/* $Id: UnattendedImpl.h 94079 2022-03-03 17:10:36Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Unattended class header */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef MAIN_INCLUDED_UnattendedImpl_h #define MAIN_INCLUDED_UnattendedImpl_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include #include #include "UnattendedWrap.h" /* Forward declarations. */ class UnattendedInstaller; struct UnattendedInstallationDisk; struct ControllerSlot; /** * A data type to store image data which is read from intall.wim file. * Currently relevant only for Windows OSs. */ struct WIMImage { Utf8Str mName; Utf8Str mVersion; Utf8Str mArch; Utf8Str mFlavor; RTCList mLanguages; Utf8Str mDefaultLanguage; uint32_t mImageIndex; VBOXOSTYPE mOSType; WIMImage() : mImageIndex(0), mOSType(VBOXOSTYPE_Unknown) { } const Utf8Str &formatName(Utf8Str &r_strName) const; VBOXOSTYPE mEnmOsType; }; /** * Class implementing the IUnattended interface. * * This class is instantiated on the request by IMachine::getUnattended. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE Unattended : public UnattendedWrap { public: DECLARE_COMMON_CLASS_METHODS(Unattended) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only HRESULT initUnattended(VirtualBox *aParent); void uninit(); // public methods for internal purposes Utf8Str const &i_getIsoPath() const; Utf8Str const &i_getUser() const; Utf8Str const &i_getPassword() const; Utf8Str const &i_getFullUserName() const; Utf8Str const &i_getProductKey() const; Utf8Str const &i_getProxy() const; Utf8Str const &i_getAdditionsIsoPath() const; bool i_getInstallGuestAdditions() const; Utf8Str const &i_getValidationKitIsoPath() const; bool i_getInstallTestExecService() const; Utf8Str const &i_getTimeZone() const; PCRTTIMEZONEINFO i_getTimeZoneInfo() const; Utf8Str const &i_getLocale() const; Utf8Str const &i_getLanguage() const; Utf8Str const &i_getCountry() const; bool i_isMinimalInstallation() const; Utf8Str const &i_getHostname() const; Utf8Str const &i_getAuxiliaryBasePath() const; ULONG i_getImageIndex() const; Utf8Str const &i_getScriptTemplatePath() const; Utf8Str const &i_getPostInstallScriptTemplatePath() const; Utf8Str const &i_getPostInstallCommand() const; /** The directory where the unattended install config and script is * located, from the perspective of the running unattended install. */ Utf8Str const &i_getAuxiliaryInstallDir() const; Utf8Str const &i_getExtraInstallKernelParameters() const; bool i_isRtcUsingUtc() const; bool i_isGuestOs64Bit() const; bool i_isFirmwareEFI() const; Utf8Str const &i_getDetectedOSVersion(); private: ComPtr const mParent; /**< Strong reference to the parent object (VirtualBox/IMachine). */ ComPtr mMachine; /**< Strong reference to the machine object (Machine/IMachine). */ Guid mMachineUuid; /**< The machine UUID. */ RTNATIVETHREAD mhThreadReconfigureVM; /**< Set when reconfigureVM is running. */ Utf8Str mStrGuestOsTypeId; /**< Guest OS type ID (set by prepare). */ bool mfRtcUseUtc; /**< Copy of IMachine::RTCUseUTC (locking reasons). */ bool mfGuestOs64Bit; /**< 64-bit (true) or 32-bit guest OS (set by prepare). */ FirmwareType_T menmFirmwareType; /**< Firmware type BIOS/EFI (set by prepare). */ UnattendedInstaller *mpInstaller; /**< The installer instance (set by prepare, deleted by done). */ /** @name Values of the IUnattended attributes. * @{ */ Utf8Str mStrUser; Utf8Str mStrPassword; Utf8Str mStrFullUserName; Utf8Str mStrProductKey; Utf8Str mStrIsoPath; Utf8Str mStrAdditionsIsoPath; bool mfInstallGuestAdditions; bool mfInstallTestExecService; Utf8Str mStrValidationKitIsoPath; Utf8Str mStrTimeZone; PCRTTIMEZONEINFO mpTimeZoneInfo; Utf8Str mStrLocale; Utf8Str mStrLanguage; /**< (only relevant for windows at the moment) */ Utf8Str mStrCountry; RTCList mPackageSelectionAdjustments; Utf8Str mStrHostname; Utf8Str mStrAuxiliaryBasePath; bool mfIsDefaultAuxiliaryBasePath; ULONG midxImage; Utf8Str mStrScriptTemplatePath; Utf8Str mStrPostInstallScriptTemplatePath; Utf8Str mStrPostInstallCommand; Utf8Str mStrExtraInstallKernelParameters; Utf8Str mStrProxy; bool mfDoneDetectIsoOS; /**< Set by detectIsoOS(), cleared by setIsoPath(). */ Utf8Str mStrDetectedOSTypeId; Utf8Str mStrDetectedOSVersion; Utf8Str mStrDetectedOSFlavor; VBOXOSTYPE mEnmOsType; RTCList mDetectedOSLanguages; /**< (only relevant for windows at the moment) */ Utf8Str mStrDetectedOSHints; RTCList mDetectedImages; /** @} */ // wrapped IUnattended functions: /** * Checks what mStrIsoPath points to and sets the detectedOS* properties. */ HRESULT detectIsoOS(); /** * Prepare any data, environment, etc. */ HRESULT prepare(); /** * Prepare installation ISO/floppy. */ HRESULT constructMedia(); /** * Prepare a VM to run an unattended installation */ HRESULT reconfigureVM(); /** * Done with all media construction and VM configuration and stuff. */ HRESULT done(); // wrapped IUnattended attributes: HRESULT getIsoPath(com::Utf8Str &isoPath); HRESULT setIsoPath(const com::Utf8Str &isoPath); HRESULT getUser(com::Utf8Str &user); HRESULT setUser(const com::Utf8Str &user); HRESULT getPassword(com::Utf8Str &password); HRESULT setPassword(const com::Utf8Str &password); HRESULT getFullUserName(com::Utf8Str &user); HRESULT setFullUserName(const com::Utf8Str &user); HRESULT getProductKey(com::Utf8Str &productKey); HRESULT setProductKey(const com::Utf8Str &productKey); HRESULT getAdditionsIsoPath(com::Utf8Str &additionsIsoPath); HRESULT setAdditionsIsoPath(const com::Utf8Str &additionsIsoPath); HRESULT getInstallGuestAdditions(BOOL *installGuestAdditions); HRESULT setInstallGuestAdditions(BOOL installGuestAdditions); HRESULT getValidationKitIsoPath(com::Utf8Str &aValidationKitIsoPath); HRESULT setValidationKitIsoPath(const com::Utf8Str &aValidationKitIsoPath); HRESULT getInstallTestExecService(BOOL *aInstallTestExecService); HRESULT setInstallTestExecService(BOOL aInstallTestExecService); HRESULT getTimeZone(com::Utf8Str &aTimezone); HRESULT setTimeZone(const com::Utf8Str &aTimezone); HRESULT getLocale(com::Utf8Str &aLocale); HRESULT setLocale(const com::Utf8Str &aLocale); HRESULT getLanguage(com::Utf8Str &aLanguage); HRESULT setLanguage(const com::Utf8Str &aLanguage); HRESULT getCountry(com::Utf8Str &aCountry); HRESULT setCountry(const com::Utf8Str &aCountry); HRESULT getProxy(com::Utf8Str &aProxy); HRESULT setProxy(const com::Utf8Str &aProxy); HRESULT getPackageSelectionAdjustments(com::Utf8Str &aPackageSelectionAdjustments); HRESULT setPackageSelectionAdjustments(const com::Utf8Str &aPackageSelectionAdjustments); HRESULT getHostname(com::Utf8Str &aHostname); HRESULT setHostname(const com::Utf8Str &aHostname); HRESULT getAuxiliaryBasePath(com::Utf8Str &aAuxiliaryBasePath); HRESULT setAuxiliaryBasePath(const com::Utf8Str &aAuxiliaryBasePath); HRESULT getImageIndex(ULONG *index); HRESULT setImageIndex(ULONG index); HRESULT getMachine(ComPtr &aMachine); HRESULT setMachine(const ComPtr &aMachine); HRESULT getScriptTemplatePath(com::Utf8Str &aScriptTemplatePath); HRESULT setScriptTemplatePath(const com::Utf8Str &aScriptTemplatePath); HRESULT getPostInstallScriptTemplatePath(com::Utf8Str &aPostInstallScriptTemplatePath); HRESULT setPostInstallScriptTemplatePath(const com::Utf8Str &aPostInstallScriptTemplatePath); HRESULT getPostInstallCommand(com::Utf8Str &aPostInstallCommand); HRESULT setPostInstallCommand(const com::Utf8Str &aPostInstallCommand); HRESULT getExtraInstallKernelParameters(com::Utf8Str &aExtraInstallKernelParameters); HRESULT setExtraInstallKernelParameters(const com::Utf8Str &aExtraInstallKernelParameters); HRESULT getDetectedOSTypeId(com::Utf8Str &aDetectedOSTypeId); HRESULT getDetectedOSVersion(com::Utf8Str &aDetectedOSVersion); HRESULT getDetectedOSLanguages(com::Utf8Str &aDetectedOSLanguages); HRESULT getDetectedOSFlavor(com::Utf8Str &aDetectedOSFlavor); HRESULT getDetectedOSHints(com::Utf8Str &aDetectedOSHints); HRESULT getDetectedImageNames(std::vector &aDetectedImageNames); HRESULT getDetectedImageIndices(std::vector &aDetectedImageIndices); HRESULT getIsUnattendedInstallSupported(BOOL *aIsUnattendedInstallSupported); //internal functions /** * Worker for detectIsoOs(). * * @returns COM status code. * @retval S_OK if detected. * @retval S_FALSE if not detected. * * @param hVfsIso The ISO file system handle. */ HRESULT i_innerDetectIsoOS(RTVFS hVfsIso); typedef union DETECTBUFFER { char sz[4096]; char ach[4096]; uint8_t ab[4096]; uint32_t au32[1024]; } DETECTBUFFER; HRESULT i_innerDetectIsoOSWindows(RTVFS hVfsIso, DETECTBUFFER *puBuf); HRESULT i_innerDetectIsoOSLinux(RTVFS hVfsIso, DETECTBUFFER *puBuf); HRESULT i_innerDetectIsoOSOs2(RTVFS hVfsIso, DETECTBUFFER *puBuf); /** * Worker for reconfigureVM(). * The caller makes sure to close the session whatever happens. */ HRESULT i_innerReconfigureVM(AutoMultiWriteLock2 &rAutoLock, StorageBus_T enmRecommendedStorageBus, ComPtr const &rPtrSessionMachine); HRESULT i_reconfigureFloppy(com::SafeIfaceArray &rControllers, std::vector &rVecInstallatationDisks, ComPtr const &rPtrSessionMachine, AutoMultiWriteLock2 &rAutoLock); HRESULT i_reconfigureIsos(com::SafeIfaceArray &rControllers, std::vector &rVecInstallatationDisks, ComPtr const &rPtrSessionMachine, AutoMultiWriteLock2 &rAutoLock, StorageBus_T enmRecommendedStorageBus); /** * Adds all free slots on the controller to @a rOutput. */ HRESULT i_findOrCreateNeededFreeSlots(const Utf8Str &rStrControllerName, StorageBus_T enmStorageBus, ComPtr const &rPtrSessionMachine, uint32_t cSlotsNeeded, std::list &rDvdSlots); /** * Attach to VM a disk */ HRESULT i_attachImage(UnattendedInstallationDisk const *pImage, ComPtr const &rPtrSessionMachine, AutoMultiWriteLock2 &rLock); /* * Wrapper functions */ /** * Check whether guest is 64bit platform or not */ bool i_isGuestOSArchX64(Utf8Str const &rStrGuestOsTypeId); /** * Updates the detected attributes when the image index or image list changes. * * @returns true if we've got all necessary stuff for a successful detection. */ bool i_updateDetectedAttributeForImage(WIMImage const &rImage); }; #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_UnattendedImpl_h */