/** @file * Virtual Disk Image (VDI), Core Code. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_VD_VDI #include #define VBOX_VDICORE_VD /* Signal that the header is included from here. */ #include "VDICore.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VDI_IMAGE_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE _1M /******************************************************************************* * Static Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** NULL-terminated array of supported file extensions. */ static const VDFILEEXTENSION s_aVdiFileExtensions[] = { {"vdi", VDTYPE_HDD}, {NULL, VDTYPE_INVALID} }; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static unsigned getPowerOfTwo(unsigned uNumber); static void vdiInitPreHeader(PVDIPREHEADER pPreHdr); static int vdiValidatePreHeader(PVDIPREHEADER pPreHdr); static void vdiInitHeader(PVDIHEADER pHeader, uint32_t uImageFlags, const char *pszComment, uint64_t cbDisk, uint32_t cbBlock, uint32_t cbBlockExtra); static int vdiValidateHeader(PVDIHEADER pHeader); static void vdiSetupImageDesc(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage); static int vdiUpdateHeader(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage); static int vdiUpdateBlockInfo(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, unsigned uBlock); static int vdiUpdateHeaderAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx); static int vdiUpdateBlockInfoAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, unsigned uBlock, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx); /** * Internal: signal an error to the frontend. */ DECLINLINE(int) vdiError(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL, const char *pszFormat, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); if (pImage->pInterfaceError && pImage->pInterfaceErrorCallbacks) pImage->pInterfaceErrorCallbacks->pfnError(pImage->pInterfaceError->pvUser, rc, RT_SRC_POS_ARGS, pszFormat, va); va_end(va); return rc; } /** * Internal: signal an informational message to the frontend. */ DECLINLINE(int) vdiMessage(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, const char *pszFormat, ...) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); if (pImage->pInterfaceError && pImage->pInterfaceErrorCallbacks) rc = pImage->pInterfaceErrorCallbacks->pfnMessage(pImage->pInterfaceError->pvUser, pszFormat, va); va_end(va); return rc; } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileOpen(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, const char *pszFilename, uint32_t fOpen) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnOpen(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pszFilename, fOpen, &pImage->pStorage); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileClose(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnClose(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileDelete(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, const char *pszFilename) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnDelete(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pszFilename); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileMove(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, const char *pszSrc, const char *pszDst, unsigned fMove) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnMove(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pszSrc, pszDst, fMove); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileGetFreeSpace(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, const char *pszFilename, int64_t *pcbFree) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnGetFreeSpace(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pszFilename, pcbFree); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileGetSize(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t *pcbSize) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnGetSize(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, pcbSize); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileSetSize(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t cbSize) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnSetSize(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, cbSize); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileWriteSync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t uOffset, const void *pvBuffer, size_t cbBuffer, size_t *pcbWritten) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnWriteSync(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, uOffset, pvBuffer, cbBuffer, pcbWritten); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileReadSync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t uOffset, void *pvBuffer, size_t cbBuffer, size_t *pcbRead) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnReadSync(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, uOffset, pvBuffer, cbBuffer, pcbRead); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileFlushSync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnFlushSync(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileReadUserAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t uOffset, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, size_t cbRead) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnReadUserAsync(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, uOffset, pIoCtx, cbRead); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileWriteUserAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t uOffset, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, size_t cbWrite, PFNVDXFERCOMPLETED pfnComplete, void *pvCompleteUser) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnWriteUserAsync(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, uOffset, pIoCtx, cbWrite, pfnComplete, pvCompleteUser); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileWriteMetaAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t uOffset, void *pvBuffer, size_t cbBuffer, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, PFNVDXFERCOMPLETED pfnComplete, void *pvCompleteUser) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnWriteMetaAsync(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, uOffset, pvBuffer, cbBuffer, pIoCtx, pfnComplete, pvCompleteUser); } DECLINLINE(int) vdiFileFlushAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, PFNVDXFERCOMPLETED pfnComplete, void *pvCompleteUser) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnFlushAsync(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pImage->pStorage, pIoCtx, pfnComplete, pvCompleteUser); } DECLINLINE(size_t) vdiFileIoCtxSet(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, int ch, size_t cbSet) { return pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks->pfnIoCtxSet(pImage->pInterfaceIO->pvUser, pIoCtx, ch, cbSet); } /** * Internal: Flush the image file to disk. */ static void vdiFlushImage(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage) { if (!(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) { /* Save header. */ int rc = vdiUpdateHeader(pImage); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("vdiUpdateHeader() failed, filename=\"%s\", rc=%Rrc\n", pImage->pszFilename, rc)); vdiFileFlushSync(pImage); } } /** * Internal: Free all allocated space for representing an image, and optionally * delete the image from disk. */ static int vdiFreeImage(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, bool fDelete) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Freeing a never allocated image (e.g. because the open failed) is * not signalled as an error. After all nothing bad happens. */ if (pImage) { if (pImage->pStorage) { /* No point updating the file that is deleted anyway. */ if (!fDelete) vdiFlushImage(pImage); vdiFileClose(pImage); pImage->pStorage = NULL; } if (pImage->paBlocks) { RTMemFree(pImage->paBlocks); pImage->paBlocks = NULL; } if (fDelete && pImage->pszFilename) vdiFileDelete(pImage, pImage->pszFilename); } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * internal: return power of 2 or 0 if num error. */ static unsigned getPowerOfTwo(unsigned uNumber) { if (uNumber == 0) return 0; unsigned uPower2 = 0; while ((uNumber & 1) == 0) { uNumber >>= 1; uPower2++; } return uNumber == 1 ? uPower2 : 0; } /** * Internal: Init VDI preheader. */ static void vdiInitPreHeader(PVDIPREHEADER pPreHdr) { pPreHdr->u32Signature = VDI_IMAGE_SIGNATURE; pPreHdr->u32Version = VDI_IMAGE_VERSION; memset(pPreHdr->szFileInfo, 0, sizeof(pPreHdr->szFileInfo)); strncat(pPreHdr->szFileInfo, VDI_IMAGE_FILE_INFO, sizeof(pPreHdr->szFileInfo)-1); } /** * Internal: check VDI preheader. */ static int vdiValidatePreHeader(PVDIPREHEADER pPreHdr) { if (pPreHdr->u32Signature != VDI_IMAGE_SIGNATURE) return VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER; if ( VDI_GET_VERSION_MAJOR(pPreHdr->u32Version) != VDI_IMAGE_VERSION_MAJOR && pPreHdr->u32Version != 0x00000002) /* old version. */ return VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Internal: translate VD image flags to VDI image type enum. */ static VDIIMAGETYPE vdiTranslateImageFlags2VDI(unsigned uImageFlags) { if (uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED) return VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED; else if (uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_DIFF) return VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_DIFF; else return VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL; } /** * Internal: translate VDI image type enum to VD image type enum. */ static unsigned vdiTranslateVDI2ImageFlags(VDIIMAGETYPE enmType) { switch (enmType) { case VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL: return VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE; case VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED: return VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED; case VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_DIFF: return VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_DIFF; default: AssertMsgFailed(("invalid VDIIMAGETYPE enmType=%d\n", (int)enmType)); return VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE; } } /** * Internal: Init VDI header. Always use latest header version. * @param pHeader Assumes it was initially initialized to all zeros. */ static void vdiInitHeader(PVDIHEADER pHeader, uint32_t uImageFlags, const char *pszComment, uint64_t cbDisk, uint32_t cbBlock, uint32_t cbBlockExtra) { pHeader->uVersion = VDI_IMAGE_VERSION; pHeader->u.v1plus.cbHeader = sizeof(VDIHEADER1PLUS); pHeader->u.v1plus.u32Type = (uint32_t)vdiTranslateImageFlags2VDI(uImageFlags); pHeader->u.v1plus.fFlags = (uImageFlags & VD_VDI_IMAGE_FLAGS_ZERO_EXPAND) ? 