/* $Id: VirtualBoxImpl.h 53354 2014-11-19 18:32:03Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ____H_VIRTUALBOXIMPL #define ____H_VIRTUALBOXIMPL #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "objectslist.h" #include "VirtualBoxWrap.h" #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS # include "win/resource.h" #endif namespace com { class Event; class EventQueue; } class SessionMachine; class GuestOSType; class Progress; class Host; class SystemProperties; class DHCPServer; class PerformanceCollector; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK class ExtPackManager; #endif class AutostartDb; class NATNetwork; typedef std::list > SessionMachinesList; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS class SVCHlpClient; #endif namespace settings { class MainConfigFile; struct MediaRegistry; } class ATL_NO_VTABLE VirtualBox : public VirtualBoxWrap #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS , public CComCoClass #endif { public: typedef std::list > InternalControlList; typedef ObjectsList MachinesOList; class CallbackEvent; friend class CallbackEvent; DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON(VirtualBox) DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID(IDR_VIRTUALBOX) // Kind of redundant (VirtualBoxWrap declares itself not aggregatable and // CComCoClass as aggregatable, the former // is the first inheritance), but the C++ multiple inheritance rules and // the class factory in svcmain.cpp needs this to disambiguate. DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(VirtualBox) // to postpone generation of the default ctor/dtor DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR(VirtualBox) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); /* public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only */ HRESULT init(); HRESULT initMachines(); HRESULT initMedia(const Guid &uuidMachineRegistry, const settings::MediaRegistry mediaRegistry, const Utf8Str &strMachineFolder); void uninit(); /* public methods only for internal purposes */ /** * Override of the default locking class to be used for validating lock * order with the standard member lock handle. */ virtual VBoxLockingClass getLockingClass() const { return LOCKCLASS_VIRTUALBOXOBJECT; } #ifdef DEBUG void i_dumpAllBackRefs(); #endif HRESULT i_postEvent(Event *event); HRESULT i_addProgress(IProgress *aProgress); HRESULT i_removeProgress(IN_GUID aId); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS typedef DECLCALLBACKPTR(HRESULT, SVCHelperClientFunc) (SVCHlpClient *aClient, Progress *aProgress, void *aUser, int *aVrc); HRESULT i_startSVCHelperClient(bool aPrivileged, SVCHelperClientFunc aFunc, void *aUser, Progress *aProgress); #endif void i_addProcessToReap(RTPROCESS pid); void i_updateClientWatcher(); int i_loadVDPlugin(const char *pszPluginLibrary); int i_unloadVDPlugin(const char *pszPluginLibrary); void i_onMachineStateChange(const Guid &aId, MachineState_T aState); void i_onMachineDataChange(const Guid &aId, BOOL aTemporary = FALSE); BOOL i_onExtraDataCanChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue, Bstr &aError); void i_onExtraDataChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue); void i_onMachineRegistered(const Guid &aId, BOOL aRegistered); void i_onSessionStateChange(const Guid &aId, SessionState_T aState); void i_onSnapshotTaken(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId); void i_onSnapshotDeleted(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId); void i_onSnapshotChange(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId); void i_onGuestPropertyChange(const Guid &aMachineId, IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aValue, IN_BSTR aFlags); void i_onNatRedirectChange(const Guid &aMachineId, ULONG ulSlot, bool fRemove, IN_BSTR aName, NATProtocol_T aProto, IN_BSTR aHostIp, uint16_t aHostPort, IN_BSTR aGuestIp, uint16_t aGuestPort); void i_onNATNetworkChange(IN_BSTR aNetworkName); void i_onNATNetworkStartStop(IN_BSTR aNetworkName, BOOL aStart); void i_onNATNetworkSetting(IN_BSTR aNetworkName, BOOL aEnabled, IN_BSTR aNetwork, IN_BSTR aGateway, BOOL aAdvertiseDefaultIpv6RouteEnabled, BOOL fNeedDhcpServer); void i_onNATNetworkPortForward(IN_BSTR aNetworkName, BOOL create, BOOL fIpv6, IN_BSTR aRuleName, NATProtocol_T proto, IN_BSTR aHostIp, LONG aHostPort, IN_BSTR aGuestIp, LONG aGuestPort); void i_onHostNameResolutionConfigurationChange(); int i_natNetworkRefInc(IN_BSTR aNetworkName); int i_natNetworkRefDec(IN_BSTR aNetworkName); ComObjPtr i_getUnknownOSType(); void i_getOpenedMachines(SessionMachinesList &aMachines, InternalControlList *aControls = NULL); MachinesOList &i_getMachinesList(); HRESULT i_findMachine(const Guid &aId, bool fPermitInaccessible, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aMachine = NULL); HRESULT i_findMachineByName(const Utf8Str &aName, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aMachine = NULL); HRESULT i_validateMachineGroup(const Utf8Str &aGroup, bool fPrimary); HRESULT i_convertMachineGroups(const std::vector aMachineGroups, StringsList *pllMachineGroups); HRESULT i_findHardDiskById(const Guid &id, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aHardDisk = NULL); HRESULT i_findHardDiskByLocation(const Utf8Str &strLocation, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aHardDisk = NULL); HRESULT i_findDVDOrFloppyImage(DeviceType_T mediumType, const Guid *aId, const Utf8Str &aLocation, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aImage = NULL); HRESULT i_findRemoveableMedium(DeviceType_T mediumType, const Guid &uuid, bool fRefresh, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr &pMedium); HRESULT i_findGuestOSType(const Bstr &bstrOSType, GuestOSType*& pGuestOSType); const Guid &i_getGlobalRegistryId() const; const ComObjPtr& i_host() const; SystemProperties* i_getSystemProperties() const; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK ExtPackManager* i_getExtPackManager() const; #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API const ComObjPtr& i_performanceCollector() const; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API */ void i_getDefaultMachineFolder(Utf8Str &str) const; void i_getDefaultHardDiskFormat(Utf8Str &str) const; /** Returns the VirtualBox home directory */ const Utf8Str& i_homeDir() const; int i_calculateFullPath(const Utf8Str &strPath, Utf8Str &aResult); void i_copyPathRelativeToConfig(const Utf8Str &strSource, Utf8Str &strTarget); HRESULT i_registerMedium(const ComObjPtr &pMedium, ComObjPtr *ppMedium, DeviceType_T argType, AutoWriteLock &mediaTreeLock); HRESULT i_unregisterMedium(Medium *pMedium); void i_pushMediumToListWithChildren(MediaList &llMedia, Medium *pMedium); HRESULT i_unregisterMachineMedia(const Guid &id); HRESULT i_unregisterMachine(Machine *pMachine, const Guid &id); void i_rememberMachineNameChangeForMedia(const Utf8Str &strOldConfigDir, const Utf8Str &strNewConfigDir); void i_saveMediaRegistry(settings::MediaRegistry &mediaRegistry, const Guid &uuidRegistry, const Utf8Str &strMachineFolder); HRESULT i_saveSettings(); void i_markRegistryModified(const Guid &uuid); void i_saveModifiedRegistries(); static const com::Utf8Str &i_getVersionNormalized(); static HRESULT i_ensureFilePathExists(const Utf8Str &strFileName, bool fCreate); const Utf8Str& i_settingsFilePath(); AutostartDb* i_getAutostartDb() const; RWLockHandle& i_getMachinesListLockHandle(); RWLockHandle& i_getMediaTreeLockHandle(); int i_encryptSetting(const Utf8Str &aPlaintext, Utf8Str *aCiphertext); int i_decryptSetting(Utf8Str *aPlaintext, const Utf8Str &aCiphertext); void i_storeSettingsKey(const Utf8Str &aKey); bool i_isMediaUuidInUse(const Guid &aId, DeviceType_T deviceType); private: class ClientWatcher; // wrapped IVirtualBox properties HRESULT getVersion(com::Utf8Str &aVersion); HRESULT getVersionNormalized(com::Utf8Str &aVersionNormalized); HRESULT getRevision(ULONG *aRevision); HRESULT getPackageType(com::Utf8Str &aPackageType); HRESULT getAPIVersion(com::Utf8Str &aAPIVersion); HRESULT getHomeFolder(com::Utf8Str &aHomeFolder); HRESULT getSettingsFilePath(com::Utf8Str &aSettingsFilePath); HRESULT getHost(ComPtr &aHost); HRESULT getSystemProperties(ComPtr &aSystemProperties); HRESULT getMachines(std::vector > &aMachines); HRESULT getMachineGroups(std::vector &aMachineGroups); HRESULT getHardDisks(std::vector > &aHardDisks); HRESULT getDVDImages(std::vector > &aDVDImages); HRESULT getFloppyImages(std::vector > &aFloppyImages); HRESULT getProgressOperations(std::vector > &aProgressOperations); HRESULT getGuestOSTypes(std::vector > &aGuestOSTypes); HRESULT getSharedFolders(std::vector > &aSharedFolders); HRESULT getPerformanceCollector(ComPtr &aPerformanceCollector); HRESULT getDHCPServers(std::vector > &aDHCPServers); HRESULT getNATNetworks(std::vector > &aNATNetworks); HRESULT getEventSource(ComPtr &aEventSource); HRESULT getExtensionPackManager(ComPtr &aExtensionPackManager); HRESULT getInternalNetworks(std::vector &aInternalNetworks); HRESULT getGenericNetworkDrivers(std::vector &aGenericNetworkDrivers); // wrapped IVirtualBox methods HRESULT composeMachineFilename(const com::Utf8Str &aName, const com::Utf8Str &aGroup, const com::Utf8Str &aCreateFlags, const com::Utf8Str &aBaseFolder, com::Utf8Str &aFile); HRESULT createMachine(const com::Utf8Str &aSettingsFile, const com::Utf8Str &aName, const std::vector &aGroups, const com::Utf8Str &aOsTypeId, const com::Utf8Str &aFlags, ComPtr &aMachine); HRESULT openMachine(const com::Utf8Str &aSettingsFile, ComPtr &aMachine); HRESULT registerMachine(const ComPtr &aMachine); HRESULT findMachine(const com::Utf8Str &aNameOrId, ComPtr &aMachine); HRESULT getMachinesByGroups(const std::vector &aGroups, std::vector > &aMachines); HRESULT getMachineStates(const std::vector > &aMachines, std::vector &aStates); HRESULT createAppliance(ComPtr &aAppliance); HRESULT createHardDisk(const com::Utf8Str &aFormat, const com::Utf8Str &aLocation, ComPtr &aMedium); HRESULT createMedium(const com::Utf8Str &aFormat, const com::Utf8Str &aLocation, AccessMode_T aAccessMode, BOOL aForceNewUuid, DeviceType_T aDeviceType, ComPtr &aMedium); HRESULT openMedium(const com::Utf8Str &aLocation, DeviceType_T aDeviceType, AccessMode_T aAccessMode, BOOL aForceNewUuid, ComPtr &aMedium); HRESULT getGuestOSType(const com::Utf8Str &aId, ComPtr &aType); HRESULT createSharedFolder(const com::Utf8Str &aName, const com::Utf8Str &aHostPath, BOOL aWritable, BOOL aAutomount); HRESULT removeSharedFolder(const com::Utf8Str &aName); HRESULT getExtraDataKeys(std::vector &aKeys); HRESULT getExtraData(const com::Utf8Str &aKey, com::Utf8Str &aValue); HRESULT setExtraData(const com::Utf8Str &aKey, const com::Utf8Str &aValue); HRESULT setSettingsSecret(const com::Utf8Str &aPassword); HRESULT createDHCPServer(const com::Utf8Str &aName, ComPtr &aServer); HRESULT findDHCPServerByNetworkName(const com::Utf8Str &aName, ComPtr &aServer); HRESULT removeDHCPServer(const ComPtr &aServer); HRESULT createNATNetwork(const com::Utf8Str &aNetworkName, ComPtr &aNetwork); HRESULT findNATNetworkByName(const com::Utf8Str &aNetworkName, ComPtr &aNetwork); HRESULT removeNATNetwork(const ComPtr &aNetwork); HRESULT checkFirmwarePresent(FirmwareType_T aFirmwareType, const com::Utf8Str &aVersion, com::Utf8Str &aUrl, com::Utf8Str &aFile, BOOL *aResult); static HRESULT i_setErrorStatic(HRESULT aResultCode, const Utf8Str &aText) { return setErrorInternal(aResultCode, getStaticClassIID(), getStaticComponentName(), aText, false, true); } HRESULT i_registerMachine(Machine *aMachine); HRESULT i_registerDHCPServer(DHCPServer *aDHCPServer, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT i_unregisterDHCPServer(DHCPServer *aDHCPServer); HRESULT i_registerNATNetwork(NATNetwork *aNATNetwork, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT i_unregisterNATNetwork(NATNetwork *aNATNetwork, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT i_checkMediaForConflicts(const Guid &aId, const Utf8Str &aLocation, Utf8Str &aConflictType, ComObjPtr *pDupMedium); int i_decryptSettings(); int i_decryptMediumSettings(Medium *pMedium); int i_decryptSettingBytes(uint8_t *aPlaintext, const uint8_t *aCiphertext, size_t aCiphertextSize) const; int i_encryptSettingBytes(const uint8_t *aPlaintext, uint8_t *aCiphertext, size_t aPlaintextSize, size_t aCiphertextSize) const; struct Data; // opaque data structure, defined in VirtualBoxImpl.cpp Data *m; /* static variables (defined in VirtualBoxImpl.cpp) */ static com::Utf8Str sVersion; static com::Utf8Str sVersionNormalized; static ULONG sRevision; static com::Utf8Str sPackageType; static com::Utf8Str sAPIVersion; static std::map sNatNetworkNameToRefCount; static RWLockHandle* spMtxNatNetworkNameToRefCountLock; static DECLCALLBACK(int) AsyncEventHandler(RTTHREAD thread, void *pvUser); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS static DECLCALLBACK(int) SVCHelperClientThread(RTTHREAD aThread, void *aUser); #endif }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // !____H_VIRTUALBOXIMPL