/* $Id: PerformanceImpl.cpp 11336 2008-08-11 14:36:14Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VBox Performance API COM Classes implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) #endif #include "PerformanceImpl.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include static Bstr gMetricNames[] = { "CPU/Load/User:avg", "CPU/Load/User:min", "CPU/Load/User:max", "CPU/Load/Kernel:avg", "CPU/Load/Kernel:min", "CPU/Load/Kernel:max", "CPU/Load/Idle:avg", "CPU/Load/Idle:min", "CPU/Load/Idle:max", "CPU/MHz:avg", "CPU/MHz:min", "CPU/MHz:max", "RAM/Usage/Total:avg", "RAM/Usage/Total:min", "RAM/Usage/Total:max", "RAM/Usage/Used:avg", "RAM/Usage/Used:min", "RAM/Usage/Used:max", "RAM/Usage/Free:avg", "RAM/Usage/Free:min", "RAM/Usage/Free:max", }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PerformanceCollector class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor / destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PerformanceCollector::PerformanceCollector() : mMagic(0) {} PerformanceCollector::~PerformanceCollector() {} HRESULT PerformanceCollector::FinalConstruct() { LogFlowThisFunc (("\n")); return S_OK; } void PerformanceCollector::FinalRelease() { LogFlowThisFunc (("\n")); } // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initializes the PerformanceCollector object. */ HRESULT PerformanceCollector::init() { /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan (this); AssertReturn (autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_UNEXPECTED); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); HRESULT rc = S_OK; /* @todo Obviously other platforms must be added as well. */ #ifdef RT_OS_SOLARIS m.factory = new pm::MetricFactorySolaris(); #endif #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX m.factory = new pm::MetricFactoryLinux(); #endif #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS m.factory = new pm::MetricFactoryWin(); #endif #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 m.factory = new pm::MetricFactoryOS2(); #endif #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN m.factory = new pm::MetricFactoryDarwin(); #endif /* Let the sampler know it gets a valid collector. */ mMagic = MAGIC; /* Start resource usage sampler */ int vrc = RTTimerLRCreate (&m.sampler, VBOX_USAGE_SAMPLER_MIN_INTERVAL, &PerformanceCollector::staticSamplerCallback, this); AssertMsgRC (vrc, ("Failed to create resource usage " "sampling timer(%Rra)\n", vrc)); if (RT_FAILURE (vrc)) rc = E_FAIL; if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); return rc; } /** * Uninitializes the PerformanceCollector object. * * Called either from FinalRelease() or by the parent when it gets destroyed. */ void PerformanceCollector::uninit() { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady */ AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan (this); if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) { LogFlowThisFunc (("Already uninitialized.\n")); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); return; } mMagic = 0; /* Destroy resource usage sampler */ int vrc = RTTimerLRDestroy (m.sampler); AssertMsgRC (vrc, ("Failed to destroy resource usage " "sampling timer (%Rra)\n", vrc)); m.sampler = NULL; delete m.factory; m.factory = NULL; LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } // IPerformanceCollector properties //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP PerformanceCollector::COMGETTER(MetricNames) (ComSafeArrayOut (BSTR, theMetricNames)) { if (ComSafeArrayOutIsNull (theMetricNames)) return E_POINTER; AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); com::SafeArray metricNames(RT_ELEMENTS(gMetricNames)); for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(gMetricNames); i++) { gMetricNames[i].detachTo(&metricNames[i]); } //gMetricNames.detachTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg (theMetricNames)); metricNames.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (theMetricNames)); return S_OK; } // IPerformanceCollector methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP PerformanceCollector::GetMetrics (ComSafeArrayIn (INPTR BSTR, metricNames), ComSafeArrayIn (IUnknown *, objects), ComSafeArrayOut (IPerformanceMetric *, outMetrics)) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); //LogFlowThisFunc (("mState=%d, mType=%d\n", mState, mType)); HRESULT rc = S_OK; AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); pm::Filter filter (ComSafeArrayInArg (metricNames), ComSafeArrayInArg (objects)); AutoReadLock alock (this); MetricList filteredMetrics; MetricList::iterator it; for (it = m.metrics.begin(); it != m.metrics.end(); ++it) if (filter.match ((*it)->getObject(), (*it)->getName())) filteredMetrics.push_back (*it); com::SafeIfaceArray retMetrics (filteredMetrics.size()); int i = 0; for (it = filteredMetrics.begin(); it != filteredMetrics.end(); ++it) { ComObjPtr metric; rc = metric.