1 | /* $Id: timer-r0drv-nt.cpp 56753 2015-07-02 12:08:11Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * IPRT - Timers, Ring-0 Driver, NT.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 | /*******************************************************************************
28 | * Header Files *
29 | *******************************************************************************/
30 | #include "the-nt-kernel.h"
31 |
32 | #include <iprt/timer.h>
33 | #include <iprt/mp.h>
34 | #include <iprt/cpuset.h>
35 | #include <iprt/err.h>
36 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
37 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
38 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
39 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
40 |
41 | #include "internal-r0drv-nt.h"
42 | #include "internal/magics.h"
43 |
44 | /** This seems to provide better accuracy. */
46 |
47 |
48 | /*******************************************************************************
49 | * Structures and Typedefs *
50 | *******************************************************************************/
51 | /**
52 | * A sub timer structure.
53 | *
54 | * This is used for keeping the per-cpu tick and DPC object.
55 | */
56 | typedef struct RTTIMERNTSUBTIMER
57 | {
58 | /** The tick counter. */
59 | uint64_t iTick;
60 | /** Pointer to the parent timer. */
61 | PRTTIMER pParent;
62 | /** Thread active executing the worker function, NIL if inactive. */
63 | RTNATIVETHREAD volatile hActiveThread;
64 | /** The NT DPC object. */
65 | KDPC NtDpc;
67 | /** Pointer to a NT sub-timer structure. */
69 |
70 | /**
71 | * The internal representation of an Linux timer handle.
72 | */
73 | typedef struct RTTIMER
74 | {
75 | /** Magic.
76 | * This is RTTIMER_MAGIC, but changes to something else before the timer
77 | * is destroyed to indicate clearly that thread should exit. */
78 | uint32_t volatile u32Magic;
79 | /** Suspend count down for single shot omnit timers. */
80 | int32_t volatile cOmniSuspendCountDown;
81 | /** Flag indicating the timer is suspended. */
82 | bool volatile fSuspended;
83 | /** Whether the timer must run on one specific CPU or not. */
84 | bool fSpecificCpu;
85 | /** Whether the timer must run on all CPUs or not. */
86 | bool fOmniTimer;
87 | /** The CPU it must run on if fSpecificCpu is set.
88 | * The master CPU for an omni-timer. */
89 | RTCPUID idCpu;
90 | /** Callback. */
91 | PFNRTTIMER pfnTimer;
92 | /** User argument. */
93 | void *pvUser;
94 | /** The timer interval. 0 if one-shot. */
95 | uint64_t u64NanoInterval;
97 | /** The desired NT time of the first tick. */
98 | uint64_t uNtStartTime;
99 | #endif
100 | /** The Nt timer object. */
101 | KTIMER NtTimer;
102 | /** The number of sub-timers. */
103 | RTCPUID cSubTimers;
104 | /** Sub-timers.
105 | * Normally there is just one, but for RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ALL this will contain
106 | * an entry for all possible cpus. In that case the index will be the same as
107 | * for the RTCpuSet. */
108 | RTTIMERNTSUBTIMER aSubTimers[1];
109 | } RTTIMER;
110 |
111 |
113 | /**
114 | * Get current NT interrupt time.
115 | * @return NT interrupt time
116 | */
117 | static uint64_t rtTimerNtQueryInterruptTime(void)
118 | {
119 | # ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
120 | return KeQueryInterruptTime(); /* macro */
121 | # else
122 | if (g_pfnrtKeQueryInterruptTime)
123 | return g_pfnrtKeQueryInterruptTime();
124 |
125 | /* NT4 */
126 | ULARGE_INTEGER InterruptTime;
127 | do
128 | {
129 | InterruptTime.HighPart = ((KUSER_SHARED_DATA volatile *)SharedUserData)->InterruptTime.High1Time;
130 | InterruptTime.LowPart = ((KUSER_SHARED_DATA volatile *)SharedUserData)->InterruptTime.LowPart;
131 | } while (((KUSER_SHARED_DATA volatile *)SharedUserData)->InterruptTime.High2Time != InterruptTime.HighPart);
132 | return InterruptTime.QuadPart;
133 | # endif
134 | }
135 | #endif /* RTR0TIMER_NT_MANUAL_RE_ARM */
136 |
137 |
138 | /**
139 | * Manually re-arms an internval timer.
