/* $Id: vfsreadahead.cpp 69111 2017-10-17 14:26:02Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT - Virtual File System, Read-Ahead Thread. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP RTLOGGROUP_VFS #include "internal/iprt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include "internal/iprt.h" #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Buffer descriptor. */ typedef struct RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC { /** List entry. */ RTLISTNODE ListEntry; /** The offset of this extent within the file. */ uint64_t off; /** The amount of the buffer that has been filled. * (Buffer size is RTVFSREADAHEAD::cbBuffer.) */ uint32_t cbFilled; /** */ uint32_t volatile fReserved; /** Pointer to the buffer. */ uint8_t *pbBuffer; } RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC; /** Pointer to a memory file extent. */ typedef RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC *PRTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC; /** * Read ahead file or I/O stream. */ typedef struct RTVFSREADAHEAD { /** The I/O critical section (protects offActual). * The thread doing I/O or seeking always need to own this. */ RTCRITSECT IoCritSect; /** The critical section protecting the buffer lists and offConsumer. * * This can be taken while holding IoCritSect as that eliminates a race * condition between the read ahead thread inserting into ConsumerList and * a consumer thread deciding to do a direct read. */ RTCRITSECT BufferCritSect; /** List of buffers available for consumption. * The producer thread (hThread) puts buffers into this list once it's done * reading into them. The consumer moves them to the FreeList once the * current position has passed beyond each buffer. */ RTLISTANCHOR ConsumerList; /** List of buffers available for the producer. */ RTLISTANCHOR FreeList; /** The current file position from the consumer point of view. */ uint64_t offConsumer; /** The end-of-file(/stream) offset. This is initially UINT64_MAX and later * set when reading past EOF. */ uint64_t offEof; /** The read ahead thread. */ RTTHREAD hThread; /** Set when we want the thread to terminate. */ bool volatile fTerminateThread; /** Creation flags. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** The I/O stream we read from. */ RTVFSIOSTREAM hIos; /** The file face of hIos, if we're fronting for an actual file. */ RTVFSFILE hFile; /** The buffer size. */ uint32_t cbBuffer; /** The number of buffers. */ uint32_t cBuffers; /** Single big buffer allocation, cBuffers * cbBuffer in size. */ uint8_t *pbAllBuffers; /** Array of buffer descriptors (cBuffers in size). */ RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC aBufDescs[1]; } RTVFSREADAHEAD; /** Pointer to a memory file. */ typedef RTVFSREADAHEAD *PRTVFSREADAHEAD; /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSOBJOPS,pfnClose} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_Close(void *pvThis) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; int rc; /* * Stop the read-ahead thread. */ if (pThis->hThread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fTerminateThread, true); rc = RTThreadUserSignal(pThis->hThread); AssertRC(rc); rc = RTThreadWait(pThis->hThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, NULL); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); pThis->hThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; } /* * Release the upstream objects. */ RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); RTVfsIoStrmRelease(pThis->hIos); pThis->hIos = NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM; RTVfsFileRelease(pThis->hFile); pThis->hFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); /* * Free the buffers. */ RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); if (pThis->pbAllBuffers) { RTMemPageFree(pThis->pbAllBuffers, pThis->cBuffers * pThis->cbBuffer); pThis->pbAllBuffers = NULL; } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); /* * Destroy the critical sections. */ RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->BufferCritSect); RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->IoCritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSOBJOPS,pfnQueryInfo} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_QueryInfo(void *pvThis, PRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAddAttr) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; return RTVfsIoStrmQueryInfo(pThis->hIos, pObjInfo, enmAddAttr); } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnRead} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_Read(void *pvThis, RTFOFF off, PCRTSGBUF pSgBuf, bool fBlocking, size_t *pcbRead) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; Assert(pSgBuf->cSegs == 1); /* Caller deals with multiple SGs. */ /* * We loop here to repeat the buffer search after entering the I/O critical * section, just in case a buffer got inserted while we were waiting for it. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint8_t *pbDst = (uint8_t *)pSgBuf->paSegs[0].pvSeg; size_t cbDst = pSgBuf->paSegs[0].cbSeg; size_t cbTotalRead = 0; bool fPokeReader = false; bool fOwnsIoCritSect = false; RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); for (;;) { /* * Try satisfy the read from the buffers. */ uint64_t offCur = pThis->offConsumer; if (off != -1) { offCur = (uint64_t)off; if (pThis->offConsumer != offCur) fPokeReader = true; /* If the current position changed, poke it in case it stopped at EOF. */ pThis->offConsumer = offCur; } PRTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC pBufDesc, pNextBufDesc; RTListForEachSafe(&pThis->ConsumerList, pBufDesc, pNextBufDesc, RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC, ListEntry) { /* The buffers are sorted and reads must start in a buffer if anything should be taken from the buffer (at least for now). */ if (offCur < pBufDesc->off) break; /* Anything we can read from this buffer? */ uint64_t offCurBuf = offCur - pBufDesc->off; if (offCurBuf < pBufDesc->cbFilled) { size_t const cbFromCurBuf = RT_MIN(pBufDesc->cbFilled - offCurBuf, cbDst); memcpy(pbDst, pBufDesc->pbBuffer + offCurBuf, cbFromCurBuf); pbDst += cbFromCurBuf; cbDst -= cbFromCurBuf; cbTotalRead += cbFromCurBuf; offCur += cbFromCurBuf; } /* Discard buffers we've read past. */ if (pBufDesc->off + pBufDesc->cbFilled <= offCur) { RTListNodeRemove(&pBufDesc->ListEntry); RTListAppend(&pThis->FreeList, &pBufDesc->ListEntry); fPokeReader = true; /* Poke it as there are now more buffers available. */ } /* Stop if we're done. */ if (!cbDst) break; } pThis->offConsumer = offCur; if (off != -1) off = offCur; if (!cbDst) break; /* * Check if we've reached the end of the file/stream. */ if (offCur >= pThis->offEof) { rc = pcbRead ? VINF_EOF : VERR_EOF; Log(("rtVfsReadAhead_Read: ret %Rrc; offCur=%#llx offEof=%#llx\n", rc, offCur, pThis->offEof)); break; } /* * First time around we don't own the I/O critsect and need to take it * and repeat the above buffer reading code. */ if (!fOwnsIoCritSect) { RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); fOwnsIoCritSect = true; continue; } /* * Do a direct read of the remaining data. */ if (off == -1) { RTFOFF offActual = RTVfsIoStrmTell(pThis->hIos); if (offActual >= 0 && (uint64_t)offActual != offCur) off = offCur; } RTSGSEG TmpSeg = { pbDst, cbDst }; RTSGBUF TmpSgBuf; RTSgBufInit(&TmpSgBuf, &TmpSeg, 1); size_t cbThisRead = cbDst; rc = RTVfsIoStrmSgRead(pThis->hIos, off, &TmpSgBuf, fBlocking, pcbRead ? &cbThisRead : NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { cbTotalRead += cbThisRead; offCur += cbThisRead; pThis->offConsumer = offCur; if (rc != VINF_EOF) fPokeReader = true; else { pThis->offEof = offCur; Log(("rtVfsReadAhead_Read: EOF %llu (%#llx)\n", pThis->offEof, pThis->offEof)); } } /* else if (rc == VERR_EOF): hard to say where exactly the current position is here as cannot have had a non-NULL pcbRead. Set offEof later. */ break; } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); if (fOwnsIoCritSect) RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); if (fPokeReader && rc != VINF_EOF && rc != VERR_EOF) RTThreadUserSignal(pThis->hThread); if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = cbTotalRead; Assert(cbTotalRead <= pSgBuf->paSegs[0].cbSeg); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnWrite} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_Write(void *pvThis, RTFOFF off, PCRTSGBUF pSgBuf, bool fBlocking, size_t *pcbWritten) { RT_NOREF_PV(pvThis); RT_NOREF_PV(off); RT_NOREF_PV(pSgBuf); RT_NOREF_PV(fBlocking); RT_NOREF_PV(pcbWritten); AssertFailed(); return VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnFlush} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_Flush(void *pvThis) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; return RTVfsIoStrmFlush(pThis->hIos); } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnPollOne} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_PollOne(void *pvThis, uint32_t fEvents, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies, bool