 |
4557 | cbString = (RTUtf16Len (aName) + 1) * sizeof (RTUTF16);
4558 | if (cbString >= UINT16_MAX)
4559 | return setError (E_INVALIDARG, tr ("The name is too long"));
4560 | pMapName = (SHFLSTRING *) RTMemAllocZ (sizeof (SHFLSTRING) + cbString);
4561 | Assert (pMapName);
4562 | memcpy (pMapName->String.ucs2, aName, cbString);
4563 |
4564 | pMapName->u16Size = (uint16_t)cbString;
4565 | pMapName->u16Length = (uint16_t)cbString - sizeof (RTUTF16);
4566 |
4567 | parms.type = VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_PTR;
4568 | parms.u.pointer.addr = pMapName;
4569 | parms.u.pointer.size = sizeof (SHFLSTRING) + (uint16_t)cbString;
4570 |
4571 | int vrc = mVMMDev->hgcmHostCall ("VBoxSharedFolders",
4573 | 1, &parms);
4574 | RTMemFree(pMapName);
4575 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
4576 | return setError (E_FAIL,
4577 | tr ("Could not remove the shared folder '%ls' (%Vrc)"),
4578 | aName, vrc);
4579 |
4580 | return S_OK;
4581 | }
4582 |
4583 | /**
4584 | * VM state callback function. Called by the VMM
4585 | * using its state machine states.
4586 | *
4587 | * Primarily used to handle VM initiated power off, suspend and state saving,
4588 | * but also for doing termination completed work (VMSTATE_TERMINATE).
4589 | *
4590 | * In general this function is called in the context of the EMT.
4591 | *
4592 | * @param aVM The VM handle.
4593 | * @param aState The new state.
4594 | * @param aOldState The old state.
4595 | * @param aUser The user argument (pointer to the Console object).
4596 | *
4597 | * @note Locks the Console object for writing.
4598 | */
4599 | DECLCALLBACK(void)
4600 | Console::vmstateChangeCallback (PVM aVM, VMSTATE aState, VMSTATE aOldState,
4601 | void *aUser)
4602 | {
4603 | LogFlowFunc (("Changing state from %d to %d (aVM=%p)\n",
4604 | aOldState, aState, aVM));
4605 |
4606 | Console *that = static_cast <Console *> (aUser);
4607 | AssertReturnVoid (that);
4608 |
4609 | AutoCaller autoCaller (that);
4610 | /*
4611 | * Note that we must let this method proceed even if Console::uninit() has
4612 | * been already called. In such case this VMSTATE change is a result of:
4613 | * 1) powerDown() called from uninit() itself, or
4614 | * 2) VM-(guest-)initiated power off.
4615 | */
4616 | AssertReturnVoid (autoCaller.isOk() ||
4617 | autoCaller.state() == InUninit);
4618 |
4619 | switch (aState)
4620 | {
4621 | /*
4622 | * The VM has terminated
4623 | */
4624 | case VMSTATE_OFF:
4625 | {
4626 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
4627 |
4628 | if (that->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled)
4629 | break;
4630 |
4631 | /*
4632 | * Do we still think that it is running? It may happen if this is
4633 | * a VM-(guest-)initiated shutdown/poweroff.
4634 | */
4635 | if (that->mMachineState != MachineState_Stopping &&
4636 | that->mMachineState != MachineState_Saving &&
4637 | that->mMachineState != MachineState_Restoring)
4638 | {
4639 | LogFlowFunc (("VM has powered itself off but Console still "
4640 | "thinks it is running. Notifying.\n"));
4641 |
4642 | /* prevent powerDown() from calling VMR3PowerOff() again */
4643 | that->setMachineState (MachineState_Stopping);
4644 |
4645 | /*
4646 | * Setup task object and thread to carry out the operation
4647 | * asynchronously (if we call powerDown() right here but there
4648 | * is one or more mpVM callers (added with addVMCaller()) we'll
4649 | * deadlock.
4650 | */
4651 | std::auto_ptr <VMTask> task (new VMTask (that, true /* aUsesVMPtr */));
4652 | /*
4653 | * If creating a task is falied, this can currently mean one
4654 | * of two: either Console::uninit() has been called just a ms
4655 | * before (so a powerDown() call is already on the way), or
4656 | * powerDown() itself is being already executed. Just do
4657 | * nothing .
4658 | */
4659 | if (!task->isOk())
4660 | {
4661 | LogFlowFunc (("Console is already being uninitialized.\n"));
4662 | break;
4663 | }
4664 |
4665 | int vrc = RTThreadCreate (NULL, Console::powerDownThread,
4666 | (void *) task.get(), 0,
4668 | "VMPowerDowm");
4669 |
4670 | AssertMsgRC (vrc, ("Could not create VMPowerUp thread (%Vrc)\n", vrc));
4671 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
4672 | break;
4673 |
4674 | /* task is now owned by powerDownThread(), so release it */
4675 | task.release();
4676 | }
4677 | break;
4678 | }
4679 |
4680 | /*
4681 | * The VM has been completely destroyed.
4682 | *
4683 | * Note: This state change can happen at two points:
4684 | * 1) At the end of VMR3Destroy() if it was not called from EMT.
4685 | * 2) At the end of vmR3EmulationThread if VMR3Destroy() was
4686 | * called by EMT.
4687 | */
4689 | {
4690 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
4691 |
4692 | if (that->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled)
4693 | break;
4694 |
4695 | /*
4696 | * Terminate host interface networking. If aVM is NULL, we've been
4697 | * manually called from powerUpThread() either before calling
4698 | * VMR3Create() or after VMR3Create() failed, so no need to touch
4699 | * networking.
4700 | */
4701 | if (aVM)
4702 | that->powerDownHostInterfaces();
4703 |
4704 | /*
4705 | * From now on the machine is officially powered down or
4706 | * remains in the Saved state.
4707 | */
4708 | switch (that->mMachineState)
4709 | {
4710 | default:
4711 | AssertFailed();
4712 | /* fall through */
4713 | case MachineState_Stopping:
4714 | /* successfully powered down */
4715 | that->setMachineState (MachineState_PoweredOff);
4716 | break;
4717 | case MachineState_Saving:
4718 | /*
4719 | * successfully saved (note that the machine is already
4720 | * in the Saved state on the server due to EndSavingState()
4721 | * called from saveStateThread(), so only change the local
4722 | * state)
4723 | */
4724 | that->setMachineStateLocally (MachineState_Saved);
4725 | break;
4726 | case MachineState_Starting:
4727 | /*
4728 | * failed to start, but be patient: set back to PoweredOff
4729 | * (for similarity with the below)
4730 | */
4731 | that->setMachineState (MachineState_PoweredOff);
4732 | break;
4733 | case MachineState_Restoring:
4734 | /*
4735 | * failed to load the saved state file, but be patient:
4736 | * set back to Saved (to preserve the saved state file)
4737 | */
4738 | that->setMachineState (MachineState_Saved);
4739 | break;
4740 | }
4741 |
4742 | break;
4743 | }
4744 |
4746 | {
4747 | if (aOldState == VMSTATE_RUNNING)
4748 | {
4749 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
4750 |
4751 | if (that->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled)
4752 | break;
4753 |
4754 | /* Change the machine state from Running to Paused */
4755 | Assert (that->mMachineState == MachineState_Running);
4756 | that->setMachineState (MachineState_Paused);
4757 | }
4758 |
4759 | break;
4760 | }
4761 |
4762 | case VMSTATE_RUNNING:
4763 | {
4764 | if (aOldState == VMSTATE_CREATED ||
4765 | aOldState == VMSTATE_SUSPENDED)
4766 | {
4767 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
4768 |
4769 | if (that->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled)
4770 | break;
4771 |
4772 | /*
4773 | * Change the machine state from Starting, Restoring or Paused
4774 | * to Running
4775 | */
4776 | Assert ((that->mMachineState == MachineState_Starting &&
4777 | aOldState == VMSTATE_CREATED) ||
4778 | ((that->mMachineState == MachineState_Restoring ||
4779 | that->mMachineState == MachineState_Paused) &&
4780 | aOldState == VMSTATE_SUSPENDED));
4781 |
4782 | that->setMachineState (MachineState_Running);
4783 | }
4784 |
4785 | break;
4786 | }
4787 |
4789 | {
4790 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
4791 |
4792 | if (that->mVMStateChangeCallbackDisabled)
4793 | break;
4794 |
4795 | /* Guru respects only running VMs */
4796 | Assert ((that->mMachineState >= MachineState_Running));
4797 |
4798 | that->setMachineState (MachineState_Stuck);
4799 |
4800 | break;
4801 | }
4802 |
4803 | default: /* shut up gcc */
4804 | break;
4805 | }
4806 | }
4807 |
4808 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB
4809 |
4810 | /**
4811 | * Sends a request to VMM to attach the given host device.
4812 | * After this method succeeds, the attached device will appear in the
4813 | * mUSBDevices collection.
4814 | *
4815 | * @param aHostDevice device to attach
4816 | *
4817 | * @note Synchronously calls EMT.
4818 | * @note Must be called from under this object's lock.
4819 | */
4820 | HRESULT Console::attachUSBDevice (IUSBDevice *aHostDevice, ULONG aMaskedIfs)
4821 | {
4822 | AssertReturn (aHostDevice, E_FAIL);
4823 | AssertReturn (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
4824 |
4825 | /* still want a lock object because we need to leave it */
4826 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
4827 |
4828 | HRESULT hrc;
4829 |
4830 | /*
4831 | * Get the address and the Uuid, and call the pfnCreateProxyDevice roothub
4832 | * method in EMT (using usbAttachCallback()).
