/* $Id: VirtualBoxErrorInfoImpl.cpp 93909 2022-02-24 10:44:19Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBoxErrorInfo COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN #include "VirtualBoxErrorInfoImpl.h" #include // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT VirtualBoxErrorInfo::init(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID, const char *pcszComponent, const Utf8Str &strText, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aNext) { m_resultCode = aResultCode; m_resultDetail = 0; /* Not being used. */ m_IID = aIID; m_strComponent = pcszComponent; m_strText = strText; mNext = aNext; return S_OK; } HRESULT VirtualBoxErrorInfo::initEx(HRESULT aResultCode, LONG aResultDetail, const GUID &aIID, const char *pcszComponent, const Utf8Str &strText, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aNext) { HRESULT hr = init(aResultCode, aIID, pcszComponent, strText, aNext); m_resultDetail = aResultDetail; return hr; } HRESULT VirtualBoxErrorInfo::init(const com::ErrorInfo &info, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aNext) { m_resultCode = info.getResultCode(); m_resultDetail = info.getResultDetail(); m_IID = info.getInterfaceID(); m_strComponent = info.getComponent(); m_strText = info.getText(); /* Recursively create VirtualBoxErrorInfo instances for the next objects. */ const com::ErrorInfo *pInfo = info.getNext(); if (pInfo) { ComObjPtr nextEI; HRESULT rc = nextEI.createObject(); if (FAILED(rc)) return rc; rc = nextEI->init(*pInfo, aNext); if (FAILED(rc)) return rc; mNext = nextEI; } else mNext = aNext; return S_OK; } // IVirtualBoxErrorInfo properties //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::COMGETTER(ResultCode)(LONG *aResultCode) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aResultCode); *aResultCode = (LONG)m_resultCode; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::COMGETTER(ResultDetail)(LONG *aResultDetail) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aResultDetail); *aResultDetail = m_resultDetail; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::COMGETTER(InterfaceID)(BSTR *aIID) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aIID); m_IID.toUtf16().cloneTo(aIID); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::COMGETTER(Component)(BSTR *aComponent) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aComponent); m_strComponent.cloneTo(aComponent); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::COMGETTER(Text)(BSTR *aText) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aText); m_strText.cloneTo(aText); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::COMGETTER(Next)(IVirtualBoxErrorInfo **aNext) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aNext); /* this will set aNext to NULL if mNext is null */ return mNext.queryInterfaceTo(aNext); } #if !defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) /** * Initializes itself by fetching error information from the given error info * object. */ HRESULT VirtualBoxErrorInfo::init(IErrorInfo *aInfo) { AssertReturn(aInfo, E_FAIL); HRESULT rc = S_OK; /* We don't return a failure if talking to IErrorInfo fails below to * protect ourselves from bad IErrorInfo implementations (the * corresponding fields will simply remain null in this case). */ m_resultCode = S_OK; m_resultDetail = 0; rc = aInfo->GetGUID(m_IID.asOutParam()); AssertComRC(rc); Bstr bstrComponent; rc = aInfo->GetSource(bstrComponent.asOutParam()); AssertComRC(rc); m_strComponent = bstrComponent; Bstr bstrText; rc = aInfo->GetDescription(bstrText.asOutParam()); AssertComRC(rc); m_strText = bstrText; return S_OK; } // IErrorInfo methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetDescription(BSTR *description) { return COMGETTER(Text)(description); } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetGUID(GUID *guid) { Bstr iid; HRESULT rc = COMGETTER(InterfaceID)(iid.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) *guid = Guid(iid).ref(); return rc; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetHelpContext(DWORD *pdwHelpContext) { RT_NOREF(pdwHelpContext); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetHelpFile(BSTR *pBstrHelpFile) { RT_NOREF(pBstrHelpFile); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetSource(BSTR *pBstrSource) { return COMGETTER(Component)(pBstrSource); } #else // defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) /** * Initializes itself by fetching error information from the given error info * object. */ HRESULT VirtualBoxErrorInfo::init(nsIException *aInfo) { AssertReturn(aInfo, E_FAIL); HRESULT rc = S_OK; /* We don't return a failure if talking to nsIException fails below to * protect ourselves from bad nsIException implementations (the * corresponding fields will simply remain null in this case). */ rc = aInfo->GetResult(&m_resultCode); AssertComRC(rc); m_resultDetail = 0; /* Not being used. */ char *pszMsg; /* No Utf8Str.asOutParam, different allocator! */ rc = aInfo->GetMessage(&pszMsg); AssertComRC(rc); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { m_strText = pszMsg; nsMemory::Free(pszMsg); } else m_strText.setNull(); return S_OK; } // nsIException methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* readonly attribute string message; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetMessage(char **aMessage) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMessage); m_strText.cloneTo(aMessage); return S_OK; } /* readonly attribute nsresult result; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetResult(nsresult *aResult) { AssertReturn(aResult, NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER); PRInt32 lrc; nsresult rc = COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&lrc); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) *aResult = (nsresult)lrc; return rc; } /* readonly attribute string name; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetName(char ** /* aName */) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* readonly attribute string filename; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetFilename(char ** /* aFilename */) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* readonly attribute PRUint32 lineNumber; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetLineNumber(PRUint32 * /* aLineNumber */) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* readonly attribute PRUint32 columnNumber; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetColumnNumber(PRUint32 * /*aColumnNumber */) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* readonly attribute nsIStackFrame location; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetLocation(nsIStackFrame ** /* aLocation */) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* readonly attribute nsIException inner; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetInner(nsIException **aInner) { ComPtr info; nsresult rv = COMGETTER(Next)(info.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rv)) return rv; return info.queryInterfaceTo(aInner); } /* readonly attribute nsISupports data; */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::GetData(nsISupports ** /* aData */) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* string toString(); */ NS_IMETHODIMP VirtualBoxErrorInfo::ToString(char ** /* retval */) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS2(VirtualBoxErrorInfo, nsIException, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo) #endif // defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */