/* $Id: DMG.cpp 48743 2013-09-27 18:19:03Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxDMG - Interpreter for Apple Disk Images (DMG). */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_VD_DMG #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** Sector size, multiply with all sector counts to get number of bytes. */ #define DMG_SECTOR_SIZE 512 /** Convert block number/size to byte offset/size. */ #define DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(u) ((uint64_t)(u) << 9) /** Convert byte offset/size to block number/size. */ #define DMG_BYTE2BLOCK(u) ((u) >> 9) /** * UDIF checksum structure. */ typedef struct DMGUDIFCKSUM { uint32_t u32Kind; /**< The kind of checksum. */ uint32_t cBits; /**< The size of the checksum. */ union { uint8_t au8[128]; /**< 8-bit view. */ uint32_t au32[32]; /**< 32-bit view. */ } uSum; /**< The checksum. */ } DMGUDIFCKSUM; AssertCompileSize(DMGUDIFCKSUM, 8 + 128); typedef DMGUDIFCKSUM *PDMGUDIFCKSUM; typedef const DMGUDIFCKSUM *PCDMGUDIFCKSUM; /** @name Checksum Kind (DMGUDIFCKSUM::u32Kind) * @{ */ /** No checksum. */ #define DMGUDIFCKSUM_NONE UINT32_C(0) /** CRC-32. */ #define DMGUDIFCKSUM_CRC32 UINT32_C(2) /** @} */ /** * UDIF ID. * This is kind of like a UUID only it isn't, but we'll use the UUID * representation of it for simplicity. */ typedef RTUUID DMGUDIFID; AssertCompileSize(DMGUDIFID, 16); typedef DMGUDIFID *PDMGUDIFID; typedef const DMGUDIFID *PCDMGUDIFID; /** * UDIF footer used by Apple Disk Images (DMG). * * This is a footer placed 512 bytes from the end of the file. Typically a DMG * file starts with the data, which is followed by the block table and then ends * with this structure. * * All fields are stored in big endian format. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct DMGUDIF { uint32_t u32Magic; /**< 0x000 - Magic, 'koly' (DMGUDIF_MAGIC). (fUDIFSignature) */ uint32_t u32Version; /**< 0x004 - The UDIF version (DMGUDIF_VER_CURRENT). (fUDIFVersion) */ uint32_t cbFooter; /**< 0x008 - The size of the this structure (512). (fUDIFHeaderSize) */ uint32_t fFlags; /**< 0x00c - Flags. (fUDIFFlags) */ uint64_t offRunData; /**< 0x010 - Where the running data fork starts (usually 0). (fUDIFRunningDataForkOffset) */ uint64_t offData; /**< 0x018 - Where the data fork starts (usually 0). (fUDIFDataForkOffset) */ uint64_t cbData; /**< 0x020 - Size of the data fork (in bytes). (fUDIFDataForkLength) */ uint64_t offRsrc; /**< 0x028 - Where the resource fork starts (usually cbData or 0). (fUDIFRsrcForkOffset) */ uint64_t cbRsrc; /**< 0x030 - The size of the resource fork. (fUDIFRsrcForkLength)*/ uint32_t iSegment; /**< 0x038 - The segment number of this file. (fUDIFSegmentNumber) */ uint32_t cSegments; /**< 0x03c - The number of segments. (fUDIFSegmentCount) */ DMGUDIFID SegmentId; /**< 0x040 - The segment ID. (fUDIFSegmentID) */ DMGUDIFCKSUM DataCkSum; /**< 0x050 - The data checksum. (fUDIFDataForkChecksum) */ uint64_t offXml; /**< 0x0d8 - The XML offset (.plist kind of data). (fUDIFXMLOffset) */ uint64_t cbXml; /**< 0x0e0 - The size of the XML. (fUDIFXMLSize) */ uint8_t abUnknown[120]; /**< 0x0e8 - Unknown stuff, hdiutil doesn't dump it... */ DMGUDIFCKSUM MasterCkSum; /**< 0x160 - The master checksum. (fUDIFMasterChecksum) */ uint32_t u32Type; /**< 0x1e8 - The image type. (fUDIFImageVariant) */ uint64_t cSectors; /**< 0x1ec - The sector count. Warning! Unaligned! (fUDISectorCount) */ uint32_t au32Unknown[3]; /**< 0x1f4 - Unknown stuff, hdiutil doesn't dump it... */ } DMGUDIF; #pragma pack() AssertCompileSize(DMGUDIF, 512); AssertCompileMemberOffset(DMGUDIF, cbRsrc, 0x030); AssertCompileMemberOffset(DMGUDIF, cbXml, 0x0e0); AssertCompileMemberOffset(DMGUDIF, cSectors, 0x1ec); typedef DMGUDIF *PDMGUDIF; typedef const DMGUDIF *PCDMGUDIF; /** The UDIF magic 'koly' (DMGUDIF::u32Magic). */ #define DMGUDIF_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x6b6f6c79) /** The current UDIF version (DMGUDIF::u32Version). * This is currently the only we recognizes and will create. */ #define DMGUDIF_VER_CURRENT 4 /** @name UDIF flags (DMGUDIF::fFlags). * @{ */ /** Flatten image whatever that means. * (hdiutil -debug calls it kUDIFFlagsFlattened.) */ #define DMGUDIF_FLAGS_FLATTENED RT_BIT_32(0) /** Internet enabled image. * (hdiutil -debug calls it kUDIFFlagsInternetEnabled) */ #define DMGUDIF_FLAGS_INET_ENABLED RT_BIT_32(2) /** Mask of known bits. */ #define DMGUDIF_FLAGS_KNOWN_MASK (RT_BIT_32(0) | RT_BIT_32(2)) /** @} */ /** @name UDIF Image Types (DMGUDIF::u32Type). * @{ */ /** Device image type. (kUDIFDeviceImageType) */ #define DMGUDIF_TYPE_DEVICE 1 /** Device image type. (kUDIFPartitionImageType) */ #define DMGUDIF_TYPE_PARTITION 2 /** @} */ /** * BLKX data. * * This contains the start offset and size of raw data stored in the image. * * All fields are stored in big endian format. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct DMGBLKX { uint32_t u32Magic; /**< 0x000 - Magic, 'mish' (DMGBLKX_MAGIC). */ uint32_t u32Version; /**< 0x004 - The BLKX version (DMGBLKX_VER_CURRENT). */ uint64_t cSectornumberFirst; /**< 0x008 - The first sector number the block represents in the virtual device. */ uint64_t cSectors; /**< 0x010 - Number of sectors this block represents. */ uint64_t offDataStart; /**< 0x018 - Start offset for raw data. */ uint32_t cSectorsDecompress; /**< 0x020 - Size of the buffer in sectors needed to decompress. */ uint32_t u32BlocksDescriptor; /**< 0x024 - Blocks descriptor. */ uint8_t abReserved[24]; DMGUDIFCKSUM BlkxCkSum; /**< 0x03c - Checksum for the BLKX table. */ uint32_t cBlocksRunCount; /**< 0x - Number of entries in the blkx run table afterwards. */ } DMGBLKX; #pragma pack() AssertCompileSize(DMGBLKX, 204); typedef DMGBLKX *PDMGBLKX; typedef const DMGBLKX *PCDMGBLKX; /** The BLKX magic 'mish' (DMGBLKX::u32Magic). */ #define DMGBLKX_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x6d697368) /** BLKX version (DMGBLKX::u32Version). */ #define DMGBLKX_VERSION UINT32_C(0x00000001) /** Blocks descriptor type: entire device. */ #define DMGBLKX_DESC_ENTIRE_DEVICE UINT32_C(0xfffffffe) /** * BLKX table descriptor. * * All fields are stored in big endian format. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct DMGBLKXDESC { uint32_t u32Type; /**< 0x000 - Type of the descriptor. */ uint32_t u32Reserved; /**< 0x004 - Reserved, but contains +beg or +end in case thisi is a comment descriptor. */ uint64_t u64SectorStart; /**< 0x008 - First sector number in the block this entry describes. */ uint64_t u64SectorCount; /**< 0x010 - Number of sectors this entry describes. */ uint64_t offData; /**< 0x018 - Offset in the image where the data starts. */ uint64_t cbData; /**< 0x020 - Number of bytes in the image. */ } DMGBLKXDESC; #pragma pack() AssertCompileSize(DMGBLKXDESC, 40); typedef DMGBLKXDESC *PDMGBLKXDESC; typedef const DMGBLKXDESC *PCDMGBLKXDESC; /** Raw image data type. */ #define DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_RAW 1 /** Ignore type. */ #define DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_IGNORE 2 /** Compressed with zlib type. */ #define DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_ZLIB UINT32_C(0x80000005) /** Comment type. */ #define DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_COMMENT UINT32_C(0x7ffffffe) /** Terminator type. */ #define DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_TERMINATOR UINT32_C(0xffffffff) /** * UDIF Resource Entry. */ typedef struct DMGUDIFRSRCENTRY { /** The ID. */ int32_t iId; /** Attributes. */ uint32_t fAttributes; /** The name. */ char *pszName; /** The CoreFoundation name. Can be NULL. */ char *pszCFName; /** The size of the data. */ size_t cbData; /** The raw data. */ uint8_t *pbData; } DMGUDIFRSRCENTRY; /** Pointer to an UDIF resource entry. */ typedef DMGUDIFRSRCENTRY *PDMGUDIFRSRCENTRY; /** Pointer to a const UDIF resource entry. */ typedef DMGUDIFRSRCENTRY const *PCDMGUDIFRSRCENTRY; /** * UDIF Resource Array. */ typedef struct DMGUDIFRSRCARRAY { /** The array name. */ char szName[12]; /** The number of occupied entries. */ uint32_t cEntries; /** The array entries. * A lazy bird ASSUME there are no more than 4 entries in any DMG. Increase the * size if DMGs with more are found. * r=aeichner: Saw one with 6 here (image of a whole DVD) */ DMGUDIFRSRCENTRY aEntries[10]; } DMGUDIFRSRCARRAY; /** Pointer to a UDIF resource array. */ typedef DMGUDIFRSRCARRAY *PDMGUDIFRSRCARRAY; /** Pointer to a const UDIF resource array. */ typedef DMGUDIFRSRCARRAY const *PCDMGUDIFRSRCARRAY; /** * DMG extent types. */ typedef enum DMGEXTENTTYPE { /** Null, never used. */ DMGEXTENTTYPE_NULL = 0, /** Raw image data. */ DMGEXTENTTYPE_RAW, /** Zero extent, reads return 0 and writes have no effect. */ DMGEXTENTTYPE_ZERO, /** Compressed extent - compression method ZLIB. */ DMGEXTENTTYPE_COMP_ZLIB, /** 32bit hack. */ DMGEXTENTTYPE_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } DMGEXTENTTYPE, *PDMGEXTENTTYPE; /** * DMG extent mapping a virtual image block to real file offsets. */ typedef struct DMGEXTENT { /** Extent type. */ DMGEXTENTTYPE enmType; /** First sector this extent describes. */ uint64_t uSectorExtent; /** Number of sectors this extent describes. */ uint64_t cSectorsExtent; /** Start offset in the real file. */ uint64_t offFileStart; /** Number of bytes for the extent data in the file. */ uint64_t cbFile; } DMGEXTENT; /** Pointer to an DMG extent. */ typedef DMGEXTENT *PDMGEXTENT; /** * VirtualBox Apple Disk Image (DMG) interpreter instance data. */ typedef struct DMGIMAGE { /** Image name. * Kept around for logging and delete-on-close purposes. */ const char *pszFilename; /** Storage handle. */ PVDIOSTORAGE pStorage; /** Pointer to the per-disk VD interface list. */ PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk; /** Pointer to the per-image VD interface list. */ PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage; /** Error interface. */ PVDINTERFACEERROR pIfError; /** I/O interface. */ PVDINTERFACEIOINT pIfIo; /** Flags the image was opened with. */ uint32_t uOpenFlags; /** Image flags. */ unsigned uImageFlags; /** Total size of the virtual image. */ uint64_t cbSize; /** Size of the image. */ uint64_t cbFile; /** Physical geometry of this image. */ VDGEOMETRY PCHSGeometry; /** Logical geometry of this image. */ VDGEOMETRY LCHSGeometry; /** The resources. * A lazy bird ASSUME there are only two arrays in the resource-fork section in * the XML, namely 'blkx' and 'plst'. These have been assigned fixed indexes. */ DMGUDIFRSRCARRAY aRsrcs[2]; /** The UDIF footer. */ DMGUDIF Ftr; /** Number of valid extents in the array. */ unsigned cExtents; /** Number of entries the array can hold. */ unsigned cExtentsMax; /** Pointer to the extent array. */ PDMGEXTENT paExtents; /** Index of the last accessed extent. */ unsigned idxExtentLast; /** Extent which owns the data in the buffer. */ PDMGEXTENT pExtentDecomp; /** Buffer holding the decompressed data for a extent. */ void *pvDecompExtent; /** Size of the buffer. */ size_t cbDecompExtent; } DMGIMAGE; /** Pointer to an instance of the DMG Image Interpreter. */ typedef DMGIMAGE *PDMGIMAGE; /** @name Resources indexes (into DMG::aRsrcs). * @{ */ #define DMG_RSRC_IDX_BLKX 0 #define DMG_RSRC_IDX_PLST 1 /** @} */ /** State for the input callout of the inflate reader. */ typedef struct DMGINFLATESTATE { /* Image this operation relates to. */ PDMGIMAGE pImage; /* Total size of the data to read. */ size_t cbSize; /* Offset in the file to read. */ uint64_t uFileOffset; /* Current read position. */ ssize_t iOffset; } DMGINFLATESTATE; /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** @def DMG_PRINTF * Wrapper for LogRel. */ #define DMG_PRINTF(a) LogRel(a) /** @def DMG_VALIDATE * For validating a struct thing and log/print what's wrong. */ # define DMG_VALIDATE(expr, logstuff) \ do { \ if (!(expr)) \ { \ LogRel(("DMG: validation failed: %s\nDMG: ", #expr)); \ LogRel(logstuff); \ fRc = false; \ } \ } while (0) /** VBoxDMG: Unable to parse the XML. */ #define VERR_VD_DMG_XML_PARSE_ERROR (-3280) /******************************************************************************* * Static Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** NULL-terminated array of supported file extensions. */ static const VDFILEEXTENSION s_aDmgFileExtensions[] = { {"dmg", VDTYPE_DVD}, {NULL, VDTYPE_INVALID} }; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static void dmgUdifFtrHost2FileEndian(PDMGUDIF pUdif); static void dmgUdifFtrFile2HostEndian(PDMGUDIF pUdif); static void dmgUdifIdHost2FileEndian(PDMGUDIFID pId); static void dmgUdifIdFile2HostEndian(PDMGUDIFID pId); static void dmgUdifCkSumHost2FileEndian(PDMGUDIFCKSUM pCkSum); static void dmgUdifCkSumFile2HostEndian(PDMGUDIFCKSUM pCkSum); static bool dmgUdifCkSumIsValid(PCDMGUDIFCKSUM pCkSum, const char *pszPrefix); static DECLCALLBACK(int) dmgFileInflateHelper(void *pvUser, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, size_t *pcbBuf) { DMGINFLATESTATE *pInflateState = (DMGINFLATESTATE *)pvUser; Assert(cbBuf); if (pInflateState->iOffset < 0) { *(uint8_t *)pvBuf = RTZIPTYPE_ZLIB; if (pcbBuf) *pcbBuf = 1; pInflateState->iOffset = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } cbBuf = RT_MIN(cbBuf, pInflateState->cbSize); int rc = vdIfIoIntFileReadSync(pInflateState->pImage->pIfIo, pInflateState->pImage->pStorage, pInflateState->uFileOffset, pvBuf, cbBuf); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pInflateState->uFileOffset += cbBuf; pInflateState->iOffset += cbBuf; pInflateState->cbSize -= cbBuf; Assert(pcbBuf); *pcbBuf = cbBuf; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Internal: read from a file and inflate the compressed data, * distinguishing between async and normal operation */ DECLINLINE(int) dmgFileInflateSync(PDMGIMAGE pImage, uint64_t uOffset, size_t cbToRead, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf) { int rc; PRTZIPDECOMP pZip = NULL; DMGINFLATESTATE InflateState; size_t cbActuallyRead; InflateState.pImage = pImage; InflateState.cbSize = cbToRead; InflateState.uFileOffset = uOffset; InflateState.iOffset = -1; rc = RTZipDecompCreate(&pZip, &InflateState, dmgFileInflateHelper); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = RTZipDecompress(pZip, pvBuf, cbBuf, &cbActuallyRead); RTZipDecompDestroy(pZip); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (cbActuallyRead != cbBuf) rc = VERR_VD_VMDK_INVALID_FORMAT; return rc; } /** * Swaps endian. * @param pUdif The structure. */ static void dmgSwapEndianUdif(PDMGUDIF pUdif) { #ifndef RT_BIG_ENDIAN pUdif->u32Magic = RT_BSWAP_U32(pUdif->u32Magic); pUdif->u32Version = RT_BSWAP_U32(pUdif->u32Version); pUdif->cbFooter = RT_BSWAP_U32(pUdif->cbFooter); pUdif->fFlags = RT_BSWAP_U32(pUdif->fFlags); pUdif->offRunData = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->offRunData); pUdif->offData = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->offData); pUdif->cbData = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->cbData); pUdif->offRsrc = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->offRsrc); pUdif->cbRsrc = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->cbRsrc); pUdif->iSegment = RT_BSWAP_U32(pUdif->iSegment); pUdif->cSegments = RT_BSWAP_U32(pUdif->cSegments); pUdif->offXml = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->offXml); pUdif->cbXml = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->cbXml); pUdif->u32Type = RT_BSWAP_U32(pUdif->u32Type); pUdif->cSectors = RT_BSWAP_U64(pUdif->cSectors); #endif } /** * Swaps endian from host cpu to file. * @param pUdif The structure. */ static void dmgUdifFtrHost2FileEndian(PDMGUDIF pUdif) { dmgSwapEndianUdif(pUdif); dmgUdifIdHost2FileEndian(&pUdif->SegmentId); dmgUdifCkSumHost2FileEndian(&pUdif->DataCkSum); dmgUdifCkSumHost2FileEndian(&pUdif->MasterCkSum); } /** * Swaps endian from file to host cpu. * @param pUdif The structure. */ static void dmgUdifFtrFile2HostEndian(PDMGUDIF pUdif) { dmgSwapEndianUdif(pUdif); dmgUdifIdFile2HostEndian(&pUdif->SegmentId); dmgUdifCkSumFile2HostEndian(&pUdif->DataCkSum); dmgUdifCkSumFile2HostEndian(&pUdif->MasterCkSum); } /** * Swaps endian from file to host cpu. * @param pBlkx The blkx structure. */ static void dmgBlkxFile2HostEndian(PDMGBLKX pBlkx) { pBlkx->u32Magic = RT_BE2H_U32(pBlkx->u32Magic); pBlkx->u32Version = RT_BE2H_U32(pBlkx->u32Version); pBlkx->cSectornumberFirst = RT_BE2H_U64(pBlkx->cSectornumberFirst); pBlkx->cSectors = RT_BE2H_U64(pBlkx->cSectors); pBlkx->offDataStart = RT_BE2H_U64(pBlkx->offDataStart); pBlkx->cSectorsDecompress = RT_BE2H_U32(pBlkx->cSectorsDecompress); pBlkx->u32BlocksDescriptor = RT_BE2H_U32(pBlkx->u32BlocksDescriptor); pBlkx->cBlocksRunCount = RT_BE2H_U32(pBlkx->cBlocksRunCount); dmgUdifCkSumFile2HostEndian(&pBlkx->BlkxCkSum); } /** * Swaps endian from file to host cpu. * @param pBlkxDesc The blkx descriptor structure. */ static void dmgBlkxDescFile2HostEndian(PDMGBLKXDESC pBlkxDesc) { pBlkxDesc->u32Type = RT_BE2H_U32(pBlkxDesc->u32Type); pBlkxDesc->u32Reserved = RT_BE2H_U32(pBlkxDesc->u32Reserved); pBlkxDesc->u64SectorStart = RT_BE2H_U64(pBlkxDesc->u64SectorStart); pBlkxDesc->u64SectorCount = RT_BE2H_U64(pBlkxDesc->u64SectorCount); pBlkxDesc->offData = RT_BE2H_U64(pBlkxDesc->offData); pBlkxDesc->cbData = RT_BE2H_U64(pBlkxDesc->cbData); } /** * Validates an UDIF footer structure. * * @returns true if valid, false and LogRel()s on failure. * @param pFtr The UDIF footer to validate. * @param offFtr The offset of the structure. */ static bool dmgUdifFtrIsValid(PCDMGUDIF pFtr, uint64_t offFtr) { bool fRc = true; DMG_VALIDATE(!(pFtr->fFlags & ~DMGUDIF_FLAGS_KNOWN_MASK), ("fFlags=%#RX32 fKnown=%RX32\n", pFtr->fFlags, DMGUDIF_FLAGS_KNOWN_MASK)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->offRunData < offFtr, ("offRunData=%#RX64\n", pFtr->offRunData)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->cbData <= offFtr && pFtr->offData + pFtr->cbData <= offFtr, ("cbData=%#RX64 offData=%#RX64 offFtr=%#RX64\n", pFtr->cbData, pFtr->offData, offFtr)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->offData < offFtr, ("offData=%#RX64\n", pFtr->offData)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->cbRsrc <= offFtr && pFtr->offRsrc + pFtr->cbRsrc <= offFtr, ("cbRsrc=%#RX64 offRsrc=%#RX64 offFtr=%#RX64\n", pFtr->cbRsrc, pFtr->offRsrc, offFtr)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->offRsrc < offFtr, ("offRsrc=%#RX64\n", pFtr->offRsrc)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->cSegments <= 1, ("cSegments=%RU32\n", pFtr->cSegments)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->iSegment == 0 || pFtr->iSegment == 1, ("iSegment=%RU32 cSegments=%RU32\n", pFtr->iSegment, pFtr->cSegments)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->cbXml <= offFtr && pFtr->offXml + pFtr->cbXml <= offFtr, ("cbXml=%#RX64 offXml=%#RX64 offFtr=%#RX64\n", pFtr->cbXml, pFtr->offXml, offFtr)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->offXml < offFtr, ("offXml=%#RX64\n", pFtr->offXml)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->cbXml > 128, ("cbXml=%#RX64\n", pFtr->cbXml)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->cbXml < 10 * _1M, ("cbXml=%#RX64\n", pFtr->cbXml)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->u32Type == DMGUDIF_TYPE_DEVICE || pFtr->u32Type == DMGUDIF_TYPE_PARTITION, ("u32Type=%RU32\n", pFtr->u32Type)); DMG_VALIDATE(pFtr->cSectors != 0, ("cSectors=%#RX64\n", pFtr->cSectors)); fRc &= dmgUdifCkSumIsValid(&pFtr->DataCkSum, "DataCkSum"); fRc &= dmgUdifCkSumIsValid(&pFtr->MasterCkSum, "MasterCkSum"); return fRc; } static bool dmgBlkxIsValid(PCDMGBLKX pBlkx) { bool fRc = true; fRc &= dmgUdifCkSumIsValid(&pBlkx->BlkxCkSum, "BlkxCkSum"); DMG_VALIDATE(pBlkx->u32Magic == DMGBLKX_MAGIC, ("u32Magic=%#RX32 u32MagicExpected=%#RX32\n", pBlkx->u32Magic, DMGBLKX_MAGIC)); DMG_VALIDATE(pBlkx->u32Version == DMGBLKX_VERSION, ("u32Version=%#RX32 u32VersionExpected=%#RX32\n", pBlkx->u32Magic, DMGBLKX_VERSION)); return fRc; } /** * Swaps endian from host cpu to file. * @param pId The structure. */ static void dmgUdifIdHost2FileEndian(PDMGUDIFID pId) { NOREF(pId); } /** * Swaps endian from file to host cpu. * @param pId The structure. */ static void dmgUdifIdFile2HostEndian(PDMGUDIFID pId) { dmgUdifIdHost2FileEndian(pId); } /** * Swaps endian. * @param pCkSum The structure. */ static void dmgSwapEndianUdifCkSum(PDMGUDIFCKSUM pCkSum, uint32_t u32Kind, uint32_t cBits) { #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN NOREF(pCkSum); NOREF(u32Kind); NOREF(cBits); #else switch (u32Kind) { case DMGUDIFCKSUM_NONE: /* nothing to do here */ break; case DMGUDIFCKSUM_CRC32: Assert(cBits == 32); pCkSum->u32Kind = RT_BSWAP_U32(pCkSum->u32Kind); pCkSum->cBits = RT_BSWAP_U32(pCkSum->cBits); pCkSum->uSum.au32[0] = RT_BSWAP_U32(pCkSum->uSum.au32[0]); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("%x\n", u32Kind)); break; } NOREF(cBits); #endif } /** * Swaps endian from host cpu to file. * @param pCkSum The structure. */ static void dmgUdifCkSumHost2FileEndian(PDMGUDIFCKSUM pCkSum) { dmgSwapEndianUdifCkSum(pCkSum, pCkSum->u32Kind, pCkSum->cBits); } /** * Swaps endian from file to host cpu. * @param pCkSum The structure. */ static void dmgUdifCkSumFile2HostEndian(PDMGUDIFCKSUM pCkSum) { dmgSwapEndianUdifCkSum(pCkSum, RT_BE2H_U32(pCkSum->u32Kind), RT_BE2H_U32(pCkSum->cBits)); } /** * Validates an UDIF checksum structure. * * @returns true if valid, false and LogRel()s on failure. * @param pCkSum The checksum structure. * @param pszPrefix The message prefix. * @remarks This does not check the checksummed data. */ static bool dmgUdifCkSumIsValid(PCDMGUDIFCKSUM pCkSum, const char *pszPrefix) { bool fRc = true; switch (pCkSum->u32Kind) { case DMGUDIFCKSUM_NONE: DMG_VALIDATE(pCkSum->cBits == 0, ("%s/NONE: cBits=%d\n", pszPrefix, pCkSum->cBits)); break; case DMGUDIFCKSUM_CRC32: DMG_VALIDATE(pCkSum->cBits == 32, ("%s/NONE: cBits=%d\n", pszPrefix, pCkSum->cBits)); break; default: DMG_VALIDATE(0, ("%s: u32Kind=%#RX32\n", pszPrefix, pCkSum->u32Kind)); break; } return fRc; } /** * Internal. Flush image data to disk. */ static int dmgFlushImage(PDMGIMAGE pThis) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if ( pThis->pStorage && !(pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) { /* @todo handle writable files, update checksums etc. */ } return rc; } /** * Internal. Free all allocated space for representing an image except pThis, * and optionally delete the image from disk. */ static int dmgFreeImage(PDMGIMAGE pThis, bool fDelete) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Freeing a never allocated image (e.g. because the open failed) is * not signalled as an error. After all nothing bad happens. */ if (pThis) { if (pThis->pStorage) { /* No point updating the file that is deleted anyway. */ if (!fDelete) dmgFlushImage(pThis); rc = vdIfIoIntFileClose(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pStorage); pThis->pStorage = NULL; } for (unsigned iRsrc = 0; iRsrc < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aRsrcs); iRsrc++) for (unsigned i = 0; i < pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].cEntries; i++) { if (pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pbData) { RTMemFree(pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pbData); pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pbData = NULL; } if (pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszName) { RTMemFree(pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszName); pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszName = NULL; } if (pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszCFName) { RTMemFree(pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszCFName); pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszCFName = NULL; } } if (fDelete && pThis->pszFilename) vdIfIoIntFileDelete(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pszFilename); if (pThis->pvDecompExtent) { RTMemFree(pThis->pvDecompExtent); pThis->pvDecompExtent = NULL; pThis->cbDecompExtent = 0; } } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } #define STARTS_WITH(pszString, szStart) \ ( strncmp(pszString, szStart, sizeof(szStart) - 1) == 0 ) #define STARTS_WITH_WORD(pszString, szWord) \ ( STARTS_WITH(pszString, szWord) \ && !RT_C_IS_ALNUM((pszString)[sizeof(szWord) - 1]) ) #define SKIP_AHEAD(psz, szWord) \ do { \ (psz) = RTStrStripL((psz) + sizeof(szWord) - 1); \ } while (0) #define REQUIRE_WORD(psz, szWord) \ do { \ if (!STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, szWord)) \ return psz; \ (psz) = RTStrStripL((psz) + sizeof(szWord) - 1); \ } while (0) #define REQUIRE_TAG(psz, szTag) \ do { \ if (!STARTS_WITH(psz, "<" szTag ">")) \ return psz; \ (psz) = RTStrStripL((psz) + sizeof("<" szTag ">") - 1); \ } while (0) #define REQUIRE_TAG_NO_STRIP(psz, szTag) \ do { \ if (!STARTS_WITH(psz, "<" szTag ">")) \ return psz; \ (psz) += sizeof("<" szTag ">") - 1; \ } while (0) #define REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, szTag) \ do { \ if (!STARTS_WITH(psz, "")) \ return psz; \ (psz) = RTStrStripL((psz) + sizeof("") - 1); \ } while (0) /** * Finds the next tag end. * * @returns Pointer to a '>' or '\0'. * @param pszCur The current position. */ static const char *dmgXmlFindTagEnd(const char *pszCur) { /* Might want to take quoted '>' into account? */ char ch; while ((ch = *pszCur) != '\0' && ch != '>') pszCur++; return pszCur; } /** * Finds the end tag. * * Does not deal with '' style tags. * * @returns Pointer to the first char in the end tag. NULL if another tag * was encountered first or if we hit the end of the file. * @param ppszCur The current position (IN/OUT). * @param pszTag The tag name. */ static const char *dmgXmlFindEndTag(const char **ppszCur, const char *pszTag) { const char *psz = *ppszCur; char ch; while ((ch = *psz)) { if (ch == '<') { size_t const cchTag = strlen(pszTag); if ( psz[1] == '/' && !memcmp(&psz[2], pszTag, cchTag) && psz[2 + cchTag] == '>') { *ppszCur = psz + 2 + cchTag + 1; return psz; } break; } psz++; } return NULL; } /** * Reads a signed 32-bit value. * * @returns NULL on success, pointer to the offending text on failure. * @param ppszCur The text position (IN/OUT). * @param pi32 Where to store the value. */ static const char *dmgXmlParseS32(const char **ppszCur, int32_t *pi32) { const char *psz = *ppszCur; /* * -1 */ REQUIRE_TAG_NO_STRIP(psz, "string"); char *pszNext; int rc = RTStrToInt32Ex(psz, &pszNext, 0, pi32); if (rc != VWRN_TRAILING_CHARS) return *ppszCur; psz = pszNext; REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "string"); *ppszCur = psz; return NULL; } /** * Reads an unsigned 32-bit value. * * @returns NULL on success, pointer to the offending text on failure. * @param ppszCur The text position (IN/OUT). * @param pu32 Where to store the value. */ static const char *dmgXmlParseU32(const char **ppszCur, uint32_t *pu32) { const char *psz = *ppszCur; /* * 0x00ff */ REQUIRE_TAG_NO_STRIP(psz, "string"); char *pszNext; int rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(psz, &pszNext, 0, pu32); if (rc != VWRN_TRAILING_CHARS) return *ppszCur; psz = pszNext; REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "string"); *ppszCur = psz; return NULL; } /** * Reads a string value. * * @returns NULL on success, pointer to the offending text on failure. * @param ppszCur The text position (IN/OUT). * @param ppszString Where to store the pointer to the string. The caller * must free this using RTMemFree. */ static const char *dmgXmlParseString(const char **ppszCur, char **ppszString) { const char *psz = *ppszCur; /* * Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0) */ REQUIRE_TAG_NO_STRIP(psz, "string"); const char *pszStart = psz; const char *pszEnd = dmgXmlFindEndTag(&psz, "string"); if (!pszEnd) return *ppszCur; psz = RTStrStripL(psz); *ppszString = (char *)RTMemDupEx(pszStart, pszEnd - pszStart, 1); if (!*ppszString) return *ppszCur; *ppszCur = psz; return NULL; } /** * Parses the BASE-64 coded data tags. * * @returns NULL on success, pointer to the offending text on failure. * @param ppszCur The text position (IN/OUT). * @param ppbData Where to store the pointer to the data we've read. The * caller must free this using RTMemFree. * @param pcbData The number of bytes we're returning. */ static const char *dmgXmlParseData(const char **ppszCur, uint8_t **ppbData, size_t *pcbData) { const char *psz = *ppszCur; /* * AAAAA... */ REQUIRE_TAG(psz, "data"); const char *pszStart = psz; ssize_t cbData = RTBase64DecodedSize(pszStart, (char **)&psz); if (cbData == -1) return *ppszCur; const char *pszEnd = psz; REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "data"); *ppbData = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(cbData); if (!