/** @file * * tstAPI - test program for our COM/XPCOM interface */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com; #define LOG_ENABLED #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN #define LOG_INSTANCE NULL #include #include #include #include #include #include #define printf RTPrintf // forward declarations /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static Bstr getObjectName(ComPtr aVirtualBox, ComPtr aObject); static void queryMetrics (ComPtr aVirtualBox, ComPtr collector, ComSafeArrayIn (IUnknown *, objects)); static void listAffectedMetrics(ComPtr aVirtualBox, ComSafeArrayIn(IPerformanceMetric*, aMetrics)); // funcs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT readAndChangeMachineSettings (IMachine *machine, IMachine *readonlyMachine = 0) { HRESULT rc = S_OK; Bstr name; printf ("Getting machine name...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(Name) (name.asOutParam())); printf ("Name: {%ls}\n", name.raw()); printf("Getting machine GUID...\n"); Guid guid; CHECK_RC (machine->COMGETTER(Id) (guid.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && !guid.isEmpty()) { printf ("Guid::toString(): {%s}\n", (const char *) guid.toString()); } else { printf ("WARNING: there's no GUID!"); } ULONG memorySize; printf ("Getting memory size...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(MemorySize) (&memorySize)); printf ("Memory size: %d\n", memorySize); MachineState_T machineState; printf ("Getting machine state...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(State) (&machineState)); printf ("Machine state: %d\n", machineState); BOOL modified; printf ("Are any settings modified?...\n"); CHECK_RC (machine->COMGETTER(SettingsModified) (&modified)); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) printf ("%s\n", modified ? "yes" : "no"); ULONG memorySizeBig = memorySize * 10; printf("Changing memory size to %d...\n", memorySizeBig); CHECK_RC (machine->COMSETTER(MemorySize) (memorySizeBig)); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) { printf ("Are any settings modified now?...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(SettingsModified) (&modified)); printf ("%s\n", modified ? "yes" : "no"); ASSERT_RET (modified, 0); ULONG memorySizeGot; printf ("Getting memory size again...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(MemorySize) (&memorySizeGot)); printf ("Memory size: %d\n", memorySizeGot); ASSERT_RET (memorySizeGot == memorySizeBig, 0); if (readonlyMachine) { printf ("Getting memory size of the counterpart readonly machine...\n"); ULONG memorySizeRO; readonlyMachine->COMGETTER(MemorySize) (&memorySizeRO); printf ("Memory size: %d\n", memorySizeRO); ASSERT_RET (memorySizeRO != memorySizeGot, 0); } printf ("Discarding recent changes...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->DiscardSettings()); printf ("Are any settings modified after discarding?...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(SettingsModified) (&modified)); printf ("%s\n", modified ? "yes" : "no"); ASSERT_RET (!modified, 0); printf ("Getting memory size once more...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(MemorySize) (&memorySizeGot)); printf ("Memory size: %d\n", memorySizeGot); ASSERT_RET (memorySizeGot == memorySize, 0); memorySize = memorySize > 128 ? memorySize / 2 : memorySize * 2; printf("Changing memory size to %d...\n", memorySize); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMSETTER(MemorySize) (memorySize)); } Bstr desc; printf ("Getting description...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_RET (machine, COMGETTER(Description) (desc.asOutParam()), rc); printf ("Description is: \"%ls\"\n", desc.raw()); desc = L"This is an exemplary description (changed)."; printf ("Setting description to \"%ls\"...\n", desc.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (machine, COMSETTER(Description) (desc), rc); printf ("Saving machine settings...\n"); CHECK_RC (machine->SaveSettings()); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) { printf ("Are any settings modified after saving?...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->COMGETTER(SettingsModified) (&modified)); printf ("%s\n", modified ? "yes" : "no"); ASSERT_RET (!modified, 0); if (readonlyMachine) { printf ("Getting memory size of the counterpart readonly machine...\n"); ULONG memorySizeRO; readonlyMachine->COMGETTER(MemorySize) (&memorySizeRO); printf ("Memory size: %d\n", memorySizeRO); ASSERT_RET (memorySizeRO == memorySize, 0); } } Bstr extraDataKey = L"Blafasel"; Bstr extraData; printf ("Getting extra data key {%ls}...\n", extraDataKey.raw()); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->GetExtraData (extraDataKey, extraData.asOutParam())); if (!extraData.isEmpty()) { printf ("Extra data value: {%ls}\n", extraData.raw()); } else { if (extraData.isNull()) printf ("No extra data exists\n"); else printf ("Extra data is empty\n"); } if (extraData.isEmpty()) extraData = L"Das ist die Berliner Luft, Luft, Luft..."; else extraData.setNull(); printf ( "Setting extra data key {%ls} to {%ls}...\n", extraDataKey.raw(), extraData.raw() ); CHECK_RC (machine->SetExtraData (extraDataKey, extraData)); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) { printf ("Getting extra data key {%ls} again...\n", extraDataKey.raw()); CHECK_RC_RET (machine->GetExtraData (extraDataKey, extraData.asOutParam())); if (!extraData.isEmpty()) { printf ("Extra data value: {%ls}\n", extraData.raw()); } else { if (extraData.isNull()) printf ("No extra data exists\n"); else printf ("Extra data is empty\n"); } } return rc; } // main /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* * Initialize the VBox runtime without loading * the support driver. */ RTR3Init(); HRESULT rc; { char homeDir [RTPATH_MAX]; GetVBoxUserHomeDirectory (homeDir, sizeof (homeDir)); printf ("VirtualBox Home Directory = '%s'\n", homeDir); } printf ("Initializing COM...