1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: IEMAllThrdPython.py 104135 2024-04-03 13:18:38Z vboxsync $
4 | # pylint: disable=invalid-name
5 |
6 | """
7 | Annotates and generates threaded functions from IEMAllInst*.cpp.h.
8 | """
9 |
10 | from __future__ import print_function;
11 |
12 | __copyright__ = \
13 | """
14 | Copyright (C) 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
15 |
16 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
17 | available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
18 |
19 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
20 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
21 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
22 | License.
23 |
24 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
25 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27 | General Public License for more details.
28 |
29 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
31 |
32 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
33 | """
34 | __version__ = "$Revision: 104135 $"
35 |
36 | # Standard python imports.
37 | import copy;
38 | import datetime;
39 | import os;
40 | import re;
41 | import sys;
42 | import argparse;
43 | from typing import Dict, List;
44 |
45 | import IEMAllInstPython as iai;
46 | import IEMAllN8vePython as ian;
47 |
48 |
49 | # Python 3 hacks:
50 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
51 | long = int; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
52 |
53 | ## Number of generic parameters for the thread functions.
54 | g_kcThreadedParams = 3;
55 |
56 | g_kdTypeInfo = {
57 | # type name: (cBits, fSigned, C-type )
58 | 'int8_t': ( 8, True, 'int8_t', ),
59 | 'int16_t': ( 16, True, 'int16_t', ),
60 | 'int32_t': ( 32, True, 'int32_t', ),
61 | 'int64_t': ( 64, True, 'int64_t', ),
62 | 'uint4_t': ( 4, False, 'uint8_t', ),
63 | 'uint8_t': ( 8, False, 'uint8_t', ),
64 | 'uint16_t': ( 16, False, 'uint16_t', ),
65 | 'uint32_t': ( 32, False, 'uint32_t', ),
66 | 'uint64_t': ( 64, False, 'uint64_t', ),
67 | 'uintptr_t': ( 64, False, 'uintptr_t',), # ASSUMES 64-bit host pointer size.
68 | 'bool': ( 1, False, 'bool', ),
69 | 'IEMMODE': ( 2, False, 'IEMMODE', ),
70 | };
71 |
72 | # Only for getTypeBitCount/variables.
73 | g_kdTypeInfo2 = {
74 | 'RTFLOAT32U': ( 32, False, 'RTFLOAT32U', ),
75 | 'RTFLOAT64U': ( 64, False, 'RTFLOAT64U', ),
76 | 'RTUINT64U': ( 64, False, 'RTUINT64U', ),
77 | 'RTGCPTR': ( 64, False, 'RTGCPTR', ),
78 | 'RTPBCD80U': ( 80, False, 'RTPBCD80U', ),
79 | 'RTFLOAT80U': ( 80, False, 'RTFLOAT80U', ),
80 | 'IEMFPURESULT': (80+16, False, 'IEMFPURESULT', ),
81 | 'IEMFPURESULTTWO': (80+16+80,False, 'IEMFPURESULTTWO', ),
82 | 'RTUINT128U': ( 128, False, 'RTUINT128U', ),
83 | 'X86XMMREG': ( 128, False, 'X86XMMREG', ),
85 | 'RTUINT256U': ( 256, False, 'RTUINT256U', ),
88 | }; #| g_kdTypeInfo; - requires 3.9
89 | g_kdTypeInfo2.update(g_kdTypeInfo);
90 |
91 | def getTypeBitCount(sType):
92 | """
93 | Translate a type to size in bits
94 | """
95 | if sType in g_kdTypeInfo2:
96 | return g_kdTypeInfo2[sType][0];
97 | if '*' in sType or sType[0] == 'P':
98 | return 64;
99 | #raise Exception('Unknown type: %s' % (sType,));
100 | print('error: Unknown type: %s' % (sType,));
101 | return 64;
102 |
103 | g_kdIemFieldToType = {
104 | # Illegal ones:
105 | 'offInstrNextByte': ( None, ),
106 | 'cbInstrBuf': ( None, ),
107 | 'pbInstrBuf': ( None, ),
108 | 'uInstrBufPc': ( None, ),
109 | 'cbInstrBufTotal': ( None, ),
110 | 'offCurInstrStart': ( None, ),
111 | 'cbOpcode': ( None, ),
112 | 'offOpcode': ( None, ),
113 | 'offModRm': ( None, ),
114 | # Okay ones.
115 | 'fPrefixes': ( 'uint32_t', ),
116 | 'uRexReg': ( 'uint8_t', ),
117 | 'uRexB': ( 'uint8_t', ),
118 | 'uRexIndex': ( 'uint8_t', ),
119 | 'iEffSeg': ( 'uint8_t', ),
120 | 'enmEffOpSize': ( 'IEMMODE', ),
121 | 'enmDefAddrMode': ( 'IEMMODE', ),
122 | 'enmEffAddrMode': ( 'IEMMODE', ),
123 | 'enmDefOpSize': ( 'IEMMODE', ),
124 | 'idxPrefix': ( 'uint8_t', ),
125 | 'uVex3rdReg': ( 'uint8_t', ),
126 | 'uVexLength': ( 'uint8_t', ),
127 | 'fEvexStuff': ( 'uint8_t', ),
128 | 'uFpuOpcode': ( 'uint16_t', ),
129 | };
130 |
131 | ## @name McStmtCond.oIfBranchAnnotation/McStmtCond.oElseBranchAnnotation values
132 | ## @{
133 | g_ksFinishAnnotation_Advance = 'Advance';
134 | g_ksFinishAnnotation_RelJmp = 'RelJmp';
135 | g_ksFinishAnnotation_SetJmp = 'SetJmp';
136 | g_ksFinishAnnotation_DeferToCImpl = 'DeferToCImpl';
137 | ## @}
138 |
139 |
140 | class ThreadedParamRef(object):
141 | """
142 | A parameter reference for a threaded function.
143 | """
144 |
145 | def __init__(self, sOrgRef, sType, oStmt, iParam = None, offParam = 0, sStdRef = None):
146 | ## The name / reference in the original code.
147 | self.sOrgRef = sOrgRef;
148 | ## Normalized name to deal with spaces in macro invocations and such.
149 | self.sStdRef = sStdRef if sStdRef else ''.join(sOrgRef.split());
150 | ## Indicates that sOrgRef may not match the parameter.
151 | self.fCustomRef = sStdRef is not None;
152 | ## The type (typically derived).
153 | self.sType = sType;
154 | ## The statement making the reference.
155 | self.oStmt = oStmt;
156 | ## The parameter containing the references. None if implicit.
157 | self.iParam = iParam;
158 | ## The offset in the parameter of the reference.
159 | self.offParam = offParam;
160 |
161 | ## The variable name in the threaded function.
162 | self.sNewName = 'x';
163 | ## The this is packed into.
164 | self.iNewParam = 99;
165 | ## The bit offset in iNewParam.
166 | self.offNewParam = 1024
167 |
168 |
169 | class ThreadedFunctionVariation(object):
170 | """ Threaded function variation. """
171 |
172 | ## @name Variations.
173 | ## These variations will match translation block selection/distinctions as well.
174 | ## @{
175 | # pylint: disable=line-too-long
176 | ksVariation_Default = ''; ##< No variations - only used by IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_X_RET.
177 | ksVariation_16 = '_16'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+).
178 | ksVariation_16f = '_16f'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+), check+clear eflags.
179 | ksVariation_16_Jmp = '_16_Jmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+), conditional jump taken.
180 | ksVariation_16f_Jmp = '_16f_Jmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+), check+clear eflags, conditional jump taken.
181 | ksVariation_16_NoJmp = '_16_NoJmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+), conditional jump not taken.
182 | ksVariation_16f_NoJmp = '_16f_NoJmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+), check+clear eflags, conditional jump not taken.
183 | ksVariation_16_Addr32 = '_16_Addr32'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+), address size prefixed to 32-bit addressing.
184 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32 = '_16f_Addr32'; ##< 16-bit mode code (386+), address size prefixed to 32-bit addressing, eflags.
185 | ksVariation_16_Pre386 = '_16_Pre386'; ##< 16-bit mode code, pre-386 CPU target.
186 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386 = '_16f_Pre386'; ##< 16-bit mode code, pre-386 CPU target, check+clear eflags.
187 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp = '_16_Pre386_Jmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code, pre-386 CPU target, conditional jump taken.
188 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp = '_16f_Pre386_Jmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code, pre-386 CPU target, check+clear eflags, conditional jump taken.
