1 | /* $Id: process-win.cpp 43879 2012-11-15 14:49:23Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * IPRT - Process, Windows.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*******************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *******************************************************************************/
32 | #include <iprt/asm.h> /* hack */
33 |
34 | #include <Userenv.h>
35 | #include <Windows.h>
36 | #include <tlhelp32.h>
37 | #include <process.h>
38 | #include <errno.h>
39 | #include <Strsafe.h>
40 | #include <Lmcons.h>
41 |
42 | #include <iprt/process.h>
43 | #include "internal/iprt.h"
44 |
45 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
46 | #include <iprt/critsect.h>
47 | #include <iprt/file.h>
48 | #include <iprt/err.h>
49 | #include <iprt/env.h>
50 | #include <iprt/getopt.h>
51 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
52 | #include <iprt/ldr.h>
53 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
54 | #include <iprt/once.h>
55 | #include <iprt/path.h>
56 | #include <iprt/pipe.h>
57 | #include <iprt/string.h>
58 | #include <iprt/socket.h>
59 |
60 |
61 | /*******************************************************************************
62 | * Structures and Typedefs *
63 | *******************************************************************************/
67 | DWORD,
69 | LPWSTR,
70 | DWORD,
71 | LPVOID,
76 |
79 |
82 |
85 |
88 |
91 |
94 |
97 |
100 |
103 |
106 |
107 |
108 | /*******************************************************************************
109 | * Global Variables *
110 | *******************************************************************************/
111 | /** Init once structure. */
112 | static RTONCE g_rtProcWinInitOnce = RTONCE_INITIALIZER;
113 | /** Critical section protecting the process array. */
114 | static RTCRITSECT g_CritSect;
115 | /** The number of processes in the array. */
116 | static uint32_t g_cProcesses;
117 | /** The current allocation size. */
118 | static uint32_t g_cProcessesAlloc;
119 | /** Array containing the live or non-reaped child processes. */
120 | static struct RTPROCWINENTRY
121 | {
122 | /** The process ID. */
123 | ULONG_PTR pid;
124 | /** The process handle. */
125 | HANDLE hProcess;
126 | } *g_paProcesses;
127 |
128 |
129 | /**
130 | * Clean up the globals.
131 | *
132 | * @param enmReason Ignored.
133 | * @param iStatus Ignored.
134 | * @param pvUser Ignored.
135 | */
136 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) rtProcWinTerm(RTTERMREASON enmReason, int32_t iStatus, void *pvUser)
137 | {
138 | NOREF(pvUser); NOREF(iStatus); NOREF(enmReason);
139 |
140 | RTCritSectDelete(&g_CritSect);
141 |
142 | size_t i = g_cProcesses;
143 | while (i-- > 0)
144 | {
145 | CloseHandle(g_paProcesses[i].hProcess);
146 | g_paProcesses[i].hProcess = NULL;
147 | }
148 | RTMemFree(g_paProcesses);
149 |
150 | g_paProcesses = NULL;
151 | g_cProcesses = 0;
152 | g_cProcessesAlloc = 0;
153 | }
154 |
155 |
156 | /**
157 | * Initialize the globals.
158 | *
159 | * @returns IPRT status code.
160 | * @param pvUser Ignored.
161 | */
162 | static DECLCALLBACK(int32_t) rtProcWinInitOnce(void *pvUser)
163 | {
164 | NOREF(pvUser);
165 |
166 | g_cProcesses = 0;
167 | g_cProcessesAlloc = 0;
168 | g_paProcesses = NULL;
169 | int rc = RTCritSectInit(&g_CritSect);
170 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
171 | {
172 | /** @todo init once, terminate once - this is a generic thing which should
173 | * have some kind of static and simpler setup! */
174 | rc = RTTermRegisterCallback(rtProcWinTerm, NULL);
175 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
176 | return rc;
177 | RTCritSectDelete(&g_CritSect);
178 | }
179 | return rc;
180 | }
181 |
182 |
183 | /**
184 | * Gets the process handle for a process from g_paProcesses.
185 | *
186 | * @returns Process handle if found, NULL if not.
187 | * @param pid The process to remove (pid).
188 | */
189 | static HANDLE rtProcWinFindPid(RTPROCESS pid)
190 | {
191 | HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
192 |
193 | RTCritSectEnter(&g_CritSect);
194 | uint32_t i = g_cProcesses;
195 | while (i-- > 0)
196 | if (g_paProcesses[i].pid == pid)
197 | {
198 | hProcess = g_paProcesses[i].hProcess;
199 | break;
200 | }
201 | RTCritSectLeave(&g_CritSect);
202 |
203 | return hProcess;
204 | }
205 |
206 |
207 | /**
208 | * Removes a process from g_paProcesses and closes the process handle.
209 | *
210 | * @param pid The process to remove (pid).
211 | */
212 | static void rtProcWinRemovePid(RTPROCESS pid)
213 | {
214 | RTCritSectEnter(&g_CritSect);
215 | uint32_t i = g_cProcesses;
216 | while (i-- > 0)
217 | if (g_paProcesses[i].pid == pid)
218 | {
219 | HANDLE hProcess = g_paProcesses[i].hProcess;
220 |
221 | g_cProcesses--;
222 | uint32_t cToMove = g_cProcesses - i;
223 | if (cToMove)
224 | memmove(&g_paProcesses[i], &g_paProcesses[i + 1], cToMove * sizeof(g_paProcesses[0]));
225 |
226 | RTCritSectLeave(&g_CritSect);
227 | CloseHandle(hProcess);
228 | return;
229 | }
230 | RTCritSectLeave(&g_CritSect);
231 | }
232 |
233 |
234 | /**
235 | * Adds a process to g_paProcesses.
236 | *
237 | * @returns IPRT status code.
238 | * @param pid The process id.
239 | * @param hProcess The process handle.
