1 | /* $Id: svcmain.cpp 69783 2017-11-20 18:58:25Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * SVCMAIN - COM out-of-proc server main entry
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
20 | * Header Files *
21 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
22 | #include <iprt/win/windows.h>
23 | #include <stdio.h>
24 | #include <stdlib.h>
25 | #include <tchar.h>
26 |
27 | #include "VBox/com/defs.h"
28 | #include "VBox/com/com.h"
29 | #include "VBox/com/VirtualBox.h"
30 |
31 | #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h"
32 | #include "Logging.h"
33 |
34 | #include "svchlp.h"
35 |
36 | #include <VBox/err.h>
37 | #include <iprt/buildconfig.h>
38 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
39 | #include <iprt/string.h>
40 | #include <iprt/uni.h>
41 | #include <iprt/path.h>
42 | #include <iprt/getopt.h>
43 | #include <iprt/message.h>
44 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
45 |
46 |
47 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
48 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
49 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
50 | #define MAIN_WND_CLASS L"VirtualBox Interface"
51 |
52 |
53 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
54 | * Structures and Typedefs *
55 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
56 | class CExeModule : public ATL::CComModule
57 | {
58 | public:
59 | LONG Unlock();
60 | DWORD dwThreadID;
61 | HANDLE hEventShutdown;
62 | void MonitorShutdown();
63 | bool StartMonitor();
64 | bool HasActiveConnection();
65 | bool bActivity;
66 | static bool isIdleLockCount(LONG cLocks);
67 | };
68 |
69 |
70 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
71 | * Global Variables *
72 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
73 | BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(ObjectMap)
74 | OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_VirtualBox, VirtualBox)
76 |
77 | CExeModule *g_pModule = NULL;
78 | HWND g_hMainWindow = NULL;
79 | HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL;
80 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
81 | /** This is set if we're connected to SDS and should discount a server lock
82 | * that it is holding when deciding whether we're idle or not. */
83 | bool g_fRegisteredWithVBoxSDS = false;
84 | #endif
85 |
86 | /* Normal timeout usually used in Shutdown Monitor */
87 | const DWORD dwNormalTimeout = 5000;
88 | volatile uint32_t dwTimeOut = dwNormalTimeout; /* time for EXE to be idle before shutting down. Can be decreased at system shutdown phase. */
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 | /* Passed to CreateThread to monitor the shutdown event */
93 | static DWORD WINAPI MonitorProc(void* pv)
94 | {
95 | CExeModule* p = (CExeModule*)pv;
96 | p->MonitorShutdown();
97 | return 0;
98 | }
99 |
100 | LONG CExeModule::Unlock()
101 | {
102 | LONG cLocks = ATL::CComModule::Unlock();
103 | if (isIdleLockCount(cLocks))
104 | {
105 | bActivity = true;
106 | SetEvent(hEventShutdown); /* tell monitor that we transitioned to zero */
107 | }
108 | return cLocks;
109 | }
110 |
111 | bool CExeModule::HasActiveConnection()
112 | {
113 | return bActivity || !isIdleLockCount(GetLockCount());
114 | }
115 |
116 | /**
117 | * Checks if @a cLocks signifies an IDLE server lock load.
118 | *
119 | * This takes VBoxSDS into account (i.e. ignores it).
