1 | /* $Id: Config.h 49567 2013-11-20 08:52:10Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Config.h
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef _CONFIG_H_
19 | # define _CONFIG_H_
20 |
21 | #include <iprt/asm-math.h>
22 | #include <iprt/cpp/utils.h>
23 |
24 |
25 | static bool operator <(const RTNETADDRIPV4& a, const RTNETADDRIPV4& b)
26 | {
27 | return (RT_N2H_U32(a.u) < RT_N2H_U32(b.u));
28 | }
29 |
30 | static bool operator > (const RTNETADDRIPV4& a, const RTNETADDRIPV4& b)
31 | {
32 | return (b < a);
33 | }
34 |
35 |
36 | class RawOption
37 | {
38 | public:
39 | RawOption()
40 | {
41 | RT_ZERO(*this);
42 | }
43 | uint8_t u8OptId;
44 | uint8_t cbRawOpt;
45 | uint8_t au8RawOpt[255];
46 | };
47 |
48 | class ClientData;
49 | class Client;
50 | class Lease;
51 | class BaseConfigEntity;
52 |
53 | class NetworkConfigEntity;
54 | class HostConfigEntity;
55 | class ClientMatchCriteria;
56 | class ConfigurationManager;
57 |
58 | /*
59 | * it's a basic representation of
60 | * of out undestanding what client is
61 | * XXX: Client might sends Option 61 (RFC2132 9.14 "Client-identifier") signalling
62 | * that we may identify it in special way
63 | *
64 | * XXX: Client might send Option 60 (RFC2132 9.13 "Vendor class undentifier")
65 | * in response it's expected server sends Option 43 (RFC2132 8.4. "Vendor Specific Information")
66 | */
67 | class Client
68 | {
69 | friend class Lease;
70 | friend class ConfigurationManager;
71 |
72 | public:
73 | Client();
74 | void initWithMac(const RTMAC& mac);
75 | bool operator== (const RTMAC& mac) const;
76 | const RTMAC& getMacAddress() const;
77 |
78 | /** Dumps client query */
79 | void dump();
80 |
81 | Lease lease();
82 | const Lease lease() const;
83 |
84 | public:
85 | static const Client NullClient;
86 |
87 | private:
88 | Client(ClientData *);
89 | SharedPtr<ClientData> m;
90 | };
91 |
92 |
93 | bool operator== (const Lease&, const Lease&);
94 | bool operator!= (const Lease&, const Lease&);
95 | bool operator< (const Lease&, const Lease&);
96 |
97 |
98 | typedef std::map<uint8_t, RawOption> MapOptionId2RawOption;
99 | typedef MapOptionId2RawOption::iterator MapOptionId2RawOptionIterator;
100 | typedef MapOptionId2RawOption::const_iterator MapOptionId2RawOptionConstIterator;
101 | typedef MapOptionId2RawOption::value_type MapOptionId2RawOptionValue;
102 |
103 | namespace xml {
104 | class ElementNode;
105 | }
106 |
107 | class Lease
108 | {
109 | friend class Client;
110 | friend bool operator== (const Lease&, const Lease&);
111 | //friend int ConfigurationManager::loadFromFile(const std::string&);
112 | friend class ConfigurationManager;
113 |
114 | public:
115 | Lease();
116 | Lease(const Client&);
117 |
118 | bool isExpired() const;
119 | void expire();
120 |
121 | /* Depending on phase *Expiration and phaseStart initialize different values. */
122 | void bindingPhase(bool);
123 | void phaseStart(uint64_t u64Start);
124 | bool isInBindingPhase() const;
125 | /* returns 0 if in binding state */
126 | uint64_t issued() const;
127 |
128 | void setExpiration(uint32_t);
129 | uint32_t getExpiration() const;
130 |
131 | RTNETADDRIPV4 getAddress() const;
132 | void setAddress(RTNETADDRIPV4);
133 |
134 | const NetworkConfigEntity *getConfig() const;
135 | void setConfig(NetworkConfigEntity *);
136 |
137 | const MapOptionId2RawOption& options() const;
138 | MapOptionId2RawOption& options();
139 |
140 | bool toXML(xml::ElementNode *) const;
141 | bool fromXML(const xml::ElementNode *);
142 |
143 | public:
144 | static const Lease NullLease;
145 |
146 | private:
147 | Lease(ClientData *);
148 | SharedPtr<ClientData> m;
149 | };
150 |
151 |
152 | typedef std::vector<Client> VecClient;
153 | typedef VecClient::iterator VecClientIterator;
154 | typedef VecClient::const_iterator VecClientConstIterator;
155 |
156 | typedef std::vector<RTMAC> MacAddressContainer;
157 | typedef MacAddressContainer::iterator MacAddressIterator;
158 |
159 | typedef std::vector<RTNETADDRIPV4> Ipv4AddressContainer;
160 | typedef Ipv4AddressContainer::iterator Ipv4AddressIterator;
161 | typedef Ipv4AddressContainer::const_iterator Ipv4AddressConstIterator;
162 |
163 | typedef std::map<Lease, RTNETADDRIPV4> MapLease2Ip4Address;
164 | typedef MapLease2Ip4Address::iterator MapLease2Ip4AddressIterator;
165 | typedef MapLease2Ip4Address::const_iterator MapLease2Ip4AddressConstIterator;
166 | typedef MapLease2Ip4Address::value_type MapLease2Ip4AddressPair;
167 |
168 | /**
169 | *
170 | */
171 | class ClientMatchCriteria
172 | {
173 | public:
174 | virtual bool check(const Client&) const {return false;};
175 | };
176 |
177 |
178 | class ORClientMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria
179 | {
180 | ClientMatchCriteria* m_left;
181 | ClientMatchCriteria* m_right;
182 | ORClientMatchCriteria(ClientMatchCriteria *left, ClientMatchCriteria *right)
183 | {
184 | m_left = left;
185 | m_right = right;
186 | }
187 |
188 | virtual bool check(const Client& client) const
189 | {
190 | return (m_left->check(client) || m_right->check(client));
191 | }
192 | };
193 |
194 |
195 | class ANDClientMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria
196 | {
197 | public:
198 | ANDClientMatchCriteria(ClientMatchCriteria *left, ClientMatchCriteria *right)
199 | {
200 | m_left = left;
201 | m_right = right;
202 | }
203 |
204 | virtual bool check(const Client& client) const
205 | {
206 | return (m_left->check(client) && m_right->check(client));
207 | }
208 |
209 | private:
210 | ClientMatchCriteria* m_left;
211 | ClientMatchCriteria* m_right;
212 |
213 | };
214 |
215 |
216 | class AnyClientMatchCriteria: public ClientMatchCriteria
217 | {
218 | public:
219 | virtual bool check(const Client&) const
220 | {
221 | return true;
222 | }
223 | };
224 |
225 |
226 | class MACClientMatchCriteria: public ClientMatchCriteria
227 | {
228 | public:
229 | MACClientMatchCriteria(const RTMAC& mac):m_mac(mac){}
230 |
231 | virtual bool check(const Client& client) const
232 | {
233 | return (client == m_mac);
234 | }
235 |
236 | private:
237 | RTMAC m_mac;
238 | };
239 |
240 |
241 | #if 0
242 | /* XXX: Later */
243 | class VmSlotClientMatchCriteria: public ClientMatchCriteria
244 | {
245 | str::string VmName;
246 | uint8_t u8Slot;
247 | virtual bool check(const Client& client)
248 | {
249 | return ( client.VmName == VmName
250 | && ( u8Slot == (uint8_t)~0 /* any */
251 | || client.u8Slot == u8Slot));
252 | }
253 | };
254 | #endif
255 |
256 |
257 | /* Option 60 */
258 | class ClassClientMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria{};
259 | /* Option 61 */
260 | class ClientIdentifierMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria{};
261 |
262 |
263 | class BaseConfigEntity
264 | {
265 | public:
266 | BaseConfigEntity(const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria = NULL,
267 | int matchingLevel = 0)
268 | : m_criteria(criteria),
269 | m_MatchLevel(matchingLevel){};
270 | virtual ~BaseConfigEntity(){};
271 | /* XXX */
272 | int add(BaseConfigEntity *cfg)
273 | {
274 | m_children.push_back(cfg);
275 | return 0;
276 | }
277 |
278 | /* Should return how strong matching */
279 | virtual int match(Client& client, BaseConfigEntity **cfg);
280 | virtual uint32_t expirationPeriod() const = 0;
281 |
282 | protected:
283 | const ClientMatchCriteria *m_criteria;
284 | int m_MatchLevel;
285 | std::vector<BaseConfigEntity *> m_children;
286 | };
287 |
288 |
289 | class NullConfigEntity: public BaseConfigEntity
290 | {
291 | public:
292 | NullConfigEntity(){}
293 | virtual ~NullConfigEntity(){}
294 | int add(BaseConfigEntity *) const { return 0;}