140 | *
141 | * Turns out NT doesn't necessarily do a very good job at re-arming timers
142 | * accurately.
143 | *
144 | * @param pTimer The timer.
145 | * @param iTick The current timer tick.
146 | * @param pMasterDpc The master DPC.
147 | */
148 | DECLINLINE(void) rtTimerNtRearmInternval(PRTTIMER pTimer, uint64_t iTick, PKDPC pMasterDpc)
149 | {
151 | Assert(pTimer->u64NanoInterval);
152 |
153 | uint64_t uNtNext = (iTick * pTimer->u64NanoInterval) / 100 - 10; /* 1us fudge */
154 | LARGE_INTEGER DueTime;
155 | DueTime.QuadPart = rtTimerNtQueryInterruptTime() - pTimer->uNtStartTime;
156 | if (DueTime.QuadPart < 0)
157 | DueTime.QuadPart = 0;
158 | if ((uint64_t)DueTime.QuadPart < uNtNext)
159 | DueTime.QuadPart -= uNtNext;
160 | else
161 | DueTime.QuadPart = -2500; /* 0.25ms */
162 |
163 | KeSetTimerEx(&pTimer->NtTimer, DueTime, 0, &pTimer->aSubTimers[0].NtDpc);
164 | #endif
165 | }
166 |
167 |
168 | /**
169 | * Timer callback function for the non-omni timers.
170 | *
171 | * @returns HRTIMER_NORESTART or HRTIMER_RESTART depending on whether it's a one-shot or interval timer.
172 | * @param pDpc Pointer to the DPC.
173 | * @param pvUser Pointer to our internal timer structure.
174 | * @param SystemArgument1 Some system argument.
175 | * @param SystemArgument2 Some system argument.
176 | */
177 | static void _stdcall rtTimerNtSimpleCallback(IN PKDPC pDpc, IN PVOID pvUser, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2)
178 | {
179 | PRTTIMER pTimer = (PRTTIMER)pvUser;
180 | AssertPtr(pTimer);
181 | #ifdef RT_STRICT
182 | if (KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL)
183 | RTAssertMsg2Weak("rtTimerNtSimpleCallback: Irql=%d expected >=%d\n", KeGetCurrentIrql(), DISPATCH_LEVEL);
184 | #endif
185 |
186 | /*
187 | * Check that we haven't been suspended before doing the callout.
188 | */
189 | if ( !ASMAtomicUoReadBool(&pTimer->fSuspended)
190 | && pTimer->u32Magic == RTTIMER_MAGIC)
191 | {
192 | ASMAtomicWriteHandle(&pTimer->aSubTimers[0].hActiveThread, RTThreadNativeSelf());
193 |
194 | if (!pTimer->u64NanoInterval)
195 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pTimer->fSuspended, true);
196 | uint64_t iTick = ++pTimer->aSubTimers[0].iTick;
197 | if (pTimer->u64NanoInterval)
198 | rtTimerNtRearmInternval(pTimer, iTick, &pTimer->aSubTimers[0].NtDpc);
199 | pTimer->pfnTimer(pTimer, pTimer->pvUser, iTick);
200 |
201 | ASMAtomicWriteHandle(&pTimer->aSubTimers[0].hActiveThread, NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD);
202 | }
203 |
204 | NOREF(pDpc); NOREF(SystemArgument1); NOREF(SystemArgument2);
205 | }
206 |
207 |
208 | /**
209 | * The slave DPC callback for an omni timer.
210 | *
211 | * @param pDpc The DPC object.
212 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the sub-timer.
213 | * @param SystemArgument1 Some system stuff.
214 | * @param SystemArgument2 Some system stuff.
215 | */
216 | static void _stdcall rtTimerNtOmniSlaveCallback(IN PKDPC pDpc, IN PVOID pvUser, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2)
217 | {
219 | PRTTIMER pTimer = pSubTimer->pParent;
220 |
221 | AssertPtr(pTimer);
222 | #ifdef RT_STRICT
223 | if (KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL)
224 | RTAssertMsg2Weak("rtTimerNtOmniSlaveCallback: Irql=%d expected >=%d\n", KeGetCurrentIrql(), DISPATCH_LEVEL);
225 | int iCpuSelf = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(RTMpCpuId());
226 | if (pSubTimer - &pTimer->aSubTimers[0] != iCpuSelf)
227 | RTAssertMsg2Weak("rtTimerNtOmniSlaveCallback: iCpuSelf=%d pSubTimer=%p / %d\n", iCpuSelf, pSubTimer, pSubTimer - &pTimer->aSubTimers[0]);
228 | #endif
229 |
230 | /*
231 | * Check that we haven't been suspended before doing the callout.
232 | */
233 | if ( !ASMAtomicUoReadBool(&pTimer->fSuspended)
234 | && pTimer->u32Magic == RTTIMER_MAGIC)
235 | {
236 | ASMAtomicWriteHandle(&pSubTimer->hActiveThread, RTThreadNativeSelf());
237 |
238 | if (!pTimer->u64NanoInterval)
239 | if (ASMAtomicDecS32(&pTimer->cOmniSuspendCountDown) <= 0)
240 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pTimer->fSuspended, true);
241 |
242 | pTimer->pfnTimer(pTimer, pTimer->pvUser, ++pSubTimer->iTick);
243 |
244 | ASMAtomicWriteHandle(&pSubTimer->hActiveThread, NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD);
245 | }
246 |
247 | NOREF(pDpc); NOREF(SystemArgument1); NOREF(SystemArgument2);
248 | }
249 |
250 |
251 | /**
252 | * The timer callback for an omni-timer.
253 | *
254 | * This is responsible for queueing the DPCs for the other CPUs and
255 | * perform the callback on the CPU on which it is called.
256 | *
257 | * @param pDpc The DPC object.
258 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the sub-timer.
259 | * @param SystemArgument1 Some system stuff.
260 | * @param SystemArgument2 Some system stuff.
261 | */
262 | static void _stdcall rtTimerNtOmniMasterCallback(IN PKDPC pDpc, IN PVOID pvUser, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2)
263 | {
265 | PRTTIMER pTimer = pSubTimer->pParent;
266 | int iCpuSelf = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(RTMpCpuId());
267 |
268 | AssertPtr(pTimer);
269 | #ifdef RT_STRICT
270 | if (KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL)
271 | RTAssertMsg2Weak("rtTimerNtOmniMasterCallback: Irql=%d expected >=%d\n", KeGetCurrentIrql(), DISPATCH_LEVEL);
272 | if (pSubTimer - &pTimer->aSubTimers[0] != iCpuSelf)
273 | RTAssertMsg2Weak("rtTimerNtOmniMasterCallback: iCpuSelf=%d pSubTimer=%p / %d\n", iCpuSelf, pSubTimer, pSubTimer - &pTimer->aSubTimers[0]);
274 | #endif
275 |
276 | /*
277 | * Check that we haven't been suspended before scheduling the other DPCs
278 | * and doing the callout.
279 | */
280 | if ( !ASMAtomicUoReadBool(&pTimer->fSuspended)
281 | && pTimer->u32Magic == RTTIMER_MAGIC)
282 | {
283 | RTCPUSET OnlineSet;
284 | RTMpGetOnlineSet(&OnlineSet);
285 |
286 | ASMAtomicWriteHandle(&pSubTimer->hActiveThread, RTThreadNativeSelf());
287 |
288 | if (pTimer->u64NanoInterval)
289 | {
290 | /*
291 | * Recurring timer.
292 | */
293 | for (int iCpu = 0; iCpu < RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS; iCpu++)
294 | if ( RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&OnlineSet, iCpu)
295 | && iCpuSelf != iCpu)
296 | KeInsertQueueDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].NtDpc, 0, 0);
297 |
298 | uint64_t iTick = ++pSubTimer->iTick;
299 | rtTimerNtRearmInternval(pTimer, iTick, &pTimer->aSubTimers[RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(pTimer->idCpu)].NtDpc);
300 | pTimer->pfnTimer(pTimer, pTimer->pvUser, iTick);
301 | }
302 | else
303 | {
304 | /*
305 | * Single shot timers gets complicated wrt to fSuspended maintance.
306 | */
307 | uint32_t cCpus = 0;
308 | for (int iCpu = 0; iCpu < RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS; iCpu++)
309 | if (RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&OnlineSet, iCpu))
310 | cCpus++;
311 | ASMAtomicAddS32(&pTimer->cOmniSuspendCountDown, cCpus);
312 |
313 | for (int iCpu = 0; iCpu < RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS; iCpu++)
314 | if ( RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&OnlineSet, iCpu)
315 | && iCpuSelf != iCpu)
316 | if (!KeInsertQueueDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].NtDpc, 0, 0))
317 | ASMAtomicDecS32(&pTimer->cOmniSuspendCountDown); /* already queued and counted. */
318 |
319 | if (ASMAtomicDecS32(&pTimer->cOmniSuspendCountDown) <= 0)
320 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pTimer->fSuspended, true);
321 |
322 | pTimer->pfnTimer(pTimer, pTimer->pvUser, ++pSubTimer->iTick);
323 | }
324 |
325 | ASMAtomicWriteHandle(&pSubTimer->hActiveThread, NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD);
326 | }
327 |
328 | NOREF(pDpc); NOREF(SystemArgument1); NOREF(SystemArgument2);
329 | }
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 | RTDECL(int) RTTimerStart(PRTTIMER pTimer, uint64_t u64First)
334 | {
335 | /*
336 | * Validate.
337 | */
338 | AssertPtrReturn(pTimer, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
339 | AssertReturn(pTimer->u32Magic == RTTIMER_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
340 |
341 | if (!ASMAtomicUoReadBool(&pTimer->fSuspended))
342 | return VERR_TIMER_ACTIVE;
343 | if ( pTimer->fSpecificCpu
344 | && !RTMpIsCpuOnline(pTimer->idCpu))
345 | return VERR_CPU_OFFLINE;
346 |
347 | /*
348 | * Start the timer.
349 | */
350 | PKDPC pMasterDpc = pTimer->fOmniTimer
351 | ? &pTimer->aSubTimers[RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(pTimer->idCpu)].NtDpc
352 | : &pTimer->aSubTimers[0].NtDpc;
353 |
355 | uint64_t u64Interval = pTimer->u64NanoInterval / 1000000; /* This is ms, believe it or not. */
356 | ULONG ulInterval = (ULONG)u64Interval;
357 | if (ulInterval != u64Interval)
358 | ulInterval = MAXLONG;
359 | else if (!ulInterval && pTimer->u64NanoInterval)
360 | ulInterval = 1;
361 | #endif
362 |
363 | LARGE_INTEGER DueTime;
364 | DueTime.QuadPart = -(int64_t)(u64First / 100); /* Relative, NT time. */
365 | if (!DueTime.QuadPart)
366 | DueTime.QuadPart = -1;
367 |
368 | unsigned cSubTimers = pTimer->fOmniTimer ? pTimer->cSubTimers : 1;
369 | for (unsigned iCpu = 0; iCpu < cSubTimers; iCpu++)
370 | pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].iTick = 0;
371 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pTimer->cOmniSuspendCountDown, 0);
372 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pTimer->fSuspended, false);
374 | pTimer->uNtStartTime = rtTimerNtQueryInterruptTime() + u64First / 100;
375 | KeSetTimerEx(&pTimer->NtTimer, DueTime, 0, pMasterDpc);
376 | #else
377 | KeSetTimerEx(&pTimer->NtTimer, DueTime, ulInterval, pMasterDpc);
378 | #endif
379 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
380 | }
381 |
382 |
383 | /**
384 | * Worker function that stops an active timer.
385 | *
386 | * Shared by RTTimerStop and RTTimerDestroy.
387 | *
388 | * @param pTimer The active timer.
389 | */
390 | static void rtTimerNtStopWorker(PRTTIMER pTimer)
391 | {
392 | /*
393 | * Just cancel the timer, dequeue the DPCs and flush them (if this is supported).
394 | */
395 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pTimer->fSuspended, true);
396 |
397 | KeCancelTimer(&pTimer->NtTimer);
398 |
399 | for (RTCPUID iCpu = 0; iCpu < pTimer->cSubTimers; iCpu++)
400 | KeRemoveQueueDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].NtDpc);
401 | }
402 |
403 |
404 | RTDECL(int) RTTimerStop(PRTTIMER pTimer)
405 | {
406 | /*
407 | * Validate.
408 | */
409 | AssertPtrReturn(pTimer, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
410 | AssertReturn(pTimer->u32Magic == RTTIMER_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
411 |
412 | if (ASMAtomicUoReadBool(&pTimer->fSuspended))
414 |
415 | /*
416 | * Call the worker we share with RTTimerDestroy.
417 | */
418 | rtTimerNtStopWorker(pTimer);
419 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
420 | }
421 |
422 |
423 | RTDECL(int) RTTimerChangeInterval(PRTTIMER pTimer, uint64_t u64NanoInterval)
424 | {
425 | AssertPtrReturn(pTimer, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
426 | AssertReturn(pTimer->u32Magic == RTTIMER_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
427 |
428 | return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
429 | }
430 |
431 |
432 | RTDECL(int) RTTimerDestroy(PRTTIMER pTimer)
433 | {
434 | /* It's ok to pass NULL pointer. */
435 | if (pTimer == /*NIL_RTTIMER*/ NULL)
436 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
437 | AssertPtrReturn(pTimer, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
438 | AssertReturn(pTimer->u32Magic == RTTIMER_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
439 |
440 | /*
441 | * We do not support destroying a timer from the callback because it is
442 | * not 101% safe since we cannot flush DPCs. Solaris has the same restriction.
443 | */
444 | AssertReturn(KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL, VERR_INVALID_CONTEXT);
445 |
446 | /*
447 | * Invalidate the timer, stop it if it's running and finally
448 | * free up the memory.
449 | */
450 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pTimer->u32Magic, ~RTTIMER_MAGIC);
451 | if (!ASMAtomicUoReadBool(&pTimer->fSuspended))
452 | rtTimerNtStopWorker(pTimer);
453 |
454 | /*
455 | * Flush DPCs to be on the safe side.
456 | */
457 | if (g_pfnrtNtKeFlushQueuedDpcs)
458 | g_pfnrtNtKeFlushQueuedDpcs();
459 |
460 | RTMemFree(pTimer);
461 |
462 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
463 | }
464 |
465 |
466 | RTDECL(int) RTTimerCreateEx(PRTTIMER *ppTimer, uint64_t u64NanoInterval, uint32_t fFlags, PFNRTTIMER pfnTimer, void *pvUser)
467 | {
468 | *ppTimer = NULL;
469 |
470 | /*
471 | * Validate flags.
472 | */
473 | if (!RTTIMER_FLAGS_ARE_VALID(fFlags))
475 | if ( (fFlags & RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_SPECIFIC)
477 | && !RTMpIsCpuPossible(RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(fFlags & RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_MASK)))
478 | return VERR_CPU_NOT_FOUND;
479 |
480 | /*
481 | * Allocate the timer handler.
482 | */
483 | RTCPUID cSubTimers = 1;
485 | {
486 | cSubTimers = RTMpGetMaxCpuId() + 1;
487 | Assert(cSubTimers <= RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS); /* On Windows we have a 1:1 relationship between cpuid and set index. */
488 | }
489 |
490 | PRTTIMER pTimer = (PRTTIMER)RTMemAllocZ(RT_OFFSETOF(RTTIMER, aSubTimers[cSubTimers]));
491 | if (!pTimer)
492 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
493 |
494 | /*
495 | * Initialize it.
496 | */
497 | pTimer->u32Magic = RTTIMER_MAGIC;
498 | pTimer->cOmniSuspendCountDown = 0;
499 | pTimer->fSuspended = true;
500 | pTimer->fSpecificCpu = (fFlags & RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_SPECIFIC) && (fFlags & RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ALL) != RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ALL;
501 | pTimer->fOmniTimer = (fFlags & RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ALL) == RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ALL;
502 | pTimer->idCpu = pTimer->fSpecificCpu ? RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(fFlags & RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_MASK) : NIL_RTCPUID;
503 | pTimer->cSubTimers = cSubTimers;
504 | pTimer->pfnTimer = pfnTimer;
505 | pTimer->pvUser = pvUser;
506 | pTimer->u64NanoInterval = u64NanoInterval;
507 | KeInitializeTimerEx(&pTimer->NtTimer, SynchronizationTimer);
508 | if (pTimer->fOmniTimer)
509 | {
510 | /*
511 | * Initialize the per-cpu "sub-timers", select the first online cpu
512 | * to be the master.
513 | * ASSUMES that no cpus will ever go offline.
514 | */
515 | pTimer->idCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
516 | for (unsigned iCpu = 0; iCpu < cSubTimers; iCpu++)
517 | {
518 | pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].iTick = 0;
519 | pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].pParent = pTimer;
520 |
521 | if ( pTimer->idCpu == NIL_RTCPUID
522 | && RTMpIsCpuOnline(RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(iCpu)))
523 | {
524 | pTimer->idCpu = RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(iCpu);
525 | KeInitializeDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].NtDpc, rtTimerNtOmniMasterCallback, &pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu]);
526 | }
527 | else
528 | KeInitializeDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].NtDpc, rtTimerNtOmniSlaveCallback, &pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu]);
529 | KeSetImportanceDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].NtDpc, HighImportance);
530 | KeSetTargetProcessorDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[iCpu].NtDpc, (int)RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(iCpu));
531 | }
532 | Assert(pTimer->idCpu != NIL_RTCPUID);
533 | }
534 | else
535 | {
536 | /*
537 | * Initialize the first "sub-timer", target the DPC on a specific processor
538 | * if requested to do so.
539 | */
540 | pTimer->aSubTimers[0].iTick = 0;
541 | pTimer->aSubTimers[0].pParent = pTimer;
542 |
543 | KeInitializeDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[0].NtDpc, rtTimerNtSimpleCallback, pTimer);
544 | KeSetImportanceDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[0].NtDpc, HighImportance);
545 | if (pTimer->fSpecificCpu)
546 | KeSetTargetProcessorDpc(&pTimer->aSubTimers[0].NtDpc, (int)pTimer->idCpu);
547 | }
548 |
549 | *ppTimer = pTimer;
550 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
551 | }
552 |
553 |
554 | RTDECL(int) RTTimerRequestSystemGranularity(uint32_t u32Request, uint32_t *pu32Granted)
555 | {
556 | if (!g_pfnrtNtExSetTimerResolution)
557 | return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
558 |
559 | ULONG ulGranted = g_pfnrtNtExSetTimerResolution(u32Request / 100, TRUE);
560 | if (pu32Granted)
561 | *pu32Granted = ulGranted * 100; /* NT -> ns */
562 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
563 | }
564 |
565 |
566 | RTDECL(int) RTTimerReleaseSystemGranularity(uint32_t u32Granted)
567 | {
568 | if (!g_pfnrtNtExSetTimerResolution)
569 | return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
570 |
571 | g_pfnrtNtExSetTimerResolution(0 /* ignored */, FALSE);
572 | NOREF(u32Granted);
573 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
574 | }
575 |
576 |
577 | RTDECL(bool) RTTimerCanDoHighResolution(void)
578 | {
579 | return false;
580 | }
581 |