120 | */
121 | /*static*/ bool CExeModule::isIdleLockCount(LONG cLocks)
122 | {
123 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
124 | if (g_fRegisteredWithVBoxSDS)
125 | return cLocks <= 1;
126 | #endif
127 | return cLocks <= 0;
128 | }
129 |
130 | /* Monitors the shutdown event */
131 | void CExeModule::MonitorShutdown()
132 | {
133 | while (1)
134 | {
135 | WaitForSingleObject(hEventShutdown, INFINITE);
136 | DWORD dwWait;
137 | do
138 | {
139 | bActivity = false;
140 | dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(hEventShutdown, dwTimeOut);
141 | } while (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
142 | /* timed out */
143 | if (!HasActiveConnection()) /* if no activity let's really bail */
144 | {
145 | /* Disable log rotation at this point, worst case a log file
146 | * becomes slightly bigger than it should. Avoids quirks with
147 | * log rotation: there might be another API service process
148 | * running at this point which would rotate the logs concurrently,
149 | * creating a mess. */
150 | PRTLOGGER pReleaseLogger = RTLogRelGetDefaultInstance();
151 | if (pReleaseLogger)
152 | {
153 | char szDest[1024];
154 | int rc = RTLogGetDestinations(pReleaseLogger, szDest, sizeof(szDest));
155 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
156 | {
157 | rc = RTStrCat(szDest, sizeof(szDest), " nohistory");
158 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
159 | {
160 | rc = RTLogDestinations(pReleaseLogger, szDest);
161 | AssertRC(rc);
162 | }
163 | }
164 | }
165 | #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400
166 | CoSuspendClassObjects();
167 | if (!HasActiveConnection())
168 | #endif
169 | break;
170 | }
171 | }
172 | CloseHandle(hEventShutdown);
173 | PostThreadMessage(dwThreadID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
174 | }
175 |
176 | bool CExeModule::StartMonitor()
177 | {
178 | hEventShutdown = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
179 | if (hEventShutdown == NULL)
180 | return false;
181 | DWORD dwThreadID;
182 | HANDLE h = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MonitorProc, this, 0, &dwThreadID);
183 | return (h != NULL);
184 | }
185 |
186 |
187 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
188 | class VBoxSVCRegistration;
189 |
190 | /**
191 | * Custom class factory for the VirtualBox singleton.
192 | *
193 | * The implementation of CreateInstance is found in win/svcmain.cpp.
194 | */
195 | class VirtualBoxClassFactory : public ATL::CComClassFactory
196 | {
197 | private:
198 | /** Tri state: 0=uninitialized or initializing; 1=success; -1=failure.
199 | * This will be updated after both m_hrcCreate and m_pObj have been set. */
200 | volatile int32_t m_iState;
201 | /** The result of the instantiation attempt. */
202 | HRESULT m_hrcCreate;
203 | /** The IUnknown of the VirtualBox object/interface we're working with. */
204 | IUnknown *m_pObj;
205 | /** Pointer to the IVBoxSVCRegistration implementation that VBoxSDS works with. */
206 | VBoxSVCRegistration *m_pVBoxSVC;
207 | /** The VBoxSDS interface. */
208 | ComPtr<IVirtualBoxSDS> m_ptrVirtualBoxSDS;
209 |
210 | public:
211 | VirtualBoxClassFactory() : m_iState(0), m_hrcCreate(S_OK), m_pObj(NULL), m_pVBoxSVC(NULL)
212 | { }
213 |
214 | virtual ~VirtualBoxClassFactory()
215 | {
216 | if (m_pObj)
217 | {
218 | m_pObj->Release();
219 | m_pObj = NULL;
220 | }
221 |
222 | /** @todo Need to check if this is okay wrt COM termination. */
223 | i_deregisterWithSds();
224 | }
225 |
226 | // IClassFactory
227 | STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj);
228 |
229 | /** Worker for VBoxSVCRegistration::getVirtualBox. */
230 | HRESULT i_getVirtualBox(IUnknown **ppResult);
231 |
232 | private:
233 | HRESULT VirtualBoxClassFactory::i_registerWithSds(IUnknown **ppOtherVirtualBox);
234 | void VirtualBoxClassFactory::i_deregisterWithSds(void);
235 |
236 | friend VBoxSVCRegistration;
237 | };
238 |
239 |
240 | /**
241 | * The VBoxSVC class is handed to VBoxSDS so it can call us back and ask for the
242 | * VirtualBox object when the next VBoxSVC for this user registers itself.
243 | */
244 | class VBoxSVCRegistration : public IVBoxSVCRegistration
245 | {
246 | private:
247 | /** Number of references. */
248 | uint32_t volatile m_cRefs;
249 |
250 | public:
251 | /** Pointer to the factory. */
252 | VirtualBoxClassFactory *m_pFactory;
253 |
254 | public:
255 | VBoxSVCRegistration(VirtualBoxClassFactory *pFactory)
256 | : m_cRefs(1), m_pFactory(pFactory)
257 | { }
258 | virtual ~VBoxSVCRegistration()
259 | {
260 | if (m_pFactory)
261 | {
262 | if (m_pFactory->m_pVBoxSVC)
263 | m_pFactory->m_pVBoxSVC = NULL;
264 | m_pFactory = NULL;
265 | }
266 | }
268 |
269 | // IUnknown
270 | STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject)
271 | {
272 | if (riid == __uuidof(IUnknown))
273 | *ppvObject = (void *)(IUnknown *)this;
274 | else if (riid == __uuidof(IVBoxSVCRegistration))
275 | *ppvObject = (void *)(IVBoxSVCRegistration *)this;
276 | else
277 | {
278 | return E_NOINTERFACE;
279 | }
280 | AddRef();
281 | return S_OK;
282 |
283 | }
284 |
285 | STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void)
286 | {
287 | uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicIncU32(&m_cRefs);
288 | return cRefs;
289 | }
290 |
291 | STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void)
292 | {
293 | uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&m_cRefs);
294 | if (cRefs == 0)
295 | delete this;
296 | return cRefs;
297 | }
298 |
299 | // IVBoxSVCRegistration
300 | STDMETHOD(GetVirtualBox)(IUnknown **ppResult)
301 | {
302 | if (m_pFactory)
303 | return m_pFactory->i_getVirtualBox(ppResult);
304 | return E_FAIL;
305 | }
306 | };
307 |
308 |
309 | HRESULT VirtualBoxClassFactory::i_registerWithSds(IUnknown **ppOtherVirtualBox)
310 | {
311 | /*
312 | * Connect to VBoxSDS.
313 | */
314 | HRESULT hrc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VirtualBoxSDS, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IVirtualBoxSDS,
315 | (void **)m_ptrVirtualBoxSDS.asOutParam());
316 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
317 | {
318 | /*
319 | * Create VBoxSVCRegistration object and hand that to VBoxSDS.
320 | */
321 | m_pVBoxSVC = new VBoxSVCRegistration(this);
322 | hrc = m_ptrVirtualBoxSDS->RegisterVBoxSVC(m_pVBoxSVC, GetCurrentProcessId(), ppOtherVirtualBox);
323 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
324 | {
325 | g_fRegisteredWithVBoxSDS = true;
326 | return hrc;
327 | }
328 | m_pVBoxSVC->Release();
329 | }
330 | m_ptrVirtualBoxSDS.setNull();
331 | m_pVBoxSVC = NULL;
332 | *ppOtherVirtualBox = NULL;
333 | return hrc;
334 | }
335 |
336 |
337 | void VirtualBoxClassFactory::i_deregisterWithSds(void)
338 | {
339 | Log(("VirtualBoxClassFactory::i_deregisterWithSds\n"));
340 |
341 | if (m_ptrVirtualBoxSDS.isNotNull())
342 | {
343 | if (m_pVBoxSVC)
344 | {
345 | HRESULT hrc = m_ptrVirtualBoxSDS->DeregisterVBoxSVC(m_pVBoxSVC, GetCurrentProcessId());
346 | NOREF(hrc);
347 | }
348 | m_ptrVirtualBoxSDS.setNull();
349 | g_fRegisteredWithVBoxSDS = false;
350 | }
351 | if (m_pVBoxSVC)
352 | {
353 | m_pVBoxSVC->m_pFactory = NULL;
354 | m_pVBoxSVC->Release();
355 | m_pVBoxSVC = NULL;
356 | }
357 | }
358 |
359 |
360 | HRESULT VirtualBoxClassFactory::i_getVirtualBox(IUnknown **ppResult)
361 | {
362 | IUnknown *pObj = m_pObj;
363 | if (pObj)
364 | {
365 | /** @todo Do we need to do something regarding server locking? Hopefully COM
366 | * deals with that........... */
367 | pObj->AddRef();
368 | *ppResult = pObj;
369 | Log(("VirtualBoxClassFactory::GetVirtualBox: S_OK - %p\n", pObj));
370 | return S_OK;
371 | }
372 | *ppResult = NULL;
373 | Log(("VirtualBoxClassFactory::GetVirtualBox: E_FAIL\n"));
374 | return E_FAIL;
375 | }
376 |
377 |
378 | /**
379 | * Custom class factory impl for the VirtualBox singleton.
380 | *
381 | * This will consult with VBoxSDS on whether this VBoxSVC instance should
382 | * provide the actual VirtualBox instance or just forward the instance from
383 | * some other SVC instance.
384 | *
385 | * @param pUnkOuter This must be NULL.
386 | * @param riid Reference to the interface ID to provide.
387 | * @param ppvObj Where to return the pointer to the riid instance.
388 | *
389 | * @return COM status code.
390 | */
391 | STDMETHODIMP VirtualBoxClassFactory::CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj)
392 | {
393 | HRESULT hrc = E_POINTER;
394 | if (ppvObj != NULL)
395 | {
396 | *ppvObj = NULL;
397 | // no aggregation for singletons
398 | AssertReturn(pUnkOuter == NULL, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION);
399 |
400 | /*
401 | * We must make sure there is only one instance around.
402 | * So, we check without locking and then again after locking.
403 | */
404 | if (ASMAtomicReadS32(&m_iState) == 0)
405 | {
406 | Lock();
407 | __try
408 | {
409 | if (ASMAtomicReadS32(&m_iState) == 0)
410 | {
411 | /*
412 | * lock the module to indicate activity
413 | * (necessary for the monitor shutdown thread to correctly
414 | * terminate the module in case when CreateInstance() fails)
415 | */
416 | ATL::_pAtlModule->Lock();
417 | __try
418 | {
419 | /*
420 | * Now we need to connect to VBoxSDS to register ourselves.
421 | */
422 | IUnknown *pOtherVirtualBox = NULL;
423 | m_hrcCreate = hrc = i_registerWithSds(&pOtherVirtualBox);
424 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && pOtherVirtualBox)
425 | m_pObj = pOtherVirtualBox;
426 | else if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
427 | {
428 | ATL::_pAtlModule->Lock();
429 | ATL::CComObjectCached<VirtualBox> *p;
430 | m_hrcCreate = hrc = ATL::CComObjectCached<VirtualBox>::CreateInstance(&p);
431 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
432 | {
433 | m_hrcCreate = hrc = p->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&m_pObj);
434 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
435 | RTLogClearFileDelayFlag(RTLogRelGetDefaultInstance(), NULL);
436 | else
437 | {
438 | delete p;
439 | i_deregisterWithSds();
440 | m_pObj = NULL;
441 | }
442 | }
443 | }
444 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&m_iState, SUCCEEDED(hrc) ? 1 : -1);
445 | }
446 | __finally
447 | {
448 | ATL::_pAtlModule->Unlock();
449 | }
450 | }
451 | }
452 | __finally
453 | {
454 | if (ASMAtomicReadS32(&m_iState) == 0)
455 | {
456 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&m_iState, -1);
457 | if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrcCreate))
458 | m_hrcCreate = E_FAIL;
459 | }
460 | Unlock();
461 | }
462 | }
463 |
464 | /*
465 | * Query the requested interface from the IUnknown one we're keeping around.
466 | */
467 | if (m_hrcCreate == S_OK)
468 | hrc = m_pObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
469 | else
470 | hrc = m_hrcCreate;
471 | }
472 | return hrc;
473 | }
474 |
475 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_SDS */
476 |
477 |
478 | /*
479 | * Wrapper for Win API function ShutdownBlockReasonCreate
480 | * This function defined starting from Vista only.
481 | */
482 | static BOOL ShutdownBlockReasonCreateAPI(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR pwszReason)
483 | {
484 | BOOL fResult = FALSE;
486 |
488 | GetModuleHandle(L"User32.dll"), "ShutdownBlockReasonCreate");
489 | AssertPtr(pfn);
490 | if (pfn)
491 | fResult = pfn(hWnd, pwszReason);
492 | return fResult;
493 | }
494 |
495 | /*
496 | * Wrapper for Win API function ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy
497 | * This function defined starting from Vista only.
498 | */
499 | static BOOL ShutdownBlockReasonDestroyAPI(HWND hWnd)
500 | {
501 | BOOL fResult = FALSE;
503 |
505 | GetModuleHandle(L"User32.dll"), "ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy");
506 | AssertPtr(pfn);
507 | if (pfn)
508 | fResult = pfn(hWnd);
509 | return fResult;
510 | }
511 |
512 | static LRESULT CALLBACK WinMainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
513 | {
514 | LRESULT rc = 0;
515 | switch (msg)
516 | {
518 | {
519 | if (g_pModule)
520 | {
521 | bool fActiveConnection = g_pModule->HasActiveConnection();
522 | if (fActiveConnection)
523 | {
524 | /* place the VBoxSVC into system shutdown list */
525 | ShutdownBlockReasonCreateAPI(hwnd, L"Has active connections.");
526 | /* decrease a latency of MonitorShutdown loop */
527 | ASMAtomicXchgU32(&dwTimeOut, 100);
528 | Log(("VBoxSVCWinMain: WM_QUERYENDSESSION: VBoxSvc has active connections. bActivity = %d. Loc count = %d\n",
529 | g_pModule->bActivity, g_pModule->GetLockCount()));
530 | }
531 | rc = !fActiveConnection;
532 | }
533 | else
534 | AssertMsgFailed(("VBoxSVCWinMain: WM_QUERYENDSESSION: Error: g_pModule is NULL"));
535 | break;
536 | }
537 | case WM_ENDSESSION:
538 | {
539 | /* Restore timeout of Monitor Shutdown if user canceled system shutdown */
540 | if (wParam == FALSE)
541 | {
542 | ASMAtomicXchgU32(&dwTimeOut, dwNormalTimeout);
543 | Log(("VBoxSVCWinMain: user canceled system shutdown.\n"));
544 | }
545 | break;
546 | }
547 | case WM_DESTROY:
548 | {
549 | ShutdownBlockReasonDestroyAPI(hwnd);
550 | PostQuitMessage(0);
551 | break;
552 | }
553 | default:
554 | {
555 | rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
556 | }
557 | }
558 | return rc;
559 | }
560 |
561 | static int CreateMainWindow()
562 | {
563 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
564 | Assert(g_hMainWindow == NULL);
565 |
566 | LogFlow(("CreateMainWindow\n"));
567 |
568 | g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL);
569 |
570 | /* Register the Window Class. */
571 | WNDCLASS wc;
572 | RT_ZERO(wc);
573 |
574 | wc.style = CS_NOCLOSE;
575 | wc.lpfnWndProc = WinMainWndProc;
576 | wc.hInstance = g_hInstance;
577 | wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BACKGROUND + 1);
578 | wc.lpszClassName = MAIN_WND_CLASS;
579 |
580 | ATOM atomWindowClass = RegisterClass(&wc);
581 | if (atomWindowClass == 0)
582 | {
583 | Log(("Failed to register main window class\n"));
585 | }
586 | else
587 | {
588 | /* Create the window. */
589 | g_hMainWindow = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_TOPMOST,
592 | 0, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL);
593 | if (g_hMainWindow == NULL)
594 | {
595 | Log(("Failed to create main window\n"));
597 | }
598 | else
599 | {
600 | SetWindowPos(g_hMainWindow, HWND_TOPMOST, -200, -200, 0, 0,
602 |
603 | }
604 | }
605 | return 0;
606 | }
607 |
608 |
609 | static void DestroyMainWindow()
610 | {
611 | Assert(g_hMainWindow != NULL);
612 | Log(("SVCMain: DestroyMainWindow \n"));
613 | if (g_hMainWindow != NULL)
614 | {
615 | DestroyWindow(g_hMainWindow);
616 | g_hMainWindow = NULL;
617 | if (g_hInstance != NULL)
618 | {
619 | UnregisterClass(MAIN_WND_CLASS, g_hInstance);
620 | g_hInstance = NULL;
621 | }
622 | }
623 | }
624 |
625 |
626 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
627 | //
628 | int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/, int /*nShowCmd*/)
629 | {
630 | int argc = __argc;
631 | char **argv = __argv;
632 |
633 | /*
634 | * Need to parse the command line before initializing the VBox runtime so we can
635 | * change to the user home directory before logs are being created.
636 | */
637 | for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
638 | if ( (argv[i][0] == '/' || argv[i][0] == '-')
639 | && stricmp(&argv[i][1], "embedding") == 0) /* ANSI */
640 | {
642 | wchar_t wszHome[RTPATH_MAX];
643 | DWORD cEnv = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"HOMEDRIVE", &wszHome[0], RTPATH_MAX);
644 | if (cEnv && cEnv < RTPATH_MAX)
645 | {
646 | DWORD cwc = cEnv; /* doesn't include NUL */
647 | cEnv = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"HOMEPATH", &wszHome[cEnv], RTPATH_MAX - cwc);
648 | if (cEnv && cEnv < RTPATH_MAX - cwc)
649 | {
650 | /* If this fails there is nothing we can do. Ignore. */
651 | SetCurrentDirectory(wszHome);
652 | }
653 | }
654 | }
655 |
656 | /*
657 | * Initialize the VBox runtime without loading
658 | * the support driver.
659 | */
660 | RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
661 |
662 | static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] =
663 | {
664 | { "--embedding", 'e', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
665 | { "-embedding", 'e', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
666 | { "/embedding", 'e', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
667 | { "--unregserver", 'u', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
668 | { "-unregserver", 'u', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
669 | { "/unregserver", 'u', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
670 | { "--regserver", 'r', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
671 | { "-regserver", 'r', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
672 | { "/regserver", 'r', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
673 | { "--reregserver", 'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
674 | { "-reregserver", 'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
675 | { "/reregserver", 'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
679 | { "--logfile", 'F', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
682 | { "--logrotate", 'R', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
683 | { "-logrotate", 'R', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
684 | { "/logrotate", 'R', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
685 | { "--logsize", 'S', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT64 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
686 | { "-logsize", 'S', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT64 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
687 | { "/logsize", 'S', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT64 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
688 | { "--loginterval", 'I', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
689 | { "-loginterval", 'I', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
690 | { "/loginterval", 'I', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_ICASE },
691 | };
692 |
693 | bool fRun = true;
694 | bool fRegister = false;
695 | bool fUnregister = false;
696 | const char *pszPipeName = NULL;
697 | const char *pszLogFile = NULL;
698 | uint32_t cHistory = 10; // enable log rotation, 10 files
699 | uint32_t uHistoryFileTime = RT_SEC_1DAY; // max 1 day per file
700 | uint64_t uHistoryFileSize = 100 * _1M; // max 100MB per file
701 |
702 | RTGETOPTSTATE GetOptState;
703 | int vrc = RTGetOptInit(&GetOptState, argc, argv, &s_aOptions[0], RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0 /*fFlags*/);
704 | AssertRC(vrc);
705 |
706 | RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion;
707 | while ((vrc = RTGetOpt(&GetOptState, &ValueUnion)))
708 | {
709 | switch (vrc)
710 | {
711 | case 'e':
712 | /* already handled above */
713 | break;
714 |
715 | case 'u':
716 | fUnregister = true;
717 | fRun = false;
718 | break;
719 |
720 | case 'r':
721 | fRegister = true;
722 | fRun = false;
723 | break;
724 |
725 | case 'f':
726 | fUnregister = true;
727 | fRegister = true;
728 | fRun = false;
729 | break;
730 |
731 | case 'H':
732 | pszPipeName = ValueUnion.psz;
733 | if (!pszPipeName)
734 | pszPipeName = "";
735 | fRun = false;
736 | break;
737 |
738 | case 'F':
739 | pszLogFile = ValueUnion.psz;
740 | break;
741 |
742 | case 'R':
743 | cHistory = ValueUnion.u32;
744 | break;
745 |
746 | case 'S':
747 | uHistoryFileSize = ValueUnion.u64;
748 | break;
749 |
750 | case 'I':
751 | uHistoryFileTime = ValueUnion.u32;
752 | break;
753 |
754 | case 'h':
755 | {
756 | TCHAR txt[]= L"Options:\n\n"
757 | L"/RegServer:\tregister COM out-of-proc server\n"
758 | L"/UnregServer:\tunregister COM out-of-proc server\n"
759 | L"/ReregServer:\tunregister and register COM server\n"
760 | L"no options:\trun the server";
761 | TCHAR title[]=_T("Usage");
762 | fRun = false;
763 | MessageBox(NULL, txt, title, MB_OK);
764 | return 0;
765 | }
766 |
767 | case 'V':
768 | {
769 | char *psz = NULL;
770 | RTStrAPrintf(&psz, "%sr%s\n", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevisionStr());
771 | PRTUTF16 txt = NULL;
772 | RTStrToUtf16(psz, &txt);
773 | TCHAR title[]=_T("Version");
774 | fRun = false;
775 | MessageBox(NULL, txt, title, MB_OK);
776 | RTStrFree(psz);
777 | RTUtf16Free(txt);
778 | return 0;