240 | */
241 | static int rtProcWinAddPid(RTPROCESS pid, HANDLE hProcess)
242 | {
243 | RTCritSectEnter(&g_CritSect);
244 |
245 | uint32_t i = g_cProcesses;
246 | if (i >= g_cProcessesAlloc)
247 | {
248 | void *pvNew = RTMemRealloc(g_paProcesses, (i + 16) * sizeof(g_paProcesses[0]));
249 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pvNew))
250 | {
251 | RTCritSectLeave(&g_CritSect);
252 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
253 | }
254 | g_paProcesses = (struct RTPROCWINENTRY *)pvNew;
255 | g_cProcessesAlloc = i + 16;
256 | }
257 |
258 | g_paProcesses[i].pid = pid;
259 | g_paProcesses[i].hProcess = hProcess;
260 | g_cProcesses = i + 1;
261 |
262 | RTCritSectLeave(&g_CritSect);
263 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
264 | }
265 |
266 |
267 | RTR3DECL(int) RTProcCreate(const char *pszExec, const char * const *papszArgs, RTENV Env, unsigned fFlags, PRTPROCESS pProcess)
268 | {
269 | return RTProcCreateEx(pszExec, papszArgs, Env, fFlags,
270 | NULL, NULL, NULL, /* standard handles */
271 | NULL /*pszAsUser*/, NULL /* pszPassword*/,
272 | pProcess);
273 | }
274 |
275 |
276 | /**
277 | * Map some important or much used Windows error codes
278 | * to our error codes.
279 | *
280 | * @return Mapped IPRT status code.
281 | * @param dwError Windows error code to map to IPRT code.
282 | */
283 | static int rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(DWORD dwError)
284 | {
285 | int rc;
286 | switch (dwError)
287 | {
288 | case ERROR_NOACCESS:
291 | break;
292 |
294 | case ERROR_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION: /* See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/303846/ */
297 | break;
298 |
301 | break;
302 |
303 | case ERROR_BAD_DEVICE: /* Can happen when opening funny things like "CON". */
305 | break;
306 |
307 | default:
308 | /* Could trigger a debug assertion! */
309 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(dwError);
310 | break;
311 | }
312 | return rc;
313 | }
314 |
315 |
316 | /**
317 | * Get the process token of the process indicated by @a dwPID if the @a pSid
318 | * matches.
319 | *
320 | * @returns IPRT status code.
321 | *
322 | * @param dwPid The process identifier.
323 | * @param pSid The secure identifier of the user.
324 | * @param phToken Where to return the a duplicate of the process token
325 | * handle on success. (The caller closes it.)
326 | */
327 | static int rtProcWinGetProcessTokenHandle(DWORD dwPid, PSID pSid, PHANDLE phToken)
328 | {
329 | AssertPtr(pSid);
330 | AssertPtr(phToken);
331 |
332 | int rc;
333 | HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, TRUE, dwPid);
334 | if (hProc != NULL)
335 | {
336 | HANDLE hTokenProc;
337 | if (OpenProcessToken(hProc,
340 | &hTokenProc))
341 | {
342 | SetLastError(NO_ERROR);
343 | DWORD dwSize = 0;
344 | BOOL fRc = GetTokenInformation(hTokenProc, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &dwSize);
345 | DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
346 | if ( !fRc
348 | && dwSize > 0)
349 | {
350 | PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser = (PTOKEN_USER)RTMemTmpAllocZ(dwSize);
351 | if (pTokenUser)
352 | {
353 | if (GetTokenInformation(hTokenProc,
354 | TokenUser,
355 | pTokenUser,
356 | dwSize,
357 | &dwSize))
358 | {
359 | if ( IsValidSid(pTokenUser->User.Sid)
360 | && EqualSid(pTokenUser->User.Sid, pSid))
361 | {
362 | if (DuplicateTokenEx(hTokenProc, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,
363 | NULL, SecurityIdentification, TokenPrimary, phToken))
364 | {
365 | /*
366 | * So we found the process instance which belongs to the user we want to
367 | * to run our new process under. This duplicated token will be used for
368 | * the actual CreateProcessAsUserW() call then.
369 | */
370 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
371 | }
372 | else
373 | rc = rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(GetLastError());
374 | }
375 | else
376 | rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
377 | }
378 | else
379 | rc = rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(GetLastError());
380 | RTMemTmpFree(pTokenUser);
381 | }
382 | else
383 | rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
384 | }
385 | else if (fRc || dwErr == NO_ERROR)
387 | else
388 | rc = rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(dwErr);
389 | CloseHandle(hTokenProc);
390 | }
391 | else
392 | rc = rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(GetLastError());
393 | CloseHandle(hProc);
394 | }
395 | else
396 | rc = rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(GetLastError());
397 | return rc;
398 | }
399 |
400 |
401 | /**
402 | * Fallback method for rtProcWinFindTokenByProcess that uses the older NT4
403 | * PSAPI.DLL API.
404 | *
405 | * @returns Success indicator.
406 | * @param papszNames The process candidates, in prioritized order.
407 | * @param pSid The secure identifier of the user.
408 | * @param phToken Where to return the token handle - duplicate,
409 | * caller closes it on success.
410 | *
411 | * @remarks NT4 needs a copy of "PSAPI.dll" (redistributed by Microsoft and not
412 | * part of the OS) in order to get a lookup. If we don't have this DLL
413 | * we are not able to get a token and therefore no UI will be visible.
414 | */
415 | static bool rtProcWinFindTokenByProcessAndPsApi(const char * const *papszNames, PSID pSid, PHANDLE phToken)
416 | {
417 | bool fFound = false;
418 |
419 | /*
420 | * Load PSAPI.DLL and resolve the two symbols we need.
421 | */
422 | RTLDRMOD hPsApi;
423 | int rc = RTLdrLoad("PSAPI.dll", &hPsApi);
424 | if (RT_FAILURE_NP(rc))
425 | return false;
426 | PFNGETMODULEBASENAME pfnGetModuleBaseName;
427 | PFNENUMPROCESSES pfnEnumProcesses;
428 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hPsApi, "EnumProcesses", (void**)&pfnEnumProcesses);
429 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
430 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hPsApi, "GetModuleBaseName", (void**)&pfnGetModuleBaseName);
431 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
432 | {
433 | /*
434 | * Get a list of PID. We retry if it looks like there are more PIDs
435 | * to be returned than what we supplied buffer space for.
436 | */
437 | DWORD cbPidsAllocated = 4096;
438 | DWORD cbPidsReturned = 0;
439 | DWORD *paPids;
440 | for (;;)
441 | {
442 | paPids = (DWORD *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cbPidsAllocated);
443 | AssertBreakStmt(paPids, rc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY);
444 | if (!pfnEnumProcesses(paPids, cbPidsAllocated, &cbPidsReturned))
445 | {
446 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
447 | AssertMsgFailedBreak(("%Rrc\n", rc));
448 | }
449 | if ( cbPidsReturned < cbPidsAllocated
450 | || cbPidsAllocated >= _512K)
451 | break;
452 | RTMemTmpFree(paPids);
453 | cbPidsAllocated *= 2;
454 | }
455 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
456 | {
457 | /*
458 | * Search for the process.
