1 | # $Id: Makefile.kmk 13467 2008-10-22 08:52:28Z vboxsync $
2 | ## @file
3 | # Sub-Makefile for the IPRT (IPRT).
4 | #
5 |
6 | #
7 | # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
8 | #
9 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | #
17 | # The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | # of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | # (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | # CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | #
23 | # You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | # terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | #
26 | # Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
27 | # Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
28 | # additional information or have any questions.
29 | #
30 |
31 | SUB_DEPTH = ../../..
32 | include $(KBUILD_PATH)/subheader.kmk
33 |
35 | #
36 | # Only build the additions, sort out the legacy names first.
37 | #
38 | LIBRARIES += RuntimeGuestR0 RuntimeGuestR3 RuntimeGuestR3Mini
39 | #LIBRARIES.os2 = RuntimeGuestR0OS2Warp3
40 | LIBRARIES.win.x86 += RuntimeGuestR0NT4
42 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), linux l4) # All drivers are optional, can skip RuntimeGuestR0.
43 | LIBRARIES := $(filter-out RuntimeGuestR0, $(LIBRARIES))
44 | endif
45 | endif
46 |
47 | else ifdef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS
48 | #
49 | # Build docs only - need just regular R3 runtime.
50 | #
51 | LIBRARIES += RuntimeR3
52 | DLLS += VBoxRT
53 |
55 |
56 | #
57 | # Normal build.
58 | #
59 | include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/testcase/Makefile.kmk
60 |
61 | BLDPROGS += uniread
62 | LIBRARIES += RuntimeR3 RuntimeR0 RuntimeGC RuntimeEFCPP RuntimeR3NoCRTGCC
64 | LIBRARIES += RuntimeR0Drv
65 | endif
67 | LIBRARIES += RuntimeGuestR0 RuntimeGuestR3 RuntimeGuestR3Mini
68 | #LIBRARIES.os2 += RuntimeGuestR0OS2Warp3
69 | LIBRARIES.win.x86 += RuntimeGuestR0NT4
71 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), linux l4) # All drivers are optional, can skip RuntimeGuestR0.
72 | LIBRARIES := $(filter-out RuntimeGuestR0, $(LIBRARIES))
73 | endif
74 | endif
76 | LIBRARIES.l4 += RuntimeR3L4 RuntimeLnxHostR3
77 | DLLS += VBoxRT
78 | endif
79 |
80 | # Where the generated stuff goes.
81 | IPRT_OUT_DIR := $(PATH_TARGET)/Runtime
83 | OTHER_CLEAN += \
84 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/errmsgdata.h \
85 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/errmsgcomdata.h \
86 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/Doxyfile.iprt \
87 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/Doxyfile.iprt.dep \
88 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/docs.iprt
89 |
90 |
91 | #
92 | # Globals
93 | #
95 |
96 |
97 | #
98 | # Unicode Specification reader used to regenerate unidata.cpp.
99 | #
101 | uniread_SOURCES = common/string/uniread.cpp
102 | uniread_INCS = include
103 |
104 | #
105 | # Win64 assembly sources.
106 | #
107 | RuntimeWin64ASM_SOURCES = \
108 | win/amd64/ASMAtomicBitClear.asm \
109 | win/amd64/ASMAtomicBitTestAndToggle.asm \
110 | win/amd64/ASMAtomicBitToggle.asm \
111 | win/amd64/ASMAtomicReadU64.asm \
112 | win/amd64/ASMAtomicXchgU16.asm \
113 | win/amd64/ASMAtomicXchgU8.asm \
114 | win/amd64/ASMBitFirstClear.asm \
115 | win/amd64/ASMBitFirstSet.asm \
116 | win/amd64/ASMGetCS.asm \
117 | win/amd64/ASMGetDS.asm \
118 | win/amd64/ASMGetES.asm \
119 | win/amd64/ASMGetFlags.asm \
120 | win/amd64/ASMGetFS.asm \
121 | win/amd64/ASMGetGS.asm \
122 | win/amd64/ASMGetIDTR.asm \
123 | win/amd64/ASMGetGDTR.asm \
124 | win/amd64/ASMGetTR.asm \
125 | win/amd64/ASMGetSS.asm \
126 | win/amd64/ASMProbeReadByte.asm \
127 | win/amd64/ASMSetFlags.asm \
128 | win/amd64/ASMGetDR0.asm \
129 | win/amd64/ASMGetDR1.asm \
130 | win/amd64/ASMGetDR2.asm \
131 | win/amd64/ASMGetDR3.asm \
132 | win/amd64/ASMGetDR6.asm \
133 | win/amd64/ASMGetDR7.asm \
134 | common/asm/ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32.asm
135 |
136 | #
137 | # Win32 assembly sources.
138 | #
139 | RuntimeWin32ASM_SOURCES = \
140 | common/asm/ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32.asm
141 |
142 | #
143 | # RuntimeR3 - Static Runtime for Ring-3 executables.
144 | #
145 | RuntimeR3_TEMPLATE = VBOXR3EXE
146 | RuntimeR3_SDKS.win = WINPSDK W2K3DDK
148 | ifdef IPRT_WITH_KSTUFF
149 | RuntimeR3_DEFS += LDR_WITH_KLDR
150 | endif
151 | ifdef VBOX_MAIN_RELEASE_LOG ## @todo (dmik): temporary, until RTThreadSelf/RTThreadAdopt are properly updated
153 | endif
154 | RuntimeR3_INCS = \
155 | include \
156 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/libs/liblzf-1.51
157 | ifdef IPRT_WITH_KSTUFF
158 | RuntimeR3_INCS += \
159 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/libs/kStuff/kStuff/include
160 | endif
161 | RuntimeR3_INCS.l4 = \
162 | $(L4_INCDIR)
163 | # for iconv.h
164 | RuntimeR3_INCS.freebsd = \
165 | /usr/local/include
166 |
167 |
168 | # RuntimeR3_INCS.solaris = \
169 | # /usr/include
170 |
171 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES = \
172 | common/alloc/alloc.cpp \
173 | common/alloc/heapsimple.cpp \
174 | common/checksum/crc32.cpp \
175 | common/checksum/crc64.cpp \
176 | common/checksum/md5.cpp \
177 | common/checksum/ipv4.cpp \
178 | common/err/errmsg.cpp \
179 | common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.cpp \
180 | common/ldr/ldr.cpp \
181 | common/ldr/ldrELF.cpp \
182 | common/ldr/ldrEx.cpp \
183 | common/ldr/ldrFile.cpp \
184 | common/ldr/ldrNative.cpp \
185 | common/ldr/ldrPE.cpp \
186 | common/log/log.cpp \
187 | common/log/logellipsis.cpp \
188 | common/log/logrel.cpp \
189 | common/log/logrelellipsis.cpp \
190 | common/log/logcom.cpp \
191 | common/log/logformat.cpp \
192 | common/misc/assert.cpp \
193 | common/misc/cache.cpp \
194 | common/misc/cidr.cpp \
195 | common/misc/getopt.cpp \
196 | common/misc/handletable.cpp \
197 | common/misc/handletablectx.cpp \
198 | common/misc/handletablesimple.cpp \
199 | common/misc/once.cpp \
200 | common/misc/req.cpp \
201 | common/misc/sanity-c.c \
202 | common/misc/sanity-cpp.cpp \
203 | common/misc/semspingpong.cpp \
204 | common/misc/thread.cpp \
205 | common/misc/zip.cpp \
206 | common/rand/rand.cpp \
207 | common/rand/randadv.cpp \
208 | common/rand/randparkmiller.cpp \
209 | common/string/RTStrNLen.cpp \
210 | common/string/RTStrNLenEx.cpp \
211 | common/string/straprintf.cpp \
212 | common/string/strformat.cpp \
213 | common/string/strformatrt.cpp \
214 | common/string/strformattype.cpp \
215 | common/string/string.cpp \
216 | common/string/strprintf.cpp \
217 | common/string/strspace.cpp \
218 | common/string/strstrip.cpp \
219 | common/string/strtonum.cpp \
220 | common/string/uni.cpp \
221 | common/string/unidata.cpp \
222 | common/string/utf-16.cpp \
223 | common/string/utf-8.cpp \
224 | common/table/avlgcptr.cpp \
225 | common/table/avlhcphys.cpp \
226 | common/table/avllu32.cpp \
227 | common/table/avlou32.cpp \
228 | common/table/avlogcphys.cpp \
229 | common/table/avlogcptr.cpp \
230 | common/table/avlohcphys.cpp \
231 | common/table/avloioport.cpp \
232 | common/table/avlpv.cpp \
233 | common/table/avlrgcptr.cpp \
234 | common/table/avlrogcphys.cpp \
235 | common/table/avlrogcptr.cpp \
236 | common/table/avlroioport.cpp \
237 | common/table/avlroogcptr.cpp \
238 | common/table/avlu32.cpp \
239 | common/table/avlul.cpp \
240 | common/table/table.cpp \
241 | common/time/time.cpp \
242 | common/time/timeprog.cpp \
243 | common/time/timesup.cpp \
244 | generic/critsect-generic.cpp \
245 | generic/env-generic.cpp \
246 | generic/RTFileCopy-generic.cpp \
247 | generic/RTFileReadAll-generic.cpp \
248 | generic/RTFileReadAllEx-generic.cpp \
249 | generic/RTFileReadAllByHandle-generic.cpp \
250 | generic/RTFileReadAllByHandleEx-generic.cpp \
251 | generic/RTFileReadAllFree-generic.cpp \
252 | generic/RTLogWriteStdErr-generic.cpp \
253 | generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-generic.cpp \
254 | generic/RTLogWriteUser-generic.cpp \
255 | generic/RTTimerLRCreate-generic.cpp \
256 | generic/semfastmutex-generic.cpp \
257 | generic/spinlock-generic.cpp \
258 | generic/timerlr-generic.cpp \
259 | r3/alloc-ef.cpp \
260 | r3/alloc.cpp \
261 | r3/dir.cpp \
262 | r3/fileio.cpp \
263 | r3/fs.cpp \
264 | r3/init.cpp \
265 | r3/path.cpp \
266 | r3/process.cpp \
267 | r3/stream.cpp \
268 | r3/tcp.cpp
269 |
270 | #if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 x86)
271 | # RuntimeR3_SOURCES += common/time/timesupA.asm
272 | #else
273 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES += common/time/timesupref.cpp
274 | #endif
275 |
276 | ifdef IPRT_WITH_KSTUFF
277 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES += \
278 | common/ldr/ldrkStuff.cpp
279 | endif
280 |
281 | # VBox specific stuff.
282 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES += \
283 | VBox/strformat-vbox.cpp \
284 | VBox/RTAssertShouldPanic-vbox.cpp \
285 | VBox/log-vbox.cpp
286 | ifneq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),win)
287 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES += \
288 | common/err/errmsgxpcom.cpp
289 | endif
290 |
291 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.win = \
292 | generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \
293 | generic/RTDirSetTimes-generic.cpp \
294 | generic/RTMpGetCurFrequency-generic.cpp \
295 | generic/RTMpGetMaxFrequency-generic.cpp \
296 | generic/RTRandAdvCreateSystemFaster-generic.cpp \
297 | generic/RTRandAdvCreateSystemTruer-generic.cpp \
298 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
299 | generic/semnoint-generic.cpp \
300 | generic/semsrw-generic.cpp \
301 | nt/RTErrConvertFromNtStatus.cpp \
302 | r3/posix/env-posix.cpp \
303 | r3/win/RTSystemQueryOSInfo-win.cpp \
304 | r3/win/alloc-win.cpp \
305 | r3/win/dir-win.cpp \
306 | r3/win/fileio-win.cpp \
307 | r3/win/fs-win.cpp \
308 | r3/win/ldrNative-win.cpp \
309 | r3/win/localipc-win.cpp \
310 | r3/win/mp-win.cpp \
311 | r3/win/path-win.cpp \
312 | r3/win/process-win.cpp \
313 | r3/win/RTLogWriteDebugger-win.cpp \
314 | r3/win/rtProcInitExePath-win.cpp \
315 | r3/win/sched-win.cpp \
316 | r3/win/sems-win.cpp \
317 | r3/win/thread-win.cpp \
318 | r3/win/time-win.cpp \
319 | r3/win/timer-win.cpp \
320 | r3/win/tls-win.cpp \
321 | r3/win/utf16locale-win.cpp \
322 | r3/win/utf8-win.cpp \
323 | r3/win/uuid-win.cpp \
324 | r3/win/RTUuidCreate-win.cpp \
325 | win/errmsgwin.cpp \
326 | win/RTErrConvertFromWin32.cpp
327 |
328 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.win.amd64 = $(RuntimeWin64ASM_SOURCES)
329 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.win.x86 = $(RuntimeWin32ASM_SOURCES)
330 |
331 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.linux = \
332 | generic/pathhost-generic.cpp \
333 | generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \
334 | generic/RTDirSetTimes-generic.cpp \
335 | generic/RTFileMove-generic.cpp \
336 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
337 | generic/RTTimeLocalNow-generic.cpp \
338 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
339 | generic/RTUuidCreate-generic.cpp \
340 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
341 | generic/utf16locale-generic.cpp \
342 | generic/uuid-generic.cpp \
343 | r3/linux/mp-linux.cpp \
344 | r3/linux/rtProcInitExePath-linux.cpp \
345 | r3/linux/sched-linux.cpp \
346 | r3/linux/time-linux.cpp \
347 | r3/posix/RTSystemQueryOSInfo-posix.cpp \
348 | r3/posix/alloc-posix.cpp \
349 | r3/posix/dir-posix.cpp \
350 | r3/posix/env-posix.cpp \
351 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
352 | r3/posix/filelock-posix.cpp \
353 | r3/posix/fs-posix.cpp \
354 | r3/posix/ldrNative-posix.cpp \
355 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
356 | r3/posix/process-posix.cpp \
357 | r3/posix/rand-posix.cpp \
358 | r3/posix/RTTimeNow-posix.cpp \
359 | r3/posix/semrw-posix.cpp \
360 | r3/posix/thread-posix.cpp \
361 | r3/posix/timelocal-posix.cpp \
362 | r3/posix/timer-posix.cpp \
363 | r3/posix/tls-posix.cpp \
364 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp
365 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.linux.x86 += \
366 | r3/posix/semevent-posix.cpp \
367 | r3/posix/semeventmulti-posix.cpp \
368 | r3/posix/semmutex-posix.cpp
369 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \
370 | r3/linux/semevent-linux.cpp \
371 | r3/linux/semeventmulti-linux.cpp
373 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \
374 | r3/linux/semmutex-linux.cpp
375 | else
376 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \
377 | r3/posix/semmutex-posix.cpp
378 | endif
379 |
380 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.os2 = \
381 | generic/pathhost-generic.cpp \
382 | generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \
383 | generic/RTDirSetTimes-generic.cpp \
384 | generic/RTFileMove-generic.cpp \
385 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
386 | generic/RTRandAdvCreateSystemFaster-generic.cpp \
387 | generic/RTRandAdvCreateSystemTruer-generic.cpp \
388 | generic/RTTimeLocalNow-generic.cpp \
389 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
390 | generic/RTUuidCreate-generic.cpp \
391 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
392 | generic/semnoint-generic.cpp \
393 | generic/semsrw-generic.cpp \
394 | generic/timer-generic.cpp \
395 | generic/utf16locale-generic.cpp \
396 | generic/uuid-generic.cpp \
397 | generic/RTMpGetCurFrequency-generic.cpp \
398 | generic/RTMpGetMaxFrequency-generic.cpp \
399 | os2/RTErrConvertFromOS2.cpp \
400 | r3/os2/filelock-os2.cpp \
401 | r3/os2/mp-os2.cpp \
402 | r3/os2/rtProcInitExePath-os2.cpp \
403 | r3/os2/sched-os2.cpp \
404 | r3/os2/sems-os2.cpp \
405 | r3/os2/thread-os2.cpp \
406 | r3/os2/time-os2.cpp \
407 | r3/posix/RTSystemQueryOSInfo-posix.cpp \
408 | r3/posix/alloc-posix.cpp \
409 | r3/posix/dir-posix.cpp \
410 | r3/posix/env-posix.cpp \
411 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
412 | r3/posix/fs-posix.cpp \
413 | r3/posix/ldrNative-posix.cpp \
414 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
415 | r3/posix/process-posix.cpp \
416 | r3/posix/RTTimeNow-posix.cpp \
417 | r3/posix/timelocal-posix.cpp \
418 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp
419 |
420 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.darwin = \
421 | darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwin.cpp \
422 | darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwinCOM.cpp \
423 | darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwinIO.cpp \
424 | darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwinKern.cpp \
425 | generic/pathhost-generic.cpp \
426 | generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \
427 | generic/RTDirSetTimes-generic.cpp \
428 | generic/RTFileMove-generic.cpp \
429 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
430 | generic/RTTimeLocalNow-generic.cpp \
431 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
432 | generic/RTUuidCreate-generic.cpp \
433 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
434 | generic/sched-generic.cpp \
435 | generic/timer-generic.cpp \
436 | generic/utf16locale-generic.cpp \
437 | generic/uuid-generic.cpp\
438 | r3/darwin/alloc-darwin.cpp \
439 | r3/darwin/filelock-darwin.cpp \
440 | r3/darwin/mp-darwin.cpp \
441 | r3/darwin/rtProcInitExePath-darwin.cpp \
442 | r3/darwin/time-darwin.cpp \
443 | r3/posix/RTSystemQueryOSInfo-posix.cpp \
444 | r3/posix/dir-posix.cpp \
445 | r3/posix/env-posix.cpp \
446 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
447 | r3/posix/fs-posix.cpp \
448 | r3/posix/ldrNative-posix.cpp \
449 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
450 | r3/posix/process-posix.cpp \
451 | r3/posix/rand-posix.cpp \
452 | r3/posix/semevent-posix.cpp \
453 | r3/posix/semeventmulti-posix.cpp \
454 | r3/posix/semmutex-posix.cpp \
455 | r3/posix/semrw-posix.cpp \
456 | r3/posix/thread-posix.cpp \
457 | r3/posix/timelocal-posix.cpp \
458 | r3/posix/tls-posix.cpp \
459 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp
460 |
461 | ## @todo Make BSD sched.
462 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.freebsd = \
463 | generic/pathhost-generic.cpp \
464 | generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \
465 | generic/RTDirSetTimes-generic.cpp \
466 | generic/RTFileMove-generic.cpp \
467 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
468 | generic/RTTimeLocalNow-generic.cpp \
469 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
470 | generic/RTUuidCreate-generic.cpp \
471 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
472 | generic/sched-generic.cpp \
473 | generic/utf16locale-generic.cpp \
474 | generic/uuid-generic.cpp \
475 | generic/RTMpGetCurFrequency-generic.cpp \
476 | generic/RTMpGetMaxFrequency-generic.cpp \
477 | r3/freebsd/alloc-freebsd.cpp \
478 | r3/freebsd/rtProcInitExePath-freebsd.cpp \
479 | r3/posix/RTSystemQueryOSInfo-posix.cpp \
480 | r3/posix/dir-posix.cpp \
481 | r3/posix/env-posix.cpp \
482 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
483 | r3/posix/filelock-posix.cpp \
484 | r3/posix/fs-posix.cpp \
485 | r3/posix/ldrNative-posix.cpp \
486 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
487 | r3/posix/process-posix.cpp \
488 | r3/posix/rand-posix.cpp \
489 | r3/posix/RTMpGetCount-posix.cpp \
490 | r3/posix/RTTimeNow-posix.cpp \
491 | r3/posix/semevent-posix.cpp \
492 | r3/posix/semeventmulti-posix.cpp \
493 | r3/posix/semmutex-posix.cpp \
494 | r3/posix/semrw-posix.cpp \
495 | r3/posix/thread-posix.cpp \
496 | r3/posix/time-posix.cpp \
497 | r3/posix/timelocal-posix.cpp \
498 | r3/posix/timer-posix.cpp \
499 | r3/posix/tls-posix.cpp \
500 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp
501 |
502 | RuntimeR3_SOURCES.solaris = \
503 | generic/pathhost-generic.cpp \
504 | generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \
505 | generic/RTDirSetTimes-generic.cpp \
506 | generic/RTFileMove-generic.cpp \
507 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
508 | generic/RTTimeLocalNow-generic.cpp \
509 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
510 | generic/RTUuidCreate-generic.cpp \
511 | generic/sched-generic.cpp \
512 | generic/utf16locale-generic.cpp \
513 | generic/uuid-generic.cpp \
514 | r3/posix/RTSystemQueryOSInfo-posix.cpp \
515 | r3/posix/dir-posix.cpp \
516 | r3/posix/env-posix.cpp \
517 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
518 | r3/posix/filelock-posix.cpp \
519 | r3/posix/fs-posix.cpp \
520 | r3/posix/ldrNative-posix.cpp \
521 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
522 | r3/posix/process-posix.cpp \
523 | r3/posix/rand-posix.cpp \
524 | r3/posix/RTTimeNow-posix.cpp \
525 | r3/posix/semevent-posix.cpp \
526 | r3/posix/semeventmulti-posix.cpp \
527 | r3/posix/semmutex-posix.cpp \
528 | r3/posix/semrw-posix.cpp \
529 | r3/posix/thread-posix.cpp \
530 | r3/posix/time-posix.cpp \
531 | r3/posix/timelocal-posix.cpp \
532 | r3/posix/timer-posix.cpp \
533 | r3/posix/tls-posix.cpp \
534 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp \
535 | r3/solaris/alloc-solaris.cpp \
536 | r3/solaris/mp-solaris.cpp \
537 | r3/solaris/rtProcInitExePath-solaris.cpp
538 |
539 | ## PORTME: Porters add their selection of platform specific files for Ring-3 here.
540 |
541 |
542 | #
543 | # L4 RuntimeR3 subtarget since L4 headers won't work with VBOXR3.
544 | #
545 | RuntimeR3L4_TEMPLATE = VBOXR3NP
547 | ifneq ($(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH),amd64)
548 | RuntimeR3L4_DEFS += __PIC__
549 | endif
550 | RuntimeR3L4_INCS = \
551 | include \
552 | $(L4_INCDIR)
553 |
554 | RuntimeR3L4_SOURCES = \
555 | generic/fs-stubs-generic.cpp \
556 | generic/pathhost-generic.cpp \
557 | generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \
558 | generic/RTDirSetTimes-generic.cpp \
559 | generic/RTFileMove-generic.cpp \
560 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
561 | generic/RTSystemQueryOSInfo-generic.cpp \
562 | generic/RTTimeLocalNow-generic.cpp \
563 | generic/RTUuidCreate-generic.cpp \
564 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
565 | generic/sched-generic.cpp \
566 | generic/semnoint-generic.cpp \
567 | generic/semsrw-generic.cpp \
568 | generic/utf16locale-generic.cpp \
569 | generic/uuid-generic.cpp \
570 | l4/l4-errno.cpp \
571 | l4/rtProcInitExePath-l4.cpp \
572 | l4/process-l4env.cpp \
573 | l4/sems-l4env.cpp \
574 | l4/thread-l4env.cpp \
575 | l4/timer-l4env.cpp \
576 | l4/utf8-l4env.cpp \
577 | r3/posix/alloc-posix.cpp \
578 | r3/posix/dir-posix.cpp \
579 | r3/posix/env-posix.cpp \
580 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
581 | r3/posix/filelock-posix.cpp \
582 | r3/posix/ldrNative-posix.cpp \
583 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
584 | r3/posix/rand-posix.cpp \
585 | r3/posix/RTTimeNow-posix.cpp \
586 | r3/posix/time-posix.cpp \
587 | r3/posix/timelocal-posix.cpp
588 |
589 |
590 | #
591 | # RuntimeGuestR3 - Guest Additions Runtime (static).
592 | # (The KBUILD_HOST inheritance here is for l4 cross building the linux
593 | # additions, while .x86 is for cross building x86 while targeting amd64.)
594 | #
596 | ## @todo change this to EXTEND the RuntimeR3 target.
597 | RuntimeGuestR3_SDKS.win := $(RuntimeR3_SDKS.win)
598 | RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS := $(filter-out RTCRITSECT_STRICT, $(RuntimeR3_DEFS))
599 | RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET))
600 | RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_HOST))
601 | RuntimeGuestR3_INCS := $(RuntimeR3_INCS)
602 | RuntimeGuestR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET))
603 | RuntimeGuestR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_HOST))
604 | RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES := $(filter-out \
605 | common/time/timesupref.cpp \
606 | common/time/timesupA.asm \
607 | common/time/timesup.cpp \
608 | generic/RTLogWriteUser-generic.cpp \
609 | , $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES))
610 | RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES += \
611 | common/time/timesysalias.cpp \
612 | VBox/logbackdoor.cpp
613 | RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET))
614 | RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_HOST))
617 |
618 |
619 | #
620 | # RuntimeGuestR3Mini - Minimal Guest Additions Runtime which does not require
621 | # initialization and can be linked into an .so. Intended
622 | # for X11 drivers, GRADD and similar.