1 : 0; #ifdef VBOX_STRICT char achZero[VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE] = {0}; Assert(!memcmp(pHeader->u.v1plus.szComment, achZero, VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE)); #endif pHeader->u.v1plus.szComment[0] = '\0'; if (pszComment) { AssertMsg(strlen(pszComment) < sizeof(pHeader->u.v1plus.szComment), ("HDD Comment is too long, cb=%d\n", strlen(pszComment))); strncat(pHeader->u.v1plus.szComment, pszComment, sizeof(pHeader->u.v1plus.szComment)-1); } /* Mark the legacy geometry not-calculated. */ pHeader->u.v1plus.LegacyGeometry.cCylinders = 0; pHeader->u.v1plus.LegacyGeometry.cHeads = 0; pHeader->u.v1plus.LegacyGeometry.cSectors = 0; pHeader->u.v1plus.LegacyGeometry.cbSector = VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE; pHeader->u.v1plus.u32Dummy = 0; /* used to be the translation value */ pHeader->u.v1plus.cbDisk = cbDisk; pHeader->u.v1plus.cbBlock = cbBlock; pHeader->u.v1plus.cBlocks = (uint32_t)(cbDisk / cbBlock); if (cbDisk % cbBlock) pHeader->u.v1plus.cBlocks++; pHeader->u.v1plus.cbBlockExtra = cbBlockExtra; pHeader->u.v1plus.cBlocksAllocated = 0; /* Init offsets. */ pHeader->u.v1plus.offBlocks = RT_ALIGN_32(sizeof(VDIPREHEADER) + sizeof(VDIHEADER1PLUS), VDI_DATA_ALIGN); pHeader->u.v1plus.offData = RT_ALIGN_32(pHeader->u.v1plus.offBlocks + (pHeader->u.v1plus.cBlocks * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER)), VDI_DATA_ALIGN); /* Init uuids. */ RTUuidCreate(&pHeader->u.v1plus.uuidCreate); RTUuidClear(&pHeader->u.v1plus.uuidModify); RTUuidClear(&pHeader->u.v1plus.uuidLinkage); RTUuidClear(&pHeader->u.v1plus.uuidParentModify); /* Mark LCHS geometry not-calculated. */ pHeader->u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cCylinders = 0; pHeader->u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cHeads = 0; pHeader->u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cSectors = 0; pHeader->u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cbSector = VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE; } /** * Internal: Check VDI header. */ static int vdiValidateHeader(PVDIHEADER pHeader) { /* Check version-dependent header parameters. */ switch (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(pHeader)) { case 0: { /* Old header version. */ break; } case 1: { /* Current header version. */ if (pHeader->u.v1.cbHeader < sizeof(VDIHEADER1)) { LogRel(("VDI: v1 header size wrong (%d < %d)\n", pHeader->u.v1.cbHeader, sizeof(VDIHEADER1))); return VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER; } if (getImageBlocksOffset(pHeader) < (sizeof(VDIPREHEADER) + sizeof(VDIHEADER1))) { LogRel(("VDI: v1 blocks offset wrong (%d < %d)\n", getImageBlocksOffset(pHeader), sizeof(VDIPREHEADER) + sizeof(VDIHEADER1))); return VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER; } if (getImageDataOffset(pHeader) < (getImageBlocksOffset(pHeader) + getImageBlocks(pHeader) * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER))) { LogRel(("VDI: v1 image data offset wrong (%d < %d)\n", getImageDataOffset(pHeader), getImageBlocksOffset(pHeader) + getImageBlocks(pHeader) * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER))); return VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER; } break; } default: /* Unsupported. */ return VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; } /* Check common header parameters. */ bool fFailed = false; if ( getImageType(pHeader) < VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_FIRST || getImageType(pHeader) > VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_LAST) { LogRel(("VDI: bad image type %d\n", getImageType(pHeader))); fFailed = true; } if (getImageFlags(pHeader) & ~VD_VDI_IMAGE_FLAGS_MASK) { LogRel(("VDI: bad image flags %08x\n", getImageFlags(pHeader))); fFailed = true; } if ( getImageLCHSGeometry(pHeader) && (getImageLCHSGeometry(pHeader))->cbSector != VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE) { LogRel(("VDI: wrong sector size (%d != %d)\n", (getImageLCHSGeometry(pHeader))->cbSector, VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE)); fFailed = true; } if ( getImageDiskSize(pHeader) == 0 || getImageBlockSize(pHeader) == 0 || getImageBlocks(pHeader) == 0 || getPowerOfTwo(getImageBlockSize(pHeader)) == 0) { LogRel(("VDI: wrong size (%lld, %d, %d, %d)\n", getImageDiskSize(pHeader), getImageBlockSize(pHeader), getImageBlocks(pHeader), getPowerOfTwo(getImageBlockSize(pHeader)))); fFailed = true; } if (getImageBlocksAllocated(pHeader) > getImageBlocks(pHeader)) { LogRel(("VDI: too many blocks allocated (%d > %d)\n" " blocksize=%d disksize=%lld\n", getImageBlocksAllocated(pHeader), getImageBlocks(pHeader), getImageBlockSize(pHeader), getImageDiskSize(pHeader))); fFailed = true; } if ( getImageExtraBlockSize(pHeader) != 0 && getPowerOfTwo(getImageExtraBlockSize(pHeader)) == 0) { LogRel(("VDI: wrong extra size (%d, %d)\n", getImageExtraBlockSize(pHeader), getPowerOfTwo(getImageExtraBlockSize(pHeader)))); fFailed = true; } if ((uint64_t)getImageBlockSize(pHeader) * getImageBlocks(pHeader) < getImageDiskSize(pHeader)) { LogRel(("VDI: wrong disk size (%d, %d, %lld)\n", getImageBlockSize(pHeader), getImageBlocks(pHeader), getImageDiskSize(pHeader))); fFailed = true; } if (RTUuidIsNull(getImageCreationUUID(pHeader))) { LogRel(("VDI: uuid of creator is 0\n")); fFailed = true; } if (RTUuidIsNull(getImageModificationUUID(pHeader))) { LogRel(("VDI: uuid of modifier is 0\n")); fFailed = true; } return fFailed ? VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER : VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Internal: Set up VDIIMAGEDESC structure by image header. */ static void vdiSetupImageDesc(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage) { pImage->uImageFlags = getImageFlags(&pImage->Header); pImage->uImageFlags |= vdiTranslateVDI2ImageFlags(getImageType(&pImage->Header)); pImage->offStartBlocks = getImageBlocksOffset(&pImage->Header); pImage->offStartData = getImageDataOffset(&pImage->Header); pImage->uBlockMask = getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) - 1; pImage->uShiftOffset2Index = getPowerOfTwo(getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header)); pImage->offStartBlockData = getImageExtraBlockSize(&pImage->Header); pImage->cbTotalBlockData = pImage->offStartBlockData + getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header); } /** * Internal: Create VDI image file. */ static int vdiCreateImage(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, uint64_t cbSize, unsigned uImageFlags, const char *pszComment, PCVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry, PCVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry, PCRTUUID pUuid, unsigned uOpenFlags, PFNVDPROGRESS pfnProgress, void *pvUser, unsigned uPercentStart, unsigned uPercentSpan) { int rc; uint64_t cbTotal; uint64_t cbFill; uint64_t uOff; /* Special check for comment length. */ if ( VALID_PTR(pszComment) && strlen(pszComment) >= VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE) { rc = vdiError(pImage, VERR_VD_VDI_COMMENT_TOO_LONG, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: comment is too long for '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } AssertPtr(pPCHSGeometry); AssertPtr(pLCHSGeometry); pImage->pInterfaceError = VDInterfaceGet(pImage->pVDIfsDisk, VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR); if (pImage->pInterfaceError) pImage->pInterfaceErrorCallbacks = VDGetInterfaceError(pImage->pInterfaceError); /* Get I/O interface. */ pImage->pInterfaceIO = VDInterfaceGet(pImage->pVDIfsImage, VDINTERFACETYPE_IOINT); AssertPtrReturn(pImage->pInterfaceIO, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks = VDGetInterfaceIOInt(pImage->pInterfaceIO); AssertPtrReturn(pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); vdiInitPreHeader(&pImage->PreHeader); vdiInitHeader(&pImage->Header, uImageFlags, pszComment, cbSize, VDI_IMAGE_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, 0); /* Save PCHS geometry. Not much work, and makes the flow of information * quite a bit clearer - relying on the higher level isn't obvious. */ pImage->PCHSGeometry = *pPCHSGeometry; /* Set LCHS geometry (legacy geometry is ignored for the current 1.1+). */ pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cCylinders = pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders; pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cHeads = pLCHSGeometry->cHeads; pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cSectors = pLCHSGeometry->cSectors; pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cbSector = VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE; pImage->paBlocks = (PVDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER) * getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header)); if (!pImage->paBlocks) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; goto out; } if (!(uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED)) { /* for growing images mark all blocks in paBlocks as free. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pImage->Header.u.v1.cBlocks; i++) pImage->paBlocks[i] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; } else { /* for fixed images mark all blocks in paBlocks as allocated */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pImage->Header.u.v1.cBlocks; i++) pImage->paBlocks[i] = i; pImage->Header.u.v1.cBlocksAllocated = pImage->Header.u.v1.cBlocks; } /* Setup image parameters. */ vdiSetupImageDesc(pImage); /* Create image file. */ rc = vdiFileOpen(pImage, pImage->pszFilename, VDOpenFlagsToFileOpenFlags(uOpenFlags & ~VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY, true /* fCreate */)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: cannot create image '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } cbTotal = pImage->offStartData + (uint64_t)getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header) * pImage->cbTotalBlockData; if (uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED) { /* Check the free space on the disk and leave early if there is not * sufficient space available. */ int64_t cbFree = 0; rc = vdiFileGetFreeSpace(pImage, pImage->pszFilename, &cbFree); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) /* ignore errors */ && ((uint64_t)cbFree < cbTotal)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, VERR_DISK_FULL, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: disk would overflow creating image '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } } if (uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED) { /* * Allocate & commit whole file if fixed image, it must be more * effective than expanding file by write operations. */ rc = vdiFileSetSize(pImage, cbTotal); } else { /* Set file size to hold header and blocks array. */ rc = vdiFileSetSize(pImage, pImage->offStartData); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: setting image size failed for '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } /* Use specified image uuid */ *getImageCreationUUID(&pImage->Header) = *pUuid; /* Generate image last-modify uuid */ RTUuidCreate(getImageModificationUUID(&pImage->Header)); /* Write pre-header. */ rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, 0, &pImage->PreHeader, sizeof(pImage->PreHeader), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: writing pre-header failed for '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } /* Write header. */ rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, sizeof(pImage->PreHeader), &pImage->Header.u.v1plus, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: writing header failed for '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, pImage->offStartBlocks, pImage->paBlocks, getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header) * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: writing block pointers failed for '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } if (uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED) { /* Fill image with zeroes. We do this for every fixed-size image since on some systems * (for example Windows Vista), it takes ages to write a block near the end of a sparse * file and the guest could complain about an ATA timeout. */ /** @todo Starting with Linux 2.6.23, there is an fallocate() system call. * Currently supported file systems are ext4 and ocfs2. */ /* Allocate a temporary zero-filled buffer. Use a bigger block size to optimize writing */ const size_t cbBuf = 128 * _1K; void *pvBuf = RTMemTmpAllocZ(cbBuf); if (!pvBuf) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; goto out; } cbFill = (uint64_t)getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header) * pImage->cbTotalBlockData; uOff = 0; /* Write data to all image blocks. */ while (uOff < cbFill) { unsigned cbChunk = (unsigned)RT_MIN(cbFill, cbBuf); rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, pImage->offStartData + uOff, pvBuf, cbChunk, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: writing block failed for '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); goto out; } uOff += cbChunk; if (pfnProgress) { rc = pfnProgress(pvUser, uPercentStart + uOff * uPercentSpan / cbFill); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) goto out; } } RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); } out: if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pfnProgress) pfnProgress(pvUser, uPercentStart + uPercentSpan); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) vdiFreeImage(pImage, rc != VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS); return rc; } /** * Internal: Open a VDI image. */ static int vdiOpenImage(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, unsigned uOpenFlags) { int rc; pImage->uOpenFlags = uOpenFlags; pImage->pInterfaceError = VDInterfaceGet(pImage->pVDIfsDisk, VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR); if (pImage->pInterfaceError) pImage->pInterfaceErrorCallbacks = VDGetInterfaceError(pImage->pInterfaceError); /* Get I/O interface. */ pImage->pInterfaceIO = VDInterfaceGet(pImage->pVDIfsImage, VDINTERFACETYPE_IOINT); AssertPtrReturn(pImage->pInterfaceIO, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks = VDGetInterfaceIOInt(pImage->pInterfaceIO); AssertPtrReturn(pImage->pInterfaceIOCallbacks, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Open the image. */ rc = vdiFileOpen(pImage, pImage->pszFilename, VDOpenFlagsToFileOpenFlags(uOpenFlags, false /* fCreate */)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { /* Do NOT signal an appropriate error here, as the VD layer has the * choice of retrying the open if it failed. */ goto out; } /* Read pre-header. */ rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, 0, &pImage->PreHeader, sizeof(pImage->PreHeader), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: error reading pre-header in '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); rc = VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER; goto out; } rc = vdiValidatePreHeader(&pImage->PreHeader); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: invalid pre-header in '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } /* Read header. */ pImage->Header.uVersion = pImage->PreHeader.u32Version; switch (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header)) { case 0: rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, sizeof(pImage->PreHeader), &pImage->Header.u.v0, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v0), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: error reading v0 header in '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } break; case 1: rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, sizeof(pImage->PreHeader), &pImage->Header.u.v1, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: error reading v1 header in '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } /* Convert VDI 1.1 images to VDI 1.1+ on open in read/write mode. * Conversion is harmless, as any VirtualBox version supporting VDI * 1.1 doesn't touch fields it doesn't know about. */ if ( !(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) && GET_MINOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 1 && pImage->Header.u.v1.cbHeader < sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus)) { pImage->Header.u.v1plus.cbHeader = sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus); /* Mark LCHS geometry not-calculated. */ pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cCylinders = 0; pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cHeads = 0; pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cSectors = 0; pImage->Header.u.v1plus.LCHSGeometry.cbSector = VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE; } else if (pImage->Header.u.v1.cbHeader >= sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus)) { /* Read the actual VDI 1.1+ header completely. */ rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, sizeof(pImage->PreHeader), &pImage->Header.u.v1plus, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: error reading v1.1+ header in '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } } break; default: rc = vdiError(pImage, VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: unsupported major version %u in '%s'"), GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } rc = vdiValidateHeader(&pImage->Header); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = vdiError(pImage, VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER, RT_SRC_POS, N_("VDI: invalid header in '%s'"), pImage->pszFilename); goto out; } /* Setup image parameters by header. */ vdiSetupImageDesc(pImage); /* Allocate memory for blocks array. */ pImage->paBlocks = (PVDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER) * getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header)); if (!pImage->paBlocks) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; goto out; } /* Read blocks array. */ rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, pImage->offStartBlocks, pImage->paBlocks, getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header) * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER), NULL); out: if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) vdiFreeImage(pImage, false); return rc; } /** * Internal: Save header to file. */ static int vdiUpdateHeader(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage) { int rc; switch (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header)) { case 0: rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, sizeof(VDIPREHEADER), &pImage->Header.u.v0, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v0), NULL); break; case 1: if (pImage->Header.u.v1plus.cbHeader < sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus)) rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, sizeof(VDIPREHEADER), &pImage->Header.u.v1, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1), NULL); else rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, sizeof(VDIPREHEADER), &pImage->Header.u.v1plus, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus), NULL); break; default: rc = VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; break; } AssertMsgRC(rc, ("vdiUpdateHeader failed, filename=\"%s\" rc=%Rrc\n", pImage->pszFilename, rc)); return rc; } /** * Internal: Save header to file - async version. */ static int vdiUpdateHeaderAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx) { int rc; switch (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header)) { case 0: rc = vdiFileWriteMetaAsync(pImage, sizeof(VDIPREHEADER), &pImage->Header.u.v0, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v0), pIoCtx, NULL, NULL); break; case 1: if (pImage->Header.u.v1plus.cbHeader < sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus)) rc = vdiFileWriteMetaAsync(pImage, sizeof(VDIPREHEADER), &pImage->Header.u.v1, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1), pIoCtx, NULL, NULL); else rc = vdiFileWriteMetaAsync(pImage, sizeof(VDIPREHEADER), &pImage->Header.u.v1plus, sizeof(pImage->Header.u.v1plus), pIoCtx, NULL, NULL); break; default: rc = VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; break; } AssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS, ("vdiUpdateHeader failed, filename=\"%s\" rc=%Rrc\n", pImage->pszFilename, rc)); return rc; } /** * Internal: Save block pointer to file, save header to file. */ static int vdiUpdateBlockInfo(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, unsigned uBlock) { /* Update image header. */ int rc = vdiUpdateHeader(pImage); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* write only one block pointer. */ rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, pImage->offStartBlocks + uBlock * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER), &pImage->paBlocks[uBlock], sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER), NULL); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("vdiUpdateBlockInfo failed to update block=%u, filename=\"%s\", rc=%Rrc\n", uBlock, pImage->pszFilename, rc)); } return rc; } /** * Internal: Save block pointer to file, save header to file - async version. */ static int vdiUpdateBlockInfoAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, unsigned uBlock, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx) { /* Update image header. */ int rc = vdiUpdateHeaderAsync(pImage, pIoCtx); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS) { /* write only one block pointer. */ rc = vdiFileWriteMetaAsync(pImage, pImage->offStartBlocks + uBlock * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER), &pImage->paBlocks[uBlock], sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER), pIoCtx, NULL, NULL); AssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS, ("vdiUpdateBlockInfo failed to update block=%u, filename=\"%s\", rc=%Rrc\n", uBlock, pImage->pszFilename, rc)); } return rc; } /** * Internal: Flush the image file to disk - async version. */ static int vdiFlushImageAsync(PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) { /* Save header. */ rc = vdiUpdateHeaderAsync(pImage, pIoCtx); AssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS, ("vdiUpdateHeaderAsync() failed, filename=\"%s\", rc=%Rrc\n", pImage->pszFilename, rc)); rc = vdiFileFlushAsync(pImage, pIoCtx, NULL, NULL); AssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS, ("Flushing data to disk failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnCheckIfValid */ static int vdiCheckIfValid(const char *pszFilename, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, VDTYPE *penmType) { LogFlowFunc(("pszFilename=\"%s\"\n", pszFilename)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage; if ( !VALID_PTR(pszFilename) || !*pszFilename) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(VDIIMAGEDESC)); if (!pImage) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; goto out; } pImage->pszFilename = pszFilename; pImage->pStorage = NULL; pImage->paBlocks = NULL; pImage->pVDIfsDisk = pVDIfsDisk; pImage->pVDIfsImage = pVDIfsImage; rc = vdiOpenImage(pImage, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_INFO | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY); vdiFreeImage(pImage, false); RTMemFree(pImage); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *penmType = VDTYPE_HDD; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnOpen */ static int vdiOpen(const char *pszFilename, unsigned uOpenFlags, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, VDTYPE enmType, void **ppBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pszFilename=\"%s\" uOpenFlags=%#x pVDIfsDisk=%#p pVDIfsImage=%#p ppBackendData=%#p\n", pszFilename, uOpenFlags, pVDIfsDisk, pVDIfsImage, ppBackendData)); int rc; PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage; /* Check open flags. All valid flags are supported. */ if (uOpenFlags & ~VD_OPEN_FLAGS_MASK) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Check remaining arguments. */ if ( !VALID_PTR(pszFilename) || !*pszFilename) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(VDIIMAGEDESC)); if (!pImage) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; goto out; } pImage->pszFilename = pszFilename; pImage->pStorage = NULL; pImage->paBlocks = NULL; pImage->pVDIfsDisk = pVDIfsDisk; pImage->pVDIfsImage = pVDIfsImage; rc = vdiOpenImage(pImage, uOpenFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppBackendData = pImage; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (pBackendData=%#p)\n", rc, *ppBackendData)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnCreate */ static int vdiCreate(const char *pszFilename, uint64_t cbSize, unsigned uImageFlags, const char *pszComment, PCVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry, PCVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry, PCRTUUID pUuid, unsigned uOpenFlags, unsigned uPercentStart, unsigned uPercentSpan, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsOperation, void **ppBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pszFilename=\"%s\" cbSize=%llu uImageFlags=%#x pszComment=\"%s\" pPCHSGeometry=%#p pLCHSGeometry=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid uOpenFlags=%#x uPercentStart=%u uPercentSpan=%u pVDIfsDisk=%#p pVDIfsImage=%#p pVDIfsOperation=%#p ppBackendData=%#p", pszFilename, cbSize, uImageFlags, pszComment, pPCHSGeometry, pLCHSGeometry, pUuid, uOpenFlags, uPercentStart, uPercentSpan, pVDIfsDisk, pVDIfsImage, pVDIfsOperation, ppBackendData)); int rc; PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage; PFNVDPROGRESS pfnProgress = NULL; void *pvUser = NULL; PVDINTERFACE pIfProgress = VDInterfaceGet(pVDIfsOperation, VDINTERFACETYPE_PROGRESS); PVDINTERFACEPROGRESS pCbProgress = NULL; if (pIfProgress) { pCbProgress = VDGetInterfaceProgress(pIfProgress); if (pCbProgress) pfnProgress = pCbProgress->pfnProgress; pvUser = pIfProgress->pvUser; } /* Check the image flags. */ if ((uImageFlags & ~VD_VDI_IMAGE_FLAGS_MASK) != 0) { rc = VERR_VD_INVALID_TYPE; goto out; } /* Check open flags. All valid flags are supported. */ if (uOpenFlags & ~VD_OPEN_FLAGS_MASK) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Check size. Maximum 4PB-3M. No tricks with adjusting the 1M block size * so far, which would extend the size. */ cbSize = RT_ALIGN_64(cbSize, _1M); if ( !cbSize || cbSize >= _1P * 4 - _1M * 3) { rc = VERR_VD_INVALID_SIZE; goto out; } /* Check remaining arguments. */ if ( !VALID_PTR(pszFilename) || !*pszFilename || cbSize < VDI_IMAGE_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE || !VALID_PTR(pPCHSGeometry) || !VALID_PTR(pLCHSGeometry)) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(VDIIMAGEDESC)); if (!pImage) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; goto out; } pImage->pszFilename = pszFilename; pImage->pStorage = NULL; pImage->paBlocks = NULL; pImage->pVDIfsDisk = pVDIfsDisk; pImage->pVDIfsImage = pVDIfsImage; rc = vdiCreateImage(pImage, cbSize, uImageFlags, pszComment, pPCHSGeometry, pLCHSGeometry, pUuid, uOpenFlags, pfnProgress, pvUser, uPercentStart, uPercentSpan); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* So far the image is opened in read/write mode. Make sure the * image is opened in read-only mode if the caller requested that. */ if (uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { vdiFreeImage(pImage, false); rc = vdiOpenImage(pImage, uOpenFlags); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMemFree(pImage); goto out; } } *ppBackendData = pImage; } else RTMemFree(pImage); out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (pBackendData=%#p)\n", rc, *ppBackendData)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnRename */ static int vdiRename(void *pBackendData, const char *pszFilename) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pszFilename=%#p\n", pBackendData, pszFilename)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; /* Check arguments. */ if ( !pImage || !pszFilename || !*pszFilename) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Close the image. */ vdiFreeImage(pImage, false); /* Rename the file. */ rc = vdiFileMove(pImage, pImage->pszFilename, pszFilename, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { /* The move failed, try to reopen the original image. */ int rc2 = vdiOpenImage(pImage, pImage->uOpenFlags); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) rc = rc2; goto out; } /* Update pImage with the new information. */ pImage->pszFilename = pszFilename; /* Open the new image. */ rc = vdiOpenImage(pImage, pImage->uOpenFlags); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) goto out; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnClose */ static int vdiClose(void *pBackendData, bool fDelete) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p fDelete=%d\n", pBackendData, fDelete)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; rc = vdiFreeImage(pImage, fDelete); RTMemFree(pImage); LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnRead */ static int vdiRead(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, void *pvBuf, size_t cbToRead, size_t *pcbActuallyRead) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOffset=%llu pvBuf=%#p cbToRead=%zu pcbActuallyRead=%#p\n", pBackendData, uOffset, pvBuf, cbToRead, pcbActuallyRead)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; unsigned uBlock; unsigned offRead; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); Assert(!(uOffset % 512)); Assert(!(cbToRead % 512)); if ( uOffset + cbToRead > getImageDiskSize(&pImage->Header) || !VALID_PTR(pvBuf) || !cbToRead) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Calculate starting block number and offset inside it. */ uBlock = (unsigned)(uOffset >> pImage->uShiftOffset2Index); offRead = (unsigned)uOffset & pImage->uBlockMask; /* Clip read range to at most the rest of the block. */ cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbToRead, getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) - offRead); Assert(!