1 | #
2 | # Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
3 | #
4 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
5 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
6 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
7 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
8 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
9 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
10 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
11 | #
12 | # Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
13 | # Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
14 | # additional information or have any questions.
15 | #
16 | import sys,os
17 | import traceback
18 |
19 | VboxBinDir = os.environ.get("VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH", None)
20 | VboxSdkDir = os.environ.get("VBOX_SDK_PATH", None)
21 |
22 | if VboxBinDir is None:
23 | # Will be set by the installer
24 | VboxBinDir = "%VBOX_INSTALL_PATH%"
25 |
26 | if VboxSdkDir is None:
27 | VboxSdkDir = os.path.join(VboxBinDir,"sdk")
28 |
29 | os.environ["VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH"] = VboxBinDir
30 | os.environ["VBOX_SDK_PATH"] = VboxSdkDir
31 | sys.path.append(VboxBinDir)
32 |
33 | from VirtualBox_constants import VirtualBoxReflectionInfo
34 |
35 | class PerfCollector:
36 | """ This class provides a wrapper over IPerformanceCollector in order to
37 | get more 'pythonic' interface.
38 |
39 | To begin collection of metrics use setup() method.
40 |
41 | To get collected data use query() method.
42 |
43 | It is possible to disable metric collection without changing collection
44 | parameters with disable() method. The enable() method resumes metric
45 | collection.
46 | """
47 |
48 | def __init__(self, mgr, vbox):
49 | """ Initializes the instance.
50 |
51 | """
52 | self.mgr = mgr
53 | self.isMscom = (mgr.type == 'MSCOM')
54 | self.collector = vbox.performanceCollector
55 |
56 | def setup(self, names, objects, period, nsamples):
57 | """ Discards all previously collected values for the specified
58 | metrics, sets the period of collection and the number of retained
59 | samples, enables collection.
60 | """
61 | self.collector.setupMetrics(names, objects, period, nsamples)
62 |
63 | def enable(self, names, objects):
64 | """ Resumes metric collection for the specified metrics.
65 | """
66 | self.collector.enableMetrics(names, objects)
67 |
68 | def disable(self, names, objects):
69 | """ Suspends metric collection for the specified metrics.
70 | """
71 | self.collector.disableMetrics(names, objects)
72 |
73 | def query(self, names, objects):
74 | """ Retrieves collected metric values as well as some auxiliary
75 | information. Returns an array of dictionaries, one dictionary per
76 | metric. Each dictionary contains the following entries:
77 | 'name': metric name
78 | 'object': managed object this metric associated with
79 | 'unit': unit of measurement
80 | 'scale': divide 'values' by this number to get float numbers
81 | 'values': collected data
82 | 'values_as_string': pre-processed values ready for 'print' statement
83 | """
84 | # Get around the problem with input arrays returned in output
85 | # parameters (see #3953) for MSCOM.
86 | if self.isMscom:
87 | (values, names, objects, names_out, objects_out, units, scales, sequence_numbers,
88 | indices, lengths) = self.collector.queryMetricsData(names, objects)
89 | else:
90 | (values, names_out, objects_out, units, scales, sequence_numbers,
91 | indices, lengths) = self.collector.queryMetricsData(names, objects)
92 | out = []
93 | for i in xrange(0, len(names_out)):
94 | scale = int(scales[i])
95 | if scale != 1:
96 | fmt = '%.2f%s'
97 | else:
98 | fmt = '%d %s'
99 | out.append({
100 | 'name':str(names_out[i]),
101 | 'object':str(objects_out[i]),
102 | 'unit':str(units[i]),
103 | 'scale':scale,
104 | 'values':[int(values[j]) for j in xrange(int(indices[i]), int(indices[i])+int(lengths[i]))],
105 | 'values_as_string':'['+', '.join([fmt % (int(values[j])/scale, units[i]) for j in xrange(int(indices[i]), int(indices[i])+int(lengths[i]))])+']'
106 | })
107 | return out
108 |
109 | def ComifyName(name):
110 | return name[0].capitalize()+name[1:]
111 |
112 | _COMForward = { 'getattr' : None,
113 | 'setattr' : None}
114 |
