1 | /* $Id: OCIProfile.cpp 73719 2018-08-16 17:51:19Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * ICloudProfile COM class implementation (OCI).
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #include "OCIProfile.h"
19 | #include "OCIProvider.h"
20 | #include "CloudClientImpl.h"
21 | #include "AutoCaller.h"
23 | #include "Logging.h"
24 |
25 | #include <iprt/cpp/utils.h>
26 |
27 |
28 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 | //
30 | // OCIProfile implementation
31 | //
32 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 | OCIProfile::OCIProfile()
34 | : mVirtualBox(NULL), mParent(NULL)
35 | {
36 | }
37 |
38 | OCIProfile::~OCIProfile()
39 | {
40 | LogRel(("OCIProfile::~OCIProfile()\n"));
41 | unconst(mVirtualBox) = NULL;
42 | unconst(mParent).setNull();
43 | }
44 |
45 | HRESULT OCIProfile::FinalConstruct()
46 | {
47 | return BaseFinalConstruct();
48 | }
49 |
50 | void OCIProfile::FinalRelease()
51 | {
52 | uninit();
53 |
54 | BaseFinalRelease();
55 | }
56 |
57 | void OCIProfile::uninit()
58 | {
59 | // Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady.
60 | AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this);
61 | if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone())
62 | return;
63 |
64 | unconst(mVirtualBox) = NULL;
65 | unconst(mParent).setNull();
66 | }
67 |
68 | HRESULT OCIProfile::initFromConfig(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox,
69 | OCIProvider *aParent,
70 | const com::Utf8Str &aProfileName)
71 | {
72 | // Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready.
73 | AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this);
74 | AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL);
76 | AssertReturn(aVirtualBox, E_INVALIDARG);
77 | #endif
78 | AssertReturn(aParent, E_INVALIDARG);
79 | AssertReturn(!aProfileName.isEmpty(), E_INVALIDARG);
80 |
81 | unconst(mVirtualBox) = aVirtualBox;
82 | unconst(mParent) = aParent;
83 | unconst(mName) = aProfileName;
84 |
85 | autoInitSpan.setSucceeded();
86 | return S_OK;
87 | }
88 |
89 | HRESULT OCIProfile::initNew(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox,
90 | OCIProvider *aParent,
91 | const com::Utf8Str &aProfileName,
92 | const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aNames,
93 | const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aValues)
94 | {
95 | // Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready.
96 | AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this);
97 | AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL);
99 | AssertReturn(aVirtualBox, E_INVALIDARG);
100 | #endif
101 | AssertReturn(aParent, E_INVALIDARG);
102 | AssertReturn(!aProfileName.isEmpty(), E_INVALIDARG);
103 |
104 | unconst(mVirtualBox) = aVirtualBox;
105 | unconst(mParent) = aParent;
106 | unconst(mName) = aProfileName;
107 |
108 | HRESULT hrc = S_OK;
109 | if (!aParent->i_existsProfile(aProfileName))
110 | hrc = aParent->i_addProfile(aProfileName, aNames, aValues);
111 | else
112 | hrc = setError(E_FAIL, tr("Profile '%s' already exists"), aProfileName.c_str());
113 |
114 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
115 | autoInitSpan.setSucceeded();
116 | return hrc;
117 | }
118 |
119 | void OCIProfile::i_getProfile(StringMap &aProfile) const
120 | {
121 | AutoCaller autoCaller(mParent);
122 | if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc()))
123 | return;
124 | AutoReadLock plock(mParent COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
125 |
126 | mParent->i_getProfileMap(mName, aProfile);
127 | }
128 |
129 |
130 | static struct
131 | {
132 | const char *pszOCIConfigEntry, *pszDesciption;
133 | } const g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription[] =
134 | {
135 | { "user", "OCID of the user calling the API." },
136 | { "tenancy", "OCID of your tenancy." },
137 | { "compartment", "OCID of your compartment." },
138 | { "fingerprint", "Fingerprint for the key pair being used." },
139 | { "key_file", "Full path and filename of the private key."
140 | "If you encrypted the key with a passphrase, you must also include "
141 | "the pass_phrase entry in the config file."},
142 | { "pass_phrase", "Passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted." },
143 | { "region", "An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region" },
144 | };
145 |
146 |
147 | HRESULT OCIProfile::getName(com::Utf8Str &aName)
148 | {
149 | // mName is constant during life time, no need to lock.
150 | aName = mName;
151 | return S_OK;
152 | }
153 |
154 | HRESULT OCIProfile::getProviderId(com::Guid &aProviderId)
155 | {
156 | // provider id is constant during life time, no need to lock.
157 | aProviderId = mParent->i_getId();
158 | return S_OK;
159 | }
160 |
161 | HRESULT OCIProfile::getSupportedPropertyNames(std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aSupportedPropertyNames)
162 | {
163 | // g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription is constant during life time, no need to lock.
164 | for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription); ++i)
165 | aSupportedPropertyNames.push_back(g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription[i].pszOCIConfigEntry);
166 | return S_OK;
167 | }
168 |
169 | HRESULT OCIProfile::getProperty(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
170 | Utf8Str &aReturnValue)
171 | {
172 | AutoCaller autoCaller(mParent);
173 | if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc()))
174 | return autoCaller.rc();
175 | AutoReadLock alock(mParent COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
176 | mParent->i_getProfileProperty(mName, aName, aReturnValue);
177 | return S_OK;
178 | }
179 |
180 | HRESULT OCIProfile::setProperty(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
181 | const com::Utf8Str &aValue)
182 | {
183 | AutoCaller autoCaller(mParent);
184 | if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc()))
185 | return autoCaller.rc();
186 | AutoWriteLock alock(mParent COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
187 | mParent->i_updateProfileProperty(mName, aName, aValue);
188 | return S_OK;
189 | }
190 |
191 | HRESULT OCIProfile::getProperties(const com::Utf8Str &aNames,
192 | std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aReturnNames,
193 | std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aReturnValues)
194 | {
195 | AutoCaller autoCaller(mParent);
196 | if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc()))
197 | return autoCaller.rc();
198 | AutoReadLock alock(mParent COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
199 | /// @todo implement name filtering (everywhere... lots of similar code in many places handling properties. */
200 | RT_NOREF(aNames);
201 | mParent->i_getProfile(mName, aReturnNames, aReturnValues);
202 | return S_OK;
203 | }
204 |
205 | HRESULT OCIProfile::setProperties(const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aNames,
206 | const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aValues)
207 | {
208 | AutoCaller autoCaller(mParent);
209 | if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc()))
210 | return autoCaller.rc();
211 | AutoWriteLock alock(mParent COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
212 | return mParent->i_updateProfile(mName, aNames, aValues);
213 | }
214 |
215 | HRESULT OCIProfile::getPropertyDescription(const com::Utf8Str &aName, com::Utf8Str &aDescription)
216 | {
217 | // g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription is constant during life time, no need to lock.
218 | for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription); ++i)
219 | if (aName.contains(g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription[i].pszOCIConfigEntry, Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive))
220 | {
221 | aDescription = g_aOCIConfigEntryToDescription[i].pszDesciption;
222 | }
223 | return S_OK;
224 | }
225 |
226 |
227 | HRESULT OCIProfile::createCloudClient(ComPtr<ICloudClient> &aCloudClient)
228 | {
229 | ComObjPtr<CloudClientOCI> pCloudClientOCI;
230 | HRESULT hrc = pCloudClientOCI.createObject();
231 | if (FAILED(hrc))
232 | return hrc;
233 | hrc = pCloudClientOCI->initCloudClient(mVirtualBox, this);
234 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
235 | hrc = pCloudClientOCI.queryInterfaceTo(aCloudClient.asOutParam());
236 |
237 | return hrc;
238 | }