/* $Id: DHCPConfigImpl.cpp 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Main - IDHCPConfig, IDHCPConfigGlobal, IDHCPConfigGroup, IDHCPConfigIndividual implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_DHCPCONFIG #include "DHCPConfigImpl.h" #include "LoggingNew.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "DHCPServerImpl.h" #include "MachineImpl.h" #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" #include "../../NetworkServices/Dhcpd/DhcpOptions.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * DHCPConfig Implementation * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_initWithDefaults(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent) { unconst(m_pVirtualBox) = a_pVirtualBox; unconst(m_pParent) = a_pParent; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_initWithSettings(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, const settings::DHCPConfig &rConfig) { unconst(m_pVirtualBox) = a_pVirtualBox; unconst(m_pParent) = a_pParent; m_secMinLeaseTime = rConfig.secMinLeaseTime; m_secDefaultLeaseTime = rConfig.secDefaultLeaseTime; m_secMaxLeaseTime = rConfig.secMaxLeaseTime; /* * The two option list: */ struct { const char *psz; std::vector *pDst; } aStr2Vec[] = { { rConfig.strForcedOptions.c_str(), &m_vecForcedOptions }, { rConfig.strSuppressedOptions.c_str(), &m_vecSuppressedOptions }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aStr2Vec); i++) { Assert(aStr2Vec[i].pDst->size() == 0); const char *psz = RTStrStripL(aStr2Vec[i].psz); while (*psz != '\0') { uint8_t bOpt; char *pszNext; int vrc = RTStrToUInt8Ex(psz, &pszNext, 10, &bOpt); if ( vrc == VINF_SUCCESS || vrc == VWRN_TRAILING_SPACES || vrc == VWRN_TRAILING_CHARS) { try { aStr2Vec[i].pDst->push_back((DHCPOption_T)bOpt); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { LogRelFunc(("Trouble at offset %#zu converting '%s' to a DHCPOption_T vector (vrc=%Rrc)! Ignornig the remainder.\n", psz - aStr2Vec[i].psz, aStr2Vec[i].psz, vrc)); break; } psz = RTStrStripL(pszNext); } } /* * The option map: */ for (settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator it = rConfig.mapOptions.begin(); it != rConfig.mapOptions.end(); ++it) { try { m_OptionMap[it->first] = settings::DhcpOptValue(it->second.strValue, it->second.enmEncoding); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_saveSettings(settings::DHCPConfig &a_rDst) { /* lease times */ a_rDst.secMinLeaseTime = m_secMinLeaseTime; a_rDst.secDefaultLeaseTime = m_secDefaultLeaseTime; a_rDst.secMaxLeaseTime = m_secMaxLeaseTime; /* Forced and suppressed vectors: */ try { a_rDst.strForcedOptions.setNull(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vecForcedOptions.size(); i++) a_rDst.strForcedOptions.appendPrintf(i ? " %d" : "%d", m_vecForcedOptions[i]); a_rDst.strSuppressedOptions.setNull(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vecSuppressedOptions.size(); i++) a_rDst.strSuppressedOptions.appendPrintf(i ? " %d" : "%d", m_vecSuppressedOptions[i]); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* Options: */ try { a_rDst.mapOptions = m_OptionMap; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getScope(DHCPConfigScope_T *aScope) { /* No locking needed. */ *aScope = m_enmScope; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getMinLeaseTime(ULONG *aMinLeaseTime) { AutoReadLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aMinLeaseTime = m_secMinLeaseTime; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_setMinLeaseTime(ULONG aMinLeaseTime) { { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m_secMinLeaseTime = aMinLeaseTime; } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getDefaultLeaseTime(ULONG *aDefaultLeaseTime) { AutoReadLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aDefaultLeaseTime = m_secDefaultLeaseTime; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_setDefaultLeaseTime(ULONG aDefaultLeaseTime) { { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m_secDefaultLeaseTime = aDefaultLeaseTime; } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getMaxLeaseTime(ULONG *aMaxLeaseTime) { AutoReadLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aMaxLeaseTime = m_secMaxLeaseTime; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_setMaxLeaseTime(ULONG aMaxLeaseTime) { { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m_secMaxLeaseTime = aMaxLeaseTime; } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getForcedOptions(std::vector &aOptions) { AutoReadLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); try { aOptions = m_vecForcedOptions; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_setForcedOptions(const std::vector &aOptions) { /* * Validate the options. */ try { std::map mapDuplicates; for (size_t i = 0; i < aOptions.size(); i++) { DHCPOption_T enmOpt = aOptions[i]; if ((int)enmOpt > 0 && (int)enmOpt < 255) { if (mapDuplicates.find(enmOpt) == mapDuplicates.end()) mapDuplicates[enmOpt] = true; else return m_pHack->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Duplicate option value: %d"), (int)enmOpt); } else return m_pHack->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Invalid option value: %d"), (int)enmOpt); } } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* * Do the updating. */ { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* Actually changed? */ if (m_vecForcedOptions.size() == aOptions.size()) { ssize_t i = (ssize_t)m_vecForcedOptions.size(); while (i-- > 0) if (m_vecForcedOptions[(size_t)i] != aOptions[(size_t)i]) break; if (i < 0) return S_OK; } /* Copy over the changes: */ try { m_vecForcedOptions = aOptions; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getSuppressedOptions(std::vector &aOptions) { AutoReadLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); try { aOptions = m_vecSuppressedOptions; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_setSuppressedOptions(const std::vector &aOptions) { /* * Validate and normalize it. */ std::map mapNormalized; try { for (size_t i = 0; i < aOptions.size(); i++) { DHCPOption_T enmOpt = aOptions[i]; if ((int)enmOpt > 0 && (int)enmOpt < 255) mapNormalized[enmOpt] = true; else return m_pHack->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Invalid option value: %d"), (int)enmOpt); } } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* * Do the updating. */ { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* Actually changed? */ if (m_vecSuppressedOptions.size() == mapNormalized.size()) { size_t i = 0; for (std::map::const_iterator itMap = mapNormalized.begin();; ++itMap, i++) { if (itMap == mapNormalized.end()) return S_OK; /* no change */ if (itMap->first != m_vecSuppressedOptions[i]) break; } } /* Copy over the changes: */ try { m_vecSuppressedOptions.resize(mapNormalized.size()); size_t i = 0; for (std::map::const_iterator itMap = mapNormalized.begin(); itMap != mapNormalized.end(); ++itMap, i++) m_vecSuppressedOptions[i] = itMap->first; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_setOption(DHCPOption_T aOption, DHCPOptionEncoding_T aEncoding, const com::Utf8Str &aValue) { /* * Validate the option as there is no point in allowing the user to set * something that the DHCP server does not grok. It will only lead to * startup failures an no DHCP. We share this code with the server. */ DhcpOption *pParsed = NULL; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; try { pParsed = DhcpOption::parse((uint8_t)aOption, aEncoding, aValue.c_str(), &rc); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (pParsed) { delete pParsed; /* * Add/change it. */ { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); try { m_OptionMap[aOption] = settings::DhcpOptValue(aValue, aEncoding); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } i_doWriteConfig(); return S_OK; } if (rc == VERR_WRONG_TYPE) return m_pHack->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Unsupported encoding %d (option %d, value %s)"), (int)aEncoding, (int)aOption, aValue.c_str()); if (rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) return m_pHack->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Unsupported option %d (encoding %d, value %s)"), (int)aOption, (int)aEncoding, aValue.c_str()); return m_pHack->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Malformed option %d value '%s' (encoding %d, rc=%Rrc)"), (int)aOption, aValue.c_str(), (int)aEncoding, rc); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_removeOption(DHCPOption_T aOption) { { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap::iterator it = m_OptionMap.find(aOption); if (it != m_OptionMap.end()) m_OptionMap.erase(it); else return m_pHack->setError(VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("DHCP option %u was not found"), aOption); } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_removeAllOptions() { { AutoWriteLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m_OptionMap.erase(m_OptionMap.begin(), m_OptionMap.end()); } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getOption(DHCPOption_T aOption, DHCPOptionEncoding_T *aEncoding, com::Utf8Str &aValue) { AutoReadLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator it = m_OptionMap.find(aOption); if (it != m_OptionMap.end()) { *aEncoding = it->second.enmEncoding; return