4833 | */
4834 | Bstr BstrAddress;
4835 | hrc = aHostDevice->COMGETTER (Address) (BstrAddress.asOutParam());
4836 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (hrc);
4837 |
4838 | Utf8Str Address (BstrAddress);
4839 |
4840 | Guid Uuid;
4841 | hrc = aHostDevice->COMGETTER (Id) (Uuid.asOutParam());
4842 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (hrc);
4843 |
4844 | BOOL fRemote = FALSE;
4845 | hrc = aHostDevice->COMGETTER (Remote) (&fRemote);
4846 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (hrc);
4847 |
4848 | /* protect mpVM */
4849 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
4850 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
4851 |
4852 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Proxying USB device '%s' {%Vuuid}...\n",
4853 | Address.raw(), Uuid.ptr()));
4854 |
4855 | /* leave the lock before a VMR3* call (EMT will call us back)! */
4856 | alock.leave();
4857 |
4858 | /** @todo just do everything here and only wrap the PDMR3Usb call. That'll offload some notification stuff from the EMT thread. */
4859 | PVMREQ pReq = NULL;
4860 | int vrc = VMR3ReqCall (mpVM, &pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT,
4861 | (PFNRT) usbAttachCallback, 6, this, aHostDevice, Uuid.ptr(), fRemote, Address.raw(), aMaskedIfs);
4862 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
4863 | vrc = pReq->iStatus;
4864 | VMR3ReqFree (pReq);
4865 |
4866 | /* restore the lock */
4867 | alock.enter();
4868 |
4869 | /* hrc is S_OK here */
4870 |
4871 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
4872 | {
4873 | LogWarningThisFunc (("Failed to create proxy device for '%s' {%Vuuid} (%Vrc)\n",
4874 | Address.raw(), Uuid.ptr(), vrc));
4875 |
4876 | switch (vrc)
4877 | {
4878 | case VERR_VUSB_NO_PORTS:
4879 | hrc = setError (E_FAIL,
4880 | tr ("Failed to attach the USB device. (No available ports on the USB controller)."));
4881 | break;
4883 | hrc = setError (E_FAIL,
4884 | tr ("Not permitted to open the USB device, check usbfs options"));
4885 | break;
4886 | default:
4887 | hrc = setError (E_FAIL,
4888 | tr ("Failed to create a proxy device for the USB device. (Error: %Vrc)"), vrc);
4889 | break;
4890 | }
4891 | }
4892 |
4893 | return hrc;
4894 | }
4895 |
4896 | /**
4897 | * USB device attach callback used by AttachUSBDevice().
4898 | * Note that AttachUSBDevice() doesn't return until this callback is executed,
4899 | * so we don't use AutoCaller and don't care about reference counters of
4900 | * interface pointers passed in.
4901 | *
4902 | * @thread EMT
4903 | * @note Locks the console object for writing.
4904 | */
4905 | //static
4906 | DECLCALLBACK(int)
4907 | Console::usbAttachCallback (Console *that, IUSBDevice *aHostDevice, PCRTUUID aUuid, bool aRemote, const char *aAddress, ULONG aMaskedIfs)
4908 | {
4909 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
4910 | LogFlowFunc (("that={%p}\n", that));
4911 |
4912 | AssertReturn (that && aUuid, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
4913 |
4914 | void *pvRemoteBackend = NULL;
4915 | if (aRemote)
4916 | {
4917 | RemoteUSBDevice *pRemoteUSBDevice = static_cast <RemoteUSBDevice *> (aHostDevice);
4918 | Guid guid (*aUuid);
4919 |
4920 | pvRemoteBackend = that->consoleVRDPServer ()->USBBackendRequestPointer (pRemoteUSBDevice->clientId (), &guid);
4921 | if (!pvRemoteBackend)
4922 | return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* The clientId is invalid then. */
4923 | }
4924 |
4925 | USHORT portVersion = 1;
4926 | HRESULT hrc = aHostDevice->COMGETTER(PortVersion)(&portVersion);
4927 | AssertComRCReturn(hrc, VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE);
4928 | Assert(portVersion == 1 || portVersion == 2);
4929 |
4930 | int vrc = PDMR3USBCreateProxyDevice (that->mpVM, aUuid, aRemote, aAddress, pvRemoteBackend,
4931 | portVersion == 1 ? VUSB_STDVER_11 : VUSB_STDVER_20, aMaskedIfs);
4932 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
4933 | {
4934 | /* Create a OUSBDevice and add it to the device list */
4935 | ComObjPtr <OUSBDevice> device;
4936 | device.createObject();
4937 | HRESULT hrc = device->init (aHostDevice);
4938 | AssertComRC (hrc);
4939 |
4940 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
4941 | that->mUSBDevices.push_back (device);
4942 | LogFlowFunc (("Attached device {%Vuuid}\n", device->id().raw()));
4943 |
4944 | /* notify callbacks */
4945 | that->onUSBDeviceStateChange (device, true /* aAttached */, NULL);
4946 | }
4947 |
4948 | LogFlowFunc (("vrc=%Vrc\n", vrc));
4949 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
4950 | return vrc;
4951 | }
4952 |
4953 | /**
4954 | * Sends a request to VMM to detach the given host device. After this method
4955 | * succeeds, the detached device will disappear from the mUSBDevices
4956 | * collection.
4957 | *
4958 | * @param aIt Iterator pointing to the device to detach.
4959 | *
4960 | * @note Synchronously calls EMT.
4961 | * @note Must be called from under this object's lock.
4962 | */
4963 | HRESULT Console::detachUSBDevice (USBDeviceList::iterator &aIt)
4964 | {
4965 | AssertReturn (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
4966 |
4967 | /* still want a lock object because we need to leave it */
4968 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
4969 |
4970 | /* protect mpVM */
4971 | AutoVMCaller autoVMCaller (this);
4972 | CheckComRCReturnRC (autoVMCaller.rc());
4973 |
4974 | /* if the device is attached, then there must at least one USB hub. */
4975 | AssertReturn (PDMR3USBHasHub (mpVM), E_FAIL);
4976 |
4977 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Detaching USB proxy device {%Vuuid}...\n",
4978 | (*aIt)->id().raw()));
4979 |
4980 | /* leave the lock before a VMR3* call (EMT will call us back)! */
4981 | alock.leave();
4982 |
4983 | PVMREQ pReq;
4984 | /** @todo just do everything here and only wrap the PDMR3Usb call. That'll offload some notification stuff from the EMT thread. */
4985 | int vrc = VMR3ReqCall (mpVM, &pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT,
4986 | (PFNRT) usbDetachCallback, 4,
4987 | this, &aIt, (*aIt)->id().raw());
4988 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
4989 | vrc = pReq->iStatus;
4990 | VMR3ReqFree (pReq);
4991 |
4992 | ComAssertRCRet (vrc, E_FAIL);
4993 |
4994 | return S_OK;
4995 | }
4996 |
4997 | /**
4998 | * USB device detach callback used by DetachUSBDevice().
4999 | * Note that DetachUSBDevice() doesn't return until this callback is executed,
5000 | * so we don't use AutoCaller and don't care about reference counters of
5001 | * interface pointers passed in.
5002 | *
5003 | * @thread EMT
5004 | * @note Locks the console object for writing.
5005 | */
5006 | //static
5007 | DECLCALLBACK(int)
5008 | Console::usbDetachCallback (Console *that, USBDeviceList::iterator *aIt, PCRTUUID aUuid)
5009 | {
5010 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
5011 | LogFlowFunc (("that={%p}\n", that));
5012 |
5013 | AssertReturn (that && aUuid, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
5014 | ComObjPtr <OUSBDevice> device = **aIt;
5015 |
5016 | /*
5017 | * If that was a remote device, release the backend pointer.
5018 | * The pointer was requested in usbAttachCallback.
5019 | */
5020 | BOOL fRemote = FALSE;
5021 |
5022 | HRESULT hrc2 = (**aIt)->COMGETTER (Remote) (&fRemote);
5023 | ComAssertComRC (hrc2);
5024 |
5025 | if (fRemote)
5026 | {
5027 | Guid guid (*aUuid);
5028 | that->consoleVRDPServer ()->USBBackendReleasePointer (&guid);
5029 | }
5030 |
5031 | int vrc = PDMR3USBDetachDevice (that->mpVM, aUuid);
5032 |
5033 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
5034 | {
5035 | AutoWriteLock alock (that);
5036 |
5037 | /* Remove the device from the collection */
5038 | that->mUSBDevices.erase (*aIt);
5039 | LogFlowFunc (("Detached device {%Vuuid}\n", device->id().raw()));
5040 |
5041 | /* notify callbacks */
5042 | that->onUSBDeviceStateChange (device, false /* aAttached */, NULL);
5043 | }
5044 |
5045 | LogFlowFunc (("vrc=%Vrc\n", vrc));
5046 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
5047 | return vrc;
5048 | }
5049 |
5050 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_USB */
5051 |
5052 | /**
5053 | * Call the initialisation script for a dynamic TAP interface.
5054 | *
5055 | * The initialisation script should create a TAP interface, set it up and write its name to
5056 | * standard output followed by a carriage return. Anything further written to standard
5057 | * output will be ignored. If it returns a non-zero exit code, or does not write an
5058 | * intelligable interface name to standard output, it will be treated as having failed.
5059 | * For now, this method only works on Linux.
5060 | *
5061 | * @returns COM status code
5062 | * @param tapDevice string to store the name of the tap device created to
5063 | * @param tapSetupApplication the name of the setup script
5064 | */
5065 | HRESULT Console::callTapSetupApplication(bool isStatic, RTFILE tapFD, Bstr &tapDevice,
5066 | Bstr &tapSetupApplication)
5067 | {
5068 | LogFlowThisFunc(("\n"));
5069 | #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
5070 | /* Command line to start the script with. */
5071 | char szCommand[4096];
5072 | /* Result code */
5073 | int rc;
5074 |
5075 | /* Get the script name. */
5076 | Utf8Str tapSetupAppUtf8(tapSetupApplication), tapDeviceUtf8(tapDevice);
5077 | RTStrPrintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "%s %d %s", tapSetupAppUtf8.raw(),
5078 | isStatic ? tapFD : 0, isStatic ? tapDeviceUtf8.raw() : "");
5079 | /*
5080 | * Create the process and read its output.
5081 | */
5082 | Log2(("About to start the TAP setup script with the following command line: %s\n",
5083 | szCommand));
5084 | FILE *pfScriptHandle = popen(szCommand, "r");
5085 | if (pfScriptHandle == 0)
5086 | {
5087 | int iErr = errno;
5088 | LogRel(("Failed to start the TAP interface setup script %s, error text: %s\n",
5089 | szCommand, strerror(iErr)));
5090 | LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=E_FAIL\n"));
5091 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Failed to run the host networking set up command %s: %s"),
5092 | szCommand, strerror(iErr));
5093 | }
5094 | /* If we are using a dynamic TAP interface, we need to get the interface name. */
5095 | if (!isStatic)
5096 | {
5097 | /* Buffer to read the application output to. It doesn't have to be long, as we are only
5098 | interested in the first few (normally 5 or 6) bytes. */
5099 | char acBuffer[64];
5100 | /* The length of the string returned by the application. We only accept strings of 63
5101 | characters or less. */
5102 | size_t cBufSize;
5103 |
5104 | /* Read the name of the device from the application. */
5105 | fgets(acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer), pfScriptHandle);
5106 | cBufSize = strlen(acBuffer);
5107 | /* The script must return the name of the interface followed by a carriage return as the
5108 | first line of its output. We need a null-terminated string. */
5109 | if ((cBufSize < 2) || (acBuffer[cBufSize - 1] != '\n'))
5110 | {
5111 | pclose(pfScriptHandle);
5112 | LogRel(("The TAP interface setup script did not return the name of a TAP device.\n"));
5113 | LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=E_FAIL\n"));
5114 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("The host networking set up command did not supply an interface name"));
5115 | }
5116 | /* Overwrite the terminating newline character. */
5117 | acBuffer[cBufSize - 1] = 0;
5118 | tapDevice = acBuffer;
5119 | }
5120 | rc = pclose(pfScriptHandle);
5121 | if (!WIFEXITED(rc))
5122 | {
5123 | LogRel(("The TAP interface setup script terminated abnormally.\n"));
5124 | LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=E_FAIL\n"));
5125 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("The host networking set up command did not run correctly"));
5126 | }
5127 | if (WEXITSTATUS(rc) != 0)
5128 | {
5129 | LogRel(("The TAP interface setup script returned a non-zero exit code.\n"));
5130 | LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=E_FAIL\n"));
5131 | return setError(E_FAIL, tr ("The host networking set up command returned a non-zero exit code"));
5132 | }
5133 | LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=S_OK\n"));
5134 | return S_OK;
5135 | #else /* RT_OS_LINUX not defined */
5136 | LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=E_NOTIMPL\n"));
5137 | return E_NOTIMPL; /* not yet supported */
5138 | #endif
5139 | }
5140 |
5141 | /**
5142 | * Helper function to handle host interface device creation and attachment.
5143 | *
5144 | * @param networkAdapter the network adapter which attachment should be reset
5145 | * @return COM status code
5146 | *
5147 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
5148 | */
5149 | HRESULT Console::attachToHostInterface(INetworkAdapter *networkAdapter)
5150 | {
5151 | LogFlowThisFunc(("\n"));
5152 | /* sanity check */
5153 | AssertReturn (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
5154 |
5155 | #ifdef DEBUG
5156 | /* paranoia */
5157 | NetworkAttachmentType_T attachment;
5158 | networkAdapter->COMGETTER(AttachmentType)(&attachment);
5159 | Assert(attachment == NetworkAttachmentType_HostInterface);
5160 | #endif /* DEBUG */
5161 |
5162 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
5163 |
5165 | ULONG slot = 0;
5166 | rc = networkAdapter->COMGETTER(Slot)(&slot);
5167 | AssertComRC(rc);
5168 |
5169 | /*
5170 | * Try get the FD.
5171 | */
5172 | LONG ltapFD;
5173 | rc = networkAdapter->COMGETTER(TAPFileDescriptor)(<apFD);
5174 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
5175 | maTapFD[slot] = (RTFILE)ltapFD;
5176 | else
5177 | maTapFD[slot] = NIL_RTFILE;
5178 |
5179 | /*
5180 | * Are we supposed to use an existing TAP interface?
5181 | */
5182 | if (maTapFD[slot] != NIL_RTFILE)
5183 | {
5184 | /* nothing to do */
5185 | Assert(ltapFD >= 0);
5186 | Assert((LONG)maTapFD[slot] == ltapFD);
5187 | rc = S_OK;
5188 | }
5189 | else
5191 | {
5192 | /*
5193 | * Allocate a host interface device
5194 | */
5195 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
5196 | /* nothing to do */
5197 | int rcVBox = VINF_SUCCESS;
5198 | #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX)
5199 | int rcVBox = RTFileOpen(&maTapFD[slot], "/dev/net/tun",
5201 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rcVBox))
5202 | {
5203 | /*
5204 | * Set/obtain the tap interface.
5205 | */
5206 | bool isStatic = false;
5207 | struct ifreq IfReq;
5208 | memset(&IfReq, 0, sizeof(IfReq));
5209 | /* The name of the TAP interface we are using and the TAP setup script resp. */
5210 | Bstr tapDeviceName, tapSetupApplication;
5211 | rc = networkAdapter->COMGETTER(HostInterface)(tapDeviceName.asOutParam());
5212 | if (FAILED(rc))
5213 | {
5214 | tapDeviceName.setNull(); /* Is this necessary? */
5215 | }
5216 | else if (!tapDeviceName.isEmpty())
5217 | {
5218 | isStatic = true;
5219 | /* If we are using a static TAP device then try to open it. */
5220 | Utf8Str str(tapDeviceName);
5221 | if (str.length() <= sizeof(IfReq.ifr_name))
5222 | strcpy(IfReq.ifr_name, str.raw());
5223 | else
5224 | memcpy(IfReq.ifr_name, str.raw(), sizeof(IfReq.ifr_name) - 1); /** @todo bitch about names which are too long... */
5225 | IfReq.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI;
5226 | rcVBox = ioctl(maTapFD[slot], TUNSETIFF, &IfReq);
5227 | if (rcVBox != 0)
5228 | {
5229 | LogRel(("Failed to open the host network interface %ls\n", tapDeviceName.raw()));
5230 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Failed to open the host network interface %ls"),
5231 | tapDeviceName.raw());
5232 | }
5233 | }
5234 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
5235 | {
5236 | networkAdapter->COMGETTER(TAPSetupApplication)(tapSetupApplication.asOutParam());
5237 | if (tapSetupApplication.isEmpty())
5238 | {
5239 | if (tapDeviceName.isEmpty())
5240 | {
5241 | LogRel(("No setup application was supplied for the TAP interface.\n"));
5242 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("No setup application was supplied for the host networking interface"));
5243 | }
5244 | }
5245 | else
5246 | {
5247 | rc = callTapSetupApplication(isStatic, maTapFD[slot], tapDeviceName,
5248 | tapSetupApplication);
5249 | }
5250 | }
5251 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
5252 | {
5253 | if (!isStatic)
5254 | {
5255 | Utf8Str str(tapDeviceName);
5256 | if (str.length() <= sizeof(IfReq.ifr_name))
5257 | strcpy(IfReq.ifr_name, str.raw());
5258 | else
5259 | memcpy(IfReq.ifr_name, str.raw(), sizeof(IfReq.ifr_name) - 1); /** @todo bitch about names which are too long... */
5260 | IfReq.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI;
5261 | rcVBox = ioctl(maTapFD[slot], TUNSETIFF, &IfReq);
5262 | if (rcVBox != 0)
5263 | {
5264 | LogRel(("Failed to open the host network interface %ls returned by the setup script", tapDeviceName.raw()));
5265 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Failed to open the host network interface %ls returned by the setup script"), tapDeviceName.raw());
5266 | }
5267 | }
5268 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
5269 | {
5270 | /*
5271 | * Make it pollable.
5272 | */
5273 | if (fcntl(maTapFD[slot], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != -1)
5274 | {
5275 | Log(("attachToHostInterface: %RTfile %ls\n", maTapFD[slot], tapDeviceName.raw()));
5276 |
5277 | /*
5278 | * Here is the right place to communicate the TAP file descriptor and
5279 | * the host interface name to the server if/when it becomes really
5280 | * necessary.
5281 | */
5282 | maTAPDeviceName[slot] = tapDeviceName;
5283 | rcVBox = VINF_SUCCESS;
5284 | }
5285 | else
5286 | {
5287 | int iErr = errno;
5288 |
5289 | LogRel(("Configuration error: Failed to configure /dev/net/tun non blocking. Error: %s\n", strerror(iErr)));
5291 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("could not set up the host networking device for non blocking access: %s"),
5292 | strerror(errno));
5293 | }
5294 | }
5295 | }
5296 | }
5297 | else
5298 | {
5299 | LogRel(("Configuration error: Failed to open /dev/net/tun rc=%Vrc\n", rcVBox));
5300 | switch (rcVBox)
5301 | {
5303 | /* will be handled by our caller */
5304 | rc = rcVBox;
5305 | break;
5306 | default:
5307 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Could not set up the host networking device: %Vrc"), rcVBox);
5308 | break;
5309 | }
5310 | }
5311 | #elif defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)
5312 | /** @todo Implement tap networking for Darwin. */
5313 | int rcVBox = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
5314 | #elif defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD)
5315 | /** @todo Implement tap networking for FreeBSD. */
5316 | int rcVBox = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
5317 | #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2)
5318 | /** @todo Implement tap networking for OS/2. */
5319 | int rcVBox = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
5320 | #elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
5321 | /* nothing to do */
5322 | int rcVBox = VINF_SUCCESS;
5323 | #elif defined(VBOX_WITH_UNIXY_TAP_NETWORKING)
5324 | # error "PORTME: Implement OS specific TAP interface open/creation."
5325 | #else
5326 | # error "Unknown host OS"
5327 | #endif
5328 | /* in case of failure, cleanup. */
5329 | if (VBOX_FAILURE(rcVBox) && SUCCEEDED(rc))
5330 | {
5331 | LogRel(("General failure attaching to host interface\n"));
5332 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("General failure attaching to host interface"));
5333 | }
5334 | }
5335 | LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%d\n", rc));
5336 | return rc;
5337 | }
5338 |
5339 | /**
5340 | * Helper function to handle detachment from a host interface
5341 | *
5342 | * @param networkAdapter the network adapter which attachment should be reset
5343 | * @return COM status code
5344 | *
5345 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
5346 | */
5347 | HRESULT Console::detachFromHostInterface(INetworkAdapter *networkAdapter)
5348 | {
5349 | /* sanity check */
5350 | LogFlowThisFunc(("\n"));
5351 | AssertReturn (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
5352 |
5353 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
5354 | #ifdef DEBUG
5355 | /* paranoia */
5356 | NetworkAttachmentType_T attachment;
5357 | networkAdapter->COMGETTER(AttachmentType)(&attachment);
5358 | Assert(attachment == NetworkAttachmentType_HostInterface);
5359 | #endif /* DEBUG */
5360 |
5362 |
5363 | ULONG slot = 0;
5364 | rc = networkAdapter->COMGETTER(Slot)(&slot);
5365 | AssertComRC(rc);
5366 |
5367 | /* is there an open TAP device? */
5368 | if (maTapFD[slot] != NIL_RTFILE)
5369 | {
5370 | /*
5371 | * Close the file handle.