189 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp = '_16_Pre386_NoJmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code, pre-386 CPU target, conditional jump not taken.
190 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp = '_16f_Pre386_NoJmp'; ##< 16-bit mode code, pre-386 CPU target, check+clear eflags, conditional jump not taken.
191 | ksVariation_32 = '_32'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+).
192 | ksVariation_32f = '_32f'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+), check+clear eflags.
193 | ksVariation_32_Jmp = '_32_Jmp'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+), conditional jump taken.
194 | ksVariation_32f_Jmp = '_32f_Jmp'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+), check+clear eflags, conditional jump taken.
195 | ksVariation_32_NoJmp = '_32_NoJmp'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+), conditional jump not taken.
196 | ksVariation_32f_NoJmp = '_32f_NoJmp'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+), check+clear eflags, conditional jump not taken.
197 | ksVariation_32_Flat = '_32_Flat'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+) with CS, DS, E,S and SS flat and 4GB wide.
198 | ksVariation_32f_Flat = '_32f_Flat'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+) with CS, DS, E,S and SS flat and 4GB wide, eflags.
199 | ksVariation_32_Addr16 = '_32_Addr16'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+), address size prefixed to 16-bit addressing.
200 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16 = '_32f_Addr16'; ##< 32-bit mode code (386+), address size prefixed to 16-bit addressing, eflags.
201 | ksVariation_64 = '_64'; ##< 64-bit mode code.
202 | ksVariation_64f = '_64f'; ##< 64-bit mode code, check+clear eflags.
203 | ksVariation_64_Jmp = '_64_Jmp'; ##< 64-bit mode code, conditional jump taken.
204 | ksVariation_64f_Jmp = '_64f_Jmp'; ##< 64-bit mode code, check+clear eflags, conditional jump taken.
205 | ksVariation_64_NoJmp = '_64_NoJmp'; ##< 64-bit mode code, conditional jump not taken.
206 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp = '_64f_NoJmp'; ##< 64-bit mode code, check+clear eflags, conditional jump not taken.
207 | ksVariation_64_FsGs = '_64_FsGs'; ##< 64-bit mode code, with memory accesses via FS or GS.
208 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs = '_64f_FsGs'; ##< 64-bit mode code, with memory accesses via FS or GS, check+clear eflags.
209 | ksVariation_64_Addr32 = '_64_Addr32'; ##< 64-bit mode code, address size prefixed to 32-bit addressing.
210 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32 = '_64f_Addr32'; ##< 64-bit mode code, address size prefixed to 32-bit addressing, c+c eflags.
211 | # pylint: enable=line-too-long
212 | kasVariations = (
213 | ksVariation_Default,
214 | ksVariation_16,
215 | ksVariation_16f,
216 | ksVariation_16_Jmp,
217 | ksVariation_16f_Jmp,
218 | ksVariation_16_NoJmp,
219 | ksVariation_16f_NoJmp,
220 | ksVariation_16_Addr32,
221 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32,
222 | ksVariation_16_Pre386,
223 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386,
224 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp,
225 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp,
226 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp,
227 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp,
228 | ksVariation_32,
229 | ksVariation_32f,
230 | ksVariation_32_Jmp,
231 | ksVariation_32f_Jmp,
232 | ksVariation_32_NoJmp,
233 | ksVariation_32f_NoJmp,
234 | ksVariation_32_Flat,
235 | ksVariation_32f_Flat,
236 | ksVariation_32_Addr16,
237 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16,
238 | ksVariation_64,
239 | ksVariation_64f,
240 | ksVariation_64_Jmp,
241 | ksVariation_64f_Jmp,
242 | ksVariation_64_NoJmp,
243 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp,
244 | ksVariation_64_FsGs,
245 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs,
246 | ksVariation_64_Addr32,
247 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32,
248 | );
249 | kasVariationsWithoutAddress = (
250 | ksVariation_16,
251 | ksVariation_16f,
252 | ksVariation_16_Pre386,
253 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386,
254 | ksVariation_32,
255 | ksVariation_32f,
256 | ksVariation_64,
257 | ksVariation_64f,
258 | );
259 | kasVariationsWithoutAddressNot286 = (
260 | ksVariation_16,
261 | ksVariation_16f,
262 | ksVariation_32,
263 | ksVariation_32f,
264 | ksVariation_64,
265 | ksVariation_64f,
266 | );
267 | kasVariationsWithoutAddressNot286Not64 = (
268 | ksVariation_16,
269 | ksVariation_16f,
270 | ksVariation_32,
271 | ksVariation_32f,
272 | );
273 | kasVariationsWithoutAddressNot64 = (
274 | ksVariation_16,
275 | ksVariation_16f,
276 | ksVariation_16_Pre386,
277 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386,
278 | ksVariation_32,
279 | ksVariation_32f,
280 | );
281 | kasVariationsWithoutAddressOnly64 = (
282 | ksVariation_64,
283 | ksVariation_64f,
284 | );
285 | kasVariationsWithAddress = (
286 | ksVariation_16,
287 | ksVariation_16f,
288 | ksVariation_16_Addr32,
289 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32,
290 | ksVariation_16_Pre386,
291 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386,
292 | ksVariation_32,
293 | ksVariation_32f,
294 | ksVariation_32_Flat,
295 | ksVariation_32f_Flat,
296 | ksVariation_32_Addr16,
297 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16,
298 | ksVariation_64,
299 | ksVariation_64f,
300 | ksVariation_64_FsGs,
301 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs,
302 | ksVariation_64_Addr32,
303 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32,
304 | );
305 | kasVariationsWithAddressNot286 = (
306 | ksVariation_16,
307 | ksVariation_16f,
308 | ksVariation_16_Addr32,
309 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32,
310 | ksVariation_32,
311 | ksVariation_32f,
312 | ksVariation_32_Flat,
313 | ksVariation_32f_Flat,
314 | ksVariation_32_Addr16,
315 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16,
316 | ksVariation_64,
317 | ksVariation_64f,
318 | ksVariation_64_FsGs,
319 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs,
320 | ksVariation_64_Addr32,
321 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32,
322 | );
323 | kasVariationsWithAddressNot286Not64 = (
324 | ksVariation_16,
325 | ksVariation_16f,
326 | ksVariation_16_Addr32,
327 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32,
328 | ksVariation_32,
329 | ksVariation_32f,
330 | ksVariation_32_Flat,
331 | ksVariation_32f_Flat,
332 | ksVariation_32_Addr16,
333 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16,
334 | );
335 | kasVariationsWithAddressNot64 = (
336 | ksVariation_16,
337 | ksVariation_16f,
338 | ksVariation_16_Addr32,
339 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32,
340 | ksVariation_16_Pre386,
341 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386,
342 | ksVariation_32,
343 | ksVariation_32f,
344 | ksVariation_32_Flat,
345 | ksVariation_32f_Flat,
346 | ksVariation_32_Addr16,
347 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16,
348 | );
349 | kasVariationsWithAddressOnly64 = (
350 | ksVariation_64,
351 | ksVariation_64f,
352 | ksVariation_64_FsGs,
353 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs,
354 | ksVariation_64_Addr32,
355 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32,
356 | );
357 | kasVariationsOnlyPre386 = (
358 | ksVariation_16_Pre386,
359 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386,
360 | );
361 | kasVariationsEmitOrder = (
362 | ksVariation_Default,
363 | ksVariation_64,
364 | ksVariation_64f,
365 | ksVariation_64_Jmp,
366 | ksVariation_64f_Jmp,
367 | ksVariation_64_NoJmp,
368 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp,
369 | ksVariation_64_FsGs,
370 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs,
371 | ksVariation_32_Flat,
372 | ksVariation_32f_Flat,
373 | ksVariation_32,
374 | ksVariation_32f,
375 | ksVariation_32_Jmp,
376 | ksVariation_32f_Jmp,
377 | ksVariation_32_NoJmp,
378 | ksVariation_32f_NoJmp,
379 | ksVariation_16,
380 | ksVariation_16f,
381 | ksVariation_16_Jmp,
382 | ksVariation_16f_Jmp,
383 | ksVariation_16_NoJmp,
384 | ksVariation_16f_NoJmp,
385 | ksVariation_16_Addr32,
386 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32,
387 | ksVariation_16_Pre386,
388 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386,
389 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp,
390 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp,
391 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp,
392 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp,
393 | ksVariation_32_Addr16,
394 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16,
395 | ksVariation_64_Addr32,
396 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32,
397 | );
398 | kdVariationNames = {
399 | ksVariation_Default: 'defer-to-cimpl',
400 | ksVariation_16: '16-bit',
401 | ksVariation_16f: '16-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing',
402 | ksVariation_16_Jmp: '16-bit w/ conditional jump taken',
403 | ksVariation_16f_Jmp: '16-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump taken',
404 | ksVariation_16_NoJmp: '16-bit w/ conditional jump not taken',
405 | ksVariation_16f_NoJmp: '16-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump not taken',