295 | virtual uint32_t expirationPeriod() const {return 0;}
296 | };
297 |
298 |
299 | class ConfigEntity: public BaseConfigEntity
300 | {
301 | public:
302 | /* range */
303 | /* match conditions */
304 | ConfigEntity(std::string& name,
305 | const BaseConfigEntity *cfg,
306 | const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria,
307 | int matchingLevel = 0):
308 | BaseConfigEntity(criteria, matchingLevel),
309 | m_name(name),
310 | m_parentCfg(cfg),
311 | m_u32ExpirationPeriod(0)
312 | {
313 | unconst(m_parentCfg)->add(this);
314 | }
315 |
316 | virtual uint32_t expirationPeriod() const
317 | {
318 | if (!m_u32ExpirationPeriod)
319 | return m_parentCfg->expirationPeriod();
320 | else
321 | return m_u32ExpirationPeriod;
322 | }
323 |
324 | /* XXX: private:*/
325 | std::string m_name;
326 | const BaseConfigEntity *m_parentCfg;
327 | uint32_t m_u32ExpirationPeriod;
328 | };
329 |
330 |
331 | /**
332 | * Network specific entries
333 | */
334 | class NetworkConfigEntity:public ConfigEntity
335 | {
336 | public:
337 | /* Address Pool matching with network declaration */
338 | NetworkConfigEntity(std::string name,
339 | const BaseConfigEntity *cfg,
340 | const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria,
341 | int matchlvl,
342 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkID,
343 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkMask,
344 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& lowerIP,
345 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& upperIP):
346 | ConfigEntity(name, cfg, criteria, matchlvl),
347 | m_NetworkID(networkID),
348 | m_NetworkMask(networkMask),
349 | m_UpperIP(upperIP),
350 | m_LowerIP(lowerIP)
351 | {
352 | };
353 |
354 | NetworkConfigEntity(std::string name,
355 | const BaseConfigEntity *cfg,
356 | const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria,
357 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkID,
358 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkMask):
359 | ConfigEntity(name, cfg, criteria, 5),
360 | m_NetworkID(networkID),
361 | m_NetworkMask(networkMask)
362 | {
363 | m_UpperIP.u = m_NetworkID.u | (~m_NetworkMask.u);
364 | m_LowerIP.u = m_NetworkID.u;
365 | };
366 |
367 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& upperIp() const {return m_UpperIP;}
368 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& lowerIp() const {return m_LowerIP;}
369 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkId() const {return m_NetworkID;}
370 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& netmask() const {return m_NetworkMask;}
371 |
372 | private:
373 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_NetworkID;
374 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_NetworkMask;
375 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_UpperIP;
376 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_LowerIP;
377 | };
378 |
379 |
380 | /**
381 | * Host specific entry
382 | * Address pool is contains one element
383 | */
384 | class HostConfigEntity: public NetworkConfigEntity
385 | {
386 | public:
387 | HostConfigEntity(const RTNETADDRIPV4& addr,
388 | std::string name,
389 | const NetworkConfigEntity *cfg,
390 | const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria):
391 | NetworkConfigEntity(name,
392 | static_cast<const ConfigEntity*>(cfg), criteria, 10,
393 | cfg->networkId(), cfg->netmask(), addr, addr)
394 | {
395 | /* upper addr == lower addr */
396 | }
397 | };
398 |
399 | class RootConfigEntity: public NetworkConfigEntity
400 | {
401 | public:
402 | RootConfigEntity(std::string name, uint32_t expirationPeriod);
403 | virtual ~RootConfigEntity(){};
404 | };
405 |
406 |
407 | #if 0
408 | /**
409 | * Shared regions e.g. some of configured networks declarations
410 | * are cover each other.
