1 | /* $Id: UnattendedScript.cpp 93920 2022-02-24 14:00:53Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Classes for reading/parsing/saving scripts for unattended installation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
20 | * Header Files *
21 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
23 | #include "LoggingNew.h"
24 | #include "VirtualBoxBase.h"
25 | #include "AutoCaller.h"
26 | #include <VBox/com/ErrorInfo.h>
27 |
28 | #include "UnattendedScript.h"
29 | #include "UnattendedImpl.h"
30 |
31 | #include <iprt/err.h>
32 |
33 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
34 | #include <iprt/file.h>
35 | #include <iprt/vfs.h>
36 | #include <iprt/getopt.h>
37 | #include <iprt/path.h>
38 |
39 | using namespace std;
40 |
42 |
43 |
44 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
45 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
46 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
47 | static const char g_szPrefix[] = "@@VBOX_";
48 | static const char g_szPrefixInsert[] = "@@VBOX_INSERT";
49 | static const char g_szPrefixInsertXxx[] = "@@VBOX_INSERT_";
50 | static const char g_szPrefixInsertExpr[] = "@@VBOX_INSERT[";
51 | static const char g_szPrefixCond[] = "@@VBOX_COND";
52 | static const char g_szPrefixCondXxx[] = "@@VBOX_COND_";
53 | static const char g_szPrefixCondExpr[] = "@@VBOX_COND[";
54 | static const char g_szPrefixCondElse[] = "@@VBOX_COND_ELSE@@";
55 | static const char g_szPrefixCondEnd[] = "@@VBOX_COND_END@@";
56 | static const char g_szPrefixSplitter[] = "@@VBOX_SPLITTER";
57 |
58 |
59 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
60 | * Static Functions *
61 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
62 |
63 | /**
64 | * Searches comparison operators'<', '<=', '>', '>=', or '=' in string.
65 | *
66 | * @returns true if detected, false if not.
67 | * @param pszComparisonOperator Comparison operators string array. Assumed to be of size 3,
68 | * @param pachPlaceholder The string array in which we search the comparison operators,
69 | * @param startPos The position with in the pachPlaceholder from where the seach starts. Required to be smaller then
70 | * sizeof(pachPlaceholder) - 3
71 | */
72 |
73 | static bool detectComparisonOperator(char *pszComparisonOperator, const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t &startPos)
74 | {
75 | memset(pszComparisonOperator, '\0', 3);
76 | /* Search for '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '='. */
77 | if (pachPlaceholder[startPos] == '<')
78 | {
79 | pszComparisonOperator[0] = '<';
80 | ++startPos;
81 | if (pachPlaceholder[startPos] == '=')
82 | {
83 | pszComparisonOperator[1] = '=';
84 | ++startPos;
85 | }
86 | return true;
87 | }
88 | if (pachPlaceholder[startPos] == '>')
89 | {
90 | pszComparisonOperator[0] = '>';
91 | ++startPos;
92 | if (pachPlaceholder[startPos] == '=')
93 | {
94 | pszComparisonOperator[1] = '=';
95 | ++startPos;
96 | }
97 | return true;
98 | }
99 | else if (pachPlaceholder[startPos] == '=')
100 | {
101 | pszComparisonOperator[0] = '=';
102 | ++startPos;
103 | return true;
104 | }
105 | return false;
106 | }
107 |
108 |
109 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
110 | * UnattendedScriptTemplate Implementation *
111 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
112 |
113 | UnattendedScriptTemplate::UnattendedScriptTemplate(Unattended *pUnattended, const char *pszDefaultTemplateFilename,
114 | const char *pszDefaultFilename)
115 | : BaseTextScript(pUnattended, pszDefaultTemplateFilename, pszDefaultFilename), mpUnattended(pUnattended)
116 | {
117 | }
118 |
119 | HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::saveToString(Utf8Str &rStrDst)
120 | {
122 | int vrc = RTExprEvalCreate(&hEvaluator, 0, "unattended", this, UnattendedScriptTemplate::queryVariableForExpr);
123 | AssertRCReturn(vrc, mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc));
124 |
125 | struct
126 | {
127 | bool fSavedOutputting;
128 | } aConds[8];
129 | unsigned cConds = 0;
130 | bool fOutputting = true;
131 | HRESULT hrc = E_FAIL;
132 | size_t offTemplate = 0;
133 | size_t cchTemplate = mStrScriptFullContent.length();
134 | rStrDst.setNull();
135 | for (;;)
136 | {
137 | /*
138 | * Find the next placeholder and add any text before it to the output.
139 | */
140 | size_t offPlaceholder = mStrScriptFullContent.find(g_szPrefix, offTemplate);
141 | size_t cchToCopy = offPlaceholder != RTCString::npos ? offPlaceholder - offTemplate : cchTemplate - offTemplate;
142 | if (cchToCopy > 0)
143 | {
144 | if (fOutputting)
145 | {
146 | try
147 | {
148 | rStrDst.append(mStrScriptFullContent, offTemplate , cchToCopy);
149 | }
150 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
151 | {
152 | hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
153 | break;
154 | }
155 | }
156 | offTemplate += cchToCopy;
157 | }
158 |
159 | /*
160 | * Process placeholder.
161 | */
162 | if (offPlaceholder != RTCString::npos)
163 | {
164 | /*
165 | * First we must find the end of the placeholder string.
166 | */
167 | size_t const cchMaxPlaceholder = RT_MIN(cchTemplate - offPlaceholder, _1K);
168 | const char *pszPlaceholder = mStrScriptFullContent.c_str() + offPlaceholder;
169 | size_t cchPlaceholder = sizeof(g_szPrefix) - 1;
170 | char ch;
171 | while ( cchPlaceholder < cchMaxPlaceholder
172 | && (ch = pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder]) != '\0'
173 | && (RT_C_IS_PRINT(ch) || RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch))
174 | && ch != '@')
175 | cchPlaceholder++;
176 |
177 | if ( offPlaceholder + cchPlaceholder < cchTemplate
178 | && pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder] == '@')
179 | {
180 | cchPlaceholder++;
181 | if ( offPlaceholder + cchPlaceholder < cchTemplate
182 | && pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder] == '@')
183 | cchPlaceholder++;
184 | }
185 |
186 | if ( pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - 1] != '@'
187 | || pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - 2] != '@'
188 | || ( strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixInsert)) != 0
189 | && strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixCond)) != 0
190 | && strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixSplitter)) != 0 ) )
191 | {
192 | hrc = mpSetError->setError(E_FAIL, tr("Malformed or too long template placeholder '%.*s'"),
193 | cchPlaceholder, pszPlaceholder);
194 | break;
195 | }
196 |
197 | offTemplate += cchPlaceholder;
198 |
199 | /*
200 | * @@VBOX_INSERT_XXX@@:
201 | */
202 | if (strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixInsertXxx)) == 0)
203 | {
204 | /*
205 | * Get the placeholder value and add it to the output.
206 | */
207 | RTCString strValue;
208 | hrc = getReplacement(pszPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, fOutputting, strValue);
209 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
210 | {
211 | if (fOutputting)
212 | {
213 | try
214 | {
215 | rStrDst.append(strValue);
216 | }
217 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
218 | {
219 | hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
220 | break;
221 | }
222 | }
223 | }
224 | else
225 | break;
226 | }
227 | /*
228 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]@@:
229 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]SH@@:
230 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]ELEMENT@@:
231 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]ATTRIB_DQ@@:
232 | */
233 | else if (strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixInsertExpr)) == 0)
234 | {
235 | /*
236 | * Get the placeholder value and add it to the output.
237 | */
238 | char *pszValue = NULL;
239 | hrc = getReplacementForExpr(hEvaluator, pszPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, fOutputting, &pszValue);
240 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
241 | {
242 | if (fOutputting && pszValue)
243 | {
244 | try
245 | {
246 | rStrDst.append(pszValue);
247 | }
248 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
249 | {
250 | hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
251 | break;
252 | }
253 | }
254 | RTStrFree(pszValue);
255 | }
256 | else
257 | break;
258 | }
259 | /*
260 | * @@VBOX_COND_END@@: Pop one item of the conditional stack.
261 | */
262 | else if (strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixCondEnd)) == 0)
263 | {
264 | if (cConds > 0)
265 | {
266 | cConds--;
267 | fOutputting = aConds[cConds].fSavedOutputting;
268 | }
269 | else
270 | {
271 | hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR,
272 | tr("%s without @@VBOX_COND_XXX@@ at offset %zu (%#zx)"),
273 | g_szPrefixCondEnd, offPlaceholder, offPlaceholder);
274 | break;
275 | }
276 | }
277 | /*
278 | * @@VBOX_COND_ELSE@@: Flip the output setting of the current condition.
279 | */
280 | else if (strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixCondElse)) == 0)
281 | {
282 | if (cConds > 0)
283 | fOutputting = !fOutputting;
284 | else
285 | {
286 | hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR,
287 | tr("%s without @@VBOX_COND_XXX@@ at offset %zu (%#zx)"),
288 | g_szPrefixCondElse, offPlaceholder, offPlaceholder);
289 | break;
290 | }
291 | }
292 | /*
293 | * @@VBOX_COND_XXX@@: Push the previous outputting state and combine it with the
294 | * one from the condition.
