1 | /* $Id: dbgstackdumpself.cpp 73763 2018-08-19 13:49:00Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * IPRT - Dump current thread stack to buffer.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
31 | #include "internal/iprt.h"
32 | #include <iprt/dbg.h>
33 |
34 | #include <iprt/ldr.h>
35 | #include <iprt/list.h>
36 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
37 | #include <iprt/path.h>
38 | #include <iprt/string.h>
39 |
40 | #if defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64) || defined(RT_ARCH_X86)
41 | # include <iprt/x86.h>
42 | #else
43 | # error "PORTME"
44 | #endif
45 |
46 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
47 | # include <iprt/param.h>
48 | # include <iprt/win/windows.h>
49 | #endif
50 |
51 |
52 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
53 | * Structures and Typedefs *
54 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
55 | /**
56 | * Cached module.
57 | */
58 | typedef struct RTDBGSTACKSELFMOD
59 | {
60 | /** List entry. */
61 | RTLISTNODE ListEntry;
62 | /** The mapping address. */
63 | uintptr_t uMapping;
64 | /** The size of the mapping. */
65 | size_t cbMapping;
66 | /** The loader module handle. */
67 | RTLDRMOD hLdrMod;
68 | /** The debug module handle, if available. */
69 | RTDBGMOD hDbgMod;
70 | /** Offset into szFilename of the name part. */
71 | size_t offName;
72 | /** the module filename. */
73 | char szFilename[RTPATH_MAX];
75 | /** Pointer to a cached module. */
77 |
78 |
79 | /**
80 | * Symbol search state.
81 | */
83 | {
84 | /** The address (not RVA) we're searching for a symbol for. */
85 | uintptr_t uSearch;
86 | /** The distance of the current hit. This is ~(uintptr_t)0 if no hit. */
87 | uintptr_t offBestDist;
88 | /** Where to return symbol information. */
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 | /**
96 | * Worker for stack and module reader callback.
97 | *
98 | * @returns IPRT status code
99 | * @param pvDst Where to put the request memory.
100 | * @param cbToRead How much to read.
101 | * @param uSrcAddr Where to read the memory from.
102 | */
103 | static int rtDbgStackDumpSelfSafeMemoryReader(void *pvDst, size_t cbToRead, uintptr_t uSrcAddr)
104 | {
105 | # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
106 | # if 1
107 | __try
108 | {
109 | memcpy(pvDst, (void const *)uSrcAddr, cbToRead);
110 | }
112 | {
113 | return VERR_ACCESS_DENIED;
114 | }
115 | # else
116 | SIZE_T cbActual = 0;
117 | if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (void const *)uSrcAddr, pvDst, cbToRead, &cbActual))
118 | {
119 | if (cbActual >= cbToRead)
120 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
121 | memset((uint8_t *)pvDst + cbActual, 0, cbToRead - cbActual);
122 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
123 | }
124 | # endif
125 | # else
126 | /** @todo secure this from SIGSEGV. */
127 | memcpy(pvDst, (void const *)uSrcAddr, cbToRead);
128 | # endif
129 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
130 | }
131 |
132 |
133 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && 0
134 | /**
135 | * @callback_method_impl{FNRTLDRRDRMEMREAD}
136 | */
137 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtDbgStackDumpSelfModReader(void *pvBuf, size_t cb, size_t off, void *pvUser)
138 | {
140 | return rtDbgStackDumpSelfSafeMemoryReader(pvBuf, cb, pMod->uMapping + off);
141 | }
142 | #endif
143 |
144 |
145 | /**
146 | * @interface_callback_impl{RTDBGUNWINDSTATE,pfnReadStack}
147 | */
148 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtDbgStackDumpSelfReader(PRTDBGUNWINDSTATE pThis, RTUINTPTR uSp, size_t cbToRead, void *pvDst)
149 | {
150 | RT_NOREF(pThis);
151 | return rtDbgStackDumpSelfSafeMemoryReader(pvDst, cbToRead, uSp);
152 | }
153 |
154 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
155 | /**
156 | * Figure the size of a loaded PE image.
157 | * @returns The size.
158 | * @param uBase The image base address.
159 | */
160 | static size_t rtDbgStackDumpSelfGetPeImageSize(uintptr_t uBase)
161 | {
162 | union
163 | {
166 | } uBuf;
167 | int rc = rtDbgStackDumpSelfSafeMemoryReader(&uBuf, sizeof(uBuf.DosHdr), uBase);
168 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
169 | {
170 | if ( uBuf.DosHdr.e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
171 | && uBuf.DosHdr.e_lfanew < _2M)
172 | {
173 | rc = rtDbgStackDumpSelfSafeMemoryReader(&uBuf, sizeof(uBuf.NtHdrs), uBase + uBuf.DosHdr.e_lfanew);
174 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
175 | {
176 | if (uBuf.NtHdrs.Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
177 | return uBuf.NtHdrs.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
178 | }
179 | }
180 | }
181 | return _64K;
182 | }
183 | #endif
184 |
185 |
186 | /**
187 | * Works the module cache.
188 | *
189 | * @returns Pointer to module cache entry on success, NULL otherwise.
190 | * @param uPc The PC to locate a module for.
191 | * @param pCachedModules The module cache.
192 | */
193 | static PRTDBGSTACKSELFMOD rtDbgStackDumpSelfQueryModForPC(uintptr_t uPc, PRTLISTANCHOR pCachedModules)
194 | {
195 | /*
196 | * Search the list first.
197 | */
199 | RTListForEach(pCachedModules, pMod, RTDBGSTACKSELFMOD, ListEntry)
200 | {
201 | if (uPc - pMod->uMapping < pMod->cbMapping)
202 | return pMod;
203 | }
204 |
205 | /*
206 | * Try figure out the module using the native loader or similar.
207 | */
208 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
209 | HMODULE hmod = NULL;
210 | static bool volatile s_fResolvedSymbols = false;
211 | static decltype(GetModuleHandleExW) *g_pfnGetModuleHandleExW = NULL;
212 | decltype(GetModuleHandleExW) *pfnGetModuleHandleExW;
213 | if (s_fResolvedSymbols)
214 | pfnGetModuleHandleExW = g_pfnGetModuleHandleExW;
215 | else
216 | {
217 | pfnGetModuleHandleExW = (decltype(GetModuleHandleExW) *)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"),
218 | "GetModuleHandleExW");
219 | g_pfnGetModuleHandleExW = pfnGetModuleHandleExW;
220 | s_fResolvedSymbols = true;
221 | }
222 | if ( pfnGetModuleHandleExW
224 | (LPCWSTR)uPc, &hmod))
225 | {
226 | WCHAR wszFilename[RTPATH_MAX];
227 | DWORD cwcFilename = GetModuleFileNameW(hmod, wszFilename, RT_ELEMENTS(wszFilename));
228 | if (cwcFilename > 0)
229 | {
230 | pMod = (PRTDBGSTACKSELFMOD)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pMod));
231 | if (pMod)
232 | {
233 | char *pszDst = pMod->szFilename;
234 | int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(wszFilename, cwcFilename, &pszDst, sizeof(pMod->szFilename), NULL);
235 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
236 | {
237 | const char *pszFilename = RTPathFilename(pMod->szFilename);
238 | pMod->offName = pszFilename ? pszFilename - &pMod->szFilename[0] : 0;
239 | pMod->uMapping = (uintptr_t)hmod & ~(uintptr_t)(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
240 | pMod->cbMapping = rtDbgStackDumpSelfGetPeImageSize(pMod->uMapping);
241 | pMod->hLdrMod = NIL_RTLDRMOD;
242 | pMod->hDbgMod = NIL_RTDBGMOD;
243 |
244 | # if 0 /* this ain't reliable, trouble enumerate symbols in VBoxRT. But why bother when we can load it off the disk. */
245 | rc = RTLdrOpenInMemory(&pMod->szFilename[pMod->offName], RTLDR_O_FOR_DEBUG, RTLdrGetHostArch(),
246 | pMod->cbMapping, rtDbgStackDumpSelfModReader, NULL /*pfnDtor*/, pMod /*pvUser*/,
247 | &pMod->hLdrMod, NULL /*pErrInfo*/);
248 | # else
249 | rc = RTLdrOpen(pMod->szFilename, RTLDR_O_FOR_DEBUG, RTLdrGetHostArch(), &pMod->hLdrMod);
250 | # endif
251 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
252 | {
253 | pMod->cbMapping = RTLdrSize(pMod->hLdrMod);
254 |
255 | /* Try open debug info for the module. */
256 | uint32_t uTimeDateStamp = 0;
257 | RTLdrQueryProp(pMod->hLdrMod, RTLDRPROP_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS, &uTimeDateStamp, sizeof(uTimeDateStamp));
258 | rc = RTDbgModCreateFromPeImage(&pMod->hDbgMod, pMod->szFilename, &pMod->szFilename[pMod->offName],
259 | &pMod->hLdrMod, (uint32_t)pMod->cbMapping, uTimeDateStamp, NIL_RTDBGCFG);
260 | RTListPrepend(pCachedModules, &pMod->ListEntry);
261 | return pMod;
262 | }
263 | }
264 | RTMemFree(pMod);
265 | }
266 | }
267 | }
268 | #endif
269 | return NULL;
270 | }
271 |
272 |
273 | /**
274 | * @callback_method_impl{FNRTLDRENUMSYMS}
275 | */
276 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtDbgStackdumpSelfSymbolSearchCallback(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszSymbol,
277 | unsigned uSymbol, RTLDRADDR Value, void *pvUser)
278 | {
280 | if (Value >= pSearch->uSearch)
281 | {
282 | uintptr_t const offDist = (uintptr_t)Value - pSearch->uSearch;
283 | if (offDist < pSearch->offBestDist)
284 | {
285 | pSearch->offBestDist = offDist;
286 |
287 | PRTDBGSYMBOL pSymInfo = pSearch->pSymInfo;
288 | pSymInfo->Value = Value;
289 | pSymInfo->offSeg = Value;
290 | pSymInfo->iSeg = RTDBGSEGIDX_ABS;
291 | pSymInfo->iOrdinal = uSymbol;
292 | pSymInfo->fFlags = 0;
293 | if (pszSymbol)
294 | RTStrCopy(pSymInfo->szName, sizeof(pSymInfo->szName), pszSymbol);
295 | else
296 | RTStrPrintf(pSymInfo->szName, sizeof(pSymInfo->szName), "Ordinal#%u", uSymbol);
297 |
298 | if (offDist < 8)
300 | }
301 | }
302 | RT_NOREF(hLdrMod);
303 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
304 | }
305 |
306 |
307 | /**
308 | * Searches for a symbol close to @a uRva.
309 | *
310 | * @returns true if found, false if not.
311 | * @param pMod The module cache entry to search in.
312 | * @param uRva The RVA to locate a symbol for.
313 | * @param poffDisp Where to return the distance between uRva and the returned symbol.
314 | * @param pSymInfo Where to return the symbol information.
315 | */
316 | static bool rtDbgStackDumpSelfQuerySymbol(PRTDBGSTACKSELFMOD pMod, uintptr_t uRva, PRTINTPTR poffDisp, PRTDBGSYMBOL pSymInfo)
317 | {
318 | if (pMod->hDbgMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD)
319 | {
320 | int rc = RTDbgModSymbolByAddr(pMod->hDbgMod, RTDBGSEGIDX_RVA, uRva, RTDBGSYMADDR_FLAGS_LESS_OR_EQUAL,
321 | poffDisp, pSymInfo);
322 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
323 | return true;
324 | }
325 |
326 | if (pMod->hLdrMod != NIL_RTLDRMOD)
327 | {
328 | RTDBGSTACKSELFSYMSEARCH SearchInfo = { pMod->uMapping + uRva, ~(uintptr_t)0, pSymInfo };
329 | int rc = RTLdrEnumSymbols(pMod->hLdrMod, 0, (const void *)pMod->uMapping, pMod->uMapping,
330 | rtDbgStackdumpSelfSymbolSearchCallback, &SearchInfo);
331 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && SearchInfo.offBestDist != ~(intptr_t)0)
332 | {
333 | *poffDisp = SearchInfo.offBestDist;
334 | return true;
335 | }
336 | }
337 |
338 | return false;
339 | }
340 |
341 |
342 | /**
343 | * Does the grunt work for RTDbgStackDumpSelf.
344 | *
345 | * Called thru an assembly wrapper that collects the necessary register state.
346 | *
347 | * @returns Length of the string returned in pszStack.
348 | * @param pszStack Where to output the stack dump.
349 | * @param cbStack The size of the @a pszStack buffer.
350 | * @param fFlags Flags, MBZ.
351 | * @param pauRegs Register state. For AMD64 and x86 this starts with the
352 | * PC and us followed by the general purpose registers.
353 | */
354 | DECLASM(DECLHIDDEN(size_t)) rtDbgStackDumpSelfWorker(char *pszStack, size_t cbStack, uint32_t fFlags, PCRTCCUINTREG pauRegs)
355 | {
356 | RT_NOREF(fFlags);
357 |
358 | /*
359 | * Initialize the unwind state.
360 | */
362 | RT_ZERO(UnwindState);
363 |
364 | UnwindState.u32Magic = RTDBGUNWINDSTATE_MAGIC;
365 | UnwindState.pfnReadStack = rtDbgStackDumpSelfReader;
366 | #ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
367 | UnwindState.enmArch = RTLDRARCH_AMD64;
368 | UnwindState.uPc = pauRegs[0];
369 | UnwindState.enmRetType = RTDBGRETURNTYPE_NEAR64;
370 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++)
371 | UnwindState.u.x86.auRegs[i] = pauRegs[i + 1];
372 | #elif defined(RT_ARCH_X86)
373 | UnwindState.enmArch = RTLDRARCH_X86_32;
374 | UnwindState.uPc = pauRegs[0];
375 | UnwindState.enmRetType = RTDBGRETURNTYPE_NEAR32;
376 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++)
377 | UnwindState.u.x86.auRegs[i] = pauRegs[i + 1];
378 | #else
379 | # error "PORTME"
380 | #endif
381 |
382 | /*
383 | * We cache modules.
384 | */
386 | RTLISTANCHOR CachedModules;
387 | RTListInit(&CachedModules);
388 |
389 | /*
390 | * Work the stack.
391 | */
392 | size_t offDst = 0;
393 | while (offDst + 64 < cbStack)
394 | {
395 | /* Try locate the module containing the current PC. */
396 | if ( !pCurModule
397 | || UnwindState.uPc - pCurModule->uMapping >= pCurModule->cbMapping)
398 | pCurModule = rtDbgStackDumpSelfQueryModForPC(UnwindState.uPc, &CachedModules);
399 | bool fManualUnwind = true;
400 | if (!pCurModule)
401 | offDst += RTStrPrintf(&pszStack[offDst], cbStack - offDst, "%p\n", UnwindState.uPc);
402 | else
403 | {
404 | uintptr_t const uRva = UnwindState.uPc - pCurModule->uMapping;
405 |
406 | /*
407 | * Add a call stack entry with the symbol if we can.
408 | */
409 | union
410 | {
411 | RTDBGSYMBOL SymbolInfo;
412 | RTDBGLINE LineInfo;
413 | } uBuf;
414 | RTINTPTR offDisp = 0;
415 | if (!rtDbgStackDumpSelfQuerySymbol(pCurModule, uRva, &offDisp, &uBuf.SymbolInfo))
416 | offDst += RTStrPrintf(&pszStack[offDst], cbStack - offDst, "%p %s + %#zx\n",
417 | UnwindState.uPc, &pCurModule->szFilename[pCurModule->offName], (size_t)uRva);
418 | else if (offDisp == 0)
419 | offDst += RTStrPrintf(&pszStack[offDst], cbStack - offDst, "%p %s!%s (rva:%#zx)\n", UnwindState.uPc,
420 | &pCurModule->szFilename[pCurModule->offName], uBuf.SymbolInfo.szName, (size_t)uRva);
421 | else
422 | offDst += RTStrPrintf(&pszStack[offDst], cbStack - offDst, "%p %s!%s%c%#zx (rva:%#zx)\n",
423 | UnwindState.uPc, &pCurModule->szFilename[pCurModule->offName], uBuf.SymbolInfo.szName,
424 | offDisp >= 0 ? '+' : '-', (size_t)RT_ABS(offDisp), (size_t)uRva);
425 |
426 | /*
427 | * Try supply the line number.
428 | */
429 | if (pCurModule->hDbgMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD)
430 | {
431 | offDisp = 0;
432 | int rc = RTDbgModLineByAddr(pCurModule->hDbgMod, RTDBGSEGIDX_RVA, uRva, &offDisp, &uBuf.LineInfo);
433 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && offDisp)
434 | offDst += RTStrPrintf(&pszStack[offDst], cbStack - offDst, " [%s:%u]\n",
435 | uBuf.LineInfo.szFilename, uBuf.LineInfo.uLineNo);
436 | else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
437 | offDst += RTStrPrintf(&pszStack[offDst], cbStack - offDst, " [%s:%u (%c%#zx)]\n", uBuf.LineInfo.szFilename,
438 | uBuf.LineInfo.uLineNo, offDisp >= 0 ? '+' : '-', (size_t)RT_ABS(offDisp));
439 | }
440 |
441 | /*
442 | * Try unwind using the module info.
443 | */
444 | int rc;
445 | if (pCurModule->hDbgMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD)
446 | rc = RTDbgModUnwindFrame(pCurModule->hDbgMod, RTDBGSEGIDX_RVA, uRva, &UnwindState);
447 | else
448 | rc = RTLdrUnwindFrame(pCurModule->hLdrMod, (void const *)pCurModule->uMapping, UINT32_MAX, uRva, &UnwindState);
449 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
450 | fManualUnwind = false;
451 | }
452 | if (fManualUnwind)
453 | {
454 | break;
455 | }
456 | }
457 |
458 | /*
459 | * Destroy the cache.
460 | */
462 | RTListForEachSafe(&CachedModules, pCurModule, pNextModule, RTDBGSTACKSELFMOD, ListEntry)
463 | {
464 | if (pCurModule->hDbgMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD)
465 | {
466 | RTDbgModRelease(pCurModule->hDbgMod);
467 | pCurModule->hDbgMod = NIL_RTDBGMOD;
468 | }
469 | if (pCurModule->hLdrMod != NIL_RTLDRMOD)
470 | {
471 | RTLdrClose(pCurModule->hLdrMod);
472 | pCurModule->hLdrMod = NIL_RTLDRMOD;
473 | }
474 | RTMemFree(pCurModule);
475 | }
476 |
477 | return offDst;
478 | }
479 |