779 | }
780 |
781 | default:
782 | /** @todo this assumes that stderr is visible, which is not
783 | * true for standard Windows applications. */
784 | /* continue on command line errors... */
785 | RTGetOptPrintError(vrc, &ValueUnion);
786 | }
787 | }
788 |
789 | /* Only create the log file when running VBoxSVC normally, but not when
790 | * registering/unregistering or calling the helper functionality. */
791 | if (fRun)
792 | {
793 | /** @todo Merge this code with server.cpp (use Logging.cpp?). */
794 | char szLogFile[RTPATH_MAX];
795 | if (!pszLogFile || !*pszLogFile)
796 | {
797 | vrc = com::GetVBoxUserHomeDirectory(szLogFile, sizeof(szLogFile));
798 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
799 | vrc = RTPathAppend(szLogFile, sizeof(szLogFile), "VBoxSVC.log");
800 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
801 | return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to construct release log filename, rc=%Rrc", vrc);
802 | pszLogFile = szLogFile;
803 | }
804 |
806 | vrc = com::VBoxLogRelCreate("COM Server", pszLogFile,
809 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
811 | #else
813 | #endif
814 | UINT32_MAX /* cMaxEntriesPerGroup */, cHistory, uHistoryFileTime, uHistoryFileSize,
815 | RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfo));
816 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
817 | return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to open release log (%s, %Rrc)", ErrInfo.Core.pszMsg, vrc);
818 | }
819 |
820 | /* Set up a build identifier so that it can be seen from core dumps what
821 | * exact build was used to produce the core. Same as in Console::i_powerUpThread(). */
822 | static char saBuildID[48];
823 | RTStrPrintf(saBuildID, sizeof(saBuildID), "%s%s%s%s VirtualBox %s r%u %s%s%s%s",
824 | "BU", "IL", "DI", "D", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevision(), "BU", "IL", "DI", "D");
825 |
826 | int nRet = 0;
827 | HRESULT hRes = com::Initialize(false /*fGui*/, fRun /*fAutoRegUpdate*/);
828 | AssertLogRelMsg(SUCCEEDED(hRes), ("SVCMAIN: init failed: %Rhrc\n", hRes));
829 |
830 | g_pModule = new CExeModule();
831 | if(g_pModule == NULL)
832 | return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "not enough memory to create ExeModule.");
833 | g_pModule->Init(ObjectMap, hInstance, &LIBID_VirtualBox);
834 | g_pModule->dwThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
835 |
836 | if (!fRun)
837 | {
838 | #ifndef VBOX_WITH_MIDL_PROXY_STUB /* VBoxProxyStub.dll does all the registration work. */
839 | if (fUnregister)
840 | {
841 | g_pModule->UpdateRegistryFromResource(IDR_VIRTUALBOX, FALSE);
842 | nRet = g_pModule->UnregisterServer(TRUE);
843 | }
844 | if (fRegister)
845 | {
846 | g_pModule->UpdateRegistryFromResource(IDR_VIRTUALBOX, TRUE);
847 | nRet = g_pModule->RegisterServer(TRUE);
848 | }
849 | #endif
850 | if (pszPipeName)
851 | {
852 | Log(("SVCMAIN: Processing Helper request (cmdline=\"%s\")...\n", pszPipeName));
853 |
854 | if (!*pszPipeName)
856 |
857 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
858 | {
859 | /* do the helper job */
860 | SVCHlpServer server;
861 | vrc = server.open(pszPipeName);
862 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
863 | vrc = server.run();
864 | }
865 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
866 | {
867 | Log(("SVCMAIN: Failed to process Helper request (%Rrc).", vrc));
868 | nRet = 1;
869 | }
870 | }
871 | }
872 | else
873 | {
874 | g_pModule->StartMonitor();
875 | #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400
878 | hRes = CoResumeClassObjects();
879 | #else
880 | hRes = _Module.RegisterClassObjects(CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE);
881 | #endif
883 |
884 | if (RT_SUCCESS(CreateMainWindow()))
885 | Log(("SVCMain: Main window succesfully created\n"));
886 | else
887 | Log(("SVCMain: Failed to create main window\n"));
888 |
889 | MSG msg;
890 | while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0) > 0)
891 | {
892 | DispatchMessage(&msg);
893 | TranslateMessage(&msg);
894 | }
895 |
896 | DestroyMainWindow();
897 |
898 | g_pModule->RevokeClassObjects();
899 | }
900 |
901 | g_pModule->Term();
902 |
903 | com::Shutdown();
904 |
905 | if(g_pModule)
906 | delete g_pModule;
907 | g_pModule = NULL;
908 |
909 | Log(("SVCMAIN: Returning, COM server process ends.\n"));
910 | return nRet;
911 | }