406 | ksVariation_16_Addr32: '16-bit w/ address prefix (Addr32)',
407 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32: '16-bit w/ address prefix (Addr32) and eflag checking and clearing',
408 | ksVariation_16_Pre386: '16-bit on pre-386 CPU',
409 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386: '16-bit on pre-386 CPU w/ eflag checking and clearing',
410 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp: '16-bit on pre-386 CPU w/ conditional jump taken',
411 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp: '16-bit on pre-386 CPU w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump taken',
412 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp: '16-bit on pre-386 CPU w/ conditional jump taken',
413 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp: '16-bit on pre-386 CPU w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump taken',
414 | ksVariation_32: '32-bit',
415 | ksVariation_32f: '32-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing',
416 | ksVariation_32_Jmp: '32-bit w/ conditional jump taken',
417 | ksVariation_32f_Jmp: '32-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump taken',
418 | ksVariation_32_NoJmp: '32-bit w/ conditional jump not taken',
419 | ksVariation_32f_NoJmp: '32-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump not taken',
420 | ksVariation_32_Flat: '32-bit flat and wide open CS, SS, DS and ES',
421 | ksVariation_32f_Flat: '32-bit flat and wide open CS, SS, DS and ES w/ eflag checking and clearing',
422 | ksVariation_32_Addr16: '32-bit w/ address prefix (Addr16)',
423 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16: '32-bit w/ address prefix (Addr16) and eflag checking and clearing',
424 | ksVariation_64: '64-bit',
425 | ksVariation_64f: '64-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing',
426 | ksVariation_64_Jmp: '64-bit w/ conditional jump taken',
427 | ksVariation_64f_Jmp: '64-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump taken',
428 | ksVariation_64_NoJmp: '64-bit w/ conditional jump not taken',
429 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp: '64-bit w/ eflag checking and clearing and conditional jump not taken',
430 | ksVariation_64_FsGs: '64-bit with memory accessed via FS or GS',
431 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs: '64-bit with memory accessed via FS or GS and eflag checking and clearing',
432 | ksVariation_64_Addr32: '64-bit w/ address prefix (Addr32)',
433 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: '64-bit w/ address prefix (Addr32) and eflag checking and clearing',
434 | };
435 | kdVariationsWithEflagsCheckingAndClearing = {
436 | ksVariation_16f: True,
437 | ksVariation_16f_Jmp: True,
438 | ksVariation_16f_NoJmp: True,
439 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32: True,
440 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386: True,
441 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp: True,
442 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
443 | ksVariation_32f: True,
444 | ksVariation_32f_Jmp: True,
445 | ksVariation_32f_NoJmp: True,
446 | ksVariation_32f_Flat: True,
447 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16: True,
448 | ksVariation_64f: True,
449 | ksVariation_64f_Jmp: True,
450 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp: True,
451 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs: True,
452 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: True,
453 | };
454 | kdVariationsOnly64NoFlags = {
455 | ksVariation_64: True,
456 | ksVariation_64_Jmp: True,
457 | ksVariation_64_NoJmp: True,
458 | ksVariation_64_FsGs: True,
459 | ksVariation_64_Addr32: True,
460 | };
461 | kdVariationsOnly64WithFlags = {
462 | ksVariation_64f: True,
463 | ksVariation_64f_Jmp: True,
464 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp: True,
465 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs: True,
466 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: True,
467 | };
468 | kdVariationsOnlyPre386NoFlags = {
469 | ksVariation_16_Pre386: True,
470 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp: True,
471 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
472 | };
473 | kdVariationsOnlyPre386WithFlags = {
474 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386: True,
475 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp: True,
476 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
477 | };
478 | kdVariationsWithFlatAddress = {
479 | ksVariation_32_Flat: True,
480 | ksVariation_32f_Flat: True,
481 | ksVariation_64: True,
482 | ksVariation_64f: True,
483 | ksVariation_64_Addr32: True,
484 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: True,
485 | };
486 | kdVariationsWithFlatStackAddress = {
487 | ksVariation_32_Flat: True,
488 | ksVariation_32f_Flat: True,
489 | ksVariation_64: True,
490 | ksVariation_64f: True,
491 | ksVariation_64_FsGs: True,
492 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs: True,
493 | ksVariation_64_Addr32: True,
494 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: True,
495 | };
496 | kdVariationsWithFlat64StackAddress = {
497 | ksVariation_64: True,
498 | ksVariation_64f: True,
499 | ksVariation_64_FsGs: True,
500 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs: True,
501 | ksVariation_64_Addr32: True,
502 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: True,
503 | };
504 | kdVariationsWithFlatAddr16 = {
505 | ksVariation_16: True,
506 | ksVariation_16f: True,
507 | ksVariation_16_Pre386: True,
508 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386: True,
509 | ksVariation_32_Addr16: True,
510 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16: True,
511 | };
512 | kdVariationsWithFlatAddr32No64 = {
513 | ksVariation_16_Addr32: True,
514 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32: True,
515 | ksVariation_32: True,
516 | ksVariation_32f: True,
517 | ksVariation_32_Flat: True,
518 | ksVariation_32f_Flat: True,
519 | };
520 | kdVariationsWithAddressOnly64 = {
521 | ksVariation_64: True,
522 | ksVariation_64f: True,
523 | ksVariation_64_FsGs: True,
524 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs: True,
525 | ksVariation_64_Addr32: True,
526 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: True,
527 | };
528 | kdVariationsWithConditional = {
529 | ksVariation_16_Jmp: True,
530 | ksVariation_16_NoJmp: True,
531 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp: True,
532 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
533 | ksVariation_32_Jmp: True,
534 | ksVariation_32_NoJmp: True,
535 | ksVariation_64_Jmp: True,
536 | ksVariation_64_NoJmp: True,
537 | ksVariation_16f_Jmp: True,
538 | ksVariation_16f_NoJmp: True,
539 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp: True,
540 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
541 | ksVariation_32f_Jmp: True,
542 | ksVariation_32f_NoJmp: True,
543 | ksVariation_64f_Jmp: True,
544 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp: True,
545 | };
546 | kdVariationsWithConditionalNoJmp = {
547 | ksVariation_16_NoJmp: True,
548 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
549 | ksVariation_32_NoJmp: True,
550 | ksVariation_64_NoJmp: True,
551 | ksVariation_16f_NoJmp: True,
552 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
553 | ksVariation_32f_NoJmp: True,
554 | ksVariation_64f_NoJmp: True,
555 | };
556 | kdVariationsOnlyPre386 = {
557 | ksVariation_16_Pre386: True,
558 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386: True,
559 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp: True,
560 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp: True,
561 | ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
562 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp: True,
563 | };
564 | ## @}
565 |
566 | ## IEM_CIMPL_F_XXX flags that we know.
567 | ## The value indicates whether it terminates the TB or not. The goal is to
568 | ## improve the recompiler so all but END_TB will be False.
569 | ##
570 | ## @note iemThreadedRecompilerMcDeferToCImpl0 duplicates info found here.
571 | kdCImplFlags = {
572 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_MODE': False,
578 | # IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_ANY should only be used for testing, so not included here.
581 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_RFLAGS': False,
585 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_CHECK_IRQ_BEFORE_AND_AFTER': False, # (ignore)
587 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_VMEXIT': False,
588 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_FPU': False,
589 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_REP': False,
590 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_IO': False,
591 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_END_TB': True,
592 | 'IEM_CIMPL_F_XCPT': True,
597 | };
598 |
599 | def __init__(self, oThreadedFunction, sVariation = ksVariation_Default):
600 | self.oParent = oThreadedFunction # type: ThreadedFunction
601 | ##< ksVariation_Xxxx.
602 | self.sVariation = sVariation
603 |
604 | ## Threaded function parameter references.
605 | self.aoParamRefs = [] # type: List[ThreadedParamRef]
606 | ## Unique parameter references.
607 | self.dParamRefs = {} # type: Dict[str, List[ThreadedParamRef]]
608 | ## Minimum number of parameters to the threaded function.