459 | *
460 | * We ASSUME that the caller won't be specifying any names longer
461 | * than RTPATH_MAX.
462 | */
463 | DWORD cbProcName = RTPATH_MAX;
464 | char *pszProcName = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(RTPATH_MAX);
465 | if (pszProcName)
466 | {
467 | for (size_t i = 0; papszNames[i] && !fFound; i++)
468 | {
469 | const DWORD cPids = cbPidsReturned / sizeof(DWORD);
470 | for (DWORD iPid = 0; iPid < cPids && !fFound; iPid++)
471 | {
473 | if (hProc)
474 | {
475 | *pszProcName = '\0';
476 | DWORD cbRet = pfnGetModuleBaseName(hProc, 0 /*hModule = exe */, pszProcName, cbProcName);
477 | if ( cbRet > 0
478 | && _stricmp(pszProcName, papszNames[i]) == 0
479 | && RT_SUCCESS(rtProcWinGetProcessTokenHandle(paPids[iPid], pSid, phToken)))
480 | fFound = true;
481 | CloseHandle(hProc);
482 | }
483 | }
484 | }
485 | RTMemTmpFree(pszProcName);
486 | }
487 | else
488 | rc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
489 | }
490 | RTMemTmpFree(paPids);
491 | }
492 | RTLdrClose(hPsApi);
493 | return fFound;
494 | }
495 |
496 |
497 | /**
498 | * Finds a one of the processes in @a papszNames running with user @a pSid and
499 | * returns a duplicate handle to its token.
500 | *
501 | * @returns Success indicator.
502 | * @param papszNames The process candidates, in prioritized order.
503 | * @param pSid The secure identifier of the user.
504 | * @param phToken Where to return the token handle - duplicate,
505 | * caller closes it on success.
506 | */
507 | static bool rtProcWinFindTokenByProcess(const char * const *papszNames, PSID pSid, PHANDLE phToken)
508 | {
509 | AssertPtr(papszNames);
510 | AssertPtr(pSid);
511 | AssertPtr(phToken);
512 |
513 | bool fFound = false;
514 |
515 | /*
516 | * On modern systems (W2K+) try the Toolhelp32 API first; this is more stable
517 | * and reliable. Fallback to EnumProcess on NT4.
518 | */
519 | RTLDRMOD hKernel32;
520 | int rc = RTLdrLoad("Kernel32.dll", &hKernel32);
521 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
522 | {
523 | PFNCREATETOOLHELP32SNAPSHOT pfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot;
524 | PFNPROCESS32FIRST pfnProcess32First;
525 | PFNPROCESS32NEXT pfnProcess32Next;
526 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hKernel32, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", (void **)&pfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot);
527 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
528 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hKernel32, "Process32First", (void**)&pfnProcess32First);
529 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
530 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hKernel32, "Process32Next", (void**)&pfnProcess32Next);
531 |
532 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
533 | {
534 | HANDLE hSnap = pfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
535 | if (hSnap != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
536 | {
537 | for (size_t i = 0; papszNames[i] && !fFound; i++)
538 | {
539 | PROCESSENTRY32 procEntry;
540 | procEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
541 | if (pfnProcess32First(hSnap, &procEntry))
542 | {
543 | do
544 | {
545 | if ( _stricmp(procEntry.szExeFile, papszNames[i]) == 0
546 | && RT_SUCCESS(rtProcWinGetProcessTokenHandle(procEntry.th32ProcessID, pSid, phToken)))
547 | {
548 | fFound = true;
549 | break;
550 | }
551 | } while (pfnProcess32Next(hSnap, &procEntry));
552 | }
553 | #ifdef RT_STRICT
554 | else
555 | {
556 | DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
557 | AssertMsgFailed(("dwErr=%u (%x)\n", dwErr, dwErr));
558 | }
559 | #endif
560 | }
561 | CloseHandle(hSnap);
562 | }
563 | else /* hSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE */
564 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
565 | }
566 | RTLdrClose(hKernel32);
567 | }
568 |
569 | /* If we couldn't take a process snapshot for some reason or another, fall
570 | back on the NT4 compatible API. */
571 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
572 | return rtProcWinFindTokenByProcessAndPsApi(papszNames, pSid, phToken);
573 | return fFound;
574 | }
575 |
576 |
577 | /**
578 | * Logs on a specified user and returns its primary token.
579 | *
580 | * @return int
581 | *
582 | * @param pwszUser User name.
583 | * @param pwszPassword Password.
584 | * @param pwszDomain Domain (not used at the moment).
585 | * @param phToken Pointer to store the logon token.
586 | */
587 | static int rtProcWinUserLogon(PRTUTF16 pwszUser, PRTUTF16 pwszPassword, PRTUTF16 pwszDomain, HANDLE *phToken)
588 | {
589 | /** @todo Add domain support! */
590 | BOOL fRc = LogonUserW(pwszUser,
591 | /*
592 | * Because we have to deal with http://support.microsoft.com/kb/245683
593 | * for NULL domain names when running on NT4 here, pass an empty string if so.
594 | * However, passing FQDNs should work!
595 | */
596 | ((DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))) < 5) /* < Windows 2000. */
597 | ? L"" /* NT4 and older. */
598 | : NULL, /* Windows 2000 and up. */
599 | pwszPassword,
602 | phToken);
603 | if (!fRc)
604 | return rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(GetLastError());
605 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
606 | }
607 |
608 |
609 | /**
610 | * Logs off a user, specified by the given token.
611 | *
612 | * @param hToken The token (=user) to log off.
613 | */
614 | static void rtProcWinUserLogoff(HANDLE hToken)
615 | {
616 | CloseHandle(hToken);
617 | }
618 |
619 |
620 | /**
621 | * Creates an environment block out of a handed in Unicode and RTENV block.
622 | * The RTENV block can overwrite entries already present in the Unicode block.
623 | *
624 | * @return IPRT status code.
625 | *
626 | * @param pvBlock Unicode block (array) of environment entries; name=value
627 | * @param hEnv Handle of an existing RTENV block to use.
628 | * @param ppwszBlock Pointer to the final output.
629 | */
630 | static int rtProcWinEnvironmentCreateInternal(VOID *pvBlock, RTENV hEnv, PRTUTF16 *ppwszBlock)
631 | {
632 | RTENV hEnvTemp;
633 | int rc = RTEnvClone(&hEnvTemp, hEnv);
634 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
635 | {
636 | PCRTUTF16 pwch = (PCRTUTF16)pvBlock;
637 | while ( pwch
638 | && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
639 | {
640 | if (*pwch)
641 | {
642 | char *pszEntry;
643 | rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8(pwch, &pszEntry);
644 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
645 | {
646 | /* Don't overwrite values which we already have set to a custom value
647 | * specified in hEnv ... */
648 | if (!RTEnvExistEx(hEnv, pszEntry))
649 | rc = RTEnvPutEx(hEnvTemp, pszEntry);
650 | RTStrFree(pszEntry);
651 | }
652 | }
653 | pwch += RTUtf16Len(pwch) + 1;
654 | if (*pwch)
655 | break;
656 | }
657 |
658 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
659 | rc = RTEnvQueryUtf16Block(hEnvTemp, ppwszBlock);
660 | RTEnvDestroy(hEnvTemp);
661 | }
662 | return rc;
663 | }
664 |
665 |
666 | /**
667 | * Creates the environment block using Userenv.dll.
668 | *
669 | * Builds up the environment block for a specified user (identified by a token),
670 | * whereas hEnv is an additional set of environment variables which overwrite existing
671 | * values of the user profile. ppwszBlock needs to be destroyed after usage
672 | * calling rtProcWinDestoryEnv().
673 | *
674 | * @return IPRT status code.
675 | *
676 | * @param hToken Token of the user to use.
677 | * @param hEnv Own environment block to extend/overwrite the profile's data with.
678 | * @param ppwszBlock Pointer to a pointer of the final UTF16 environment block.
679 | */
680 | static int rtProcWinCreateEnvFromToken(HANDLE hToken, RTENV hEnv, PRTUTF16 *ppwszBlock)
681 | {
682 | RTLDRMOD hUserenv;
683 | int rc = RTLdrLoad("Userenv.dll", &hUserenv);
684 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
685 | {
686 | PFNCREATEENVIRONMENTBLOCK pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock;
687 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hUserenv, "CreateEnvironmentBlock", (void**)&pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock);
688 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
689 | {
691 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hUserenv, "DestroyEnvironmentBlock", (void**)&pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock);
692 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
693 | {
694 | LPVOID pvEnvBlockProfile = NULL;
695 | if (pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock(&pvEnvBlockProfile, hToken, FALSE /* Don't inherit from parent. */))
696 | {
697 | rc = rtProcWinEnvironmentCreateInternal(pvEnvBlockProfile, hEnv, ppwszBlock);
698 | pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock(pvEnvBlockProfile);
699 | }
700 | else
701 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
702 | }
703 | }
704 | RTLdrClose(hUserenv);
705 | }
706 |
707 | /* If we don't have the Userenv-API for whatever reason or something with the
708 | * native environment block failed, try to return at least our own environment block. */
709 | /** @todo this probably isn't a great idea if CreateEnvironmentBlock fails. */
710 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
711 | rc = RTEnvQueryUtf16Block(hEnv, ppwszBlock);
712 | return rc;
713 | }
714 |
715 |
716 | /**
717 | * Builds up the environment block for a specified user (identified by user name, password
718 | * and domain), whereas hEnv is an additional set of environment variables which overwrite
719 | * existing values of the user profile. ppwszBlock needs to be destroyed after usage
720 | * calling rtProcWinDestoryEnv().
721 | *
722 | * @return IPRT status code.
723 | *
724 | * @param pwszUser User name.
725 | * @param pwszPassword Password.
726 | * @param pwszDomain Domain.
727 | * @param hEnv Own environment block to extend/overwrite the profile's data with.
728 | * @param ppwszBlock Pointer to a pointer of the final UTF16 environment block.
729 | */
730 | static int rtProcWinCreateEnvFromAccount(PRTUTF16 pwszUser, PRTUTF16 pwszPassword, PRTUTF16 pwszDomain,
731 | RTENV hEnv, PRTUTF16 *ppwszBlock)
732 | {
733 | HANDLE hToken;
734 | int rc = rtProcWinUserLogon(pwszUser, pwszPassword, pwszDomain, &hToken);
735 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
736 | {
737 | rc = rtProcWinCreateEnvFromToken(hToken, hEnv, ppwszBlock);
738 | rtProcWinUserLogoff(hToken);
739 | }
740 | return rc;
741 | }
742 |
743 |
744 | /**
745 | * Destroys an environment block formerly created by rtProcWinEnvironmentCreateInternal(),
746 | * rtProcWinCreateEnvFromToken() or rtProcWinCreateEnvFromAccount().
747 | *
748 | * @param ppwszBlock Environment block to destroy.
749 | */
750 | static void rtProcWinDestroyEnv(PRTUTF16 ppwszBlock)
751 | {
752 | RTEnvFreeUtf16Block(ppwszBlock);
753 | }
754 |
755 |
756 | /**
757 | * Method \#2.
758 | */
759 | static int rtProcWinCreateAsUser2(PRTUTF16 pwszUser, PRTUTF16 pwszPassword, PRTUTF16 pwszExec, PRTUTF16 pwszCmdLine,
760 | RTENV hEnv, DWORD dwCreationFlags,
761 | STARTUPINFOW *pStartupInfo, PROCESS_INFORMATION *pProcInfo, uint32_t fFlags)
762 | {
763 | /*
764 | * So if we want to start a process from a service (RTPROC_FLAGS_SERVICE),
765 | * we have to do the following:
766 | * - Check the credentials supplied and get the user SID.
767 | * - If valid get the correct Explorer/VBoxTray instance corresponding to that
768 | * user. This of course is only possible if that user is logged in (over
769 | * physical console or terminal services).
770 | * - If we found the user's Explorer/VBoxTray app, use and modify the token to
771 | * use it in order to allow the newly started process to access the user's
772 | * desktop. If there's no Explorer/VBoxTray app we cannot display the started
773 | * process (but run it without UI).
774 | *
775 | * The following restrictions apply:
776 | * - A process only can show its UI when the user the process should run
777 | * under is logged in (has a desktop).
778 | * - We do not want to display a process of user A run on the desktop
779 | * of user B on multi session systems.
