/* $Id: PerformanceLinux.cpp 76592 2019-01-01 20:13:07Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox Linux-specific Performance Classes implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_PERFORMANCECOLLECTOR #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LoggingNew.h" #include "Performance.h" #define VBOXVOLINFO_NAME "VBoxVolInfo" namespace pm { class CollectorLinux : public CollectorHAL { public: CollectorLinux(); virtual int preCollect(const CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t /* iTick */); virtual int getHostMemoryUsage(ULONG *total, ULONG *used, ULONG *available); virtual int getHostFilesystemUsage(const char *name, ULONG *total, ULONG *used, ULONG *available); virtual int getHostDiskSize(const char *name, uint64_t *size); virtual int getProcessMemoryUsage(RTPROCESS process, ULONG *used); virtual int getRawHostCpuLoad(uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *idle); virtual int getRawHostNetworkLoad(const char *name, uint64_t *rx, uint64_t *tx); virtual int getRawHostDiskLoad(const char *name, uint64_t *disk_ms, uint64_t *total_ms); virtual int getRawProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS process, uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *total); virtual int getDiskListByFs(const char *name, DiskList& listUsage, DiskList& listLoad); private: virtual int _getRawHostCpuLoad(); int getRawProcessStats(RTPROCESS process, uint64_t *cpuUser, uint64_t *cpuKernel, ULONG *memPagesUsed); void getDiskName(char *pszDiskName, size_t cbDiskName, const char *pszDevName, bool fTrimDigits); void addVolumeDependencies(const char *pcszVolume, DiskList& listDisks); void addRaidDisks(const char *pcszDevice, DiskList& listDisks); char *trimTrailingDigits(char *pszName); char *trimNewline(char *pszName); struct VMProcessStats { uint64_t cpuUser; uint64_t cpuKernel; ULONG pagesUsed; }; typedef std::map VMProcessMap; VMProcessMap mProcessStats; uint64_t mUser, mKernel, mIdle; uint64_t mSingleUser, mSingleKernel, mSingleIdle; uint32_t mHZ; ULONG mTotalRAM; }; CollectorHAL *createHAL() { return new CollectorLinux(); } // Collector HAL for Linux CollectorLinux::CollectorLinux() { long hz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); if (hz == -1) { LogRel(("CollectorLinux failed to obtain HZ from kernel, assuming 100.\n")); mHZ = 100; } else mHZ = (uint32_t)hz; LogFlowThisFunc(("mHZ=%u\n", mHZ)); uint64_t cb; int rc = RTSystemQueryTotalRam(&cb); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) mTotalRAM = 0; else mTotalRAM = (ULONG)(cb / 1024); } int CollectorLinux::preCollect(const CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t /* iTick */) { std::vector processes; hints.getProcesses(processes); std::vector::iterator it; for (it = processes.begin(); it != processes.end(); ++it) { VMProcessStats vmStats; int rc = getRawProcessStats(*it, &vmStats.cpuUser, &vmStats.cpuKernel, &vmStats.pagesUsed); /* On failure, do NOT stop. Just skip the entry. Having the stats for * one (probably broken) process frozen/zero is a minor issue compared * to not updating many process stats and the host cpu stats. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) mProcessStats[*it] = vmStats; } if (hints.isHostCpuLoadCollected() || !mProcessStats.empty()) { _getRawHostCpuLoad(); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } int CollectorLinux::_getRawHostCpuLoad() { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; long long unsigned uUser, uNice, uKernel, uIdle, uIowait, uIrq, uSoftirq; FILE *f = fopen("/proc/stat", "r"); if (f) { char szBuf[128]; if (fgets(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), f)) { if (sscanf(szBuf, "cpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu", &uUser, &uNice, &uKernel, &uIdle, &uIowait, &uIrq, &uSoftirq) == 7) { mUser = uUser + uNice; mKernel = uKernel + uIrq + uSoftirq; mIdle = uIdle + uIowait; } /* Try to get single CPU stats. */ if (fgets(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), f)) { if (sscanf(szBuf, "cpu0 %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu", &uUser, &uNice, &uKernel, &uIdle, &uIowait, &uIrq, &uSoftirq) == 7) { mSingleUser = uUser + uNice; mSingleKernel = uKernel + uIrq + uSoftirq; mSingleIdle = uIdle + uIowait; } else { /* Assume that this is not an SMP system. */ Assert(RTMpGetCount() == 1); mSingleUser = mUser; mSingleKernel = mKernel; mSingleIdle = mIdle; } } else rc = VERR_FILE_IO_ERROR; } else rc = VERR_FILE_IO_ERROR; fclose(f); } else rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; return rc; } int CollectorLinux::getRawHostCpuLoad(uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *idle) { *user = mUser; *kernel = mKernel; *idle = mIdle; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int CollectorLinux::getRawProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS process, uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *total) { VMProcessMap::const_iterator it = mProcessStats.find(process); if (it == mProcessStats.end()) { Log (("No stats pre-collected for process %x\n", process)); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } *user = it->second.cpuUser; *kernel = it->second.cpuKernel; *total = mUser + mKernel + mIdle; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int CollectorLinux::getHostMemoryUsage(ULONG *total, ULONG *used, ULONG *available) { AssertReturn(mTotalRAM, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); uint64_t cb; int rc = RTSystemQueryAvailableRam(&cb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *total = mTotalRAM; *available = (ULONG)(cb / 1024); *used = *total - *available; } return rc; } int CollectorLinux::getHostFilesystemUsage(const char *path, ULONG *total, ULONG *used, ULONG *available) { struct statvfs stats; if (statvfs(path, &stats) == -1) { LogRel(("Failed to collect %s filesystem usage: errno=%d.\n", path, errno)); return VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; } uint64_t cbBlock = stats.f_frsize ? stats.f_frsize : stats.f_bsize; *total = (ULONG)(cbBlock * stats.f_blocks / _1M); *used = (ULONG)(cbBlock * (stats.f_blocks - stats.f_bfree) / _1M); *available = (ULONG)(cbBlock * stats.f_bavail / _1M); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int CollectorLinux::getHostDiskSize(const char *pszFile, uint64_t *size) { char *pszPath = NULL; RTStrAPrintf(&pszPath, "/sys/block/%s/size", pszFile); Assert(pszPath); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!RTLinuxSysFsExists(pszPath)) rc = VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; else { int64_t cSize = 0; rc = RTLinuxSysFsReadIntFile(0, &cSize, pszPath); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *size = cSize * 512; } RTStrFree(pszPath); return rc; } int CollectorLinux::getProcessMemoryUsage(RTPROCESS process, ULONG *used) { VMProcessMap::const_iterator it = mProcessStats.find(process); if (it == mProcessStats.end()) { Log (("No stats pre-collected for process %x\n", process)); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } *used = it->second.pagesUsed * (PAGE_SIZE / 1024); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int CollectorLinux::getRawProcessStats(RTPROCESS process, uint64_t *cpuUser, uint64_t *cpuKernel, ULONG *memPagesUsed) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char *pszName; pid_t pid2; char c; int iTmp; long long unsigned int u64Tmp; unsigned uTmp; unsigned long ulTmp; signed long ilTmp; ULONG u32user, u32kernel; char buf[80]; /** @todo this should be tied to max allowed proc name. */ RTStrAPrintf(&pszName, "/proc/%d/stat", process); FILE *f = fopen(pszName, "r"); RTStrFree(pszName); if (f) { if (fscanf(f, "%d %79s %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu %lu %lu %u %u " "%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %llu %lu %u", &pid2, buf, &c, &iTmp, &iTmp, &iTmp, &iTmp, &iTmp, &uTmp, &ulTmp, &ulTmp, &ulTmp, &ulTmp, &u32user, &u32kernel, &ilTmp, &ilTmp, &ilTmp, &ilTmp, &ilTmp, &ilTmp, &u64Tmp, &ulTmp, memPagesUsed) == 24) { Assert((pid_t)process == pid2); *cpuUser = u32user; *cpuKernel = u32kernel; } else rc = VERR_FILE_IO_ERROR; fclose(f); } else rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; return rc; } int CollectorLinux::getRawHostNetworkLoad(const char *pszFile, uint64_t *rx, uint64_t *tx) { char szIfName[/*IFNAMSIZ*/ 16 + 36]; RTStrPrintf(szIfName, sizeof(szIfName), "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/rx_bytes", pszFile); if (!RTLinuxSysFsExists(szIfName)) return VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; int64_t cSize = 0; int rc = RTLinuxSysFsReadIntFile(0, &cSize, szIfName); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; *rx = cSize; RTStrPrintf(szIfName, sizeof(szIfName), "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/tx_bytes", pszFile); if (!RTLinuxSysFsExists(szIfName)) return VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; rc = RTLinuxSysFsReadIntFile(0, &cSize, szIfName); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; *tx = cSize; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int CollectorLinux::getRawHostDiskLoad(const char *name, uint64_t *disk_ms, uint64_t *total_ms) { #if 0 int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char szIfName[/*IFNAMSIZ*/ 16 + 36]; long long unsigned int u64Busy, tmp; RTStrPrintf(szIfName, sizeof(szIfName), "/sys/class/block/%s/stat", name); FILE *f = fopen(szIfName, "r"); if (f) { if (fscanf(f, "%llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu", &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &u64Busy, &tmp) == 11) { *disk_ms = u64Busy; *total_ms = (uint64_t)(mSingleUser + mSingleKernel + mSingleIdle) * 1000 / mHZ; } else rc = VERR_FILE_IO_ERROR; fclose(f); } else rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; #else int rc = VERR_MISSING; FILE *f = fopen("/proc/diskstats", "r"); if (f) { char szBuf[128]; while (fgets(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), f)) { char *pszBufName = szBuf; while (*pszBufName == ' ') ++pszBufName; /* Skip spaces */ while (RT_C_IS_DIGIT(*pszBufName)) ++pszBufName; /* Skip major */ while (*pszBufName == ' ') ++pszBufName; /* Skip spaces */ while (RT_C_IS_DIGIT(*pszBufName)) ++pszBufName; /* Skip minor */ while (*pszBufName == ' ') ++pszBufName; /* Skip spaces */ char *pszBufData = strchr(pszBufName, ' '); if (!pszBufData) { LogRel(("CollectorLinux::getRawHostDiskLoad() failed to parse disk stats: %s\n", szBuf)); continue; } *pszBufData++ = '\0'; if (!strcmp(name, pszBufName)) { long long unsigned int u64Busy, tmp; if (sscanf(pszBufData, "%llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu", &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &u64Busy, &tmp) == 11) { *disk_ms = u64Busy; *total_ms = (uint64_t)(mSingleUser + mSingleKernel + mSingleIdle) * 1000 / mHZ; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_FILE_IO_ERROR; break; } } fclose(f); } #endif return rc; } char *CollectorLinux::trimNewline(char *pszName) { size_t cbName = strlen(pszName); if (cbName == 0) return pszName; char *pszEnd = pszName + cbName - 1; while (pszEnd > pszName && *pszEnd == '\n') pszEnd--; pszEnd[1] = '\0'; return pszName; } char *CollectorLinux::trimTrailingDigits(char *pszName) { size_t cbName = strlen(pszName); if (cbName == 0) return pszName; char *pszEnd = pszName + cbName - 1; while (pszEnd > pszName && (RT_C_IS_DIGIT(*pszEnd) || *pszEnd == '\n')) pszEnd--; pszEnd[1] = '\0'; return pszName; } /** * Use the partition name to get the name of the disk. Any path component is stripped. * if fTrimDigits is true, trailing digits are stripped as well, for example '/dev/sda5' * is converted to 'sda'. * * @param pszDiskName Where to store the name of the disk. * @param cbDiskName The size of the buffer pszDiskName points to. * @param pszDevName The device name used to get the disk name. * @param fTrimDigits Trim trailing digits (e.g. /dev/sda5) */ void CollectorLinux::getDiskName(char *pszDiskName, size_t cbDiskName, const char *pszDevName, bool fTrimDigits) { unsigned cbName = 0; size_t cbDevName = strlen(pszDevName); const char *pszEnd = pszDevName + cbDevName - 1; if (fTrimDigits) while (pszEnd > pszDevName && RT_C_IS_DIGIT(*pszEnd)) pszEnd--; while (pszEnd > pszDevName && *pszEnd != '/') { cbName++; pszEnd--; } RTStrCopy(pszDiskName, RT_MIN(cbName + 1, cbDiskName), pszEnd + 1); } void CollectorLinux::addRaidDisks(const char *pcszDevice, DiskList& listDisks) { FILE *f = fopen("/proc/mdstat", "r"); if (f) { char szBuf[128]; while (fgets(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), f)) { char *pszBufName = szBuf; char *pszBufData = strchr(pszBufName, ' '); if (!pszBufData) { LogRel(("CollectorLinux::addRaidDisks() failed to parse disk stats: %s\n", szBuf)); continue; } *pszBufData++ = '\0'; if (!strcmp(pcszDevice, pszBufName)) { while (*pszBufData == ':') ++pszBufData; /* Skip delimiter */ while (*pszBufData == ' ') ++pszBufData; /* Skip spaces */ while (RT_C_IS_ALNUM(*pszBufData)) ++pszBufData; /* Skip status */ while (*pszBufData == ' ') ++pszBufData; /* Skip spaces */ while (RT_C_IS_ALNUM(*pszBufData)) ++pszBufData; /* Skip type */ while (*pszBufData != '\0') { while (*pszBufData == ' ') ++pszBufData; /* Skip spaces */ char *pszDisk = pszBufData; while (RT_C_IS_ALPHA(*pszBufData)) ++pszBufData; if (*pszBufData) { *pszBufData++ = '\0'; listDisks.push_back(RTCString(pszDisk)); while (*pszBufData != '\0' && *pszBufData != ' ') ++pszBufData; } else listDisks.push_back(RTCString(pszDisk)); } break; } } fclose(f); } } void CollectorLinux::addVolumeDependencies(const char *pcszVolume, DiskList& listDisks) { char szVolInfo[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc = RTPathAppPrivateArch(szVolInfo, sizeof(szVolInfo) - sizeof("/" VBOXVOLINFO_NAME " ") - strlen(pcszVolume)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("VolInfo: Failed to get program path, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return; } strcat(szVolInfo, "/" VBOXVOLINFO_NAME " "); strcat(szVolInfo, pcszVolume); FILE *fp = popen(szVolInfo, "r"); if (fp) { char szBuf[128]; while (fgets(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), fp)) if (strncmp(szBuf, RT_STR_TUPLE("dm-"))) listDisks.push_back(RTCString(trimTrailingDigits(szBuf))); else listDisks.push_back(RTCString(trimNewline(szBuf))); pclose(fp); } else listDisks.push_back(RTCString(pcszVolume)); } int CollectorLinux::getDiskListByFs(const char *pszPath, DiskList& listUsage, DiskList& listLoad) { FILE *mtab = setmntent("/etc/mtab", "r"); if (mtab) { struct mntent *mntent; while ((mntent = getmntent(mtab))) { /* Skip rootfs entry, there must be another root mount. */ if (strcmp(mntent->mnt_fsname, "rootfs") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(pszPath, mntent->mnt_dir) == 0) { char szDevName[128]; char szFsName[1024]; /* Try to resolve symbolic link if necessary. Yes, we access the file system here! */ int rc = RTPathReal(mntent->mnt_fsname, szFsName, sizeof(szFsName)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) continue; /* something got wrong, just ignore this path */ /* check against the actual mtab entry, NOT the real path as /dev/mapper/xyz is * often a symlink to something else */ if (!strncmp(mntent->mnt_fsname, RT_STR_TUPLE("/dev/mapper"))) { /* LVM */ getDiskName(szDevName, sizeof(szDevName), mntent->mnt_fsname, false /*=fTrimDigits*/); addVolumeDependencies(szDevName, listUsage); listLoad = listUsage; } else if (!strncmp(szFsName, RT_STR_TUPLE("/dev/md"))) { /* Software RAID */ getDiskName(szDevName, sizeof(szDevName), szFsName, false /*=fTrimDigits*/); listUsage.push_back(RTCString(szDevName)); addRaidDisks(szDevName, listLoad); } else { /* Plain disk partition. Trim the trailing digits to get the drive name */ getDiskName(szDevName, sizeof(szDevName), szFsName, true /*=fTrimDigits*/); listUsage.push_back(RTCString(szDevName)); listLoad.push_back(RTCString(szDevName)); } if (listUsage.empty() || listLoad.empty()) { LogRel(("Failed to retrive disk info: getDiskName(%s) --> %s\n", mntent->mnt_fsname, szDevName)); } break; } } endmntent(mtab); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } }