/* * DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file. * * MS IDL (MIDL) definition for VirtualBox Main API (COM interfaces) * generated from XIDL (XML interface definition). * * Source : src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl * Generator : src/VBox/Main/idl/midl.xsl */ import "unknwn.idl"; cpp_quote(" ") #if #endif [ uuid(), version(), helpstring("") ] library { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); }; /* library */ cpp_quote(" ") interface ; [ uuid(), object, dual, oleautomation ] interface : IDispatch IDispatch IErrorInfo { }; /* interface */ /* Interface implementation forwarder macro */ cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _TO(smth) ") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _TO_OBJ(obj) COM_FORWARD_ _TO ((obj)->)") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _TO_BASE(base) COM_FORWARD_ _TO (base::)") 'array' attributes are not supported, use 'safearray="yes"' instead. [propget] HRESULT ([out, retval] SAFEARRAY( ) * a ); [propput] HRESULT ([in , out ] SAFEARRAY( ) * a ); COM_FORWARD_ _GETTER_ _TO (smth) COM_FORWARD_ _SETTER_ _TO (smth) cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _GETTER_ _TO(smth) HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_ ( SAFEARRAY * * a ) { return smth get_ (a ); }") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _GETTER_ _TO_OBJ(obj) COM_FORWARD_ _GETTER_ _TO ((obj)->)") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _GETTER_ _TO_BASE(base) COM_FORWARD_ _GETTER_ _TO (base::)") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _SETTER_ _TO(smth) HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_ ( SAFEARRAY * a ) { return smth put_ (a ); }") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _SETTER_ _TO_OBJ(obj) COM_FORWARD_ _SETTER_ _TO ((obj)->)") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _SETTER_ _TO_BASE(base) COM_FORWARD_ _SETTER_ _TO (base::)") HRESULT ( , ); (); COM_FORWARD_ _ _TO (smth) cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _ _TO(smth) HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ( , ) { return smth ( a , a ); } () { return smth (); } ") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _ _TO_OBJ(obj) COM_FORWARD_ _ _TO ((obj)->)") cpp_quote("#define COM_FORWARD_ _ _TO_BASE(base) COM_FORWARD_ _ _TO (base::)") [ uuid() ] coclass { [default] interface ; }; /* coclass */ [ uuid(), object, dual ] interface : IUnknown { HRESULT HasMore ([out, retval] BOOL * more); HRESULT GetNext ([out, retval] * next); }; /* interface */ non-readonly collections are not currently supported [ uuid(), object, dual ] interface : IUnknown { [propget] HRESULT Count ([out, retval] ULONG * count); HRESULT GetItemAt ([in] ULONG index, [out, retval] * item); HRESULT Enumerate ([out, retval] * enumerator); }; /* interface */ [ uuid(), v1_enum ] typedef enum { = , } ; [ in out out, retval in , out return 'array' parameters are not supported, use 'safearray="yes"' instead. must have the same direction , size_is( , * a ) array attribute refers to non-existent param: ] SAFEARRAY( ) * * a SAFEARRAY * * * a either 'array' or 'safearray="yes"' attribute is allowed, but not both! BOOL * BYTE * SHORT * USHORT * LONG * LONG64 * ULONG * ULONG64 * CHAR * OLECHAR * attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type of attribute 'mod' is invalid! HRESULT BOOL BYTE SHORT USHORT LONG LONG64 ULONG ULONG64 CHAR CHAR * OLECHAR BSTR GUID IUnknown * * Unknown parameter type: