/* $Id: ExtPackManagerImpl.h 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Main - interface for Extension Packs, VBoxSVC & VBoxC. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef MAIN_INCLUDED_ExtPackManagerImpl_h #define MAIN_INCLUDED_ExtPackManagerImpl_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include #include "ExtPackWrap.h" #include "ExtPackFileWrap.h" #include "ExtPackManagerWrap.h" #include /** The name of the oracle extension back. */ #define ORACLE_PUEL_EXTPACK_NAME "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" #ifndef VBOX_COM_INPROC /** * An extension pack file. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE ExtPackFile : public ExtPackFileWrap { public: /** @name COM and internal init/term/mapping cruft. * @{ */ DECLARE_COMMON_CLASS_METHODS(ExtPackFile) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); HRESULT initWithFile(const char *a_pszFile, const char *a_pszDigest, class ExtPackManager *a_pExtPackMgr, VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox); void uninit(); /** @} */ private: /** @name Misc init helpers * @{ */ HRESULT initFailed(const char *a_pszWhyFmt, ...); /** @} */ private: // wrapped IExtPackFile properties HRESULT getName(com::Utf8Str &aName); HRESULT getDescription(com::Utf8Str &aDescription); HRESULT getVersion(com::Utf8Str &aVersion); HRESULT getRevision(ULONG *aRevision); HRESULT getEdition(com::Utf8Str &aEdition); HRESULT getVRDEModule(com::Utf8Str &aVRDEModule); HRESULT getPlugIns(std::vector > &aPlugIns); HRESULT getUsable(BOOL *aUsable); HRESULT getWhyUnusable(com::Utf8Str &aWhyUnusable); HRESULT getShowLicense(BOOL *aShowLicense); HRESULT getLicense(com::Utf8Str &aLicense); HRESULT getFilePath(com::Utf8Str &aFilePath); // wrapped IExtPackFile methods HRESULT queryLicense(const com::Utf8Str &aPreferredLocale, const com::Utf8Str &aPreferredLanguage, const com::Utf8Str &aFormat, com::Utf8Str &aLicenseText); HRESULT install(BOOL aReplace, const com::Utf8Str &aDisplayInfo, ComPtr &aProgess); struct Data; /** Pointer to the private instance. */ Data *m; friend class ExtPackManager; friend class ExtPackInstallTask; }; #endif /* !VBOX_COM_INPROC */ /** * An installed extension pack. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE ExtPack : public ExtPackWrap { public: /** @name COM and internal init/term/mapping cruft. * @{ */ DECLARE_COMMON_CLASS_METHODS(ExtPack) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); HRESULT initWithDir(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, VBOXEXTPACKCTX a_enmContext, const char *a_pszName, const char *a_pszDir); void uninit(); RTMEMEF_NEW_AND_DELETE_OPERATORS(); /** @} */ /** @name Internal interfaces used by ExtPackManager. * @{ */ #ifndef VBOX_COM_INPROC bool i_callInstalledHook(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo); HRESULT i_callUninstallHookAndClose(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, bool a_fForcedRemoval); bool i_callVirtualBoxReadyHook(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock); #endif #ifdef VBOX_COM_INPROC bool i_callConsoleReadyHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock); #endif #ifndef VBOX_COM_INPROC bool i_callVmCreatedHook(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, IMachine *a_pMachine, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock); #endif #ifdef VBOX_COM_INPROC bool i_callVmConfigureVmmHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock, int *a_pvrc); bool i_callVmPowerOnHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock, int *a_pvrc); bool i_callVmPowerOffHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock); #endif HRESULT i_checkVrde(void); HRESULT i_getVrdpLibraryName(Utf8Str *a_pstrVrdeLibrary); HRESULT i_getLibraryName(const char *a_pszModuleName, Utf8Str *a_pstrLibrary); bool i_wantsToBeDefaultVrde(void) const; HRESULT i_refresh(bool *pfCanDelete); #ifndef VBOX_COM_INPROC bool i_areThereCloudProviderUninstallVetos(); void i_notifyCloudProviderManager(); #endif /** @} */ protected: /** @name Internal helper methods. * @{ */ void i_probeAndLoad(void); bool i_findModule(const char *a_pszName, const char *a_pszExt, VBOXEXTPACKMODKIND a_enmKind, Utf8Str *a_ppStrFound, bool *a_pfNative, PRTFSOBJINFO a_pObjInfo) const; static bool i_objinfoIsEqual(PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo1, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo2); /** @} */ /** @name Extension Pack Helpers * @{ */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_hlpFindModule(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, const char *pszName, const char *pszExt, VBOXEXTPACKMODKIND enmKind, char *pszFound, size_t cbFound, bool *pfNative); static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_hlpGetFilePath(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, const char *pszFilename, char *pszPath, size_t cbPath); static DECLCALLBACK(VBOXEXTPACKCTX) i_hlpGetContext(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp); static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_hlpLoadHGCMService(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IConsole) *pConsole, const char *pszServiceLibrary, const char *pszServiceName); static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_hlpLoadVDPlugin(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IVirtualBox) *pVirtualBox, const char *pszPluginLibrary); static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_hlpUnloadVDPlugin(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IVirtualBox) *pVirtualBox, const char *pszPluginLibrary); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpCreateProgress(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IUnknown) *pInitiator, const char *pcszDescription, uint32_t cOperations, uint32_t uTotalOperationsWeight, const char *pcszFirstOperationDescription, uint32_t