780 | *
781 | * The following rights are needed in order to use LogonUserW and
782 | * CreateProcessAsUserW, so the local policy has to be modified to:
783 | * - SE_TCB_NAME = Act as part of the operating system
784 | * - SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME = Create/replace a token object
786 | *
787 | * We may fail here with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD.
788 | */
789 | DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
790 | PHANDLE phToken = NULL;
792 | int rc = rtProcWinUserLogon(pwszUser, pwszPassword, NULL /* Domain */, &hTokenLogon);
793 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
794 | {
795 | DWORD fRc;
796 | bool fFound = false;
797 | HANDLE hTokenUserDesktop = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
798 |
799 | if (fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_SERVICE)
800 | {
801 | DWORD cbSid = 0; /* Must be zero to query size! */
802 | DWORD cchDomain = 0;
803 | SID_NAME_USE sidNameUse = SidTypeUser;
804 | fRc = LookupAccountNameW(NULL,
805 | pwszUser,
806 | NULL,
807 | &cbSid,
808 | NULL,
809 | &cchDomain,
810 | &sidNameUse);
811 | if (!fRc)
812 | dwErr = GetLastError();
813 | if ( !fRc
815 | && cbSid > 0)
816 | {
817 | dwErr = NO_ERROR;
818 |
819 | PSID pSid = (PSID)RTMemAlloc(cbSid * sizeof(wchar_t)); /** @todo r=bird: What's the relationship between wchar_t and PSID? */
820 | AssertPtrReturn(pSid, VERR_NO_MEMORY); /** @todo r=bird: Leaking token handles when we're out of memory... */
821 |
822 | PRTUTF16 pwszDomain = NULL;
823 | if (cchDomain > 0)
824 | {
825 | pwszDomain = (PRTUTF16)RTMemAlloc(cchDomain * sizeof(RTUTF16));
826 | AssertPtrReturn(pwszDomain, VERR_NO_MEMORY); /** @todo r=bird: Leaking token handles when we're out of memory... */
827 | }
828 |
829 | /* Note: Also supports FQDNs! */
830 | if ( LookupAccountNameW(NULL, /* lpSystemName */
831 | pwszUser,
832 | pSid,
833 | &cbSid,
834 | pwszDomain,
835 | &cchDomain,
836 | &sidNameUse)
837 | && IsValidSid(pSid))
838 | {
839 | /* Array of process names we want to look for. */
840 | static const char * const s_papszProcNames[] =
841 | {
842 | #ifdef VBOX /* The explorer entry is a fallback in case GA aren't installed. */
843 | { "VBoxTray.exe" },
844 | #endif
845 | { "explorer.exe" },
846 | NULL
847 | };
848 | fFound = rtProcWinFindTokenByProcess(s_papszProcNames, pSid, &hTokenUserDesktop);
849 | }
850 | else
851 | dwErr = GetLastError(); /* LookupAccountNameW() failed. */
852 | RTMemFree(pSid);
853 | RTMemFree(pwszDomain);
854 | }
855 | }
856 | else /* !RTPROC_FLAGS_SERVICE */
857 | {
858 | /* Nothing to do here right now. */
859 | }
860 |
861 | /** @todo Hmm, this function already is too big! We need to split
862 | * it up into several small parts. */
863 |
864 | /* If we got an error due to account lookup/loading above, don't
865 | * continue here. */
866 | if (dwErr == NO_ERROR)
867 | {
868 | /*
869 | * If we didn't find a matching VBoxTray, just use the token we got
870 | * above from LogonUserW(). This enables us to at least run processes with
871 | * desktop interaction without UI.
872 | */
873 | phToken = fFound ? &hTokenUserDesktop : &hTokenLogon;
874 | RTLDRMOD hUserenv;
875 | int rc = RTLdrLoad("Userenv.dll", &hUserenv);
876 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
877 | {
878 | PFNLOADUSERPROFILEW pfnLoadUserProfileW;
879 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hUserenv, "LoadUserProfileW", (void**)&pfnLoadUserProfileW);
880 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
881 | {
882 | PFNUNLOADUSERPROFILE pfnUnloadUserProfile;
883 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hUserenv, "UnloadUserProfile", (void**)&pfnUnloadUserProfile);
884 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
885 | {
886 | PROFILEINFOW profileInfo;
887 | if (!(fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_NO_PROFILE))
888 | {
889 | RT_ZERO(profileInfo);
890 | profileInfo.dwSize = sizeof(profileInfo);
891 | profileInfo.lpUserName = pwszUser;
892 | profileInfo.dwFlags = PI_NOUI; /* Prevents the display of profile error messages. */
893 |
894 | if (!pfnLoadUserProfileW(*phToken, &profileInfo))
895 | dwErr = GetLastError();
896 | }
897 |
898 | if (dwErr == NO_ERROR)
899 | {
900 | PRTUTF16 pwszzBlock;
901 | rc = rtProcWinCreateEnvFromToken(*phToken, hEnv, &pwszzBlock);
902 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
903 | {
904 | /*
905 | * Useful KB articles:
906 | * http://support.microsoft.com/kb/165194/
907 | * http://support.microsoft.com/kb/184802/
908 | * http://support.microsoft.com/kb/327618/
909 | */
910 | fRc = CreateProcessAsUserW(*phToken,
911 | pwszExec,
912 | pwszCmdLine,
913 | NULL, /* pProcessAttributes */
914 | NULL, /* pThreadAttributes */
915 | TRUE, /* fInheritHandles */
916 | dwCreationFlags,
917 | pwszzBlock,
918 | NULL, /* pCurrentDirectory */
919 | pStartupInfo,
920 | pProcInfo);
921 | if (fRc)
922 | dwErr = NO_ERROR;
923 | else
924 | dwErr = GetLastError(); /* CreateProcessAsUserW() failed. */
925 | rtProcWinDestroyEnv(pwszzBlock);
926 | }
927 |
928 | if (!(fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_NO_PROFILE))
929 | {
930 | fRc = pfnUnloadUserProfile(*phToken, profileInfo.hProfile);
931 | #ifdef RT_STRICT
932 | if (!fRc)
933 | {
934 | DWORD dwErr2 = GetLastError();
935 | AssertMsgFailed(("Unloading user profile failed with error %u (%#x) - Are all handles closed? (dwErr=%u)",
936 | dwErr2, dwErr2, dwErr));
937 | }
938 | #endif
939 | }
940 | }
941 | }
942 | }
943 | RTLdrClose(hUserenv);
944 | } /* Userenv.dll found/loaded? */
945 | } /* Account lookup succeeded? */
946 | if (hTokenUserDesktop != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
947 | CloseHandle(hTokenUserDesktop);
948 | rtProcWinUserLogoff(hTokenLogon);
949 | }
950 |
951 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
952 | && dwErr != NO_ERROR)
953 | rc = rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(dwErr);
954 | return rc;
955 | }
956 |
957 |
958 | /**
959 | * Method \#1.
960 | *
961 | * This may fail on too old (NT4) platforms or if the calling process
962 | * is running on a SYSTEM account (like a service, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) on newer
963 | * platforms (however, this works on W2K!).
964 | */
965 | static int rtProcWinCreateAsUser1(PRTUTF16 pwszUser, PRTUTF16 pwszPassword, PRTUTF16 pwszExec, PRTUTF16 pwszCmdLine,
966 | RTENV hEnv, DWORD dwCreationFlags,
967 | STARTUPINFOW *pStartupInfo, PROCESS_INFORMATION *pProcInfo, uint32_t fFlags)
968 | {
969 | RTLDRMOD hAdvAPI32;
970 | int rc = RTLdrLoad("Advapi32.dll", &hAdvAPI32);
971 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
972 | {
974 | rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hAdvAPI32, "CreateProcessWithLogonW", (void **)&pfnCreateProcessWithLogonW);
975 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
976 | {
977 | PRTUTF16 pwszzBlock;
978 | rc = rtProcWinCreateEnvFromAccount(pwszUser, pwszPassword, NULL /* Domain */,
979 | hEnv, &pwszzBlock);
980 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
981 | {
982 | BOOL fRc = pfnCreateProcessWithLogonW(pwszUser,
983 | NULL, /* lpDomain*/
984 | pwszPassword,
985 | 1 /*LOGON_WITH_PROFILE*/, /* dwLogonFlags */
986 | pwszExec,
987 | pwszCmdLine,
988 | dwCreationFlags,
989 | pwszzBlock,
990 | NULL, /* pCurrentDirectory */
991 | pStartupInfo,
992 | pProcInfo);
993 | if (!fRc)
994 | rc = rtProcWinMapErrorCodes(GetLastError());
995 | rtProcWinDestroyEnv(pwszzBlock);
996 | }
997 | }
998 | RTLdrClose(hAdvAPI32);
999 | }
1000 | return rc;
1001 | }
1002 |
1003 |
1004 | static int rtProcWinCreateAsUser(PRTUTF16 pwszUser, PRTUTF16 pwszPassword, PRTUTF16 pwszExec, PRTUTF16 pwszCmdLine,
1005 | RTENV hEnv, DWORD dwCreationFlags,
1006 | STARTUPINFOW *pStartupInfo, PROCESS_INFORMATION *pProcInfo, uint32_t fFlags)
1007 | {
1008 | /*
1009 | * If we run as a service CreateProcessWithLogon will fail,
1010 | * so don't even try it (because of Local System context).
1011 | */
1012 | int rc = VERR_TRY_AGAIN;
1013 | if (!(fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_SERVICE))
1014 | rc = rtProcWinCreateAsUser1(pwszUser, pwszPassword, pwszExec, pwszCmdLine, hEnv, dwCreationFlags, pStartupInfo, pProcInfo, fFlags);
1015 |
1016 | /*
1017 | * Did the API call above fail because we're running on a too old OS (NT4) or
1018 | * we're running as a Windows service?
1019 | */
1020 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1021 | rc = rtProcWinCreateAsUser2(pwszUser, pwszPassword, pwszExec, pwszCmdLine, hEnv, dwCreationFlags, pStartupInfo, pProcInfo, fFlags);
1022 |
1023 | return rc;
1024 | }
1025 |
1026 |
1027 | /**
1028 | * RTPathTraverseList callback used by RTProcCreateEx to locate the executable.
1029 | */
1030 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtPathFindExec(char const *pchPath, size_t cchPath, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
1031 | {
1032 | const char *pszExec = (const char *)pvUser1;
1033 | char *pszRealExec = (char *)pvUser2;
1034 | int rc = RTPathJoinEx(pszRealExec, RTPATH_MAX, pchPath, cchPath, pszExec, RTSTR_MAX);
1035 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1036 | return rc;
1037 | if (RTFileExists(pszRealExec))
1038 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1039 | return VERR_TRY_AGAIN;
1040 | }
1041 |
1042 |
1043 | RTR3DECL(int) RTProcCreateEx(const char *pszExec, const char * const *papszArgs, RTENV hEnv, uint32_t fFlags,
1044 | PCRTHANDLE phStdIn, PCRTHANDLE phStdOut, PCRTHANDLE phStdErr, const char *pszAsUser,
1045 | const char *pszPassword, PRTPROCESS phProcess)
1046 | {
1047 | /*
1048 | * Input validation
1049 | */
1050 | AssertPtrReturn(pszExec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1051 | AssertReturn(*pszExec, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1055 | AssertReturn(!(fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_DETACHED) || !phProcess, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1056 | AssertReturn(hEnv != NIL_RTENV, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1057 | AssertPtrReturn(papszArgs, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1058 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pszAsUser, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1059 | AssertReturn(!pszAsUser || *pszAsUser, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1060 | AssertReturn(!pszPassword || pszAsUser, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1061 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pszPassword, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1062 | /** @todo search the PATH (add flag for this). */
1063 |
1064 | /*
1065 | * Initialize the globals.
1066 | */
1067 | int rc = RTOnce(&g_rtProcWinInitOnce, rtProcWinInitOnce, NULL);
1068 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
1069 |
1070 | /*
1071 | * Resolve the executable name via the PATH if requested.
1072 | */
1073 | char szRealExec[RTPATH_MAX];
1074 | if ( (fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_SEARCH_PATH)
1075 | && !RTPathHavePath(pszExec)
1076 | && !RTPathExists(pszExec) )
1077 | {
1078 | /* search */
1079 | char *pszPath;
1080 | if (RTEnvExistEx(hEnv, "PATH"))
1081 | pszPath = RTEnvDupEx(hEnv, "PATH");
1082 | else
1083 | pszPath = RTEnvDupEx(hEnv, "Path");
1084 | rc = RTPathTraverseList(pszPath, ';', rtPathFindExec, (void *)pszExec, &szRealExec[0]);
1085 | RTStrFree(pszPath);
1086 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1087 | return rc == VERR_END_OF_STRING ? VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND : rc;
1088 | pszExec = szRealExec;
1089 | }
1090 |
1091 | /*
1092 | * Get the file descriptors for the handles we've been passed.
1093 | *
1094 | * It seems there is no point in trying to convince a child process's CRT
1095 | * that any of the standard file handles is non-TEXT. So, we don't...
1096 | */
1097 | STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo;
1098 | RT_ZERO(StartupInfo);
1099 | StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo);
1100 | StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
1101 | #if 1 /* The CRT should keep the standard handles up to date. */
1102 | StartupInfo.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
1103 | StartupInfo.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
1104 | StartupInfo.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
1105 | #else
1106 | StartupInfo.hStdInput = _get_osfhandle(0);
1107 | StartupInfo.hStdOutput = _get_osfhandle(1);
1108 | StartupInfo.hStdError = _get_osfhandle(2);
1109 | #endif
1110 | /* If we want to have a hidden process (e.g. not visible to
1111 | * to the user) use the STARTUPINFO flags. */
1112 | if (fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_HIDDEN)
1113 | {
1114 | StartupInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
1115 | StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
1116 | }
1117 |
1118 | PCRTHANDLE paHandles[3] = { phStdIn, phStdOut, phStdErr };
1119 | HANDLE *aphStds[3] = { &StartupInfo.hStdInput, &StartupInfo.hStdOutput, &StartupInfo.hStdError };
1120 | DWORD afInhStds[3] = { 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff };
1121 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1122 | {
1123 | if (paHandles[i])
1124 | {
1125 | AssertPtrReturn(paHandles[i], VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1126 | switch (paHandles[i]->enmType)
1127 | {
1129 | *aphStds[i] = paHandles[i]->u.hFile != NIL_RTFILE
1130 | ? (HANDLE)RTFileToNative(paHandles[i]->u.hFile)
1132 | break;
1133 |
1135 | *aphStds[i] = paHandles[i]->u.hPipe != NIL_RTPIPE
1136 | ? (HANDLE)RTPipeToNative(paHandles[i]->u.hPipe)
1138 | break;
1139 |
1141 | *aphStds[i] = paHandles[i]->u.hSocket != NIL_RTSOCKET
1142 | ? (HANDLE)RTSocketToNative(paHandles[i]->u.hSocket)
1144 | break;
1145 |
1146 | default:
1147 | AssertMsgFailedReturn(("%d: %d\n", i, paHandles[i]->enmType), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1148 | }
1149 |
1150 | /* Get the inheritability of the handle. */
1151 | if (*aphStds[i] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1152 | {
1153 | if (!GetHandleInformation(*aphStds[i], &afInhStds[i]))
1154 | {
1155 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
1156 | AssertMsgFailedReturn(("%Rrc %p\n", rc, *aphStds[i]), rc);
1157 | }
1158 | }
1159 | }
1160 | }
1161 |
1162 | /*
1163 | * Set the inheritability any handles we're handing the child.
1164 | */
1165 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1166 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1167 | if ( (afInhStds[i] != 0xffffffff)
1168 | && !(afInhStds[i] & HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT))
1169 | {
1170 | if (!SetHandleInformation(*aphStds[i], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT))
1171 | {
1172 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
1173 | AssertMsgFailedBreak(("%Rrc %p\n", rc, *aphStds[i]));
1174 | }
1175 | }
1176 |
1177 | /*
1178 | * Create the environment block, command line and convert the executable
1179 | * name.
1180 | */
1181 | PRTUTF16 pwszzBlock;
1182 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1183 | rc = RTEnvQueryUtf16Block(hEnv, &pwszzBlock);
1184 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1185 | {
1186 | PRTUTF16 pwszCmdLine;
1187 | rc = RTGetOptArgvToUtf16String(&pwszCmdLine, papszArgs, RTGETOPTARGV_CNV_QUOTE_MS_CRT);
1188 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1189 | {
1190 | PRTUTF16 pwszExec;
1191 | rc = RTStrToUtf16(pszExec, &pwszExec);
1192 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1193 | {
1194 | /*
1195 | * Get going...
1196 | */
1198 | RT_ZERO(ProcInfo);
1200 | if (fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_DETACHED)
1201 | dwCreationFlags |= DETACHED_PROCESS;
1202 | if (fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_NO_WINDOW)
1203 | dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
1204 |
1205 | /*
1206 | * Only use the normal CreateProcess stuff if we have no user name
1207 | * and we are not running from a (Windows) service. Otherwise use
1208 | * the more advanced version in rtProcWinCreateAsUser().
1209 | */
1210 | if ( pszAsUser == NULL
1211 | && !(fFlags & RTPROC_FLAGS_SERVICE))
1212 | {
1213 | if (CreateProcessW(pwszExec,
1214 | pwszCmdLine,
1215 | NULL, /* pProcessAttributes */
1216 | NULL, /* pThreadAttributes */
1217 | TRUE, /* fInheritHandles */
1218 | dwCreationFlags,
1219 | pwszzBlock,
1220 | NULL, /* pCurrentDirectory */
1221 | &StartupInfo,
1222 | &ProcInfo))
1223 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1224 | else
1225 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
1226 | }
1227 | else
1228 | {
1229 | /*
1230 | * Convert the additional parameters and use a helper
1231 | * function to do the actual work.
1232 | */
1233 | PRTUTF16 pwszUser;
1234 | rc = RTStrToUtf16(pszAsUser, &pwszUser);
1235 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1236 | {
1237 | PRTUTF16 pwszPassword;
1238 | rc = RTStrToUtf16(pszPassword ? pszPassword : "", &pwszPassword);
1239 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1240 | {
1241 | rc = rtProcWinCreateAsUser(pwszUser, pwszPassword,
1242 | pwszExec, pwszCmdLine, hEnv, dwCreationFlags,
1243 | &StartupInfo, &ProcInfo, fFlags);
1244 |
1245 | RTUtf16Free(pwszPassword);
1246 | }
1247 | RTUtf16Free(pwszUser);
1248 | }
1249 | }
1250 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1251 | {
1252 | CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread);
1253 | if (phProcess)
1254 | {
1255 | /*
1256 | * Add the process to the child process list so
1257 | * RTProcWait can reuse and close the process handle.
1258 | */
1259 | rtProcWinAddPid(ProcInfo.dwProcessId, ProcInfo.hProcess);
1260 | *phProcess = ProcInfo.dwProcessId;
1261 | }
1262 | else
1263 | CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess);
1264 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1265 | }
1266 | RTUtf16Free(pwszExec);
1267 | }
1268 | RTUtf16Free(pwszCmdLine);
1269 | }
1270 | RTEnvFreeUtf16Block(pwszzBlock);
1271 | }
1272 |
1273 | /* Undo any handle inherit changes. */
1274 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1275 | if ( (afInhStds[i] != 0xffffffff)
1276 | && !(afInhStds[i] & HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT))
1277 | {
1278 | if (!SetHandleInformation(*aphStds[i], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0))
1279 | AssertMsgFailed(("%Rrc %p\n", RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()), *aphStds[i]));
1280 | }
1281 |
1282 | return rc;
1283 | }
1284 |
1285 |
1286 |
1287 | RTR3DECL(int) RTProcWait(RTPROCESS Process, unsigned fFlags, PRTPROCSTATUS pProcStatus)
1288 | {
1290 | int rc = RTOnce(&g_rtProcWinInitOnce, rtProcWinInitOnce, NULL);
1291 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
1292 |
1293 | /*
1294 | * Try find the process among the ones we've spawned, otherwise, attempt
1295 | * opening the specified process.
1296 | */
1297 | HANDLE hOpenedProc = NULL;
1298 | HANDLE hProcess = rtProcWinFindPid(Process);
1299 | if (hProcess == NULL)
1300 | {
1301 | hProcess = hOpenedProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, Process);
1302 | if (hProcess == NULL)
1303 | {
1304 | DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
1305 | if (dwErr == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
1307 | return RTErrConvertFromWin32(dwErr);
1308 | }
1309 | }
1310 |
1311 | /*
1312 | * Wait for it to terminate.
1313 | */
1314 | DWORD Millies = fFlags == RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_BLOCK ? INFINITE : 0;
1315 | DWORD WaitRc = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hProcess, Millies, TRUE);
1316 | while (WaitRc == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION)
1317 | WaitRc = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hProcess, Millies, TRUE);
1318 | switch (WaitRc)
1319 | {
1320 | /*
1321 | * It has terminated.
1322 | */
1323 | case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
1324 | {
1325 | DWORD dwExitCode;
1326 | if (GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &dwExitCode))
1327 | {
1328 | /** @todo the exit code can be special statuses. */
1329 | if (pProcStatus)
1330 | {
1331 | pProcStatus->enmReason = RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL;
1332 | pProcStatus->iStatus = (int)dwExitCode;
1333 | }
1334 | if (hOpenedProc == NULL)
1335 | rtProcWinRemovePid(Process);
1336 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1337 | }
1338 | else
1339 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
1340 | break;
1341 | }
1342 |
1343 | /*
1344 | * It hasn't terminated just yet.
1345 | */
1346 | case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
1348 | break;
1349 |
1350 | /*
1351 | * Something went wrong...
1352 | */
1353 | case WAIT_FAILED:
1354 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
1355 | break;
1356 |
1357 | case WAIT_ABANDONED:
1358 | AssertFailed();
1360 | break;
1361 |
1362 | default:
1363 | AssertMsgFailed(("WaitRc=%RU32\n", WaitRc));
1365 | break;
1366 | }
1367 |
1368 | if (hOpenedProc != NULL)
1369 | CloseHandle(hOpenedProc);
1370 | return rc;
1371 | }
1372 |
1373 |
1374 | RTR3DECL(int) RTProcWaitNoResume(RTPROCESS Process, unsigned fFlags, PRTPROCSTATUS pProcStatus)
1375 | {
1376 | /** @todo this isn't quite right. */
1377 | return RTProcWait(Process, fFlags, pProcStatus);
1378 | }
1379 |
1380 |
1381 | RTR3DECL(int) RTProcTerminate(RTPROCESS Process)
1382 | {
1383 | if (Process == NIL_RTPROCESS)
1384 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1385 |
1386 | int rc = RTOnce(&g_rtProcWinInitOnce, rtProcWinInitOnce, NULL);
1387 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
1388 |
1389 | /*
1390 | * Try find the process among the ones we've spawned, otherwise, attempt
1391 | * opening the specified process.
1392 | */
1393 | HANDLE hProcess = rtProcWinFindPid(Process);
1394 | if (hProcess != NULL)
1395 | {
1396 | if (!TerminateProcess(hProcess, 127))
1397 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
1398 | }
1399 | else
1400 | {
1401 | hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, Process);
1402 | if (hProcess != NULL)
1403 | {
1404 | BOOL fRc = TerminateProcess(hProcess, 127);
1405 | DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
1406 | CloseHandle(hProcess);
1407 | if (!fRc)
1408 | rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(dwErr);
1409 | }
1410 | }
1411 | return rc;
1412 | }
1413 |
1414 |
1415 | RTR3DECL(uint64_t) RTProcGetAffinityMask(void)
1416 | {
1417 | DWORD_PTR dwProcessAffinityMask = 0xffffffff;
1418 | DWORD_PTR dwSystemAffinityMask;
1419 |
1420 | BOOL fRc = GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), &dwProcessAffinityMask, &dwSystemAffinityMask);
1421 | Assert(fRc);
1422 |
1423 | return dwProcessAffinityMask;
1424 | }
1425 |
1426 |
1427 | RTR3DECL(int) RTProcQueryUsername(RTPROCESS hProcess, char *pszUser, size_t cbUser,
1428 | size_t *pcbUser)
1429 | {
1430 | AssertReturn( (pszUser && cbUser > 0)
1431 | || (!pszUser && !cbUser), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1432 |
1433 | if (hProcess != RTProcSelf())
1434 | return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
1435 |
1436 | RTUTF16 awszUserName[UNLEN + 1];
1437 | DWORD cchUserName = UNLEN + 1;
1438 |
1439 | if (!GetUserNameW(&awszUserName[0], &cchUserName))
1440 | return RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
1441 |
1442 | char *pszUserName = NULL;
1443 | int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8(awszUserName, &pszUserName);
1444 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1445 | {
1446 | size_t cbUserName = strlen(pszUserName) + 1;
1447 |
1448 | if (pcbUser)
1449 | *pcbUser = cbUserName;
1450 |
1451 | if (cbUserName > cbUser)
1453 | else
1454 | {
1455 | memcpy(pszUser, pszUserName, cbUserName);
1456 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1457 | }
1458 |
1459 | RTStrFree(pszUserName);
1460 | }
1461 |
1462 | return rc;
1463 | }
1464 |