/* $Id: DHCPServerImpl.cpp 75819 2018-11-29 16:16:40Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include "NetworkServiceRunner.h" #include "DHCPServerImpl.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" // constructor / destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const std::string DHCPServerRunner::kDsrKeyGateway = "--gateway"; const std::string DHCPServerRunner::kDsrKeyLowerIp = "--lower-ip"; const std::string DHCPServerRunner::kDsrKeyUpperIp = "--upper-ip"; const std::string DHCPServerRunner::kDsrKeyConfig = "--config"; struct DHCPServer::Data { Data() : enabled(FALSE) , router(false) { tempConfigFileName[0] = '\0'; } Utf8Str IPAddress; Utf8Str lowerIP; Utf8Str upperIP; BOOL enabled; bool router; DHCPServerRunner dhcp; settings::DhcpOptionMap GlobalDhcpOptions; settings::VmSlot2OptionsMap VmSlot2Options; char tempConfigFileName[RTPATH_MAX]; com::Utf8Str networkName; com::Utf8Str trunkName; com::Utf8Str trunkType; }; DHCPServer::DHCPServer() : m(NULL) , mVirtualBox(NULL) { m = new DHCPServer::Data(); } DHCPServer::~DHCPServer() { if (m) { delete m; m = NULL; } } HRESULT DHCPServer::FinalConstruct() { return BaseFinalConstruct(); } void DHCPServer::FinalRelease() { uninit (); BaseFinalRelease(); } void DHCPServer::uninit() { /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady */ AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) return; if (m->dhcp.isRunning()) stop(); unconst(mVirtualBox) = NULL; } HRESULT DHCPServer::init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, const Utf8Str &aName) { AssertReturn(!aName.isEmpty(), E_INVALIDARG); AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); /* share VirtualBox weakly (parent remains NULL so far) */ unconst(mVirtualBox) = aVirtualBox; unconst(mName) = aName; m->IPAddress = ""; m->GlobalDhcpOptions[DhcpOpt_SubnetMask] = settings::DhcpOptValue(""); m->enabled = FALSE; m->lowerIP = ""; m->upperIP = ""; /* Confirm a successful initialization */ autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox, const settings::DHCPServer &data) { /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); /* share VirtualBox weakly (parent remains NULL so far) */ unconst(mVirtualBox) = aVirtualBox; unconst(mName) = data.strNetworkName; m->IPAddress = data.strIPAddress; m->enabled = data.fEnabled; m->lowerIP = data.strIPLower; m->upperIP = data.strIPUpper; m->GlobalDhcpOptions.clear(); m->GlobalDhcpOptions.insert(data.GlobalDhcpOptions.begin(), data.GlobalDhcpOptions.end()); m->VmSlot2Options.clear(); m->VmSlot2Options.insert(data.VmSlot2OptionsM.begin(), data.VmSlot2OptionsM.end()); autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::i_saveSettings(settings::DHCPServer &data) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); data.strNetworkName = mName; data.strIPAddress = m->IPAddress; data.fEnabled = !!m->enabled; data.strIPLower = m->lowerIP; data.strIPUpper = m->upperIP; data.GlobalDhcpOptions.clear(); data.GlobalDhcpOptions.insert(m->GlobalDhcpOptions.begin(), m->GlobalDhcpOptions.end()); data.VmSlot2OptionsM.clear(); data.VmSlot2OptionsM.insert(m->VmSlot2Options.begin(), m->VmSlot2Options.end()); return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getNetworkName(com::Utf8Str &aName) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aName = mName; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getEnabled(BOOL *aEnabled) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aEnabled = m->enabled; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::setEnabled(BOOL aEnabled) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m->enabled = aEnabled; // save the global settings; for that we should hold only the VirtualBox lock alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT rc = mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); return rc; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getIPAddress(com::Utf8Str &aIPAddress) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aIPAddress = Utf8Str(m->IPAddress); return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getNetworkMask(com::Utf8Str &aNetworkMask) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aNetworkMask = m->GlobalDhcpOptions[DhcpOpt_SubnetMask].text; return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getLowerIP(com::Utf8Str &aIPAddress) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aIPAddress = Utf8Str(m->lowerIP); return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getUpperIP(com::Utf8Str &aIPAddress) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aIPAddress = Utf8Str(m->upperIP); return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::setConfiguration(const com::Utf8Str &aIPAddress, const com::Utf8Str &aNetworkMask, const com::Utf8Str &aLowerIP, const com::Utf8Str &aUpperIP) { RTNETADDRIPV4 IPAddress, NetworkMask, LowerIP, UpperIP; int vrc = RTNetStrToIPv4Addr(aIPAddress.c_str(), &IPAddress); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return mVirtualBox->setErrorBoth(E_INVALIDARG, vrc, "Invalid server address"); vrc = RTNetStrToIPv4Addr(aNetworkMask.c_str(), &NetworkMask); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return mVirtualBox->setErrorBoth(E_INVALIDARG, vrc, "Invalid netmask"); vrc = RTNetStrToIPv4Addr(aLowerIP.c_str(), &LowerIP); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return mVirtualBox->setErrorBoth(E_INVALIDARG, vrc, "Invalid range lower address"); vrc = RTNetStrToIPv4Addr(aUpperIP.c_str(), &UpperIP); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return mVirtualBox->setErrorBoth(E_INVALIDARG, vrc, "Invalid range upper address"); /* * Insist on continuous mask. May be also accept prefix length * here or address/prefix for aIPAddress? */ vrc = RTNetMaskToPrefixIPv4(&NetworkMask, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return mVirtualBox->setErrorBoth(E_INVALIDARG, vrc, "Invalid netmask"); /* It's more convenient to convert to host order once */ IPAddress.u = RT_N2H_U32(IPAddress.u); NetworkMask.u = RT_N2H_U32(NetworkMask.u); LowerIP.u = RT_N2H_U32(LowerIP.u); UpperIP.u = RT_N2H_U32(UpperIP.u); /* * Addresses must be unicast and from the same network */ if ( (IPAddress.u & UINT32_C(0xe0000000)) == UINT32_C(0xe0000000) || (IPAddress.u & ~NetworkMask.u) == 0 || ((IPAddress.u & ~NetworkMask.u) | NetworkMask.u) == UINT32_C(0xffffffff)) return mVirtualBox->setError(E_INVALIDARG, "Invalid server address"); if ( (LowerIP.u & UINT32_C(0xe0000000)) == UINT32_C(0xe0000000) || (LowerIP.u & NetworkMask.u) != (IPAddress.u &NetworkMask.u) || (LowerIP.u & ~NetworkMask.u) == 0 || ((LowerIP.u & ~NetworkMask.u) | NetworkMask.u) == UINT32_C(0xffffffff)) return mVirtualBox->setError(E_INVALIDARG, "Invalid range lower address"); if ( (UpperIP.u & UINT32_C(0xe0000000)) == UINT32_C(0xe0000000) || (UpperIP.u & NetworkMask.u) != (IPAddress.u &NetworkMask.u) || (UpperIP.u & ~NetworkMask.u) == 0 || ((UpperIP.u & ~NetworkMask.u) | NetworkMask.u) == UINT32_C(0xffffffff)) return mVirtualBox->setError(E_INVALIDARG, "Invalid range upper address"); /* The range should be valid ... */ if (LowerIP.u > UpperIP.u) return mVirtualBox->setError(E_INVALIDARG, "Invalid range bounds"); /* ... and shouldn't contain the server's address */ if (LowerIP.u <= IPAddress.u && IPAddress.u <= UpperIP.u) return mVirtualBox->setError(E_INVALIDARG, "Server address within range bounds"); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m->IPAddress = aIPAddress; m->GlobalDhcpOptions[DhcpOpt_SubnetMask] = aNetworkMask; m->lowerIP = aLowerIP; m->upperIP = aUpperIP; // save the global settings; for that we should hold only the VirtualBox lock alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } HRESULT DHCPServer::encodeOption(com::Utf8Str &aEncoded, uint32_t aOptCode, const settings::DhcpOptValue &aOptValue) { switch (aOptValue.encoding) { case DhcpOptEncoding_Legacy: { /* * This is original encoding which assumed that for each * option we know its format and so we know how option * "value" text is to be interpreted. * * "2:10800" # integer 32 * "6:" # array of ip-address */ aEncoded = Utf8StrFmt("%d:%s", aOptCode, aOptValue.text.c_str()); break; } case DhcpOptEncoding_Hex: { /* * This is a bypass for any option - preformatted value as * hex string with no semantic involved in formatting the * value for the DHCP reply. * * 234=68:65:6c:6c:6f:2c:20:77:6f:72:6c:64 */ aEncoded = Utf8StrFmt("%d=%s", aOptCode, aOptValue.text.c_str()); break; } default: { /* * Try to be forward compatible. * * "254@42=i hope you know what this means" */ aEncoded = Utf8StrFmt("%d@%d=%s", aOptCode, (int)aOptValue.encoding, aOptValue.text.c_str()); break; } } return S_OK; } int DHCPServer::addOption(settings::DhcpOptionMap &aMap, DhcpOpt_T aOption, const com::Utf8Str &aValue) { settings::DhcpOptValue OptValue; if (aOption != 0) { OptValue = settings::DhcpOptValue(aValue, DhcpOptEncoding_Legacy); } /* * This is a kludge to sneak in option encoding information * through existing API. We use option 0 and supply the real * option/value in the same format that encodeOption() above * produces for getter methods. */ else { uint8_t u8Code; char *pszNext; int vrc = RTStrToUInt8Ex(aValue.c_str(), &pszNext, 10, &u8Code); if (!RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) return VERR_PARSE_ERROR; uint32_t u32Enc; switch (*pszNext) { case ':': /* support legacy format too */ { u32Enc = DhcpOptEncoding_Legacy; break; } case '=': { u32Enc = DhcpOptEncoding_Hex; break; } case '@': { vrc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pszNext + 1, &pszNext, 10, &u32Enc); if (!RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) return VERR_PARSE_ERROR; if (*pszNext != '=') return VERR_PARSE_ERROR; break; } default: return VERR_PARSE_ERROR; } aOption = (DhcpOpt_T)u8Code; OptValue = settings::DhcpOptValue(pszNext + 1, (DhcpOptEncoding_T)u32Enc); } aMap[aOption] = OptValue; return VINF_SUCCESS; } HRESULT DHCPServer::addGlobalOption(DhcpOpt_T aOption, const com::Utf8Str &aValue) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int rc = addOption(m->GlobalDhcpOptions, aOption, aValue); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return E_INVALIDARG; /* Indirect way to understand that we're on NAT network */ if (aOption == DhcpOpt_Router) { m->dhcp.setOption(NetworkServiceRunner::kNsrKeyNeedMain, "on"); m->router = true; } alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } HRESULT DHCPServer::removeGlobalOption(DhcpOpt_T aOption) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap::size_type cErased = m->GlobalDhcpOptions.erase(aOption); if (!cErased) return E_INVALIDARG; alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } HRESULT DHCPServer::removeGlobalOptions() { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m->GlobalDhcpOptions.clear(); alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } HRESULT DHCPServer::getGlobalOptions(std::vector &aValues) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aValues.resize(m->GlobalDhcpOptions.size()); settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator it; size_t i = 0; for (it = m->GlobalDhcpOptions.begin(); it != m->GlobalDhcpOptions.end(); ++it, ++i) { uint32_t OptCode = (*it).first; const settings::DhcpOptValue &OptValue = (*it).second; encodeOption(aValues[i], OptCode, OptValue); } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getVmConfigs(std::vector &aValues) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aValues.resize(m->VmSlot2Options.size()); settings::VmSlot2OptionsMap::const_iterator it; size_t i = 0; for (it = m->VmSlot2Options.begin(); it != m->VmSlot2Options.end(); ++it, ++i) { aValues[i] = Utf8StrFmt("[%s]:%d", it->first.VmName.c_str(), it->first.Slot); } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::addVmSlotOption(const com::Utf8Str &aVmName, LONG aSlot, DhcpOpt_T aOption, const com::Utf8Str &aValue) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap &map = m->VmSlot2Options[settings::VmNameSlotKey(aVmName, aSlot)]; int rc = addOption(map, aOption, aValue); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return E_INVALIDARG; alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } HRESULT DHCPServer::removeVmSlotOption(const com::Utf8Str &aVmName, LONG aSlot, DhcpOpt_T aOption) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap &map = i_findOptMapByVmNameSlot(aVmName, aSlot); settings::DhcpOptionMap::size_type cErased = map.erase(aOption); if (!cErased) return E_INVALIDARG; alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } HRESULT DHCPServer::removeVmSlotOptions(const com::Utf8Str &aVmName, LONG aSlot) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap &map = i_findOptMapByVmNameSlot(aVmName, aSlot); map.clear(); alock.release(); AutoWriteLock vboxLock(mVirtualBox COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mVirtualBox->i_saveSettings(); } /** * this is mapping (vm, slot) */ HRESULT DHCPServer::getVmSlotOptions(const com::Utf8Str &aVmName, LONG aSlot, std::vector &aValues) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); settings::DhcpOptionMap &map = i_findOptMapByVmNameSlot(aVmName, aSlot); aValues.resize(map.size()); size_t i = 0; settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator it; for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it, ++i) { uint32_t OptCode = (*it).first; const settings::DhcpOptValue &OptValue = (*it).second; encodeOption(aValues[i], OptCode, OptValue); } return S_OK; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getMacOptions(const com::Utf8Str &aMAC, std::vector &aOption) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; ComPtr machine; ComPtr nic; settings::VmSlot2OptionsIterator it; for(it = m->VmSlot2Options.begin(); it != m->VmSlot2Options.end(); ++it) { alock.release(); hrc = mVirtualBox->FindMachine(Bstr(it->first.VmName).raw(), machine.asOutParam()); alock.acquire(); if (FAILED(hrc)) continue; alock.release(); hrc = machine->GetNetworkAdapter(it->first.Slot, nic.asOutParam()); alock.acquire(); if (FAILED(hrc)) continue; com::Bstr mac; alock.release(); hrc = nic->COMGETTER(MACAddress)(mac.asOutParam()); alock.acquire(); if (FAILED(hrc)) /* no MAC address ??? */ break; if (!RTStrICmp(com::Utf8Str(mac).c_str(), aMAC.c_str())) return getVmSlotOptions(it->first.VmName, it->first.Slot, aOption); } /* end of for */ return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPServer::getEventSource(ComPtr &aEventSource) { NOREF(aEventSource); ReturnComNotImplemented(); } DECLINLINE(void) addOptionChild(xml::ElementNode *pParent, uint32_t OptCode, const settings::DhcpOptValue &OptValue) { xml::ElementNode *pOption = pParent->createChild("Option"); pOption->setAttribute("name", OptCode); pOption->setAttribute("encoding", OptValue.encoding); pOption->setAttribute("value", OptValue.text.c_str()); } HRESULT DHCPServer::restart() { if (!m->dhcp.isRunning()) return E_FAIL; /* * Disabled servers will be brought down, but won't be restarted. * (see DHCPServer::start) */ HRESULT hrc = stop(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = start(m->networkName, m->trunkName, m->trunkType); return hrc; } HRESULT DHCPServer::start(const com::Utf8Str &aNetworkName, const com::Utf8Str &aTrunkName, const com::Utf8Str &aTrunkType) { /* Silently ignore attempts to run disabled servers. */ if (!m->enabled) return S_OK; /* * @todo: the existing code cannot handle concurrent attempts to start DHCP server. * Note that technically it may receive different parameters from different callers. */ m->networkName = aNetworkName; m->trunkName = aTrunkName; m->trunkType = aTrunkType; m->dhcp.clearOptions(); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DHCPD int rc = RTPathTemp(m->tempConfigFileName, sizeof(m->tempConfigFileName)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return E_FAIL; rc = RTPathAppend(m->tempConfigFileName, sizeof(m->tempConfigFileName), "dhcp-config-XXXXX.xml"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { m->tempConfigFileName[0] = '\0'; return E_FAIL; } rc = RTFileCreateTemp(m->tempConfigFileName, 0600); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { m->tempConfigFileName[0] = '\0'; return E_FAIL; } xml::Document doc; xml::ElementNode *pElmRoot = doc.createRootElement("DHCPServer"); pElmRoot->setAttribute("networkName", m->networkName.c_str()); if (!m->trunkName.isEmpty()) pElmRoot->setAttribute("trunkName", m->trunkName.c_str()); pElmRoot->setAttribute("trunkType", m->trunkType.c_str()); pElmRoot->setAttribute("IPAddress", Utf8Str(m->IPAddress).c_str()); pElmRoot->setAttribute("networkMask", Utf8Str(m->GlobalDhcpOptions[DhcpOpt_SubnetMask].text).c_str()); pElmRoot->setAttribute("lowerIP", Utf8Str(m->lowerIP).c_str()); pElmRoot->setAttribute("upperIP", Utf8Str(m->upperIP).c_str()); /* Process global options */ xml::ElementNode *pOptions = pElmRoot->createChild("Options"); // settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator itGlobal; for (settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator it = m->GlobalDhcpOptions.begin(); it != m->GlobalDhcpOptions.end(); ++it) addOptionChild(pOptions, (*it).first, (*it).second); /* Process network-adapter-specific options */ AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; ComPtr machine; ComPtr nic; settings::VmSlot2OptionsIterator it; for(it = m->VmSlot2Options.begin(); it != m->VmSlot2Options.end(); ++it) { alock.release(); hrc = mVirtualBox->FindMachine(Bstr(it->first.VmName).raw(), machine.asOutParam()); alock.acquire(); if (FAILED(hrc)) continue; alock.release(); hrc = machine->GetNetworkAdapter(it->first.Slot, nic.asOutParam()); alock.acquire(); if (FAILED(hrc)) continue; com::Bstr mac; alock.release(); hrc = nic->COMGETTER(MACAddress)(mac.asOutParam()); alock.acquire(); if (FAILED(hrc)) /* no MAC address ??? */ continue; /* Convert MAC address from XXXXXXXXXXXX to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX */ Utf8Str strMacWithoutColons(mac); const char *pszSrc = strMacWithoutColons.c_str(); RTMAC binaryMac; if (RTStrConvertHexBytes(pszSrc, &binaryMac, sizeof(binaryMac), 0) != VINF_SUCCESS) continue; char szMac[18]; /* "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" */ if (RTStrPrintHexBytes(szMac, sizeof(szMac), &binaryMac, sizeof(binaryMac), RTSTRPRINTHEXBYTES_F_SEP_COLON) != VINF_SUCCESS) continue; xml::ElementNode *pMacConfig = pElmRoot->createChild("Config"); pMacConfig->setAttribute("MACAddress", szMac); com::Utf8Str encodedOption; settings::DhcpOptionMap &map = i_findOptMapByVmNameSlot(it->first.VmName, it->first.Slot); settings::DhcpOptionMap::const_iterator itAdapterOption; for (itAdapterOption = map.begin(); itAdapterOption != map.end(); ++itAdapterOption) addOptionChild(pMacConfig, (*itAdapterOption).first, (*itAdapterOption).second); } xml::XmlFileWriter writer(doc); writer.write(m->tempConfigFileName, true); m->dhcp.setOption(DHCPServerRunner::kDsrKeyConfig, m->tempConfigFileName); #else /* !VBOX_WITH_DHCPD */ /* Commmon Network Settings */ m->dhcp.setOption(NetworkServiceRunner::kNsrKeyNetwork, aNetworkName.c_str()); if (!aTrunkName.isEmpty()) m->dhcp.setOption(NetworkServiceRunner::kNsrTrunkName, aTrunkName.c_str()); m->dhcp.setOption(NetworkServiceRunner::kNsrKeyTrunkType, aTrunkType.c_str()); /* XXX: should this MAC default initialization moved to NetworkServiceRunner? */ char strMAC[32]; Guid guid; guid.create(); RTStrPrintf (strMAC, sizeof(strMAC), "08:00:27:%02X:%02X:%02X", guid.raw()->au8[0], guid.raw()->au8[1], guid.raw()->au8[2]); m->dhcp.setOption(NetworkServiceRunner::kNsrMacAddress, strMAC); m->dhcp.setOption(NetworkServiceRunner::kNsrIpAddress, Utf8Str(m->IPAddress).c_str()); m->dhcp.setOption(NetworkServiceRunner::kNsrIpNetmask, Utf8Str(m->GlobalDhcpOptions[DhcpOpt_SubnetMask].text).c_str()); m->dhcp.setOption(DHCPServerRunner::kDsrKeyLowerIp, Utf8Str(m->lowerIP).c_str()); m->dhcp.setOption(DHCPServerRunner::kDsrKeyUpperIp, Utf8Str(m->upperIP).c_str()); #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_DHCPD */ /* XXX: This parameters Dhcp Server will fetch via API */ return RT_FAILURE(m->dhcp.start(!m->router /* KillProcOnExit */)) ? E_FAIL : S_OK; //m->dhcp.detachFromServer(); /* need to do this to avoid server shutdown on runner destruction */ } HRESULT DHCPServer::stop (void) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DHCPD if (m->tempConfigFileName[0]) { RTFileDelete(m->tempConfigFileName); m->tempConfigFileName[0] = 0; } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DHCPD */ return RT_FAILURE(m->dhcp.stop()) ? E_FAIL : S_OK; } settings::DhcpOptionMap &DHCPServer::i_findOptMapByVmNameSlot(const com::Utf8Str &aVmName, LONG aSlot) { return m->VmSlot2Options[settings::VmNameSlotKey(aVmName, aSlot)]; }