295 | */
296 | else if (strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixCondXxx)) == 0)
297 | {
298 | if (cConds + 1 < RT_ELEMENTS(aConds))
299 | {
300 | aConds[cConds].fSavedOutputting = fOutputting;
301 | bool fNewOutputting = fOutputting;
302 | hrc = getConditional(pszPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, &fNewOutputting);
303 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
304 | fOutputting = fOutputting && fNewOutputting;
305 | else
306 | break;
307 | cConds++;
308 | }
309 | else
310 | {
311 | hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR,
312 | tr("Too deep conditional nesting at offset %zu (%#zx)"),
313 | offPlaceholder, offPlaceholder);
314 | break;
315 | }
316 | }
317 | /*
318 | * @@VBOX_COND[expr]@@: Push the previous outputting state and combine it with the
319 | * one from the condition.
320 | */
321 | else if (strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixCondExpr)) == 0)
322 | {
323 | if (cConds + 1 < RT_ELEMENTS(aConds))
324 | {
325 | aConds[cConds].fSavedOutputting = fOutputting;
326 | bool fNewOutputting = fOutputting;
327 | hrc = resolveConditionalExpr(hEvaluator, pszPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, &fNewOutputting);
328 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
329 | fOutputting = fOutputting && fNewOutputting;
330 | else
331 | break;
332 | cConds++;
333 | }
334 | else
335 | {
336 | hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR,
337 | tr("Too deep conditional nesting at offset %zu (%#zx)"),
338 | offPlaceholder, offPlaceholder);
339 | break;
340 | }
341 | }
342 | /*
343 | * @@VBOX_SPLITTER_START/END[filename]@@: Ignored in this pass.
344 | */
345 | else
346 | {
347 | Assert(strncmp(pszPlaceholder, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szPrefixSplitter)) == 0);
348 | if (fOutputting)
349 | {
350 | try
351 | {
352 | rStrDst.append(pszPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder);
353 | }
354 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
355 | {
356 | hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
357 | break;
358 | }
359 | }
360 | }
361 | }
362 |
363 | /*
364 | * Done?
365 | */
366 | if (offTemplate >= cchTemplate)
367 | {
368 | if (cConds == 0)
369 | {
370 | RTExprEvalRelease(hEvaluator);
371 | return S_OK;
372 | }
373 | if (cConds == 1)
374 | hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Missing @@VBOX_COND_END@@"));
375 | else
376 | hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Missing %u @@VBOX_COND_END@@"), cConds);
377 | break;
378 | }
379 | }
380 |
381 | /* failed */
382 | rStrDst.setNull();
383 | RTExprEvalRelease(hEvaluator);
384 | return hrc;
385 | }
386 |
387 | HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::getReplacement(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder,
388 | bool fOutputting, RTCString &rValue)
389 | {
390 | /*
391 | * Check for an escaping suffix. Drop the '@@'.
392 | */
393 | kEvalEscaping_T enmEscaping;
394 | #define PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH(a_szSuffix) \
395 | ( cchPlaceholder > sizeof(a_szSuffix) - 1U \
396 | && memcmp(&pachPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - sizeof(a_szSuffix) + 1U], a_szSuffix, sizeof(a_szSuffix) - 1U) == 0)
398 | {
399 | cchPlaceholder -= 3 + 2;
400 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_Bourne;
401 | }
403 | {
404 | cchPlaceholder -= 8 + 2;
405 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_XML_Element;
406 | }
408 | {
409 | cchPlaceholder -= 10 + 2;
410 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes;
411 | }
412 | else
413 | {
414 | Assert(PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH("@@"));
415 | cchPlaceholder -= 2;
416 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_None;
417 | }
419 |
420 | /*
421 | * Resolve and escape the value.
422 | */
423 | HRESULT hrc;
424 | try
425 | {
426 | Utf8Str strTmp;
427 | const char *pszReadOnlyValue = NULL;
428 | int vrc = queryVariable(pachPlaceholder + sizeof(g_szPrefixInsertXxx) - 1,
429 | cchPlaceholder - sizeof(g_szPrefixInsertXxx) + 1,
430 | strTmp, fOutputting ? &pszReadOnlyValue : NULL);
431 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
432 | {
433 | if (fOutputting)
434 | {
435 | Assert(pszReadOnlyValue != NULL);
436 | switch (enmEscaping)
437 | {
438 | case kValueEscaping_None:
439 | rValue = pszReadOnlyValue;
440 | return S_OK;
441 |
442 | case kValueEscaping_Bourne:
443 | case kValueEscaping_XML_Element:
444 | case kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes:
445 | {
446 | switch (enmEscaping)
447 | {
448 | case kValueEscaping_Bourne:
449 | {
450 | const char * const papszArgs[2] = { pszReadOnlyValue, NULL };
451 | char *pszEscaped = NULL;
452 | vrc = RTGetOptArgvToString(&pszEscaped, papszArgs, RTGETOPTARGV_CNV_QUOTE_BOURNE_SH);
453 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
454 | {
455 | try
456 | {
457 | rValue = pszEscaped;
458 | RTStrFree(pszEscaped);
459 | return S_OK;
460 | }
461 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
462 | {
463 | hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
464 | }
465 | RTStrFree(pszEscaped);
466 | }
467 | else
468 | hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc);
469 | break;
470 | }
471 |
472 | case kValueEscaping_XML_Element:
473 | rValue.printf("%RMes", pszReadOnlyValue);
474 | return S_OK;
475 |
476 | case kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes:
477 | {
478 | RTCString strTmp2;
479 | strTmp2.printf("%RMas", pszReadOnlyValue);
480 | rValue = RTCString(strTmp2, 1, strTmp2.length() - 2);
481 | return S_OK;
482 | }
483 |
484 | default:
485 | hrc = E_FAIL;
486 | break;
487 | }
488 | break;
489 | }
490 |
491 | default:
492 | AssertFailedStmt(hrc = E_FAIL);
493 | break;
494 | }
495 | }
496 | else
497 | hrc = S_OK;
498 | }
499 | else
500 | hrc = E_FAIL;
501 | }
502 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
503 | {
504 | hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
505 | }
506 | rValue.setNull();
507 | return hrc;
508 | }
509 |
510 | HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::getReplacementForExpr(RTEXPREVAL hEvaluator, const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder,
511 | bool fOutputting, char **ppszValue) RT_NOEXCEPT
512 | {
513 | /*
514 | * Process the tail of the placeholder to figure out the escaping rules.
515 | *
516 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]@@:
517 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]SH@@:
518 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]ELEMENT@@:
519 | * @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]ATTRIB_DQ@@:
520 | */
521 | kEvalEscaping_T enmEscaping;
522 | #define PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH(a_szSuffix) \
523 | ( cchPlaceholder > sizeof(a_szSuffix) - 1U \
524 | && memcmp(&pachPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - sizeof(a_szSuffix) + 1U], a_szSuffix, sizeof(a_szSuffix) - 1U) == 0)
526 | {
527 | cchPlaceholder -= sizeof("]SH@@") - 1;
528 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_Bourne;
529 | }
531 | {
532 | cchPlaceholder -= sizeof("]ELEMENT@@") - 1;
533 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_XML_Element;
534 | }
536 | {
537 | cchPlaceholder -= sizeof("]ATTRIB_DQ@@") - 1;
538 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes;
539 | }
540 | else if (PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH("]@@"))
541 | {
542 | cchPlaceholder -= sizeof("]@@") - 1;
543 | enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_None;
544 | }
545 | else
546 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Malformed @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]@@: Missing ']' (%.*s)"),
547 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
549 |
550 | /* The placeholder prefix length. The expression is from cchPrefix to cchPlaceholder. */
551 | size_t const cchPrefix = sizeof(g_szPrefixInsertExpr) - 1;
552 | Assert(pachPlaceholder[cchPrefix - 1] == '[');
553 |
554 | /*
555 | * Evaluate the expression. We do this regardless of fOutput for now.
556 | */
558 | char *pszValue = NULL;
559 | int vrc = RTExprEvalToString(hEvaluator, &pachPlaceholder[cchPrefix], cchPlaceholder - cchPrefix, &pszValue,
560 | RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfo));
561 | LogFlowFunc(("RTExprEvalToString(%.*s) -> %Rrc pszValue=%s\n",
562 | cchPlaceholder - cchPrefix, &pachPlaceholder[cchPrefix], vrc, pszValue));
563 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
564 | {
565 | if (fOutputting)
566 | {
567 | switch (enmEscaping)
568 | {
569 | case kValueEscaping_None:
570 | *ppszValue = pszValue;
571 | pszValue = NULL;
572 | break;
573 |
574 | case kValueEscaping_Bourne:
575 | {
576 | const char * const papszArgs[2] = { pszValue, NULL };
577 | vrc = RTGetOptArgvToString(ppszValue, papszArgs, RTGETOPTARGV_CNV_QUOTE_BOURNE_SH);
578 | break;
579 | }
580 |
581 | case kValueEscaping_XML_Element:
582 | vrc = RTStrAPrintf(ppszValue, "%RMes", pszValue);
583 | break;
584 |
585 | case kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes:
586 | vrc = RTStrAPrintf(ppszValue, "%RMas", pszValue);
587 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
588 | {
589 | /* drop the quotes */
590 | char *pszRet = *ppszValue;
591 | size_t const cchRet = strlen(pszRet) - 2;
592 | memmove(pszRet, &pszRet[1], cchRet);
593 | pszRet[cchRet] = '\0';
594 | }
595 | break;
596 |
597 | default:
598 | AssertFailedStmt(vrc = VERR_IPE_NOT_REACHED_DEFAULT_CASE);
599 | break;
600 | }
601 | RTStrFree(pszValue);
602 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
603 | return mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc);
604 | }
605 | else
606 | {
607 | *ppszValue = NULL;
608 | RTStrFree(pszValue);
609 | }
610 | }
611 | else
612 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, vrc, tr("Expression evaluation error for '%.*s': %#RTeic"),
613 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder, &ErrInfo.Core);
614 | return S_OK;
615 | }
616 |
617 | HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::resolveConditionalExpr(RTEXPREVAL hEvaluator, const char *pachPlaceholder,
618 | size_t cchPlaceholder, bool *pfOutputting) RT_NOEXCEPT
619 | {
620 | /*
621 | * Check the placeholder tail: @@VBOX_COND[expr]@@
622 | */
623 | static const char s_szTail[] = "]@@";
624 | if (memcmp(&pachPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - sizeof(s_szTail) + 1], RT_STR_TUPLE(s_szTail)) != 0)
625 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Malformed @@VBOX_COND[expr]@@: Missing ']' (%.*s)"),
626 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
627 | Assert(pachPlaceholder[sizeof(g_szPrefixCondExpr) - 2 ] == '[');
628 |
629 | /*
630 | * Evaluate the expression.
631 | */
633 | const char * const pchExpr = &pachPlaceholder[sizeof(g_szPrefixCondExpr) - 1];
634 | size_t const cchExpr = cchPlaceholder - sizeof(g_szPrefixCondExpr) + 1 - sizeof(s_szTail) + 1;
635 | int vrc = RTExprEvalToBool(hEvaluator, pchExpr, cchExpr, pfOutputting, RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfo));
636 | LogFlowFunc(("RTExprEvalToBool(%.*s) -> %Rrc *pfOutputting=%s\n", cchExpr, pchExpr, vrc, *pfOutputting));
637 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
638 | return S_OK;
639 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, vrc, tr("Expression evaluation error for '%.*s': %#RTeic"),
640 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder, &ErrInfo.Core);
641 | }
642 |
643 | /*static */ DECLCALLBACK(int)
644 | UnattendedScriptTemplate::queryVariableForExpr(const char *pchName, size_t cchName, void *pvUser, char **ppszValue) RT_NOEXCEPT
645 | {
646 | UnattendedScriptTemplate *pThis = (UnattendedScriptTemplate *)pvUser;
647 | int vrc;
648 | try
649 | {
650 | const char *pszReadOnlyValue = NULL;
651 | Utf8Str strTmp;
652 | vrc = pThis->queryVariable(pchName, cchName, strTmp, ppszValue ? &pszReadOnlyValue : NULL);
653 | if (ppszValue)
654 | {
655 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
656 | vrc = RTStrDupEx(ppszValue, pszReadOnlyValue);
657 | else
658 | *ppszValue = NULL;
659 | }
660 | }
661 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
662 | {
663 | vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
664 | *ppszValue = NULL;
665 | }
666 | return vrc;
667 | }
668 |
669 | int UnattendedScriptTemplate::queryVariable(const char *pchName, size_t cchName, Utf8Str &rstrTmp, const char **ppszValue)
670 | {
671 | #define IS_MATCH(a_szMatch) \
672 | (cchName == sizeof(a_szMatch) - 1U && memcmp(pchName, a_szMatch, sizeof(a_szMatch) - 1U) == 0)
673 |
674 | const char *pszValue;
675 |
676 | /*
677 | * Variables
678 | */
679 | if (IS_MATCH("USER_LOGIN"))
680 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getUser().c_str();
681 | else if (IS_MATCH("USER_PASSWORD"))
682 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getPassword().c_str();
683 | else if (IS_MATCH("ROOT_PASSWORD"))
684 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getPassword().c_str();
685 | else if (IS_MATCH("USER_FULL_NAME"))
686 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getFullUserName().c_str();
687 | else if (IS_MATCH("PRODUCT_KEY"))
688 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getProductKey().c_str();
690 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getPostInstallCommand().c_str();
692 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getAuxiliaryInstallDir().c_str();
693 | else if (IS_MATCH("IMAGE_INDEX"))
694 | pszValue = rstrTmp.printf("%u", mpUnattended->i_getImageIndex()).c_str();
695 | else if (IS_MATCH("OS_ARCH"))
696 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "amd64" : "x86";
697 | else if (IS_MATCH("OS_ARCH2"))
698 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "x86";
699 | else if (IS_MATCH("OS_ARCH3"))
700 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "i386";
701 | else if (IS_MATCH("OS_ARCH4"))
702 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "i486";
703 | else if (IS_MATCH("OS_ARCH6"))
704 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "i686";
705 | else if (IS_MATCH("GUEST_OS_VERSION"))
706 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getDetectedOSVersion().c_str();
708 | {
709 | Utf8Str const &rstrOsVer = mpUnattended->i_getDetectedOSVersion();
710 | size_t offDot = rstrOsVer.find('.');
711 | if (offDot > 0 && offDot != Utf8Str::npos)
712 | pszValue = rstrTmp.assign(rstrOsVer, 0, offDot).c_str(); /* caller catches std::bad_alloc */
713 | else if (!ppszValue)
714 | return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
715 | else
716 | {
717 | mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_NO_DATA, tr("Unknown guest OS major version '%s'"), rstrOsVer.c_str());
718 | return VERR_NO_DATA;
719 | }
720 | }
721 | else if (IS_MATCH("TIME_ZONE_UX"))
722 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo()
723 | ? mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo()->pszUnixName : mpUnattended->i_getTimeZone().c_str();
724 | else if (IS_MATCH("TIME_ZONE_WIN_NAME"))
725 | {
726 | PCRTTIMEZONEINFO pInfo = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo();
727 | if (pInfo)
728 | pszValue = pInfo->pszWindowsName ? pInfo->pszWindowsName : "GMT";
729 | else
730 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZone().c_str();
731 | }
732 | else if (IS_MATCH("TIME_ZONE_WIN_INDEX"))
733 | {
734 | PCRTTIMEZONEINFO pInfo = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo();
735 | if (pInfo)
736 | pszValue = rstrTmp.printf("%u", pInfo->idxWindows ? pInfo->idxWindows : 85 /*GMT*/).c_str();
737 | else
738 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZone().c_str();
739 | }
740 | else if (IS_MATCH("LOCALE"))
741 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getLocale().c_str();
742 | else if (IS_MATCH("DASH_LOCALE"))
743 | {
744 | Assert(mpUnattended->i_getLocale()[2] == '_');
745 | pszValue = rstrTmp.assign(mpUnattended->i_getLocale()).replace(2, 1, "-").c_str();
746 | }
747 | else if (IS_MATCH("LANGUAGE"))
748 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getLanguage().c_str();
749 | else if (IS_MATCH("COUNTRY"))
750 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getCountry().c_str();
751 | else if (IS_MATCH("HOSTNAME_FQDN"))
752 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getHostname().c_str();
754 | pszValue = rstrTmp.assign(mpUnattended->i_getHostname(), 0, mpUnattended->i_getHostname().find(".")).c_str();
756 | pszValue = rstrTmp.assign(mpUnattended->i_getHostname(), 0, RT_MIN(mpUnattended->i_getHostname().find("."), 15)).c_str();
757 | else if (IS_MATCH("HOSTNAME_DOMAIN"))
758 | pszValue = rstrTmp.assign(mpUnattended->i_getHostname(), mpUnattended->i_getHostname().find(".") + 1).c_str();
759 | else if (IS_MATCH("PROXY"))
760 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getProxy().c_str();
761 | /*
762 | * Indicator variables.
763 | */
765 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getInstallGuestAdditions() ? "1" : "0";
767 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getUser().compare("Administrator", RTCString::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ? "1" : "0";
769 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getInstallTestExecService() ? "1" : "0";
771 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getPostInstallCommand().isNotEmpty() ? "1" : "0";
772 | else if (IS_MATCH("HAS_PRODUCT_KEY"))
773 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getProductKey().isNotEmpty() ? "1" : "0";
775 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isMinimalInstallation() ? "1" : "0";
776 | else if (IS_MATCH("IS_FIRMWARE_UEFI"))
777 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isFirmwareEFI() ? "1" : "0";
778 | else if (IS_MATCH("IS_RTC_USING_UTC"))
779 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_isRtcUsingUtc() ? "1" : "0";
780 | else if (IS_MATCH("HAS_PROXY"))
781 | pszValue = mpUnattended->i_getProxy().isNotEmpty() ? "1" : "0";
782 | /*
783 | * Unknown variable.