5372 | */
5373 | Bstr tapDeviceName, tapTerminateApplication;
5374 | bool isStatic = true;
5375 | rc = networkAdapter->COMGETTER(HostInterface)(tapDeviceName.asOutParam());
5376 | if (FAILED(rc) || tapDeviceName.isEmpty())
5377 | {
5378 | /* If the name is empty, this is a dynamic TAP device, so close it now,
5379 | so that the termination script can remove the interface. Otherwise we still
5380 | need the FD to pass to the termination script. */
5381 | isStatic = false;
5382 | int rcVBox = RTFileClose(maTapFD[slot]);
5383 | AssertRC(rcVBox);
5384 | maTapFD[slot] = NIL_RTFILE;
5385 | }
5386 | /*
5387 | * Execute the termination command.
5388 | */
5389 | networkAdapter->COMGETTER(TAPTerminateApplication)(tapTerminateApplication.asOutParam());
5390 | if (tapTerminateApplication)
5391 | {
5392 | /* Get the program name. */
5393 | Utf8Str tapTermAppUtf8(tapTerminateApplication);
5394 |
5395 | /* Build the command line. */
5396 | char szCommand[4096];
5397 | RTStrPrintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "%s %d %s", tapTermAppUtf8.raw(),
5398 | isStatic ? maTapFD[slot] : 0, maTAPDeviceName[slot].raw());
5399 |
5400 | /*
5401 | * Create the process and wait for it to complete.
5402 | */
5403 | Log(("Calling the termination command: %s\n", szCommand));
5404 | int rcCommand = system(szCommand);
5405 | if (rcCommand == -1)
5406 | {
5407 | LogRel(("Failed to execute the clean up script for the TAP interface"));
5408 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("Failed to execute the clean up script for the TAP interface"));
5409 | }
5410 | if (!WIFEXITED(rc))
5411 | {
5412 | LogRel(("The TAP interface clean up script terminated abnormally.\n"));
5413 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("The TAP interface clean up script terminated abnormally"));
5414 | }
5415 | if (WEXITSTATUS(rc) != 0)
5416 | {
5417 | LogRel(("The TAP interface clean up script returned a non-zero exit code.\n"));
5418 | rc = setError(E_FAIL, tr ("The TAP interface clean up script returned a non-zero exit code"));
5419 | }
5420 | }
5421 |
5422 | if (isStatic)
5423 | {
5424 | /* If we are using a static TAP device, we close it now, after having called the
5425 | termination script. */
5426 | int rcVBox = RTFileClose(maTapFD[slot]);
5427 | AssertRC(rcVBox);
5428 | }
5429 | /* the TAP device name and handle are no longer valid */
5430 | maTapFD[slot] = NIL_RTFILE;
5431 | maTAPDeviceName[slot] = "";
5432 | }
5433 | #endif
5434 | LogFlowThisFunc(("returning %d\n", rc));
5435 | return rc;
5436 | }
5437 |
5438 |
5439 | /**
5440 | * Called at power down to terminate host interface networking.
5441 | *
5442 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
5443 | */
5444 | HRESULT Console::powerDownHostInterfaces()
5445 | {
5446 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
5447 |
5448 | /* sanity check */
5449 | AssertReturn (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
5450 |
5451 | /*
5452 | * host interface termination handling
5453 | */
5454 | HRESULT rc;
5455 | for (ULONG slot = 0; slot < SchemaDefs::NetworkAdapterCount; slot ++)
5456 | {
5457 | ComPtr<INetworkAdapter> networkAdapter;
5458 | rc = mMachine->GetNetworkAdapter(slot, networkAdapter.asOutParam());
5459 | CheckComRCBreakRC (rc);
5460 |
5461 | BOOL enabled = FALSE;
5462 | networkAdapter->COMGETTER(Enabled) (&enabled);
5463 | if (!enabled)
5464 | continue;
5465 |
5466 | NetworkAttachmentType_T attachment;
5467 | networkAdapter->COMGETTER(AttachmentType)(&attachment);
5468 | if (attachment == NetworkAttachmentType_HostInterface)
5469 | {
5470 | HRESULT rc2 = detachFromHostInterface(networkAdapter);
5471 | if (FAILED(rc2) && SUCCEEDED(rc))
5472 | rc = rc2;
5473 | }
5474 | }
5475 |
5476 | return rc;
5477 | }
5478 |
5479 |
5480 | /**
5481 | * Process callback handler for VMR3Load and VMR3Save.
5482 | *
5483 | * @param pVM The VM handle.
5484 | * @param uPercent Completetion precentage (0-100).
5485 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the VMProgressTask structure.
5486 | * @return VINF_SUCCESS.
5487 | */
5488 | /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK (int)
5489 | Console::stateProgressCallback (PVM pVM, unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser)
5490 | {
5491 | VMProgressTask *task = static_cast <VMProgressTask *> (pvUser);
5492 | AssertReturn (task, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
5493 |
5494 | /* update the progress object */
5495 | if (task->mProgress)
5496 | task->mProgress->notifyProgress (uPercent);
5497 |
5498 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5499 | }
5500 |
5501 | /**
5502 | * VM error callback function. Called by the various VM components.
5503 | *
5504 | * @param pVM VM handle. Can be NULL if an error occurred before
5505 | * successfully creating a VM.
5506 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the VMProgressTask structure.
5507 | * @param rc VBox status code.
5508 | * @param pszFormat Printf-like error message.
5509 | * @param args Various number of argumens for the error message.
5510 | *
5511 | * @thread EMT, VMPowerUp...
5512 | *
5513 | * @note The VMProgressTask structure modified by this callback is not thread
5514 | * safe.
5515 | */
5516 | /* static */ DECLCALLBACK (void)
5517 | Console::setVMErrorCallback (PVM pVM, void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL,
5518 | const char *pszFormat, va_list args)
5519 | {
5520 | VMProgressTask *task = static_cast <VMProgressTask *> (pvUser);
5521 | AssertReturnVoid (task);
5522 |
5523 | /* we ignore RT_SRC_POS_DECL arguments to avoid confusion of end-users */
5524 | va_list va2;
5525 | va_copy(va2, args); /* Have to make a copy here or GCC will break. */
5526 | Utf8Str errorMsg = Utf8StrFmt (tr ("%N.\n"
5527 | "VBox status code: %d (%Vrc)"),
5528 | pszFormat, &va2, rc, rc);
5529 | va_end(va2);
5530 |
5531 | /* For now, this may be called only once. Ignore subsequent calls. */
5532 | AssertMsgReturnVoid (task->mErrorMsg.isNull(),
5533 | ("Cannot set error to '%s': it is already set to '%s'",
5534 | errorMsg.raw(), task->mErrorMsg.raw()));
5535 |
5536 | task->mErrorMsg = errorMsg;
5537 | }
5538 |
5539 | /**
5540 | * VM runtime error callback function.
5541 | * See VMSetRuntimeError for the detailed description of parameters.
5542 | *
5543 | * @param pVM The VM handle.
5544 | * @param pvUser The user argument.
5545 | * @param fFatal Whether it is a fatal error or not.
5546 | * @param pszErrorID Error ID string.
5547 | * @param pszFormat Error message format string.
5548 | * @param args Error message arguments.
5549 | * @thread EMT.
5550 | */
5551 | /* static */ DECLCALLBACK(void)
5552 | Console::setVMRuntimeErrorCallback (PVM pVM, void *pvUser, bool fFatal,
5553 | const char *pszErrorID,
5554 | const char *pszFormat, va_list args)
5555 | {
5556 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
5557 |
5558 | Console *that = static_cast <Console *> (pvUser);
5559 | AssertReturnVoid (that);
5560 |
5561 | Utf8Str message = Utf8StrFmtVA (pszFormat, args);
5562 |
5563 | LogRel (("Console: VM runtime error: fatal=%RTbool, "
5564 | "errorID=%s message=\"%s\"\n",
5565 | fFatal, pszErrorID, message.raw()));
5566 |
5567 | that->onRuntimeError (BOOL (fFatal), Bstr (pszErrorID), Bstr (message));
5568 |
5569 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
5570 | }
5571 |
5572 | /**
5573 | * Captures USB devices that match filters of the VM.
5574 | * Called at VM startup.
5575 | *
5576 | * @param pVM The VM handle.
5577 | *
5578 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
5579 | */
5580 | HRESULT Console::captureUSBDevices (PVM pVM)
5581 | {
5582 | LogFlowThisFunc (("\n"));
5583 |
5584 | /* sanity check */
5585 | ComAssertRet (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread(), E_FAIL);
5586 |
5587 | /* If the machine has an USB controller, ask the USB proxy service to
5588 | * capture devices */
5589 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
5590 | int vrc = PDMR3QueryLun (pVM, "usb-ohci", 0, 0, &pBase);
5591 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
5592 | {
5593 | /* leave the lock before calling Host in VBoxSVC since Host may call
5594 | * us back from under its lock (e.g. onUSBDeviceAttach()) which would
5595 | * produce an inter-process dead-lock otherwise. */
5596 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
5597 | alock.leave();
5598 |
5599 | HRESULT hrc = mControl->AutoCaptureUSBDevices();
5600 | ComAssertComRCRetRC (hrc);
5601 | }
5602 | else if ( vrc == VERR_PDM_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
5604 | vrc = VINF_SUCCESS;
5605 | else
5606 | AssertRC (vrc);
5607 |
5608 | return VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
5609 | }
5610 |
5611 |
5612 | /**
5613 | * Detach all USB device which are attached to the VM for the
5614 | * purpose of clean up and such like.
5615 | *
5616 | * @note The caller must lock this object for writing.