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) rc = metric->init (*it); AssertComRCReturnRC (rc); LogFlow (("PerformanceCollector::GetMetrics() store a metric at " "retMetrics[%d]...\n", i)); metric.queryInterfaceTo (&retMetrics [i++]); } retMetrics.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg(outMetrics)); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); return rc; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceCollector::SetupMetrics (ComSafeArrayIn (INPTR BSTR, metricNames), ComSafeArrayIn (IUnknown *, objects), ULONG aPeriod, ULONG aCount) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); pm::Filter filter (ComSafeArrayInArg (metricNames), ComSafeArrayInArg (objects)); AutoWriteLock alock (this); BaseMetricList::iterator it; for (it = m.baseMetrics.begin(); it != m.baseMetrics.end(); ++it) if (filter.match((*it)->getObject(), (*it)->getName())) { LogFlow (("PerformanceCollector::SetupMetrics() setting period to %u," " count to %u for %s\n", aPeriod, aCount, (*it)->getName())); (*it)->init(aPeriod, aCount); LogFlow (("PerformanceCollector::SetupMetrics() enabling %s\n", aPeriod, aCount, (*it)->getName())); (*it)->enable(); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceCollector::EnableMetrics (ComSafeArrayIn (INPTR BSTR, metricNames), ComSafeArrayIn (IUnknown *, objects)) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); pm::Filter filter (ComSafeArrayInArg (metricNames), ComSafeArrayInArg (objects)); AutoWriteLock alock (this); /* Write lock is not needed atm since we are */ /* fiddling with enable bit only, but we */ /* care for those who come next :-). */ BaseMetricList::iterator it; for (it = m.baseMetrics.begin(); it != m.baseMetrics.end(); ++it) if (filter.match((*it)->getObject(), (*it)->getName())) (*it)->enable(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceCollector::DisableMetrics (ComSafeArrayIn (INPTR BSTR, metricNames), ComSafeArrayIn (IUnknown *, objects)) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); pm::Filter filter (ComSafeArrayInArg (metricNames), ComSafeArrayInArg (objects)); AutoWriteLock alock (this); /* Write lock is not needed atm since we are */ /* fiddling with enable bit only, but we */ /* care for those who come next :-). */ BaseMetricList::iterator it; for (it = m.baseMetrics.begin(); it != m.baseMetrics.end(); ++it) if (filter.match((*it)->getObject(), (*it)->getName())) (*it)->disable(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceCollector::QueryMetricsData (ComSafeArrayIn (INPTR BSTR, metricNames), ComSafeArrayIn (IUnknown *, objects), ComSafeArrayOut (BSTR, outMetricNames), ComSafeArrayOut (IUnknown *, outObjects), ComSafeArrayOut (ULONG, outDataIndices), ComSafeArrayOut (ULONG, outDataLengths), ComSafeArrayOut (LONG, outData)) { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); pm::Filter filter (ComSafeArrayInArg (metricNames), ComSafeArrayInArg (objects)); AutoReadLock alock (this); /* Let's compute the size of the resulting flat array */ size_t flatSize = 0; MetricList filteredMetrics; MetricList::iterator it; for (it = m.metrics.begin(); it != m.metrics.end(); ++it) if (filter.match ((*it)->getObject(), (*it)->getName())) { filteredMetrics.push_back (*it); flatSize += (*it)->getLength(); } int i = 0; size_t flatIndex = 0; size_t numberOfMetrics = filteredMetrics.size(); com::SafeArray retNames (numberOfMetrics); com::SafeIfaceArray retObjects (numberOfMetrics); com::SafeArray retIndices (numberOfMetrics); com::SafeArray retLengths (numberOfMetrics); com::SafeArray retData (flatSize); for (it = filteredMetrics.begin(); it != filteredMetrics.end(); ++it, ++i) { /* @todo Filtering goes here! */ ULONG *values, length; /* @todo We may want to revise the query method to get rid of excessive alloc/memcpy calls. */ (*it)->query(&values, &length); LogFlow (("PerformanceCollector::QueryMetricsData() querying metric %s " "returned %d values.\n", (*it)->getName(), length)); memcpy(retData.raw() + flatIndex, values, length * sizeof(*values)); Bstr tmp((*it)->getName()); tmp.detachTo(&retNames[i]); (*it)->getObject().queryInterfaceTo (&retObjects[i]); retLengths[i] = length; retIndices[i] = flatIndex; flatIndex += length; } retNames.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (outMetricNames)); retObjects.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (outObjects)); retIndices.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (outDataIndices)); retLengths.