784 | */
785 | else if (!ppszValue)
786 | return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
787 | else
788 | {
789 | mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_NOT_FOUND, tr("Unknown variable '%.*s'"), cchName, pchName);
790 | return VERR_NO_DATA;
791 | }
792 | if (ppszValue)
793 | *ppszValue = pszValue;
794 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
795 | }
796 |
797 | HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::getConditional(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder, bool *pfOutputting)
798 | {
799 | #define IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH(a_szMatch) \
800 | ( cchPlaceholder == sizeof("@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch "@@") - 1U \
801 | && memcmp(pachPlaceholder, "@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch "@@", sizeof("@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch "@@") - 1U) == 0)
802 | #define IS_PLACEHOLDER_PARTIALLY_MATCH(a_szMatch) \
803 | (memcmp(pachPlaceholder, "@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch, sizeof("@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch) - 1U) == 0)
804 |
805 | /* Install Guest Additions: */
807 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getInstallGuestAdditions();
809 | *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_getInstallGuestAdditions();
810 | /* User == Administrator: */
812 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getUser().compare("Administrator", RTCString::CaseInsensitive) == 0;
814 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getUser().compare("Administrator", RTCString::CaseInsensitive) != 0;
815 | /* Install TXS: */
817 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getInstallTestExecService();
819 | *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_getInstallTestExecService();
820 | /* Post install command: */
822 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getPostInstallCommand().isNotEmpty();
824 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getPostInstallCommand().isEmpty();
825 | /* Product key: */
827 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getProductKey().isNotEmpty();
829 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getProductKey().isEmpty();
830 | /* Minimal installation: */
832 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_isMinimalInstallation();
834 | *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_isMinimalInstallation();
835 | /* Is firmware UEFI: */
837 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_isFirmwareEFI();
839 | *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_isFirmwareEFI();
840 | /* Is RTC using UTC (i.e. set to UTC time on startup): */
842 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_isRtcUsingUtc();
844 | *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_isRtcUsingUtc();
846 | *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getProxy().isNotEmpty();
848 | {
849 | /* Check the passed string against format @@VBOX_COND_GUEST_VERSION[>8.04.0]@@. Allowed comparison operators are:
850 | * '<', '<=', '>', '>=', or '=' in string. No spaces are allowed in anywhere of the expr. */
851 | static const char s_szTail[] = "]@@";
852 | size_t endLength = sizeof(s_szTail) - 1;
853 | if (memcmp(&pachPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - endLength], RT_STR_TUPLE(s_szTail)) != 0)
854 | {
855 | *pfOutputting = false;
856 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Malformed @@VBOX_COND_GUEST_VERSION[expr]@@: Missing ']' (%.*s)"),
857 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
858 | }
859 | size_t startPos = sizeof("@@VBOX_COND_GUEST_VERSION[") - 1;
860 | size_t endPos = cchPlaceholder - endLength;
861 | if (startPos >= endPos)
862 | {
863 | *pfOutputting = false;
864 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Malformed @@VBOX_COND_GUEST_VERSION[expr]@@: Missing expr (%.*s)"),
865 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
866 | }
867 | /* Parse for the comparison operator. Assuming the expression starts with one of the allowed operators. */
868 | char pszComparisonOperator[3];
869 | if (!detectComparisonOperator(pszComparisonOperator, pachPlaceholder, startPos))
870 | {
871 | *pfOutputting = false;
872 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Malformed @@VBOX_COND_GUEST_VERSION[expr]@@: Only space, '>', '>=', '<', <=', and '=' are allowed at the start. (%.*s)"),
873 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
874 | }
875 | if (startPos >= endPos)
876 | {
877 | *pfOutputting = false;
878 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Malformed @@VBOX_COND_GUEST_VERSION[expr]@@: No version string found. (%.*s)"),
879 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
880 | }
881 | /* Check if the version string includes any character other than '.' and digits. */
882 | for (size_t i = startPos; i < endPos; ++i)
883 | {
884 | if ( (pachPlaceholder[i] < '0' || pachPlaceholder[i] > '9') && pachPlaceholder[i] != '.')
885 | {
886 | *pfOutputting = false;
887 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, tr("Malformed @@VBOX_COND_GUEST_VERSION[expr]@@: Version string must be consist of only digits and '.', and no spaces. (%.*s)"),
888 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
889 | }
890 | }
891 |
892 | RTCString strRequiredOSVersion(pachPlaceholder, startPos, endPos - startPos);
893 | RTCString strDetectedOSVersion = mpUnattended->i_getDetectedOSVersion();
894 | int res = RTStrVersionCompare(strDetectedOSVersion.c_str(), strRequiredOSVersion.c_str());
895 |
896 | if ( res == 0
897 | && ( pszComparisonOperator[0] == '='
898 | || memcmp(pszComparisonOperator, ">=", 2) == 0
899 | || memcmp(pszComparisonOperator, "<=", 2) == 0))
900 | *pfOutputting = true;
901 | else if (res < 0 && pszComparisonOperator[0] == '<')
902 | *pfOutputting = true;
903 | else if (res > 0 && pszComparisonOperator[0] == '>')
904 | *pfOutputting = true;
905 | else
906 | *pfOutputting = false;
907 | }
908 | else
909 | return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_NOT_FOUND, tr("Unknown conditional placeholder '%.*s'"),
910 | cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder);
911 | return S_OK;
913 | }
914 |
915 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_UNATTENDED */
916 | #if 0 /* Keeping this a reference */
917 |
918 |
919 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
920 | * UnattendedSUSEXMLScript Implementation *
921 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
922 |
923 | HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::parse()
924 | {
925 | HRESULT hrc = UnattendedXMLScript::parse();
926 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
927 | {
928 | /*
929 | * Check that we've got the right root element type.
