/* $Id: MediumImpl.cpp 16560 2009-02-06 18:06:04Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #include "MediumImpl.h" #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MediumBase class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor / destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (MediumBase) // protected initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMedium properties //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(Id) (OUT_GUID aId) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aId); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); m.id.cloneTo (aId); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(Description) (BSTR *aDescription) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aDescription); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); m.description.cloneTo (aDescription); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMSETTER(Description) (IN_BSTR aDescription) { CheckComArgNotNull (aDescription); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); /// @todo update m.description and save the global registry (and local /// registries of portable VMs referring to this medium), this will also /// require to add the mRegistered flag to data ReturnComNotImplemented(); } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(State) (MediaState_T *aState) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aState); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); /* queryInfo() locks this for writing. */ AutoWriteLock alock (this); HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (m.state) { case MediaState_Created: case MediaState_Inaccessible: case MediaState_LockedRead: case MediaState_LockedWrite: { rc = queryInfo(); break; } default: break; } *aState = m.state; return rc; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(Location) (BSTR *aLocation) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aLocation); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); m.locationFull.cloneTo (aLocation); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMSETTER(Location) (IN_BSTR aLocation) { CheckComArgNotNull (aLocation); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); /// @todo NEWMEDIA for file names, add the default extension if no extension /// is present (using the information from the VD backend which also implies /// that one more parameter should be passed to setLocation() requesting /// that functionality since it is only allwed when called from this method /// @todo NEWMEDIA rename the file and set m.location on success, then save /// the global registry (and local registries of portable VMs referring to /// this medium), this will also require to add the mRegistered flag to data ReturnComNotImplemented(); } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(Name) (BSTR *aName) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aName); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); name().cloneTo (aName); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(Size) (ULONG64 *aSize) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aSize); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); *aSize = m.size; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(LastAccessError) (BSTR *aLastAccessError) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aLastAccessError); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); m.lastAccessError.cloneTo (aLastAccessError); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::COMGETTER(MachineIds) (ComSafeGUIDArrayOut (aMachineIds)) { if (ComSafeGUIDArrayOutIsNull (aMachineIds)) return E_POINTER; AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); com::SafeGUIDArray machineIds; if (m.backRefs.size() != 0) { machineIds.reset (m.backRefs.size()); size_t i = 0; for (BackRefList::const_iterator it = m.backRefs.begin(); it != m.backRefs.end(); ++ it, ++ i) { machineIds [i] = it->machineId; } } machineIds.detachTo (ComSafeGUIDArrayOutArg (aMachineIds)); return S_OK; } // IMedium methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::GetSnapshotIds (IN_GUID aMachineId, ComSafeGUIDArrayOut (aSnapshotIds)) { CheckComArgExpr (aMachineId, Guid (aMachineId).isEmpty() == false); CheckComArgOutSafeArrayPointerValid (aSnapshotIds); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); com::SafeGUIDArray snapshotIds; for (BackRefList::const_iterator it = m.backRefs.begin(); it != m.backRefs.end(); ++ it) { if (it->machineId == aMachineId) { size_t size = it->snapshotIds.size(); /* if the medium is attached to the machine in the current state, we * return its ID as the first element of the array */ if (it->inCurState) ++ size; if (size > 0) { snapshotIds.reset (size); size_t j = 0; if (it->inCurState) snapshotIds [j ++] = it->machineId; for (BackRef::GuidList::const_iterator