\n"); CHECK_RC_RET (com::Initialize()); do { // scopes all the stuff till shutdown //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ComPtr virtualBox; ComPtr session; #if 0 // Utf8Str test //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Utf8Str nullUtf8Str; printf ("nullUtf8Str='%s'\n", nullUtf8Str.raw()); Utf8Str simpleUtf8Str = "simpleUtf8Str"; printf ("simpleUtf8Str='%s'\n", simpleUtf8Str.raw()); Utf8Str utf8StrFmt = Utf8StrFmt ("[0=%d]%s[1=%d]", 0, "utf8StrFmt", 1); printf ("utf8StrFmt='%s'\n", utf8StrFmt.raw()); #endif printf ("Creating VirtualBox object...\n"); CHECK_RC (virtualBox.createLocalObject (CLSID_VirtualBox)); if (FAILED (rc)) { CHECK_ERROR_NOCALL(); break; } printf ("Creating Session object...\n"); CHECK_RC (session.createInprocObject (CLSID_Session)); if (FAILED (rc)) { CHECK_ERROR_NOCALL(); break; } #if 0 // Testing VirtualBox::COMGETTER(ProgressOperations). // This is designed to be tested while running // "./VBoxManage clonehd src.vdi clone.vdi" in parallel. // It will then display the progress every 2 seconds. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { printf ("Testing VirtualBox::COMGETTER(ProgressOperations)...\n"); for (;;) { com::SafeIfaceArray operations; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(ProgressOperations)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(operations))); printf ("operations: %d\n", operations.size()); if (operations.size() == 0) break; // No more operations left. for (size_t i = 0; i < operations.size(); ++i) { PRInt32 percent; operations[i]->COMGETTER(Percent)(&percent); printf ("operations[%u]: %ld\n", (unsigned)i, (long)percent); } RTThreadSleep (2000); // msec } } #endif #if 0 // IUnknown identity test //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { { ComPtr virtualBox2; printf ("Creating one more VirtualBox object...\n"); CHECK_RC (virtualBox2.createLocalObject (CLSID_VirtualBox)); if (FAILED (rc)) { CHECK_ERROR_NOCALL(); break; } printf ("IVirtualBox(virtualBox)=%p IVirtualBox(virtualBox2)=%p\n", (IVirtualBox *) virtualBox, (IVirtualBox *) virtualBox2); Assert ((IVirtualBox *) virtualBox == (IVirtualBox *) virtualBox2); ComPtr unk (virtualBox); ComPtr unk2; unk2 = virtualBox2; printf ("IUnknown(virtualBox)=%p IUnknown(virtualBox2)=%p\n", (IUnknown *) unk, (IUnknown *) unk2); Assert ((IUnknown *) unk == (IUnknown *) unk2); ComPtr vb = unk; ComPtr vb2 = unk; printf ("IVirtualBox(IUnknown(virtualBox))=%p IVirtualBox(IUnknown(virtualBox2))=%p\n", (IVirtualBox *) vb, (IVirtualBox *) vb2); Assert ((IVirtualBox *) vb == (IVirtualBox *) vb2); } { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); printf (" IHost(host)=%p\n", (IHost *) host); ComPtr unk = host; printf (" IUnknown(host)=%p\n", (IUnknown *) unk); ComPtr host_copy = unk; printf (" IHost(host_copy)=%p\n", (IHost *) host_copy); ComPtr unk_copy = host_copy; printf (" IUnknown(host_copy)=%p\n", (IUnknown *) unk_copy); Assert ((IUnknown *) unk == (IUnknown *) unk_copy); /* query IUnknown on IUnknown */ ComPtr unk_copy_copy; unk_copy.queryInterfaceTo (unk_copy_copy.asOutParam()); printf (" IUnknown(unk_copy)=%p\n", (IUnknown *) unk_copy_copy); Assert ((IUnknown *) unk_copy == (IUnknown *) unk_copy_copy); /* query IUnknown on IUnknown in the opposite direction */ unk_copy_copy.queryInterfaceTo (unk_copy.asOutParam()); printf (" IUnknown(unk_copy_copy)=%p\n", (IUnknown *) unk_copy); Assert ((IUnknown *) unk_copy == (IUnknown *) unk_copy_copy); /* query IUnknown again after releasing all previous IUnknown instances * but keeping IHost -- it should remain the same (Identity Rule) */ IUnknown *oldUnk = unk; unk.setNull(); unk_copy.setNull(); unk_copy_copy.setNull(); unk = host; printf (" IUnknown(host)=%p\n", (IUnknown *) unk); Assert (oldUnk == (IUnknown *) unk); } // printf ("Will be now released (press Enter)..."); // getchar(); } #endif // create the event queue // (here it is necessary only to process remaining XPCOM/IPC events // after the session is closed) EventQueue eventQ; #if 0 // the simplest COM API test //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { Bstr version; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Version) (version.asOutParam())); printf ("VirtualBox version = %ls\n", version.raw()); } #endif #if 0 // Array test //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { printf ("Calling IVirtualBox::Machines...\n"); com::SafeIfaceArray machines; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Machines2) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (machines))); printf ("%u machines registered (machines.isNull()=%d).\n", machines.size(), machines.isNull()); for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++ i) { Bstr name; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (machines [i], COMGETTER(Name) (name.asOutParam())); printf ("machines[%u]='%s'\n", i, Utf8Str (name).raw()); } #if 0 { printf ("Testing [out] arrays...\n"); com::SafeGUIDArray uuids; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Uuids) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (uuids))); for (size_t i = 0; i < uuids.size(); ++ i) printf ("uuids[%u]=%Vuuid\n", i, &uuids [i]); } { printf ("Testing [in] arrays...\n"); com::SafeGUIDArray uuids (5); for (size_t i = 0; i < uuids.size(); ++ i) { Guid id; id.create(); uuids [i] = id; printf ("uuids[%u]=%Vuuid\n", i, &uuids [i]); } CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, SetUuids (ComSafeArrayAsInParam (uuids))); } #endif } #endif #if 0 // some outdated stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("Getting IHost interface...\n"); IHost *host; rc = virtualBox->GetHost(&host); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { IHostDVDDriveCollection *dvdColl; rc = host->GetHostDVDDrives(&dvdColl); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { IHostDVDDrive *dvdDrive = NULL; dvdColl->GetNextHostDVDDrive(dvdDrive, &dvdDrive); while (dvdDrive) { BSTR driveName; char *driveNameUtf8; dvdDrive->GetDriveName(&driveName); RTUtf16ToUtf8((PCRTUTF16)driveName, &driveNameUtf8); printf("Host DVD drive name: %s\n", driveNameUtf8); RTStrFree(driveNameUtf8); SysFreeString(driveName); IHostDVDDrive *dvdDriveTemp = dvdDrive; dvdColl->GetNextHostDVDDrive(dvdDriveTemp, &dvdDrive); dvdDriveTemp->Release(); } dvdColl->Release(); } else { printf("Could not get host DVD drive collection\n"); } IHostFloppyDriveCollection *floppyColl; rc = host->GetHostFloppyDrives(&floppyColl); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { IHostFloppyDrive *floppyDrive = NULL; floppyColl->GetNextHostFloppyDrive(floppyDrive, &floppyDrive); while (floppyDrive) { BSTR driveName; char *driveNameUtf8; floppyDrive->GetDriveName(&driveName); RTUtf16ToUtf8((PCRTUTF16)driveName, &driveNameUtf8); printf("Host floppy drive name: %s\n", driveNameUtf8); RTStrFree(driveNameUtf8); SysFreeString(driveName); IHostFloppyDrive *floppyDriveTemp = floppyDrive; floppyColl->GetNextHostFloppyDrive(floppyDriveTemp, &floppyDrive); floppyDriveTemp->Release(); } floppyColl->Release(); } else { printf("Could not get host floppy drive collection\n"); } host->Release(); } else { printf("Call failed\n"); } printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // IVirtualBoxErrorInfo test //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { // RPC calls // call a method that will definitely fail Guid uuid; ComPtr hardDisk; rc = virtualBox->GetHardDisk(uuid, hardDisk.asOutParam()); printf ("virtualBox->GetHardDisk(null-uuid)=%08X\n", rc); // { // com::ErrorInfo info (virtualBox); // PRINT_ERROR_INFO (info); // } // call a method that will definitely succeed Bstr version; rc = virtualBox->COMGETTER(Version) (version.asOutParam()); printf ("virtualBox->COMGETTER(Version)=%08X\n", rc); { com::ErrorInfo info (virtualBox); PRINT_ERROR_INFO (info); } // Local calls // call a method that will definitely fail ComPtr machine; rc = session->COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()); printf ("session->COMGETTER(Machine)=%08X\n", rc); // { // com::ErrorInfo info (virtualBox); // PRINT_ERROR_INFO (info); // } // call a method that will definitely succeed SessionState_T state; rc = session->COMGETTER(State) (&state); printf ("session->COMGETTER(State)=%08X\n", rc); { com::ErrorInfo info (virtualBox); PRINT_ERROR_INFO (info); } } #endif #if 0 // register the existing hard disk image /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr hd; Bstr src = L"E:\\develop\\innotek\\images\\NewHardDisk.vdi"; printf ("Opening the existing hard disk '%ls'...\n", src.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, OpenHardDisk (src, hd.asOutParam())); printf ("Enter to continue...\n"); getchar(); printf ("Registering the existing hard disk '%ls'...\n", src.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, RegisterHardDisk (hd)); printf ("Enter to continue...\n"); getchar(); } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // find and unregister the existing hard disk image /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr vdi; Bstr src = L"CreatorTest.vdi"; printf ("Unregistering the hard disk '%ls'...\n", src.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, FindVirtualDiskImage (src, vdi.asOutParam())); ComPtr hd = vdi; Guid id; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hd, COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, UnregisterHardDisk (id, hd.asOutParam())); } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // clone the registered hard disk /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { #if defined RT_OS_LINUX Bstr src = L"/mnt/hugaida/common/develop/innotek/images/freedos-linux.vdi"; #else Bstr src = L"E:/develop/innotek/images/freedos.vdi"; #endif Bstr dst = L"./clone.vdi"; RTPrintf ("Cloning '%ls' to '%ls'...\n", src.raw(), dst.raw()); ComPtr vdi; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, FindVirtualDiskImage (src, vdi.asOutParam())); ComPtr hd = vdi; ComPtr progress; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hd, CloneToImage (dst, vdi.asOutParam(), progress.asOutParam())); RTPrintf ("Waiting for completion...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (progress, WaitForCompletion (-1)); ProgressErrorInfo ei (progress); if (FAILED (ei.getResultCode())) { PRINT_ERROR_INFO (ei); } else { vdi->COMGETTER(FilePath) (dst.asOutParam()); RTPrintf ("Actual clone path is '%ls'\n", dst.raw()); } } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // find a registered hard disk by location and get properties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr hd; static const wchar_t *Names[] = { #ifndef RT_OS_LINUX L"freedos.vdi", L"MS-DOS.vmdk", L"iscsi", L"some/path/and/disk.vdi", #else L"xp.vdi", L"Xp.vDI", #endif }; printf ("\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS (Names); ++ i) { Bstr src = Names [i]; printf ("Searching for hard disk '%ls'...\n", src.raw()); rc = virtualBox->FindHardDisk2 (src, hd.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) { Guid id; Bstr location; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hd, COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hd, COMGETTER(Location) (location.asOutParam())); printf ("Found, UUID={%Vuuid}, location='%ls'.\n", id.raw(), location.raw()); com::SafeArray names; com::SafeArray values; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hd, GetProperties (NULL, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (names), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (values))); printf ("Properties:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++ i) printf (" %ls = %ls\n", names [i], values [i]); if (names.size() == 0) printf (" \n"); #if 0 Bstr name ("TargetAddress"); Bstr value = Utf8StrFmt ("lalala (%llu)", RTTimeMilliTS()); printf ("Settings property %ls to %ls...\n", name.raw(), value.raw()); CHECK_ERROR (hd, SetProperty (name, value)); #endif } else { com::ErrorInfo info (virtualBox); PRINT_ERROR_INFO (info); } printf ("\n"); } } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // access the machine in read-only mode /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr machine; Bstr name = argc > 1 ? argv [1] : "dos"; printf ("Getting a machine object named '%ls'...\n", name.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, FindMachine (name, machine.asOutParam())); printf ("Accessing the machine in read-only mode:\n"); readAndChangeMachineSettings (machine); #if 0 if (argc != 2) { printf ("Error: a string has to be supplied!\n"); } else { Bstr secureLabel = argv[1]; machine->COMSETTER(ExtraData)(L"VBoxSDL/SecureLabel", secureLabel); } #endif } while (0); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // create a new machine (w/o registering it) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr machine; #if defined (RT_OS_LINUX) Bstr baseDir = L"/tmp/vbox"; #else Bstr baseDir = L"C:\\vbox"; #endif Bstr name = L"machina"; printf ("Creating a new machine object (base dir '%ls', name '%ls')...\n", baseDir.raw(), name.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, CreateMachine (baseDir, name, machine.asOutParam())); printf ("Getting name...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (machine, COMGETTER(Name) (name.asOutParam())); printf ("Name: {%ls}\n", name.raw()); BOOL modified = FALSE; printf ("Are any settings modified?...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (machine, COMGETTER(SettingsModified) (&modified)); printf ("%s\n", modified ? "yes" : "no"); ASSERT_BREAK (modified == TRUE); name = L"Kakaya prekrasnaya virtual'naya mashina!"; printf ("Setting new name ({%ls})...\n", name.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (machine, COMSETTER(Name) (name)); printf ("Setting memory size to 111...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (machine, COMSETTER(MemorySize) (111)); Bstr desc = L"This is an exemplary description."; printf ("Setting description to \"%ls\"...\n", desc.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (machine, COMSETTER(Description) (desc)); ComPtr guestOSType; Bstr type = L"os2warp45"; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, GetGuestOSType (type, guestOSType.asOutParam())); printf ("Saving new machine settings...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (machine, SaveSettings()); printf ("Accessing the newly created machine:\n"); readAndChangeMachineSettings (machine); } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // enumerate host DVD drives /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr host; CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam())); { ComPtr coll; CHECK_RC_BREAK (host->COMGETTER(DVDDrives) (coll.asOutParam())); ComPtr enumerator; CHECK_RC_BREAK (coll->Enumerate (enumerator.asOutParam())); BOOL hasmore; while (SUCCEEDED (enumerator->HasMore (&hasmore)) && hasmore) { ComPtr drive; CHECK_RC_BREAK (enumerator->GetNext (drive.asOutParam())); Bstr name; CHECK_RC_BREAK (drive->COMGETTER(Name) (name.asOutParam())); printf ("Host DVD drive: name={%ls}\n", name.raw()); } CHECK_RC_BREAK (rc); ComPtr drive; CHECK_ERROR (enumerator, GetNext (drive.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR (coll, GetItemAt (1000, drive.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR (coll, FindByName (Bstr ("R:"), drive.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) { Bstr name; CHECK_RC_BREAK (drive->COMGETTER(Name) (name.asOutParam())); printf ("Found by name: name={%ls}\n", name.raw()); } } } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // check for available hd backends /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { RTPrintf("Supported hard disk backends: --------------------------\n"); ComPtr systemProperties; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties) (systemProperties.asOutParam())); com::SafeIfaceArray hardDiskFormats; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (systemProperties, COMGETTER(HardDiskFormats) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (hardDiskFormats))); for (size_t i = 0; i < hardDiskFormats.size(); ++ i) { /* General information */ Bstr id; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hardDiskFormats [i], COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam())); Bstr description; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hardDiskFormats [i], COMGETTER(Id) (description.asOutParam())); ULONG caps; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hardDiskFormats [i], COMGETTER(Capabilities) (&caps)); RTPrintf("Backend %u: id='%ls' description='%ls' capabilities=%#06x extensions='", i, id.raw(), description.raw(), caps); /* File extensions */ com::SafeArray fileExtensions; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hardDiskFormats [i], COMGETTER(FileExtensions) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (fileExtensions))); for (size_t a = 0; a < fileExtensions.size(); ++ a) { RTPrintf ("%ls", Bstr (fileExtensions [a]).raw()); if (a != fileExtensions.size()-1) RTPrintf (","); } RTPrintf ("'"); /* Configuration keys */ com::SafeArray propertyNames; com::SafeArray propertyDescriptions; com::SafeArray propertyTypes; com::SafeArray propertyFlags; com::SafeArray propertyDefaults; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (hardDiskFormats [i], DescribeProperties (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyNames), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyDescriptions), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyTypes), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyFlags), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyDefaults))); RTPrintf (" config=("); if (propertyNames.size() > 0) { for (size_t a = 0; a < propertyNames.size(); ++ a) { RTPrintf ("key='%ls' desc='%ls' type=", Bstr (propertyNames [a]).raw(), Bstr (propertyDescriptions [a]).raw()); switch (propertyTypes [a]) { case DataType_Int32Type: RTPrintf ("int"); break; case DataType_Int8Type: RTPrintf ("byte"); break; case DataType_StringType: RTPrintf ("string"); break; } RTPrintf (" flags=%#04x", propertyFlags [a]); RTPrintf (" default='%ls'", Bstr (propertyDefaults [a]).raw()); if (a != propertyNames.size()-1) RTPrintf (","); } } RTPrintf (")\n"); } RTPrintf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"); } #endif #if 0 // enumerate hard disks & dvd images /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { { com::SafeIfaceArray disks; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(HardDisks2) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (disks))); printf ("%u base hard disks registered (disks.isNull()=%d).\n", disks.size(), disks.isNull()); for (size_t i = 0; i < disks.size(); ++ i) { Bstr loc; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (disks [i], COMGETTER(Location) (loc.asOutParam())); Guid id; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (disks [i], COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam())); MediaState_T state; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (disks [i], COMGETTER(State) (&state)); Bstr format; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (disks [i], COMGETTER(Format) (format.asOutParam())); printf (" disks[%u]: '%ls'\n" " UUID: {%Vuuid}\n" " State: %s\n" " Format: %ls\n", i, loc.raw(), id.raw(), state == MediaState_NotCreated ? "Not Created" : state == MediaState_Created ? "Created" : state == MediaState_Inaccessible ? "Inaccessible" : state == MediaState_LockedRead ? "Locked Read" : state == MediaState_LockedWrite ? "Locked Write" : "???", format.raw()); if (state == MediaState_Inaccessible) { Bstr error; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (disks [i], COMGETTER(LastAccessError)(error.asOutParam())); printf (" Access Error: %ls\n", error.raw()); } /* get usage */ printf (" Used by VMs:\n"); com::SafeGUIDArray ids; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (disks [i], COMGETTER(MachineIds) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (ids))); if (ids.size() == 0) { printf (" \n"); } else { for (size_t j = 0; j < ids.size(); ++ j) { printf (" {%Vuuid}\n", &ids [j]); } } } } { com::SafeIfaceArray images; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(DVDImages) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (images))); printf ("%u DVD images registered (images.isNull()=%d).\n", images.size(), images.isNull()); for (size_t i = 0; i < images.size(); ++ i) { Bstr loc; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (images [i], COMGETTER(Location) (loc.asOutParam())); Guid id; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (images [i], COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam())); MediaState_T state; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (images [i], COMGETTER(State) (&state)); printf (" images[%u]: '%ls'\n" " UUID: {%Vuuid}\n" " State: %s\n", i, loc.raw(), id.raw(), state == MediaState_NotCreated ? "Not Created" : state == MediaState_Created ? "Created" : state == MediaState_Inaccessible ? "Inaccessible" : state == MediaState_LockedRead ? "Locked Read" : state == MediaState_LockedWrite ? "Locked Write" : "???"); if (state == MediaState_Inaccessible) { Bstr error; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (images [i], COMGETTER(LastAccessError)(error.asOutParam())); printf (" Access Error: %ls\n", error.raw()); } /* get usage */ printf (" Used by VMs:\n"); com::SafeGUIDArray ids; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (images [i], COMGETTER(MachineIds) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (ids))); if (ids.size() == 0) { printf (" \n"); } else { for (size_t j = 0; j < ids.size(); ++ j) { printf (" {%Vuuid}\n", &ids [j]); } } } } } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // open a (direct) session /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr machine; Bstr name = argc > 1 ? argv [1] : "dos"; printf ("Getting a machine object named '%ls'...\n", name.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, FindMachine (name, machine.asOutParam())); Guid guid; CHECK_RC_BREAK (machine->COMGETTER(Id) (guid.asOutParam())); printf ("Opening a session for this machine...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->OpenSession (session, guid)); #if 1 ComPtr sessionMachine; printf ("Getting sessioned machine object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Machine) (sessionMachine.asOutParam())); printf ("Accessing the machine within the session:\n"); readAndChangeMachineSettings (sessionMachine, machine); #if 0 printf ("\n"); printf ("Enabling the VRDP server (must succeed even if the VM is saved):\n"); ComPtr vrdp; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (sessionMachine, COMGETTER(VRDPServer) (vrdp.asOutParam())); if (FAILED (vrdp->COMSETTER(Enabled) (TRUE))) { PRINT_ERROR_INFO (com::ErrorInfo (vrdp)); } else { BOOL enabled = FALSE; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (vrdp, COMGETTER(Enabled) (&enabled)); printf ("VRDP server is %s\n", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } #endif #endif #if 0 ComPtr console; printf ("Getting the console object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Console) (console.asOutParam())); printf ("Discarding the current machine state...\n"); ComPtr progress; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, DiscardCurrentState (progress.asOutParam())); printf ("Waiting for completion...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (progress, WaitForCompletion (-1)); ProgressErrorInfo ei (progress); if (FAILED (ei.getResultCode())) { PRINT_ERROR_INFO (ei); ComPtr initiator; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (progress, COMGETTER(Initiator) (initiator.asOutParam())); printf ("initiator(unk) = %p\n", (IUnknown *) initiator); printf ("console(unk) = %p\n", (IUnknown *) ComPtr ((IConsole *) console)); printf ("console = %p\n", (IConsole *) console); } #endif printf("Press enter to close session..."); getchar(); session->Close(); } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // open a remote session /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr machine; Bstr name = L"dos"; printf ("Getting a machine object named '%ls'...\n", name.raw()); CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->FindMachine (name, machine.asOutParam())); Guid guid; CHECK_RC_BREAK (machine->COMGETTER(Id) (guid.asOutParam())); printf ("Opening a remote session for this machine...\n"); ComPtr progress; CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->OpenRemoteSession (session, guid, Bstr("gui"), NULL, progress.asOutParam())); printf ("Waiting for the session to open...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (progress->WaitForCompletion (-1)); ComPtr sessionMachine; printf ("Getting sessioned machine object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Machine) (sessionMachine.asOutParam())); ComPtr console; printf ("Getting console object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Console) (console.asOutParam())); printf ("Press enter to pause the VM execution in the remote session..."); getchar(); CHECK_RC (console->Pause()); printf ("Press enter to close this session..."); getchar(); session->Close(); } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 // open an existing remote session /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { ComPtr machine; Bstr name = "dos"; printf ("Getting a machine object named '%ls'...\n", name.raw()); CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->FindMachine (name, machine.asOutParam())); Guid guid; CHECK_RC_BREAK (machine->COMGETTER(Id) (guid.asOutParam())); printf ("Opening an existing remote session for this machine...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->OpenExistingSession (session, guid)); ComPtr sessionMachine; printf ("Getting sessioned machine object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Machine) (sessionMachine.asOutParam())); #if 0 Bstr extraDataKey = "VBoxSDL/SecureLabel"; Bstr extraData = "Das kommt jetzt noch viel krasser vom total konkreten API!"; CHECK_RC (sessionMachine->SetExtraData (extraDataKey, extraData)); #endif #if 0 ComPtr console; printf ("Getting console object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Console) (console.asOutParam())); printf ("Press enter to pause the VM execution in the remote session..."); getchar(); CHECK_RC (console->Pause()); printf ("Press enter to close this session..."); getchar(); #endif session->Close(); } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif #if 0 do { // Get host ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam())); ULONG uMemSize, uMemAvail; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, COMGETTER(MemorySize) (&uMemSize)); printf("Total memory (MB): %u\n", uMemSize); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, COMGETTER(MemoryAvailable) (&uMemAvail)); printf("Free memory (MB): %u\n", uMemAvail); } while (0); #endif #if 0 do { // Get host ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam())); com::SafeIfaceArray hostNetworkInterfaces; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(host, COMGETTER(NetworkInterfaces) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (hostNetworkInterfaces))); if (hostNetworkInterfaces.size() > 0) { ComPtr networkInterface = hostNetworkInterfaces[0]; Bstr interfaceName; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Name)(interfaceName.asOutParam()); printf("Found %d network interfaces, testing with %lS...\n", hostNetworkInterfaces.size(), interfaceName.raw()); Guid interfaceGuid; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Id)(interfaceGuid.asOutParam()); // Find the interface by its name networkInterface.setNull(); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(host, FindHostNetworkInterfaceByName (interfaceName, networkInterface.asOutParam())); Guid interfaceGuid2; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Id)(interfaceGuid2.asOutParam()); if (interfaceGuid2 != interfaceGuid) printf("Failed to retrieve an interface by name %lS.\n", interfaceName.raw()); // Find the interface by its guid networkInterface.setNull(); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(host, FindHostNetworkInterfaceById (interfaceGuid, networkInterface.asOutParam())); Bstr interfaceName2; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Name)(interfaceName2.asOutParam()); if (interfaceName != interfaceName2) printf("Failed to retrieve an interface by GUID %lS.\n", Bstr(interfaceGuid.toString()).raw()); } else { printf("No network interfaces found!