uFirstOperationWeight, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IProgress) **ppProgressOut); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpGetCanceledProgress(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IProgress) *pProgress, bool *pfCanceled); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpUpdateProgress(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IProgress) *pProgress, uint32_t uPercent); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpNextOperationProgress(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IProgress) *pProgress, const char *pcszNextOperationDescription, uint32_t uNextOperationWeight); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpWaitOtherProgress(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IProgress) *pProgress, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IProgress) *pProgressOther, uint32_t cTimeoutMS); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpCompleteProgress(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IProgress) *pProgress, uint32_t uResultCode); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpCreateEvent(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IEventSource) *aSource, /* VBoxEventType_T */ uint32_t aType, bool aWaitable, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IEvent) **ppEventOut); static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) i_hlpCreateVetoEvent(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IEventSource) *aSource, /* VBoxEventType_T */ uint32_t aType, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IVetoEvent) **ppEventOut); static DECLCALLBACK(const char *) i_hlpTranslate(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, const char *pszComponent, const char *pszSourceText, const char *pszComment = NULL, const size_t aNum = ~(size_t)0); static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_hlpReservedN(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp); /** @} */ private: // wrapped IExtPack properties HRESULT getName(com::Utf8Str &aName); HRESULT getDescription(com::Utf8Str &aDescription); HRESULT getVersion(com::Utf8Str &aVersion); HRESULT getRevision(ULONG *aRevision); HRESULT getEdition(com::Utf8Str &aEdition); HRESULT getVRDEModule(com::Utf8Str &aVRDEModule); HRESULT getPlugIns(std::vector > &aPlugIns); HRESULT getUsable(BOOL *aUsable); HRESULT getWhyUnusable(com::Utf8Str &aWhyUnusable); HRESULT getShowLicense(BOOL *aShowLicense); HRESULT getLicense(com::Utf8Str &aLicense); // wrapped IExtPack methods HRESULT queryLicense(const com::Utf8Str &aPreferredLocale, const com::Utf8Str &aPreferredLanguage, const com::Utf8Str &aFormat, com::Utf8Str &aLicenseText); HRESULT queryObject(const com::Utf8Str &aObjUuid, ComPtr &aReturnInterface); struct Data; /** Pointer to the private instance. */ Data *m; friend class ExtPackManager; }; /** * Extension pack manager. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE ExtPackManager : public ExtPackManagerWrap { public: /** @name COM and internal init/term/mapping cruft. * @{ */ DECLARE_COMMON_CLASS_METHODS(ExtPackManager) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); HRESULT initExtPackManager(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, VBOXEXTPACKCTX a_enmContext); void uninit(); /** @} */ /** @name Internal interfaces used by other Main classes. * @{ */ #ifndef VBOX_COM_INPROC HRESULT i_doInstall(ExtPackFile *a_pExtPackFile, bool a_fReplace, Utf8Str const *a_pstrDisplayInfo); HRESULT i_doUninstall(const Utf8Str *a_pstrName, bool a_fForcedRemoval, const Utf8Str *a_pstrDisplayInfo); void i_callAllVirtualBoxReadyHooks(void); HRESULT i_queryObjects(const com::Utf8Str &aObjUuid, std::vector > &aObjects, std::vector *a_pstrExtPackNames); #endif #ifdef VBOX_COM_INPROC void i_callAllConsoleReadyHooks(IConsole *a_pConsole); #endif #ifndef VBOX_COM_INPROC void i_callAllVmCreatedHooks(IMachine *a_pMachine); #endif #ifdef VBOX_COM_INPROC int i_callAllVmConfigureVmmHooks(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM); int i_callAllVmPowerOnHooks(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM); void i_callAllVmPowerOffHooks(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM); #endif HRESULT i_checkVrdeExtPack(Utf8Str const *a_pstrExtPack); int i_getVrdeLibraryPathForExtPack(Utf8Str const *a_pstrExtPack, Utf8Str *a_pstrVrdeLibrary); HRESULT i_getLibraryPathForExtPack(const char *a_pszModuleName, const char *a_pszExtPack, Utf8Str *a_pstrLibrary); HRESULT i_getDefaultVrdeExtPack(Utf8Str *a_pstrExtPack); bool i_isExtPackUsable(const char *a_pszExtPack); void i_dumpAllToReleaseLog(void); uint64_t i_getUpdateCounter(void); /** @} */ private: // wrapped IExtPackManager properties HRESULT getInstalledExtPacks(std::vector > &aInstalledExtPacks); // wrapped IExtPackManager methods HRESULT find(const com::Utf8Str &aName, ComPtr &aReturnData); HRESULT openExtPackFile(const com::Utf8Str &aPath, ComPtr &aFile); HRESULT uninstall(const com::Utf8Str &aName, BOOL aForcedRemoval, const com::Utf8Str &aDisplayInfo, ComPtr &aProgess); HRESULT cleanup(); HRESULT queryAllPlugInsForFrontend(const com::Utf8Str &aFrontendName, std::vector &aPlugInModules); HRESULT isExtPackUsable(const com::Utf8Str &aName, BOOL *aUsable); bool i_areThereAnyRunningVMs(void) const; HRESULT i_runSetUidToRootHelper(Utf8Str const *a_pstrDisplayInfo, const char *a_pszCommand, ...); ExtPack *i_findExtPack(const char *a_pszName); void i_removeExtPack(const char *a_pszName); HRESULT i_refreshExtPack(const char *a_pszName, bool a_fUnsuableIsError, ExtPack **a_ppExtPack); private: struct Data; /** Pointer to the private instance. */ Data *m; friend class ExtPackUninstallTask; }; #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_ExtPackManagerImpl_h */ /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */