
source: vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/testcase/tstIprtList.cpp@ 37352

Last change on this file since 37352 was 36563, checked in by vboxsync, 14 years ago

iprt-cpp: More RTC*List methods. Added explicit constructors to the specializations.

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File size: 23.2 KB
1/* $Id: tstIprtList.cpp 36563 2011-04-05 15:28:31Z vboxsync $ */
2/** @file
3 * IPRT Testcase - RTCList/RTCMTList.
4 */
7 * Copyright (C) 2011 Oracle Corporation
8 *
9 * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 * available from This file is free software;
11 * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 *
17 * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 *
23 * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 */
28* Header Files *
30#include <iprt/cpp/mtlist.h>
32#include <iprt/cpp/ministring.h>
33#include <iprt/test.h>
34#include <iprt/rand.h>
35#include <iprt/thread.h>
39* Global Variables *
41/** Used for the string test. */
42static const char *g_apszTestStrings[] =
44 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
45 "Vestibulum non turpis vel metus pellentesque tincidunt at id massa.",
46 "Cras quis erat sed nulla ullamcorper molestie.",
47 "Mauris ac elit turpis, id pulvinar diam.",
48 "Nulla quis dolor dolor, in ultrices diam.",
49 "Vivamus ac quam non ipsum vehicula tempor ac ac arcu.",
50 "Aenean posuere lacus blandit erat semper eu iaculis ante eleifend.",
51 "Donec quis quam a lacus interdum sollicitudin quis eu est.",
52 "Morbi sed nisi a arcu commodo convallis.",
53 "Aenean molestie condimentum velit, non mattis magna ultricies quis.",
54 "Nulla id velit at mauris gravida mattis.",
55 "Phasellus viverra velit eu urna semper in porta arcu sollicitudin.",
56 "Pellentesque consequat turpis et tortor hendrerit id tempor ipsum lacinia.",
57 "Cras iaculis nulla quis risus pulvinar eget tempor lectus placerat.",
58 "Nullam in nulla sed sapien euismod euismod.",
59 "Morbi in tortor at magna sagittis fermentum ut eu nunc.",
60 "Nulla vitae ante sit amet dui molestie sagittis lacinia quis tellus.",
61 "Proin iaculis lorem ultricies metus bibendum tincidunt.",
62 "Sed gravida purus id risus sollicitudin ac porta orci vestibulum.",
63 "Duis quis purus non ligula consectetur cursus eu interdum erat.",
64 "Nullam non nunc in elit volutpat tempor in nec metus.",
65 "Aliquam id purus eget enim luctus molestie.",
66 "Sed id elit nec elit luctus scelerisque.",
67 "Suspendisse viverra leo non ligula congue ac luctus nisl vulputate.",
68 "Nulla dignissim lobortis nunc, eu tempus ipsum luctus sed.",
69 "Integer vel lacus lacus, quis condimentum felis.",
70 "Nulla ut lacus ac lacus gravida ultrices id sed ipsum.",
71 "Etiam non purus ut augue fermentum consequat.",
72 "Nam sit amet eros quis nibh blandit lacinia non posuere lectus.",
73 "Sed sit amet ipsum et dolor sagittis facilisis.",
74 "Ut congue nisi lacus, vel ultrices est.",
75 "Donec vel erat ut justo hendrerit sodales eu eget libero.",
76 "Integer a ipsum ac nunc eleifend congue convallis a urna.",
77 "Sed vel eros eu lectus imperdiet vehicula.",
78 "Vivamus eget turpis sed erat dapibus varius eget eu nulla.",
79 "Nam id nulla non elit eleifend commodo sed ac est.",
80 "Integer pulvinar dolor sodales velit pulvinar et facilisis eros scelerisque.",
81 "Ut mattis arcu ut libero imperdiet in rhoncus augue sodales.",
82 "Ut luctus turpis ligula, id dapibus felis.",
83 "Nullam sit amet sapien eget tellus hendrerit vestibulum eget in odio.",
84 "Phasellus non orci vitae mi placerat semper.",
85 "Quisque pharetra aliquet velit, quis tempor magna porttitor nec.",
86 "Praesent porta neque felis, vehicula facilisis odio.",
87 "Maecenas ultricies ipsum eu velit laoreet faucibus.",
88 "Mauris et nunc leo, et euismod quam.",
89 "Phasellus a felis et justo fringilla lacinia.",
90 "Vestibulum eget augue ante, ac viverra neque.",
91 "Mauris pellentesque ligula quis metus elementum venenatis.",
92 "Curabitur eu neque tellus, non porta sapien.",
93 "Ut mattis metus id enim aliquam laoreet et sed tortor.",
94 "Aenean quis nulla vitae nulla auctor lobortis a egestas turpis.",
95 "Praesent vitae ante a urna porta placerat non nec eros.",
96 "Donec quis neque eros, placerat adipiscing turpis.",
97 "Cras sit amet sapien risus, quis euismod arcu.",
98 "Integer volutpat massa eros, ac gravida mi.",
99 "Nunc vitae nunc sagittis diam vulputate suscipit.",
100 "Suspendisse quis mauris bibendum mauris aliquet pulvinar.",
101 "Donec volutpat vestibulum ligula, eget interdum tortor malesuada sit amet.",
102 "Mauris hendrerit dui non nibh varius sit amet fringilla orci pretium.",
103 "Phasellus a quam tellus, auctor lacinia sapien.",
104 "Sed dapibus leo vitae neque faucibus id porttitor sapien ultricies.",
105 "Maecenas euismod elit nec tortor sagittis pretium.",
106 "Ut tincidunt risus at erat fermentum sit amet molestie ante lacinia.",
107 "Nulla non leo nec lacus sollicitudin lobortis a a nisl.",
108 "Nunc vulputate erat vel libero elementum a interdum turpis malesuada.",
109 "Morbi id libero turpis, a lobortis dolor.",
110 "Donec vehicula imperdiet lorem, non pretium nulla tempus ut.",
111 "Morbi lacinia massa id nunc tempus in blandit risus blandit.",
112 "Sed feugiat orci id ipsum suscipit quis fringilla enim rutrum.",
113 "Mauris suscipit lobortis urna, vel dictum justo iaculis ac.",
114 "In rhoncus lectus tristique nunc blandit gravida placerat turpis rutrum.",
115 "Aliquam pellentesque ornare justo, sed hendrerit metus mattis a.",
116 "Nam aliquet lorem congue nisl blandit posuere.",
117 "Sed lobortis interdum ipsum, ac cursus erat lacinia in.",
118 "Maecenas vel tortor vel lorem facilisis interdum.",
119 "Aenean porttitor massa enim, eget dignissim est.",
120 "Nullam id libero lacus, mattis feugiat risus.",
121 "Fusce et dolor at eros ornare auctor malesuada vel ipsum.",
122 "Donec at massa sit amet lorem pellentesque interdum at ac lacus.",
123 "Praesent suscipit velit at justo suscipit eu vestibulum ligula interdum.",
124 "Aenean id justo nulla, vitae vulputate diam.",
125 "Fusce pellentesque leo quis orci pulvinar at pellentesque tellus dictum.",
126 "Ut facilisis purus at enim varius vulputate.",
127 "Donec malesuada bibendum sapien, sed pretium nisi cursus quis.",
128 "Mauris porttitor diam ut sapien pretium egestas.",
129 "Vestibulum ut justo eu libero semper convallis vitae et velit.",
130 "Quisque eleifend dapibus ligula, eu tincidunt massa rutrum at.",
131 "Sed euismod diam eget enim suscipit dictum.",
132 "Mauris fermentum orci eu nunc venenatis in sollicitudin tellus vestibulum.",
133 "Vivamus faucibus consequat turpis, lobortis vehicula lectus gravida eget.",
134 "Curabitur eu erat eu mi interdum scelerisque.",
135 "Morbi consequat molestie nulla, imperdiet elementum augue sagittis vel.",
136 "Sed ullamcorper velit suscipit arcu egestas quis commodo est hendrerit.",
137 "Proin vitae velit ut enim sollicitudin ultrices.",
138 "Curabitur posuere euismod lacus, sed volutpat erat adipiscing sit amet.",
139 "Cras sit amet sem lorem, in cursus augue.",
140 "Sed fermentum ultricies orci, quis hendrerit risus imperdiet et.",
141 "Proin nec arcu interdum ipsum molestie vestibulum.",
142 "Nulla quis quam non sem pretium scelerisque et eu velit.",
143 "Donec eu tellus nisl, ac vehicula tortor."
148 * Does a list test.
149 *
150 * @param T1 The list type.
151 * @param T2 The input type
152 * @param pcszDesc The test description.
153 * @param paTestData Pointer to the array with the test input data.
154 * @param cTestItems The size of the input data.