411 | * XXX: Shared Network is join on Network config entities with possible
412 | * overlaps in address pools. for a moment we won't configure and use them them
413 | */
414 | class SharedNetworkConfigEntity: public NetworkEntity
415 | {
416 | public:
417 | SharedNetworkConfigEntity(){}
418 | int match(const Client& client) const { return m_criteria.match(client)? 3 : 0;}
419 |
420 | SharedNetworkConfigEntity(NetworkEntity& network)
421 | {
422 | Networks.push_back(network);
423 | }
424 | virtual ~SharedNetworkConfigEntity(){}
425 |
426 | std::vector<NetworkConfigEntity> Networks;
427 | };
428 | #endif
429 |
430 | class ConfigurationManager
431 | {
432 | public:
433 | static ConfigurationManager* getConfigurationManager();
434 | static int extractRequestList(PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg, RawOption& rawOpt);
435 |
436 | int loadFromFile(const std::string&);
437 | int saveToFile();
438 | /**
439 | *
440 | */
441 | Client getClientByDhcpPacket(const RTNETBOOTP *pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg);
442 |
443 | /**
444 | * XXX: it's could be done on DHCPOFFER or on DHCPACK (rfc2131 gives freedom here
445 | * 3.1.2, what is strict that allocation should do address check before real
446 | * allocation)...
447 | */
448 | Lease allocateLease4Client(const Client& client, PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg);
449 |
450 | /**
451 | * We call this before DHCPACK sent and after DHCPREQUEST received ...
452 | * when requested configuration is acceptable.
453 | */
454 | int commitLease4Client(Client& client);
455 |
456 | /**
457 | * Expires client lease.
458 | */
459 | int expireLease4Client(Client& client);
460 |
461 | static int findOption(uint8_t uOption, PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg, RawOption& opt);
462 |
463 | NetworkConfigEntity *addNetwork(NetworkConfigEntity *pCfg,
464 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkId,
465 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& netmask,
466 | RTNETADDRIPV4& UpperAddress,
467 | RTNETADDRIPV4& LowerAddress);
468 |
469 | HostConfigEntity *addHost(NetworkConfigEntity*, const RTNETADDRIPV4&, ClientMatchCriteria*);
470 | int addToAddressList(uint8_t u8OptId, RTNETADDRIPV4& address);
471 | int flushAddressList(uint8_t u8OptId);
472 | int setString(uint8_t u8OptId, const std::string& str);
473 | const std::string& getString(uint8_t u8OptId);
474 | const Ipv4AddressContainer& getAddressList(uint8_t u8OptId);
475 |
476 | private:
477 | ConfigurationManager():m(NULL){}
478 | void init();
479 |
480 | ~ConfigurationManager();
481 | bool isAddressTaken(const RTNETADDRIPV4& addr, Lease& lease);
482 | bool isAddressTaken(const RTNETADDRIPV4& addr)
483 | {
484 | Lease ignore;
485 | return isAddressTaken(addr, ignore);
486 | }
487 |
488 | public:
489 | /* nulls */
490 | const Ipv4AddressContainer m_empty;
491 | const std::string m_noString;
492 |
493 | private:
494 | struct Data;
495 | Data *m;
496 | };
497 |
498 |
499 | class NetworkManager
500 | {
501 | public:
502 | static NetworkManager *getNetworkManager();
503 |
504 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& getOurAddress() const;
505 | const RTNETADDRIPV4& getOurNetmask() const;
506 | const RTMAC& getOurMac() const;
507 |
508 | void setOurAddress(const RTNETADDRIPV4& aAddress);
509 | void setOurNetmask(const RTNETADDRIPV4& aNetmask);
510 | void setOurMac(const RTMAC& aMac);
511 |
512 | void setSession(PSUPDRVSESSION);
513 | void setInterface(INTNETIFHANDLE);
514 | void setRingBuffer(PINTNETBUF);
515 |
516 | bool handleDhcpReqDiscover(PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cb);
517 | bool handleDhcpReqRequest(PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cb);
518 | bool handleDhcpReqDecline(PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cb);
519 | bool handleDhcpReqRelease(PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cb);
520 | private:
521 | NetworkManager();
522 | ~NetworkManager();
523 |
524 | int offer4Client(const Client& lease, uint32_t u32Xid, uint8_t *pu8ReqList, int cReqList);
525 | int ack(const Client& lease, uint32_t u32Xid, uint8_t *pu8ReqList, int cReqList);
526 | int nak(const Client& lease, uint32_t u32Xid);
527 |
528 | int prepareReplyPacket4Client(const Client& client, uint32_t u32Xid);
529 | int doReply(const Client& client, const std::vector<RawOption>& extra);
530 | int processParameterReqList(const Client& client, uint8_t *pu8ReqList, int cReqList);
531 |
532 | private:
533 | struct Data;
534 | Data *m;
535 |
536 | };
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 | extern const ClientMatchCriteria *g_AnyClient;
542 | extern RootConfigEntity *g_RootConfig;
543 | extern const NullConfigEntity *g_NullConfig;
544 |
545 | /**
546 | * Helper class for stuffing DHCP options into a reply packet.
547 | */
548 | class VBoxNetDhcpWriteCursor
549 | {
550 | private:
551 | uint8_t *m_pbCur; /**< The current cursor position. */
552 | uint8_t *m_pbEnd; /**< The end the current option space. */
553 | uint8_t *m_pfOverload; /**< Pointer to the flags of the overload option. */
554 | uint8_t m_fUsed; /**< Overload fields that have been used. */
555 | PRTNETDHCPOPT m_pOpt; /**< The current option. */
556 | PRTNETBOOTP m_pDhcp; /**< The DHCP packet. */
557 | bool m_fOverflowed; /**< Set if we've overflowed, otherwise false. */
558 |
559 | public:
560 | /** Instantiate an option cursor for the specified DHCP message. */
561 | VBoxNetDhcpWriteCursor(PRTNETBOOTP pDhcp, size_t cbDhcp) :
562 | m_pbCur(&pDhcp->bp_vend.Dhcp.dhcp_opts[0]),
563 | m_pbEnd((uint8_t *)pDhcp + cbDhcp),
564 | m_pfOverload(NULL),
565 | m_fUsed(0),
566 | m_pOpt(NULL),
567 | m_pDhcp(pDhcp),
568 | m_fOverflowed(false)
569 | {
570 | AssertPtr(pDhcp);
571 | Assert(cbDhcp > RT_UOFFSETOF(RTNETBOOTP, bp_vend.Dhcp.dhcp_opts[10]));
572 | }
573 |
574 | /** Destructor. */
575 | ~VBoxNetDhcpWriteCursor()
576 | {
577 | m_pbCur = m_pbEnd = m_pfOverload = NULL;
578 | m_pOpt = NULL;
579 | m_pDhcp = NULL;
580 | }
581 |
582 | /**
583 | * Try use the bp_file field.
584 | * @returns true if not overloaded, false otherwise.