609 | self.cMinParams = 0;
610 |
611 | ## List/tree of statements for the threaded function.
612 | self.aoStmtsForThreadedFunction = [] # type: List[McStmt]
613 |
614 | ## Function enum number, for verification. Set by generateThreadedFunctionsHeader.
615 | self.iEnumValue = -1;
616 |
617 | ## Native recompilation details for this variation.
618 | self.oNativeRecomp = None;
619 |
620 | def getIndexName(self):
621 | sName = self.oParent.oMcBlock.sFunction;
622 | if sName.startswith('iemOp_'):
623 | sName = sName[len('iemOp_'):];
624 | return 'kIemThreadedFunc_%s%s%s' % ( sName, self.oParent.sSubName, self.sVariation, );
625 |
626 | def getThreadedFunctionName(self):
627 | sName = self.oParent.oMcBlock.sFunction;
628 | if sName.startswith('iemOp_'):
629 | sName = sName[len('iemOp_'):];
630 | return 'iemThreadedFunc_%s%s%s' % ( sName, self.oParent.sSubName, self.sVariation, );
631 |
632 | def getNativeFunctionName(self):
633 | return 'iemNativeRecompFunc_' + self.getThreadedFunctionName()[len('iemThreadedFunc_'):];
634 |
635 | def getLivenessFunctionName(self):
636 | return 'iemNativeLivenessFunc_' + self.getThreadedFunctionName()[len('iemThreadedFunc_'):];
637 |
638 | def getShortName(self):
639 | sName = self.oParent.oMcBlock.sFunction;
640 | if sName.startswith('iemOp_'):
641 | sName = sName[len('iemOp_'):];
642 | return '%s%s%s' % ( sName, self.oParent.sSubName, self.sVariation, );
643 |
644 | def getThreadedFunctionStatisticsName(self):
645 | sName = self.oParent.oMcBlock.sFunction;
646 | if sName.startswith('iemOp_'):
647 | sName = sName[len('iemOp_'):];
648 |
649 | sVarNm = self.sVariation;
650 | if sVarNm:
651 | if sVarNm.startswith('_'):
652 | sVarNm = sVarNm[1:];
653 | if sVarNm.endswith('_Jmp'):
654 | sVarNm = sVarNm[:-4];
655 | sName += '_Jmp';
656 | elif sVarNm.endswith('_NoJmp'):
657 | sVarNm = sVarNm[:-6];
658 | sName += '_NoJmp';
659 | else:
660 | sVarNm = 'DeferToCImpl';
661 |
662 | return '%s/%s%s' % ( sVarNm, sName, self.oParent.sSubName );
663 |
664 | def isWithFlagsCheckingAndClearingVariation(self):
665 | """
666 | Checks if this is a variation that checks and clears EFLAGS.
667 | """
668 | return self.sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationsWithEflagsCheckingAndClearing;
669 |
670 | #
671 | # Analysis and code morphing.
672 | #
673 |
674 | def raiseProblem(self, sMessage):
675 | """ Raises a problem. """
676 | self.oParent.raiseProblem(sMessage);
677 |
678 | def warning(self, sMessage):
679 | """ Emits a warning. """
680 | self.oParent.warning(sMessage);
681 |
682 | def analyzeReferenceToType(self, sRef):
683 | """
684 | Translates a variable or structure reference to a type.
685 | Returns type name.
686 | Raises exception if unable to figure it out.
687 | """
688 | ch0 = sRef[0];
689 | if ch0 == 'u':
690 | if sRef.startswith('u32'):
691 | return 'uint32_t';
692 | if sRef.startswith('u8') or sRef == 'uReg':
693 | return 'uint8_t';
694 | if sRef.startswith('u64'):
695 | return 'uint64_t';
696 | if sRef.startswith('u16'):
697 | return 'uint16_t';
698 | elif ch0 == 'b':
699 | return 'uint8_t';
700 | elif ch0 == 'f':
701 | return 'bool';
702 | elif ch0 == 'i':
703 | if sRef.startswith('i8'):
704 | return 'int8_t';
705 | if sRef.startswith('i16'):
706 | return 'int16_t';
707 | if sRef.startswith('i32'):
708 | return 'int32_t';
709 | if sRef.startswith('i64'):
710 | return 'int64_t';
711 | if sRef in ('iReg', 'iFixedReg', 'iGReg', 'iSegReg', 'iSrcReg', 'iDstReg', 'iCrReg'):
712 | return 'uint8_t';
713 | elif ch0 == 'p':
714 | if sRef.find('-') < 0:
715 | return 'uintptr_t';
716 | if sRef.startswith('pVCpu->iem.s.'):
717 | sField = sRef[len('pVCpu->iem.s.') : ];
718 | if sField in g_kdIemFieldToType:
719 | if g_kdIemFieldToType[sField][0]:
720 | return g_kdIemFieldToType[sField][0];
721 | elif ch0 == 'G' and sRef.startswith('GCPtr'):
722 | return 'uint64_t';
723 | elif ch0 == 'e':
724 | if sRef == 'enmEffOpSize':
725 | return 'IEMMODE';
726 | elif ch0 == 'o':
727 | if sRef.startswith('off32'):
728 | return 'uint32_t';
729 | elif sRef == 'cbFrame': # enter
730 | return 'uint16_t';
731 | elif sRef == 'cShift': ## @todo risky
732 | return 'uint8_t';
733 |
734 | self.raiseProblem('Unknown reference: %s' % (sRef,));
735 | return None; # Shut up pylint 2.16.2.
736 |
737 | def analyzeCallToType(self, sFnRef):
738 | """
739 | Determins the type of an indirect function call.
740 | """
741 | assert sFnRef[0] == 'p';
742 |
743 | #
744 | # Simple?
745 | #
746 | if sFnRef.find('-') < 0:
747 | oDecoderFunction = self.oParent.oMcBlock.oFunction;
748 |
749 | # Try the argument list of the function defintion macro invocation first.
750 | iArg = 2;
751 | while iArg < len(oDecoderFunction.asDefArgs):
752 | if sFnRef == oDecoderFunction.asDefArgs[iArg]:
753 | return oDecoderFunction.asDefArgs[iArg - 1];
754 | iArg += 1;
755 |
756 | # Then check out line that includes the word and looks like a variable declaration.
757 | oRe = re.compile(' +(P[A-Z0-9_]+|const +IEMOP[A-Z0-9_]+ *[*]) +(const |) *' + sFnRef + ' *(;|=)');
758 | for sLine in oDecoderFunction.asLines:
759 | oMatch = oRe.match(sLine);
760 | if oMatch:
761 | if not oMatch.group(1).startswith('const'):
762 | return oMatch.group(1);
763 | return 'PC' + oMatch.group(1)[len('const ') : -1].strip();
764 |
765 | #
766 | # Deal with the pImpl->pfnXxx:
767 | #
768 | elif sFnRef.startswith('pImpl->pfn'):
769 | sMember = sFnRef[len('pImpl->') : ];
770 | sBaseType = self.analyzeCallToType('pImpl');
771 | offBits = sMember.rfind('U') + 1;
772 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPBINSIZES': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLBINU' + sMember[offBits:];
773 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPUNARYSIZES': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLUNARYU' + sMember[offBits:];
774 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPSHIFTSIZES': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLSHIFTU' + sMember[offBits:];
775 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPSHIFTDBLSIZES': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLSHIFTDBLU' + sMember[offBits:];
776 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPMULDIVSIZES': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLMULDIVU' + sMember[offBits:];
777 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPMEDIAF3': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLMEDIAF3U' + sMember[offBits:];
778 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPMEDIAOPTF2': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLMEDIAOPTF2U' + sMember[offBits:];
779 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPMEDIAOPTF2IMM8': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLMEDIAOPTF2U' + sMember[offBits:] + 'IMM8';
780 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPMEDIAOPTF3': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLMEDIAOPTF3U' + sMember[offBits:];
781 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPMEDIAOPTF3IMM8': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLMEDIAOPTF3U' + sMember[offBits:] + 'IMM8';
782 | if sBaseType == 'PCIEMOPBLENDOP': return 'PFNIEMAIMPLAVXBLENDU' + sMember[offBits:];
783 |
784 | self.raiseProblem('Unknown call reference: %s::%s (%s)' % (sBaseType, sMember, sFnRef,));
785 |
786 | self.raiseProblem('Unknown call reference: %s' % (sFnRef,));
787 | return None; # Shut up pylint 2.16.2.
788 |
789 | def analyze8BitGRegStmt(self, oStmt):
790 | """
791 | Gets the 8-bit general purpose register access details of the given statement.
792 | ASSUMES the statement is one accessing an 8-bit GREG.
793 | """
794 | idxReg = 0;
795 | if ( oStmt.sName.find('_FETCH_') > 0
796 | or oStmt.sName.find('_REF_') > 0
797 | or oStmt.sName.find('_TO_LOCAL') > 0):
798 | idxReg = 1;
799 |
800 | sRegRef = oStmt.asParams[idxReg];
801 | if sRegRef.startswith('IEM_GET_MODRM_RM') or sRegRef.startswith('IEM_GET_MODRM_REG'):
802 | asBits = [sBit.strip() for sBit in sRegRef.replace('(', ',').replace(')', '').split(',')];
803 | if len(asBits) != 3 or asBits[1] != 'pVCpu' or (asBits[0] != 'IEM_GET_MODRM_RM' and asBits[0] != 'IEM_GET_MODRM_REG'):
804 | self.raiseProblem('Unexpected reference: %s (asBits=%s)' % (sRegRef, asBits));
805 | sOrgExpr = asBits[0] + '_EX8(pVCpu, ' + asBits[2] + ')';
806 | else:
807 | sOrgExpr = '((%s) < 4 || (pVCpu->iem.s.fPrefixes & (IEM_OP_PRF_REX | IEM_OP_PRF_VEX)) ? (%s) : (%s) + 12)' \
808 | % (sRegRef, sRegRef, sRegRef,);
809 |
810 | if sRegRef.find('IEM_GET_MODRM_RM') >= 0: sStdRef = 'bRmRm8Ex';
811 | elif sRegRef.find('IEM_GET_MODRM_REG') >= 0: sStdRef = 'bRmReg8Ex';
812 | elif sRegRef == 'X86_GREG_xAX': sStdRef = 'bGregXAx8Ex';
813 | elif sRegRef == 'X86_GREG_xCX': sStdRef = 'bGregXCx8Ex';
814 | elif sRegRef == 'X86_GREG_xSP': sStdRef = 'bGregXSp8Ex';
815 | elif sRegRef == 'iFixedReg': sStdRef = 'bFixedReg8Ex';
816 | else:
817 | self.warning('analyze8BitGRegStmt: sRegRef=%s -> bOther8Ex; %s %s; sOrgExpr=%s'
818 | % (sRegRef, oStmt.sName, oStmt.asParams, sOrgExpr,));
819 | sStdRef = 'bOther8Ex';
820 |
821 | #print('analyze8BitGRegStmt: %s %s; sRegRef=%s\n -> idxReg=%s sOrgExpr=%s sStdRef=%s'
822 | # % (oStmt.sName, oStmt.asParams, sRegRef, idxReg, sOrgExpr, sStdRef));
823 | return (idxReg, sOrgExpr, sStdRef);
824 |
825 |
826 | ## Maps memory related MCs to info for FLAT conversion.
827 | ## This is used in 64-bit and flat 32-bit variants to skip the unnecessary
828 | ## segmentation checking for every memory access. Only applied to access
829 | ## via ES, DS and SS. FS, GS and CS gets the full segmentation threatment,
830 | ## the latter (CS) is just to keep things simple (we could safely fetch via
831 | ## it, but only in 64-bit mode could we safely write via it, IIRC).
832 | kdMemMcToFlatInfo = {
834 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM16_U8': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM16_FLAT_U8' ),
835 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM32_U8': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM32_FLAT_U8' ),
836 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U16' ),
838 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_I16': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_I16' ),
839 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U32' ),
841 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_I32': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_I32' ),
842 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U64' ),
845 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_I64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_I64' ),
846 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_R32': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_R32' ),
847 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_R64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_R64' ),
848 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_R80': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_R80' ),
849 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_D80': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_D80' ),
850 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U128': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U128' ),
858 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U256': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U256' ),
864 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_ZX_U16': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U8_ZX_U16' ),
865 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_ZX_U32': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U8_ZX_U32' ),
866 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_ZX_U64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U8_ZX_U64' ),
867 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_ZX_U32': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U16_ZX_U32' ),
868 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_ZX_U64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U16_ZX_U64' ),
869 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32_ZX_U64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U32_ZX_U64' ),
870 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_SX_U16': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U8_SX_U16' ),
871 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_SX_U32': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U8_SX_U32' ),
872 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_SX_U64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U8_SX_U64' ),
873 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_SX_U32': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U16_SX_U32' ),
874 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_SX_U64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U16_SX_U64' ),
875 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32_SX_U64': ( 1, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U32_SX_U64' ),
881 | ( 2, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U128_AND_XREG_U128_AND_RAX_RDX_U64' ),
883 | ( 2, 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_FLAT_U128_AND_XREG_U128_AND_EAX_EDX_U32_SX_U64' ),
885 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U16': ( 0, 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_FLAT_U16' ),
886 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U32': ( 0, 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_FLAT_U32' ),
887 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U64': ( 0, 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_FLAT_U64' ),
892 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U128': ( 0, 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_FLAT_U128' ),
895 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U256': ( 0, 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_FLAT_U256' ),
898 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_D80_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_D80_WO' ),
899 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_I16_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_I16_WO' ),
900 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_I32_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_I32_WO' ),
901 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_I64_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_I64_WO' ),
902 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_R32_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_R32_WO' ),
903 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_R64_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_R64_WO' ),
904 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_R80_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_R80_WO' ),
906 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U8_RW': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U8_RW' ),
907 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U8_RO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U8_RO' ),
908 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U8_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U8_WO' ),
910 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U16_RW': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U16_RW' ),
911 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U16_RO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U16_RO' ),
912 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U16_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U16_WO' ),
914 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U32_RW': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U32_RW' ),
915 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U32_RO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U32_RO' ),
916 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U32_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U32_WO' ),
918 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U64_RW': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U64_RW' ),
919 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U64_RO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U64_RO' ),
920 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U64_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U64_WO' ),
922 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U128_RW': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U128_RW' ),
923 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U128_RO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U128_RO' ),
924 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U128_WO': ( 2, 'IEM_MC_MEM_FLAT_MAP_U128_WO' ),
926 | };
927 |
928 | kdMemMcToFlatInfoStack = {
929 | 'IEM_MC_PUSH_U16': ( 'IEM_MC_FLAT32_PUSH_U16', 'IEM_MC_FLAT64_PUSH_U16', ),
930 | 'IEM_MC_PUSH_U32': ( 'IEM_MC_FLAT32_PUSH_U32', 'IEM_MC_PUSH_U32', ),
931 | 'IEM_MC_PUSH_U64': ( 'IEM_MC_PUSH_U64', 'IEM_MC_FLAT64_PUSH_U64', ),
934 | 'IEM_MC_POP_GREG_U32': ( 'IEM_MC_FLAT32_POP_GREG_U32', 'IEM_MC_POP_GREG_U32', ),
935 | 'IEM_MC_POP_GREG_U64': ( 'IEM_MC_POP_GREG_U64', 'IEM_MC_FLAT64_POP_GREG_U64', ),
936 | };
937 |
938 | kdThreadedCalcRmEffAddrMcByVariation = {
939 | ksVariation_16: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_16',
940 | ksVariation_16f: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_16',
941 | ksVariation_16_Pre386: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_16',
942 | ksVariation_16f_Pre386: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_16',
943 | ksVariation_32_Addr16: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_16',
944 | ksVariation_32f_Addr16: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_16',
945 | ksVariation_16_Addr32: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_32',
946 | ksVariation_16f_Addr32: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_32',
947 | ksVariation_32: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_32',
948 | ksVariation_32f: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_32',
949 | ksVariation_32_Flat: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_32',
950 | ksVariation_32f_Flat: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_32',
951 | ksVariation_64: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_64',
952 | ksVariation_64f: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_64',
953 | ksVariation_64_FsGs: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_64_FSGS',
954 | ksVariation_64f_FsGs: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_64_FSGS',
955 | ksVariation_64_Addr32: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_64_ADDR32', ## @todo How did this work again...
956 | ksVariation_64f_Addr32: 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR_THREADED_64_ADDR32',
957 | };
958 |
959 | def analyzeMorphStmtForThreaded(self, aoStmts, dState, iParamRef = 0, iLevel = 0):
960 | """
961 | Transforms (copy) the statements into those for the threaded function.
962 |
963 | Returns list/tree of statements (aoStmts is not modified) and the new
964 | iParamRef value.