5617 | */
5618 | void Console::detachAllUSBDevices (bool aDone)
5619 | {
5620 | LogFlowThisFunc (("aDone=%RTbool\n", aDone));
5621 |
5622 | /* sanity check */
5623 | AssertReturnVoid (isWriteLockOnCurrentThread());
5624 |
5625 | mUSBDevices.clear();
5626 |
5627 | /* leave the lock before calling Host in VBoxSVC since Host may call
5628 | * us back from under its lock (e.g. onUSBDeviceAttach()) which would
5629 | * produce an inter-process dead-lock otherwise. */
5630 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
5631 | alock.leave();
5632 |
5633 | mControl->DetachAllUSBDevices (aDone);
5634 | }
5635 |
5636 | /**
5637 | * @note Locks this object for writing.
5638 | */
5639 | void Console::processRemoteUSBDevices (uint32_t u32ClientId, VRDPUSBDEVICEDESC *pDevList, uint32_t cbDevList)
5640 | {
5641 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
5642 | LogFlowThisFunc (("u32ClientId = %d, pDevList=%p, cbDevList = %d\n", u32ClientId, pDevList, cbDevList));
5643 |
5644 | AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
5645 | if (!autoCaller.isOk())
5646 | {
5647 | /* Console has been already uninitialized, deny request */
5648 | AssertMsgFailed (("Temporary assertion to prove that it happens, "
5649 | "please report to dmik\n"));
5650 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Console is already uninitialized\n"));
5651 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
5652 | return;
5653 | }
5654 |
5655 | AutoWriteLock alock (this);
5656 |
5657 | /*
5658 | * Mark all existing remote USB devices as dirty.
5659 | */
5660 | RemoteUSBDeviceList::iterator it = mRemoteUSBDevices.begin();
5661 | while (it != mRemoteUSBDevices.end())
5662 | {
5663 | (*it)->dirty (true);
5664 | ++ it;
5665 | }
5666 |
5667 | /*
5668 | * Process the pDevList and add devices those are not already in the mRemoteUSBDevices list.
5669 | */
5670 | /** @todo (sunlover) REMOTE_USB Strict validation of the pDevList. */
5671 | VRDPUSBDEVICEDESC *e = pDevList;
5672 |
5673 | /* The cbDevList condition must be checked first, because the function can
5674 | * receive pDevList = NULL and cbDevList = 0 on client disconnect.
5675 | */
5676 | while (cbDevList >= 2 && e->oNext)
5677 | {
5678 | LogFlowThisFunc (("vendor %04X, product %04X, name = %s\n",
5679 | e->idVendor, e->idProduct,
5680 | e->oProduct? (char *)e + e->oProduct: ""));
5681 |
5682 | bool fNewDevice = true;
5683 |
5684 | it = mRemoteUSBDevices.begin();
5685 | while (it != mRemoteUSBDevices.end())
5686 | {
5687 | if ((*it)->devId () == e->id
5688 | && (*it)->clientId () == u32ClientId)
5689 | {
5690 | /* The device is already in the list. */
5691 | (*it)->dirty (false);
5692 | fNewDevice = false;
5693 | break;
5694 | }
5695 |
5696 | ++ it;
5697 | }
5698 |
5699 | if (fNewDevice)
5700 | {
5701 | LogRel(("Remote USB: ++++ Vendor %04X. Product %04X. Name = [%s].\n",
5702 | e->idVendor, e->idProduct, e->oProduct? (char *)e + e->oProduct: ""
5703 | ));
5704 |
5705 | /* Create the device object and add the new device to list. */
5706 | ComObjPtr <RemoteUSBDevice> device;
5707 | device.createObject();
5708 | device->init (u32ClientId, e);
5709 |
5710 | mRemoteUSBDevices.push_back (device);
5711 |
5712 | /* Check if the device is ok for current USB filters. */
5713 | BOOL fMatched = FALSE;
5714 | ULONG fMaskedIfs = 0;
5715 |
5716 | HRESULT hrc = mControl->RunUSBDeviceFilters(device, &fMatched, &fMaskedIfs);
5717 |
5718 | AssertComRC (hrc);
5719 |
5720 | LogFlowThisFunc (("USB filters return %d %#x\n", fMatched, fMaskedIfs));
5721 |
5722 | if (fMatched)
5723 | {
5724 | hrc = onUSBDeviceAttach (device, NULL, fMaskedIfs);
5725 |
5726 | /// @todo (r=dmik) warning reporting subsystem
5727 |
5728 | if (hrc == S_OK)
5729 | {
5730 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Device attached\n"));
5731 | device->captured (true);
5732 | }
5733 | }
5734 | }
5735 |
5736 | if (cbDevList < e->oNext)
5737 | {
5738 | LogWarningThisFunc (("cbDevList %d > oNext %d\n",
5739 | cbDevList, e->oNext));
5740 | break;
5741 | }
5742 |
5743 | cbDevList -= e->oNext;
5744 |
5745 | e = (VRDPUSBDEVICEDESC *)((uint8_t *)e + e->oNext);
5746 | }
5747 |
5748 | /*
5749 | * Remove dirty devices, that is those which are not reported by the server anymore.
5750 | */
5751 | for (;;)
5752 | {
5753 | ComObjPtr <RemoteUSBDevice> device;
5754 |
5755 | RemoteUSBDeviceList::iterator it = mRemoteUSBDevices.begin();
5756 | while (it != mRemoteUSBDevices.end())
5757 | {
5758 | if ((*it)->dirty ())
5759 | {
5760 | device = *it;
5761 | break;
5762 | }
5763 |
5764 | ++ it;
5765 | }
5766 |
5767 | if (!device)
5768 | {
5769 | break;
5770 | }
5771 |
5772 | USHORT vendorId = 0;
5773 | device->COMGETTER(VendorId) (&vendorId);
5774 |
5775 | USHORT productId = 0;
5776 | device->COMGETTER(ProductId) (&productId);
5777 |
5778 | Bstr product;
5779 | device->COMGETTER(Product) (product.asOutParam());
5780 |
5781 | LogRel(("Remote USB: ---- Vendor %04X. Product %04X. Name = [%ls].\n",
5782 | vendorId, productId, product.raw ()
5783 | ));
5784 |
5785 | /* Detach the device from VM. */
5786 | if (device->captured ())
5787 | {
5788 | Guid uuid;
5789 | device->COMGETTER (Id) (uuid.asOutParam());
5790 | onUSBDeviceDetach (uuid, NULL);
5791 | }
5792 |
5793 | /* And remove it from the list. */
5794 | mRemoteUSBDevices.erase (it);
5795 | }
5796 |
5797 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
5798 | }
5799 |
5800 |
5801 |
5802 | /**
5803 | * Thread function which starts the VM (also from saved state) and
5804 | * track progress.
5805 | *
5806 | * @param Thread The thread id.
5807 | * @param pvUser Pointer to a VMPowerUpTask structure.
5808 | * @return VINF_SUCCESS (ignored).
5809 | *
5810 | * @note Locks the Console object for writing.
5811 | */
5812 | /*static*/
5813 | DECLCALLBACK (int) Console::powerUpThread (RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser)
5814 | {
5815 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
5816 |
5817 | std::auto_ptr <VMPowerUpTask> task (static_cast <VMPowerUpTask *> (pvUser));
5818 | AssertReturn (task.get(), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
5819 |
5820 | AssertReturn (!task->mConsole.isNull(), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
5821 | AssertReturn (!task->mProgress.isNull(), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
5822 |
5823 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
5824 | {
5825 | /* initialize COM */
5826 | HRESULT hrc = CoInitializeEx (NULL,
5829 | LogFlowFunc (("CoInitializeEx()=%08X\n", hrc));
5830 | }
5831 | #endif
5832 |
5833 | HRESULT hrc = S_OK;
5834 | int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS;
5835 |
5836 | /* Set up a build identifier so that it can be seen from core dumps what
5837 | * exact build was used to produce the core. */
5838 | static char saBuildID[40];
5839 | RTStrPrintf(saBuildID, sizeof(saBuildID), "%s%s%s%s VirtualBox %s r%d %s%s%s%s",
5840 | "BU", "IL", "DI", "D", VBOX_VERSION_STRING, VBoxSVNRev (), "BU", "IL", "DI", "D");
5841 |
5842 | ComObjPtr <Console> console = task->mConsole;
5843 |
5844 | /* Note: no need to use addCaller() because VMPowerUpTask does that */
5845 |
5846 | AutoWriteLock alock (console);
5847 |
5848 | /* sanity */
5849 | Assert (console->mpVM == NULL);
5850 |
5851 | do
5852 | {
5853 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
5854 | /* Create the VRDP server. In case of headless operation, this will
5855 | * also create the framebuffer, required at VM creation.
5856 | */
5857 | ConsoleVRDPServer *server = console->consoleVRDPServer();
5858 | Assert (server);
5859 | /// @todo (dmik)
5860 | // does VRDP server call Console from the other thread?
5861 | // Not sure, so leave the lock just in case
5862 | alock.leave();
5863 | vrc = server->Launch();
5864 | alock.enter();
5865 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
5866 | {
5867 | Utf8Str errMsg;
5868 | switch (vrc)
5869 | {
5871 | {
5872 | ULONG port = 0;
5873 | console->mVRDPServer->COMGETTER(Port) (&port);
5874 | errMsg = Utf8StrFmt (tr ("VRDP server port %d is already in use"),
5875 | port);
5876 | break;
5877 | }
5878 | case VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
5879 | {
5880 | errMsg = Utf8StrFmt (tr ("Could not load the VRDP library"));
5881 | break;
5882 | }
5883 | default:
5884 | errMsg = Utf8StrFmt (tr ("Failed to launch VRDP server (%Vrc)"),
5885 | vrc);
5886 | }
5887 | LogRel (("Failed to launch VRDP server (%Vrc), error message: '%s'\n",
5888 | vrc, errMsg.raw()));
5889 | hrc = setError (E_FAIL, errMsg);
5890 | break;
5891 | }
5892 | #endif /* VBOX_VRDP */
5893 |
5894 | /*
5895 | * Create the VM
5896 | */
5897 | PVM pVM;
5898 | /*
5899 | * leave the lock since EMT will call Console. It's safe because
5900 | * mMachineState is either Starting or Restoring state here.
