1 | <!--
2 | Unofficial DTD for the VirtualBox.xidl file. This is not currently used:
3 | neither by the VirtualBox build process nor at runtime, so it's not shipped
4 | with the product either, and thus not guaranteed to be up to date.
5 | It is still the only sort-of-documentation available about what is valid
6 | XIDL syntax.
7 |
8 | Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Oracle Corporation
9 |
10 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | -->
18 | <!ELEMENT idl (desc|if|library)*> <!-- done -->
19 | <!ELEMENT if ANY>
20 | <!ATTLIST if target (midl|xpidl|wsdl) #REQUIRED> <!-- done -->
21 | <!ELEMENT cpp ANY>
22 | <!ATTLIST cpp line CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- done -->
23 | <!ELEMENT library (descGroup|if|result|enum|interface|module)*>
24 | <!ATTLIST library name CDATA #REQUIRED>
25 | <!ATTLIST library uuid CDATA #REQUIRED>
26 | <!ATTLIST library version CDATA #REQUIRED>
27 | <!ATTLIST library desc CDATA #REQUIRED>
28 | <!ATTLIST library appUuid CDATA #REQUIRED>
29 | <!ATTLIST library supportsErrorInfo CDATA #REQUIRED>
30 | <!ELEMENT result (#PCDATA|desc|link)*> <!-- done -->
31 | <!ATTLIST result name CDATA #REQUIRED>
32 | <!ATTLIST result value CDATA #IMPLIED>
33 | <!ELEMENT module (class)*> <!-- done -->
34 | <!ATTLIST module name CDATA #REQUIRED>
35 | <!ATTLIST module context CDATA #REQUIRED>
36 | <!ATTLIST module threadingModel CDATA #IMPLIED>
37 | <!ELEMENT enum (desc?, const+)> <!-- done -->
38 | <!ATTLIST enum name CDATA #REQUIRED>
39 | <!ATTLIST enum uuid CDATA #REQUIRED>
40 | <!ELEMENT const (desc?)> <!-- done -->
41 | <!ATTLIST const name CDATA #REQUIRED>
42 | <!ATTLIST const value CDATA #REQUIRED>
43 | <!ATTLIST const wsmap (managed|suppress) "managed">
44 | <!ELEMENT interface (desc?, (attribute|method|class|if)*)> <!-- done -->
45 | <!ATTLIST interface name CDATA #REQUIRED>
46 | <!ATTLIST interface extends CDATA #IMPLIED>
47 | <!ATTLIST interface uuid CDATA #IMPLIED>
48 | <!ATTLIST interface supportsErrorInfo (yes|no) #IMPLIED>
49 | <!ATTLIST interface default (yes|no) "no">
50 | <!ATTLIST interface internal (yes|no) "no">
51 | <!ATTLIST interface wsmap (fail|global|struct|managed|suppress) "fail">
52 | <!-- wsmap specifies how this interface is mapped to the
53 | web services API (WSDL). One of the following must be specified:
54 | fail: the default value, for which vboxweb.xsl will raise an error and die.
55 | global: object is a singleton and resides in global variable in the web service.