(cbToRead % 512)); if (pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE) rc = VERR_VD_BLOCK_FREE; else if (pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ZERO) { memset(pvBuf, 0, cbToRead); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { /* Block present in image file, read relevant data. */ uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData + offRead); rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, u64Offset, pvBuf, cbToRead, NULL); } if (pcbActuallyRead) *pcbActuallyRead = cbToRead; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /**@copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnWrite */ static int vdiWrite(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbToWrite, size_t *pcbWriteProcess, size_t *pcbPreRead, size_t *pcbPostRead, unsigned fWrite) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOffset=%llu pvBuf=%#p cbToWrite=%zu pcbWriteProcess=%#p pcbPreRead=%#p pcbPostRead=%#p\n", pBackendData, uOffset, pvBuf, cbToWrite, pcbWriteProcess, pcbPreRead, pcbPostRead)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; unsigned uBlock; unsigned offWrite; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pImage); Assert(!(uOffset % 512)); Assert(!(cbToWrite % 512)); if (pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; goto out; } if (!VALID_PTR(pvBuf) || !cbToWrite) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* No size check here, will do that later. For dynamic images which are * not multiples of the block size in length, this would prevent writing to * the last block. */ /* Calculate starting block number and offset inside it. */ uBlock = (unsigned)(uOffset >> pImage->uShiftOffset2Index); offWrite = (unsigned)uOffset & pImage->uBlockMask; /* Clip write range to at most the rest of the block. */ cbToWrite = RT_MIN(cbToWrite, getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) - offWrite); Assert(!(cbToWrite % 512)); do { if (!IS_VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ALLOCATED(pImage->paBlocks[uBlock])) { /* Block is either free or zero. */ if ( !(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_HONOR_ZEROES) && ( pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ZERO || cbToWrite == getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header))) { /* If the destination block is unallocated at this point, it's * either a zero block or a block which hasn't been used so far * (which also means that it's a zero block. Don't need to write * anything to this block if the data consists of just zeroes. */ Assert(!(cbToWrite % 4)); Assert(cbToWrite * 8 <= UINT32_MAX); if (ASMBitFirstSet((volatile void *)pvBuf, (uint32_t)cbToWrite * 8) == -1) { pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ZERO; break; } } if ( cbToWrite == getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) && !(fWrite & VD_WRITE_NO_ALLOC)) { /* Full block write to previously unallocated block. * Allocate block and write data. */ Assert(!offWrite); unsigned cBlocksAllocated = getImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header); uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)cBlocksAllocated * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData); rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, u64Offset, pvBuf, cbToWrite, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) goto out; pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] = cBlocksAllocated; setImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header, cBlocksAllocated + 1); rc = vdiUpdateBlockInfo(pImage, uBlock); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) goto out; *pcbPreRead = 0; *pcbPostRead = 0; } else { /* Trying to do a partial write to an unallocated block. Don't do * anything except letting the upper layer know what to do. */ *pcbPreRead = offWrite % getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header); *pcbPostRead = getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) - cbToWrite - *pcbPreRead; rc = VERR_VD_BLOCK_FREE; } } else { /* Block present in image file, write relevant data. */ uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData + offWrite); rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, u64Offset, pvBuf, cbToWrite, NULL); } } while (0); if (pcbWriteProcess) *pcbWriteProcess = cbToWrite; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnFlush */ static int vdiFlush(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; Assert(pImage); vdiFlushImage(pImage); LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetVersion */ static unsigned vdiGetVersion(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; unsigned uVersion; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) uVersion = pImage->PreHeader.u32Version; else uVersion = 0; LogFlowFunc(("returns %#x\n", uVersion)); return uVersion; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetSize */ static uint64_t vdiGetSize(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; uint64_t cbSize; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) cbSize = getImageDiskSize(&pImage->Header); else cbSize = 0; LogFlowFunc(("returns %llu\n", cbSize)); return cbSize; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetFileSize */ static uint64_t vdiGetFileSize(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; uint64_t cb = 0; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { uint64_t cbFile; if (pImage->pStorage) { int rc = vdiFileGetSize(pImage, &cbFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) cb += cbFile; } } LogFlowFunc(("returns %lld\n", cb)); return cb; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetPCHSGeometry */ static int vdiGetPCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pPCHSGeometry=%#p\n", pBackendData, pPCHSGeometry)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (pImage->PCHSGeometry.cCylinders) { *pPCHSGeometry = pImage->PCHSGeometry; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_GEOMETRY_NOT_SET; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (PCHS=%u/%u/%u)\n", rc, pPCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pPCHSGeometry->cHeads, pPCHSGeometry->cSectors)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetPCHSGeometry */ static int vdiSetPCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PCVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pPCHSGeometry=%#p PCHS=%u/%u/%u\n", pBackendData, pPCHSGeometry, pPCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pPCHSGeometry->cHeads, pPCHSGeometry->cSectors)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; goto out; } pImage->PCHSGeometry = *pPCHSGeometry; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetLCHSGeometry */ static int vdiGetLCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pLCHSGeometry=%#p\n", pBackendData, pLCHSGeometry)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { VDIDISKGEOMETRY DummyGeo = { 0, 0, 0, VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE }; PVDIDISKGEOMETRY pGeometry = getImageLCHSGeometry(&pImage->Header); if (!pGeometry) pGeometry = &DummyGeo; if ( pGeometry->cCylinders > 0 && pGeometry->cHeads > 0 && pGeometry->cSectors > 0) { pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders = pGeometry->cCylinders; pLCHSGeometry->cHeads = pGeometry->cHeads; pLCHSGeometry->cSectors = pGeometry->cSectors; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_GEOMETRY_NOT_SET; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (LCHS=%u/%u/%u)\n", rc, pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pLCHSGeometry->cHeads, pLCHSGeometry->cSectors)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetLCHSGeometry */ static int vdiSetLCHSGeometry(void *pBackendData, PCVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pLCHSGeometry=%#p LCHS=%u/%u/%u\n", pBackendData, pLCHSGeometry, pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders, pLCHSGeometry->cHeads, pLCHSGeometry->cSectors)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; PVDIDISKGEOMETRY pGeometry; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; goto out; } pGeometry = getImageLCHSGeometry(&pImage->Header); if (pGeometry) { pGeometry->cCylinders = pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders; pGeometry->cHeads = pLCHSGeometry->cHeads; pGeometry->cSectors = pLCHSGeometry->cSectors; pGeometry->cbSector = VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE; /* Update header information in base image file. */ vdiFlushImage(pImage); } rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetImageFlags */ static unsigned vdiGetImageFlags(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; unsigned uImageFlags; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) uImageFlags = pImage->uImageFlags; else uImageFlags = 0; LogFlowFunc(("returns %#x\n", uImageFlags)); return uImageFlags; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetOpenFlags */ static unsigned vdiGetOpenFlags(void *pBackendData) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; unsigned uOpenFlags; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) uOpenFlags = pImage->uOpenFlags; else uOpenFlags = 0; LogFlowFunc(("returns %#x\n", uOpenFlags)); return uOpenFlags; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetOpenFlags */ static int vdiSetOpenFlags(void *pBackendData, unsigned uOpenFlags) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOpenFlags=%#x\n", pBackendData, uOpenFlags)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; const char *pszFilename; /* Image must be opened and the new flags must be valid. */ if (!pImage || (uOpenFlags & ~(VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_INFO | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_ASYNC_IO | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_SHAREABLE | VD_OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL))) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Implement this operation via reopening the image. */ pszFilename = pImage->pszFilename; rc = vdiFreeImage(pImage, false); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) goto out; rc = vdiOpenImage(pImage, uOpenFlags); out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetComment */ static int vdiGetComment(void *pBackendData, char *pszComment, size_t cbComment) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pszComment=%#p cbComment=%zu\n", pBackendData, pszComment, cbComment)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { char *pszTmp = getImageComment(&pImage->Header); /* Make this foolproof even if the image doesn't have the zero * termination. With some luck the repaired header will be saved. */ size_t cb = RTStrNLen(pszTmp, VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE); if (cb == VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE) { pszTmp[VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE-1] = '\0'; cb--; } if (cb < cbComment) { /* memcpy is much better than strncpy. */ memcpy(pszComment, pszTmp, cb + 1); } else rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc comment=\"%s\"\n", rc, pszComment)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetComment */ static int vdiSetComment(void *pBackendData, const char *pszComment) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pszComment=\"%s\"\n", pBackendData, pszComment)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; else { size_t cchComment = pszComment ? strlen(pszComment) : 0; if (cchComment >= VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE) { LogFunc(("pszComment is too long, %d bytes!\n", cchComment)); rc = VERR_VD_VDI_COMMENT_TOO_LONG; goto out; } /* we don't support old style images */ if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 1) { /* * Update the comment field, making sure to zero out all of the previous comment. */ memset(pImage->Header.u.v1.szComment, '\0', VDI_IMAGE_COMMENT_SIZE); memcpy(pImage->Header.u.v1.szComment, pszComment, cchComment); /* write out new the header */ rc = vdiUpdateHeader(pImage); } else rc = VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; } } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetUuid */ static int vdiGetUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { *pUuid = *getImageCreationUUID(&pImage->Header); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetUuid */ static int vdiSetUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (!(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) { if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 1) pImage->Header.u.v1.uuidCreate = *pUuid; /* Make it possible to clone old VDIs. */ else if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 0) pImage->Header.u.v0.uuidCreate = *pUuid; else { LogFunc(("Version is not supported!\n")); rc = VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; } } else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetModificationUuid */ static int vdiGetModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { *pUuid = *getImageModificationUUID(&pImage->Header); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetModificationUuid */ static int vdiSetModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (!(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) { if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 1) pImage->Header.u.v1.uuidModify = *pUuid; /* Make it possible to clone old VDIs. */ else if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 0) pImage->Header.u.v0.uuidModify = *pUuid; else { LogFunc(("Version is not supported!\n")); rc = VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; } } else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetParentUuid */ static int vdiGetParentUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { *pUuid = *getImageParentUUID(&pImage->Header); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetParentUuid */ static int vdiSetParentUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (!(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) { if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 1) pImage->Header.u.v1.uuidLinkage = *pUuid; /* Make it possible to clone old VDIs. */ else if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 0) pImage->Header.u.v0.uuidLinkage = *pUuid; else { LogFunc(("Version is not supported!\n")); rc = VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; } } else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnGetParentModificationUuid */ static int vdiGetParentModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p pUuid=%#p\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { *pUuid = *getImageParentModificationUUID(&pImage->Header); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc (%RTuuid)\n", rc, pUuid)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnSetParentModificationUuid */ static int vdiSetParentModificationUuid(void *pBackendData, PCRTUUID pUuid) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p Uuid=%RTuuid\n", pBackendData, pUuid)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pImage); if (pImage) { if (!(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY)) { if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 1) pImage->Header.u.v1.uuidParentModify = *pUuid; else { LogFunc(("Version is not supported!\n")); rc = VERR_VD_VDI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; } } else rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; } else rc = VERR_VD_NOT_OPENED; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnDump */ static void vdiDump(void *pBackendData) { PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; vdiMessage(pImage, "Dumping VDI image \"%s\" mode=%s uOpenFlags=%X File=%#p\n", pImage->pszFilename, (pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) ? "r/o" : "r/w", pImage->uOpenFlags, pImage->pStorage); vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: Version=%08X Type=%X Flags=%X Size=%llu\n", pImage->PreHeader.u32Version, getImageType(&pImage->Header), getImageFlags(&pImage->Header), getImageDiskSize(&pImage->Header)); vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: cbBlock=%u cbBlockExtra=%u cBlocks=%u cBlocksAllocated=%u\n", getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header), getImageExtraBlockSize(&pImage->Header), getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header), getImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header)); vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: offBlocks=%u offData=%u\n", getImageBlocksOffset(&pImage->Header), getImageDataOffset(&pImage->Header)); PVDIDISKGEOMETRY pg = getImageLCHSGeometry(&pImage->Header); if (pg) vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: Geometry: C/H/S=%u/%u/%u cbSector=%u\n", pg->cCylinders, pg->cHeads, pg->cSectors, pg->cbSector); vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: uuidCreation={%RTuuid}\n", getImageCreationUUID(&pImage->Header)); vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: uuidModification={%RTuuid}\n", getImageModificationUUID(&pImage->Header)); vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: uuidParent={%RTuuid}\n", getImageParentUUID(&pImage->Header)); if (GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) >= 1) vdiMessage(pImage, "Header: uuidParentModification={%RTuuid}\n", getImageParentModificationUUID(&pImage->Header)); vdiMessage(pImage, "Image: fFlags=%08X offStartBlocks=%u offStartData=%u\n", pImage->uImageFlags, pImage->offStartBlocks, pImage->offStartData); vdiMessage(pImage, "Image: uBlockMask=%08X cbTotalBlockData=%u uShiftOffset2Index=%u offStartBlockData=%u\n", pImage->uBlockMask, pImage->cbTotalBlockData, pImage->uShiftOffset2Index, pImage->offStartBlockData); unsigned uBlock, cBlocksNotFree, cBadBlocks, cBlocks = getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header); for (uBlock=0, cBlocksNotFree=0, cBadBlocks=0; uBlockpaBlocks[uBlock])) { cBlocksNotFree++; if (pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] >= cBlocks) cBadBlocks++; } } if (cBlocksNotFree != getImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header)) { vdiMessage(pImage, "!! WARNING: %u blocks actually allocated (cBlocksAllocated=%u) !!\n", cBlocksNotFree, getImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header)); } if (cBadBlocks) { vdiMessage(pImage, "!! WARNING: %u bad blocks found !!\n", cBadBlocks); } } static int vdiAsyncRead(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, size_t cbToRead, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, size_t *pcbActuallyRead) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOffset=%llu pIoCtx=%#p cbToRead=%zu pcbActuallyRead=%#p\n", pBackendData, uOffset, pIoCtx, cbToRead, pcbActuallyRead)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; unsigned uBlock; unsigned offRead; int rc; AssertPtr(pImage); Assert(!(uOffset % 512)); Assert(!(cbToRead % 512)); if ( uOffset + cbToRead > getImageDiskSize(&pImage->Header) || !VALID_PTR(pIoCtx) || !cbToRead) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* Calculate starting block number and offset inside it. */ uBlock = (unsigned)(uOffset >> pImage->uShiftOffset2Index); offRead = (unsigned)uOffset & pImage->uBlockMask; /* Clip read range to at most the rest of the block. */ cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbToRead, getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) - offRead); Assert(!(cbToRead % 512)); if (pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE) rc = VERR_VD_BLOCK_FREE; else if (pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ZERO) { size_t cbSet; cbSet = vdiFileIoCtxSet(pImage, pIoCtx, 0, cbToRead); Assert(cbSet == cbToRead); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { /* Block present in image file, read relevant data. */ uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData + offRead); rc = vdiFileReadUserAsync(pImage, u64Offset, pIoCtx, cbToRead); } if (pcbActuallyRead) *pcbActuallyRead = cbToRead; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } static int vdiAsyncWrite(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, size_t cbToWrite, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx, size_t *pcbWriteProcess, size_t *pcbPreRead, size_t *pcbPostRead, unsigned fWrite) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOffset=%llu pIoCtx=%#p cbToWrite=%zu pcbWriteProcess=%#p pcbPreRead=%#p pcbPostRead=%#p\n", pBackendData, uOffset, pIoCtx, cbToWrite, pcbWriteProcess, pcbPreRead, pcbPostRead)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; unsigned uBlock; unsigned offWrite; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtr(pImage); Assert(!(uOffset % 512)); Assert(!(cbToWrite % 512)); if (pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY) { rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY; goto out; } if (!VALID_PTR(pIoCtx) || !cbToWrite) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } /* No size check here, will do that later. For dynamic images which are * not multiples of the block size in length, this would prevent writing to * the last block. */ /* Calculate starting block number and offset inside it. */ uBlock = (unsigned)(uOffset >> pImage->uShiftOffset2Index); offWrite = (unsigned)uOffset & pImage->uBlockMask; /* Clip write range to at most the rest of the block. */ cbToWrite = RT_MIN(cbToWrite, getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) - offWrite); Assert(!(cbToWrite % 512)); do { if (!IS_VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ALLOCATED(pImage->paBlocks[uBlock])) { /* Block is either free or zero. */ if ( !(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_HONOR_ZEROES) && ( pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ZERO || cbToWrite == getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header))) { #if 0 /** @todo Provide interface to check an I/O context for a specific value */ /* If the destination block is unallocated at this point, it's * either a zero block or a block which hasn't been used so far * (which also means that it's a zero block. Don't need to write * anything to this block if the data consists of just zeroes. */ Assert(!(cbToWrite % 4)); Assert(cbToWrite * 8 <= UINT32_MAX); if (ASMBitFirstSet((volatile void *)pvBuf, (uint32_t)cbToWrite * 8) == -1) { pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ZERO; break; } #endif } if ( cbToWrite == getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) && !(fWrite & VD_WRITE_NO_ALLOC)) { /* Full block write to previously unallocated block. * Allocate block and write data. */ Assert(!offWrite); unsigned cBlocksAllocated = getImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header); uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)cBlocksAllocated * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData); rc = vdiFileWriteUserAsync(pImage, u64Offset, pIoCtx, cbToWrite, NULL, NULL); if (RT_UNLIKELY(RT_FAILURE_NP(rc) && (rc != VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS))) goto out; pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] = cBlocksAllocated; setImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header, cBlocksAllocated + 1); rc = vdiUpdateBlockInfoAsync(pImage, uBlock, pIoCtx); if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && (rc != VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS)) goto out; *pcbPreRead = 0; *pcbPostRead = 0; } else { /* Trying to do a partial write to an unallocated block. Don't do * anything except letting the upper layer know what to do. */ *pcbPreRead = offWrite % getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header); *pcbPostRead = getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header) - cbToWrite - *pcbPreRead; rc = VERR_VD_BLOCK_FREE; } } else { /* Block present in image file, write relevant data. */ uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)pImage->paBlocks[uBlock] * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData + offWrite); rc = vdiFileWriteUserAsync(pImage, u64Offset, pIoCtx, cbToWrite, NULL, NULL); } } while (0); if (pcbWriteProcess) *pcbWriteProcess = cbToWrite; out: LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } static int vdiAsyncFlush(void *pBackendData, PVDIOCTX pIoCtx) { LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p\n", pBackendData)); PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; Assert(pImage); rc = vdiFlushImageAsync(pImage, pIoCtx); LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnCompact */ static int vdiCompact(void *pBackendData, unsigned uPercentStart, unsigned uPercentSpan, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsOperation) { PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; void *pvBuf = NULL, *pvTmp = NULL; unsigned *paBlocks2 = NULL; int (*pfnParentRead)(void *, uint64_t, void *, size_t) = NULL; void *pvParent = NULL; PVDINTERFACE pIfParentState = VDInterfaceGet(pVDIfsOperation, VDINTERFACETYPE_PARENTSTATE); PVDINTERFACEPARENTSTATE pCbParentState = NULL; if (pIfParentState) { pCbParentState = VDGetInterfaceParentState(pIfParentState); if (pCbParentState) pfnParentRead = pCbParentState->pfnParentRead; pvParent = pIfParentState->pvUser; } PFNVDPROGRESS pfnProgress = NULL; void *pvUser = NULL; PVDINTERFACE pIfProgress = VDInterfaceGet(pVDIfsOperation, VDINTERFACETYPE_PROGRESS); PVDINTERFACEPROGRESS pCbProgress = NULL; if (pIfProgress) { pCbProgress = VDGetInterfaceProgress(pIfProgress); if (pCbProgress) pfnProgress = pCbProgress->pfnProgress; pvUser = pIfProgress->pvUser; } do { AssertBreakStmt(pImage, rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertBreakStmt(!(pImage->uOpenFlags & VD_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY), rc = VERR_VD_IMAGE_READ_ONLY); unsigned cBlocks; unsigned cBlocksToMove = 0; size_t cbBlock; cBlocks = getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header); cbBlock = getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header); if (pfnParentRead) { pvBuf = RTMemTmpAlloc(cbBlock); AssertBreakStmt(VALID_PTR(pvBuf), rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY); } pvTmp = RTMemTmpAlloc(cbBlock); AssertBreakStmt(VALID_PTR(pvTmp), rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY); uint64_t cbFile; rc = vdiFileGetSize(pImage, &cbFile); AssertRCBreak(rc); unsigned cBlocksAllocated = (unsigned)((cbFile - pImage->offStartData - pImage->offStartBlockData) >> pImage->uShiftOffset2Index); if (cBlocksAllocated == 0) { /* No data blocks in this image, no need to compact. */ rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } /* Allocate block array for back resolving. */ paBlocks2 = (unsigned *)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(unsigned *) * cBlocksAllocated); AssertBreakStmt(VALID_PTR(paBlocks2), rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY); /* Fill out back resolving, check/fix allocation errors before * compacting the image, just to be on the safe side. Update the * image contents straight away, as this enables cancelling. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < cBlocksAllocated; i++) paBlocks2[i] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cBlocks; i++) { VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER ptrBlock = pImage->paBlocks[i]; if (IS_VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ALLOCATED(ptrBlock)) { if (ptrBlock < cBlocksAllocated) { if (paBlocks2[ptrBlock] == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE) paBlocks2[ptrBlock] = i; else { LogFunc(("Freed cross-linked block %u in file \"%s\"\n", i, pImage->pszFilename)); pImage->paBlocks[i] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; rc = vdiUpdateBlockInfo(pImage, i); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } else { LogFunc(("Freed out of bounds reference for block %u in file \"%s\"\n", i, pImage->pszFilename)); pImage->paBlocks[i] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; rc = vdiUpdateBlockInfo(pImage, i); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* Find redundant information and update the block pointers * accordingly, creating bubbles. Keep disk up to date, as this * enables cancelling. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < cBlocks; i++) { VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER ptrBlock = pImage->paBlocks[i]; if (IS_VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ALLOCATED(ptrBlock)) { /* Block present in image file, read relevant data. */ uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)ptrBlock * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData); rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, u64Offset, pvTmp, cbBlock, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; if (ASMBitFirstSet((volatile void *)pvTmp, (uint32_t)cbBlock * 8) == -1) { pImage->paBlocks[i] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ZERO; rc = vdiUpdateBlockInfo(pImage, i); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; paBlocks2[ptrBlock] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; /* Adjust progress info, one block to be relocated. */ cBlocksToMove++; } else if (pfnParentRead) { rc = pfnParentRead(pvParent, i * cbBlock, pvBuf, cbBlock); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; if (!memcmp(pvTmp, pvBuf, cbBlock)) { pImage->paBlocks[i] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; rc = vdiUpdateBlockInfo(pImage, i); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; paBlocks2[ptrBlock] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; /* Adjust progress info, one block to be relocated. */ cBlocksToMove++; } } } if (pCbProgress && pCbProgress->pfnProgress) { rc = pCbProgress->pfnProgress(pIfProgress->pvUser, (uint64_t)i * uPercentSpan / (cBlocks + cBlocksToMove) + uPercentStart); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* Fill bubbles with other data (if available). */ unsigned cBlocksMoved = 0; unsigned uBlockUsedPos = cBlocksAllocated; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cBlocksAllocated; i++) { unsigned uBlock = paBlocks2[i]; if (uBlock == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE) { unsigned uBlockData = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; while (uBlockUsedPos > i && uBlockData == VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE) { uBlockUsedPos--; uBlockData = paBlocks2[uBlockUsedPos]; } /* Terminate early if there is no block which needs copying. */ if (uBlockUsedPos == i) break; uint64_t u64Offset = (uint64_t)uBlockUsedPos * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData); rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, u64Offset, pvTmp, cbBlock, NULL); u64Offset = (uint64_t)i * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + (pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData); rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, u64Offset, pvTmp, cbBlock, NULL); pImage->paBlocks[uBlockData] = i; setImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header, cBlocksAllocated - cBlocksMoved); rc = vdiUpdateBlockInfo(pImage, uBlockData); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; paBlocks2[i] = uBlockData; paBlocks2[uBlockUsedPos] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; cBlocksMoved++; } if (pCbProgress && pCbProgress->pfnProgress) { rc = pCbProgress->pfnProgress(pIfProgress->pvUser, (uint64_t)(cBlocks + cBlocksMoved) * uPercentSpan / (cBlocks + cBlocksToMove) + uPercentStart); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* Update image header. */ setImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header, uBlockUsedPos); vdiUpdateHeader(pImage); /* Truncate the image to the proper size to finish compacting. */ rc = vdiFileSetSize(pImage, (uint64_t)uBlockUsedPos * pImage->cbTotalBlockData + pImage->offStartData + pImage->offStartBlockData); } while (0); if (paBlocks2) RTMemTmpFree(paBlocks2); if (pvTmp) RTMemTmpFree(pvTmp); if (pvBuf) RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pCbProgress && pCbProgress->pfnProgress) { pCbProgress->pfnProgress(pIfProgress->pvUser, uPercentStart + uPercentSpan); } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnResize */ static int vdiResize(void *pBackendData, uint64_t cbSize, PCVDGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry, PCVDGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry, unsigned uPercentStart, unsigned uPercentSpan, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsDisk, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsImage, PVDINTERFACE pVDIfsOperation) { PVDIIMAGEDESC pImage = (PVDIIMAGEDESC)pBackendData; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PFNVDPROGRESS pfnProgress = NULL; void *pvUser = NULL; PVDINTERFACE pIfProgress = VDInterfaceGet(pVDIfsOperation, VDINTERFACETYPE_PROGRESS); PVDINTERFACEPROGRESS pCbProgress = NULL; if (pIfProgress) { pCbProgress = VDGetInterfaceProgress(pIfProgress); if (pCbProgress) pfnProgress = pCbProgress->pfnProgress; pvUser = pIfProgress->pvUser; } /* * Making the image smaller is not supported at the moment. * Resizing is also not supported for fixed size images and * very old images. */ /** @todo implement making the image smaller, it is the responsibility of * the user to know what he's doing. */ if ( cbSize < getImageDiskSize(&pImage->Header) || GET_MAJOR_HEADER_VERSION(&pImage->Header) == 0 || pImage->uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else if (cbSize > getImageDiskSize(&pImage->Header)) { unsigned cBlocksAllocated = getImageBlocksAllocated(&pImage->Header); /** < Blocks currently allocated, doesn't change during resize */ uint32_t cBlocksNew = cbSize / getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header); /** < New number of blocks in the image after the resize */ if (cbSize % getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header)) cBlocksNew++; uint32_t cBlocksOld = getImageBlocks(&pImage->Header); /** < Number of blocks before the resize. */ uint64_t cbBlockspaceNew = cBlocksNew * sizeof(VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER); /** < Required space for the block array after the resize. */ uint64_t offStartDataNew = RT_ALIGN_32(pImage->offStartBlocks + cbBlockspaceNew, VDI_DATA_ALIGN); /** < New start offset for block data after the resize */ if ( pImage->offStartData != offStartDataNew && cBlocksAllocated > 0) { /* Calculate how many sectors need to be relocated. */ uint64_t cbOverlapping = offStartDataNew - pImage->offStartData; unsigned cBlocksReloc = cbOverlapping / getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header); if (cbOverlapping % getImageBlockSize(&pImage->Header)) cBlocksReloc++; /* Since only full blocks can be relocated the new data start is * determined by moving it block by block. */ cBlocksReloc = RT_MIN(cBlocksReloc, cBlocksAllocated); offStartDataNew = pImage->offStartData; /* Do the relocation. */ LogFlow(("Relocating %u blocks\n", cBlocksReloc)); /* * Get the blocks we need to relocate first, they are appended to the end * of the image. */ void *pvBuf = NULL, *pvZero = NULL; do { VDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER uBlock = 0; /* Allocate data buffer. */ pvBuf = RTMemAllocZ(pImage->cbTotalBlockData); if (!pvBuf) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } /* Allocate buffer for overwriting with zeroes. */ pvZero = RTMemAllocZ(pImage->cbTotalBlockData); if (!pvZero) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < cBlocksReloc; i++) { /* Search the index in the block table. */ for (unsigned idxBlock = 0; idxBlock < cBlocksOld; idxBlock++) { if (pImage->paBlocks[idxBlock] == uBlock) { /* Read data and append to the end of the image. */ rc = vdiFileReadSync(pImage, offStartDataNew, pvBuf, pImage->cbTotalBlockData, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; uint64_t offBlockAppend; rc = vdiFileGetSize(pImage, &offBlockAppend); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, offBlockAppend, pvBuf, pImage->cbTotalBlockData, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* Zero out the old block area. */ rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, offStartDataNew, pvZero, pImage->cbTotalBlockData, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* Update block counter. */ pImage->paBlocks[idxBlock] = cBlocksAllocated - 1; /* * Decrease the block number of all other entries in the array. * They were moved one block to the front. * Doing it as a separate step iterating over the array again * because an error while relocating the block might end up * in a corrupted image otherwise. */ for (unsigned idxBlock2 = 0; idxBlock2 < cBlocksOld; idxBlock2++) { if ( idxBlock2 != idxBlock && IS_VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_ALLOCATED(pImage->paBlocks[idxBlock2])) pImage->paBlocks[idxBlock2]--; } /* Continue with the next block. */ break; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; uBlock++; offStartDataNew += pImage->cbTotalBlockData; } } while (0); if (pvBuf) RTMemFree(pvBuf); if (pvZero) RTMemFree(pvZero); } /* * We need to update the new offsets for the image data in the out of memory * case too because we relocated the blocks already. */ pImage->offStartData = offStartDataNew; setImageDataOffset(&pImage->Header, offStartDataNew); /* * Relocation done, expand the block array and update the header with * the new data. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PVDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER paBlocksNew = (PVDIIMAGEBLOCKPOINTER)RTMemRealloc(pImage->paBlocks, cbBlockspaceNew); if (paBlocksNew) { pImage->paBlocks = paBlocksNew; /* Mark the new blocks as unallocated. */ for (unsigned idxBlock = cBlocksOld; idxBlock < cBlocksNew; idxBlock++) pImage->paBlocks[idxBlock] = VDI_IMAGE_BLOCK_FREE; } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; /* Write the block array before updating the rest. */ rc = vdiFileWriteSync(pImage, pImage->offStartBlocks, pImage->paBlocks, cbBlockspaceNew, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Update size and new block count. */ setImageDiskSize(&pImage->Header, cbSize); setImageBlocks(&pImage->Header, cBlocksNew); /* Update geometry. */ pImage->PCHSGeometry = *pPCHSGeometry; PVDIDISKGEOMETRY pGeometry = getImageLCHSGeometry(&pImage->Header); if (pGeometry) { pGeometry->cCylinders = pLCHSGeometry->cCylinders; pGeometry->cHeads = pLCHSGeometry->cHeads; pGeometry->cSectors = pLCHSGeometry->cSectors; pGeometry->cbSector = VDI_GEOMETRY_SECTOR_SIZE; } } } /* Update header information in base image file. */ vdiFlushImage(pImage); } /* Same size doesn't change the image at all. */ LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } VBOXHDDBACKEND g_VDIBackend = { /* pszBackendName */ "VDI", /* cbSize */ sizeof(VBOXHDDBACKEND), /* uBackendCaps */ VD_CAP_UUID | VD_CAP_CREATE_FIXED | VD_CAP_CREATE_DYNAMIC | VD_CAP_DIFF | VD_CAP_FILE | VD_CAP_ASYNC | VD_CAP_VFS, /* paFileExtensions */ s_aVdiFileExtensions, /* paConfigInfo */ NULL, /* hPlugin */ NIL_RTLDRMOD, /* pfnCheckIfValid */ vdiCheckIfValid, /* pfnOpen */ vdiOpen, /* pfnCreate */ vdiCreate, /* pfnRename */ vdiRename, /* pfnClose */ vdiClose, /* pfnRead */ vdiRead, /* pfnWrite */ vdiWrite, /* pfnFlush */ vdiFlush, /* pfnGetVersion */ vdiGetVersion, /* pfnGetSize */ vdiGetSize, /* pfnGetFileSize */ vdiGetFileSize, /* pfnGetPCHSGeometry */ vdiGetPCHSGeometry, /* pfnSetPCHSGeometry */ vdiSetPCHSGeometry, /* pfnGetLCHSGeometry */ vdiGetLCHSGeometry, /* pfnSetLCHSGeometry */ vdiSetLCHSGeometry, /* pfnGetImageFlags */ vdiGetImageFlags, /* pfnGetOpenFlags */ vdiGetOpenFlags, /* pfnSetOpenFlags */ vdiSetOpenFlags, /* pfnGetComment */ vdiGetComment, /* pfnSetComment */ vdiSetComment, /* pfnGetUuid */ vdiGetUuid, /* pfnSetUuid */ vdiSetUuid, /* pfnGetModificationUuid */ vdiGetModificationUuid, /* pfnSetModificationUuid */ vdiSetModificationUuid, /* pfnGetParentUuid */ vdiGetParentUuid, /* pfnSetParentUuid */ vdiSetParentUuid, /* pfnGetParentModificationUuid */ vdiGetParentModificationUuid, /* pfnSetParentModificationUuid */ vdiSetParentModificationUuid, /* pfnDump */ vdiDump, /* pfnGetTimeStamp */ NULL, /* pfnGetParentTimeStamp */ NULL, /* pfnSetParentTimeStamp */ NULL, /* pfnGetParentFilename */ NULL, /* pfnSetParentFilename */ NULL, /* pfnAsyncRead */ vdiAsyncRead, /* pfnAsyncWrite */ vdiAsyncWrite, /* pfnAsyncFlush */ vdiAsyncFlush, /* pfnComposeLocation */ genericFileComposeLocation, /* pfnComposeName */ genericFileComposeName, /* pfnCompact */ vdiCompact, /* pfnResize */ vdiResize };