/* $Id: ProgressImpl.h 69500 2017-10-28 15:14:05Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ____H_PROGRESSIMPL #define ____H_PROGRESSIMPL #include "ProgressWrap.h" #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "EventImpl.h" #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Class for progress objects. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE Progress : public ProgressWrap { public: DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(Progress) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only /** * Simplified constructor for progress objects that have only one * operation as a task. * @param aParent * @param aInitiator * @param aDescription * @param aCancelable * @return */ HRESULT init( #if !defined(VBOX_COM_INPROC) VirtualBox *aParent, #endif IUnknown *aInitiator, Utf8Str aDescription, BOOL aCancelable) { return init( #if !defined(VBOX_COM_INPROC) aParent, #endif aInitiator, aDescription, aCancelable, 1, // cOperations 1, // ulTotalOperationsWeight aDescription, // aFirstOperationDescription 1); // ulFirstOperationWeight } /** * Not quite so simplified constructor for progress objects that have * more than one operation, but all sub-operations are weighed the same. * @param aParent * @param aInitiator * @param aDescription * @param aCancelable * @param cOperations * @param aFirstOperationDescription * @return */ HRESULT init( #if !defined(VBOX_COM_INPROC) VirtualBox *aParent, #endif IUnknown *aInitiator, Utf8Str aDescription, BOOL aCancelable, ULONG cOperations, Utf8Str aFirstOperationDescription) { return init( #if !defined(VBOX_COM_INPROC) aParent, #endif aInitiator, aDescription, aCancelable, cOperations, // cOperations cOperations, // ulTotalOperationsWeight = cOperations aFirstOperationDescription, // aFirstOperationDescription 1); // ulFirstOperationWeight: weigh them all the same } HRESULT init( #if !defined(VBOX_COM_INPROC) VirtualBox *aParent, #endif IUnknown *aInitiator, Utf8Str aDescription, BOOL aCancelable, ULONG cOperations, ULONG ulTotalOperationsWeight, Utf8Str aFirstOperationDescription, ULONG ulFirstOperationWeight); HRESULT init(BOOL aCancelable, ULONG aOperationCount, Utf8Str aOperationDescription); void uninit(); // public methods only for internal purposes HRESULT i_notifyComplete(HRESULT aResultCode); HRESULT i_notifyComplete(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID, const char *pcszComponent, const char *aText, ...); HRESULT i_notifyCompleteV(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID, const char *pcszComponent, const char *aText, va_list va); HRESULT i_notifyCompleteEI(HRESULT aResultCode, const ComPtr &aErrorInfo); bool i_notifyPointOfNoReturn(void); bool i_setCancelCallback(void (*pfnCallback)(void *), void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_iprtProgressCallback(unsigned uPercentage, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_vdProgressCallback(void *pvUser, unsigned uPercentage); protected: DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR(Progress) #if !defined(VBOX_COM_INPROC) /** Weak parent. */ VirtualBox * const mParent; #endif const ComObjPtr pEventSource; const ComPtr mInitiator; const Guid mId; const com::Utf8Str mDescription; uint64_t m_ullTimestamp; // progress object creation timestamp, for ETA computation void (*m_pfnCancelCallback)(void *); void *m_pvCancelUserArg; /* The fields below are to be properly initialized by subclasses */ BOOL mCompleted; BOOL mCancelable; BOOL mCanceled; HRESULT mResultCode; ComPtr mErrorInfo; ULONG m_cOperations; // number of operations (so that progress dialog can // display something like 1/3) ULONG m_ulTotalOperationsWeight; // sum of weights of all operations, given to constructor ULONG m_ulOperationsCompletedWeight; // summed-up weight of operations that have been completed; initially 0 ULONG m_ulCurrentOperation; // operations counter, incremented with // each setNextOperation() com::Utf8Str m_operationDescription; // name of current operation; initially // from constructor, changed with setNextOperation() ULONG m_ulCurrentOperationWeight; // weight of current operation, given to setNextOperation() ULONG m_ulOperationPercent; // percentage of current operation, set with setCurrentOperationProgress() ULONG m_cMsTimeout; /**< Automatic timeout value. 0 means none. */ private: // wrapped IProgress properties HRESULT getId(com::Guid &aId); HRESULT getDescription(com::Utf8Str &aDescription); HRESULT getInitiator(ComPtr &aInitiator); HRESULT getCancelable(BOOL *aCancelable); HRESULT getPercent(ULONG *aPercent); HRESULT getTimeRemaining(LONG *aTimeRemaining); HRESULT getCompleted(BOOL *aCompleted); HRESULT getCanceled(BOOL *aCanceled); HRESULT getResultCode(LONG *aResultCode); HRESULT getErrorInfo(ComPtr &aErrorInfo); HRESULT getOperationCount(ULONG *aOperationCount); HRESULT getOperation(ULONG *aOperation); HRESULT getOperationDescription(com::Utf8Str &aOperationDescription); HRESULT getOperationPercent(ULONG *aOperationPercent); HRESULT getOperationWeight(ULONG *aOperationWeight); HRESULT getTimeout(ULONG *aTimeout); HRESULT setTimeout(ULONG aTimeout); HRESULT getEventSource(ComPtr &aEventSource); // wrapped IProgress methods HRESULT setCurrentOperationProgress(ULONG aPercent); HRESULT setNextOperation(const com::Utf8Str &aNextOperationDescription, ULONG aNextOperationsWeight); HRESULT waitForCompletion(LONG aTimeout); HRESULT waitForOperationCompletion(ULONG aOperation, LONG aTimeout); HRESULT waitForAsyncProgressCompletion(const ComPtr &aPProgressAsync); HRESULT cancel(); // internal helper methods double i_calcTotalPercent(); void i_checkForAutomaticTimeout(void); RTSEMEVENTMULTI mCompletedSem; ULONG mWaitersCount; private: DECLARE_CLS_COPY_CTOR_ASSIGN_NOOP(Progress); /* Shuts up MSC warning C4625. */ }; #endif /* ____H_PROGRESSIMPL */