*ppbData) return *ppszCur; char *pszIgnored; int rc = RTBase64Decode(pszStart, *ppbData, cbData, pcbData, &pszIgnored); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMemFree(*ppbData); *ppbData = NULL; return *ppszCur; } *ppszCur = psz; return NULL; } /** * Parses the XML resource-fork in a rather presumptive manner. * * This function is supposed to construct the DMG::aRsrcs instance data * parts. * * @returns NULL on success, pointer to the problematic text on failure. * @param pThis The DMG instance data. * @param pszXml The XML text to parse, UTF-8. * @param cch The size of the XML text. */ static const char *dmgOpenXmlToRsrc(PDMGIMAGE pThis, char const *pszXml) { const char *psz = pszXml; /* * Verify the ?xml, !DOCTYPE and plist tags. */ SKIP_AHEAD(psz, ""); /* */ REQUIRE_WORD(psz, ""); /* */ REQUIRE_WORD(psz, ""); /* */ REQUIRE_WORD(psz, ""); /* * Descend down to the 'resource-fork' dictionary. * ASSUME it's the only top level dictionary. */ /* resource-fork */ REQUIRE_TAG(psz, "dict"); REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "resource-fork"); /* * Parse the keys in the resource-fork dictionary. * ASSUME that there are just two, 'blkx' and 'plst'. */ REQUIRE_TAG(psz, "dict"); while (!STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "")) { /* * Parse the key and Create the resource-fork entry. */ unsigned iRsrc; if (STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "blkx")) { REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "blkx"); iRsrc = DMG_RSRC_IDX_BLKX; strcpy(&pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].szName[0], "blkx"); } else if (STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "plst")) { REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "plst"); iRsrc = DMG_RSRC_IDX_PLST; strcpy(&pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].szName[0], "plst"); } else { SKIP_AHEAD(psz, ""); continue; } /* * Descend into the array and add the elements to the resource entry. */ /* */ REQUIRE_TAG(psz, "array"); while (!STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "")) { REQUIRE_TAG(psz, "dict"); uint32_t i = pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].cEntries; if (i == RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries)) return psz; while (!STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "")) { /* switch on the key. */ const char *pszErr; if (STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "Attributes")) { REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "Attributes"); pszErr = dmgXmlParseU32(&psz, &pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].fAttributes); } else if (STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "ID")) { REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "ID"); pszErr = dmgXmlParseS32(&psz, &pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].iId); } else if (STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "Name")) { REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "Name"); pszErr = dmgXmlParseString(&psz, &pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszName); } else if (STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "CFName")) { REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "CFName"); pszErr = dmgXmlParseString(&psz, &pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pszCFName); } else if (STARTS_WITH_WORD(psz, "Data")) { REQUIRE_WORD(psz, "Data"); pszErr = dmgXmlParseData(&psz, &pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].pbData, &pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].aEntries[i].cbData); } else pszErr = psz; if (pszErr) return pszErr; } /* while not */ REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "dict"); pThis->aRsrcs[iRsrc].cEntries++; } /* while not */ REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "array"); } /* while not */ REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "dict"); /* * ASSUMING there is only the 'resource-fork', we'll now see the end of * the outer dict, plist and text. */ /* */ REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "dict"); REQUIRE_END_TAG(psz, "plist"); /* the end */ if (*psz) return psz; return NULL; } #undef REQUIRE_END_TAG #undef REQUIRE_TAG_NO_STRIP #undef REQUIRE_TAG #undef REQUIRE_WORD #undef SKIP_AHEAD #undef STARTS_WITH_WORD #undef STARTS_WITH /** * Returns the data attached to a resource. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis The DMG instance data. * @param pcszRsrcName Name of the resource to get. */ static int dmgGetRsrcData(PDMGIMAGE pThis, const char *pcszRsrcName, PCDMGUDIFRSRCARRAY *ppcRsrc) { int rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND; for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aRsrcs); i++) { if (!strcmp(pThis->aRsrcs[i].szName, pcszRsrcName)) { *ppcRsrc = &pThis->aRsrcs[i]; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } } return rc; } /** * Creates a new extent from the given blkx descriptor. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis DMG instance data. * @param uSectorPart First sector the partition owning the blkx descriptor has. * @param pBlkxDesc The blkx descriptor. */ static int dmgExtentCreateFromBlkxDesc(PDMGIMAGE pThis, uint64_t uSectorPart, PDMGBLKXDESC pBlkxDesc) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; DMGEXTENTTYPE enmExtentTypeNew; PDMGEXTENT pExtentNew = NULL; if (pBlkxDesc->u32Type == DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_RAW) enmExtentTypeNew = DMGEXTENTTYPE_RAW; else if (pBlkxDesc->u32Type == DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_IGNORE) enmExtentTypeNew = DMGEXTENTTYPE_ZERO; else if (pBlkxDesc->u32Type == DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_ZLIB) enmExtentTypeNew = DMGEXTENTTYPE_COMP_ZLIB; else { AssertMsgFailed(("This method supports only raw or zero extents!\n")); return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /** @todo: Merge raw extents if possible to save memory. */ #if 0 pExtentNew = pThis->pExtentLast; if ( pExtentNew && pExtentNew->enmType == enmExtentTypeNew && enmExtentTypeNew == DMGEXTENTTYPE_RAW && pExtentNew->uSectorExtent + pExtentNew->cSectorsExtent == offDevice + pBlkxDesc->u64SectorStart * DMG_SECTOR_SIZE; && pExtentNew->offFileStart + pExtentNew->cbExtent == pBlkxDesc->offData) { /* Increase the last extent. */ pExtentNew->cbExtent += pBlkxDesc->cbData; } else #endif { if (pThis->cExtentsMax == pThis->cExtents) { pThis->cExtentsMax += 64; /* Increase the array. */ PDMGEXTENT paExtentsNew = (PDMGEXTENT)RTMemRealloc(pThis->paExtents, sizeof(DMGEXTENT) * pThis->cExtentsMax); if (!paExtentsNew) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; pThis->cExtentsMax -= 64; } else pThis->paExtents = paExtentsNew; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pExtentNew = &pThis->paExtents[pThis->cExtents++]; pExtentNew->enmType = enmExtentTypeNew; pExtentNew->uSectorExtent = uSectorPart + pBlkxDesc->u64SectorStart; pExtentNew->cSectorsExtent = pBlkxDesc->u64SectorCount; pExtentNew->offFileStart = pBlkxDesc->offData; pExtentNew->cbFile = pBlkxDesc->cbData; } } return rc; } /** * Find the extent for the given sector number. */ static PDMGEXTENT dmgExtentGetFromOffset(PDMGIMAGE pThis, uint64_t uSector) { /* * We assume that the array is ordered from lower to higher sector * numbers. * This makes it possible to bisect the array to find the extent * faster than using a linked list. */ PDMGEXTENT pExtent = NULL; unsigned idxCur = pThis->idxExtentLast; unsigned idxMax = pThis->cExtents; unsigned idxMin = 0; while (idxMin < idxMax) { PDMGEXTENT pExtentCur = &pThis->paExtents[idxCur]; /* Determine the search direction. */ if (uSector < pExtentCur->uSectorExtent) { /* Search left from the current extent. */ idxMax = idxCur; } else if (uSector >= pExtentCur->uSectorExtent + pExtentCur->cSectorsExtent) { /* Search right from the current extent. */ idxMin = idxCur; } else { /* The sector lies in the extent, stop searching. */ pExtent = pExtentCur; break; } idxCur = idxMin + (idxMax - idxMin) / 2; } if (pExtent) pThis->idxExtentLast = idxCur; return pExtent; } /** * Goes through the BLKX structure and creates the necessary extents. */ static int dmgBlkxParse(PDMGIMAGE pThis, PDMGBLKX pBlkx) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PDMGBLKXDESC pBlkxDesc = (PDMGBLKXDESC)(pBlkx + 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < pBlkx->cBlocksRunCount; i++) { dmgBlkxDescFile2HostEndian(pBlkxDesc); switch (pBlkxDesc->u32Type) { case DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_RAW: case DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_IGNORE: case DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_ZLIB: { rc = dmgExtentCreateFromBlkxDesc(pThis, pBlkx->cSectornumberFirst, pBlkxDesc); break; } case DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_COMMENT: case DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_TERMINATOR: break; default: rc = VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; break; } if ( pBlkxDesc->u32Type == DMGBLKXDESC_TYPE_TERMINATOR || RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; pBlkxDesc++; } return rc; } /** * Worker for dmgOpen that reads in and validates all the necessary * structures from the image. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis The DMG instance data. * @param uOpenFlags Flags for defining the open type. */ static int dmgOpenImage(PDMGIMAGE pThis, unsigned uOpenFlags) { pThis->uOpenFlags = uOpenFlags; pThis->pIfError = VDIfErrorGet(pThis->pVDIfsDisk); pThis->pIfIo = VDIfIoIntGet(pThis->pVDIfsImage); AssertPtrReturn(pThis->pIfIo, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int rc = vdIfIoIntFileOpen(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pszFilename, VDOpenFlagsToFileOpenFlags(uOpenFlags, false /* fCreate */), &pThis->pStorage); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { /* Do NOT signal an appropriate error here, as the VD layer has the * choice of retrying the open if it failed. */ return rc; } /* * Read the footer. */ rc = vdIfIoIntFileGetSize(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pStorage, &pThis->cbFile); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (pThis->cbFile < 1024) return VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; rc = vdIfIoIntFileReadSync(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pStorage, pThis->cbFile - sizeof(pThis->Ftr), &pThis->Ftr, sizeof(pThis->Ftr)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; dmgUdifFtrFile2HostEndian(&pThis->Ftr); /* * Do we recognize the footer structure? If so, is it valid? */ if (pThis->Ftr.u32Magic != DMGUDIF_MAGIC) return VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; if (pThis->Ftr.u32Version != DMGUDIF_VER_CURRENT) return VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; if (pThis->Ftr.cbFooter != sizeof(pThis->Ftr)) return VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; if (!dmgUdifFtrIsValid(&pThis->Ftr, pThis->cbFile - sizeof(pThis->Ftr))) { DMG_PRINTF(("Bad DMG: '%s' cbFile=%RTfoff\n", pThis->pszFilename, pThis->cbFile)); return VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; } pThis->cbSize = pThis->Ftr.cSectors * DMG_SECTOR_SIZE; /* * Read and parse the XML portion. */ size_t cchXml = (size_t)pThis->Ftr.cbXml; char *pszXml = (char *)RTMemAlloc(cchXml + 1); if (!pszXml) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; rc = vdIfIoIntFileReadSync(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pStorage, pThis->Ftr.offXml, pszXml, cchXml); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pszXml[cchXml] = '\0'; const char *pszError = dmgOpenXmlToRsrc(pThis, pszXml); if (!pszError) { PCDMGUDIFRSRCARRAY pRsrcBlkx = NULL; rc = dmgGetRsrcData(pThis, "blkx", &pRsrcBlkx); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { for (unsigned idxBlkx = 0; idxBlkx < pRsrcBlkx->cEntries; idxBlkx++) { PDMGBLKX pBlkx = NULL; if (pRsrcBlkx->aEntries[idxBlkx].cbData < sizeof(DMGBLKX)) { rc = VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; break; } pBlkx = (PDMGBLKX)RTMemAllocZ(pRsrcBlkx->aEntries[idxBlkx].cbData); if (!pBlkx) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } memcpy(pBlkx, pRsrcBlkx->aEntries[idxBlkx].pbData, pRsrcBlkx->aEntries[idxBlkx].cbData); dmgBlkxFile2HostEndian(pBlkx); if ( dmgBlkxIsValid(pBlkx) && pRsrcBlkx->aEntries[idxBlkx].cbData == pBlkx->cBlocksRunCount * sizeof(DMGBLKXDESC) + sizeof(DMGBLKX)) rc = dmgBlkxParse(pThis, pBlkx); else rc = VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; RTMemFree(pBlkx); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } else rc = VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; } else { DMG_PRINTF(("**** XML DUMP BEGIN ***\n%s\n**** XML DUMP END ****\n", pszXml)); DMG_PRINTF(("**** Bad XML at %#lx (%lu) ***\n%.256s\n**** Bad XML END ****\n", (unsigned long)(pszError - pszXml), (unsigned long)(pszError - pszXml), pszError)); rc = VERR_VD_DMG_XML_PARSE_ERROR; } } RTMemFree(pszXml); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) dmgFreeImage(pThis, false); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnCheckIfValid */ static int dmgCheckIfValid(const char *pszFilename, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, VDTYPE *penmType) { LogFlowFunc(("pszFilename=\"%s\" pVDIfsDisk=%#p pVDIfsImage=%#p penmType=%#p\n", pszFilename, pVDIfsDisk, pVDIfsImage, penmType)); int rc; PVDIOSTORAGE pStorage = NULL; uint64_t cbFile, offFtr = 0; DMGUDIF Ftr; PVDINTERFACEIOINT pIfIo = VDIfIoIntGet(pVDIfsImage); AssertPtrReturn(pIfIo, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Open the file and read the footer. */ rc = vdIfIoIntFileOpen(pIfIo, pszFilename, VDOpenFlagsToFileOpenFlags(VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY, false /* fCreate */), &pStorage); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = vdIfIoIntFileGetSize(pIfIo, pStorage, &cbFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { offFtr = cbFile - sizeof(Ftr); rc = vdIfIoIntFileReadSync(pIfIo, pStorage, offFtr, &Ftr, sizeof(Ftr)); } else rc = VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Do we recognize this stuff? Does it look valid? */ if ( Ftr.u32Magic == RT_H2BE_U32(DMGUDIF_MAGIC) && Ftr.u32Version == RT_H2BE_U32(DMGUDIF_VER_CURRENT) && Ftr.cbFooter == RT_H2BE_U32(sizeof(Ftr))) { dmgUdifFtrFile2HostEndian(&Ftr); if (dmgUdifFtrIsValid(&Ftr, offFtr)) { rc = VINF_SUCCESS; *penmType = VDTYPE_DVD; } else { DMG_PRINTF(("Bad DMG: '%s' offFtr=%RTfoff\n", pszFilename, offFtr)); rc = VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; } } else rc = VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER; } if (pStorage) vdIfIoIntFileClose(pIfIo, pStorage); LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnOpen */ static int dmgOpen(const char *pszFilename, unsigned uOpenFlags, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, VDTYPE enmType, void **ppBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pszFilename=\"%s\" uOpenFlags=%#x pVDIfsDisk=%#p pVDIfsImage=%#p ppBackendData=%#p\n", pszFilename, uOpenFlags, pVDIfsDisk, pVDIfsImage, ppBackendData)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PDMGIMAGE pThis; /* Check open flags. All valid flags are (in principle) supported. */ if (uOpenFlags & ~VD_OPEN_FLAGS_MASK) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Check remaining arguments. */ if ( !VALID_PTR(pszFilename) || !*pszFilename) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* * Reject combinations we don't currently support. * * There is no point in being paranoid about the input here as we're just a * simple backend and can expect the caller to be the only user and already * have validate what it passes thru to us. */ if ( !(uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) || (uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_ASYNC_IO)) { rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } /* * Create the basic instance data structure and open the file, * then hand it over to a worker function that does all the rest. */ pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pThis)); if (!pThis) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; goto out; } pThis->pszFilename = pszFilename; pThis->pStorage = NULL; pThis->pVDIfsDisk = pVDIfsDisk; pThis->pVDIfsImage = pVDIfsImage; rc = dmgOpenImage(pThis, uOpenFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppBackendData = pThis; else RTMemFree(pThis); out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (pBackendData=%#p)\n", rc, *ppBackendData)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnCreate */ static int dmgCreate(const char *pszFilename, uint64_t cbSize, unsigned uImageFlags, const char *pszComment, PCVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry, PCVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry, PCRTUUID pUuid, unsigned uOpenFlags, unsigned uPercentStart, unsigned uPercentSpan, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsOperation, void **ppBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pszFilename=\"%s\" cbSize=%llu uImageFlags=%#x pszComment=\"%s\" pPCHSGeometry=%#p pLCHSGeometry=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid uOpenFlags=%#x uPercentStart=%u uPercentSpan=%u pVDIfsDisk=%#p pVDIfsImage=%#p pVDIfsOperation=%#p ppBackendData=%#p", pszFilename, cbSize, uImageFlags, pszComment, pPCHSGeometry, pLCHSGeometry, pUuid, uOpenFlags, uPercentStart, uPercentSpan, pVDIfsDisk, pVDIfsImage, pVDIfsOperation, ppBackendData)); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnRename */ static int dmgRename(void *pBackendData, const char *pszFilename) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pszFilename=%#p\n", pBackendData, pszFilename)); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnClose */ static int dmgClose(void *pBackendData, bool fDelete) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p fDelete=%d\n", pBackendData, fDelete)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; rc = dmgFreeImage(pThis, fDelete); RTMemFree(pThis); LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnRead */ static int dmgRead(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, size_t cbToRead, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, size_t *pcbActuallyRead) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOffset=%llu pIoCtx=%#p cbToRead=%zu pcbActuallyRead=%#p\n", pBackendData, uOffset, pIoCtx, cbToRead, pcbActuallyRead)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; PDMGEXTENT pExtent = NULL; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pThis); Assert(uOffset % DMG_SECTOR_SIZE == 0); Assert(cbToRead % DMG_SECTOR_SIZE == 0); if ( uOffset + cbToRead > pThis->cbSize || cbToRead == 0) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } pExtent = dmgExtentGetFromOffset(pThis, DMG_BYTE2BLOCK(uOffset)); if (pExtent) { uint64_t uExtentRel = DMG_BYTE2BLOCK(uOffset) - pExtent->uSectorExtent; /* Remain in this extent. */ cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbToRead, DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(pExtent->cSectorsExtent - uExtentRel)); switch (pExtent->enmType) { case DMGEXTENTTYPE_RAW: { rc = vdIfIoIntFileReadUser(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pStorage, pExtent->offFileStart + DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(uExtentRel), pIoCtx, cbToRead); break; } case DMGEXTENTTYPE_ZERO: { vdIfIoIntIoCtxSet(pThis->pIfIo, pIoCtx, 0, cbToRead); break; } case DMGEXTENTTYPE_COMP_ZLIB: { if (pThis->pExtentDecomp != pExtent) { if (DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(pExtent->cSectorsExtent) > pThis->cbDecompExtent) { if (RT_LIKELY(pThis->pvDecompExtent)) RTMemFree(pThis->pvDecompExtent); pThis->pvDecompExtent = RTMemAllocZ(DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(pExtent->cSectorsExtent)); if (!pThis->pvDecompExtent) rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; else pThis->cbDecompExtent = DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(pExtent->cSectorsExtent); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = dmgFileInflateSync(pThis, pExtent->offFileStart, pExtent->cbFile, pThis->pvDecompExtent, RT_MIN(pThis->cbDecompExtent, DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(pExtent->cSectorsExtent))); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pThis->pExtentDecomp = pExtent; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) vdIfIoIntIoCtxCopyTo(pThis->pIfIo, pIoCtx, (uint8_t *)pThis->pvDecompExtent + DMG_BLOCK2BYTE(uExtentRel), cbToRead); break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid extent type\n")); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *pcbActuallyRead = cbToRead; } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnWrite */ static int dmgWrite(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, size_t cbToWrite, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, size_t *pcbWriteProcess, size_t *pcbPreRead, size_t *pcbPostRead, unsigned fWrite) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOffset=%llu pIoCtx=%#p cbToWrite=%zu pcbWriteProcess=%#p pcbPreRead=%#p pcbPostRead=%#p\n", pBackendData, uOffset, pIoCtx, cbToWrite, pcbWriteProcess, pcbPreRead, pcbPostRead)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; AssertPtr(pThis); Assert(uOffset % 512 == 0); Assert(cbToWrite % 512 == 0); if (pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; goto out; } AssertMsgFailed(("Not implemented\n")); out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnFlush */ static int dmgFlush(void *pBackendData, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); rc = dmgFlushImage(pThis); LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetVersion */ static unsigned dmgGetVersion(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) return 1; else return 0; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetSectorSize */ static uint32_t dmgGetSectorSize(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; uint32_t cb = 0; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis && pThis->pStorage) cb = 2048; LogFlowFunc(("returns %u\n", cb)); return cb; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetSize */ static uint64_t dmgGetSize(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; uint64_t cb = 0; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis && pThis->pStorage) cb = pThis->cbSize; LogFlowFunc(("returns %llu\n", cb)); return cb; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetFileSize */ static uint64_t dmgGetFileSize(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; uint64_t cb = 0; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { uint64_t cbFile; if (pThis->pStorage) { int rc = vdIfIoIntFileGetSize(pThis->pIfIo, pThis->pStorage, &cbFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) cb = cbFile; } } LogFlowFunc(("returns %lld\n", cb)); return cb; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetPCHSGeometry */ static int dmgGetPCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pPCHSGeometry=%#p\n", pBackendData, pPCHSGeometry)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (pThis->PCHSGeometry.cCylinders) { *pPCHSGeometry = pThis->PCHSGeometry; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_GEOMETRY_NOT_SET; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (PCHS=%u/%u/%u)\n", rc, pPCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pPCHSGeometry->cHeads, pPCHSGeometry->cSectors)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetPCHSGeometry */ static int dmgSetPCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PCVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pPCHSGeometry=%#p PCHS=%u/%u/%u\n", pBackendData, pPCHSGeometry, pPCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pPCHSGeometry->cHeads, pPCHSGeometry->cSectors)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; goto out; } pThis->PCHSGeometry = *pPCHSGeometry; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetLCHSGeometry */ static int dmgGetLCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pLCHSGeometry=%#p\n", pBackendData, pLCHSGeometry)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (pThis->LCHSGeometry.cCylinders) { *pLCHSGeometry = pThis->LCHSGeometry; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_GEOMETRY_NOT_SET; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (LCHS=%u/%u/%u)\n", rc, pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pLCHSGeometry->cHeads, pLCHSGeometry->cSectors)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetLCHSGeometry */ static int dmgSetLCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PCVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pLCHSGeometry=%#p LCHS=%u/%u/%u\n", pBackendData, pLCHSGeometry, pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pLCHSGeometry->cHeads, pLCHSGeometry->cSectors)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; goto out; } pThis->LCHSGeometry = *pLCHSGeometry; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetImageFlags */ static unsigned dmgGetImageFlags(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; unsigned uImageFlags; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) uImageFlags = pThis->uImageFlags; else uImageFlags = 0; LogFlowFunc(("returns %#x\n", uImageFlags)); return uImageFlags; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetOpenFlags */ static unsigned dmgGetOpenFlags(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; unsigned uOpenFlags; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) uOpenFlags = pThis->uOpenFlags; else uOpenFlags = 0; LogFlowFunc(("returns %#x\n", uOpenFlags)); return uOpenFlags; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetOpenFlags */ static int dmgSetOpenFlags(void *pBackendData, unsigned uOpenFlags) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n uOpenFlags=%#x", pBackendData, uOpenFlags)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; /* Image must be opened and the new flags must be valid. */ if (!pThis || (uOpenFlags & ~( VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_INFO | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_SHAREABLE | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_SKIP_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS))) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Implement this operation via reopening the image. */ rc = dmgFreeImage(pThis, false); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) goto out; rc = dmgOpenImage(pThis, uOpenFlags); out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetComment */ static int dmgGetComment(void *pBackendData, char *pszComment, size_t cbComment) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pszComment=%#p cbComment=%zu\n", pBackendData, pszComment, cbComment)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc comment='%s'\n", rc, pszComment)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetComment */ static int dmgSetComment(void *pBackendData, const char *pszComment) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pszComment=\"%s\"\n", pBackendData, pszComment)); PDMGIMAGE pImage = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; else rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetUuid */ static int dmgGetUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetUuid */ static int dmgSetUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; LogFlowFunc(("%RTuuid\n", pUuid)); AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (!(pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetModificationUuid */ static int dmgGetModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetModificationUuid */ static int dmgSetModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (!(pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetParentUuid */ static int dmgGetParentUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetParentUuid */ static int dmgSetParentUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (!(pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetParentModificationUuid */ static int dmgGetParentModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetParentModificationUuid */ static int dmgSetParentModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { if (!(pThis->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnDump */ static void dmgDump(void *pBackendData) { PDMGIMAGE pThis = (PDMGIMAGE)pBackendData; AssertPtr(pThis); if (pThis) { vdIfErrorMessage(pThis->pIfError, "Header: Geometry PCHS=%u/%u/%u LCHS=%u/%u/%u cbSector=%llu\n", pThis->PCHSGeometry.cCylinders, pThis->PCHSGeometry.cHeads, pThis->PCHSGeometry.cSectors, pThis->LCHSGeometry.cCylinders, pThis->LCHSGeometry.cHeads, pThis->LCHSGeometry.cSectors, pThis->cbSize / 512); } } VBOXHDDBACKEND g_DmgBackend = { /* pszBackendName */ "DMG", /* cbSize */ sizeof(VBOXHDDBACKEND), /* uBackendCaps */ VD_CAP_FILE | VD_CAP_VFS, /* paFileExtensions */ s_aDmgFileExtensions, /* paConfigInfo */ NULL, /* hPlugin */ NIL_RTLDRMOD, /* pfnCheckIfValid */ dmgCheckIfValid, /* pfnOpen */ dmgOpen, /* pfnCreate */ dmgCreate, /* pfnRename */ dmgRename, /* pfnClose */ dmgClose, /* pfnRead */ dmgRead, /* pfnWrite */ dmgWrite, /* pfnFlush */ dmgFlush, /* pfnDiscard */ NULL, /* pfnGetVersion */ dmgGetVersion, /* pfnGetSectorSize */ dmgGetSectorSize, /* pfnGetSize */ dmgGetSize, /* pfnGetFileSize */ dmgGetFileSize, /* pfnGetPCHSGeometry */ dmgGetPCHSGeometry, /* pfnSetPCHSGeometry */ dmgSetPCHSGeometry, /* pfnGetLCHSGeometry */ dmgGetLCHSGeometry, /* pfnSetLCHSGeometry */ dmgSetLCHSGeometry, /* pfnGetImageFlags */ dmgGetImageFlags, /* pfnGetOpenFlags */ dmgGetOpenFlags, /* pfnSetOpenFlags */ dmgSetOpenFlags, /* pfnGetComment */ dmgGetComment, /* pfnSetComment */ dmgSetComment, /* pfnGetUuid */ dmgGetUuid, /* pfnSetUuid */ dmgSetUuid, /* pfnGetModificationUuid */ dmgGetModificationUuid, /* pfnSetModificationUuid */ dmgSetModificationUuid, /* pfnGetParentUuid */ dmgGetParentUuid, /* pfnSetParentUuid */ dmgSetParentUuid, /* pfnGetParentModificationUuid */ dmgGetParentModificationUuid, /* pfnSetParentModificationUuid */ dmgSetParentModificationUuid, /* pfnDump */ dmgDump, /* pfnGetTimeStamp */ NULL, /* pfnGetParentTimeStamp */ NULL, /* pfnSetParentTimeStamp */ NULL, /* pfnGetParentFilename */ NULL, /* pfnSetParentFilename */ NULL, /* pfnComposeLocation */ genericFileComposeLocation, /* pfnComposeName */ genericFileComposeName, /* pfnCompact */ NULL, /* pfnResize */ NULL, /* pfnRepair */ NULL };