115 | def CustomGetAttr(self, attr):
116 | # fastpath
117 | if self.__class__.__dict__.get(attr) != None:
118 | return self.__class__.__dict__.get(attr)
119 |
120 | # try case-insensitivity workaround for class attributes (COM methods)
121 | for k in self.__class__.__dict__.keys():
122 | if k.lower() == attr.lower():
123 | self.__class__.__dict__[attr] = self.__class__.__dict__[k]
124 | return getattr(self, k)
125 | try:
126 | return _COMForward['getattr'](self,ComifyName(attr))
127 | except AttributeError:
128 | return _COMForward['getattr'](self,attr)
129 |
130 | def CustomSetAttr(self, attr, value):
131 | try:
132 | return _COMForward['setattr'](self, ComifyName(attr), value)
133 | except AttributeError:
134 | return _COMForward['setattr'](self, attr, value)
135 |
136 | class PlatformMSCOM:
137 | # Class to fake access to constants in style of foo.bar.boo
138 | class ConstantFake:
139 | def __init__(self, parent, name):
140 | self.__dict__['_parent'] = parent
141 | self.__dict__['_name'] = name
142 | self.__dict__['_consts'] = {}
143 | try:
144 | self.__dict__['_depth']=parent.__dict__['_depth']+1
145 | except:
146 | self.__dict__['_depth']=0
147 | if self.__dict__['_depth'] > 4:
148 | raise AttributeError
149 |
150 | def __getattr__(self, attr):
151 | import win32com
152 | from win32com.client import constants
153 |
154 | if attr.startswith("__"):
155 | raise AttributeError
156 |
157 | consts = self.__dict__['_consts']
158 |
159 | fake = consts.get(attr, None)
160 | if fake != None:
161 | return fake
162 | try:
163 | name = self.__dict__['_name']
164 | parent = self.__dict__['_parent']
165 | while parent != None:
166 | if parent._name is not None:
167 | name = parent._name+'_'+name
168 | parent = parent._parent
169 |
170 | if name is not None:
171 | name += "_" + attr
172 | else:
173 | name = attr
174 | return win32com.client.constants.__getattr__(name)
175 | except AttributeError,e:
176 | fake = PlatformMSCOM.ConstantFake(self, attr)
177 | consts[attr] = fake
178 | return fake
179 |
180 |
181 | class InterfacesWrapper:
182 | def __init__(self):
183 | self.__dict__['_rootFake'] = PlatformMSCOM.ConstantFake(None, None)
184 |
185 | def __getattr__(self, a):
186 | import win32com
187 | from win32com.client import constants
188 | if a.startswith("__"):
189 | raise AttributeError
190 | try:
191 | return win32com.client.constants.__getattr__(a)
192 | except AttributeError,e:
193 | return self.__dict__['_rootFake'].__getattr__(a)
194 |
195 | VBOX_TLB_GUID = '{46137EEC-703B-4FE5-AFD4-7C9BBBBA0259}'
196 | VBOX_TLB_LCID = 0
197 | VBOX_TLB_MAJOR = 1
198 | VBOX_TLB_MINOR = 0
199 |
200 | def __init__(self, params):
201 | from win32com import universal
202 | from win32com.client import gencache, DispatchBaseClass
203 | from win32com.client import constants, getevents
204 | import win32com
205 | import pythoncom
206 | import win32api
207 | from win32con import DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
208 | from win32api import GetCurrentThread,GetCurrentThreadId,DuplicateHandle,GetCurrentProcess
209 | pid = GetCurrentProcess()
210 | self.tid = GetCurrentThreadId()
211 | handle = DuplicateHandle(pid, GetCurrentThread(), pid, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)
212 | self.handles = []
213 | self.handles.append(handle)
214 | _COMForward['getattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__getattr__']
215 | DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__getattr__'] = CustomGetAttr
216 | _COMForward['setattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__setattr__']
217 | DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__setattr__'] = CustomSetAttr
218 | win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('VirtualBox.Session')
219 | win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('VirtualBox.VirtualBox')
220 | win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('VirtualBox.CallbackWrapper')
221 |
222 | def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
223 | import win32com
224 | from win32com.client import Dispatch
225 | return win32com.client.Dispatch("VirtualBox.Session")
226 |
227 | def getVirtualBox(self):
228 | import win32com
229 | from win32com.client import Dispatch
230 | return win32com.client.Dispatch("VirtualBox.VirtualBox")
231 |
232 | def getType(self):
233 | return 'MSCOM'
234 |
235 | def getRemote(self):
236 | return False
237 |
238 | def getArray(self, obj, field):
239 | return obj.__getattr__(field)
240 |
241 | def initPerThread(self):
242 | import pythoncom
243 | pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(0)
244 |
245 | def deinitPerThread(self):
246 | import pythoncom
247 | pythoncom.CoUninitialize()
248 |
249 | def createCallback(self, iface, impl, arg):
250 | d = {}
251 | d['BaseClass'] = impl
252 | d['arg'] = arg
253 | d['tlb_guid'] = PlatformMSCOM.VBOX_TLB_GUID
254 | str = ""
255 | str += "import win32com.server.util\n"
256 | str += "import pythoncom\n"
257 |
258 | str += "class "+iface+"Impl(BaseClass):\n"
259 | str += " _com_interfaces_ = ['"+iface+"']\n"
260 | str += " _typelib_guid_ = tlb_guid\n"
261 | str += " _typelib_version_ = 1, 0\n"
262 |
263 | # generate capitalized version of callback methods -
264 | # that's how Python COM looks them up
265 | for m in dir(impl):
266 | if m.startswith("on"):
267 | str += " "+ComifyName(m)+"=BaseClass."+m+"\n"
268 |
269 | str += " def __init__(self): BaseClass.__init__(self, arg)\n"
270 | str += "result = win32com.client.Dispatch('VirtualBox.CallbackWrapper')\n"
271 | str += "result.SetLocalObject("+iface+"Impl())\n"
272 | exec (str,d,d)
273 | return d['result']
274 |
275 | def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
276 | from win32api import GetCurrentThreadId
277 | from win32event import MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, \
279 | from pythoncom import PumpWaitingMessages
280 |
281 | if (self.tid != GetCurrentThreadId()):
282 | raise Exception("wait for events from the same thread you inited!")
283 |
284 | rc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(self.handles, 0, timeout, QS_ALLINPUT)
285 | if rc >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 and rc < WAIT_OBJECT_0+len(self.handles):
286 | # is it possible?
287 | pass
288 | elif rc==WAIT_OBJECT_0 + len(self.handles):
289 | # Waiting messages
290 | PumpWaitingMessages()
291 | else:
292 | # Timeout
293 | pass
294 |
295 | def deinit(self):
296 | import pythoncom
297 | from win32file import CloseHandle
298 |
299 | for h in self.handles:
300 | if h is not None:
301 | CloseHandle(h)
302 | self.handles = None
303 | pythoncom.CoUninitialize()
304 | pass
305 |
306 |
307 | class PlatformXPCOM:
308 | def __init__(self, params):
309 | sys.path.append(VboxSdkDir+'/bindings/xpcom/python/')
310 | import xpcom.vboxxpcom
311 | import xpcom
312 | import xpcom.components
313 |
314 | def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
315 | import xpcom.components
316 | return xpcom.components.classes["@virtualbox.org/Session;1"].createInstance()
317 |
318 | def getVirtualBox(self):
319 | import xpcom.components
320 | return xpcom.components.classes["@virtualbox.org/VirtualBox;1"].createInstance()
321 |
322 | def getType(self):
323 | return 'XPCOM'
324 |
325 | def getRemote(self):
326 | return False
327 |
328 | def getArray(self, obj, field):
329 | return obj.__getattr__('get'+ComifyName(field))()
330 |
331 | def initPerThread(self):
332 | import xpcom
333 | xpcom._xpcom.AttachThread()
334 |
335 | def deinitPerThread(self):
336 | import xpcom
337 | xpcom._xpcom.DetachThread()
338 |
339 | def createCallback(self, iface, impl, arg):
340 | d = {}
341 | d['BaseClass'] = impl
342 | d['arg'] = arg
343 | str = ""
344 | str += "import xpcom.components\n"
345 | str += "class "+iface+"Impl(BaseClass):\n"
346 | str += " _com_interfaces_ = xpcom.components.interfaces."+iface+"\n"
347 | str += " def __init__(self): BaseClass.__init__(self, arg)\n"
348 | str += "result = xpcom.components.classes['@virtualbox.org/VirtualBoxCallback;1'].createInstance()\n"
349 | str += "result.setLocalObject("+iface+"Impl())\n"
350 | exec (str,d,d)
351 | return d['result']
352 |
353 | def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
354 | import xpcom
355 | xpcom._xpcom.WaitForEvents(timeout)
356 |
357 | def deinit(self):
358 | import xpcom
359 | xpcom._xpcom.DeinitCOM()
360 |
361 | class PlatformWEBSERVICE:
362 | def __init__(self, params):
363 | sys.path.append(os.path.join(VboxSdkDir,'bindings', 'webservice', 'python', 'lib'))
364 | # not really needed, but just fail early if misconfigured
365 | import VirtualBox_services
366 | import VirtualBox_wrappers
367 | from VirtualBox_wrappers import IWebsessionManager2
368 |
369 | if params is not None:
370 | self.user = params.get("user", "")
371 | self.password = params.get("password", "")
372 | self.url = params.get("url", "")
373 | else:
374 | self.user = ""
375 | self.password = ""
376 | self.url = None
377 | self.vbox = None
378 |
379 | def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
380 | return self.wsmgr.getSessionObject(vbox)
381 |
382 | def getVirtualBox(self):
383 | return self.connect(self.url, self.user, self.password)
384 |
385 | def connect(self, url, user, passwd):
386 | if self.vbox is not None:
387 | self.disconnect()
388 | from VirtualBox_wrappers import IWebsessionManager2
389 | if url is None:
390 | url = ""
391 | self.url = url
392 | if user is None:
393 | user = ""
394 | self.user = user
395 | if passwd is None:
396 | passwd = ""
397 | self.password = passwd
398 | self.wsmgr = IWebsessionManager2(self.url)
399 | self.vbox = self.wsmgr.logon(self.user, self.password)
400 | if not self.vbox.handle:
401 | raise Exception("cannot connect to '"+self.url+"' as '"+self.user+"'")
402 | return self.vbox
403 |
404 | def disconnect(self):
405 | if self.vbox is not None and self.wsmgr is not None:
406 | self.wsmgr.logoff(self.vbox)
407 | self.vbox = None
408 | self.wsmgr = None
409 |
410 | def getType(self):
411 | return 'WEBSERVICE'
412 |
413 | def getRemote(self):
414 | return True
415 |
416 | def getArray(self, obj, field):
417 | return obj.__getattr__(field)
418 |
419 | def initPerThread(self):
420 | pass
421 |
422 | def deinitPerThread(self):
423 | pass
424 |
425 | def createCallback(self, iface, impl, arg):
426 | raise Exception("no callbacks for webservices")
427 |
428 | def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
429 | # Webservices cannot do that yet
430 | pass
431 |
432 | def deinit(self):
433 | try:
434 | disconnect()
435 | except:
436 | pass
437 |
438 | class SessionManager:
439 | def __init__(self, mgr):
440 | self.mgr = mgr
441 |
442 | def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
443 | return self.mgr.platform.getSessionObject(vbox)
444 |
445 | class VirtualBoxManager:
446 | def __init__(self, style, platparams):
447 | if style is None:
448 | if sys.platform == 'win32':
449 | style = "MSCOM"
450 | else:
451 | style = "XPCOM"
452 |
453 |
454 | exec "self.platform = Platform"+style+"(platparams)"
455 | # for webservices, enums are symbolic
456 | self.constants = VirtualBoxReflectionInfo(style == "WEBSERVICE")
457 | self.type = self.platform.getType()
458 | self.remote = self.platform.getRemote()
459 | self.style = style
460 | self.mgr = SessionManager(self)
461 |
462 | try:
463 | self.vbox = self.platform.getVirtualBox()
464 | except NameError,ne:
465 | print "Installation problem: check that appropriate libs in place"
466 | traceback.print_exc()
467 | raise ne
468 | except Exception,e:
469 | print "init exception: ",e
470 | traceback.print_exc()
471 | if self.remote:
472 | self.vbox = None
473 | else:
474 | raise e
475 |
476 | def getArray(self, obj, field):
477 | return self.platform.getArray(obj, field)
478 |
479 | def getVirtualBox(self):
480 | return self.platform.getVirtualBox()
481 |
482 | def __del__(self):
483 | self.deinit()
484 |
485 | def deinit(self):
486 | if hasattr(self, "vbox"):
487 | del self.vbox
488 | self.vbox = None
489 | if hasattr(self, "platform"):
490 | self.platform.deinit()
491 | self.platform = None
492 |
493 | def initPerThread(self):
494 | self.platform.initPerThread()
495 |
496 | def openMachineSession(self, machineId):
497 | session = self.mgr.getSessionObject(self.vbox)
498 | self.vbox.openSession(session, machineId)
499 | return session
500 |
501 | def closeMachineSession(self, session):
502 | session.close()
503 |
504 | def deinitPerThread(self):
505 | self.platform.deinitPerThread()
506 |
507 | def createCallback(self, iface, impl, arg):
508 | return self.platform.createCallback(iface, impl, arg)
509 |
510 | def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
511 | return self.platform.waitForEvents(timeout)
512 |
513 | def getPerfCollector(self, vbox):
514 | return PerfCollector(self, vbox)