5901 | */
5902 | alock.leave();
5903 |
5904 | vrc = VMR3Create (task->mSetVMErrorCallback, task.get(),
5905 | task->mConfigConstructor, static_cast <Console *> (console),
5906 | &pVM);
5907 |
5908 | alock.enter();
5909 |
5910 | #ifdef VBOX_VRDP
5911 | /* Enable client connections to the server. */
5912 | console->consoleVRDPServer()->EnableConnections ();
5913 | #endif /* VBOX_VRDP */
5914 |
5915 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
5916 | {
5917 | do
5918 | {
5919 | /*
5920 | * Register our load/save state file handlers
5921 | */
5922 | vrc = SSMR3RegisterExternal (pVM,
5923 | sSSMConsoleUnit, 0 /* iInstance */, sSSMConsoleVer,
5924 | 0 /* cbGuess */,
5925 | NULL, saveStateFileExec, NULL, NULL, loadStateFileExec, NULL,
5926 | static_cast <Console *> (console));
5927 | AssertRC (vrc);
5928 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
5929 | break;
5930 |
5931 | /*
5932 | * Synchronize debugger settings
5933 | */
5934 | MachineDebugger *machineDebugger = console->getMachineDebugger();
5935 | if (machineDebugger)
5936 | {
5937 | machineDebugger->flushQueuedSettings();
5938 | }
5939 |
5940 | /*
5941 | * Shared Folders
5942 | */
5943 | if (console->getVMMDev()->isShFlActive())
5944 | {
5945 | /// @todo (dmik)
5946 | // does the code below call Console from the other thread?
5947 | // Not sure, so leave the lock just in case
5948 | alock.leave();
5949 |
5950 | for (SharedFolderDataMap::const_iterator
5951 | it = task->mSharedFolders.begin();
5952 | it != task->mSharedFolders.end();
5953 | ++ it)
5954 | {
5955 | hrc = console->createSharedFolder ((*it).first, (*it).second);
5956 | CheckComRCBreakRC (hrc);
5957 | }
5958 |
5959 | /* enter the lock again */
5960 | alock.enter();
5961 |
5962 | CheckComRCBreakRC (hrc);
5963 | }
5964 |
5965 | /*
5966 | * Capture USB devices.
5967 | */
5968 | hrc = console->captureUSBDevices (pVM);
5969 | CheckComRCBreakRC (hrc);
5970 |
5971 | /* leave the lock before a lengthy operation */
5972 | alock.leave();
5973 |
5974 | /* Load saved state? */
5975 | if (!!task->mSavedStateFile)
5976 | {
5977 | LogFlowFunc (("Restoring saved state from '%s'...\n",
5978 | task->mSavedStateFile.raw()));
5979 |
5980 | vrc = VMR3Load (pVM, task->mSavedStateFile,
5981 | Console::stateProgressCallback,
5982 | static_cast <VMProgressTask *> (task.get()));
5983 |
5984 | /* Start/Resume the VM execution */
5985 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (vrc))
5986 | {
5987 | vrc = VMR3Resume (pVM);
5988 | AssertRC (vrc);
5989 | }
5990 |
5991 | /* Power off in case we failed loading or resuming the VM */
5992 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
5993 | {
5994 | int vrc2 = VMR3PowerOff (pVM);
5995 | AssertRC (vrc2);
5996 | }
5997 | }
5998 | else
5999 | {
6000 | /* Power on the VM (i.e. start executing) */
6001 | vrc = VMR3PowerOn(pVM);
6002 | AssertRC (vrc);
6003 | }
6004 |
6005 | /* enter the lock again */
6006 | alock.enter();
6007 | }
6008 | while (0);
6009 |
6010 | /* On failure, destroy the VM */
6011 | if (FAILED (hrc) || VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
6012 | {
6013 | /* preserve existing error info */
6014 | ErrorInfoKeeper eik;
6015 |
6016 | /* powerDown() will call VMR3Destroy() and do all necessary
6017 | * cleanup (VRDP, USB devices) */
6018 | HRESULT hrc2 = console->powerDown();
6019 | AssertComRC (hrc2);
6020 | }
6021 | }
6022 | else
6023 | {
6024 | /*
6025 | * If VMR3Create() failed it has released the VM memory.
6026 | */
6027 | console->mpVM = NULL;
6028 | }
6029 |
6030 | if (SUCCEEDED (hrc) && VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
6031 | {
6032 | /* If VMR3Create() or one of the other calls in this function fail,
6033 | * an appropriate error message has been set in task->mErrorMsg.
6034 | * However since that happens via a callback, the hrc status code in
6035 | * this function is not updated.
6036 | */
6037 | if (task->mErrorMsg.isNull())
6038 | {
6039 | /* If the error message is not set but we've got a failure,
6040 | * convert the VBox status code into a meaningfulerror message.
6041 | * This becomes unused once all the sources of errors set the
6042 | * appropriate error message themselves.
6043 | */
6044 | AssertMsgFailed (("Missing error message during powerup for "
6045 | "status code %Vrc\n", vrc));
6046 | task->mErrorMsg = Utf8StrFmt (
6047 | tr ("Failed to start VM execution (%Vrc)"), vrc);
6048 | }
6049 |
6050 | /* Set the error message as the COM error.
6051 | * Progress::notifyComplete() will pick it up later. */
6052 | hrc = setError (E_FAIL, task->mErrorMsg);
6053 | break;
6054 | }
6055 | }
6056 | while (0);
6057 |
6058 | if (console->mMachineState == MachineState_Starting ||
6059 | console->mMachineState == MachineState_Restoring)
6060 | {
6061 | /* We are still in the Starting/Restoring state. This means one of:
6062 | *
6063 | * 1) we failed before VMR3Create() was called;
6064 | * 2) VMR3Create() failed.
6065 | *
6066 | * In both cases, there is no need to call powerDown(), but we still
6067 | * need to go back to the PoweredOff/Saved state. Reuse
6068 | * vmstateChangeCallback() for that purpose.
6069 | */
6070 |
6071 | /* preserve existing error info */
6072 | ErrorInfoKeeper eik;
6073 |
6074 | Assert (console->mpVM == NULL);
6076 | console);
6077 | }
6078 |
6079 | /*
6080 | * Evaluate the final result. Note that the appropriate mMachineState value
6081 | * is already set by vmstateChangeCallback() in all cases.
6082 | */
6083 |
6084 | /* leave the lock, don't need it any more */
6085 | alock.leave();
6086 |
6087 | if (SUCCEEDED (hrc))
6088 | {
6089 | /* Notify the progress object of the success */
6090 | task->mProgress->notifyComplete (S_OK);
6091 | }
6092 | else
6093 | {
6094 | /* The progress object will fetch the current error info */
6095 | task->mProgress->notifyComplete (hrc);
6096 |
6097 | LogRel (("Power up failed (vrc=%Vrc, hrc=0x%08X)\n", vrc, hrc));
6098 | }
6099 |
6100 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
6101 | /* uninitialize COM */
6102 | CoUninitialize();
6103 | #endif
6104 |
6105 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
6106 |
6107 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6108 | }
6109 |
6110 |
6111 | /**
6112 | * Reconfigures a VDI.
6113 | *
6114 | * @param pVM The VM handle.
6115 | * @param hda The harddisk attachment.
6116 | * @param phrc Where to store com error - only valid if we return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE.
6117 | * @return VBox status code.
6118 | */
6119 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) reconfigureVDI(PVM pVM, IHardDiskAttachment *hda, HRESULT *phrc)
6120 | {
6121 | LogFlowFunc (("pVM=%p hda=%p phrc=%p\n", pVM, hda, phrc));
6122 |
6123 | int rc;
6124 | HRESULT hrc;
6125 | char *psz = NULL;
6126 | BSTR str = NULL;
6127 | *phrc = S_OK;
6128 | #define STR_CONV() do { rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8(str, &psz); RC_CHECK(); } while (0)
6129 | #define STR_FREE() do { if (str) { SysFreeString(str); str = NULL; } if (psz) { RTStrFree(psz); psz = NULL; } } while (0)
6130 | #define RC_CHECK() do { if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgFailed(("rc=%Vrc\n", rc)); STR_FREE(); return rc; } } while (0)
6131 | #define H() do { if (FAILED(hrc)) { AssertMsgFailed(("hrc=%#x\n", hrc)); STR_FREE(); *phrc = hrc; return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } while (0)
6132 |
6133 | /*
6134 | * Figure out which IDE device this is.
6135 | */
6136 | ComPtr<IHardDisk> hardDisk;
6137 | hrc = hda->COMGETTER(HardDisk)(hardDisk.asOutParam()); H();
6138 | StorageBus_T enmBus;
6139 | hrc = hda->COMGETTER(Bus)(&enmBus); H();
6140 | LONG lDev;
6141 | hrc = hda->COMGETTER(Device)(&lDev); H();
6142 | LONG lChannel;
6143 | hrc = hda->COMGETTER(Channel)(&lChannel); H();
6144 |
6145 | int iLUN;
6146 | switch (enmBus)
6147 | {
6148 | case StorageBus_IDE:
6149 | {
6150 | if (lChannel >= 2)
6151 | {
6152 | AssertMsgFailed(("invalid controller channel number: %d\n", lChannel));
6154 | }
6155 |
6156 | if (lDev >= 2)
6157 | {
6158 | AssertMsgFailed(("invalid controller device number: %d\n", lDev));
6160 | }
6161 | iLUN = 2*lChannel + lDev;
6162 | }
6163 | break;
6164 | case StorageBus_SATA:
6165 | iLUN = lChannel;
6166 | break;
6167 | default:
6168 | AssertMsgFailed(("invalid disk controller type: %d\n", enmBus));
6170 | }
6171 |
6172 | /*
6173 | * Is there an existing LUN? If not create it.
6174 | * We ASSUME that this will NEVER collide with the DVD.
6175 | */
6176 | PCFGMNODE pCfg;
6177 | PCFGMNODE pLunL1 = CFGMR3GetChildF(CFGMR3GetRoot(pVM), "Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#%d/AttachedDriver/", iLUN);
6178 | if (!pLunL1)
6179 | {
6180 | PCFGMNODE pInst = CFGMR3GetChild(CFGMR3GetRoot(pVM), "Devices/piix3ide/0/");
6181 | AssertReturn(pInst, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
6182 |
6183 | PCFGMNODE pLunL0;
6184 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNodeF(pInst, &pLunL0, "LUN#%d", iLUN); RC_CHECK();
6185 | rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "Block"); RC_CHECK();
6186 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); RC_CHECK();
6187 | rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Type", "HardDisk"); RC_CHECK();
6188 | rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Mountable", 0); RC_CHECK();
6189 |
6190 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "AttachedDriver", &pLunL1); RC_CHECK();
6191 | rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL1, "Driver", "VBoxHDD"); RC_CHECK();
6192 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL1, "Config", &pCfg); RC_CHECK();
6193 | }
6194 | else
6195 | {
6196 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
6197 | char *pszDriver;
6198 | rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pLunL1, "Driver", &pszDriver); RC_CHECK();
6199 | Assert(!strcmp(pszDriver, "VBoxHDD"));
6200 | MMR3HeapFree(pszDriver);
6201 | #endif
6202 |
6203 | /*
6204 | * Check if things has changed.
6205 | */
6206 | pCfg = CFGMR3GetChild(pLunL1, "Config");
6207 | AssertReturn(pCfg, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
6208 |
6209 | /* the image */
6210 | /// @todo (dmik) we temporarily use the location property to
6211 | // determine the image file name. This is subject to change
6212 | // when iSCSI disks are here (we should either query a
6213 | // storage-specific interface from IHardDisk, or "standardize"
6214 | // the location property)
6215 | hrc = hardDisk->COMGETTER(Location)(&str); H();
6216 | STR_CONV();
6217 | char *pszPath;
6218 | rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pCfg, "Path", &pszPath); RC_CHECK();
6219 | if (!strcmp(psz, pszPath))
6220 | {
6221 | /* parent images. */
6222 | ComPtr<IHardDisk> parentHardDisk = hardDisk;
6223 | for (PCFGMNODE pParent = pCfg;;)
6224 | {
6225 | MMR3HeapFree(pszPath);
6226 | pszPath = NULL;
6227 | STR_FREE();
6228 |
6229 | /* get parent */
6230 | ComPtr<IHardDisk> curHardDisk;
6231 | hrc = parentHardDisk->COMGETTER(Parent)(curHardDisk.asOutParam()); H();
6232 | PCFGMNODE pCur;
6233 | pCur = CFGMR3GetChild(pParent, "Parent");
6234 | if (!pCur && !curHardDisk)
6235 | {
6236 | /* no change */
6237 | LogFlowFunc (("No change!\n"));
6238 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6239 | }
6240 | if (!pCur || !curHardDisk)
6241 | break;
6242 |
6243 | /* compare paths. */
6244 | /// @todo (dmik) we temporarily use the location property to
6245 | // determine the image file name. This is subject to change
6246 | // when iSCSI disks are here (we should either query a
6247 | // storage-specific interface from IHardDisk, or "standardize"
6248 | // the location property)
6249 | hrc = curHardDisk->COMGETTER(Location)(&str); H();
6250 | STR_CONV();
6251 | rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pCfg, "Path", &pszPath); RC_CHECK();
6252 | if (strcmp(psz, pszPath))
6253 | break;
6254 |
6255 | /* next */
6256 | pParent = pCur;
6257 | parentHardDisk = curHardDisk;
6258 | }
6259 |
6260 | }
6261 | else
6262 | LogFlowFunc (("LUN#%d: old leaf image '%s'\n", iLUN, pszPath));
6263 |
6264 | MMR3HeapFree(pszPath);
6265 | STR_FREE();
6266 |
6267 | /*
6268 | * Detach the driver and replace the config node.
6269 | */
6270 | rc = PDMR3DeviceDetach(pVM, "piix3ide", 0, iLUN); RC_CHECK();
6271 | CFGMR3RemoveNode(pCfg);
6272 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL1, "Config", &pCfg); RC_CHECK();
6273 | }
6274 |
6275 | /*
6276 | * Create the driver configuration.
6277 | */
6278 | /// @todo (dmik) we temporarily use the location property to
6279 | // determine the image file name. This is subject to change
6280 | // when iSCSI disks are here (we should either query a
6281 | // storage-specific interface from IHardDisk, or "standardize"
6282 | // the location property)
6283 | hrc = hardDisk->COMGETTER(Location)(&str); H();
6284 | STR_CONV();
6285 | LogFlowFunc (("LUN#%d: leaf image '%s'\n", iLUN, psz));
6286 | rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Path", psz); RC_CHECK();
6287 | STR_FREE();
6288 | /* Create an inversed tree of parents. */
6289 | ComPtr<IHardDisk> parentHardDisk = hardDisk;
6290 | for (PCFGMNODE pParent = pCfg;;)
6291 | {
6292 | ComPtr<IHardDisk> curHardDisk;
6293 | hrc = parentHardDisk->COMGETTER(Parent)(curHardDisk.asOutParam()); H();
6294 | if (!curHardDisk)
6295 | break;
6296 |
6297 | PCFGMNODE pCur;
6298 | rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pParent, "Parent", &pCur); RC_CHECK();
6299 | /// @todo (dmik) we temporarily use the location property to
6300 | // determine the image file name. This is subject to change
6301 | // when iSCSI disks are here (we should either query a
6302 | // storage-specific interface from IHardDisk, or "standardize"
6303 | // the location property)
6304 | hrc = curHardDisk->COMGETTER(Location)(&str); H();
6305 | STR_CONV();
6306 | rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCur, "Path", psz); RC_CHECK();
6307 | STR_FREE();
6308 |
6309 | /* next */
6310 | pParent = pCur;
6311 | parentHardDisk = curHardDisk;
6312 | }
6313 |
6314 | /*
6315 | * Attach the new driver.
6316 | */
6317 | rc = PDMR3DeviceAttach(pVM, "piix3ide", 0, iLUN, NULL); RC_CHECK();
6318 |
6319 | LogFlowFunc (("Returns success\n"));
6320 | return rc;
6321 | }
6322 |
6323 |
6324 | /**
6325 | * Thread for executing the saved state operation.
6326 | *
6327 | * @param Thread The thread handle.
6328 | * @param pvUser Pointer to a VMSaveTask structure.
6329 | * @return VINF_SUCCESS (ignored).
6330 | *
6331 | * @note Locks the Console object for writing.
6332 | */
6333 | /*static*/
6334 | DECLCALLBACK (int) Console::saveStateThread (RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser)
6335 | {
6336 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
6337 |
6338 | std::auto_ptr <VMSaveTask> task (static_cast <VMSaveTask *> (pvUser));
6339 | AssertReturn (task.get(), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
6340 |
6341 | Assert (!task->mSavedStateFile.isNull());
6342 | Assert (!task->mProgress.isNull());
6343 |
6344 | const ComObjPtr <Console> &that = task->mConsole;
6345 |
6346 | /*
6347 | * Note: no need to use addCaller() to protect Console or addVMCaller() to
6348 | * protect mpVM because VMSaveTask does that
6349 | */
6350 |
6351 | Utf8Str errMsg;
6352 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
6353 |
6354 | if (task->mIsSnapshot)
6355 | {
6356 | Assert (!task->mServerProgress.isNull());
6357 | LogFlowFunc (("Waiting until the server creates differencing VDIs...\n"));
6358 |
6359 | rc = task->mServerProgress->WaitForCompletion (-1);
6360 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
6361 | {
6362 | HRESULT result = S_OK;
6363 | rc = task->mServerProgress->COMGETTER(ResultCode) (&result);
6364 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
6365 | rc = result;
6366 | }
6367 | }
6368 |
6369 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
6370 | {
6371 | LogFlowFunc (("Saving the state to '%s'...\n", task->mSavedStateFile.raw()));
6372 |
6373 | int vrc = VMR3Save (that->mpVM, task->mSavedStateFile,
6374 | Console::stateProgressCallback,
6375 | static_cast <VMProgressTask *> (task.get()));
6376 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
6377 | {
6378 | errMsg = Utf8StrFmt (
6379 | Console::tr ("Failed to save the machine state to '%s' (%Vrc)"),
6380 | task->mSavedStateFile.raw(), vrc);
6381 | rc = E_FAIL;
6382 | }
6383 | }
6384 |
6385 | /* lock the console sonce we're going to access it */
6386 | AutoWriteLock thatLock (that);
6387 |
6388 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
6389 | {
6390 | if (task->mIsSnapshot)
6391 | do
6392 | {
6393 | LogFlowFunc (("Reattaching new differencing VDIs...\n"));
6394 |
6395 | ComPtr <IHardDiskAttachmentCollection> hdaColl;
6396 | rc = that->mMachine->COMGETTER(HardDiskAttachments) (hdaColl.asOutParam());
6397 | if (FAILED (rc))
6398 | break;
6399 | ComPtr <IHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator> hdaEn;
6400 | rc = hdaColl->Enumerate (hdaEn.asOutParam());
6401 | if (FAILED (rc))
6402 | break;
6403 | BOOL more = FALSE;
6404 | while (SUCCEEDED (rc = hdaEn->HasMore (&more)) && more)
6405 | {
6406 | ComPtr <IHardDiskAttachment> hda;
6407 | rc = hdaEn->GetNext (hda.asOutParam());
6408 | if (FAILED (rc))
6409 | break;
6410 |
6411 | PVMREQ pReq;
6412 | IHardDiskAttachment *pHda = hda;
6413 | /*
6414 | * don't leave the lock since reconfigureVDI isn't going to
6415 | * access Console.
6416 | */
6417 | int vrc = VMR3ReqCall (that->mpVM, &pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT,
6418 | (PFNRT)reconfigureVDI, 3, that->mpVM,
6419 | pHda, &rc);
6420 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rc))
6421 | rc = pReq->iStatus;
6422 | VMR3ReqFree (pReq);
6423 | if (FAILED (rc))
6424 | break;
6425 | if (VBOX_FAILURE (vrc))
6426 | {
6427 | errMsg = Utf8StrFmt (Console::tr ("%Vrc"), vrc);
6428 | rc = E_FAIL;
6429 | break;
6430 | }
6431 | }
6432 | }
6433 | while (0);
6434 | }
6435 |
6436 | /* finalize the procedure regardless of the result */
6437 | if (task->mIsSnapshot)
6438 | {
6439 | /*
6440 | * finalize the requested snapshot object.
6441 | * This will reset the machine state to the state it had right
6442 | * before calling mControl->BeginTakingSnapshot().
6443 | */
6444 | that->mControl->EndTakingSnapshot (SUCCEEDED (rc));
6445 | }
6446 | else
6447 | {
6448 | /*
6449 | * finalize the requested save state procedure.