aValue.assignEx(it->second.strValue); } return m_pHack->setError(VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("DHCP option %u was not found"), aOption); } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_getAllOptions(std::vector &aOptions, std::vector &aEncodings, std::vector &aValues) { AutoReadLock alock(m_pHack COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); try { aOptions.resize(m_OptionMap.size()); aEncodings.resize(m_OptionMap.size()); aValues.resize(m_OptionMap.size()); size_t i = 0; for (settings::DhcpOptionMap::iterator it = m_OptionMap.begin(); it != m_OptionMap.end(); ++it, i++) { aOptions[i] = it->first; aEncodings[i] = it->second.enmEncoding; aValues[i] = it->second.strValue; } } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_remove() { return m_pParent->i_removeConfig(this, m_enmScope); } /** * Causes the global VirtualBox configuration file to be written * * @returns COM status code. * * @note Must hold no locks when this is called! * @note Public because DHCPGroupCondition needs to call it too. */ HRESULT DHCPConfig::i_doWriteConfig() { AssertPtrReturn(m_pVirtualBox, E_FAIL); AutoWriteLock alock(m_pVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return m_pVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } /** * Produces the Dhcpd configuration. * * The base class only saves DHCP options. * * @param pElmConfig The element where to put the configuration. * @throws std::bad_alloc */ void DHCPConfig::i_writeDhcpdConfig(xml::ElementNode *pElmConfig) { if (m_secMinLeaseTime > 0 ) pElmConfig->setAttribute("secMinLeaseTime", (uint32_t)m_secMinLeaseTime); if (m_secDefaultLeaseTime > 0 ) pElmConfig->setAttribute("secDefaultLeaseTime", (uint32_t)m_secDefaultLeaseTime); if (m_secMaxLeaseTime > 0 ) pElmConfig->setAttribute("secMaxLeaseTime", (uint32_t)m_secMaxLeaseTime); struct { const char *pszElement; std::vector *pVec; } aVec2Elm[] = { { "ForcedOption", &m_vecForcedOptions }, { "SuppressedOption", &m_vecSuppressedOptions }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aVec2Elm); i++) for (std::vector::const_iterator it = aVec2Elm[i].pVec->begin(); it != aVec2Elm[i].pVec->end(); ++it) { xml::ElementNode *pElmChild = pElmConfig->createChild(aVec2Elm[i].pszElement); pElmChild->setAttribute("name", (int)*it); } for (settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator it = m_OptionMap.begin(); it != m_OptionMap.end(); ++it) { xml::ElementNode *pElmOption = pElmConfig->createChild("Option"); pElmOption->setAttribute("name", (int)it->first); pElmOption->setAttribute("encoding", it->second.enmEncoding); pElmOption->setAttribute("value", it->second.strValue); } } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * DHCPGlobalConfig Implementation * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #undef LOG_GROUP #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_DHCPGLOBALCONFIG HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::initWithDefaults(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithDefaults(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = i_setOption(DHCPOption_SubnetMask, DHCPOptionEncoding_Normal, ""); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::initWithSettings(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, const settings::DHCPConfig &rConfig) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithSettings(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent, rConfig); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); else autoInitSpan.setFailed(hrc); return hrc; } void DHCPGlobalConfig::uninit() { AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (!autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) autoUninitSpan.setSucceeded(); } HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::i_saveSettings(settings::DHCPConfig &a_rDst) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return DHCPConfig::i_saveSettings(a_rDst); } /** * For getting the network mask option value (IDHCPServer::netmask attrib). * * @returns COM status code. * @param a_rDst Where to return it. * @throws nothing */ HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::i_getNetworkMask(com::Utf8Str &a_rDst) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator it = m_OptionMap.find(DHCPOption_SubnetMask); if (it != m_OptionMap.end()) { if (it->second.enmEncoding == DHCPOptionEncoding_Normal) return a_rDst.assignEx(it->second.strValue); return setError(VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("DHCP option DHCPOption_SubnetMask is not in a legacy encoding")); } return setError(VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("DHCP option DHCPOption_SubnetMask was not found")); } /** * For setting the network mask option value (IDHCPServer::netmask attrib). * * @returns COM status code. * @param a_rSrc The new value. * @throws nothing */ HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::i_setNetworkMask(const com::Utf8Str &a_rSrc) { /* Validate it before setting it: */ RTNETADDRIPV4 AddrIgnored; int vrc = RTNetStrToIPv4Addr(a_rSrc.c_str(), &AddrIgnored); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return setErrorBoth(E_INVALIDARG, vrc, tr("Invalid IPv4 netmask '%s': %Rrc"), a_rSrc.c_str(), vrc); return i_setOption(DHCPOption_SubnetMask, DHCPOptionEncoding_Normal, a_rSrc); } /** * Overriden to ensure the sanity of the DHCPOption_SubnetMask option. */ HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::i_setOption(DHCPOption_T aOption, DHCPOptionEncoding_T aEncoding, const com::Utf8Str &aValue) { if (aOption != DHCPOption_SubnetMask || aEncoding == DHCPOptionEncoding_Normal) return DHCPConfig::i_setOption(aOption, aEncoding, aValue); return setError(E_FAIL, tr("DHCPOption_SubnetMask must use DHCPOptionEncoding_Normal as it is reflected by IDHCPServer::networkMask")); } /** * Overriden to ensure the sanity of the DHCPOption_SubnetMask option. */ HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::i_removeOption(DHCPOption_T aOption) { if (aOption != DHCPOption_SubnetMask) return DHCPConfig::i_removeOption(aOption); return setError(E_FAIL, tr("DHCPOption_SubnetMask cannot be removed as it reflects IDHCPServer::networkMask")); } /** * Overriden to preserve the DHCPOption_SubnetMask option. */ HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::i_removeAllOptions() { { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap::iterator it = m_OptionMap.find(DHCPOption_SubnetMask); m_OptionMap.erase(m_OptionMap.begin(), it); if (it != m_OptionMap.end()) { ++it; if (it != m_OptionMap.end()) m_OptionMap.erase(it, m_OptionMap.end()); } } return i_doWriteConfig(); } /** * Overriden to prevent removal. */ HRESULT DHCPGlobalConfig::i_remove() { return setError(E_ACCESSDENIED, tr("Cannot delete the global config")); } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * DHCPGroupCondition Implementation * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #undef LOG_GROUP #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_DHCPGROUPCONDITION HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::initWithDefaults(DHCPGroupConfig *a_pParent, bool a_fInclusive, DHCPGroupConditionType_T a_enmType, const com::Utf8Str a_strValue) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); m_pParent = a_pParent; m_fInclusive = a_fInclusive; m_enmType = a_enmType; HRESULT hrc = m_strValue.assignEx(a_strValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); else autoInitSpan.setFailed(hrc); return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::initWithSettings(DHCPGroupConfig *a_pParent, const settings::DHCPGroupCondition &a_rSrc) { return initWithDefaults(a_pParent, a_rSrc.fInclusive, a_rSrc.enmType, a_rSrc.strValue); } void DHCPGroupCondition::uninit() { AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (!autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) autoUninitSpan.setSucceeded(); } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::i_saveSettings(settings::DHCPGroupCondition &a_rDst) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); a_rDst.fInclusive = m_fInclusive; a_rDst.enmType = m_enmType; return a_rDst.strValue.assignEx(m_strValue); } /** * Worker for validating the condition value according to the given type. * * @returns COM status code. * @param enmType The condition type. * @param strValue The condition value. * @param pErrorDst The object to use for reporting errors. */ /*static*/ HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::i_validateTypeAndValue(DHCPGroupConditionType_T enmType, com::Utf8Str const &strValue, VirtualBoxBase *pErrorDst) { switch (enmType) { case DHCPGroupConditionType_MAC: { RTMAC MACAddress; int vrc = RTNetStrToMacAddr(strValue.c_str(), &MACAddress); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) return S_OK; return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Not a valid MAC address: %s"), strValue.c_str()); } case DHCPGroupConditionType_MACWildcard: { /* This must be colon separated double xdigit bytes. Single bytes shorthand or raw hexstrings won't match anything. For reasons of simplicity, '?' can only be used to match xdigits, '*' must match 1+ chars. */ /** @todo test this properly... */ const char *psz = strValue.c_str(); size_t off = 0; unsigned cPairsLeft = 6; bool fSeenAsterisk = false; for (;;) { char ch = psz[off++]; if (RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(ch) || ch == '?') { ch = psz[off++]; if (RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(ch) || ch == '?') { ch = psz[off++]; cPairsLeft -= 1; if (cPairsLeft == 0) { if (!ch) return S_OK; return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Trailing chars in MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); } if (ch == ':' || ch == '*') continue; if (ch == '\0' && fSeenAsterisk) return S_OK; return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Malformed MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); } if (ch == '*') { fSeenAsterisk = true; do ch = psz[off++]; while (ch == '*'); if (ch == '\0') return S_OK; cPairsLeft -= 1; if (cPairsLeft == 0) return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Trailing chars in MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); if (ch == ':') continue; } else return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Malformed MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); } else if (ch == '*') { fSeenAsterisk = true; do ch = psz[off++]; while (ch == '*'); if (ch == '\0') return S_OK; if (ch == ':') { cPairsLeft -= 1; if (cPairsLeft == 0) return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Trailing chars in MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); continue; } } else return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Malformed MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); /* Pick up after '*' in the two cases above: ch is not ':' or '\0'. */ Assert(ch != ':' && ch != '\0'); if (RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(ch) || ch == '?') { ch = psz[off++]; if (RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(ch) || ch == '?' || ch == '*') { off -= 2; continue; } if (ch == ':') { ch = psz[off++]; if (ch == '\0') return S_OK; cPairsLeft -= 1; if (cPairsLeft == 0) return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Trailing chars in MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); continue; } if (ch == '\0') return S_OK; return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Trailing chars in MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); } return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Malformed MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu)"), psz, off - 1); } break; } case DHCPGroupConditionType_vendorClassID: case DHCPGroupConditionType_vendorClassIDWildcard: case DHCPGroupConditionType_userClassID: case DHCPGroupConditionType_userClassIDWildcard: if (strValue.length() == 0) return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Value cannot be empty")); if (strValue.length() < 255) return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Value is too long: %zu bytes", "", strValue.length()), strValue.length()); break; default: return pErrorDst->setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Invalid condition type: %d"), enmType); } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::getInclusive(BOOL *aInclusive) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aInclusive = m_fInclusive; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::setInclusive(BOOL aInclusive) { { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if ((aInclusive != FALSE) == m_fInclusive) return S_OK; m_fInclusive = aInclusive != FALSE; } return m_pParent->i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::getType(DHCPGroupConditionType_T *aType) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aType = m_enmType; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::setType(DHCPGroupConditionType_T aType) { { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (aType == m_enmType) return S_OK; HRESULT hrc = i_validateTypeAndValue(aType, m_strValue, this); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; m_enmType = aType; } return m_pParent->i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::getValue(com::Utf8Str &aValue) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return aValue.assignEx(m_strValue); } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::setValue(const com::Utf8Str &aValue) { { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (aValue == m_strValue) return S_OK; HRESULT hrc = i_validateTypeAndValue(m_enmType, aValue, this); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; hrc = m_strValue.assignEx(aValue); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; } return m_pParent->i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPGroupCondition::remove() { return