155 */
156template<template <class, typename> class L, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
157static void test1(const char *pcszDesc, T3 paTestData[], size_t cTestItems)
159 RTTestISubF("%s with size of %u (items=%u)", pcszDesc, sizeof(T1), cTestItems);
161 /*
162 * Construction
163 */
165 /* Create a test list */
166 L<T1, T2> testList;
168 const size_t defCap = L<T1, T2>::DefaultCapacity;
169 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.isEmpty());
170 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.size() == 0);
171 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.capacity() == defCap);
173 /*
174 * Adding
175 */
177 /* Add the second half of the test data */
178 size_t cAdded = 1;
180 /* Start adding the second half of our test list */
181 for (size_t i = cTestItems / 2; i < cTestItems; ++i, ++cAdded)
182 {
183 testList.append(paTestData[i]);
184 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cAdded);
185 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[cTestItems / 2]);
186 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList[0] == paTestData[cTestItems / 2]);
187 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.first() == paTestData[cTestItems / 2]);
188 RTTESTI_CHECK( - 1) == paTestData[i]);
189 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList[cAdded - 1] == paTestData[i]);
190 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.last() == paTestData[i]);
191 }
193 /* Check that all is correctly appended. */
194 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems / 2);
195 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.isEmpty() == false);
196 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
197 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[cTestItems / 2 + i]);
199 /* Start prepending the first half of our test list. Iterate reverse to get
200 * the correct sorting back. */
201 for (size_t i = cTestItems / 2; i > 0; --i, ++cAdded)
202 {
203 testList.prepend(paTestData[i - 1]);
204 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cAdded);
205 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[i - 1]);
206 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList[0] == paTestData[i - 1]);
207 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.first() == paTestData[i - 1]);
208 RTTESTI_CHECK( - 1) == paTestData[cTestItems - 1]);
209 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList[cAdded - 1] == paTestData[cTestItems - 1]);
210 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.last() == paTestData[cTestItems - 1]);
211 }
213 /* Check that all is correctly prepended. */
214 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems);
215 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.isEmpty() == false);
216 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
217 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[i]);
219 /*
220 * Contains
221 */
222 L<T1, T2> testList2;
224 /* Check full list. */
225 RTTESTI_CHECK( testList.contains(paTestData[0]));
226 RTTESTI_CHECK( testList.contains(paTestData[cTestItems / 2]));
227 RTTESTI_CHECK( testList.contains(paTestData[cTestItems - 1]));
228 RTTESTI_CHECK(!testList.contains(T1()));
229 /* Check empty list. */
230 RTTESTI_CHECK(!testList2.contains(paTestData[0]));
231 RTTESTI_CHECK(!testList2.contains(paTestData[cTestItems / 2]));
232 RTTESTI_CHECK(!testList2.contains(paTestData[cTestItems - 1]));
233 RTTESTI_CHECK(!testList2.contains(T1()));
235 /*
236 * Copy operator
237 */
238 L<T1, T2> testList3(testList);
240 /* Check that all is correctly appended. */
241 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList3.size() == cTestItems);
242 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList3.size(); ++i)
243 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[i]);
245 /*
246 * "=" operator
247 */
248 L<T1, T2> testList4;
249 testList4 = testList;
251 /* Check that all is correctly appended. */
252 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList4.size() == cTestItems);
253 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList4.size(); ++i)
254 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[i]);
256 /*
257 * Append list
258 */
259 testList3.append(testList4);
261 /* Check that all is correctly appended. */
262 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList3.size() == cTestItems * 2);
263 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList3.size(); ++i)
264 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[i % cTestItems]);
266 /*
267 * Prepend list
268 */
269 testList3.prepend(testList4);
271 /* Check that all is correctly appended. */
272 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList3.size() == cTestItems * 3);
273 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList3.size(); ++i)
274 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[i % cTestItems]);
276 /*
277 * "value" method
278 */
279 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList3.size(); ++i)
280 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList3.value(i) == paTestData[i % cTestItems]);
281 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList3.size(); ++i)
282 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList3.value(i, T1()) == paTestData[i % cTestItems]);
283 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList3.value(testList3.size() + 1) == T1()); /* Invalid index */
284 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList3.value(testList3.size() + 1, T1()) == T1()); /* Invalid index */
286 /*
287 * operator[] (reading)
288 */
289 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
290 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList[i] == paTestData[i]);
292 /*
293 * operator[] (writing)
294 *
295 * Replace with inverted array.
296 */
297 for (size_t i = 0; i < cTestItems; ++i)
298 testList[i] = paTestData[cTestItems - i - 1];
299 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems);
300 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
301 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList[i] == paTestData[cTestItems - i - 1]);
303 /*
304 * Replace
305 *
306 * Replace with inverted array (Must be original array when finished).
307 */
308 for (size_t i = 0; i < cTestItems; ++i)
309 testList.replace(i, paTestData[i]);
310 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems);
311 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
312 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList[i] == paTestData[i]);
314 /*
315 * Removing
316 */
318 /* Remove Range */
319 testList3.removeRange(cTestItems, cTestItems * 2);
320 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList3.size() == cTestItems * 2);
321 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList3.size(); ++i)
322 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[i % cTestItems]);
324 /* Remove the first half (reverse) */
325 size_t cRemoved = 1;
326 for (size_t i = cTestItems / 2; i > 0; --i, ++cRemoved)
327 {
328 testList.removeAt(i - 1);
329 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems - cRemoved);
330 }
331 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems / 2);
333 /* Check that all is correctly removed and only the second part of the list
334 * is still there. */
335 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
336 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[cTestItems / 2 + i]);
338 /*
339 * setCapacitiy
340 */
341 testList.setCapacity(cTestItems * 5);
342 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.capacity() == cTestItems * 5);
343 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems / 2);
345 /* As the capacity just increased, we should still have all entries from
346 * the previous list. */
347 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
348 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[cTestItems / 2 + i]);
350 /* Decrease the capacity so it will be smaller than the count of items in
351 * the list. The list should be shrink automatically, but the remaining
352 * items should be still valid. */
353 testList.setCapacity(cTestItems / 4);
354 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == cTestItems / 4);
355 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.capacity() == cTestItems / 4);
356 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
357 RTTESTI_CHECK( == paTestData[cTestItems / 2 + i]);
359 /* Clear all */
360 testList.clear();
361 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.isEmpty());
362 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == 0);
363 RTTESTI_CHECK(testList.capacity() == defCap);
366/* define RTCList here to see what happens without MT support ;)
367 * (valgrind is the preferred tool to check). */
369#define MTTESTTYPE uint32_t
370#define MTTESTITEMS 1000
373 * Thread for prepending items to a shared list.
374 *
375 * @param hSelf The thread handle.
376 * @param pvUser The provided user data.
377 */
378DECLCALLBACK(int) mttest1(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser)
382 /* Prepend new items at the start of the list. */
383 for (size_t i = 0; i < MTTESTITEMS; ++i)
384 pTestList->prepend(0x0);
386 return VINF_SUCCESS;
390 * Thread for appending items to a shared list.
391 *
392 * @param hSelf The thread handle.
393 * @param pvUser The provided user data.
394 */
395DECLCALLBACK(int) mttest2(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser)
399 /* Append new items at the end of the list. */
400 for (size_t i = 0; i < MTTESTITEMS; ++i)
401 pTestList->append(0xFFFFFFFF);
403 return VINF_SUCCESS;
407 * Thread for inserting items to a shared list.
408 *
409 * @param hSelf The thread handle.
410 * @param pvUser The provided user data.
411 */
412DECLCALLBACK(int) mttest3(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser)
416 /* Insert new items in the middle of the list. */
417 for (size_t i = 0; i < MTTESTITEMS; ++i)
418 pTestList->insert(pTestList->size() / 2, 0xF0F0F0F0);
420 return VINF_SUCCESS;
424 * Thread for reading items from a shared list.
425 *
426 * @param hSelf The thread handle.
427 * @param pvUser The provided user data.
428 */
429DECLCALLBACK(int) mttest4(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser)
434 /* Try to read C items from random places. */
435 for (size_t i = 0; i < MTTESTITEMS; ++i)
436 {
437 /* Make sure there is at least one item in the list. */
438 while (pTestList->isEmpty()) {};
439 a = pTestList->at(RTRandU32Ex(0, (uint32_t)pTestList->size() - 1));
440 }
442 return VINF_SUCCESS;
446 * Thread for replacing items in a shared list.
447 *
448 * @param hSelf The thread handle.
449 * @param pvUser The provided user data.
450 */
451DECLCALLBACK(int) mttest5(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser)
455 /* Try to replace C items from random places. */
456 for (size_t i = 0; i < MTTESTITEMS; ++i)
457 {
458 /* Make sure there is at least one item in the list. */
459 while (pTestList->isEmpty()) {};
460 pTestList->replace(RTRandU32Ex(0, (uint32_t)pTestList->size() - 1), 0xFF00FF00);
461 }
463 return VINF_SUCCESS;
467 * Thread for erasing items from a shared list.
468 *
469 * @param hSelf The thread handle.
470 * @param pvUser The provided user data.