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (outDataLengths)); retData.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (outData)); return S_OK; } // public methods for internal purposes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PerformanceCollector::registerBaseMetric (pm::BaseMetric *baseMetric) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); if (!SUCCEEDED (autoCaller.rc())) return; AutoWriteLock alock (this); LogFlowThisFunc (("obj=%p name=%s\n", (void *)baseMetric->getObject(), baseMetric->getName())); m.baseMetrics.push_back (baseMetric); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } void PerformanceCollector::registerMetric (pm::Metric *metric) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); if (!SUCCEEDED (autoCaller.rc())) return; AutoWriteLock alock (this); LogFlowThisFunc (("obj=%p name=%s\n", (void *)metric->getObject(), metric->getName())); m.metrics.push_back (metric); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } void PerformanceCollector::unregisterBaseMetricsFor (const ComPtr &aObject) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); if (!SUCCEEDED (autoCaller.rc())) return; AutoWriteLock alock (this); LogFlowThisFunc (("before remove_if: m.baseMetrics.size()=%d, obj=%p\n", m.baseMetrics.size(), (void *)aObject)); BaseMetricList::iterator it = std::remove_if ( m.baseMetrics.begin(), m.baseMetrics.end(), std::bind2nd ( std::mem_fun (&pm::BaseMetric::associatedWith), aObject)); m.baseMetrics.erase(it, m.baseMetrics.end()); LogFlowThisFunc (("after remove_if: m.baseMetrics.size()=%d\n", m.baseMetrics.size())); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } void PerformanceCollector::unregisterMetricsFor (const ComPtr &aObject) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); if (!SUCCEEDED (autoCaller.rc())) return; AutoWriteLock alock (this); LogFlowThisFunc (("obj=%p\n", (void *)aObject)); MetricList::iterator it = std::remove_if ( m.metrics.begin(), m.metrics.end(), std::bind2nd ( std::mem_fun (&pm::Metric::associatedWith), aObject)); m.metrics.erase(it, m.metrics.end()); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } // private methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* static */ void PerformanceCollector::staticSamplerCallback (RTTIMERLR hTimerLR, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick) { AssertReturnVoid (pvUser != NULL); PerformanceCollector *collector = static_cast (pvUser); Assert (collector->mMagic == MAGIC); if (collector->mMagic == MAGIC) { collector->samplerCallback(); } NOREF (hTimerLR); } void PerformanceCollector::samplerCallback() { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoWriteLock alock (this); uint64_t timestamp = RTTimeMilliTS(); std::for_each (m.baseMetrics.begin(), m.baseMetrics.end(), std::bind2nd (std::mem_fun (&pm::BaseMetric::collectorBeat), timestamp)); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PerformanceMetric class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor / destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PerformanceMetric::PerformanceMetric() { } PerformanceMetric::~PerformanceMetric() { } HRESULT PerformanceMetric::FinalConstruct() { LogFlowThisFunc (("\n")); return S_OK; } void PerformanceMetric::FinalRelease() { LogFlowThisFunc (("\n")); uninit (); } // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT PerformanceMetric::init (pm::Metric *aMetric) { m.name = aMetric->getName(); m.object = aMetric->getObject(); m.period = aMetric->getPeriod(); m.count = aMetric->getLength(); m.unit = aMetric->getUnit(); m.min = aMetric->getMinValue(); m.max = aMetric->getMaxValue(); return S_OK; } void PerformanceMetric::uninit() { } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceMetric::COMGETTER(MetricName) (BSTR *aMetricName) { /// @todo (r=dmik) why do all these getters not do AutoCaller and /// AutoReadLock? Is the underlying metric a constant object? m.name.cloneTo (aMetricName); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceMetric::COMGETTER(Object) (IUnknown **anObject) { m.object.queryInterfaceTo(anObject); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceMetric::COMGETTER(Period) (ULONG *aPeriod) { *aPeriod = m.period; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceMetric::COMGETTER(Count) (ULONG *aCount) { *aCount = m.count; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceMetric::COMGETTER(Unit) (BSTR *aUnit) { m.unit.cloneTo(aUnit); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceMetric::COMGETTER(MinimumValue) (LONG *aMinValue) { *aMinValue = m.min; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP PerformanceMetric::COMGETTER(MaximumValue) (LONG *aMaxValue) { *aMaxValue = m.max; return S_OK; }