/* $Id: VBoxNetBaseService.cpp 47118 2013-07-12 12:54:53Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxNetDHCP - DHCP Service for connecting to IntNet. */ /** @todo r=bird: Cut&Past rules... Please fix DHCP refs! */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_SERVICE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* must come before getopt.h. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxNetLib.h" #include "VBoxNetBaseService.h" #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /* WinMain */ # include # include #endif /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /* Commonly used options for network configuration */ static RTGETOPTDEF g_aGetOptDef[] = { { "--name", 'N', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--network", 'n', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--trunk-name", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--trunk-type", 'T', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--mac-address", 'a', RTGETOPT_REQ_MACADDR }, { "--ip-address", 'i', RTGETOPT_REQ_IPV4ADDR }, { "--netmask", 'm', RTGETOPT_REQ_IPV4ADDR }, { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, }; VBoxNetBaseService::VBoxNetBaseService() { int rc = RTCritSectInit(&m_csThis); AssertRC(rc); /* numbers from DrvIntNet */ m_cbSendBuf = 128 * _1K; m_cbRecvBuf = 256 * _1K; m_hIf = INTNET_HANDLE_INVALID; m_pIfBuf = NULL; m_cVerbosity = 0; m_Name = "VBoxNetNAT"; m_Network = "intnet"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aGetOptDef); ++i) m_vecOptionDefs.push_back(&g_aGetOptDef[i]); HRESULT hrc = virtualbox.createLocalObject(CLSID_VirtualBox); if (FAILED(hrc)) RTMsgError("Failed to create the VirtualBox object!"); } VBoxNetBaseService::~VBoxNetBaseService() { /* * Close the interface connection. */ if (m_hIf != INTNET_HANDLE_INVALID) { INTNETIFCLOSEREQ CloseReq; CloseReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; CloseReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(CloseReq); CloseReq.pSession = m_pSession; CloseReq.hIf = m_hIf; m_hIf = INTNET_HANDLE_INVALID; int rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_RTCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_CLOSE, 0, &CloseReq.Hdr); AssertRC(rc); } if (m_pSession) { SUPR3Term(false /*fForced*/); m_pSession = NIL_RTR0PTR; } RTCritSectDelete(&m_csThis); } int VBoxNetBaseService::init() { return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Parse the arguments. * * @returns 0 on success, fully bitched exit code on failure. * * @param argc Argument count. * @param argv Argument vector. */ int VBoxNetBaseService::parseArgs(int argc, char **argv) { RTGETOPTSTATE State; PRTGETOPTDEF paOptionArray = getOptionsPtr(); int rc = RTGetOptInit(&State, argc, argv, paOptionArray, m_vecOptionDefs.size(), 0, 0 /*fFlags*/); AssertRCReturn(rc, 49); #if 0 /* default initialization */ m_enmTrunkType = kIntNetTrunkType_WhateverNone; #endif Log2(("BaseService: parseArgs enter\n")); for (;;) { RTGETOPTUNION Val; rc = RTGetOpt(&State, &Val); if (!rc) break; switch (rc) { case 'N': m_Name = Val.psz; break; case 'n': m_Network = Val.psz; break; case 't': m_TrunkName = Val.psz; break; case 'T': if (!strcmp(Val.psz, "none")) m_enmTrunkType = kIntNetTrunkType_None; else if (!strcmp(Val.psz, "whatever")) m_enmTrunkType = kIntNetTrunkType_WhateverNone; else if (!strcmp(Val.psz, "netflt")) m_enmTrunkType = kIntNetTrunkType_NetFlt; else if (!strcmp(Val.psz, "netadp")) m_enmTrunkType = kIntNetTrunkType_NetAdp; else if (!strcmp(Val.psz, "srvnat")) m_enmTrunkType = kIntNetTrunkType_SrvNat; else { RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "Invalid trunk type '%s'\n", Val.psz); return 1; } break; case 'a': m_MacAddress = Val.MacAddr; break; case 'i': m_Ipv4Address = Val.IPv4Addr; break; case 'm': m_Ipv4Netmask = Val.IPv4Addr; break; case 'v': m_cVerbosity++; break; case 'V': RTPrintf("%sr%u\n", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevision()); return 1; case 'h': RTPrintf("%s Version %sr%u\n" "(C) 2009-" VBOX_C_YEAR " " VBOX_VENDOR "\n" "All rights reserved.\n" "\n" "Usage: %s \n" "\n" "Options:\n", RTProcShortName(), RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevision(), RTProcShortName()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vecOptionDefs.size(); i++) RTPrintf(" -%c, %s\n", m_vecOptionDefs[i]->iShort, m_vecOptionDefs[i]->pszLong); usage(); /* to print Service Specific usage */ return 1; default: int rc1 = parseOpt(rc, Val); if (RT_FAILURE(rc1)) { rc = RTGetOptPrintError(rc, &Val); RTPrintf("Use --help for more information.\n"); return rc; } } } RTMemFree(paOptionArray); return rc; } int VBoxNetBaseService::tryGoOnline(void) { /* * Open the session, load ring-0 and issue the request. */ int rc = SUPR3Init(&m_pSession); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { m_pSession = NIL_RTR0PTR; LogRel(("VBoxNetBaseService: SUPR3Init -> %Rrc\n", rc)); return 1; } char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; rc = RTPathExecDir(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - sizeof("/VMMR0.r0")); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("VBoxNetBaseService: RTPathExecDir -> %Rrc\n", rc)); return 1; } rc = SUPR3LoadVMM(strcat(szPath, "/VMMR0.r0")); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("VBoxNetBaseService: SUPR3LoadVMM(\"%s\") -> %Rrc\n", szPath, rc)); return 1; } /* * Create the open request. */ PINTNETBUF pBuf; INTNETOPENREQ OpenReq; OpenReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; OpenReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(OpenReq); OpenReq.pSession = m_pSession; strncpy(OpenReq.szNetwork, m_Network.c_str(), sizeof(OpenReq.szNetwork)); OpenReq.szNetwork[sizeof(OpenReq.szNetwork) - 1] = '\0'; strncpy(OpenReq.szTrunk, m_TrunkName.c_str(), sizeof(OpenReq.szTrunk)); OpenReq.szTrunk[sizeof(OpenReq.szTrunk) - 1] = '\0'; OpenReq.enmTrunkType = m_enmTrunkType; OpenReq.fFlags = 0; /** @todo check this */ OpenReq.cbSend = m_cbSendBuf; OpenReq.cbRecv = m_cbRecvBuf; OpenReq.hIf = INTNET_HANDLE_INVALID; /* * Issue the request. */ Log2(("attempting to open/create network \"%s\"...\n", OpenReq.szNetwork)); rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_OPEN, 0, &OpenReq.Hdr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log2(("VBoxNetBaseService: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_OPEN,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); goto bad; } m_hIf = OpenReq.hIf; Log2(("successfully opened/created \"%s\" - hIf=%#x\n", OpenReq.szNetwork, m_hIf)); /* * Get the ring-3 address of the shared interface buffer. */ INTNETIFGETBUFFERPTRSREQ GetBufferPtrsReq; GetBufferPtrsReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; GetBufferPtrsReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(GetBufferPtrsReq); GetBufferPtrsReq.pSession = m_pSession; GetBufferPtrsReq.hIf = m_hIf; GetBufferPtrsReq.pRing3Buf = NULL; GetBufferPtrsReq.pRing0Buf = NIL_RTR0PTR; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_GET_BUFFER_PTRS, 0, &GetBufferPtrsReq.Hdr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log2(("VBoxNetBaseService: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_GET_BUFFER_PTRS,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); goto bad; } pBuf = GetBufferPtrsReq.pRing3Buf; Log2(("pBuf=%p cbBuf=%d cbSend=%d cbRecv=%d\n", pBuf, pBuf->cbBuf, pBuf->cbSend, pBuf->cbRecv)); m_pIfBuf = pBuf; /* * Activate the interface. */ INTNETIFSETACTIVEREQ ActiveReq; ActiveReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; ActiveReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(ActiveReq); ActiveReq.pSession = m_pSession; ActiveReq.hIf = m_hIf; ActiveReq.fActive = true; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_ACTIVE, 0, &ActiveReq.Hdr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return 0; /* bail out */ Log2(("VBoxNetBaseService: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return 0; bad: return 1; } void VBoxNetBaseService::shutdown(void) { } int VBoxNetBaseService::waitForIntNetEvent(int cMillis) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; INTNETIFWAITREQ WaitReq; LogFlowFunc(("ENTER:cMillis: %d\n", cMillis)); WaitReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; WaitReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(WaitReq); WaitReq.pSession = m_pSession; WaitReq.hIf = m_hIf; WaitReq.cMillies = cMillis; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_WAIT, 0, &WaitReq.Hdr); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /* S/G API */ int VBoxNetBaseService::sendBufferOnWire(PCINTNETSEG pcSg, int cSg, size_t cbFrame) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PINTNETHDR pHdr = NULL; uint8_t *pu8Frame = NULL; int offFrame = 0; int idxSg = 0; /* Allocate frame */ rc = IntNetRingAllocateFrame(&m_pIfBuf->Send, cbFrame, &pHdr, (void **)&pu8Frame); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); /* Now we fill pvFrame with S/G above */ for (idxSg = 0; idxSg < cSg; ++idxSg) { memcpy(&pu8Frame[offFrame], pcSg[idxSg].pv, pcSg[idxSg].cb); offFrame+=pcSg[idxSg].cb; } /* Commit */ IntNetRingCommitFrame(&m_pIfBuf->Send, pHdr); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * forcible ask for send packet on the "wire" */ void VBoxNetBaseService::flushWire() { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; INTNETIFSENDREQ SendReq; SendReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; SendReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(SendReq); SendReq.pSession = m_pSession; SendReq.hIf = m_hIf; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SEND, 0, &SendReq.Hdr); AssertRCReturnVoid(rc); LogFlowFuncLeave(); } /** * Print debug message depending on the m_cVerbosity level. * * @param iMinLevel The minimum m_cVerbosity level for this message. * @param fMsg Whether to dump parts for the current service message. * @param pszFmt The message format string. * @param va Optional arguments. */ void VBoxNetBaseService::debugPrintV(int iMinLevel, bool fMsg, const char *pszFmt, va_list va) const { if (iMinLevel <= m_cVerbosity) { va_list vaCopy; /* This dude is *very* special, thus the copy. */ va_copy(vaCopy, va); RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "%s: %s: %N\n", RTProcShortName(), iMinLevel >= 2 ? "debug" : "info", pszFmt, &vaCopy); va_end(vaCopy); } } PRTGETOPTDEF VBoxNetBaseService::getOptionsPtr() { PRTGETOPTDEF pOptArray = NULL; pOptArray = (PRTGETOPTDEF)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(RTGETOPTDEF) * m_vecOptionDefs.size()); if (!pOptArray) return NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vecOptionDefs.size(); ++i) { PRTGETOPTDEF pOpt = m_vecOptionDefs[i]; memcpy(&pOptArray[i], m_vecOptionDefs[i], sizeof(RTGETOPTDEF)); } return pOptArray; }