/** @file * * VirtualBox IHostUSBDevice COM interface implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ #ifndef ____H_HOSTUSBDEVICEIMPL #define ____H_HOSTUSBDEVICEIMPL #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "USBDeviceFilterImpl.h" /* #include "USBProxyService.h" circular on Host/HostUSBDevice, the includer * must include this. */ #include "Collection.h" #include class SessionMachine; class USBProxyService; /** * Object class used to hold Host USB Device properties. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE HostUSBDevice : public VirtualBoxBaseNEXT, public VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl , public VirtualBoxSupportTranslation , public IHostUSBDevice { public: VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT (HostUSBDevice) DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(HostUSBDevice) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(HostUSBDevice) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IHostUSBDevice) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IUSBDevice) END_COM_MAP() NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (HostUSBDevice) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only HRESULT init(PUSBDEVICE aUsb, USBProxyService *aUSBProxyService); void uninit(); // IUSBDevice properties STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Id))(GUIDPARAMOUT aId); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(VendorId))(USHORT *aVendorId); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(ProductId))(USHORT *aProductId); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Revision))(USHORT *aRevision); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Manufacturer))(BSTR *aManufacturer); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Product))(BSTR *aProduct); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SerialNumber))(BSTR *aSerialNumber); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Address))(BSTR *aAddress); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Port))(USHORT *aPort); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Remote))(BOOL *aRemote); // IHostUSBDevice properties STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(State))(USBDeviceState_T *aState); /** Additional internal states. * The async detach stuff for Darwin is a two stage journey with a variation * (filters) depending on who won the race to lock the Host object. * * @remark Trying out mac os x style enum naming convention here. nice or what? */ typedef enum { /** Nothing is pending here, check mPendingState. */ kNothingPending, /** 1st stage of the detch, waiting for the logical detach notification. */ kDetachingPendingDetach, /** 1st stage of the detch, waiting for the logical detach notification - re-run filters. * Prev: kDetachingPendingDetach */ kDetachingPendingDetachFilters, /** 2nd stage of the detach, waiting for the logical attach notification. * Prev: kDetachingPendingDetach */ kDetachingPendingAttach, /** 2nd stage of the detach, waiting for the logical attach notification - re-run filters. * Prev: kDetachingPendingDetachFilters */ kDetachingPendingAttachFilters } InternalState; // public methods only for internal purposes /** @note Must be called from under the object read lock. */ const Guid &id() const { return mId; } /** @note Must be called from under the object read lock. */ USBDeviceState_T state() const { return mState; } /** @note Must be called from under the object read lock. */ USBDeviceState_T pendingState() const { return mPendingState; } /** @note Must be called from under the object read lock. */ InternalState pendingStateEx() const { return mPendingStateEx; } /** @note Must be called from under the object read lock. */ ComObjPtr &machine() { return mMachine; } /** @note Must be called from under the object read lock. */ bool isStatePending() const { return mIsStatePending; } /** @note Must be called from under the object read lock. */ PCUSBDEVICE usbData() const { return mUsb; } Utf8Str name(); bool requestCapture (SessionMachine *aMachine); void requestRelease(); void requestHold(); void setHeld(); void onDetachedPhys(); void handlePendingStateChange(); void cancelPendingState(bool aTimeout = false); bool isMatch (const USBDeviceFilter::Data &aData); int compare (PCUSBDEVICE aDev2); static int compare (PCUSBDEVICE aDev1, PCUSBDEVICE aDev2, bool aIsStrict = true); bool updateState (PCUSBDEVICE aDev); void checkForAsyncTimeout(); bool setLogicalReconnect (InternalState aStage); // for VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl static const wchar_t *getComponentName() { return L"HostUSBDevice"; } private: const Guid mId; USBDeviceState_T mState; USBDeviceState_T mPendingState; /** Same as mPendingState but for the internal states. */ InternalState mPendingStateEx; /** RTTimeNanoTS() of when mIsStatePending was set or mDetaching changed * from kNotDetaching. For operations that cannot be cancelled it's 0. */ uint64_t mPendingSince; ComObjPtr mMachine; bool mIsStatePending : 1; /** Pointer to the USB Proxy Service instance. */ USBProxyService *mUSBProxyService; /** Pointer to the USB Device structure owned by this device. * Only used for host devices. */ PUSBDEVICE mUsb; friend class USBProxyService; #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX friend class USBProxyServiceLinux; #endif #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN /** One-shot filter id. */ void *mOneShotId; friend class USBProxyServiceDarwin; #endif }; COM_DECL_READONLY_ENUM_AND_COLLECTION_BEGIN (HostUSBDevice) STDMETHOD(FindById) (INPTR GUIDPARAM aId, IHostUSBDevice **aDevice) { Guid idToFind = aId; if (idToFind.isEmpty()) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!aDevice) return E_POINTER; *aDevice = NULL; Vector::value_type found; Vector::iterator it = vec.begin(); while (!found && it != vec.end()) { Guid id; (*it)->COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam()); if (id == idToFind) found = *it; ++ it; } if (!found) return setError (E_INVALIDARG, HostUSBDeviceCollection::tr ( "Could not find a USB device with UUID {%s}"), idToFind.toString().raw()); return found.queryInterfaceTo (aDevice); } STDMETHOD(FindByAddress) (INPTR BSTR aAddress, IHostUSBDevice **aDevice) { if (!aAddress) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!aDevice) return E_POINTER; *aDevice = NULL; Vector::value_type found; Vector::iterator it = vec.begin(); while (!found && it != vec.end()) { Bstr address; (*it)->COMGETTER(Address) (address.asOutParam()); if (address == aAddress) found = *it; ++ it; } if (!found) return setError (E_INVALIDARG, HostUSBDeviceCollection::tr ( "Could not find a USB device with address '%ls'"), aAddress); return found.queryInterfaceTo (aDevice); } COM_DECL_READONLY_ENUM_AND_COLLECTION_END (HostUSBDevice) #endif // ____H_HOSTUSBDEVICEIMPL