m_pParent->i_removeCondition(this); } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * DHCPGroupConfig Implementation * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #undef LOG_GROUP #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_DHCPGROUPCONFIG HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::initWithDefaults(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, const com::Utf8Str &a_rName) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); Assert(m_Conditions.size() == 0); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithDefaults(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = m_strName.assignEx(a_rName); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); else autoInitSpan.setFailed(hrc); return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::initWithSettings(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, const settings::DHCPGroupConfig &a_rSrc) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); Assert(m_Conditions.size() == 0); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithSettings(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent, a_rSrc); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = m_strName.assignEx(a_rSrc.strName); for (settings::DHCPGroupConditionVec::const_iterator it = a_rSrc.vecConditions.begin(); it != a_rSrc.vecConditions.end() && SUCCEEDED(hrc); ++it) { ComObjPtr ptrCondition; hrc = ptrCondition.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { hrc = ptrCondition->initWithSettings(this, *it); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { try { m_Conditions.push_back(ptrCondition); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); else autoInitSpan.setFailed(hrc); return hrc; } void DHCPGroupConfig::uninit() { AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (!autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) autoUninitSpan.setSucceeded(); } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::i_saveSettings(settings::DHCPGroupConfig &a_rDst) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_saveSettings(a_rDst); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = a_rDst.strName.assignEx(m_strName); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { size_t const cConditions = m_Conditions.size(); try { a_rDst.vecConditions.resize(cConditions); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } for (size_t i = 0; i < cConditions && SUCCEEDED(hrc); i++) hrc = m_Conditions[i]->i_saveSettings(a_rDst.vecConditions[i]); } return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::i_removeCondition(DHCPGroupCondition *a_pCondition) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); for (ConditionsIterator it = m_Conditions.begin(); it != m_Conditions.end();) { DHCPGroupCondition *pCurCondition = *it; if (pCurCondition == a_pCondition) it = m_Conditions.erase(it); else ++it; } /* Never mind if already delete, right? */ return S_OK; } /** * Overridden to add a 'name' attribute and emit condition child elements. */ void DHCPGroupConfig::i_writeDhcpdConfig(xml::ElementNode *a_pElmGroup) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* The name attribute: */ a_pElmGroup->setAttribute("name", m_strName); /* * Conditions: */ for (ConditionsIterator it = m_Conditions.begin(); it != m_Conditions.end(); ++it) { xml::ElementNode *pElmCondition; switch ((*it)->i_getType()) { case DHCPGroupConditionType_MAC: pElmCondition = a_pElmGroup->createChild("ConditionMAC"); break; case DHCPGroupConditionType_MACWildcard: pElmCondition = a_pElmGroup->createChild("ConditionMACWildcard"); break; case DHCPGroupConditionType_vendorClassID: pElmCondition = a_pElmGroup->createChild("ConditionVendorClassID"); break; case DHCPGroupConditionType_vendorClassIDWildcard: pElmCondition = a_pElmGroup->createChild("ConditionVendorClassIDWildcard"); break; case DHCPGroupConditionType_userClassID: pElmCondition = a_pElmGroup->createChild("ConditionUserClassID"); break; case DHCPGroupConditionType_userClassIDWildcard: pElmCondition = a_pElmGroup->createChild("ConditionUserClassIDWildcard"); break; default: AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("m_enmType=%d\n", (*it)->i_getType())); continue; } pElmCondition->setAttribute("inclusive", (*it)->i_getInclusive()); pElmCondition->setAttribute("value", (*it)->i_getValue()); } DHCPConfig::i_writeDhcpdConfig(a_pElmGroup); } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::getName(com::Utf8Str &aName) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return aName.assignEx(m_strName); } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::setName(const com::Utf8Str &aName) { { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (aName == m_strName) return S_OK; HRESULT hrc = m_strName.assignEx(aName); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; } return i_doWriteConfig(); } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::getConditions(std::vector > &aConditions) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); size_t const cConditions = m_Conditions.size(); try { aConditions.resize(cConditions); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } HRESULT hrc = S_OK; for (size_t i = 0; i < cConditions && SUCCEEDED(hrc); i++) hrc = m_Conditions[i].queryInterfaceTo(aConditions[i].asOutParam()); return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::addCondition(BOOL aInclusive, DHCPGroupConditionType_T aType, const com::Utf8Str &aValue, ComPtr &aCondition) { /* * Valdiate it. */ HRESULT hrc = DHCPGroupCondition::i_validateTypeAndValue(aType, aValue, this); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* * Add it. */ ComObjPtr ptrCondition; hrc = ptrCondition.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = ptrCondition->initWithDefaults(this, aInclusive != FALSE, aType, aValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { hrc = ptrCondition.queryInterfaceTo(aCondition.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); try { m_Conditions.push_back(ptrCondition); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { aCondition.setNull(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } hrc = i_doWriteConfig(); if (FAILED(hrc)) aCondition.setNull(); } } } return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPGroupConfig::removeAllConditions() { { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (m_Conditions.size() == 0) return S_OK; /** @todo sever the weak parent link for each entry... */ m_Conditions.erase(m_Conditions.begin(), m_Conditions.end()); } return i_doWriteConfig(); } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * DHCPIndividualConfig Implementation * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #undef LOG_GROUP #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_DHCPINDIVIDUALCONFIG HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::initWithMachineIdAndSlot(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, com::Guid const &a_idMachine, ULONG a_uSlot, uint32_t a_uMACAddressVersion) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithDefaults(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { unconst(m_enmScope) = DHCPConfigScope_MachineNIC; unconst(m_idMachine) = a_idMachine; unconst(m_uSlot) = a_uSlot; m_uMACAddressResolvedVersion = a_uMACAddressVersion; autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); } return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::initWithMACAddress(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, PCRTMAC a_pMACAddress) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithDefaults(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { unconst(m_enmScope) = DHCPConfigScope_MAC; unconst(m_MACAddress) = *a_pMACAddress; autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); } return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::initWithSettingsAndMachineIdAndSlot(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, settings::DHCPIndividualConfig const &rConfig, com::Guid const &a_idMachine, ULONG a_uSlot, uint32_t a_uMACAddressVersion) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithSettings(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent, rConfig); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { unconst(m_enmScope) = DHCPConfigScope_MachineNIC; unconst(m_idMachine) = a_idMachine; unconst(m_uSlot) = a_uSlot; m_uMACAddressResolvedVersion = a_uMACAddressVersion; m_strFixedAddress = rConfig.strFixedAddress; autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); } return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::initWithSettingsAndMACAddress(VirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, DHCPServer *a_pParent, settings::DHCPIndividualConfig const &rConfig, PCRTMAC a_pMACAddress) { AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); HRESULT hrc = DHCPConfig::i_initWithSettings(a_pVirtualBox, a_pParent, rConfig); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { unconst(m_enmScope) = DHCPConfigScope_MAC; unconst(m_MACAddress) = *a_pMACAddress; m_strFixedAddress = rConfig.strFixedAddress; autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); } return hrc; } void DHCPIndividualConfig::uninit() { AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (!autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) autoUninitSpan.setSucceeded(); } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::i_saveSettings(settings::DHCPIndividualConfig &a_rDst) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); a_rDst.uSlot = m_uSlot; int vrc = a_rDst.strMACAddress.printfNoThrow("%RTmac", &m_MACAddress); if (m_idMachine.isValid() && !m_idMachine.isZero() && RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) vrc = a_rDst.strVMName.printfNoThrow("%RTuuid", m_idMachine.raw()); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) vrc = a_rDst.strFixedAddress.assignNoThrow(m_strFixedAddress); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) return DHCPConfig::i_saveSettings(a_rDst); return E_OUTOFMEMORY;; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::getMACAddress(com::Utf8Str &aMACAddress) { /* No locking needed here (the MAC address, machine UUID and NIC slot number cannot change). */ RTMAC MACAddress; if (m_enmScope == DHCPConfigScope_MAC) MACAddress = m_MACAddress; else { HRESULT hrc = i_getMachineMAC(&MACAddress); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; } /* Format the return string: */ int vrc = aMACAddress.printfNoThrow("%RTmac", &MACAddress); return RT_SUCCESS(vrc) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::getMachineId(com::Guid &aId) { AutoReadLock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aId = m_idMachine; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::getSlot(ULONG *aSlot) { AutoReadLock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aSlot = m_uSlot; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::getFixedAddress(com::Utf8Str &aFixedAddress) { AutoReadLock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return aFixedAddress.assignEx(m_strFixedAddress); } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::setFixedAddress(const com::Utf8Str &aFixedAddress) { if (aFixedAddress.isNotEmpty()) { RTNETADDRIPV4 AddrIgnored; int vrc = RTNetStrToIPv4Addr(aFixedAddress.c_str(), &AddrIgnored); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return setErrorBoth(E_INVALIDARG, vrc, tr("Invalid IPv4 address '%s': %Rrc"), aFixedAddress.c_str(), vrc); } { AutoWriteLock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m_strFixedAddress = aFixedAddress; } return i_doWriteConfig(); } /** * Gets the MAC address of m_idMachine + m_uSlot. * * @returns COM status code w/ setError. * @param pMACAddress Where to return the address. * * @note Must be called without holding any DHCP related locks as that would * be lock order violation. The m_idMachine and m_uSlot values are * practically const, so we don't need any locks here anyway. */ HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::i_getMachineMAC(PRTMAC pMACAddress) { ComObjPtr ptrMachine; HRESULT hrc = m_pVirtualBox->i_findMachine(m_idMachine, false /*fPermitInaccessible*/, true /*aSetError*/, &ptrMachine); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { ComPtr ptrNetworkAdapter; hrc = ptrMachine->GetNetworkAdapter(m_uSlot, ptrNetworkAdapter.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { com::Bstr bstrMACAddress; hrc = ptrNetworkAdapter->COMGETTER(MACAddress)(bstrMACAddress.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { Utf8Str strMACAddress; try { strMACAddress = bstrMACAddress; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } int vrc = RTNetStrToMacAddr(strMACAddress.c_str(), pMACAddress); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) hrc = S_OK; else hrc = setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, vrc, tr("INetworkAdapter returned bogus MAC address '%ls': %Rrc"), bstrMACAddress.raw(), vrc); } } } return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPIndividualConfig::i_resolveMACAddress(uint32_t uVersion) { HRESULT hrc; if (m_enmScope == DHCPConfigScope_MachineNIC) { RTMAC MACAddress; hrc = i_getMachineMAC(&MACAddress); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if ((int32_t)(uVersion - m_uMACAddressResolvedVersion) >= 0) { m_uMACAddressResolvedVersion = uVersion; m_MACAddress = MACAddress; } } } else hrc = S_OK; return hrc; } /** * Overridden to write out additional config. */ void DHCPIndividualConfig::i_writeDhcpdConfig(xml::ElementNode *pElmConfig) { char szTmp[RTUUID_STR_LENGTH + 32]; RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "%RTmac", &m_MACAddress); pElmConfig->setAttribute("MACAddress", szTmp); if (m_enmScope == DHCPConfigScope_MachineNIC) { RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "%RTuuid/%u", m_idMachine.raw(), m_uSlot); pElmConfig->setAttribute("name", szTmp); } pElmConfig->setAttribute("fixedAddress", m_strFixedAddress); DHCPConfig::i_writeDhcpdConfig(pElmConfig); }