965 | """
966 | #
967 | # We'll be traversing aoParamRefs in parallel to the statements, so we
968 | # must match the traversal in analyzeFindThreadedParamRefs exactly.
969 | #
970 | #print('McBlock at %s:%s' % (os.path.split(self.oMcBlock.sSrcFile)[1], self.oMcBlock.iBeginLine,));
971 | aoThreadedStmts = [];
972 | for oStmt in aoStmts:
973 | # Skip C++ statements that is purely related to decoding.
974 | if not oStmt.isCppStmt() or not oStmt.fDecode:
975 | # Copy the statement. Make a deep copy to make sure we've got our own
976 | # copies of all instance variables, even if a bit overkill at the moment.
977 | oNewStmt = copy.deepcopy(oStmt);
978 | aoThreadedStmts.append(oNewStmt);
979 | #print('oNewStmt %s %s' % (oNewStmt.sName, len(oNewStmt.asParams),));
980 |
981 | # If the statement has parameter references, process the relevant parameters.
982 | # We grab the references relevant to this statement and apply them in reserve order.
983 | if iParamRef < len(self.aoParamRefs) and self.aoParamRefs[iParamRef].oStmt == oStmt:
984 | iParamRefFirst = iParamRef;
985 | while True:
986 | iParamRef += 1;
987 | if iParamRef >= len(self.aoParamRefs) or self.aoParamRefs[iParamRef].oStmt != oStmt:
988 | break;
989 |
990 | #print('iParamRefFirst=%s iParamRef=%s' % (iParamRefFirst, iParamRef));
991 | for iCurRef in range(iParamRef - 1, iParamRefFirst - 1, -1):
992 | oCurRef = self.aoParamRefs[iCurRef];
993 | if oCurRef.iParam is not None:
994 | assert oCurRef.oStmt == oStmt;
995 | #print('iCurRef=%s iParam=%s sOrgRef=%s' % (iCurRef, oCurRef.iParam, oCurRef.sOrgRef));
996 | sSrcParam = oNewStmt.asParams[oCurRef.iParam];
997 | assert ( sSrcParam[oCurRef.offParam : oCurRef.offParam + len(oCurRef.sOrgRef)] == oCurRef.sOrgRef
998 | or oCurRef.fCustomRef), \
999 | 'offParam=%s sOrgRef=%s iParam=%s oStmt.sName=%s sSrcParam=%s<eos>' \
1000 | % (oCurRef.offParam, oCurRef.sOrgRef, oCurRef.iParam, oStmt.sName, sSrcParam);
1001 | oNewStmt.asParams[oCurRef.iParam] = sSrcParam[0 : oCurRef.offParam] \
1002 | + oCurRef.sNewName \
1003 | + sSrcParam[oCurRef.offParam + len(oCurRef.sOrgRef) : ];
1004 |
1006 | if oNewStmt.sName == 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR':
1007 | oNewStmt.sName = self.kdThreadedCalcRmEffAddrMcByVariation[self.sVariation];
1008 | assert len(oNewStmt.asParams) == 3;
1009 |
1010 | if self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithFlatAddr16:
1011 | oNewStmt.asParams = [
1012 | oNewStmt.asParams[0], oNewStmt.asParams[1], self.dParamRefs['u16Disp'][0].sNewName,
1013 | ];
1014 | else:
1015 | sSibAndMore = self.dParamRefs['bSib'][0].sNewName; # Merge bSib and 2nd part of cbImmAndRspOffset.
1016 | if oStmt.asParams[2] not in ('0', '1', '2', '4'):
1017 | sSibAndMore = '(%s) | ((%s) & 0x0f00)' % (self.dParamRefs['bSib'][0].sNewName, oStmt.asParams[2]);
1018 |
1019 | if self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithFlatAddr32No64:
1020 | oNewStmt.asParams = [
1021 | oNewStmt.asParams[0], oNewStmt.asParams[1], sSibAndMore, self.dParamRefs['u32Disp'][0].sNewName,
1022 | ];
1023 | else:
1024 | oNewStmt.asParams = [
1025 | oNewStmt.asParams[0], self.dParamRefs['bRmEx'][0].sNewName, sSibAndMore,
1026 | self.dParamRefs['u32Disp'][0].sNewName, self.dParamRefs['cbInstr'][0].sNewName,
1027 | ];
1029 | elif ( oNewStmt.sName
1033 | if oNewStmt.sName not in ('IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U16_AND_FINISH', 'IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U32_AND_FINISH',
1034 | 'IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U64_AND_FINISH', ):
1035 | oNewStmt.asParams.append(self.dParamRefs['cbInstr'][0].sNewName);
1036 | if ( oNewStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S8_AND_FINISH', )
1037 | and self.sVariation not in self.kdVariationsOnlyPre386):
1038 | oNewStmt.asParams.append(self.dParamRefs['pVCpu->iem.s.enmEffOpSize'][0].sNewName);
1039 | oNewStmt.sName += '_THREADED';
1040 | if self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsOnly64NoFlags:
1041 | oNewStmt.sName += '_PC64';
1042 | elif self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsOnly64WithFlags:
1043 | oNewStmt.sName += '_PC64_WITH_FLAGS';
1044 | elif self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsOnlyPre386NoFlags:
1045 | oNewStmt.sName += '_PC16';
1046 | elif self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsOnlyPre386WithFlags:
1047 | oNewStmt.sName += '_PC16_WITH_FLAGS';
1048 | elif self.sVariation not in self.kdVariationsWithEflagsCheckingAndClearing:
1049 | assert self.sVariation != self.ksVariation_Default;
1050 | oNewStmt.sName += '_PC32';
1051 | else:
1052 | oNewStmt.sName += '_PC32_WITH_FLAGS';
1053 |
1054 | # This is making the wrong branch of conditionals break out of the TB.
1057 | sExitTbStatus = 'VINF_SUCCESS';
1058 | if self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithConditional:
1059 | if self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithConditionalNoJmp:
1060 | if oStmt.sName != 'IEM_MC_ADVANCE_RIP_AND_FINISH':
1061 | sExitTbStatus = 'VINF_IEM_REEXEC_BREAK';
1062 | elif oStmt.sName == 'IEM_MC_ADVANCE_RIP_AND_FINISH':
1063 | sExitTbStatus = 'VINF_IEM_REEXEC_BREAK';
1064 | oNewStmt.asParams.append(sExitTbStatus);
1065 |
1066 | # Insert an MC so we can assert the correctioness of modified flags annotations on IEM_MC_REF_EFLAGS.
1067 | if 'IEM_MC_ASSERT_EFLAGS' in dState:
1068 | aoThreadedStmts.insert(len(aoThreadedStmts) - 1,
1069 | iai.McStmtAssertEFlags(self.oParent.oMcBlock.oInstruction));
1070 | del dState['IEM_MC_ASSERT_EFLAGS'];
1071 |
1072 | # ... and IEM_MC_*_GREG_U8 into *_THREADED w/ reworked index taking REX into account
1073 | elif oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_') and oNewStmt.sName.find('_GREG_U8') > 0:
1074 | (idxReg, _, sStdRef) = self.analyze8BitGRegStmt(oStmt); # Don't use oNewStmt as it has been modified!
1075 | oNewStmt.asParams[idxReg] = self.dParamRefs[sStdRef][0].sNewName;
1076 | oNewStmt.sName += '_THREADED';
1077 |
1078 | # ... and IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_[0-5] and IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_[0-5]_RET into *_THREADED ...
1079 | elif oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_') or oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_'):
1080 | oNewStmt.sName += '_THREADED';
1081 | oNewStmt.idxFn += 1;
1082 | oNewStmt.idxParams += 1;
1083 | oNewStmt.asParams.insert(0, self.dParamRefs['cbInstr'][0].sNewName);
1084 |
1085 | # ... and in FLAT modes we must morph memory access into FLAT accesses ...
1086 | elif ( self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithFlatAddress
1087 | and ( oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM')
1088 | or (oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_') and oNewStmt.sName.find('_BY_REF') < 0)
1089 | or oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_MEM_MAP') )):
1090 | idxEffSeg = self.kdMemMcToFlatInfo[oNewStmt.sName][0];
1091 | if idxEffSeg != -1:
1092 | if ( oNewStmt.asParams[idxEffSeg].find('iEffSeg') < 0
1093 | and oNewStmt.asParams[idxEffSeg] not in ('X86_SREG_ES', ) ):
1094 | self.raiseProblem('Expected iEffSeg as param #%d to %s: %s'
1095 | % (idxEffSeg + 1, oNewStmt.sName, oNewStmt.asParams[idxEffSeg],));
1096 | oNewStmt.asParams.pop(idxEffSeg);
1097 | oNewStmt.sName = self.kdMemMcToFlatInfo[oNewStmt.sName][1];
1098 |
1099 | # ... PUSH and POP also needs flat variants, but these differ a little.