6450 | * In case of success, the server will set the machine state to Saved;
6451 | * in case of failure it will reset the it to the state it had right
6452 | * before calling mControl->BeginSavingState().
6453 | */
6454 | that->mControl->EndSavingState (SUCCEEDED (rc));
6455 | }
6456 |
6457 | /* synchronize the state with the server */
6458 | if (task->mIsSnapshot || FAILED (rc))
6459 | {
6460 | if (task->mLastMachineState == MachineState_Running)
6461 | {
6462 | /* restore the paused state if appropriate */
6463 | that->setMachineStateLocally (MachineState_Paused);
6464 | /* restore the running state if appropriate */
6465 | that->Resume();
6466 | }
6467 | else
6468 | that->setMachineStateLocally (task->mLastMachineState);
6469 | }
6470 | else
6471 | {
6472 | /*
6473 | * The machine has been successfully saved, so power it down
6474 | * (vmstateChangeCallback() will set state to Saved on success).
6475 | * Note: we release the task's VM caller, otherwise it will
6476 | * deadlock.
6477 | */
6478 | task->releaseVMCaller();
6479 |
6480 | rc = that->powerDown();
6481 | }
6482 |
6483 | /* notify the progress object about operation completion */
6484 | if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
6485 | task->mProgress->notifyComplete (S_OK);
6486 | else
6487 | {
6488 | if (!errMsg.isNull())
6489 | task->mProgress->notifyComplete (rc,
6490 | COM_IIDOF(IConsole), Console::getComponentName(), errMsg);
6491 | else
6492 | task->mProgress->notifyComplete (rc);
6493 | }
6494 |
6495 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
6496 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6497 | }
6498 |
6499 | /**
6500 | * Thread for powering down the Console.
6501 | *
6502 | * @param Thread The thread handle.
6503 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the VMTask structure.
6504 | * @return VINF_SUCCESS (ignored).
6505 | *
6506 | * @note Locks the Console object for writing.
6507 | */
6508 | /*static*/
6509 | DECLCALLBACK (int) Console::powerDownThread (RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser)
6510 | {
6511 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
6512 |
6513 | std::auto_ptr <VMTask> task (static_cast <VMTask *> (pvUser));
6514 | AssertReturn (task.get(), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
6515 |
6516 | AssertReturn (task->isOk(), VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE);
6517 |
6518 | const ComObjPtr <Console> &that = task->mConsole;
6519 |
6520 | /*
6521 | * Note: no need to use addCaller() to protect Console
6522 | * because VMTask does that
6523 | */
6524 |
6525 | /* release VM caller to let powerDown() proceed */
6526 | task->releaseVMCaller();
6527 |
6528 | HRESULT rc = that->powerDown();
6529 | AssertComRC (rc);
6530 |
6531 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
6532 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6533 | }
6534 |
6535 | /**
6536 | * The Main status driver instance data.
6537 | */
6538 | typedef struct DRVMAINSTATUS
6539 | {
6540 | /** The LED connectors. */
6541 | PDMILEDCONNECTORS ILedConnectors;
6542 | /** Pointer to the LED ports interface above us. */
6543 | PPDMILEDPORTS pLedPorts;
6544 | /** Pointer to the array of LED pointers. */
6545 | PPDMLED *papLeds;
6546 | /** The unit number corresponding to the first entry in the LED array. */
6547 | RTUINT iFirstLUN;
6548 | /** The unit number corresponding to the last entry in the LED array.
6549 | * (The size of the LED array is iLastLUN - iFirstLUN + 1.) */
6550 | RTUINT iLastLUN;
6552 |
6553 |
6554 | /**
6555 | * Notification about a unit which have been changed.
6556 | *
6557 | * The driver must discard any pointers to data owned by
6558 | * the unit and requery it.
6559 | *
6560 | * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure containing the called function pointer.
6561 | * @param iLUN The unit number.
6562 | */
6563 | DECLCALLBACK(void) Console::drvStatus_UnitChanged(PPDMILEDCONNECTORS pInterface, unsigned iLUN)
6564 | {
6565 | PDRVMAINSTATUS pData = (PDRVMAINSTATUS)(void *)pInterface;
6566 | if (iLUN >= pData->iFirstLUN && iLUN <= pData->iLastLUN)
6567 | {
6568 | PPDMLED pLed;
6569 | int rc = pData->pLedPorts->pfnQueryStatusLed(pData->pLedPorts, iLUN, &pLed);
6570 | if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc))
6571 | pLed = NULL;
6572 | ASMAtomicXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&pData->papLeds[iLUN - pData->iFirstLUN], pLed);
6573 | Log(("drvStatus_UnitChanged: iLUN=%d pLed=%p\n", iLUN, pLed));
6574 | }
6575 | }
6576 |
6577 |
6578 | /**
6579 | * Queries an interface to the driver.
6580 | *
6581 | * @returns Pointer to interface.
6582 | * @returns NULL if the interface was not supported by the driver.
6583 | * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
6584 | * @param enmInterface The requested interface identification.
6585 | */
6586 | DECLCALLBACK(void *) Console::drvStatus_QueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, PDMINTERFACE enmInterface)
6587 | {
6588 | PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface);
6590 | switch (enmInterface)
6591 | {
6593 | return &pDrvIns->IBase;
6595 | return &pDrv->ILedConnectors;
6596 | default:
6597 | return NULL;
6598 | }
6599 | }
6600 |
6601 |
6602 | /**
6603 | * Destruct a status driver instance.
6604 | *
6605 | * @returns VBox status.
6606 | * @param pDrvIns The driver instance data.
6607 | */
6608 | DECLCALLBACK(void) Console::drvStatus_Destruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns)
6609 | {
6611 | LogFlowFunc(("iInstance=%d\n", pDrvIns->iInstance));
6612 | if (pData->papLeds)
6613 | {
6614 | unsigned iLed = pData->iLastLUN - pData->iFirstLUN + 1;
6615 | while (iLed-- > 0)
6616 | ASMAtomicXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&pData->papLeds[iLed], NULL);
6617 | }
6618 | }
6619 |
6620 |
6621 | /**
6622 | * Construct a status driver instance.
6623 | *
6624 | * @returns VBox status.
6625 | * @param pDrvIns The driver instance data.
6626 | * If the registration structure is needed, pDrvIns->pDrvReg points to it.
6627 | * @param pCfgHandle Configuration node handle for the driver. Use this to obtain the configuration
6628 | * of the driver instance. It's also found in pDrvIns->pCfgHandle, but like
6629 | * iInstance it's expected to be used a bit in this function.
6630 | */
6631 | DECLCALLBACK(int) Console::drvStatus_Construct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle)
6632 | {
6634 | LogFlowFunc(("iInstance=%d\n", pDrvIns->iInstance));
6635 |
6636 | /*
6637 | * Validate configuration.
6638 | */
6639 | if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfgHandle, "papLeds\0First\0Last\0"))
6641 | PPDMIBASE pBaseIgnore;
6642 | int rc = pDrvIns->pDrvHlp->pfnAttach(pDrvIns, &pBaseIgnore);
6644 | {
6645 | AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: Not possible to attach anything to this driver!\n"));
6647 | }
6648 |
6649 | /*
6650 | * Data.
6651 | */
6652 | pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = Console::drvStatus_QueryInterface;
6653 | pData->ILedConnectors.pfnUnitChanged = Console::drvStatus_UnitChanged;
6654 |
6655 | /*
6656 | * Read config.
6657 | */
6658 | rc = CFGMR3QueryPtr(pCfgHandle, "papLeds", (void **)&pData->papLeds);
6659 | if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc))
6660 | {
6661 | AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: Failed to query the \"papLeds\" value! rc=%Vrc\n", rc));
6662 | return rc;
6663 | }
6664 |
6665 | rc = CFGMR3QueryU32(pCfgHandle, "First", &pData->iFirstLUN);
6666 | if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND)
6667 | pData->iFirstLUN = 0;
6668 | else if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc))
6669 | {
6670 | AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: Failed to query the \"First\" value! rc=%Vrc\n", rc));
6671 | return rc;
6672 | }
6673 |
6674 | rc = CFGMR3QueryU32(pCfgHandle, "Last", &pData->iLastLUN);
6675 | if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND)
6676 | pData->iLastLUN = 0;
6677 | else if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc))
6678 | {
6679 | AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: Failed to query the \"Last\" value! rc=%Vrc\n", rc));
6680 | return rc;
6681 | }
6682 | if (pData->iFirstLUN > pData->iLastLUN)
6683 | {
6684 | AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: Invalid unit range %u-%u\n", pData->iFirstLUN, pData->iLastLUN));
6686 | }
6687 |
6688 | /*
6689 | * Get the ILedPorts interface of the above driver/device and
6690 | * query the LEDs we want.
6691 | */
6692 | pData->pLedPorts = (PPDMILEDPORTS)pDrvIns->pUpBase->pfnQueryInterface(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMINTERFACE_LED_PORTS);
6693 | if (!pData->pLedPorts)
6694 | {
6695 | AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: No led ports interface above!\n"));
6697 | }
6698 |
6699 | for (unsigned i = pData->iFirstLUN; i <= pData->iLastLUN; i++)
6700 | Console::drvStatus_UnitChanged(&pData->ILedConnectors, i);
6701 |
6702 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6703 | }
6704 |
6705 |
6706 | /**
6707 | * Keyboard driver registration record.
6708 | */
6709 | const PDMDRVREG Console::DrvStatusReg =
6710 | {
6711 | /* u32Version */
6713 | /* szDriverName */
6714 | "MainStatus",
6715 | /* pszDescription */
6716 | "Main status driver (Main as in the API).",
6717 | /* fFlags */
6719 | /* fClass. */
6721 | /* cMaxInstances */
6722 | ~0,
6723 | /* cbInstance */
6724 | sizeof(DRVMAINSTATUS),
6725 | /* pfnConstruct */
6726 | Console::drvStatus_Construct,
6727 | /* pfnDestruct */
6728 | Console::drvStatus_Destruct,
6729 | /* pfnIOCtl */
6730 | NULL,
6731 | /* pfnPowerOn */
6732 | NULL,
6733 | /* pfnReset */
6734 | NULL,
6735 | /* pfnSuspend */
6736 | NULL,
6737 | /* pfnResume */
6738 | NULL,
6739 | /* pfnDetach */
6740 | NULL
6741 | };
6742 |