/* $Id: WebMWriter.h 82427 2019-12-05 16:33:04Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * WebMWriter.h - WebM container handling. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef MAIN_INCLUDED_WebMWriter_h #define MAIN_INCLUDED_WebMWriter_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include "EBMLWriter.h" #include "EBML_MKV.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX # ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable: 4668) /* vpx_codec.h(64) : warning C4668: '__GNUC__' is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with '0' for '#if/#elif' */ # include # pragma warning(pop) # else # include # endif #endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX */ /** No flags specified. */ #define VBOX_WEBM_BLOCK_FLAG_NONE 0 /** Invisible block which can be skipped. */ #define VBOX_WEBM_BLOCK_FLAG_INVISIBLE 0x08 /** The block marks a key frame. */ #define VBOX_WEBM_BLOCK_FLAG_KEY_FRAME 0x80 /** The default timecode scale factor for WebM -- all timecodes in the segments are expressed in ms. * This allows every cluster to have blocks with positive values up to 32.767 seconds. */ #define VBOX_WEBM_TIMECODESCALE_FACTOR_MS 1000000 /** Maximum time (in ms) a cluster can store. */ #define VBOX_WEBM_CLUSTER_MAX_LEN_MS INT16_MAX /** Maximum time a block can store. * With signed 16-bit timecodes and a default timecode scale of 1ms per unit this makes 65536ms. */ #define VBOX_WEBM_BLOCK_MAX_LEN_MS UINT16_MAX #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBOPUS # pragma pack(push) # pragma pack(1) /** Opus codec private data within the MKV (WEBM) container. * Taken from: https://wiki.xiph.org/MatroskaOpus */ typedef struct WEBMOPUSPRIVDATA { WEBMOPUSPRIVDATA(uint32_t a_u32SampleRate, uint8_t a_u8Channels) { au64Head = RT_MAKE_U64_FROM_U8('O', 'p', 'u', 's', 'H', 'e', 'a', 'd'); u8Version = 1; u8Channels = a_u8Channels; u16PreSkip = 0; u32SampleRate = a_u32SampleRate; u16Gain = 0; u8MappingFamily = 0; } uint64_t au64Head; /**< Defaults to "OpusHead". */ uint8_t u8Version; /**< Must be set to 1. */ uint8_t u8Channels; uint16_t u16PreSkip; /** Sample rate *before* encoding to Opus. * Note: This rate has nothing to do with the playback rate later! */ uint32_t u32SampleRate; uint16_t u16Gain; /** Must stay 0 -- otherwise a mapping table must be appended * right after this header. */ uint8_t u8MappingFamily; } WEBMOPUSPRIVDATA, *PWEBMOPUSPRIVDATA; AssertCompileSize(WEBMOPUSPRIVDATA, 19); # pragma pack(pop) #endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBOPUS */ class WebMWriter : public EBMLWriter { public: /** Defines an absolute WebM timecode (Block + Cluster). */ typedef uint64_t WebMTimecodeAbs; /** Defines a relative WebM timecode (Block). */ typedef uint16_t WebMTimecodeRel; /** Defines the WebM block flags data type. */ typedef uint8_t WebMBlockFlags; /** * Supported audio codecs. */ enum AudioCodec { /** No audio codec specified. */ AudioCodec_None = 0, /** Opus. */ AudioCodec_Opus = 1 }; /** * Supported video codecs. */ enum VideoCodec { /** No video codec specified. */ VideoCodec_None = 0, /** VP8. */ VideoCodec_VP8 = 1 }; /** * Track type enumeration. */ enum WebMTrackType { /** Unknown / invalid type. */ WebMTrackType_Invalid = 0, /** Only writes audio. */ WebMTrackType_Audio = 1, /** Only writes video. */ WebMTrackType_Video = 2 }; struct WebMTrack; /** * Structure for defining a WebM simple block. */ struct WebMSimpleBlock { WebMSimpleBlock(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, WebMTimecodeAbs a_tcAbsPTSMs, const void *a_pvData, size_t a_cbData, WebMBlockFlags a_fFlags) : pTrack(a_pTrack) { Data.tcAbsPTSMs = a_tcAbsPTSMs; Data.cb = a_cbData; Data.fFlags = a_fFlags; if (Data.cb) { Data.pv = RTMemDup(a_pvData, a_cbData); if (!Data.pv) throw; } } virtual ~WebMSimpleBlock() { if (Data.pv) { Assert(Data.cb); RTMemFree(Data.pv); } } WebMTrack *pTrack; /** Actual simple block data. */ struct { WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsPTSMs; WebMTimecodeRel tcRelToClusterMs; void *pv; size_t cb; WebMBlockFlags fFlags; } Data; }; /** A simple block queue.*/ typedef std::queue WebMSimpleBlockQueue; /** Structure for queuing all simple blocks bound to a single timecode. * This can happen if multiple tracks are being involved. */ struct WebMTimecodeBlocks { WebMTimecodeBlocks(void) : fClusterNeeded(false) , fClusterStarted(false) { } /** The actual block queue for this timecode. */ WebMSimpleBlockQueue Queue; /** Whether a new cluster is needed for this timecode or not. */ bool fClusterNeeded; /** Whether a new cluster already has been started for this timecode or not. */ bool fClusterStarted; /** * Enqueues a simple block into the internal queue. * * @param a_pBlock Block to enqueue and take ownership of. */ void Enqueue(WebMSimpleBlock *a_pBlock) { Queue.push(a_pBlock); if (a_pBlock->Data.fFlags & VBOX_WEBM_BLOCK_FLAG_KEY_FRAME) fClusterNeeded = true; } }; /** A block map containing all currently queued blocks. * The key specifies a unique timecode, whereas the value * is a queue of blocks which all correlate to the key (timecode). */ typedef std::map WebMBlockMap; /** * Structure for defining a WebM (encoding) queue. */ struct WebMQueue { WebMQueue(void) : tcAbsLastBlockWrittenMs(0) , tsLastProcessedMs(0) { } /** Blocks as FIFO (queue). */ WebMBlockMap Map; /** Absolute timecode (in ms) of last written block to queue. */ WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastBlockWrittenMs; /** Time stamp (in ms) of when the queue was processed last. */ uint64_t tsLastProcessedMs; }; /** * Structure for keeping a WebM track entry. */ struct WebMTrack { WebMTrack(WebMTrackType a_enmType, uint8_t a_uTrack, uint64_t a_offID) : enmType(a_enmType) , uTrack(a_uTrack) , offUUID(a_offID) , cTotalBlocks(0) , tcAbsLastWrittenMs(0) { uUUID = RTRandU32(); } /** The type of this track. */ WebMTrackType enmType; /** Track parameters. */ union { struct { /** Sample rate of input data. */ uint32_t uHz; /** Duration of the frame in samples (per channel). * Valid frame size are: * * ms Frame size * 2.5 120 * 5 240 * 10 480 * 20 (Default) 960 * 40 1920 * 60 2880 */ uint16_t framesPerBlock; /** How many milliseconds (ms) one written (simple) block represents. */ uint16_t msPerBlock; } Audio; }; /** This track's track number. Also used as key in track map. */ uint8_t uTrack; /** The track's "UUID". * Needed in case this track gets mux'ed with tracks from other files. Not really unique though. */ uint32_t uUUID; /** Absolute offset in file of track UUID. * Needed to write the hash sum within the footer. */ uint64_t offUUID; /** Total number of blocks. */ uint64_t cTotalBlocks; /** Absoute timecode (in ms) of last write. */ WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastWrittenMs; }; /** * Structure for a single cue point track position entry. */ struct WebMCueTrackPosEntry { WebMCueTrackPosEntry(uint64_t a_offCluster) : offCluster(a_offCluster) { } /** Offset (in bytes) of the related cluster containing the given position. */ uint64_t offCluster; }; /** Map for keeping track position entries for a single cue point. * The key is the track number (*not* UUID!). */ typedef std::map WebMCueTrackPosMap; /** * Structure for keeping a cue point. */ struct WebMCuePoint { WebMCuePoint(WebMTimecodeAbs a_tcAbs) : tcAbs(a_tcAbs) { } virtual ~WebMCuePoint() { Clear(); } void Clear(void) { WebMCueTrackPosMap::iterator itTrackPos = Pos.begin(); while (itTrackPos != Pos.end()) { WebMCueTrackPosEntry *pTrackPos = itTrackPos->second; AssertPtr(pTrackPos); delete pTrackPos; Pos.erase(itTrackPos); itTrackPos = Pos.begin(); } Assert(Pos.empty()); } /** Map containing all track positions for this specific cue point. */ WebMCueTrackPosMap Pos; /** Absolute time code according to the segment time base. */ WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbs; }; /** List of cue points. */ typedef std::list WebMCuePointList; /** * Structure for keeping a WebM cluster entry. */ struct WebMCluster { WebMCluster(void) : uID(0) , offStart(0) , fOpen(false) , tcAbsStartMs(0) , cBlocks(0) { } /** This cluster's ID. */ uint64_t uID; /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of this cluster. * Needed for seeking info table. */ uint64_t offStart; /** Whether this cluster element is opened currently. */ bool fOpen; /** Absolute timecode (in ms) when this cluster starts. */ WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsStartMs; /** Absolute timecode (in ms) of when last written to this cluster. */ WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastWrittenMs; /** Number of (simple) blocks in this cluster. */ uint64_t cBlocks; }; /** * Structure for keeping a WebM segment entry. * * Current we're only using one segment. */ struct WebMSegment { WebMSegment(void) : tcAbsStartMs(0) , tcAbsLastWrittenMs(0) , offStart(0) , offInfo(0) , offSeekInfo(0) , offTracks(0) , offCues(0) , cClusters(0) { uTimecodeScaleFactor = VBOX_WEBM_TIMECODESCALE_FACTOR_MS; LogFunc(("Default timecode scale is: %RU64ns\n", uTimecodeScaleFactor)); } virtual ~WebMSegment() { uninit(); } /** * Initializes a segment. * * @returns IPRT status code. */ int init(void) { return RTCritSectInit(&CritSect); } /** * Uninitializes a segment. */ void uninit(void) { clear(); RTCritSectDelete(&CritSect); } /** * Clear the segment's data by removing (and freeing) all data. */ void clear(void) { WebMCuePointList::iterator itCuePoint = lstCuePoints.begin(); while (itCuePoint != lstCuePoints.end()) { WebMCuePoint *pCuePoint = (*itCuePoint); AssertPtr(pCuePoint); delete pCuePoint; lstCuePoints.erase(itCuePoint); itCuePoint = lstCuePoints.begin(); } Assert(lstCuePoints.empty()); } /** Critical section for serializing access to this segment. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** The timecode scale factor of this segment. */ uint64_t uTimecodeScaleFactor; /** Absolute timecode (in ms) when starting this segment. */ WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsStartMs; /** Absolute timecode (in ms) of last write. */ WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastWrittenMs; /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of CurSeg. */ uint64_t offStart; /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of general info. */ uint64_t offInfo; /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of seeking info. */ uint64_t offSeekInfo; /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of tracks. */ uint64_t offTracks; /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of cues table. */ uint64_t offCues; /** List of cue points. Needed for seeking table. */ WebMCuePointList lstCuePoints; /** Total number of clusters. */ uint64_t cClusters; /** Map of tracks. * The key marks the track number (*not* the UUID!). */ std::map mapTracks; /** Current cluster which is being handled. * * Note that we don't need (and shouldn't need, as this can be a *lot* of data!) a * list of all clusters. */ WebMCluster CurCluster; WebMQueue queueBlocks; } CurSeg; /** Audio codec to use. */ WebMWriter::AudioCodec m_enmAudioCodec; /** Video codec to use. */ WebMWriter::VideoCodec m_enmVideoCodec; /** Whether we're currently in the tracks section. */ bool m_fInTracksSection; /** Size of timecodes (in bytes). */ size_t m_cbTimecode; /** Maximum value a timecode can have. */ uint32_t m_uTimecodeMax; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX /** * Block data for VP8-encoded video data. */ struct BlockData_VP8 { const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *pCfg; const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pPkt; }; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBOPUS /** * Block data for Opus-encoded audio data. */ struct BlockData_Opus { /** Pointer to encoded Opus audio data. */ const void *pvData; /** Size (in bytes) of encoded Opus audio data. */ size_t cbData; /** PTS (in ms) of encoded Opus audio data. */ uint64_t uPTSMs; }; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBOPUS */ public: WebMWriter(); virtual ~WebMWriter(); public: int OpenEx(const char *a_pszFilename, PRTFILE a_phFile, WebMWriter::AudioCodec a_enmAudioCodec, WebMWriter::VideoCodec a_enmVideoCodec); int Open(const char *a_pszFilename, uint64_t a_fOpen, WebMWriter::AudioCodec a_enmAudioCodec, WebMWriter::VideoCodec a_enmVideoCodec); int Close(void); int AddAudioTrack(uint16_t uHz, uint8_t cChannels, uint8_t cBits, uint8_t *puTrack); int AddVideoTrack(uint16_t uWidth, uint16_t uHeight, uint32_t uFPS, uint8_t *puTrack); int WriteBlock(uint8_t uTrack, const void *pvData, size_t cbData); const com::Utf8Str& GetFileName(void); uint64_t GetFileSize(void); uint64_t GetAvailableSpace(void); protected: int init(void); void destroy(void); int writeHeader(void); void writeSeekHeader(void); int writeFooter(void); int writeSimpleBlockEBML(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, WebMSimpleBlock *a_pBlock); int writeSimpleBlockQueued(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, WebMSimpleBlock *a_pBlock); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX int writeSimpleBlockVP8(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *a_pCfg, const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *a_pPkt); #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBOPUS int writeSimpleBlockOpus(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, const void *pvData, size_t cbData, WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsPTSMs); #endif int processQueue(WebMQueue *pQueue, bool fForce); protected: typedef std::map WebMTracks; }; #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_WebMWriter_h */