56 | managed: objects of this type are referenced by managed object referenced
57 | struct: object is a simple struct and can be copied as such
58 | suppress: Skip this interface entirely, and all methods that use it -->
59 | <!ATTLIST interface wscpp (generate|hardcoded) "generate">
60 | <!-- wscpp specifies whether C++ code should be generated in methodmaps.cpp
61 | as a mapper to COM APIs. By default, this is "generate"; however, if set
62 | to "hardcoded", then no automatic C++ code should be generated. This is done
63 | for webservice APIs that have no counterpart in COM and are hard-coded in
64 | the webservice server, such as IManagedObjectReference and ISessionManager. -->
65 | <!ATTLIST interface autogen CDATA #IMPLIED>
66 | <!-- autogen names the style of code auto-generation for this
67 | interface (currently only VBoxEvent). -->
68 | <!ATTLIST interface id CDATA #IMPLIED>
69 | <!-- id is only relevant for event interfaces, and specifies
70 | which const name will be generated. -->
71 | <!ATTLIST interface waitable (yes|no) "no">
72 | <!-- waitable is only relevant for event interfaces, and
73 | specifies that this event can be waited for. -->
74 | <!-- dtrace has a probe name length limit, so dtracename helps dealing with excessivly long names. -->
75 | <!ATTLIST interface dtrace CDATA #IMPLIED>
76 | <!ELEMENT class (interface)> <!-- done -->
77 | <!ATTLIST class name CDATA #REQUIRED>
78 | <!ATTLIST class uuid CDATA #REQUIRED>
79 | <!ATTLIST class namespace CDATA #REQUIRED>
80 | <!ELEMENT attribute (desc?)> <!-- done -->
81 | <!ATTLIST attribute name CDATA #REQUIRED>
82 | <!ATTLIST attribute type CDATA #REQUIRED>
83 | <!ATTLIST attribute default CDATA #IMPLIED>
84 | <!ATTLIST attribute readonly (yes|no) "no">
85 | <!ATTLIST attribute mod (ptr|string) #IMPLIED>
86 | <!ATTLIST attribute internal (yes|no) "no">
87 | <!ATTLIST attribute safearray (yes|no) "no">
88 | <!ATTLIST attribute wsmap (managed|suppress) "managed">
89 | <!-- dtrace has a probe name length limit, so dtracename helps dealing with excessivly long names. -->
90 | <!ATTLIST attribute dtrace CDATA #IMPLIED>
91 | <!ELEMENT method (desc?,param*,result*)> <!-- done -->
92 | <!ATTLIST method name CDATA #REQUIRED>
93 | <!ATTLIST method const CDATA "no">
94 | <!ATTLIST method internal (yes|no) "no">
95 | <!ATTLIST method wsmap (managed|suppress) "managed">
96 | <!-- dtrace has a probe name length limit, so dtracename helps dealing with excessivly long names. -->
97 | <!ATTLIST attribute dtrace CDATA #IMPLIED>
98 | <!ELEMENT param (desc?)> <!-- done -->
99 | <!ATTLIST param name CDATA #REQUIRED>
100 | <!ATTLIST param type CDATA #REQUIRED>
101 | <!ATTLIST param dir (in|out|return) #REQUIRED>
102 | <!ATTLIST param mod (ptr|string) #IMPLIED>
103 | <!ATTLIST param safearray (yes|no) "no">
104 | <!ELEMENT descGroup (desc)*> <!-- done (ignoring, butt-ugly hack, improper nesting enforced all over the .xsl files!) -->
105 | <!ATTLIST descGroup id CDATA #IMPLIED>
106 | <!ATTLIST descGroup title CDATA #IMPLIED>
107 | <!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA|link|note|see|b|tt|i|pre|para|ul|ol|h3|table|result)*> <!-- done (ignoring) -->
108 | <!-- the following only appear within descriptions -->
109 | <!ELEMENT link (#PCDATA)>
110 | <!ATTLIST link to CDATA #REQUIRED>
111 | <!ELEMENT h3 ANY>
112 | <!ELEMENT para ANY>
113 | <!ELEMENT b ANY>
114 | <!ELEMENT i ANY>
115 | <!ELEMENT ul (#PCDATA|li)*>
116 | <!ELEMENT ol (#PCDATA|li)*>
117 | <!ELEMENT li ANY>
118 | <!ELEMENT pre ANY>
119 | <!ELEMENT tt ANY>
120 | <!ELEMENT see (#PCDATA|link)*>
121 | <!ELEMENT note ANY>
122 | <!ATTLIST note internal (yes|no) "no">
123 | <!ELEMENT table (tr)+>
124 | <!ELEMENT tr (td|th)+>
125 | <!ELEMENT th ANY>
126 | <!ELEMENT td ANY>