/* $Id: MediumImpl.h 25887 2010-01-18 11:58:58Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #ifndef ____H_MEDIUMIMPL #define ____H_MEDIUMIMPL #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" class VirtualBox; class Progress; struct VM; namespace settings { struct Medium; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Medium; typedef std::list< ComObjPtr > MediaList; /** * Medium component class for all media types. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE Medium : public VirtualBoxBase, public com::SupportErrorInfoImpl, public VirtualBoxSupportTranslation, VBOX_SCRIPTABLE_IMPL(IMedium) { public: class MergeChain; class ImageChain; VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT(Medium) DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(Medium) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(Medium) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IMedium) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR(Medium) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); enum HDDOpenMode { OpenReadWrite, OpenReadOnly }; // have to use a special enum for the overloaded init() below; // can't use AccessMode_T from XIDL because that's mapped to an int // and would be ambiguous // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, CBSTR aFormat, CBSTR aLocation); HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, CBSTR aLocation, HDDOpenMode enOpenMode, DeviceType_T aDeviceType, BOOL aSetImageId, const Guid &aImageId, BOOL aSetParentId, const Guid &aParentId); // initializer used when loading settings HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, Medium *aParent, DeviceType_T aDeviceType, const settings::Medium &data); // initializer for host floppy/DVD HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, DeviceType_T aDeviceType, CBSTR aLocation, CBSTR aDescription = NULL); void uninit(); void deparent(); // IMedium properties STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Id))(BSTR *aId); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Description))(BSTR *aDescription); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(Description))(IN_BSTR aDescription); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(State))(MediumState_T *aState); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Location))(BSTR *aLocation); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(Location))(IN_BSTR aLocation); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Name))(BSTR *aName); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(DeviceType))(DeviceType_T *aDeviceType); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HostDrive))(BOOL *aHostDrive); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Size))(ULONG64 *aSize); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Format))(BSTR *aFormat); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Type))(MediumType_T *aType); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(Type))(MediumType_T aType); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Parent))(IMedium **aParent); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Children))(ComSafeArrayOut(IMedium *, aChildren)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Base))(IMedium **aBase); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(ReadOnly))(BOOL *aReadOnly); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(LogicalSize))(ULONG64 *aLogicalSize); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(AutoReset))(BOOL *aAutoReset); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(AutoReset))(BOOL aAutoReset); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(LastAccessError))(BSTR *aLastAccessError); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MachineIds))(ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aMachineIds)); // IMedium methods STDMETHOD(RefreshState)(MediumState_T *aState); STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotIds)(IN_BSTR aMachineId, ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aSnapshotIds)); STDMETHOD(LockRead)(MediumState_T *aState); STDMETHOD(UnlockRead)(MediumState_T *aState); STDMETHOD(LockWrite)(MediumState_T *aState); STDMETHOD(UnlockWrite)(MediumState_T *aState); STDMETHOD(Close)(); STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(IN_BSTR aName, BSTR *aValue); STDMETHOD(SetProperty)(IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aValue); STDMETHOD(GetProperties)(IN_BSTR aNames, ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aReturnNames), ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aReturnValues)); STDMETHOD(SetProperties)(ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aNames), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aValues)); STDMETHOD(CreateBaseStorage)(ULONG64 aLogicalSize, MediumVariant_T aVariant, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(DeleteStorage)(IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(CreateDiffStorage)(IMedium *aTarget, MediumVariant_T aVariant, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(MergeTo)(IN_BSTR aTargetId, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(CloneTo)(IMedium *aTarget, MediumVariant_T aVariant, IMedium *aParent, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(Compact)(IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(Resize)(ULONG64 aLogicalSize, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(Reset)(IProgress **aProgress); // public methods for internal purposes only const ComObjPtr& getParent() const; const MediaList& getChildren() const; const Guid& getId() const; MediumState_T getState() const; const Utf8Str& getLocation() const; const Utf8Str& getLocationFull() const; uint64_t getSize() const; HRESULT attachTo(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId = Guid::Empty); HRESULT detachFrom(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId = Guid::Empty); const Guid* getFirstMachineBackrefId() const; const Guid* getFirstMachineBackrefSnapshotId() const; #ifdef DEBUG void dumpBackRefs(); #endif HRESULT updatePath(const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath); void updatePaths(const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath); ComObjPtr getBase(uint32_t *aLevel = NULL); bool isReadOnly(); HRESULT saveSettings(settings::Medium &data); HRESULT compareLocationTo(const char *aLocation, int &aResult); /** * Shortcut to #deleteStorage() that doesn't wait for operation completion * and implies the progress object will be used for waiting. */ HRESULT deleteStorageNoWait(ComObjPtr &aProgress) { return deleteStorage(&aProgress, false /* aWait */); } /** * Shortcut to #deleteStorage() that wait for operation completion by * blocking the current thread. */ HRESULT deleteStorageAndWait(ComObjPtr *aProgress = NULL) { return deleteStorage(aProgress, true /* aWait */); } /** * Shortcut to #createDiffStorage() that doesn't wait for operation * completion and implies the progress object will be used for waiting. */ HRESULT createDiffStorageNoWait(ComObjPtr &aTarget, MediumVariant_T aVariant, ComObjPtr &aProgress) { return createDiffStorage(aTarget, aVariant, &aProgress, false /* aWait */); } /** * Shortcut to #createDiffStorage() that wait for operation completion by * blocking the current thread. */ HRESULT createDiffStorageAndWait(ComObjPtr &aTarget, MediumVariant_T aVariant, ComObjPtr *aProgress = NULL) { return createDiffStorage(aTarget, aVariant, aProgress, true /* aWait */); } HRESULT prepareMergeTo(Medium *aTarget, MergeChain * &aChain, bool aIgnoreAttachments = false); /** * Shortcut to #mergeTo() that doesn't wait for operation completion and * implies the progress object will be used for waiting. */ HRESULT mergeToNoWait(MergeChain *aChain, ComObjPtr &aProgress) { return mergeTo(aChain, &aProgress, false /* aWait */); } /** * Shortcut to #mergeTo() that wait for operation completion by * blocking the current thread. */ HRESULT mergeToAndWait(MergeChain *aChain, ComObjPtr *aProgress = NULL) { return mergeTo(aChain, aProgress, true /* aWait */); } void cancelMergeTo(MergeChain *aChain); Utf8Str getName(); HRESULT prepareDiscard(MergeChain * &aChain); HRESULT discard(ComObjPtr &aProgress, ULONG ulWeight, MergeChain *aChain); void cancelDiscard(MergeChain *aChain); /** Returns a preferred format for a differencing hard disk. */ Bstr preferredDiffFormat(); // unsafe inline public methods for internal purposes only (ensure there is // a caller and a read lock before calling them!) MediumType_T getType() const; /** For com::SupportErrorInfoImpl. */ static const char *ComponentName() { return "Medium"; } private: HRESULT queryInfo(); /** * Performs extra checks if the medium can be closed and returns S_OK in * this case. Otherwise, returns a respective error message. Called by * Close() from within this object's AutoMayUninitSpan and from under * mVirtualBox write lock. */ HRESULT canClose(); /** * Unregisters this medium with mVirtualBox. Called by Close() from within * this object's AutoMayUninitSpan and from under mVirtualBox write lock. */ HRESULT unregisterWithVirtualBox(); HRESULT setStateError(); HRESULT deleteStorage(ComObjPtr *aProgress, bool aWait); HRESULT createDiffStorage(ComObjPtr &aTarget, MediumVariant_T aVariant, ComObjPtr *aProgress, bool aWait); HRESULT mergeTo(MergeChain *aChain, ComObjPtr *aProgress, bool aWait); HRESULT setLocation(const Utf8Str &aLocation, const Utf8Str &aFormat = Utf8Str()); HRESULT setFormat(CBSTR aFormat); Utf8Str vdError(int aVRC); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vdErrorCall(void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL, const char *pszFormat, va_list va); static DECLCALLBACK(int) vdProgressCall(VM* /* pVM */, unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(bool) vdConfigAreKeysValid(void *pvUser, const char *pszzValid); static DECLCALLBACK(int) vdConfigQuerySize(void *pvUser, const char *pszName, size_t *pcbValue); static DECLCALLBACK(int) vdConfigQuery(void *pvUser, const char *pszName, char *pszValue, size_t cchValue); struct Task; friend struct Task; HRESULT taskThreadCreateBase(Task &task, void *pvdOperationIfaces); HRESULT taskThreadCreateDiff(Task &task, void *pvdOperationIfaces, bool fIsAsync); HRESULT taskThreadMerge(Task &task, void *pvdOperationIfaces, bool fIsAsync); HRESULT taskThreadClone(Task &task, void *pvdOperationIfaces); static DECLCALLBACK(int) taskThread(RTTHREAD thread, void *pvUser); struct Data; // opaque data struct, defined in MediumImpl.cpp Data *m; }; #endif /* ____H_MEDIUMIMPL */