\n"); } } while (0); #endif #if 0 && defined (VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API) do { // Get collector ComPtr collector; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(PerformanceCollector) (collector.asOutParam())); // Fill base metrics array Bstr baseMetricNames[] = { L"CPU/Load,RAM/Usage" }; com::SafeArray baseMetrics (1); baseMetricNames[0].cloneTo (&baseMetrics [0]); // Get host ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam())); // Get machine ComPtr machine; Bstr name = argc > 1 ? argv [1] : "dsl"; Bstr sessionType = argc > 2 ? argv [2] : "vrdp"; printf ("Getting a machine object named '%ls'...\n", name.raw()); CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->FindMachine (name, machine.asOutParam())); // Open session Guid guid; CHECK_RC_BREAK (machine->COMGETTER(Id) (guid.asOutParam())); printf ("Opening a remote session for this machine...\n"); ComPtr progress; CHECK_RC_BREAK (virtualBox->OpenRemoteSession (session, guid, sessionType, NULL, progress.asOutParam())); printf ("Waiting for the session to open...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (progress->WaitForCompletion (-1)); ComPtr sessionMachine; printf ("Getting sessioned machine object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Machine) (sessionMachine.asOutParam())); // Setup base metrics // Note that one needs to set up metrics after a session is open for a machine. com::SafeIfaceArray affectedMetrics; com::SafeIfaceArray objects(2); host.queryInterfaceTo(&objects[0]); machine.queryInterfaceTo(&objects[1]); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (collector, SetupMetrics(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(baseMetrics), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects), 1u, 10u, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(affectedMetrics)) ); listAffectedMetrics(virtualBox, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(affectedMetrics)); affectedMetrics.setNull(); // Get console ComPtr console; printf ("Getting console object...\n"); CHECK_RC_BREAK (session->COMGETTER(Console) (console.asOutParam())); RTThreadSleep(5000); // Sleep for 5 seconds printf("\nMetrics collected with VM running: --------------------\n"); queryMetrics(virtualBox, collector, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects)); // Pause //printf ("Press enter to pause the VM execution in the remote session..."); //getchar(); CHECK_RC (console->Pause()); RTThreadSleep(5000); // Sleep for 5 seconds printf("\nMetrics collected with VM paused: ---------------------\n"); queryMetrics(virtualBox, collector, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects)); printf("\nDrop collected metrics: ----------------------------------------\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (collector, SetupMetrics(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(baseMetrics), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects), 1u, 5u, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(affectedMetrics)) ); listAffectedMetrics(virtualBox, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(affectedMetrics)); affectedMetrics.setNull(); queryMetrics(virtualBox, collector, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects)); com::SafeIfaceArray vmObject(1); machine.queryInterfaceTo(&vmObject[0]); printf("\nDisable collection of VM metrics: ------------------------------\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (collector, DisableMetrics(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(baseMetrics), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(vmObject), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(affectedMetrics)) ); listAffectedMetrics(virtualBox, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(affectedMetrics)); affectedMetrics.setNull(); RTThreadSleep(5000); // Sleep for 5 seconds queryMetrics(virtualBox, collector, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects)); printf("\nRe-enable collection of all metrics: ---------------------------\n"); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (collector, EnableMetrics(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(baseMetrics), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(affectedMetrics)) ); listAffectedMetrics(virtualBox, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(affectedMetrics)); affectedMetrics.setNull(); RTThreadSleep(5000); // Sleep for 5 seconds queryMetrics(virtualBox, collector, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objects)); // Power off printf ("Press enter to power off VM..."); getchar(); CHECK_RC (console->PowerDown()); printf ("Press enter to close this session..."); getchar(); session->Close(); } while (false); #endif /* VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API */ #if 0 // check of OVF appliance handling /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do { Bstr ovf = argc > 1 ? argv [1] : "someOVF.ovf"; RTPrintf ("Try to open %ls ...\n", ovf.raw()); ComPtr appliance; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (virtualBox, CreateAppliance (appliance.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (appliance, Read (ovf)); Bstr path; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (appliance, COMGETTER (Path)(path.asOutParam())); RTPrintf ("Successfully opened %ls.\n", path.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (appliance, Interpret()); RTPrintf ("Successfully interpreted %ls.\n", path.raw()); RTPrintf ("Appliance:\n"); // Fetch all disks com::SafeArray retDisks; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (appliance, COMGETTER (Disks)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retDisks))); if (retDisks.size() > 0) { RTPrintf ("Disks:"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < retDisks.size(); i++) printf (" %ls", Bstr (retDisks [i]).raw()); RTPrintf ("\n"); } /* Fetch all virtual system descriptions */ com::SafeIfaceArray retVSD; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (appliance, COMGETTER (VirtualSystemDescriptions) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retVSD))); if (retVSD.size() > 0) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < retVSD.size(); ++i) { com::SafeArray retTypes; com::SafeArray retRefValues; com::SafeArray retOrigValues; com::SafeArray retAutoValues; com::SafeArray retConfiguration; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (retVSD [i], GetDescription (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retTypes), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retRefValues), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retOrigValues), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retAutoValues), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retConfiguration))); RTPrintf ("VirtualSystemDescription:\n"); for (unsigned a = 0; a < retTypes.size(); ++a) { printf (" %d %ls %ls %ls\n", retTypes [a], Bstr (retOrigValues [a]).raw(), Bstr (retAutoValues [a]).raw(), Bstr (retConfiguration [a]).raw()); } /* Show warnings from interpret */ com::SafeArray retWarnings; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (retVSD [i], GetWarnings(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (retWarnings))); if (retWarnings.size() > 0) { RTPrintf ("The following warnings occurs on interpret:\n"); for (unsigned r = 0; r < retWarnings.size(); ++r) RTPrintf ("%ls\n", Bstr (retWarnings [r]).raw()); RTPrintf ("\n"); } } RTPrintf ("\n"); } RTPrintf ("Try to import the appliance ...\n"); ComPtr progress; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (appliance, ImportMachines (progress.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR (progress, WaitForCompletion (-1)); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) { /* Check if the import was successfully */ progress->COMGETTER (ResultCode)(&rc); if (FAILED (rc)) { com::ProgressErrorInfo info (progress); if (info.isBasicAvailable()) RTPrintf ("Error: failed to import appliance. Error message: %lS\n", info.getText().raw()); else RTPrintf ("Error: failed to import appliance. No error message available!\n"); }else RTPrintf ("Successfully imported the appliance.\n"); } } while (FALSE); printf ("\n"); #endif printf ("Press enter to release Session and VirtualBox instances..."); getchar(); // end "all-stuff" scope //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } while (0); printf("Press enter to shutdown COM..."); getchar(); com::Shutdown(); printf ("tstAPI FINISHED.\n"); return rc; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API static void queryMetrics (ComPtr aVirtualBox, ComPtr collector, ComSafeArrayIn (IUnknown *, objects)) { HRESULT rc; //Bstr metricNames[] = { L"CPU/Load/User:avg,CPU/Load/System:avg,CPU/Load/Idle:avg,RAM/Usage/Total,RAM/Usage/Used:avg" }; Bstr metricNames[] = { L"*" }; com::SafeArray metrics (1); metricNames[0].cloneTo (&metrics [0]); com::SafeArray retNames; com::SafeIfaceArray retObjects; com::SafeArray retUnits; com::SafeArray retScales; com::SafeArray retSequenceNumbers; com::SafeArray retIndices; com::SafeArray retLengths; com::SafeArray retData; CHECK_ERROR (collector, QueryMetricsData(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(metrics), ComSafeArrayInArg(objects), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retNames), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retObjects), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retUnits), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retScales), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retSequenceNumbers), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retIndices), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retLengths), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(retData)) ); RTPrintf("Object Metric Values\n" "---------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------\n"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < retNames.size(); i++) { Bstr metricUnit(retUnits[i]); Bstr metricName(retNames[i]); RTPrintf("%-10ls %-20ls ", getObjectName(aVirtualBox, retObjects[i]).raw(), metricName.raw()); const char *separator = ""; for (unsigned j = 0; j < retLengths[i]; j++) { if (retScales[i] == 1) RTPrintf("%s%d %ls", separator, retData[retIndices[i] + j], metricUnit.raw()); else RTPrintf("%s%d.%02d%ls", separator, retData[retIndices[i] + j] / retScales[i], (retData[retIndices[i] + j] * 100 / retScales[i]) % 100, metricUnit.raw()); separator = ", "; } RTPrintf("\n"); } } static Bstr getObjectName(ComPtr aVirtualBox, ComPtr aObject) { HRESULT rc; ComPtr host = aObject; if (!host.isNull()) return Bstr("host"); ComPtr machine = aObject; if (!machine.isNull()) { Bstr name; CHECK_ERROR(machine, COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) return name; } return Bstr("unknown"); } static void listAffectedMetrics(ComPtr aVirtualBox, ComSafeArrayIn(IPerformanceMetric*, aMetrics)) { HRESULT rc; com::SafeIfaceArray metrics(ComSafeArrayInArg(aMetrics)); if (metrics.size()) { ComPtr object; Bstr metricName; RTPrintf("The following metrics were modified:\n\n" "Object Metric\n" "---------- --------------------\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < metrics.size(); i++) { CHECK_ERROR(metrics[i], COMGETTER(Object)(object.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR(metrics[i], COMGETTER(MetricName)(metricName.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("%-10ls %-20ls\n", getObjectName(aVirtualBox, object).raw(), metricName.raw()); } RTPrintf("\n"); } else { RTPrintf("No metrics match the specified filter!\n"); } } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: */