1 | /* $Id: UnattendedInstaller.h 71018 2018-02-14 18:42:52Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * UnattendedInstaller class header
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
20 |
21 | #include "UnattendedScript.h"
22 |
23 | /* Forward declarations */
24 | class Unattended;
25 | class UnattendedInstaller;
26 | class BaseTextScript;
27 |
28 |
29 | /**
30 | * The abstract UnattendedInstaller class declaration
31 | *
32 | * The class is intended to service a new VM that this VM will be able to
33 | * execute an unattended installation
34 | */
35 | class UnattendedInstaller : public RTCNonCopyable
36 | {
37 | /*data*/
38 | protected:
39 | /** Main unattended installation script. */
40 | UnattendedScriptTemplate mMainScript;
41 | /** Full path to the main template file (set by initInstaller). */
42 | Utf8Str mStrMainScriptTemplate;
43 |
44 | /** Post installation (shell) script. */
45 | UnattendedScriptTemplate mPostScript;
46 | /** Full path to the post template file (set by initInstaller). */
47 | Utf8Str mStrPostScriptTemplate;
48 |
49 | /** Pointer to the parent object.
50 | * We use this for setting errors and querying attributes. */
51 | Unattended *mpParent;
52 | /** The path of the extra ISO image we create (set by initInstaller).
53 | * This is only valid when isAdditionsIsoNeeded() returns true. */
54 | Utf8Str mStrAuxiliaryIsoFilePath;
55 | /** The path of the extra floppy image we create (set by initInstaller)
56 | * This is only valid when isAdditionsFloppyNeeded() returns true. */
57 | Utf8Str mStrAuxiliaryFloppyFilePath;
58 | /** The boot device. */
59 | DeviceType_T const meBootDevice;
60 | /** Default extra install kernel parameters (set by constructor).
61 | * This can be overridden by the extraInstallKernelParameters attribute of
62 | * IUnattended. */
63 | Utf8Str mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters;
64 |
65 | private:
66 | UnattendedInstaller(); /* no default constructors */
67 |
68 | public:
69 | /**
70 | * Regular constructor.
71 | *
72 | * @param pParent The parent object. Used for setting
73 | * errors and querying attributes.
74 | * @param pszMainScriptTemplateName The name of the template file (no path)
75 | * for the main unattended installer
76 | * script.
77 | * @param pszPostScriptTemplateName The name of the template file (no path)
78 | * for the post installation script.
79 | * @param pszMainScriptFilename The main unattended installer script
80 | * filename (on aux media).
81 | * @param pszPostScriptFilename The post installation script filename
82 | * (on aux media).
83 | * @param enmBootDevice The boot device type.
84 | */
85 | UnattendedInstaller(Unattended *pParent,
86 | const char *pszMainScriptTemplateName, const char *pszPostScriptTemplateName,
87 | const char *pszMainScriptFilename, const char *pszPostScriptFilename,
88 | DeviceType_T enmBootDevice = DeviceType_DVD);
89 | virtual ~UnattendedInstaller();
90 |
91 | /**
92 | * Instantiates the appropriate child class.
93 | *
94 | * @returns Pointer to the new instance, NULL if no appropriate installer.
95 | * @param enmOsType The guest OS type value.
96 | * @param strGuestOsType The guest OS type string
97 | * @param strDetectedOSVersion The detected guest OS version.
98 | * @param strDetectedOSFlavor The detected guest OS flavor.
99 | * @param strDetectedOSHints Hints about the detected guest OS.
100 | * @param pParent The parent object. Used for setting errors
101 | * and querying attributes.
102 | * @throws std::bad_alloc
103 | */
104 | static UnattendedInstaller *createInstance(VBOXOSTYPE enmOsType, const Utf8Str &strGuestOsType,
105 | const Utf8Str &strDetectedOSVersion, const Utf8Str &strDetectedOSFlavor,
106 | const Utf8Str &strDetectedOSHints, Unattended *pParent);
107 |
108 | /**
109 | * Initialize the installer.
110 | *
111 | * @note This is called immediately after instantiation and the caller will
112 | * always destroy the unattended installer instance on failure, so it
113 | * is not necessary to keep track of whether this succeeded or not.
114 | */
115 | virtual HRESULT initInstaller();
116 |
117 | #if 0 /* These are now in the AUX VISO. */
118 | /**
119 | * Whether the VBox guest additions ISO is needed or not.
120 | *
121 | * The default implementation always returns false when a VISO is used, see
122 | * UnattendedInstaller::addFilesToAuxVisoVectors.
123 | */
124 | virtual bool isAdditionsIsoNeeded() const;
125 |
126 | /**
127 | * Whether the VBox validation kit ISO is needed or not.
128 | *
129 | * The default implementation always returns false when a VISO is used, see
130 | * UnattendedInstaller::addFilesToAuxVisoVectors.
131 | */
132 | virtual bool isValidationKitIsoNeeded() const;
133 | #endif
134 |
135 | /**
136 | * Indicates whether an original installation ISO is needed or not.
137 | */
138 | virtual bool isOriginalIsoNeeded() const { return true; }
139 |
140 | /**
141 | * Indicates whether a floppy image is needed or not.
142 | */
143 | virtual bool isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded() const { return false; }
144 |
145 | /**
146 | * Indicates whether an additional or replacement ISO image is needed or not.
147 | */
148 | virtual bool isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded() const;
149 |
150 | /**
151 | * Indicates whether we should boot from the auxiliary ISO image.
152 | *
153 | * Will boot from installation ISO if false.
154 | */
155 | virtual bool bootFromAuxiliaryIso() const { return isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded(); }
156 |
157 | /**
158 | * Indicates whether a the auxiliary ISO is a .viso-file rather than an
159 | * .iso-file.
160 | *
161 | * Different worker methods are used depending on the return value. A
162 | * .viso-file is generally only used when the installation media needs to
163 | * be remastered with small changes and additions.
164 | */
165 | virtual bool isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO() const { return true; }
166 |
167 | /*
168 | * Getters
169 | */
170 | DeviceType_T getBootableDeviceType() const { return meBootDevice; }
171 | const Utf8Str &getTemplateFilePath() const { return mStrMainScriptTemplate; }
172 | const Utf8Str &getPostTemplateFilePath() const { return mStrPostScriptTemplate; }
173 | const Utf8Str &getAuxiliaryIsoFilePath() const { return mStrAuxiliaryIsoFilePath; }
174 | const Utf8Str &getAuxiliaryFloppyFilePath() const { return mStrAuxiliaryFloppyFilePath; }
175 | const Utf8Str &getDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters() const { return mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters; }
176 |
177 | /*
178 | * Setters
179 | */
180 | void setTemplatePath(const Utf8Str& data); /**< @todo r=bird: This is confusing as heck. Dir for a while, then it's a file. Not a comment about it. Brilliant. */
181 |
182 | /**
183 | * Prepares the unattended scripts, does all but write them to the installation
184 | * media.
185 | */
186 | HRESULT prepareUnattendedScripts();
187 |
188 | /**
189 | * Prepares the media - floppy image, ISO image.
190 | *
191 | * This method calls prepareAuxFloppyImage() and prepareAuxIsoImage(), child
192 | * classes may override these methods or methods they call.
193 | *
194 | * @returns COM status code.
195 | * @param fOverwrite Whether to overwrite media files or fail if they
196 | * already exist.
197 | */
198 | HRESULT prepareMedia(bool fOverwrite = true);
199 |
200 | protected:
201 | /**
202 | * Prepares (creates) the auxiliary floppy image.
203 | *
204 | * This is called by the base class prepareMedia() when
205 | * isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded() is true. The base class implementation puts the
206 | * edited unattended script onto it.
207 | */
208 | HRESULT prepareAuxFloppyImage(bool fOverwrite);
209 |
210 | /**
211 | * Creates and formats (FAT12) a floppy image, then opens a VFS for it.
212 | *
213 | * @returns COM status code.
214 | * @param pszFilename The path to the image file.
215 | * @param fOverwrite Whether to overwrite the file.
216 | * @param phVfs Where to return a writable VFS handle to the newly
217 | * created image.
218 | */
219 | HRESULT newAuxFloppyImage(const char *pszFilename, bool fOverwrite, PRTVFS phVfs);
220 |
221 | /**
222 | * Copies files to the auxiliary floppy image.
223 | *
224 | * The base class implementation copies the main and post scripts to the root of
225 | * the floppy using the default script names. Child classes may override this
226 | * to add additional or different files.
227 | *
228 | * @returns COM status code.
229 | * @param hVfs The floppy image VFS handle.
230 | */
231 | virtual HRESULT copyFilesToAuxFloppyImage(RTVFS hVfs);
232 |
233 | /**
234 | * Adds the given script to the root of the floppy image under the default
235 | * script filename.
236 | *
237 | * @returns COM status code.
238 | * @param pEditor The script to add.
239 | * @param hVfs The VFS to add it to.
240 | */
241 | HRESULT addScriptToFloppyImage(BaseTextScript *pEditor, RTVFS hVfs);
242 |
243 | /**
244 | * Prepares (creates) the auxiliary ISO image.
245 | *
246 | * This is called by the base class prepareMedia() when isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded()
247 | * is true. The base class implementation puts the edited unattended script
248 | * onto it.
249 | */
250 | virtual HRESULT prepareAuxIsoImage(bool fOverwrite);
251 |
252 | /**
253 | * Opens the installation ISO image.
254 | *
255 | * @returns COM status code.
256 | * @param phVfsIso Where to return the VFS handle for the ISO.
257 | * @param fFlags RTFSISO9660_F_XXX flags to pass to the
258 | * RTFsIso9660VolOpen API.
259 | */
260 | virtual HRESULT openInstallIsoImage(PRTVFS phVfsIso, uint32_t fFlags = 0);
261 |
262 | /**
263 | * Creates and configures the ISO maker instance.
264 | *
265 | * This can be overridden to set configure options.
266 | *
267 | * @returns COM status code.
268 | * @param phIsoMaker Where to return the ISO maker.
269 | */
270 | virtual HRESULT newAuxIsoImageMaker(PRTFSISOMAKER phIsoMaker);
271 |
272 | /**
273 | * Adds files to the auxiliary ISO image maker.
274 | *
275 | * The base class implementation copies just the mMainScript and mPostScript
276 | * files to root directory using the default filenames.
277 | *
278 | * @returns COM status code.
279 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
280 | * @param hVfsOrgIso The VFS handle to the original ISO in case files
281 | * needs to be added from it.
282 | */
283 | virtual HRESULT addFilesToAuxIsoImageMaker(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTVFS hVfsOrgIso);
284 |
285 | /**
286 | * Adds the given script to the ISO maker.
287 | *
288 | * @returns COM status code.
289 | * @param pEditor The script to add.
290 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker to add it to.
291 | * @param pszDstFilename The file name (w/ path) to add it under. If NULL,
292 | * the default script filename is used to add it to the
293 | * root.
294 | */
295 | HRESULT addScriptToIsoMaker(BaseTextScript *pEditor, RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszDstFilename = NULL);
296 |
297 | /**
298 | * Writes the ISO image to disk.
299 | *
300 | * @returns COM status code.
301 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
302 | * @param pszFilename The filename.
303 | * @param fOverwrite Whether to overwrite the destination file or not.
304 | */
305 | HRESULT finalizeAuxIsoImage(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszFilename, bool fOverwrite);
306 |
307 | /**
308 | * Adds files to the .viso-file vectors.
309 | *
310 | * The base class implementation adds the script from mAlg, additions ISO
311 | * content to '/vboxadditions', and validation kit ISO to '/vboxvalidationkit'.
312 | *
313 | * @returns COM status code.
314 | * @param rVecArgs The ISO maker argument list that will be turned into
315 | * a .viso-file.
316 | * @param rVecFiles The list of files we've created. This is for
317 | * cleaning up at the end.
318 | * @param hVfsOrgIso The VFS handle to the original ISO in case files
319 | * needs to be added from it.
320 | * @param fOverwrite Whether to overwrite files or not.
321 | */
322 | virtual HRESULT addFilesToAuxVisoVectors(RTCList<RTCString> &rVecArgs, RTCList<RTCString> &rVecFiles,
323 | RTVFS hVfsOrgIso, bool fOverwrite);
324 |
325 | /**
326 | * Saves the given script to disk and adds it to the .viso-file vectors.
327 | *
328 | * @returns COM status code.
329 | * @param pEditor The script to add.
330 | * @param rVecArgs The ISO maker argument list that will be turned into
331 | * a .viso-file.
332 | * @param rVecFiles The list of files we've created. This is for
333 | * cleaning up at the end.
334 | * @param fOverwrite Whether to overwrite files or not.
335 | */
336 | HRESULT addScriptToVisoVectors(BaseTextScript *pEditor, RTCList<RTCString> &rVecArgs,
337 | RTCList<RTCString> &rVecFiles, bool fOverwrite);
338 |
339 | /**
340 | * Writes out the .viso-file to disk.
341 | *
342 | * @returns COM status code.
343 | * @param rVecArgs The ISO maker argument list to write out.
344 | * @param pszFilename The filename.
345 | * @param fOverwrite Whether to overwrite the destination file or not.
346 | */
347 | HRESULT finalizeAuxVisoFile(RTCList<RTCString> const &rVecArgs, const char *pszFilename, bool fOverwrite);
348 |
349 | /**
350 | * Loads @a pszFilename from @a hVfsOrgIso into @a pEditor and parses it.
351 | *
352 | * @returns COM status code.
353 | * @param hVfsOrgIso The handle to the original installation ISO.
354 | * @param pszFilename The filename to open and load from the ISO.
355 | * @param pEditor The editor instance to load the file into and
356 | * do the parseing with.
357 | */
358 | HRESULT loadAndParseFileFromIso(RTVFS hVfsOrgIso, const char *pszFilename, AbstractScript *pEditor);
359 | };
360 |
361 |
362 | /**
363 | * Windows installer, for versions up to xp 64 / w2k3.
364 | */
365 | class UnattendedWindowsSifInstaller : public UnattendedInstaller
366 | {
367 | public:
368 | UnattendedWindowsSifInstaller(Unattended *pParent)
369 | : UnattendedInstaller(pParent,
370 | "win_nt5_unattended.sif", "win_postinstall.cmd",
372 | { Assert(isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO()); Assert(!bootFromAuxiliaryIso()); }
373 | ~UnattendedWindowsSifInstaller() {}
374 |
375 | bool isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded() const { return true; }
376 | bool bootFromAuxiliaryIso() const { return false; }
377 |
378 | };
379 |
380 | /**
381 | * Windows installer, for versions starting with Vista.
382 | */
383 | class UnattendedWindowsXmlInstaller : public UnattendedInstaller
384 | {
385 | public:
386 | UnattendedWindowsXmlInstaller(Unattended *pParent)
387 | : UnattendedInstaller(pParent,
388 | "win_nt6_unattended.xml", "win_postinstall.cmd",
389 | "autounattend.xml", "VBOXPOST.CMD")
390 | { Assert(isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO()); Assert(!bootFromAuxiliaryIso()); }
391 | ~UnattendedWindowsXmlInstaller() {}
392 |
393 | bool isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded() const { return true; }
394 | bool bootFromAuxiliaryIso() const { return false; }
395 | };
396 |
397 |
398 | /**
399 | * Base class for the unattended linux installers.
400 | */
401 | class UnattendedLinuxInstaller : public UnattendedInstaller
402 | {
403 | protected:
404 | /** Array of linux parameter patterns that should be removed by editIsoLinuxCfg.
405 | * The patterns are proceed by RTStrSimplePatternNMatch. */
406 | RTCList<RTCString, RTCString *> mArrStrRemoveInstallKernelParameters;
407 |
408 | public:
409 | UnattendedLinuxInstaller(Unattended *pParent,
410 | const char *pszMainScriptTemplateName, const char *pszPostScriptTemplateName,
411 | const char *pszMainScriptFilename, const char *pszPostScriptFilename = "vboxpostinstall.sh")
412 | : UnattendedInstaller(pParent,
413 | pszMainScriptTemplateName, pszPostScriptTemplateName,
414 | pszMainScriptFilename, pszPostScriptFilename) {}
415 | ~UnattendedLinuxInstaller() {}
416 |
417 | bool isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded() const { return true; }
418 |
419 | protected:
420 | /**
421 | * Performs basic edits on a isolinux.cfg file.
422 | *
423 | * @returns COM status code
424 | * @param pEditor Editor with the isolinux.cfg file loaded and parsed.
425 | */
426 | virtual HRESULT editIsoLinuxCfg(GeneralTextScript *pEditor);
427 | };
428 |
429 |
430 | /**
431 | * Debian installer.
432 | *
433 | * This will remaster the orignal ISO and therefore be producing a .viso-file.
434 | */
435 | class UnattendedDebianInstaller : public UnattendedLinuxInstaller
436 | {
437 | public:
438 | UnattendedDebianInstaller(Unattended *pParent,
439 | const char *pszMainScriptTemplateName = "debian_preseed.cfg",
440 | const char *pszPostScriptTemplateName = "debian_postinstall.sh",
441 | const char *pszMainScriptFilename = "preseed.cfg")
442 | : UnattendedLinuxInstaller(pParent, pszMainScriptTemplateName, pszPostScriptTemplateName, pszMainScriptFilename)
443 | {
444 | Assert(!isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded());
445 | Assert(!isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO());
446 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters.setNull();
447 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " auto=true";
448 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters.append(" preseed/file=/cdrom/").append(pszMainScriptFilename);
449 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " priority=critical";
450 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " quiet";
451 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " splash";
452 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " noprompt"; /* no questions about things like CD/DVD ejections */
453 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " noshell"; /* No shells on VT1-3 (debian, not ubuntu). */
454 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " automatic-ubiquity"; // ubiquity
455 | // the following can probably go into the preseed.cfg:
456 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters.append(" debian-installer/locale=").append(pParent->i_getLocale());
457 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=us";
458 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " languagechooser/language-name=English"; /** @todo fixme */
459 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters.append(" localechooser/supported-locales=").append(pParent->i_getLocale()).append(".UTF-8");
460 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters.append(" countrychooser/shortlist=").append(pParent->i_getCountry()); // ubiquity?
461 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters += " --";
462 | }
463 | ~UnattendedDebianInstaller() {}
464 |
465 | bool isOriginalIsoNeeded() const { return false; }
466 |
467 | protected:
468 | HRESULT addFilesToAuxVisoVectors(RTCList<RTCString> &rVecArgs, RTCList<RTCString> &rVecFiles,
469 | RTVFS hVfsOrgIso, bool fOverwrite);
470 | HRESULT editDebianTxtCfg(GeneralTextScript *pEditor);
471 |
472 | };
473 |
474 |
475 | /**
476 | * Ubuntu installer (same as debian, except for the template).
477 | */
478 | class UnattendedUbuntuInstaller : public UnattendedDebianInstaller
479 | {
480 | public:
481 | UnattendedUbuntuInstaller(Unattended *pParent)
482 | : UnattendedDebianInstaller(pParent, "ubuntu_preseed.cfg")
483 | { Assert(!isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded()); Assert(!isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO()); }
484 | ~UnattendedUbuntuInstaller() {}
485 | };
486 |
487 |
488 | /**
489 | * RHEL 6 and 7 installer.
490 | *
491 | * This serves as a base for the kickstart based installers.
492 | */
493 | class UnattendedRhel6And7Installer : public UnattendedLinuxInstaller
494 | {
495 | public:
496 | UnattendedRhel6And7Installer(Unattended *pParent,
497 | const char *pszMainScriptTemplateName = "redhat67_ks.cfg",
498 | const char *pszPostScriptTemplateName = "redhat_postinstall.sh",
499 | const char *pszMainScriptFilename = "ks.cfg")
500 | : UnattendedLinuxInstaller(pParent, pszMainScriptTemplateName, pszPostScriptTemplateName, pszMainScriptFilename)
501 | {
502 | Assert(!isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded());
503 | Assert(!isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO());
504 | mStrDefaultExtraInstallKernelParameters.assign(" ks=cdrom:/").append(pszMainScriptFilename).append(' ');
505 | mArrStrRemoveInstallKernelParameters.append("rd.live.check"); /* Disables the checkisomd5 step. Required for VISO. */
506 | }
507 | ~UnattendedRhel6And7Installer() {}
508 |
509 | bool isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO() { return true; }
510 | bool isOriginalIsoNeeded() const { return false; }
511 |
512 | protected:
513 | HRESULT addFilesToAuxVisoVectors(RTCList<RTCString> &rVecArgs, RTCList<RTCString> &rVecFiles,
514 | RTVFS hVfsOrgIso, bool fOverwrite);
515 | };
516 |
517 |
518 | /**
519 | * RHEL 5 installer (same as RHEL 6 & 7, except for the kickstart template).
520 | */
521 | class UnattendedRhel5Installer : public UnattendedRhel6And7Installer
522 | {
523 | public:
524 | UnattendedRhel5Installer(Unattended *pParent) : UnattendedRhel6And7Installer(pParent, "rhel5_ks.cfg") {}
525 | ~UnattendedRhel5Installer() {}
526 | };
527 |
528 |
529 | /**
530 | * RHEL 4 installer (same as RHEL 6 & 7, except for the kickstart template).
531 | */
532 | class UnattendedRhel4Installer : public UnattendedRhel6And7Installer
533 | {
534 | public:
535 | UnattendedRhel4Installer(Unattended *pParent) : UnattendedRhel6And7Installer(pParent, "rhel4_ks.cfg") {}
536 | ~UnattendedRhel4Installer() {}
537 | };
538 |
539 |
540 | /**
541 | * RHEL 3 installer (same as RHEL 6 & 7, except for the kickstart template).
542 | */
543 | class UnattendedRhel3Installer : public UnattendedRhel6And7Installer
544 | {
545 | public:
546 | UnattendedRhel3Installer(Unattended *pParent) : UnattendedRhel6And7Installer(pParent, "rhel3_ks.cfg") {}
547 | ~UnattendedRhel3Installer() {}
548 | };
549 |
550 |
551 | /**
552 | * Fedora installer (same as RHEL 6 & 7, except for the template).
553 | */
554 | class UnattendedFedoraInstaller : public UnattendedRhel6And7Installer
555 | {
556 | public:
557 | UnattendedFedoraInstaller(Unattended *pParent)
558 | : UnattendedRhel6And7Installer(pParent, "fedora_ks.cfg")
559 | { Assert(!isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded()); Assert(!isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO()); }
560 | ~UnattendedFedoraInstaller() {}
561 | };
562 |
563 |
564 | /**
565 | * Oracle Linux installer (same as RHEL 6 & 7, except for the template).
566 | */
567 | class UnattendedOracleLinuxInstaller : public UnattendedRhel6And7Installer
568 | {
569 | public:
570 | UnattendedOracleLinuxInstaller(Unattended *pParent)
571 | : UnattendedRhel6And7Installer(pParent, "ol_ks.cfg")
572 | { Assert(!isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded()); Assert(!isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO()); }
573 | ~UnattendedOracleLinuxInstaller() {}
574 | };
575 |
576 |
577 | #if 0 /* fixme */
578 | /**
579 | * SUSE linux installer.
580 | *
581 | * @todo needs fixing.
582 | */
583 | class UnattendedSuseInstaller : public UnattendedLinuxInstaller
584 | {
585 | public:
586 | UnattendedSuseInstaller(BaseTextScript *pAlg, Unattended *pParent)
587 | : UnattendedLinuxInstaller(pAlg, pParent, "suse_autoinstall.xml")
588 | { Assert(isOriginalIsoNeeded()); Assert(isAuxiliaryIsoNeeded()); Assert(!isAuxiliaryFloppyNeeded()); Assert(!isAuxiliaryIsoIsVISO()); }
589 | ~UnattendedSuseInstaller() {}
590 |
591 | HRESULT setupScriptOnAuxiliaryCD(const Utf8Str &path);
592 | };
593 | #endif
594 |
595 | #endif // !____H_UNATTENDEDINSTALLER
596 |