623 | #
624 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_TEMPLATE := VBOXGUESTR3DLL
625 | ## @todo change this to EXTEND the RuntimeGuestR3 target.
626 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_INST := $(INST_ADDITIONS_LIB)
627 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_SDKS.win := $(RuntimeR3_SDKS.win)
628 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_DEFS := $(filter-out RTCRITSECT_STRICT, $(RuntimeR3_DEFS)) RT_MINI
629 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET))
630 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_DEFS.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_HOST))
631 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_INCS := $(RuntimeR3_INCS)
632 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET))
633 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_INCS.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_HOST))
634 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_SOURCES = \
635 | common/err/errmsg.cpp \
636 | common/err/errmsgxpcom.cpp \
637 | common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.cpp \
638 | common/log/logformat.cpp \
639 | common/misc/assert.cpp \
640 | common/misc/sanity-c.c \
641 | common/misc/sanity-cpp.cpp \
642 | common/string/strformat.cpp \
643 | common/string/strformatrt.cpp \
644 | common/string/strformattype.cpp \
645 | common/string/string.cpp \
646 | common/string/strprintf.cpp \
647 | common/string/strtonum.cpp \
648 | common/string/unidata.cpp \
649 | common/string/utf-8.cpp \
650 | common/string/utf-16.cpp \
651 | generic/pathhost-generic.cpp \
652 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
653 | r3/alloc.cpp \
654 | r3/fileio.cpp \
655 | r3/fs.cpp \
656 | r3/path.cpp
657 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_SOURCES.linux = \
658 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
659 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
660 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp
661 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_SOURCES.solaris = \
662 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
663 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
664 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp
665 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_SOURCES.freebsd = \
666 | r3/posix/fileio-posix.cpp \
667 | r3/posix/path-posix.cpp \
668 | r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp
669 | # VBox specific stuff.
670 | RuntimeGuestR3Mini_SOURCES += \
671 | VBox/logbackdoor.cpp \
672 | VBox/logbackdoor-redirect.cpp \
673 | VBox/strformat-vbox.cpp
674 |
675 |
676 | #
677 | # RuntimeLnxHostR3 Linux host program runtime
678 | # (Only used when building L4.)
679 | #
682 | RuntimeLnxHostR3_SOURCES = \
683 | $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.linux.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) \
684 | $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.linux) \
685 | $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES)
686 | RuntimeLnxHostR3_INCS = \
687 | $(RuntimeR3_INCS.linux.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) \
688 | $(RuntimeR3_INCS.linux) \
689 | $(RuntimeR3_INCS)
690 |
691 |
692 | #
693 | # VBoxRT - Shared Object / DLL version.
694 | #
697 | ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET)$(VBOX_WITH_HARDENING),darwin)
699 | endif
700 | VBoxRT_DEFS = $(RuntimeR3_DEFS) IN_SUP_R3 IN_SUP_R3
702 | VBoxRT_SOURCES = \
703 | VBox/VBoxRTDeps.cpp \
704 | $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES)
707 | VBoxRT_SOURCES.win += r3/win/dllmain-win.cpp
708 | VBoxRT_SOURCES.win.x86 += r3/win/VBoxRT-win32.def
709 | VBoxRT_SOURCES.win.amd64 += r3/win/VBoxRT-win64.def
710 | VBoxRT_INCS = $(RuntimeR3_INCS)
713 | VBoxRT_LIBS = \
715 | $(PATH_LIB)/VBox-liblzf$(VBOX_SUFF_LIB)
716 | ifdef IPRT_WITH_KSTUFF
717 | VBoxRT_LIBS += \
718 | $(PATH_LIB)/VBox-kStuff$(VBOX_SUFF_LIB)
719 | endif
720 | VBoxRT_LIBS.darwin = \
721 | iconv
722 | VBoxRT_LIBS.freebsd = \
723 | iconv
724 | VBoxRT_LIBS.solaris = \
725 | kstat
726 | VBoxRT_LIBPATH.freebsd = \
727 | /usr/local/lib
728 | VBoxRT_LDFLAGS.darwin = -framework IOKit -install_name $(VBOX_DYLD_EXECUTABLE_PATH)/VBoxRT.dylib
729 | ifdef VBOX_USE_VCC80
731 | endif
732 | VBoxRT_LDFLAGS.l4 = \
733 | -Wl,-whole-archive \
734 | $(PATH_LIB)/RuntimeR3L4$(VBOX_SUFF_LIB) \
735 | -Wl,-no-whole-archive
736 | ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),l4)
737 | VBoxRT_LIBS += \
738 | $(L4_LIBDIR)/libl4sys.a \
739 | $(L4_LIBDIR)/libl4sys.p.a
740 | endif
741 | VBoxRT_LIBS.l4 = \
742 | $(PATH_LIB)/RuntimeR3L4$(VBOX_SUFF_LIB)
743 |
744 | #
745 | # HACK ALLERT! Make testcase run during build on SELinux boxes.
746 | # Create a dummy DLL that ensure that VBoxRT is installed
747 | # during the DLL pass and cleaned up later.
748 | #
749 | ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),linux)
750 | if1of (VBoxRT, $(DLLS))
751 | ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/bin/chcon),)
752 | VBoxRT_NOINST = true
753 |
754 | DLLS += VBoxRTDummy
756 | VBoxRTDummy_NOINST = true
757 | VBoxRTDummy_LIBS = $(PATH_BIN)/VBoxRT.so
758 | VBoxRTDummy_CLEAN= $(PATH_BIN)/VBoxRT.so
759 | BLDDIRS += $(PATH_BIN)
760 |
761 | $(PATH_BIN)/VBoxRT.so: $$(TARGET_VBoxRT) | $$(dir $$@)
762 | $(INSTALL) $< $@
763 | chcon -t texrel_shlib_t $@ || true
764 |
765 | endif # chcon present.
766 | endif # building VBoxRT
767 | endif # linux
768 |
769 | #
770 | # RuntimeR3NoCRTGCC - CRT replacement lib for VBoxREM.
771 | # This is used together with VBoxRT.
772 | #
775 | RuntimeR3NoCRTGCC_INCS = include
776 | RuntimeR3NoCRTGCC_SOURCES = \
777 | common/misc/sanity-cpp.cpp \
778 | common/misc/sanity-c.c \
779 | \
780 | common/math/ceill.asm \
781 | common/math/cosl.asm \
782 | common/math/fabs.asm \
783 | common/math/fabsf.asm \
784 | common/math/fabsl.asm \
785 | common/math/floor.asm \
786 | common/math/floorf.asm \
787 | common/math/floorl.asm \
788 | common/math/ldexpl.asm \
789 | common/math/llrint.asm \
790 | common/math/llrintf.asm \
791 | common/math/llrintl.asm \
792 | common/math/logl.asm \
793 | common/math/lrint.asm \
794 | common/math/lrintf.asm \
795 | common/math/lrintl.asm \
796 | common/math/remainder.asm \
797 | common/math/remainderf.asm \
798 | common/math/remainderl.asm \
799 | common/math/sinl.asm \
800 | common/math/tanl.asm \
801 | common/math/trunc.asm \
802 | common/math/truncf.asm \
803 | common/math/truncl.asm \
804 | \
805 | common/misc/setjmp.asm \
806 | \
807 | common/string/memchr.asm \
808 | common/string/memchr_alias.c \
809 | common/string/memcmp.asm \
810 | common/string/memcmp_alias.c \
811 | common/string/memcpy.asm \
812 | common/string/memcpy_alias.c \
813 | common/string/mempcpy.asm \
814 | common/string/memmove.asm \
815 | common/string/memmove_alias.c \
816 | common/string/memset.asm \
817 | common/string/memset_alias.c \
818 | common/string/strchr.asm \
819 | common/string/strchr_alias.c \
820 | common/string/strcmp.asm \
821 | common/string/strcmp_alias.c \
822 | common/string/strlen.asm \
823 | common/string/strlen_alias.c
824 |
825 | RuntimeR3NoCRTGCC_SOURCES.x86 = \
826 | common/math/x86/fenv-x86.c \
827 | common/math/gcc/adddi3.c \
828 | common/math/gcc/anddi3.c \
829 | common/math/gcc/ashldi3.c \
830 | common/math/gcc/ashrdi3.c \
831 | common/math/gcc/cmpdi2.c \
832 | common/math/gcc/divdi3.c \
833 | common/math/gcc/iordi3.c \
834 | common/math/gcc/lshldi3.c \
835 | common/math/gcc/lshrdi3.c \
836 | common/math/gcc/moddi3.c \
837 | common/math/gcc/muldi3.c \
838 | common/math/gcc/negdi2.c \
839 | common/math/gcc/notdi2.c \
840 | common/math/gcc/qdivrem.c \
841 | common/math/gcc/subdi3.c \
842 | common/math/gcc/ucmpdi2.c \
843 | common/math/gcc/udivdi3.c \
844 | common/math/gcc/umoddi3.c \
845 | common/math/gcc/xordi3.c
846 |
847 |
848 | ## @todo stop using the old memcpy.c and memset.c code.
849 |
850 | #
851 | # RuntimeR0 - Ring0 library for VMMR0.
852 | #
853 | RuntimeR0_TEMPLATE = VBOXR0
855 | RuntimeR0_INCS = include
856 | RuntimeR0_SOURCES = \
857 | common/checksum/crc32.cpp \
858 | common/checksum/crc64.cpp \
859 | common/checksum/md5.cpp \
860 | common/checksum/ipv4.cpp \
861 | common/log/logellipsis.cpp \
862 | common/log/logrelellipsis.cpp \
863 | common/log/logcom.cpp \
864 | common/log/logformat.cpp \
865 | common/misc/assert.cpp \
866 | common/misc/handletable.cpp \
867 | common/misc/handletablectx.cpp \
868 | common/misc/handletablesimple.cpp \
869 | common/misc/sanity-c.c \
870 | common/misc/sanity-cpp.cpp \
871 | common/string/memchr.cpp \
872 | common/string/memcmp.cpp \
873 | common/string/memcpy.cpp \
874 | common/string/memmove.asm \
875 | common/string/memset.cpp \
876 | common/string/strcmp.asm \
877 | common/string/strcpy.cpp \
878 | common/string/strformat.cpp \
879 | common/string/strformatrt.cpp \
880 | common/string/strformattype.cpp \
881 | common/string/strlen.asm \
882 | common/string/strncmp.cpp \
883 | common/string/strpbrk.cpp \
884 | common/string/strprintf.cpp \
885 | common/table/avlgcptr.cpp \
886 | common/table/avlhcphys.cpp \
887 | common/table/avllu32.cpp \
888 | common/table/avlogcphys.cpp \
889 | common/table/avlogcptr.cpp \
890 | common/table/avlohcphys.cpp \
891 | common/table/avloioport.cpp \
892 | common/table/avlpv.cpp \
893 | common/table/avlrogcphys.cpp \
894 | common/table/avlrogcptr.cpp \
895 | common/table/avlroioport.cpp \
896 | common/table/avlroogcptr.cpp \
897 | common/table/avlu32.cpp \
898 | common/time/timesup.cpp \
899 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
900 | VBox/strformat-vbox.cpp
901 |
902 | #if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 x86)
903 | # RuntimeR0_SOURCES += common/time/timesupA.asm
904 | #else
905 | RuntimeR0_SOURCES += common/time/timesupref.cpp
906 | #endif
907 |
908 | RuntimeR0_SOURCES.win.amd64 = $(RuntimeWin64ASM_SOURCES)
909 | RuntimeR0_SOURCES.win.x86 = $(RuntimeWin32ASM_SOURCES)
910 |
911 | RuntimeR0_SOURCES.os2 = \
912 | os2/RTErrConvertFromOS2.cpp \
913 | os2/sys0.asm
914 |
915 | ifeq ($(filter-out darwin solaris freebsd,$(KBUILD_TARGET)),)
916 | RuntimeR0_SOURCES += \
917 | common/math/gcc/adddi3.c \
918 | common/math/gcc/anddi3.c \
919 | common/math/gcc/ashldi3.c \
920 | common/math/gcc/ashrdi3.c \
921 | common/math/gcc/cmpdi2.c \
922 | common/math/gcc/divdi3.c \
923 | common/math/gcc/iordi3.c \
924 | common/math/gcc/lshldi3.c \
925 | common/math/gcc/lshrdi3.c \
926 | common/math/gcc/moddi3.c \
927 | common/math/gcc/muldi3.c \
928 | common/math/gcc/negdi2.c \
929 | common/math/gcc/notdi2.c \
930 | common/math/gcc/qdivrem.c \
931 | common/math/gcc/subdi3.c \
932 | common/math/gcc/ucmpdi2.c \
933 | common/math/gcc/udivdi3.c \
934 | common/math/gcc/umoddi3.c \
935 | common/math/gcc/xordi3.c
936 | endif
937 |
938 |
939 | common/string/memchr.cpp_CXXFLAGS.win = -Oi-
940 | common/string/memcmp.cpp_CXXFLAGS.win = -Oi-
941 | common/string/memcpy.cpp_CXXFLAGS.win = -Oi-
942 | common/string/memset.cpp_CXXFLAGS.win = -Oi-
943 | common/string/strcpy.cpp_CXXFLAGS.win = -Oi-
944 | common/string/strlen.cpp_CXXFLAGS.win = -Oi-
945 |
946 | #
947 | # RuntimeR0Drv - Ring0 library for host drivers.
948 | #
949 | RuntimeR0Drv_TEMPLATE = VBOXR0DRV
950 | RuntimeR0Drv_SDKS.win = W2K3DDK WINPSDKINCS
951 | RuntimeR0Drv_INCS := $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT) include
953 | RuntimeR0Drv_DEFS.win = IN_SUP_R0
954 | RuntimeR0Drv_DEFS.linux = MODULE KBUILD_MODNAME=KBUILD_STR\(vboxdrv\) KBUILD_BASENAME=KBUILD_STR\(vboxdrv\) IN_SUP_R0 # why is IN_SUP_R0 here? because!
955 |
956 | RuntimeR0Drv_INCS.linux = \
957 | r0drv/linux
959 | RuntimeR0Drv_INCS.solaris = \
960 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/i86pc
961 | endif
962 |
963 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES = \
964 | common/alloc/alloc.cpp \
965 | common/checksum/crc32.cpp \
966 | common/checksum/crc64.cpp \
967 | common/checksum/md5.cpp \
968 | common/checksum/ipv4.cpp \
969 | common/log/log.cpp \
970 | common/log/logellipsis.cpp \
971 | common/log/logrel.cpp \
972 | common/log/logrelellipsis.cpp \
973 | common/log/logcom.cpp \
974 | common/log/logformat.cpp \
975 | common/misc/assert.cpp \
976 | common/misc/handletable.cpp \
977 | common/misc/handletablectx.cpp \
978 | common/misc/handletablesimple.cpp \
979 | common/misc/sanity-c.c \
980 | common/misc/sanity-cpp.cpp \
981 | common/string/strformat.cpp \
982 | common/string/strformatrt.cpp \
983 | common/string/strformattype.cpp \
984 | common/string/strprintf.cpp \
985 | common/string/strtonum.cpp \
986 | common/table/avlpv.cpp \
987 | generic/RTLogWriteStdErr-stub-generic.cpp \
988 | generic/RTLogWriteUser-generic.cpp \
989 | generic/uuid-generic.cpp \
990 | r0drv/alloc-r0drv.cpp \
991 | r0drv/initterm-r0drv.cpp \
992 | VBox/log-vbox.cpp \
993 | VBox/strformat-vbox.cpp
994 |
995 | ## @todo: Linking against RuntimeR0Drv on Linux will result in unresolved external
996 | ## references to several string functions (e.g. strlen). We could include the
997 | ## missing functions here but our own implementations conflict with declarations
998 | ## of some Linux kernels (inline versus not inline, size_t versus unsigned int).
999 | ##
1000 | ## The prototypes for the unresolved externals are declared in <linux/string.h>.
1001 | ## This file is not included with extern "C" { ... } and therefore the function
1002 | ## prototypes are mangled during C++ compilation. That's why we have to provide
1003 | ## implementations with mangled function names.
1004 | ##
1005 | ## bird: Why don't we just extern "C" {} that file then?
1006 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.linux = \
1007 | common/alloc/heapsimple.cpp \
1008 | common/string/strpbrk.cpp \
1009 | common/err/RTErrConvertToErrno.cpp \
1010 | common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.cpp \
1011 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
1012 | generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.cpp \
1013 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
1014 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1015 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptDisable-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1016 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptRestore-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1017 | r0drv/linux/alloc-r0drv-linux.c \
1018 | r0drv/linux/assert-r0drv-linux.c \
1019 | r0drv/linux/initterm-r0drv-linux.c \
1020 | r0drv/linux/memobj-r0drv-linux.c \
1021 | r0drv/linux/mp-r0drv-linux.c \
1022 | r0drv/linux/mpnotification-r0drv-linux.c \
1023 | r0drv/linux/process-r0drv-linux.c \
1024 | r0drv/linux/RTLogWriteDebugger-r0drv-linux.c \
1025 | r0drv/linux/semevent-r0drv-linux.c \
1026 | r0drv/linux/semeventmulti-r0drv-linux.c \
1027 | r0drv/linux/semfastmutex-r0drv-linux.c \
1028 | r0drv/linux/spinlock-r0drv-linux.c \
1029 | r0drv/linux/thread-r0drv-linux.c \
1030 | r0drv/linux/time-r0drv-linux.c \
1031 | r0drv/linux/timer-r0drv-linux.c \
1032 | r0drv/memobj-r0drv.cpp \
1033 | r0drv/mpnotification-r0drv.c
1034 | ## @todo thread2-r0drv-linux.c and assert-r0drv-linux.c
1035 |
1036 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.win = \
1037 | common/misc/thread.cpp \
1038 | common/string/memcmp.asm \
1039 | common/string/memchr.asm \
1040 | common/string/memcpy.asm \
1041 | common/string/memset.asm \
1042 | common/string/memmove.asm \
1043 | common/string/strlen.asm \
1044 | common/string/strncmp.cpp \
1045 | common/string/strpbrk.cpp \
1046 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
1047 | generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.cpp \
1048 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
1049 | nt/RTErrConvertFromNtStatus.cpp \
1050 | r0drv/memobj-r0drv.cpp \
1051 | r0drv/mpnotification-r0drv.c \
1052 | r0drv/nt/alloc-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1053 | r0drv/nt/assert-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1054 | r0drv/nt/initterm-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1055 | r0drv/nt/memobj-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1056 | r0drv/nt/mp-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1057 | r0drv/nt/mpnotification-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1058 | r0drv/nt/process-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1059 | r0drv/nt/RTLogWriteDebugger-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1060 | r0drv/nt/semevent-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1061 | r0drv/nt/semeventmulti-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1062 | r0drv/nt/semfastmutex-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1063 | r0drv/nt/semmutex-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1064 | r0drv/nt/spinlock-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1065 | r0drv/nt/thread-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1066 | r0drv/nt/thread2-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1067 | r0drv/nt/time-r0drv-nt.cpp \
1068 | r0drv/nt/timer-r0drv-nt.cpp
1069 |
1070 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.win.amd64 = $(RuntimeWin64ASM_SOURCES)
1071 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.win.x86 = $(RuntimeWin32ASM_SOURCES)
1072 |
1073 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.darwin = \
1074 | common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.cpp \
1075 | common/misc/thread.cpp \
1076 | common/string/memchr.asm \
1077 | common/string/strpbrk.cpp \
1078 | darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwin.cpp \
1079 | darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwinIO.cpp \
1080 | darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwinKern.cpp \
1081 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
1082 | generic/RTMpCpuId-generic.cpp \
1083 | generic/RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1084 | generic/RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1085 | generic/RTMpIsCpuPossible-generic.cpp \
1086 | generic/RTMpGetCount-generic.cpp \
1087 | generic/RTMpGetMaxCpuId-generic.cpp \
1088 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineCount-generic.cpp \
1089 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineSet-generic.cpp \
1090 | generic/RTMpGetSet-generic.cpp \
1091 | generic/RTMpIsCpuOnline-generic.cpp \
1092 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
1093 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
1094 | generic/timer-generic.cpp \
1095 | r0drv/generic/RTMpOn-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1096 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1097 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptDisable-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1098 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptRestore-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1099 | r0drv/generic/mpnotification-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1100 | r0drv/darwin/alloc-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1101 | r0drv/darwin/assert-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1102 | r0drv/darwin/initterm-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1103 | r0drv/darwin/memobj-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1104 | r0drv/darwin/process-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1105 | r0drv/darwin/RTLogWriteDebugger-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1106 | r0drv/darwin/RTLogWriteStdOut-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1107 | r0drv/darwin/semaphore-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1108 | r0drv/darwin/spinlock-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1109 | r0drv/darwin/thread-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1110 | r0drv/darwin/thread2-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1111 | r0drv/darwin/time-r0drv-darwin.cpp \
1112 | r0drv/memobj-r0drv.cpp
1113 |
1114 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.os2 = \
1115 | common/string/memchr.asm \
1116 | common/string/memcmp.asm \
1117 | common/string/memcpy.asm \
1118 | common/string/mempcpy.asm \
1119 | common/string/memmove.asm \
1120 | common/string/memset.asm \
1121 | common/string/strchr.asm \
1122 | common/string/strcmp.asm \
1123 | common/string/strlen.asm \
1124 | \
1125 | common/string/strcpy.cpp \
1126 | common/string/strncmp.cpp \
1127 | common/string/strpbrk.cpp \
1128 | \
1129 | common/misc/thread.cpp \
1130 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
1131 | generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.cpp \
1132 | generic/RTMpCpuId-generic.cpp \
1133 | generic/RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1134 | generic/RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1135 | generic/RTMpIsCpuPossible-generic.cpp \
1136 | generic/RTMpGetCount-generic.cpp \
1137 | generic/RTMpGetMaxCpuId-generic.cpp \
1138 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineCount-generic.cpp \
1139 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineSet-generic.cpp \
1140 | generic/RTMpGetSet-generic.cpp \
1141 | generic/RTMpIsCpuOnline-generic.cpp \
1142 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
1143 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
1144 | os2/RTErrConvertFromOS2.cpp \
1145 | os2/sys0.asm \
1146 | r0drv/memobj-r0drv.cpp \
1147 | r0drv/generic/RTMpOn-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1148 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1149 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptDisable-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1150 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptRestore-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1151 | r0drv/generic/mpnotification-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1152 | r0drv/os2/alloc-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1153 | r0drv/os2/assert-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1154 | r0drv/os2/assertA-r0drv-os2.asm \
1155 | r0drv/os2/initterm-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1156 | r0drv/os2/memobj-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1157 | r0drv/os2/os2imports.imp \
1158 | r0drv/os2/process-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1159 | r0drv/os2/RTR0AssertPanicSystem-r0drv-os2.asm \
1160 | r0drv/os2/RTR0Os2DHQueryDOSVar.asm \
1161 | r0drv/os2/RTR0Os2DHVMGlobalToProcess.asm \
1162 | r0drv/os2/semevent-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1163 | r0drv/os2/semeventmulti-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1164 | r0drv/os2/semfastmutex-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1165 | r0drv/os2/spinlock-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1166 | r0drv/os2/thread-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1167 | r0drv/os2/thread2-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1168 | r0drv/os2/time-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1169 | r0drv/os2/timer-r0drv-os2.cpp \
1170 | r0drv/os2/timerA-r0drv-os2.asm
1171 |
1172 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.freebsd = \
1173 | common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.cpp \
1174 | common/err/RTErrConvertToErrno.cpp \
1175 | common/misc/thread.cpp \
1176 | common/string/memchr.asm \
1177 | common/string/memmove.asm \
1178 | common/string/strpbrk.cpp \
1179 | common/string/memcmp.asm \
1180 | common/string/strchr.asm \
1181 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
1182 | generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.cpp \
1183 | generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.cpp \
1184 | generic/RTMpCpuId-generic.cpp \
1185 | generic/RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1186 | generic/RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1187 | generic/RTMpIsCpuPossible-generic.cpp \
1188 | generic/RTMpGetCount-generic.cpp \
1189 | generic/RTMpGetMaxCpuId-generic.cpp \
1190 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineCount-generic.cpp \
1191 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineSet-generic.cpp \
1192 | generic/RTMpGetSet-generic.cpp \
1193 | generic/RTMpIsCpuOnline-generic.cpp \
1194 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
1195 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
1196 | r0drv/generic/RTMpOn-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1197 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1198 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptDisable-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1199 | r0drv/generic/RTThreadPreemptRestore-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1200 | r0drv/generic/mpnotification-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1201 | r0drv/freebsd/alloc-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1202 | r0drv/freebsd/assert-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1203 | r0drv/freebsd/initterm-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1204 | r0drv/freebsd/memobj-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1205 | r0drv/freebsd/process-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1206 | r0drv/freebsd/semevent-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1207 | r0drv/freebsd/semeventmulti-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1208 | r0drv/freebsd/semfastmutex-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1209 | r0drv/freebsd/spinlock-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1210 | r0drv/freebsd/thread-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1211 | r0drv/freebsd/thread2-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1212 | r0drv/freebsd/time-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1213 | r0drv/freebsd/timer-r0drv-freebsd.c \
1214 | r0drv/memobj-r0drv.cpp
1215 |
1216 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.solaris = \
1217 | common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.cpp \
1218 | common/misc/thread.cpp \
1219 | common/string/memchr.asm \
1220 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
1221 | generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.cpp \
1222 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
1223 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
1224 | r0drv/memobj-r0drv.cpp \
1225 | r0drv/mpnotification-r0drv.c \
1226 | r0drv/solaris/assert-r0drv-solaris.c \
1227 | r0drv/solaris/initterm-r0drv-solaris.c \
1228 | r0drv/solaris/semevent-r0drv-solaris.c \
1229 | r0drv/solaris/semeventmulti-r0drv-solaris.c \
1230 | r0drv/solaris/semfastmutex-r0drv-solaris.c \
1231 | r0drv/solaris/spinlock-r0drv-solaris.c
1232 |
1234 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.solaris += \
1235 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/mpnotification-r0drv-solaris.c \
1236 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/alloc-r0drv-solaris.c \
1237 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/memobj-r0drv-solaris.c \
1238 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/mp-r0drv-solaris.c \
1239 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/process-r0drv-solaris.c \
1240 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/RTLogWriteDebugger-r0drv-solaris.c \
1241 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/thread-r0drv-solaris.c \
1242 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/thread2-r0drv-solaris.c \
1243 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/time-r0drv-solaris.c \
1244 | r0drv/solaris/vbi/timer-r0drv-solaris.c
1245 | else # !VBOX_WITH_SOLARIS_VBI
1246 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.solaris += \
1247 | r0drv/solaris/mpnotification-r0drv-solaris.c \
1248 | r0drv/solaris/alloc-r0drv-solaris.c \
1249 | r0drv/solaris/memobj-r0drv-solaris.c \
1250 | r0drv/solaris/process-r0drv-solaris.c \
1251 | r0drv/solaris/RTLogWriteDebugger-r0drv-solaris.c \
1252 | r0drv/solaris/thread-r0drv-solaris.c \
1253 | r0drv/solaris/thread2-r0drv-solaris.c \
1254 | r0drv/solaris/time-r0drv-solaris.c \
1255 | r0drv/solaris/timer-r0drv-solaris.c
1256 | # Don't use mp-r0drv-solaris.c because it will cause crashes due to incorrect memobj-r0drv-solaris.c code.
1257 | ifeq (0,0)
1258 | # Stub it. ## @todo limit the stubbing to RTMpOn*.
1259 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.solaris += \
1260 | generic/RTMpCpuId-generic.cpp \
1261 | generic/RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1262 | generic/RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1263 | generic/RTMpIsCpuPossible-generic.cpp \
1264 | generic/RTMpGetCount-generic.cpp \
1265 | generic/RTMpGetMaxCpuId-generic.cpp \
1266 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineCount-generic.cpp \
1267 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineSet-generic.cpp \
1268 | generic/RTMpGetSet-generic.cpp \
1269 | generic/RTMpIsCpuOnline-generic.cpp \
1270 | r0drv/generic/RTMpOn-r0drv-generic.cpp
1271 | else
1272 | # Use mp-r0drv-solaris.c.
1273 | RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES.solaris += \
1274 | r0drv/solaris/mp-r0drv-solaris.c
1275 | # r0drv/solaris/mpnotification-r0drv-solaris.c
1276 | endif
1277 |
1278 | endif # !VBOX_WITH_SOLARIS_VBI
1279 |
1280 | ## PORTME: Porters create and add their selection of platform specific Ring-0 Driver files here.
1281 |
1282 |
1283 | #
1284 | # RuntimeGuestR0 - Guest driver runtime.
1285 | # This is almost the same as the RuntimeR0Drv, the main difference
1286 | # is in the backdoor logging and the lack of sup.h (which should be
1287 | # made irrelevant even for RuntimeR0Drv).
1288 | #
1289 | RuntimeGuestR0_TEMPLATE := VBOXGUESTR0LIB
1290 | RuntimeGuestR0_SOURCES := $(filter-out generic/RTLogWriteUser-generic.cpp, $(RuntimeR0Drv_SOURCES))
1291 | RuntimeGuestR0_SOURCES += VBox/logbackdoor.cpp
1292 | RuntimeGuestR0_EXTENDS = RuntimeR0Drv
1293 |
1294 | # HACK: no vbi for the solaris guest additions - yet.
1295 | RuntimeGuestR0_SOURCES.solaris = \
1296 | common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.cpp \
1297 | common/err/RTErrConvertToErrno.cpp \
1298 | common/misc/thread.cpp \
1299 | common/string/memchr.asm \
1300 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
1301 | generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp \
1302 | r0drv/memobj-r0drv.cpp \
1303 | generic/RTMpCpuId-generic.cpp \
1304 | generic/RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1305 | generic/RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex-generic.cpp \
1306 | generic/RTMpIsCpuPossible-generic.cpp \
1307 | generic/RTMpGetCount-generic.cpp \
1308 | generic/RTMpGetMaxCpuId-generic.cpp \
1309 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineCount-generic.cpp \
1310 | generic/RTMpGetOnlineSet-generic.cpp \
1311 | generic/RTMpGetSet-generic.cpp \
1312 | generic/RTMpIsCpuOnline-generic.cpp \
1313 | generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.cpp \
1314 | generic/mppresent-generic.cpp \
1315 | r0drv/generic/RTMpOn-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1316 | r0drv/generic/mpnotification-r0drv-generic.cpp \
1317 | r0drv/solaris/alloc-r0drv-solaris.c \
1318 | r0drv/solaris/assert-r0drv-solaris.c \
1319 | r0drv/solaris/initterm-r0drv-solaris.c \
1320 | r0drv/solaris/memobj-r0drv-solaris.c \
1321 | r0drv/solaris/process-r0drv-solaris.c \
1322 | r0drv/solaris/RTLogWriteDebugger-r0drv-solaris.c \
1323 | r0drv/solaris/semevent-r0drv-solaris.c \
1324 | r0drv/solaris/semeventmulti-r0drv-solaris.c \
1325 | r0drv/solaris/semfastmutex-r0drv-solaris.c \
1326 | r0drv/solaris/spinlock-r0drv-solaris.c \
1327 | r0drv/solaris/thread-r0drv-solaris.c \
1328 | r0drv/solaris/thread2-r0drv-solaris.c \
1329 | r0drv/solaris/time-r0drv-solaris.c \
1330 | r0drv/solaris/timer-r0drv-solaris.c
1331 |
1332 | #
1333 | # RuntimeGuestR0NT4 - Win32 NT4 guest driver runtime.
1334 | #
1335 | RuntimeGuestR0NT4_EXTENDS = RuntimeGuestR0
1336 | RuntimeGuestR0NT4_EXTENDS_BY = appending
1337 | RuntimeGuestR0NT4_DEFS = IPRT_TARGET_NT4
1338 |
1339 |
1340 | #
1341 | # RuntimeGC - Guest context library.