585 | */
586 | bool useBpFile(void)
587 | {
588 | if ( m_pfOverload
589 | && (*m_pfOverload & 1))
590 | return false;
591 | m_fUsed |= 1 /* bp_file flag*/;
592 | return true;
593 | }
594 |
595 |
596 | /**
597 | * Try overload more BOOTP fields
598 | */
599 | bool overloadMore(void)
600 | {
601 | /* switch option area. */
602 | uint8_t *pbNew;
603 | uint8_t *pbNewEnd;
604 | uint8_t fField;
605 | if (!(m_fUsed & 1))
606 | {
607 | fField = 1;
608 | pbNew = &m_pDhcp->bp_file[0];
609 | pbNewEnd = &m_pDhcp->bp_file[sizeof(m_pDhcp->bp_file)];
610 | }
611 | else if (!(m_fUsed & 2))
612 | {
613 | fField = 2;
614 | pbNew = &m_pDhcp->bp_sname[0];
615 | pbNewEnd = &m_pDhcp->bp_sname[sizeof(m_pDhcp->bp_sname)];
616 | }
617 | else
618 | return false;
619 |
620 | if (!m_pfOverload)
621 | {
622 | /* Add an overload option. */
624 | *m_pbCur++ = fField;
625 | m_pfOverload = m_pbCur;
626 | *m_pbCur++ = 1; /* bp_file flag */
627 | }
628 | else
629 | *m_pfOverload |= fField;
630 |
631 | /* pad current option field */
632 | while (m_pbCur != m_pbEnd)
633 | *m_pbCur++ = RTNET_DHCP_OPT_PAD; /** @todo not sure if this stuff is at all correct... */
634 |
635 | /* switch */
636 | m_pbCur = pbNew;
637 | m_pbEnd = pbNewEnd;
638 | return true;
639 | }
640 |
641 | /**
642 | * Begin an option.
643 | *
644 | * @returns true on success, false if we're out of space.
645 | *
646 | * @param uOption The option number.
647 | * @param cb The amount of data.
648 | */
649 | bool begin(uint8_t uOption, size_t cb)
650 | {
651 | /* Check that the data of the previous option has all been written. */
652 | Assert( !m_pOpt
653 | || (m_pbCur - m_pOpt->dhcp_len == (uint8_t *)(m_pOpt + 1)));
654 | AssertMsg(cb <= 255, ("%#x\n", cb));
655 |
656 | /* Check if we need to overload more stuff. */
657 | if ((uintptr_t)(m_pbEnd - m_pbCur) < cb + 2 + (m_pfOverload ? 1 : 3))
658 | {
659 | m_pOpt = NULL;
660 | if (!overloadMore())
661 | {
662 | m_fOverflowed = true;
663 | AssertMsgFailedReturn(("%u %#x\n", uOption, cb), false);
664 | }
665 | if ((uintptr_t)(m_pbEnd - m_pbCur) < cb + 2 + 1)
666 | {
667 | m_fOverflowed = true;
668 | AssertMsgFailedReturn(("%u %#x\n", uOption, cb), false);
669 | }
670 | }
671 |
672 | /* Emit the option header. */
673 | m_pOpt = (PRTNETDHCPOPT)m_pbCur;
674 | m_pOpt->dhcp_opt = uOption;
675 | m_pOpt->dhcp_len = (uint8_t)cb;
676 | m_pbCur += 2;
677 | return true;
678 | }
679 |
680 | /**
681 | * Puts option data.
682 | *
683 | * @param pvData The data.
684 | * @param cb The amount to put.
685 | */
686 | void put(void const *pvData, size_t cb)
687 | {
688 | Assert(m_pOpt || m_fOverflowed);
689 | if (RT_LIKELY(m_pOpt))
690 | {
691 | Assert((uintptr_t)m_pbCur - (uintptr_t)(m_pOpt + 1) + cb <= (size_t)m_pOpt->dhcp_len);
692 | memcpy(m_pbCur, pvData, cb);
693 | m_pbCur += cb;
694 | }
695 | }
696 |
697 | /**
698 | * Puts an IPv4 Address.
699 | *
700 | * @param IPv4Addr The address.
701 | */
702 | void putIPv4Addr(RTNETADDRIPV4 IPv4Addr)
703 | {
704 | put(&IPv4Addr, 4);
705 | }
706 |
707 | /**
708 | * Adds an IPv4 address option.
709 | *
710 | * @returns true/false just like begin().
711 | *
712 | * @param uOption The option number.
713 | * @param IPv4Addr The address.