471 */
472DECLCALLBACK(int) mttest6(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser)
476 /* Try to delete items from random places. */
477 for (size_t i = 0; i < MTTESTITEMS; ++i)
478 {
479 /* Make sure there is at least one item in the list. */
480 while (pTestList->isEmpty()) {};
481 pTestList->removeAt(RTRandU32Ex(0, (uint32_t)pTestList->size() - 1));
482 }
484 return VINF_SUCCESS;
488 * Does a multi-threading list test. Several list additions, reading, replacing
489 * and erasing are done simultaneous.
490 *
491 */
492static void test2()
494 RTTestISubF("MT test with 6 threads (%u tests per thread).", MTTESTITEMS);
496 RTTHREAD hThread1, hThread2, hThread3, hThread4, hThread5, hThread6;
497 int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
500 rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread1, &mttest1, &testList, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "mttest1");
501 AssertRC(rc);
502 rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread2, &mttest2, &testList, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "mttest2");
503 AssertRC(rc);
504 rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread3, &mttest3, &testList, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "mttest3");
505 AssertRC(rc);
506 rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread4, &mttest4, &testList, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "mttest4");
507 AssertRC(rc);
508 rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread5, &mttest5, &testList, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "mttest5");
509 AssertRC(rc);
510 rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread6, &mttest6, &testList, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "mttest6");
511 AssertRC(rc);
513 rc = RTThreadWait(hThread1, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, 0);
514 AssertRC(rc);
515 rc = RTThreadWait(hThread2, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, 0);
516 AssertRC(rc);
517 rc = RTThreadWait(hThread3, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, 0);
518 AssertRC(rc);
519 rc = RTThreadWait(hThread4, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, 0);
520 AssertRC(rc);
521 rc = RTThreadWait(hThread5, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, 0);
522 AssertRC(rc);
523 rc = RTThreadWait(hThread6, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, 0);
524 AssertRC(rc);
526 RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(testList.size() == MTTESTITEMS * 2);
527 for (size_t i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i)
528 {
529 uint32_t a =;
530 RTTESTI_CHECK(a == 0x0 || a == 0xFFFFFFFF || a == 0xF0F0F0F0 || a == 0xFF00FF00);
531 }
534int main()
536 /* How many integer test items should be created. */
537 static const size_t s_cTestCount = 1000;
539 RTTEST hTest;
540 RTEXITCODE rcExit = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstIprtList", &hTest);
541 if (rcExit)
542 return rcExit;
543 RTTestBanner(hTest);
545 /* Some host info. */
546 RTTestIPrintf(RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, "sizeof(void*)=%d", sizeof(void*));
548 /*
549 * The tests.
550 */
552 /*
553 * Native types.
554 */
555 uint8_t au8TestInts[s_cTestCount];
556 for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(au8TestInts); ++i)
557 au8TestInts[i] = (uint8_t)RTRandU32Ex(1, UINT8_MAX);
558 test1<RTCList, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>("ST: Native type", au8TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au8TestInts));
559 test1<RTCMTList, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>("MT: Native type", au8TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au8TestInts));
561 uint16_t au16TestInts[s_cTestCount];
562 for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(au16TestInts); ++i)
563 au16TestInts[i] = (uint16_t)RTRandU32Ex(1, UINT16_MAX);
564 test1<RTCList, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t>("ST: Native type", au16TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au16TestInts));
565 test1<RTCMTList, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t>("MT: Native type", au16TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au16TestInts));
567 uint32_t au32TestInts[s_cTestCount];
568 for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(au32TestInts); ++i)
569 au32TestInts[i] = RTRandU32Ex(1, UINT32_MAX);
570 test1<RTCList, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t>("ST: Native type", au32TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au32TestInts));
571 test1<RTCMTList, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t>("MT: Native type", au32TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au32TestInts));
573 /*
574 * Specialized type.
575 */
576 uint64_t au64TestInts[s_cTestCount];
577 for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(au64TestInts); ++i)
578 au64TestInts[i] = RTRandU64Ex(1, UINT64_MAX);
579 test1<RTCList, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t>("ST: Specialized type", au64TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au64TestInts));
580 test1<RTCMTList, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t>("MT: Specialized type", au64TestInts, RT_ELEMENTS(au64TestInts));
582 /*
583 * Big size type (translate to internal pointer list).
584 */
585 test1<RTCList, RTCString, RTCString *, const char *>("ST: Class type", g_apszTestStrings, RT_ELEMENTS(g_apszTestStrings));
586 test1<RTCMTList, RTCString, RTCString *, const char *>("MT: Class type", g_apszTestStrings, RT_ELEMENTS(g_apszTestStrings));
588 /*
589 * Multi-threading test.
590 */
591 test2();
593 /*
594 * Summary.
595 */
596 return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
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