1342 | #
1343 | RuntimeGC_TEMPLATE = VBOXGC
1345 | RuntimeGC_INCS = include
1346 | RuntimeGC_SOURCES = \
1347 | common/log/log.cpp \
1348 | common/log/logellipsis.cpp \
1349 | common/log/logrel.cpp \
1350 | common/log/logrelellipsis.cpp \
1351 | common/log/logcom.cpp \
1352 | common/log/logformat.cpp \
1353 | common/misc/assert.cpp \
1354 | common/misc/sanity-c.c \
1355 | common/misc/sanity-cpp.cpp \
1356 | common/string/memchr.cpp \
1357 | common/string/memcmp.cpp \
1358 | common/string/memcpy.cpp \
1359 | common/string/memset.cpp \
1360 | common/string/memmove.asm \
1361 | common/string/strcpy.cpp \
1362 | common/string/strformat.cpp \
1363 | common/string/strformatrt.cpp \
1364 | common/string/strformattype.cpp \
1365 | common/string/strlen.asm \
1366 | common/string/strncmp.cpp \
1367 | common/string/strpbrk.cpp \
1368 | common/string/strprintf.cpp \
1369 | common/table/avllu32.cpp \
1370 | common/table/avlou32.cpp \
1371 | common/table/avlogcphys.cpp \
1372 | common/table/avlogcptr.cpp \
1373 | common/table/avlohcphys.cpp \
1374 | common/table/avloioport.cpp \
1375 | common/table/avlrogcphys.cpp \
1376 | common/table/avlrogcptr.cpp \
1377 | common/table/avlroioport.cpp \
1378 | common/table/avlroogcptr.cpp \
1379 | common/table/avlu32.cpp \
1380 | common/time/timeprog.cpp \
1381 | common/time/timesup.cpp \
1382 | gc/initterm-gc.cpp \
1383 | generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.cpp \
1384 | VBox/strformat-vbox.cpp \
1385 |
1386 | #if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 x86)
1387 | # RuntimeGC_SOURCES += common/time/timesupA.asm
1388 | #else
1389 | RuntimeGC_SOURCES += common/time/timesupref.cpp
1390 | #endif
1391 |
1392 | RuntimeGC_SOURCES.win.x86 = $(RuntimeWin32ASM_SOURCES)
1393 |
1394 | ifeq ($(VBOX_LDR_FMT32),lx)
1395 | RuntimeGC_SOURCES += os2/sys0.asm
1396 | endif
1397 |
1398 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), darwin solaris freebsd)
1399 | RuntimeGC_SOURCES += \
1400 | common/math/gcc/adddi3.c \
1401 | common/math/gcc/anddi3.c \
1402 | common/math/gcc/ashldi3.c \
1403 | common/math/gcc/ashrdi3.c \
1404 | common/math/gcc/cmpdi2.c \
1405 | common/math/gcc/divdi3.c \
1406 | common/math/gcc/iordi3.c \
1407 | common/math/gcc/lshldi3.c \
1408 | common/math/gcc/lshrdi3.c \
1409 | common/math/gcc/moddi3.c \
1410 | common/math/gcc/muldi3.c \
1411 | common/math/gcc/negdi2.c \
1412 | common/math/gcc/notdi2.c \
1413 | common/math/gcc/qdivrem.c \
1414 | common/math/gcc/subdi3.c \
1415 | common/math/gcc/ucmpdi2.c \
1416 | common/math/gcc/udivdi3.c \
1417 | common/math/gcc/umoddi3.c \
1418 | common/math/gcc/xordi3.c
1419 | endif
1420 |
1421 |
1422 | #
1423 | # Static library for new & delete for the electric fence.
1424 | #
1425 | RuntimeEFCPP_TEMPLATE = $(RuntimeR3_TEMPLATE)
1426 | RuntimeEFCPP_SDKS = $(RuntimeR3_SDKS)
1428 | RuntimeEFCPP_DEFS = $(RuntimeR3_DEFS)
1430 | RuntimeEFCPP_INCS = $(RuntimeR3_INCS)
1432 | RuntimeEFCPP_SOURCES = r3/alloc-ef-cpp.cpp
1433 |
1434 |
1435 |
1436 | #
1437 | # errmsg.cpp depends on a generated header.
1438 | #
1439 | common/err/errmsg.cpp_DEPS = $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/errmsgdata.h
1440 | common/err/errmsg.cpp_INCS = $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)
1441 |
1442 | win/errmsgwin.cpp_DEPS = $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/errmsgcomdata.h
1443 | win/errmsgwin.cpp_INCS = $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)
1444 |
1445 |
1446 | #
1447 | # Generate the rules (we're the to sub-makefile).
1448 | #
1449 | include $(KBUILD_PATH)/subfooter.kmk
1450 |
1451 |
1452 | #
1453 | # Generate the status code data.
1454 | #
1455 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/errmsgdata.h: \
1456 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/err/errmsg.sed \
1457 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/err.h \
1458 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/VBox/err.h \
1459 | | $$(dir $$@)
1460 | $(call MSG_GENERATE,,$@,$(filter %.h,$^))
1461 | $(QUIET)$(REDIRECT) -wo $@ -- $(SED) -f $< $(filter %.h,$^)
1462 |
1463 | ## @todo r=bird: rename this to indicate that it's not only COM errors, but all win32/64 errors.
1464 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/errmsgcomdata.h: \
1465 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/err/errmsgcom.sed \
1466 | $$(PATH_SDK_WINPSDK_INC)/WinError.h \
1467 | | $$(dir $$@)
1468 | $(call MSG_GENERATE,,$@,$(filter %.h,$^))
1469 | $(QUIET)$(REDIRECT) -wo $@ -- $(SED) -f $< $(filter %.h,$^)
1470 |
1471 |
1472 | #
1473 | # Aliases for .cpp.h files so we can more easily do syntax checking from the editor.
1474 | #
1475 | ldrELFRelocatable.cpp.o: ldrELF.o
1476 | ldrELFRelocatable.cpp.obj: ldrELF.obj
1477 |
1478 |
1479 | #
1480 | # Doxygen documentation.
1481 | #
1483 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt \
1484 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/nocrt \
1485 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/nocrt/x86 \
1486 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/nocrt/amd64 \
1487 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/include/internal \
1488 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/alloc \
1489 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/checksum \
1490 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/err \
1491 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/ldr \
1492 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/log \
1493 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/misc \
1494 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/string \
1495 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/table \
1496 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/common/time \
1499 | $(dir) \
1500 | $(dir)/darwin \
1501 | $(dir)/l4 \
1502 | $(dir)/linux \
1503 | $(dir)/nt \
1504 | $(dir)/os2 \
1505 | $(dir)/win \
1506 | $(dir)/win32 \
1507 | $(dir)/win64 \
1508 | $(dir)/generic \
1509 | )
1510 |
1511 | # These must come first in order to make things look nice.
1513 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/cdefs.h \
1514 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/types.h \
1515 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/runtime.h \
1516 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/param.h \
1517 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/assert.h \
1518 | $(PATH_ROOT)/include/iprt/asm.h \
1519 |
1521 | $(filter-out %.cpp.h, $(sort $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.h, $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_INPUT_DIRS)))) ) \
1522 | $(foreach dir, $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_INPUT_DIRS), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp $(dir)/.c $(dir)/.asm))
1526 |
1527 |
1528 | IPRT_DOXYFILE_OUTPUT = $(PATH_OUT)/docs/iprt
1529 |
1530 | includedep $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/Doxyfile.iprt.dep
1531 |
1532 | # Generate the Doxyfile
1533 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/Doxyfile.iprt: \
1534 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/Doxyfile \
1535 | $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/Makefile.kmk \
1538 | | $$(dir $$@)
1539 | $(RM) -f $@ [email protected] [email protected]
1540 | $(CP) -f $(VBOX_PATH_RUNTIME_SRC)/Doxyfile [email protected]
1541 | $(APPEND) [email protected]
1542 | $(APPEND) [email protected] "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_OUTPUT)"
1543 | $(APPEND) [email protected] "WARN_LOGFILE = $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_OUTPUT)/errors"
1544 | $(APPEND) [email protected] "INCLUDE_PATH = $(PATH_ROOT)/include include . common/table"
1545 | $(APPEND) [email protected] "INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS = *.cpp.h"
1546 | $(APPEND) [email protected] "PREDEFINED += $(ARCH_BITS_DEFS)"
1547 | $(APPEND) [email protected]
1548 | $(APPEND) [email protected] "INPUT = $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_INPUT)"
1549 | $(APPEND) [email protected]
1550 | $(MV) -f [email protected] $@
1551 | @$(APPEND) [email protected] "DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_PREV = $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_OUTPUT)"
1552 | @$(APPEND) [email protected] "DOXYGEN_INPUT_PREV = $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_INPUT)"
1553 |
1554 | # Create the output directory.
1556 | $(MKDIR) -p $@
1557 |
1558 | # Do the actual job.
1559 | $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/docs.iprt: $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/Doxyfile.iprt $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_INPUT) | $(call DIRDEP, $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_OUTPUT))
1560 | $(RM) -f $(wildcard $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_OUTPUT)/html/*) $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/docs.iprt
1561 | doxygen $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/Doxyfile.iprt
1562 | $(APPEND) $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/docs.iprt
1563 |
1564 | # aliases
1565 | docs.iprt: $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/docs.iprt
1566 | if !defined(VBOX_ONLY_DOCS) && defined(VBOX_WITH_ALL_DOXYGEN_TARGETS)
1567 | docs: $(IPRT_OUT_DIR)/docs.iprt
1568 | endif
1569 |
1570 | test:
1572 | @echo $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_OUTPUT)
1573 | @echo $(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_PREV)
1574 | @echo $(IPRT_DOXYFILE_INPUT)
1575 |