jt = it->snapshotIds.begin(); jt != it->snapshotIds.end(); ++ jt, ++ j) { snapshotIds [j] = *jt; } } break; } } snapshotIds.detachTo (ComSafeGUIDArrayOutArg (aSnapshotIds)); return S_OK; } /** * @note @a aState may be NULL if the state value is not needed (only for * in-process calls). */ STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::LockRead (MediaState_T *aState) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); /* return the current state before */ if (aState) *aState = m.state; HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (m.state) { case MediaState_Created: case MediaState_Inaccessible: case MediaState_LockedRead: { ++ m.readers; ComAssertMsgBreak (m.readers != 0, ("Counter overflow"), rc = E_FAIL); if (m.state == MediaState_Created) m.accessibleInLock = true; else if (m.state == MediaState_Inaccessible) m.accessibleInLock = false; m.state = MediaState_LockedRead; break; } default: { rc = setStateError(); break; } } return rc; } /** * @note @a aState may be NULL if the state value is not needed (only for * in-process calls). */ STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::UnlockRead (MediaState_T *aState) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (m.state) { case MediaState_LockedRead: { if (m.queryInfoSem == NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI) { Assert (m.readers != 0); -- m.readers; /* Reset the state after the last reader */ if (m.readers == 0) { if (m.accessibleInLock) m.state = MediaState_Created; else m.state = MediaState_Inaccessible; } break; } /* otherwise, queryInfo() is in progress; fall through */ } default: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Medium '%ls' is not locked for reading"), m.locationFull.raw()); break; } } /* return the current state after */ if (aState) *aState = m.state; return rc; } /** * @note @a aState may be NULL if the state value is not needed (only for * in-process calls). */ STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::LockWrite (MediaState_T *aState) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); /* return the current state before */ if (aState) *aState = m.state; HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (m.state) { case MediaState_Created: case MediaState_Inaccessible: { if (m.state == MediaState_Created) m.accessibleInLock = true; else if (m.state == MediaState_Inaccessible) m.accessibleInLock = false; m.state = MediaState_LockedWrite; break; } default: { rc = setStateError(); break; } } return rc; } /** * @note @a aState may be NULL if the state value is not needed (only for * in-process calls). */ STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::UnlockWrite (MediaState_T *aState) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (m.state) { case MediaState_LockedWrite: { if (m.accessibleInLock) m.state = MediaState_Created; else m.state = MediaState_Inaccessible; break; } default: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Medium '%ls' is not locked for writing"), m.locationFull.raw()); break; } } /* return the current state after */ if (aState) *aState = m.state; return rc; } STDMETHODIMP MediumBase::Close() { AutoMayUninitSpan mayUninitSpan (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (mayUninitSpan.rc()); if (mayUninitSpan.alreadyInProgress()) return S_OK; /* unregisterWithVirtualBox() is assumed to always need a write mVirtualBox * lock as it is intenede to modify its internal structires. Also, we want * to unregister ourselves atomically after detecting that closure is * possible to make sure that we don't do that after another thread has done * VirtualBox::find*() but before it starts using us (provided that it holds * a mVirtualBox lock of course). */ AutoWriteLock vboxLock (mVirtualBox); bool wasCreated = true; switch (m.state) { case MediaState_NotCreated: wasCreated = false; break; case MediaState_Created: case MediaState_Inaccessible: break; default: return setStateError(); } if (m.backRefs.size() != 0) return setError (VBOX_E_OBJECT_IN_USE, tr ("Medium '%ls' is attached to %d virtual machines"), m.locationFull.raw(), m.backRefs.size()); /* perform extra media-dependent close checks */ HRESULT rc = canClose(); CheckComRCReturnRC (rc); if (wasCreated) { /* remove from the list of known media before performing actual * uninitialization (to keep the media registry consistent on * failure to do so) */ rc = unregisterWithVirtualBox(); CheckComRCReturnRC (rc); } /* cause uninit() to happen on success */ mayUninitSpan.acceptUninit(); return S_OK; } // public methods for internal purposes only //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Checks if the given change of \a aOldPath to \a aNewPath affects the location * of this media and updates it if necessary to reflect the new location. * * @param aOldPath Old path (full). * @param aNewPath New path (full). * * @note Locks this object for writing. */ HRESULT MediumBase::updatePath (const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath) { AssertReturn (aOldPath, E_FAIL); AssertReturn (aNewPath, E_FAIL); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); LogFlowThisFunc (("locationFull.before='%s'\n", m.locationFull.raw())); Utf8Str path = m.locationFull; if (RTPathStartsWith (path, aOldPath)) { Utf8Str newPath = Utf8StrFmt ("%s%s", aNewPath, path.raw() + strlen (aOldPath)); path = newPath; mVirtualBox->calculateRelativePath (path, path); unconst (m.locationFull) = newPath; unconst (m.location) = path; LogFlowThisFunc (("locationFull.after='%s'\n", m.locationFull.raw())); } return S_OK; } /** * Adds the given machine and optionally the snapshot to the list of the objects * this image is attached to. * * @param aMachineId Machine ID. * @param aSnapshotId Snapshot ID; when non-empty, adds a snapshot attachment. */ HRESULT MediumBase::attachTo (const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId /*= Guid::Empty*/) { AssertReturn (!aMachineId.isEmpty(), E_FAIL); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); switch (m.state) { case MediaState_Created: case MediaState_Inaccessible: case MediaState_LockedRead: case MediaState_LockedWrite: break; default: return setStateError(); } HRESULT rc = canAttach (aMachineId, aSnapshotId); CheckComRCReturnRC (rc); BackRefList::iterator it = std::find_if (m.backRefs.begin(), m.backRefs.end(), BackRef::EqualsTo (aMachineId)); if (it == m.backRefs.end()) { BackRef ref (aMachineId, aSnapshotId); m.backRefs.push_back (ref); return S_OK; } if (aSnapshotId.isEmpty()) { /* sanity: no duplicate attachments */ AssertReturn (!it->inCurState, E_FAIL); it->inCurState = true; return S_OK; } /* sanity: no duplicate attachments */ BackRef::GuidList::const_iterator jt = std::find (it->snapshotIds.begin(), it->snapshotIds.end(), aSnapshotId); AssertReturn (jt == it->snapshotIds.end(), E_FAIL); it->snapshotIds.push_back (aSnapshotId); return S_OK; } /** * Removes the given machine and optionally the snapshot from the list of the * objects this image is attached to. * * @param aMachineId Machine ID. * @param aSnapshotId Snapshot ID; when non-empty, removes the snapshot * attachment. */ HRESULT MediumBase::detachFrom (const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId /*= Guid::Empty*/) { AssertReturn (!aMachineId.isEmpty(), E_FAIL); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); BackRefList::iterator it = std::find_if (m.backRefs.begin(), m.backRefs.end(), BackRef::EqualsTo (aMachineId)); AssertReturn (it != m.backRefs.end(), E_FAIL); if (aSnapshotId.isEmpty()) { /* remove the current state attachment */ it->inCurState = false; } else { /* remove the snapshot attachment */ BackRef::GuidList::iterator jt = std::find (it->snapshotIds.begin(), it->snapshotIds.end(), aSnapshotId); AssertReturn (jt != it->snapshotIds.end(), E_FAIL); it->snapshotIds.erase (jt); } /* if the backref becomes empty, remove it */ if (it->inCurState == false && it->snapshotIds.size() == 0) m.backRefs.erase (it); return S_OK; } // protected methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns a short version of the location attribute. * * @note Must be called from under this object's read or write lock. */ Utf8Str MediumBase::name() { Utf8Str location (m.locationFull); Utf8Str name = RTPathFilename (location); return name; } /** * Sets the value of m.location and calculates the value of m.locationFull. * * @param aLocation Path to the image file (can be relative to the * VirtualBox home directory). * * @note Must be called from under this object's write lock. */ HRESULT MediumBase::setLocation (CBSTR aLocation) { /* get the full file name */ Utf8Str locationFull; int vrc = mVirtualBox->calculateFullPath (Utf8Str (aLocation), locationFull); if (RT_FAILURE (vrc)) return setError (E_FAIL, tr ("Invalid image file location '%ls' (%Rrc)"), aLocation, vrc); m.location = aLocation; m.locationFull = locationFull; return S_OK; } /** * Queries information from the image file. * * As a result of this call, the accessibility state and data members such as * size and description will be updated with the current information. * * @note This method may block during a system I/O call that checks image file * accessibility. * * @note Locks this object for writing. */ HRESULT MediumBase::queryInfo() { AutoWriteLock alock (this); AssertReturn (m.state == MediaState_Created || m.state == MediaState_Inaccessible || m.state == MediaState_LockedRead || m.state == MediaState_LockedWrite, E_FAIL); int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* check if a blocking queryInfo() call is in progress on some other thread, * and wait for it to finish if so instead of querying data ourselves */ if (m.queryInfoSem != NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI) { Assert (m.state == MediaState_LockedRead); ++ m.queryInfoCallers; alock.leave(); vrc = RTSemEventMultiWait (m.queryInfoSem, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); alock.enter(); -- m.queryInfoCallers; if (m.queryInfoCallers == 0) { /* last waiting caller deletes the semaphore */ RTSemEventMultiDestroy (m.queryInfoSem); m.queryInfoSem = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; } AssertRC (vrc); return S_OK; } /* lazily create a semaphore for possible callers */ vrc = RTSemEventMultiCreate (&m.queryInfoSem); ComAssertRCRet (vrc, E_FAIL); bool tempStateSet = false; if (m.state != MediaState_LockedRead && m.state != MediaState_LockedWrite) { /* Cause other methods to prevent any modifications before leaving the * lock. Note that clients will never see this temporary state change * directly since any COMGETTER(State) is (or will be) blocked until we * finish and restore the actual state. This may be seen only through * error messages reported by other methods. */ m.state = MediaState_LockedRead; tempStateSet = true; } /* leave the lock before a blocking operation */ alock.leave(); bool success = false; /* get image file info */ { RTFILE file; vrc = RTFileOpen (&file, Utf8Str (m.locationFull), RTFILE_O_READ); if (RT_SUCCESS (vrc)) { vrc = RTFileGetSize (file, &m.size); RTFileClose (file); } if (RT_FAILURE (vrc)) { m.lastAccessError = Utf8StrFmt ( tr ("Could not access the image file '%ls' (%Rrc)"), m.locationFull.raw(), vrc); } success = (RT_SUCCESS (vrc)); } alock.enter(); if (success) m.lastAccessError.setNull(); else LogWarningFunc (("'%ls' is not accessible (error='%ls', vrc=%Rrc)\n", m.locationFull.raw(), m.lastAccessError.raw(), vrc)); /* inform other callers if there are any */ if (m.queryInfoCallers > 0) { RTSemEventMultiSignal (m.queryInfoSem); } else { /* delete the semaphore ourselves */ RTSemEventMultiDestroy (m.queryInfoSem); m.queryInfoSem = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; } if (tempStateSet) { /* Set the proper state according to the result of the check */ if (success) m.state = MediaState_Created; else m.state = MediaState_Inaccessible; } else { /* we're locked, use a special field to store the result */ m.accessibleInLock = success; } return S_OK; } /** * Sets the extended error info according to the current media state. * * @note Must be called from under this object's write or read lock. */ HRESULT MediumBase::setStateError() { HRESULT rc = E_FAIL; switch (m.state) { case MediaState_NotCreated: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Storage for the medium '%ls' is not created"), m.locationFull.raw()); break; } case MediaState_Created: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Storage for the medium '%ls' is already created"), m.locationFull.raw()); break; } case MediaState_LockedRead: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Medium '%ls' is locked for reading by another task"), m.locationFull.raw()); break; } case MediaState_LockedWrite: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Medium '%ls' is locked for writing by another task"), m.locationFull.raw()); break; } case MediaState_Inaccessible: { AssertMsg (!m.lastAccessError.isEmpty(), ("There must always be a reason for Inaccessible")); /* be in sync with Console::powerUpThread() */ if (!m.lastAccessError.isEmpty()) rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Medium '%ls' is not accessible. %ls"), m.locationFull.raw(), m.lastAccessError.raw()); else rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Medium '%ls' is not accessible"), m.locationFull.raw()); break; } case MediaState_Creating: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Storage for the medium '%ls' is being created"), m.locationFull.raw(), m.lastAccessError.raw()); break; } case MediaState_Deleting: { rc = setError (VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE, tr ("Storage for the medium '%ls' is being deleted"), m.locationFull.raw(), m.lastAccessError.raw()); break; } default: { AssertFailed(); break; } } return rc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ImageMediumBase class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initializes the image medium object by opening an image file at the specified * location. * * @param aVirtualBox Parent VirtualBox object. * @param aLocation Path to the image file (can be relative to the * VirtualBox home directory). * @param aId UUID of the image. */ HRESULT ImageMediumBase::protectedInit (VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, CBSTR aLocation, const Guid &aId) { LogFlowThisFunc (("aLocation='%ls', aId={%RTuuid}\n", aLocation, aId.raw())); AssertReturn (aVirtualBox, E_INVALIDARG); AssertReturn (aLocation, E_INVALIDARG); AssertReturn (!aId.isEmpty(), E_INVALIDARG); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan (this); AssertReturn (autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT rc = S_OK; /* share parent weakly */ unconst (mVirtualBox) = aVirtualBox; /* register with parent early, since uninit() will unconditionally * unregister on failure */ mVirtualBox->addDependentChild (this); /* there must be a storage unit */ m.state = MediaState_Created; unconst (m.id) = aId; rc = setLocation (aLocation); CheckComRCReturnRC (rc); LogFlowThisFunc (("m.locationFull='%ls'\n", m.locationFull.raw())); /* get all the information about the medium from the file */ rc = queryInfo(); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) { /* if the image file is not accessible, it's not acceptable for the * newly opened media so convert this into an error */ if (!m.lastAccessError.isNull()) rc = setError (E_FAIL, Utf8Str (m.lastAccessError)); } /* Confirm a successful initialization when it's the case */ if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return rc; } /** * Initializes the image medium object by loading its data from the given * settings node. * * Note that it is assumed that this method is called only for registered media. * * @param aVirtualBox Parent VirtualBox object. * @param aImageNode Either or settings node. */ HRESULT ImageMediumBase::protectedInit (VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, const settings::Key &aImageNode) { AssertReturn (aVirtualBox, E_INVALIDARG); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan (this); AssertReturn (autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT rc = S_OK; /* share parent weakly */ unconst (mVirtualBox) = aVirtualBox; /* register with parent early, since uninit() will unconditionally * unregister on failure */ mVirtualBox->addDependentChild (this); /* see below why we don't call queryInfo() (and therefore treat the medium * as inaccessible for now */ m.state = MediaState_Inaccessible; /* required */ unconst (m.id) = aImageNode.value ("uuid"); /* required */ Bstr location = aImageNode.stringValue ("location"); rc = setLocation (location); CheckComRCReturnRC (rc); /* optional */ { settings::Key descNode = aImageNode.findKey ("Description"); if (!descNode.isNull()) m.description = descNode.keyStringValue(); } LogFlowThisFunc (("m.locationFull='%ls', m.id={%RTuuid}\n", m.locationFull.raw(), m.id.raw())); /* Don't call queryInfo() for registered media to prevent the calling * thread (i.e. the VirtualBox server startup thread) from an unexpected * freeze but mark it as initially inaccessible instead. The vital UUID and * location properties are read from the registry file above; to get the * actual state and the rest of the data, the user will have to call * COMGETTER(State).*/ /* Confirm a successful initialization when it's the case */ if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return rc; } /** * Uninitializes the instance. * * Called either from FinalRelease() or by the parent when it gets destroyed. */ void ImageMediumBase::protectedUninit() { LogFlowThisFunc (("\n")); /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady */ AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan (this); if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) return; mVirtualBox->removeDependentChild (this); unconst (mVirtualBox).setNull(); } // public methods for internal purposes only //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Saves image data by appending a new child node to the * given parent node. * * @param aImagesNode node. * * @note Locks this object for reading. */ HRESULT ImageMediumBase::saveSettings (settings::Key &aImagesNode) { using namespace settings; AssertReturn (!aImagesNode.isNull(), E_FAIL); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); Key imageNode = aImagesNode.appendKey ("Image"); /* required */ imageNode.setValue ("uuid", m.id); /* required */ imageNode.setValue ("location", m.locationFull); /* optional */ if (!m.description.isNull()) { Key descNode = aImagesNode.createKey ("Description"); descNode.setKeyValue (m.description); } return S_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DVDImage2 class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (DVDImage2) /** * @note Called from within this object's AutoMayUninitSpan and from under * mVirtualBox write lock. */ HRESULT DVDImage2::unregisterWithVirtualBox() { return mVirtualBox->unregisterDVDImage (this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FloppyImage2 class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (FloppyImage2) /** * @note Called from within this object's AutoMayUninitSpan and from under * mVirtualBox write lock. */ HRESULT FloppyImage2::unregisterWithVirtualBox() { return mVirtualBox->unregisterFloppyImage (this); } /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */