1 | /* $Id: VirtualBoxImpl.h 78942 2019-06-03 19:10:19Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VirtualBox COM class implementation
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef MAIN_INCLUDED_VirtualBoxImpl_h
19 | #define MAIN_INCLUDED_VirtualBoxImpl_h
21 | # pragma once
22 | #endif
23 |
24 | #include "VirtualBoxBase.h"
25 | #include "objectslist.h"
26 | #include "VirtualBoxWrap.h"
27 |
28 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
29 | # include "win/resource.h"
30 | #endif
31 |
32 | //#ifdef DEBUG_bird
34 | //#endif
35 |
36 | namespace com
37 | {
38 | class Event;
39 | class EventQueue;
40 | }
41 |
42 | class SessionMachine;
43 | class GuestOSType;
44 | class Progress;
45 | class Host;
46 | class SystemProperties;
47 | class DHCPServer;
48 | class PerformanceCollector;
49 | class CloudProviderManager;
51 | class ExtPackManager;
52 | #endif
53 | class AutostartDb;
54 | class NATNetwork;
55 |
56 |
57 | typedef std::list<ComObjPtr<SessionMachine> > SessionMachinesList;
58 |
59 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
60 | class SVCHlpClient;
61 | #endif
62 |
63 | namespace settings
64 | {
65 | class MainConfigFile;
66 | struct MediaRegistry;
67 | }
68 |
69 |
70 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_SDS) && !defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
71 | class VirtualBoxClassFactory; /* See ../src-server/win/svcmain.cpp */
72 | #endif
73 |
75 | struct SharedClipboardAreaData;
76 | #endif
77 |
78 | class ATL_NO_VTABLE VirtualBox :
79 | public VirtualBoxWrap
80 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
81 | , public ATL::CComCoClass<VirtualBox, &CLSID_VirtualBox>
82 | #endif
83 | {
84 |
85 | public:
86 |
87 | typedef std::list<ComPtr<IInternalSessionControl> > InternalControlList;
88 | typedef ObjectsList<Machine> MachinesOList;
89 |
90 | class CallbackEvent;
91 | friend class CallbackEvent;
92 |
93 | #ifndef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
94 | # ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
95 | DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_EX(VirtualBoxClassFactory)
96 | # else
98 | # endif
99 | #endif
100 |
101 | // Do not use any ATL registry support.
103 |
104 | // Kind of redundant (VirtualBoxWrap declares itself not aggregatable and
105 | // CComCoClass<VirtualBox, &CLSID_VirtualBox> as aggregatable, the former
106 | // is the first inheritance), but the C++ multiple inheritance rules and
107 | // the class factory in svcmain.cpp needs this to disambiguate.
109 |
110 | // to postpone generation of the default ctor/dtor
112 |
113 | HRESULT FinalConstruct();
114 | void FinalRelease();
115 |
116 | // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only
117 | HRESULT init();
118 | HRESULT initMachines();
119 | HRESULT initMedia(const Guid &uuidMachineRegistry,
120 | const settings::MediaRegistry &mediaRegistry,
121 | const Utf8Str &strMachineFolder);
122 | void uninit();
123 |
124 | // public methods only for internal purposes
125 |
126 | /**
127 | * Override of the default locking class to be used for validating lock
128 | * order with the standard member lock handle.
129 | */
130 | virtual VBoxLockingClass getLockingClass() const
131 | {
133 | }
134 |
135 | #ifdef DEBUG
136 | void i_dumpAllBackRefs();
137 | #endif
138 |
139 | HRESULT i_postEvent(Event *event);
140 |
141 | HRESULT i_addProgress(IProgress *aProgress);
142 | HRESULT i_removeProgress(IN_GUID aId);
143 |
144 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
145 | typedef DECLCALLBACKPTR(HRESULT, SVCHelperClientFunc)
146 | (SVCHlpClient *aClient, Progress *aProgress, void *aUser, int *aVrc);
147 | HRESULT i_startSVCHelperClient(bool aPrivileged,
148 | SVCHelperClientFunc aFunc,
149 | void *aUser, Progress *aProgress);
150 | #endif
151 |
152 | void i_addProcessToReap(RTPROCESS pid);
153 | void i_updateClientWatcher();
154 |
155 | int i_loadVDPlugin(const char *pszPluginLibrary);
156 | int i_unloadVDPlugin(const char *pszPluginLibrary);
157 |
158 | void i_onMediumRegistered(const Guid &aMediumId, const DeviceType_T aDevType, const BOOL aRegistered);
159 | void i_onMediumConfigChanged(IMedium *aMedium);
160 | void i_onMediumChanged(IMediumAttachment* aMediumAttachment);
161 | void i_onStorageControllerChanged(const Guid &aMachineId, const com::Utf8Str &aControllerName);
162 | void i_onStorageDeviceChanged(IMediumAttachment* aStorageDevice, const BOOL fRemoved, const BOOL fSilent);
163 | void i_onMachineStateChange(const Guid &aId, MachineState_T aState);
164 | void i_onMachineDataChange(const Guid &aId, BOOL aTemporary = FALSE);
165 | BOOL i_onExtraDataCanChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue,
166 | Bstr &aError);
167 | void i_onExtraDataChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue);
168 | void i_onMachineRegistered(const Guid &aId, BOOL aRegistered);
169 | void i_onSessionStateChange(const Guid &aId, SessionState_T aState);
170 |
171 | void i_onSnapshotTaken(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId);
172 | void i_onSnapshotDeleted(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId);
173 | void i_onSnapshotRestored(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId);
174 | void i_onSnapshotChange(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId);
175 |
177 | int i_clipboardAreaCreate(SharedClipboardAreaData &AreaData, uint32_t fFlags);
178 | int i_clipboardAreaDestroy(SharedClipboardAreaData &AreaData);
179 |
180 | HRESULT i_onClipboardAreaRegister(const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aParms, ULONG *aID);
181 | HRESULT i_onClipboardAreaUnregister(ULONG aID);
182 | HRESULT i_onClipboardAreaAttach(ULONG aID);
183 | HRESULT i_onClipboardAreaDetach(ULONG aID);
184 | ULONG i_onClipboardAreaGetMostRecent(void);
185 | ULONG i_onClipboardAreaGetRefCount(ULONG aID);
187 |
188 | void i_onGuestPropertyChange(const Guid &aMachineId, IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aValue,
189 | IN_BSTR aFlags);
190 | void i_onNatRedirectChange(const Guid &aMachineId, ULONG ulSlot, bool fRemove, IN_BSTR aName,
191 | NATProtocol_T aProto, IN_BSTR aHostIp, uint16_t aHostPort,
192 | IN_BSTR aGuestIp, uint16_t aGuestPort);
193 | void i_onNATNetworkChange(IN_BSTR aNetworkName);
194 | void i_onNATNetworkStartStop(IN_BSTR aNetworkName, BOOL aStart);
195 | void i_onNATNetworkSetting(IN_BSTR aNetworkName, BOOL aEnabled, IN_BSTR aNetwork,
196 | IN_BSTR aGateway, BOOL aAdvertiseDefaultIpv6RouteEnabled,
197 | BOOL fNeedDhcpServer);
198 | void i_onNATNetworkPortForward(IN_BSTR aNetworkName, BOOL create, BOOL fIpv6,
199 | IN_BSTR aRuleName, NATProtocol_T proto,
200 | IN_BSTR aHostIp, LONG aHostPort,
201 | IN_BSTR aGuestIp, LONG aGuestPort);
202 | void i_onHostNameResolutionConfigurationChange();
203 |
204 | int i_natNetworkRefInc(const Utf8Str &aNetworkName);
205 | int i_natNetworkRefDec(const Utf8Str &aNetworkName);
206 |
207 | ComObjPtr<GuestOSType> i_getUnknownOSType();
208 |
209 | void i_getOpenedMachines(SessionMachinesList &aMachines,
210 | InternalControlList *aControls = NULL);
211 | MachinesOList &i_getMachinesList();
212 |
213 | HRESULT i_findMachine(const Guid &aId,
214 | bool fPermitInaccessible,
215 | bool aSetError,
216 | ComObjPtr<Machine> *aMachine = NULL);
217 |
218 | HRESULT i_findMachineByName(const Utf8Str &aName,
219 | bool aSetError,
220 | ComObjPtr<Machine> *aMachine = NULL);
221 |
222 | HRESULT i_validateMachineGroup(const com::Utf8Str &aGroup, bool fPrimary);
223 | HRESULT i_convertMachineGroups(const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> aMachineGroups, StringsList *pllMachineGroups);
224 |
225 | HRESULT i_findHardDiskById(const Guid &id,
226 | bool aSetError,
227 | ComObjPtr<Medium> *aHardDisk = NULL);
228 | HRESULT i_findHardDiskByLocation(const Utf8Str &strLocation,
229 | bool aSetError,
230 | ComObjPtr<Medium> *aHardDisk = NULL);
231 | HRESULT i_findDVDOrFloppyImage(DeviceType_T mediumType,
232 | const Guid *aId,
233 | const Utf8Str &aLocation,
234 | bool aSetError,
235 | ComObjPtr<Medium> *aImage = NULL);
236 | HRESULT i_findRemoveableMedium(DeviceType_T mediumType,
237 | const Guid &uuid,
238 | bool fRefresh,
239 | bool aSetError,
240 | ComObjPtr<Medium> &pMedium);
241 |
242 | HRESULT i_findGuestOSType(const Utf8Str &strOSType,
243 | ComObjPtr<GuestOSType> &guestOSType);
244 |
245 | const Guid &i_getGlobalRegistryId() const;
246 |
247 | const ComObjPtr<Host> &i_host() const;
248 | SystemProperties *i_getSystemProperties() const;
249 | CloudProviderManager *i_getCloudProviderManager() const;
250 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK
251 | ExtPackManager *i_getExtPackManager() const;
252 | #endif
254 | const ComObjPtr<PerformanceCollector> &i_performanceCollector() const;
256 |
257 | void i_getDefaultMachineFolder(Utf8Str &str) const;
258 | void i_getDefaultHardDiskFormat(Utf8Str &str) const;
259 |
260 | /** Returns the VirtualBox home directory */
261 | const Utf8Str &i_homeDir() const;
262 | int i_calculateFullPath(const Utf8Str &strPath, Utf8Str &aResult);
263 | void i_copyPathRelativeToConfig(const Utf8Str &strSource, Utf8Str &strTarget);
264 | HRESULT i_registerMedium(const ComObjPtr<Medium> &pMedium, ComObjPtr<Medium> *ppMedium,
265 | AutoWriteLock &mediaTreeLock);
266 | HRESULT i_unregisterMedium(Medium *pMedium);
267 | void i_pushMediumToListWithChildren(MediaList &llMedia, Medium *pMedium);
268 | HRESULT i_unregisterMachineMedia(const Guid &id);
269 | HRESULT i_unregisterMachine(Machine *pMachine, const Guid &id);
270 | void i_rememberMachineNameChangeForMedia(const Utf8Str &strOldConfigDir,
271 | const Utf8Str &strNewConfigDir);
272 | void i_saveMediaRegistry(settings::MediaRegistry &mediaRegistry,
273 | const Guid &uuidRegistry,
274 | const Utf8Str &strMachineFolder);
275 | HRESULT i_saveSettings();
276 | void i_markRegistryModified(const Guid &uuid);
277 | void i_unmarkRegistryModified(const Guid &uuid);
278 | void i_saveModifiedRegistries();
279 | static const com::Utf8Str &i_getVersionNormalized();
280 | static HRESULT i_ensureFilePathExists(const Utf8Str &strFileName, bool fCreate);
281 | const Utf8Str& i_settingsFilePath();
282 | AutostartDb* i_getAutostartDb() const;
283 | RWLockHandle& i_getMachinesListLockHandle();
284 | RWLockHandle& i_getMediaTreeLockHandle();
285 | int i_encryptSetting(const Utf8Str &aPlaintext, Utf8Str *aCiphertext);
286 | int i_decryptSetting(Utf8Str *aPlaintext, const Utf8Str &aCiphertext);
287 | void i_storeSettingsKey(const Utf8Str &aKey);
288 | bool i_isMediaUuidInUse(const Guid &aId, DeviceType_T deviceType);
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 | private:
293 | class ClientWatcher;
294 |
295 | // wrapped IVirtualBox properties
296 | HRESULT getVersion(com::Utf8Str &aVersion);
297 | HRESULT getVersionNormalized(com::Utf8Str &aVersionNormalized);
298 | HRESULT getRevision(ULONG *aRevision);
299 | HRESULT getPackageType(com::Utf8Str &aPackageType);
300 | HRESULT getAPIVersion(com::Utf8Str &aAPIVersion);
301 | HRESULT getAPIRevision(LONG64 *aAPIRevision);
302 | HRESULT getHomeFolder(com::Utf8Str &aHomeFolder);
303 | HRESULT getSettingsFilePath(com::Utf8Str &aSettingsFilePath);
304 | HRESULT getHost(ComPtr<IHost> &aHost);
305 | HRESULT getSystemProperties(ComPtr<ISystemProperties> &aSystemProperties);
306 | HRESULT getMachines(std::vector<ComPtr<IMachine> > &aMachines);
307 | HRESULT getMachineGroups(std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aMachineGroups);
308 | HRESULT getHardDisks(std::vector<ComPtr<IMedium> > &aHardDisks);
309 | HRESULT getDVDImages(std::vector<ComPtr<IMedium> > &aDVDImages);
310 | HRESULT getFloppyImages(std::vector<ComPtr<IMedium> > &aFloppyImages);
311 | HRESULT getProgressOperations(std::vector<ComPtr<IProgress> > &aProgressOperations);
312 | HRESULT getGuestOSTypes(std::vector<ComPtr<IGuestOSType> > &aGuestOSTypes);
313 | HRESULT getSharedFolders(std::vector<ComPtr<ISharedFolder> > &aSharedFolders);
314 | HRESULT getPerformanceCollector(ComPtr<IPerformanceCollector> &aPerformanceCollector);
315 | HRESULT getDHCPServers(std::vector<ComPtr<IDHCPServer> > &aDHCPServers);
316 | HRESULT getNATNetworks(std::vector<ComPtr<INATNetwork> > &aNATNetworks);
317 | HRESULT getEventSource(ComPtr<IEventSource> &aEventSource);
318 | HRESULT getExtensionPackManager(ComPtr<IExtPackManager> &aExtensionPackManager);
319 | HRESULT getInternalNetworks(std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aInternalNetworks);
320 | HRESULT getGenericNetworkDrivers(std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aGenericNetworkDrivers);
321 | HRESULT getCloudProviderManager(ComPtr<ICloudProviderManager> &aCloudProviderManager);
322 |
323 | // wrapped IVirtualBox methods
324 | HRESULT composeMachineFilename(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
325 | const com::Utf8Str &aGroup,
326 | const com::Utf8Str &aCreateFlags,
327 | const com::Utf8Str &aBaseFolder,
328 | com::Utf8Str &aFile);
329 | HRESULT createMachine(const com::Utf8Str &aSettingsFile,
330 | const com::Utf8Str &aName,
331 | const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aGroups,
332 | const com::Utf8Str &aOsTypeId,
333 | const com::Utf8Str &aFlags,
334 | ComPtr<IMachine> &aMachine);
335 | HRESULT openMachine(const com::Utf8Str &aSettingsFile,
336 | ComPtr<IMachine> &aMachine);
337 | HRESULT registerMachine(const ComPtr<IMachine> &aMachine);
338 | HRESULT findMachine(const com::Utf8Str &aNameOrId,
339 | ComPtr<IMachine> &aMachine);
340 | HRESULT getMachinesByGroups(const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aGroups,
341 | std::vector<ComPtr<IMachine> > &aMachines);
342 | HRESULT getMachineStates(const std::vector<ComPtr<IMachine> > &aMachines,
343 | std::vector<MachineState_T> &aStates);
344 | HRESULT createAppliance(ComPtr<IAppliance> &aAppliance);
345 | HRESULT createUnattendedInstaller(ComPtr<IUnattended> &aUnattended);
346 | HRESULT createMedium(const com::Utf8Str &aFormat,
347 | const com::Utf8Str &aLocation,
348 | AccessMode_T aAccessMode,
349 | DeviceType_T aDeviceType,
350 | ComPtr<IMedium> &aMedium);
351 | HRESULT openMedium(const com::Utf8Str &aLocation,
352 | DeviceType_T aDeviceType,
353 | AccessMode_T aAccessMode,
354 | BOOL aForceNewUuid,
355 | ComPtr<IMedium> &aMedium);
356 | HRESULT getGuestOSType(const com::Utf8Str &aId,
357 | ComPtr<IGuestOSType> &aType);
358 | HRESULT createSharedFolder(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
359 | const com::Utf8Str &aHostPath,
360 | BOOL aWritable,
361 | BOOL aAutomount,
362 | const com::Utf8Str &aAutoMountPoint);
363 | HRESULT removeSharedFolder(const com::Utf8Str &aName);
364 | HRESULT getExtraDataKeys(std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aKeys);
365 | HRESULT getExtraData(const com::Utf8Str &aKey,
366 | com::Utf8Str &aValue);
367 | HRESULT setExtraData(const com::Utf8Str &aKey,
368 | const com::Utf8Str &aValue);
369 | HRESULT setSettingsSecret(const com::Utf8Str &aPassword);
370 | HRESULT createDHCPServer(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
371 | ComPtr<IDHCPServer> &aServer);
372 | HRESULT findDHCPServerByNetworkName(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
373 | ComPtr<IDHCPServer> &aServer);
374 | HRESULT removeDHCPServer(const ComPtr<IDHCPServer> &aServer);
375 | HRESULT createNATNetwork(const com::Utf8Str &aNetworkName,
376 | ComPtr<INATNetwork> &aNetwork);
377 | HRESULT findNATNetworkByName(const com::Utf8Str &aNetworkName,
378 | ComPtr<INATNetwork> &aNetwork);
379 | HRESULT removeNATNetwork(const ComPtr<INATNetwork> &aNetwork);
380 | HRESULT checkFirmwarePresent(FirmwareType_T aFirmwareType,
381 | const com::Utf8Str &aVersion,
382 | com::Utf8Str &aUrl,
383 | com::Utf8Str &aFile,
384 | BOOL *aResult);
385 |
386 | static HRESULT i_setErrorStaticBoth(HRESULT aResultCode, int vrc, const Utf8Str &aText)
387 | {
388 | return setErrorInternal(aResultCode, getStaticClassIID(), getStaticComponentName(), aText, false, true, vrc);
389 | }
390 |
391 | HRESULT i_registerMachine(Machine *aMachine);
392 | HRESULT i_registerDHCPServer(DHCPServer *aDHCPServer,
393 | bool aSaveRegistry = true);
394 | HRESULT i_unregisterDHCPServer(DHCPServer *aDHCPServer);
395 | HRESULT i_registerNATNetwork(NATNetwork *aNATNetwork,
396 | bool aSaveRegistry = true);
397 | HRESULT i_unregisterNATNetwork(NATNetwork *aNATNetwork,
398 | bool aSaveRegistry = true);
399 | HRESULT i_checkMediaForConflicts(const Guid &aId,
400 | const Utf8Str &aLocation,
401 | Utf8Str &aConflictType,
402 | ComObjPtr<Medium> *pDupMedium);
403 | int i_decryptSettings();
404 | int i_decryptMediumSettings(Medium *pMedium);
405 | int i_decryptSettingBytes(uint8_t *aPlaintext,
406 | const uint8_t *aCiphertext,
407 | size_t aCiphertextSize) const;
408 | int i_encryptSettingBytes(const uint8_t *aPlaintext,
409 | uint8_t *aCiphertext,
410 | size_t aPlaintextSize,
411 | size_t aCiphertextSize) const;
412 | void i_reportDriverVersions(void);
413 |
414 | struct Data; // opaque data structure, defined in VirtualBoxImpl.cpp
415 |
416 | Data *m;
417 |
418 | /* static variables (defined in VirtualBoxImpl.cpp) */
419 | static com::Utf8Str sVersion;
420 | static com::Utf8Str sVersionNormalized;
421 | static ULONG sRevision;
422 | static com::Utf8Str sPackageType;
423 | static com::Utf8Str sAPIVersion;
424 | static std::map<com::Utf8Str, int> sNatNetworkNameToRefCount;
425 | static RWLockHandle* spMtxNatNetworkNameToRefCountLock;
426 |
427 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) AsyncEventHandler(RTTHREAD thread, void *pvUser);
428 |
429 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
430 | friend class StartSVCHelperClientData;
431 | static void i_SVCHelperClientThreadTask(StartSVCHelperClientData *pTask);
432 | #endif
433 |
434 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(VBOXSVC_WITH_CLIENT_WATCHER)
435 | protected:
436 | void i_callHook(const char *a_pszFunction) RT_OVERRIDE;
437 | bool i_watchClientProcess(RTPROCESS a_pidClient, const char *a_pszFunction);
438 | public:
439 | static void i_logCaller(const char *a_pszFormat, ...);
440 | private:
441 |
442 | #endif
443 | };
444 |
445 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
446 |
447 | #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_VirtualBoxImpl_h */
448 |