714 | */
715 | bool optIPv4Addr(uint8_t uOption, RTNETADDRIPV4 IPv4Addr)
716 | {
717 | if (!begin(uOption, 4))
718 | return false;
719 | putIPv4Addr(IPv4Addr);
720 | return true;
721 | }
722 |
723 | /**
724 | * Adds an option taking 1 or more IPv4 address.
725 | *
726 | * If the vector contains no addresses, the option will not be added.
727 | *
728 | * @returns true/false just like begin().
729 | *
730 | * @param uOption The option number.
731 | * @param rIPv4Addrs Reference to the address vector.
732 | */
733 | bool optIPv4Addrs(uint8_t uOption, std::vector<RTNETADDRIPV4> const &rIPv4Addrs)
734 | {
735 | size_t const c = rIPv4Addrs.size();
736 | if (!c)
737 | return true;
738 |
739 | if (!begin(uOption, 4*c))
740 | return false;
741 | for (size_t i = 0; i < c; i++)
742 | putIPv4Addr(rIPv4Addrs[i]);
743 | return true;
744 | }
745 |
746 | /**
747 | * Puts an 8-bit integer.
748 | *
749 | * @param u8 The integer.
750 | */
751 | void putU8(uint8_t u8)
752 | {
753 | put(&u8, 1);
754 | }
755 |
756 | /**
757 | * Adds an 8-bit integer option.
758 | *
759 | * @returns true/false just like begin().
760 | *
761 | * @param uOption The option number.
762 | * @param u8 The integer
763 | */
764 | bool optU8(uint8_t uOption, uint8_t u8)
765 | {
766 | if (!begin(uOption, 1))
767 | return false;
768 | putU8(u8);
769 | return true;
770 | }
771 |
772 | /**
773 | * Puts an 32-bit integer (network endian).
774 | *
775 | * @param u32Network The integer.
776 | */
777 | void putU32(uint32_t u32)
778 | {
779 | put(&u32, 4);
780 | }
781 |
782 | /**
783 | * Adds an 32-bit integer (network endian) option.
784 | *
785 | * @returns true/false just like begin().
786 | *
787 | * @param uOption The option number.
788 | * @param u32Network The integer.
789 | */
790 | bool optU32(uint8_t uOption, uint32_t u32)
791 | {
792 | if (!begin(uOption, 4))
793 | return false;
794 | putU32(u32);
795 | return true;
796 | }
797 |
798 | /**
799 | * Puts a std::string.
800 | *
801 | * @param rStr Reference to the string.
802 | */
803 | void putStr(std::string const &rStr)
804 | {
805 | put(rStr.c_str(), rStr.size());
806 | }
807 |
808 | /**
809 | * Adds an std::string option if the string isn't empty.
810 | *
811 | * @returns true/false just like begin().
812 | *
813 | * @param uOption The option number.
814 | * @param rStr Reference to the string.
815 | */
816 | bool optStr(uint8_t uOption, std::string const &rStr)
817 | {
818 | const size_t cch = rStr.size();
819 | if (!cch)
820 | return true;
821 |
822 | if (!begin(uOption, cch))
823 | return false;
824 | put(rStr.c_str(), cch);
825 | return true;
826 | }
827 |
828 | /**
829 | * Whether we've overflowed.
830 | *
831 | * @returns true on overflow, false otherwise.
832 | */
833 | bool hasOverflowed(void) const
834 | {
835 | return m_fOverflowed;
836 | }
837 |
838 | /**
839 | * Adds the terminating END option.
840 | *
841 | * The END will always be added as we're reserving room for it, however, we
842 | * might have dropped previous options due to overflows and that is what the
843 | * return status indicates.
844 | *
845 | * @returns true on success, false on a (previous) overflow.
846 | */
847 | bool optEnd(void)
848 | {
849 | Assert((uintptr_t)(m_pbEnd - m_pbCur) < 4096);
850 | *m_pbCur++ = RTNET_DHCP_OPT_END;
851 | return !hasOverflowed();
852 | }
853 | };
854 |
855 | #endif