fIntr, uint32_t *pfRetEvents) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; if (pThis->hThread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { /** @todo poll one with read-ahead thread. */ return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return RTVfsIoStrmPoll(pThis->hIos, fEvents, cMillies, fIntr, pfRetEvents); } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnTell} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_Tell(void *pvThis, PRTFOFF poffActual) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); *poffActual = pThis->offConsumer; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSOBJSETOPS,pfnMode} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_SetMode(void *pvThis, RTFMODE fMode, RTFMODE fMask) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; AssertReturn(pThis->hFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE, VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); RT_NOREF_PV(fMode); RT_NOREF_PV(fMask); /// @todo int rc = RTVfsFileSetMode(pThis->hFile, fMode, fMask); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSOBJSETOPS,pfnSetTimes} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_SetTimes(void *pvThis, PCRTTIMESPEC pAccessTime, PCRTTIMESPEC pModificationTime, PCRTTIMESPEC pChangeTime, PCRTTIMESPEC pBirthTime) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; AssertReturn(pThis->hFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE, VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); RT_NOREF_PV(pAccessTime); RT_NOREF_PV(pModificationTime); RT_NOREF_PV(pChangeTime); RT_NOREF_PV(pBirthTime); /// @todo int rc = RTVfsFileSetTimes(pThis->hFile, pAccessTime, pModificationTime, pChangeTime, pBirthTime); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSOBJSETOPS,pfnSetOwner} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_SetOwner(void *pvThis, RTUID uid, RTGID gid) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; AssertReturn(pThis->hFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE, VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); RT_NOREF_PV(uid); RT_NOREF_PV(gid); /// @todo int rc = RTVfsFileSetOwner(pThis->hFile, uid, gid); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSFILEOPS,pfnSeek} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_Seek(void *pvThis, RTFOFF offSeek, unsigned uMethod, PRTFOFF poffActual) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; AssertReturn(pThis->hFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE, VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); /* protects against concurrent I/O using the offset. */ RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); /* protects offConsumer */ uint64_t offActual = UINT64_MAX; int rc = RTVfsFileSeek(pThis->hFile, offSeek, uMethod, &offActual); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pThis->offConsumer = offActual; if (poffActual) *poffActual = offActual; } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSFILEOPS,pfnQuerySize} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAhead_QuerySize(void *pvThis, uint64_t *pcbFile) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvThis; AssertReturn(pThis->hFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE, VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); /* paranoia */ int rc = RTVfsFileGetSize(pThis->hFile, pcbFile); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); return rc; } /** * Read ahead I/O stream operations. */ DECL_HIDDEN_CONST(const RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS) g_VfsReadAheadIosOps = { /* Stream */ { /* Obj */ RTVFSOBJOPS_VERSION, RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM, "Read ahead I/O stream", rtVfsReadAhead_Close, rtVfsReadAhead_QueryInfo, RTVFSOBJOPS_VERSION }, RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS_VERSION, RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS_FEAT_NO_SG, rtVfsReadAhead_Read, rtVfsReadAhead_Write, rtVfsReadAhead_Flush, rtVfsReadAhead_PollOne, rtVfsReadAhead_Tell, NULL /*Skip*/, NULL /*ZeroFill*/, RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS_VERSION, }; /** * Read ahead file operations. */ DECL_HIDDEN_CONST(const RTVFSFILEOPS) g_VfsReadAheadFileOps = { { /* Stream */ { /* Obj */ RTVFSOBJOPS_VERSION, RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE, "Read ahead file", rtVfsReadAhead_Close, rtVfsReadAhead_QueryInfo, RTVFSOBJOPS_VERSION }, RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS_VERSION, RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS_FEAT_NO_SG, rtVfsReadAhead_Read, rtVfsReadAhead_Write, rtVfsReadAhead_Flush, rtVfsReadAhead_PollOne, rtVfsReadAhead_Tell, NULL /*Skip*/, NULL /*ZeroFill*/, RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS_VERSION, }, RTVFSFILEOPS_VERSION, /*RTVFSIOFILEOPS_FEAT_NO_AT_OFFSET*/ 0, { /* ObjSet */ RTVFSOBJSETOPS_VERSION, RT_OFFSETOF(RTVFSFILEOPS, Stream.Obj) - RT_OFFSETOF(RTVFSFILEOPS, ObjSet), rtVfsReadAhead_SetMode, rtVfsReadAhead_SetTimes, rtVfsReadAhead_SetOwner, RTVFSOBJSETOPS_VERSION }, rtVfsReadAhead_Seek, rtVfsReadAhead_QuerySize, RTVFSFILEOPS_VERSION }; /** * @callback_method_impl{PFNRTTHREAD, Read ahead thread procedure} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsReadAheadThreadProc(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis = (PRTVFSREADAHEAD)pvUser; Assert(pThis); while (!pThis->fTerminateThread) { int rc; /* * Is there a buffer handy for reading ahead. */ PRTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC pBufDesc = NULL; RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); if (!pThis->fTerminateThread) pBufDesc = RTListRemoveFirst(&pThis->FreeList, RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC, ListEntry); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); if (pBufDesc) { /* * Got a buffer, take the I/O lock and read into it. */ rc = VERR_CALLBACK_RETURN; RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->IoCritSect); if (!pThis->fTerminateThread) { pBufDesc->off = RTVfsIoStrmTell(pThis->hIos); size_t cbRead = 0; rc = RTVfsIoStrmRead(pThis->hIos, pBufDesc->pbBuffer, pThis->cbBuffer, true /*fBlocking*/, &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (rc == VINF_EOF) { pThis->offEof = pBufDesc->off + cbRead; Log(("rtVfsReadAheadThreadProc: EOF %llu (%#llx)\n", pThis->offEof, pThis->offEof)); } pBufDesc->cbFilled = (uint32_t)cbRead; /* * Put back the buffer. The consumer list is sorted by offset, but * we should usually end up appending the buffer. */ RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); PRTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC pAfter = RTListGetLast(&pThis->ConsumerList, RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC, ListEntry); if (!pAfter || pAfter->off <= pBufDesc->off) RTListAppend(&pThis->ConsumerList, &pBufDesc->ListEntry); else { do pAfter = RTListGetPrev(&pThis->ConsumerList, pAfter, RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC, ListEntry); while (pAfter && pAfter->off > pBufDesc->off); if (!pAfter) RTListPrepend(&pThis->ConsumerList, &pBufDesc->ListEntry); else { Assert(pAfter->off <= pBufDesc->off); RTListNodeInsertAfter(&pAfter->ListEntry, &pBufDesc->ListEntry); } } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); pBufDesc = NULL; #ifdef RT_STRICT /* Verify the list ordering. */ unsigned cAsserted = 0; uint64_t offAssert = 0; PRTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC pAssertCur; RTListForEach(&pThis->ConsumerList, pAssertCur, RTVFSREADAHEADBUFDESC, ListEntry) { Assert(offAssert <= pAssertCur->off); offAssert = pAssertCur->off; Assert(cAsserted < pThis->cBuffers); cAsserted++; } #endif } else Assert(rc != VERR_EOF); } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->IoCritSect); /* * If we succeeded and we didn't yet reach the end of the stream, * loop without delay to start processing the next buffer. */ if (RT_LIKELY(!pBufDesc && rc != VINF_EOF)) continue; /* Put any unused buffer back in the free list (termination/failure, not EOF). */ if (pBufDesc) { RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->BufferCritSect); RTListPrepend(&pThis->FreeList, &pBufDesc->ListEntry); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->BufferCritSect); } if (pThis->fTerminateThread) break; } /* * Wait for more to do. */ rc = RTThreadUserWait(hThreadSelf, RT_MS_1MIN); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTThreadUserReset(hThreadSelf); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int rtVfsCreateReadAheadInstance(RTVFSIOSTREAM hVfsIosSrc, RTVFSFILE hVfsFileSrc, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t cBuffers, uint32_t cbBuffer, PRTVFSIOSTREAM phVfsIos, PRTVFSFILE phVfsFile) { /* * Validate input a little. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertStmt(cBuffers < _4K, rc = VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); if (cBuffers == 0) cBuffers = 4; AssertStmt(cbBuffer <= _4M, rc = VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); if (cbBuffer == 0) cbBuffer = _256K / cBuffers; AssertStmt(cbBuffer * cBuffers < (ARCH_BITS < 64 ? _64M : _256M), rc = VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); AssertStmt(!fFlags, rc = VERR_INVALID_FLAGS); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Create a file or I/O stream instance. */ RTVFSFILE hVfsFileReadAhead = NIL_RTVFSFILE; RTVFSIOSTREAM hVfsIosReadAhead = NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM; PRTVFSREADAHEAD pThis; size_t cbThis = RT_OFFSETOF(RTVFSREADAHEAD, aBufDescs[cBuffers]); if (hVfsFileSrc != NIL_RTVFSFILE) rc = RTVfsNewFile(&g_VfsReadAheadFileOps, cbThis, RTFILE_O_READ, NIL_RTVFS, NIL_RTVFSLOCK, &hVfsFileReadAhead, (void **)&pThis); else rc = RTVfsNewIoStream(&g_VfsReadAheadIosOps, cbThis, RTFILE_O_READ, NIL_RTVFS, NIL_RTVFSLOCK, &hVfsIosReadAhead, (void **)&pThis); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTListInit(&pThis->ConsumerList); RTListInit(&pThis->FreeList); pThis->hThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; pThis->fTerminateThread = false; pThis->fFlags = fFlags; pThis->hFile = hVfsFileSrc; pThis->hIos = hVfsIosSrc; pThis->cBuffers = cBuffers; pThis->cbBuffer = cbBuffer; pThis->offEof = UINT64_MAX; pThis->offConsumer = RTVfsIoStrmTell(hVfsIosSrc); if ((RTFOFF)pThis->offConsumer >= 0) { rc = RTCritSectInit(&pThis->IoCritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCritSectInit(&pThis->BufferCritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pThis->pbAllBuffers = (uint8_t *)RTMemPageAlloc(pThis->cbBuffer * pThis->cBuffers); if (pThis->pbAllBuffers) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cBuffers; i++) { pThis->aBufDescs[i].cbFilled = 0; pThis->aBufDescs[i].off = UINT64_MAX / 2; pThis->aBufDescs[i].pbBuffer = &pThis->pbAllBuffers[cbBuffer * i]; RTListAppend(&pThis->FreeList, &pThis->aBufDescs[i].ListEntry); } /* * Create thread. */ rc = RTThreadCreate(&pThis->hThread, rtVfsReadAheadThreadProc, pThis, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "vfsreadahead"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * We're good. */ if (phVfsFile) *phVfsFile = hVfsFileReadAhead; else if (hVfsFileReadAhead == NIL_RTVFSFILE) *phVfsIos = hVfsIosReadAhead; else { *phVfsIos = RTVfsFileToIoStream(hVfsFileReadAhead); RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFileReadAhead); AssertReturn(*phVfsIos != NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } } } } else rc = (int)pThis->offConsumer; } } RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFileSrc); RTVfsIoStrmRelease(hVfsIosSrc); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsCreateReadAheadForIoStream(RTVFSIOSTREAM hVfsIos, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t cBuffers, uint32_t cbBuffer, PRTVFSIOSTREAM phVfsIos) { AssertPtrReturn(phVfsIos, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *phVfsIos = NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM; /* * Retain the input stream, trying to obtain a file handle too so we can * fully mirror it. */ uint32_t cRefs = RTVfsIoStrmRetain(hVfsIos); AssertReturn(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); RTVFSFILE hVfsFile = RTVfsIoStrmToFile(hVfsIos); /* * Do the job. (This always consumes the above retained references.) */ return rtVfsCreateReadAheadInstance(hVfsIos, hVfsFile, fFlags, cBuffers, cbBuffer, phVfsIos, NULL); } RTDECL(int) RTVfsCreateReadAheadForFile(RTVFSFILE hVfsFile, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t cBuffers, uint32_t cbBuffer, PRTVFSFILE phVfsFile) { AssertPtrReturn(phVfsFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *phVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE; /* * Retain the input file and cast it o an I/O stream. */ RTVFSIOSTREAM hVfsIos = RTVfsFileToIoStream(hVfsFile); AssertReturn(hVfsIos != NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); uint32_t cRefs = RTVfsFileRetain(hVfsFile); AssertReturnStmt(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, RTVfsIoStrmRelease(hVfsIos), VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); /* * Do the job. (This always consumes the above retained references.) */ return rtVfsCreateReadAheadInstance(hVfsIos, hVfsFile, fFlags, cBuffers, cbBuffer, NULL, phVfsFile); } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG,pfnValidate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsChainReadAhead_Validate(PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pProviderReg, PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { RT_NOREF(pProviderReg, poffError, pErrInfo); /* * Basics. */ if ( pElement->enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE && pElement->enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_ONLY_FILE_OR_IOS; if (pElement->enmTypeIn == RTVFSOBJTYPE_INVALID) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CANNOT_BE_FIRST_ELEMENT; if ( pElement->enmTypeIn != RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE && pElement->enmTypeIn != RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TAKES_FILE_OR_IOS; if (pSpec->fOpenFile & RTFILE_O_WRITE) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_READ_ONLY_IOS; if (pElement->cArgs > 2) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_AT_MOST_TWO_ARGS; /* * Parse the two optional arguments. */ uint32_t cBuffers = 0; if (pElement->cArgs > 0) { const char *psz = pElement->paArgs[0].psz; if (*psz) { int rc = RTStrToUInt32Full(psz, 0, &cBuffers); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { *poffError = pElement->paArgs[0].offSpec; return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } } uint32_t cbBuffer = 0; if (pElement->cArgs > 1) { const char *psz = pElement->paArgs[1].psz; if (*psz) { int rc = RTStrToUInt32Full(psz, 0, &cbBuffer); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { *poffError = pElement->paArgs[1].offSpec; return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } } /* * Save the parsed arguments in the spec since their both optional. */ pElement->uProvider = RT_MAKE_U64(cBuffers, cbBuffer); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG,pfnInstantiate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsChainReadAhead_Instantiate(PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pProviderReg, PCRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, RTVFSOBJ hPrevVfsObj, PRTVFSOBJ phVfsObj, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { RT_NOREF(pProviderReg, pSpec, pElement, poffError, pErrInfo); AssertReturn(hPrevVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ, VERR_VFS_CHAIN_IPE); /* Try for a file if we can. */ int rc; RTVFSFILE hVfsFileIn = RTVfsObjToFile(hPrevVfsObj); if (hVfsFileIn != NIL_RTVFSFILE) { RTVFSFILE hVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE; rc = RTVfsCreateReadAheadForFile(hVfsFileIn, 0 /*fFlags*/, RT_LO_U32(pElement->uProvider), RT_HI_U32(pElement->uProvider), &hVfsFile); RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFileIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsObj = RTVfsObjFromFile(hVfsFile); RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile); if (*phVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } } else if (pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) { RTVFSIOSTREAM hVfsIosIn = RTVfsObjToIoStream(hPrevVfsObj); if (hVfsIosIn != NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM) { RTVFSIOSTREAM hVfsIos = NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM; rc = RTVfsCreateReadAheadForIoStream(hVfsIosIn, 0 /*fFlags*/, RT_LO_U32(pElement->uProvider), RT_HI_U32(pElement->uProvider), &hVfsIos); RTVfsIoStrmRelease(hVfsIosIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsObj = RTVfsObjFromIoStream(hVfsIos); RTVfsIoStrmRelease(hVfsIos); if (*phVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } } else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG,pfnCanReuseElement} */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) rtVfsChainReadAhead_CanReuseElement(PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pProviderReg, PCRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, PCRTVFSCHAINSPEC pReuseSpec, PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pReuseElement) { RT_NOREF(pProviderReg, pSpec, pElement, pReuseSpec, pReuseElement); return false; } /** VFS chain element 'pull'. */ static RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG g_rtVfsChainReadAheadReg = { /* uVersion = */ RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, /* fReserved = */ 0, /* pszName = */ "pull", /* ListEntry = */ { NULL, NULL }, /* pszHelp = */ "Takes an I/O stream or file and provides read-ahead caching.\n" "Optional first argument specifies how many buffers to use, 0 indicating the default.\n" "Optional second argument specifies the buffer size, 0 indicating the default.", /* pfnValidate = */ rtVfsChainReadAhead_Validate, /* pfnInstantiate = */ rtVfsChainReadAhead_Instantiate, /* pfnCanReuseElement = */ rtVfsChainReadAhead_CanReuseElement, /* uEndMarker = */ RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION }; RTVFSCHAIN_AUTO_REGISTER_ELEMENT_PROVIDER(&g_rtVfsChainReadAheadReg, rtVfsChainReadAheadReg);