930 | */
931 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmRoot = mDoc.getRootElement();
932 | if ( pelmRoot
933 | && strcmp(pelmRoot->getName(), "profile") == 0)
934 | {
935 | /*
936 | * Work thought the sections.
937 | */
938 | try
939 | {
940 | LoopThruSections(pelmRoot);
941 | hrc = S_OK;
942 | }
943 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
944 | {
945 | hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
946 | }
947 | }
948 | else if (pelmRoot)
949 | hrc = mpSetError->setError(E_FAIL, tr("XML document root element is '%s' instead of 'profile'"),
950 | pelmRoot->getName());
951 | else
952 | hrc = mpSetError->setError(E_FAIL, tr("Missing XML root element"));
953 | }
954 | return hrc;
955 | }
956 |
957 | HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::setFieldInElement(xml::ElementNode *pElement, const DataId enmDataId, const Utf8Str &rStrValue)
958 | {
959 | /*
960 | * Don't set empty values.
961 | */
962 | if (rStrValue.isEmpty())
963 | {
964 | Utf8Str strProbableValue;
965 | try
966 | {
967 | strProbableValue = createProbableValue(enmDataId, pElement);
968 | }
969 | catch (std::bad_alloc &)
970 | {
971 | return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
972 | }
973 | return UnattendedXMLScript::setFieldInElement(pElement, enmDataId, strProbableValue);
974 | }
975 | return UnattendedXMLScript::setFieldInElement(pElement, enmDataId, rStrValue);
976 | }
977 |
978 | HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::LoopThruSections(const xml::ElementNode *pelmRoot)
979 | {
980 | xml::NodesLoop loopChildren(*pelmRoot);
981 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmOuterLoop;
982 | while ((pelmOuterLoop = loopChildren.forAllNodes()) != NULL)
983 | {
984 | const char *pcszElemName = pelmOuterLoop->getName();
985 | if (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "users"))
986 | {
987 | xml::NodesLoop loopUsers(*pelmOuterLoop);
988 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmUser;
989 | while ((pelmUser = loopUsers.forAllNodes()) != NULL)
990 | {
991 | HRESULT hrc = HandleUserAccountsSection(pelmUser);
992 | if (FAILED(hrc))
993 | return hrc;
994 | }
995 | }
996 | }
997 | return S_OK;
998 | }
999 |
1000 | HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::HandleUserAccountsSection(const xml::ElementNode *pelmSection)
1001 | {
1002 | xml::NodesLoop loopUser(*pelmSection);
1003 |
1004 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmCur;
1005 | while ((pelmCur = loopUser.forAllNodes()) != NULL)
1006 | {
1007 | const char *pszValue = pelmCur->getValue();
1008 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1009 | if (!RTStrCmp(pelmCur->getName(), "uid"))
1010 | LogRelFunc(("UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::HandleUserAccountsSection profile/users/%s/%s = %s\n",
1011 | pelmSection->getName(), pelmCur->getName(), pszValue));
1012 | #endif
1013 |
1014 | if (!RTStrCmp(pszValue, "$homedir"))
1015 | mNodesForCorrectionMap.insert(make_pair(USERHOMEDIR_ID, pelmCur));
1016 |
1017 | if (!RTStrCmp(pszValue, "$user"))
1018 | mNodesForCorrectionMap.insert(make_pair(USERNAME_ID, pelmCur));
1019 |
1020 | if (!RTStrCmp(pszValue, "$password"))
1021 | mNodesForCorrectionMap.insert(make_pair(USERPASSWORD_ID, pelmCur));
1022 | }
1023 | return S_OK;
1024 | }
1025 |
1026 | Utf8Str UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::createProbableValue(const DataId enmDataId, const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem)
1027 | {
1028 | const xml::ElementNode *pElem = pCurElem;
1029 |
1030 | switch (enmDataId)
1031 | {
1032 | case USERHOMEDIR_ID:
1033 | // if ((pElem = pElem->findChildElement("home")))
1034 | // {
1035 | return createProbableUserHomeDir(pElem);
1036 | // }
1037 | break;
1038 | default:
1039 | break;
1040 | }
1041 |
1042 | return Utf8Str::Empty;
1043 | }
1044 |
1045 | Utf8Str UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::createProbableUserHomeDir(const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem)
1046 | {
1047 | Utf8Str strCalcValue;
1048 | const xml::ElementNode *pElem = pCurElem->findNextSibilingElement("username");
1049 | if (pElem)
1050 | {
1051 | const char *pszValue = pElem->getValue();
1052 | strCalcValue = "/home/";
1053 | strCalcValue.append(pszValue);
1054 | }
1055 |
1056 | return strCalcValue;
1057 | }
1058 | #endif /* just for reference */