1100 | elif ( self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithFlatStackAddress
1101 | and ( (oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_PUSH') and oNewStmt.sName.find('_FPU') < 0)
1102 | or oNewStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_POP'))):
1103 | oNewStmt.sName = self.kdMemMcToFlatInfoStack[oNewStmt.sName][int(self.sVariation in
1104 | self.kdVariationsWithFlat64StackAddress)];
1105 |
1106 | # Add EFLAGS usage annotations to relevant MCs.
1109 | oInstruction = self.oParent.oMcBlock.oInstruction;
1110 | oNewStmt.sName += '_EX';
1111 | oNewStmt.asParams.append(oInstruction.getTestedFlagsCStyle()); # Shall crash and burn if oInstruction is
1112 | oNewStmt.asParams.append(oInstruction.getModifiedFlagsCStyle()); # None. Fix the IEM decoder code.
1113 |
1114 | # For IEM_MC_REF_EFLAGS we to emit an MC before the ..._FINISH
1115 | if oNewStmt.sName == 'IEM_MC_REF_EFLAGS_EX':
1116 | dState['IEM_MC_ASSERT_EFLAGS'] = iLevel;
1117 |
1118 | # Process branches of conditionals recursively.
1119 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCond):
1120 | (oNewStmt.aoIfBranch, iParamRef) = self.analyzeMorphStmtForThreaded(oStmt.aoIfBranch, dState,
1121 | iParamRef, iLevel + 1);
1122 | if oStmt.aoElseBranch:
1123 | (oNewStmt.aoElseBranch, iParamRef) = self.analyzeMorphStmtForThreaded(oStmt.aoElseBranch,
1124 | dState, iParamRef, iLevel + 1);
1125 |
1126 | # Insert an MC so we can assert the correctioness of modified flags annotations
1127 | # on IEM_MC_REF_EFLAGS if it goes out of scope.
1128 | if dState.get('IEM_MC_ASSERT_EFLAGS', -1) == iLevel:
1129 | aoThreadedStmts.append(iai.McStmtAssertEFlags(self.oParent.oMcBlock.oInstruction));
1130 | del dState['IEM_MC_ASSERT_EFLAGS'];
1131 |
1132 | return (aoThreadedStmts, iParamRef);
1133 |
1134 |
1135 | def analyzeConsolidateThreadedParamRefs(self):
1136 | """
1137 | Consolidate threaded function parameter references into a dictionary
1138 | with lists of the references to each variable/field.
1139 | """
1140 | # Gather unique parameters.
1141 | self.dParamRefs = {};
1142 | for oRef in self.aoParamRefs:
1143 | if oRef.sStdRef not in self.dParamRefs:
1144 | self.dParamRefs[oRef.sStdRef] = [oRef,];
1145 | else:
1146 | self.dParamRefs[oRef.sStdRef].append(oRef);
1147 |
1148 | # Generate names for them for use in the threaded function.
1149 | dParamNames = {};
1150 | for sName, aoRefs in self.dParamRefs.items():
1151 | # Morph the reference expression into a name.
1152 | if sName.startswith('IEM_GET_MODRM_REG'): sName = 'bModRmRegP';
1153 | elif sName.startswith('IEM_GET_MODRM_RM'): sName = 'bModRmRmP';
1154 | elif sName.startswith('IEM_GET_MODRM_REG_8'): sName = 'bModRmReg8P';
1155 | elif sName.startswith('IEM_GET_MODRM_RM_8'): sName = 'bModRmRm8P';
1156 | elif sName.startswith('IEM_GET_EFFECTIVE_VVVV'): sName = 'bEffVvvvP';
1157 | elif sName.startswith('IEM_GET_IMM8_REG'): sName = 'bImm8Reg';
1158 | elif sName.find('.') >= 0 or sName.find('->') >= 0:
1159 | sName = sName[max(sName.rfind('.'), sName.rfind('>')) + 1 : ] + 'P';
1160 | else:
1161 | sName += 'P';
1162 |
1163 | # Ensure it's unique.
1164 | if sName in dParamNames:
1165 | for i in range(10):
1166 | if sName + str(i) not in dParamNames:
1167 | sName += str(i);
1168 | break;
1169 | dParamNames[sName] = True;
1170 |
1171 | # Update all the references.
1172 | for oRef in aoRefs:
1173 | oRef.sNewName = sName;
1174 |
1175 | # Organize them by size too for the purpose of optimize them.
1176 | dBySize = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
1177 | for sStdRef, aoRefs in self.dParamRefs.items():
1178 | if aoRefs[0].sType[0] != 'P':
1179 | cBits = g_kdTypeInfo[aoRefs[0].sType][0];
1180 | assert(cBits <= 64);
1181 | else:
1182 | cBits = 64;
1183 |
1184 | if cBits not in dBySize:
1185 | dBySize[cBits] = [sStdRef,]
1186 | else:
1187 | dBySize[cBits].append(sStdRef);
1188 |
1189 | # Pack the parameters as best as we can, starting with the largest ones
1190 | # and ASSUMING a 64-bit parameter size.
1191 | self.cMinParams = 0;
1192 | offNewParam = 0;
1193 | for cBits in sorted(dBySize.keys(), reverse = True):
1194 | for sStdRef in dBySize[cBits]:
1195 | if offNewParam == 0 or offNewParam + cBits > 64:
1196 | self.cMinParams += 1;
1197 | offNewParam = cBits;
1198 | else:
1199 | offNewParam += cBits;
1200 | assert(offNewParam <= 64);
1201 |
1202 | for oRef in self.dParamRefs[sStdRef]:
1203 | oRef.iNewParam = self.cMinParams - 1;
1204 | oRef.offNewParam = offNewParam - cBits;
1205 |
1206 | # Currently there are a few that requires 4 parameters, list these so we can figure out why:
1207 | if self.cMinParams >= 4:
1208 | print('debug: cMinParams=%s cRawParams=%s - %s:%d'
1209 | % (self.cMinParams, len(self.dParamRefs), self.oParent.oMcBlock.sSrcFile, self.oParent.oMcBlock.iBeginLine,));
1210 |
1211 | return True;
1212 |
1213 | ksHexDigits = '0123456789abcdefABCDEF';
1214 |
1215 | def analyzeFindThreadedParamRefs(self, aoStmts): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
1216 | """
1217 | Scans the statements for things that have to passed on to the threaded
1218 | function (populates self.aoParamRefs).
1219 | """
1220 | for oStmt in aoStmts:
1221 | # Some statements we can skip alltogether.
1222 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McCppPreProc):
1223 | continue;
1224 | if oStmt.isCppStmt() and oStmt.fDecode:
1225 | continue;
1226 | if oStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_BEGIN',):
1227 | continue;
1228 |
1229 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtVar):
1230 | if oStmt.sValue is None:
1231 | continue;
1232 | aiSkipParams = { 0: True, 1: True, 3: True };
1233 | else:
1234 | aiSkipParams = {};
1235 |
1236 | # Several statements have implicit parameters and some have different parameters.
1242 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('IEM_GET_INSTR_LEN(pVCpu)', 'uint4_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'cbInstr'));
1243 |
1244 | if ( oStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S8_AND_FINISH',)
1245 | and self.sVariation not in self.kdVariationsOnlyPre386):
1246 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('pVCpu->iem.s.enmEffOpSize', 'IEMMODE', oStmt));
1247 |
1248 | if oStmt.sName == 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR':
1249 | # This is being pretty presumptive about bRm always being the RM byte...
1250 | assert len(oStmt.asParams) == 3;
1251 | assert oStmt.asParams[1] == 'bRm';
1252 |
1253 | if self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithFlatAddr16:
1254 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('bRm', 'uint8_t', oStmt));
1255 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('(uint16_t)uEffAddrInfo' ,
1256 | 'uint16_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'u16Disp'));
1257 | elif self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithFlatAddr32No64:
1258 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('bRm', 'uint8_t', oStmt));
1259 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('(uint8_t)(uEffAddrInfo >> 32)',
1260 | 'uint8_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'bSib'));
1261 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('(uint32_t)uEffAddrInfo',
1262 | 'uint32_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'u32Disp'));
1263 | else:
1264 | assert self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithAddressOnly64;
1265 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('IEM_GET_MODRM_EX(pVCpu, bRm)',
1266 | 'uint8_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'bRmEx'));
1267 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('(uint8_t)(uEffAddrInfo >> 32)',
1268 | 'uint8_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'bSib'));
1269 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('(uint32_t)uEffAddrInfo',
1270 | 'uint32_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'u32Disp'));
1271 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef('IEM_GET_INSTR_LEN(pVCpu)',
1272 | 'uint4_t', oStmt, sStdRef = 'cbInstr'));
1273 | aiSkipParams[1] = True; # Skip the bRm parameter as it is being replaced by bRmEx.
1274 |
1275 | # 8-bit register accesses needs to have their index argument reworked to take REX into account.
1276 | if oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_') and oStmt.sName.find('_GREG_U8') > 0:
1277 | (idxReg, sOrgRef, sStdRef) = self.analyze8BitGRegStmt(oStmt);
1278 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef(sOrgRef, 'uint8_t', oStmt, idxReg, sStdRef = sStdRef));
1279 | aiSkipParams[idxReg] = True; # Skip the parameter below.
1280 |
1281 | # If in flat mode variation, ignore the effective segment parameter to memory MCs.
1282 | if ( self.sVariation in self.kdVariationsWithFlatAddress
1283 | and oStmt.sName in self.kdMemMcToFlatInfo
1284 | and self.kdMemMcToFlatInfo[oStmt.sName][0] != -1):
1285 | aiSkipParams[self.kdMemMcToFlatInfo[oStmt.sName][0]] = True;
1286 |
1287 | # Inspect the target of calls to see if we need to pass down a
1288 | # function pointer or function table pointer for it to work.
1289 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCall):
1290 | if oStmt.sFn[0] == 'p':
1291 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef(oStmt.sFn, self.analyzeCallToType(oStmt.sFn), oStmt, oStmt.idxFn));
1292 | elif ( oStmt.sFn[0] != 'i'
1293 | and not oStmt.sFn.startswith('RT_CONCAT3')
1294 | and not oStmt.sFn.startswith('IEMTARGETCPU_EFL_BEHAVIOR_SELECT')
1295 | and not oStmt.sFn.startswith('IEM_SELECT_HOST_OR_FALLBACK') ):
1296 | self.raiseProblem('Bogus function name in %s: %s' % (oStmt.sName, oStmt.sFn,));
1297 | aiSkipParams[oStmt.idxFn] = True;
1298 |
1299 | # Skip the hint parameter (first) for IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_X.
1300 | if oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_'):
1301 | assert oStmt.idxFn == 2;
1302 | aiSkipParams[0] = True;
1303 |
1304 | # Skip the function parameter (first) for IEM_MC_NATIVE_EMIT_X.
1305 | if oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_NATIVE_EMIT_'):
1306 | aiSkipParams[0] = True;
1307 |
1308 |
1309 | # Check all the parameters for bogus references.
1310 | for iParam, sParam in enumerate(oStmt.asParams):
1311 | if iParam not in aiSkipParams and sParam not in self.oParent.dVariables:
1312 | # The parameter may contain a C expression, so we have to try
1313 | # extract the relevant bits, i.e. variables and fields while
1314 | # ignoring operators and parentheses.
1315 | offParam = 0;
1316 | while offParam < len(sParam):
1317 | # Is it the start of an C identifier? If so, find the end, but don't stop on field separators (->, .).
1318 | ch = sParam[offParam];
1319 | if ch.isalpha() or ch == '_':
1320 | offStart = offParam;
1321 | offParam += 1;
1322 | while offParam < len(sParam):
1323 | ch = sParam[offParam];
1324 | if not ch.isalnum() and ch != '_' and ch != '.':
1325 | if ch != '-' or sParam[offParam + 1] != '>':
1326 | # Special hack for the 'CTX_SUFF(pVM)' bit in pVCpu->CTX_SUFF(pVM)->xxxx:
1327 | if ( ch == '('
1328 | and sParam[offStart : offParam + len('(pVM)->')] == 'pVCpu->CTX_SUFF(pVM)->'):
1329 | offParam += len('(pVM)->') - 1;
1330 | else:
1331 | break;
1332 | offParam += 1;
1333 | offParam += 1;
1334 | sRef = sParam[offStart : offParam];
1335 |
1336 | # For register references, we pass the full register indexes instead as macros
1337 | # like IEM_GET_MODRM_REG implicitly references pVCpu->iem.s.uRexReg and the
1338 | # threaded function will be more efficient if we just pass the register index
1339 | # as a 4-bit param.
1340 | if ( sRef.startswith('IEM_GET_MODRM')
1341 | or sRef.startswith('IEM_GET_EFFECTIVE_VVVV')
1342 | or sRef.startswith('IEM_GET_IMM8_REG') ):
1343 | offParam = iai.McBlock.skipSpacesAt(sParam, offParam, len(sParam));
1344 | if sParam[offParam] != '(':
1345 | self.raiseProblem('Expected "(" following %s in "%s"' % (sRef, oStmt.renderCode(),));
1346 | (asMacroParams, offCloseParam) = iai.McBlock.extractParams(sParam, offParam);
1347 | if asMacroParams is None:
1348 | self.raiseProblem('Unable to find ")" for %s in "%s"' % (sRef, oStmt.renderCode(),));
1349 | offParam = offCloseParam + 1;
1350 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef(sParam[offStart : offParam], 'uint8_t',
1351 | oStmt, iParam, offStart));
1352 |
1353 | # We can skip known variables.
1354 | elif sRef in self.oParent.dVariables:
1355 | pass;
1356 |
1357 | # Skip certain macro invocations.
1358 | elif sRef in ('IEM_GET_HOST_CPU_FEATURES',
1361 | 'IEM_IS_16BIT_CODE',
1362 | 'IEM_IS_32BIT_CODE',
1363 | 'IEM_IS_64BIT_CODE',
1364 | ):
1365 | offParam = iai.McBlock.skipSpacesAt(sParam, offParam, len(sParam));
1366 | if sParam[offParam] != '(':
1367 | self.raiseProblem('Expected "(" following %s in "%s"' % (sRef, oStmt.renderCode(),));
1368 | (asMacroParams, offCloseParam) = iai.McBlock.extractParams(sParam, offParam);
1369 | if asMacroParams is None:
1370 | self.raiseProblem('Unable to find ")" for %s in "%s"' % (sRef, oStmt.renderCode(),));
1371 | offParam = offCloseParam + 1;
1372 |
1373 | # Skip any dereference following it, unless it's a predicate like IEM_IS_GUEST_CPU_AMD.
1374 | if sRef not in ('IEM_IS_GUEST_CPU_AMD',
1375 | 'IEM_IS_16BIT_CODE',
1376 | 'IEM_IS_32BIT_CODE',
1377 | 'IEM_IS_64BIT_CODE',
1378 | ):
1379 | offParam = iai.McBlock.skipSpacesAt(sParam, offParam, len(sParam));
1380 | if offParam + 2 <= len(sParam) and sParam[offParam : offParam + 2] == '->':
1381 | offParam = iai.McBlock.skipSpacesAt(sParam, offParam + 2, len(sParam));
1382 | while offParam < len(sParam) and (sParam[offParam].isalnum() or sParam[offParam] in '_.'):
1383 | offParam += 1;
1384 |
1385 | # Skip constants, globals, types (casts), sizeof and macros.
1386 | elif ( sRef.startswith('IEM_OP_PRF_')
1387 | or sRef.startswith('IEM_ACCESS_')
1388 | or sRef.startswith('IEMINT_')
1389 | or sRef.startswith('X86_GREG_')
1390 | or sRef.startswith('X86_SREG_')
1391 | or sRef.startswith('X86_EFL_')
1392 | or sRef.startswith('X86_FSW_')
1393 | or sRef.startswith('X86_FCW_')
1394 | or sRef.startswith('X86_XCPT_')
1395 | or sRef.startswith('IEMMODE_')
1396 | or sRef.startswith('IEM_F_')
1397 | or sRef.startswith('IEM_CIMPL_F_')
1398 | or sRef.startswith('g_')
1399 | or sRef.startswith('iemAImpl_')
1400 | or sRef.startswith('kIemNativeGstReg_')
1401 | or sRef.startswith('RT_ARCH_VAL_')
1402 | or sRef in ( 'int8_t', 'int16_t', 'int32_t', 'int64_t',
1403 | 'INT8_C', 'INT16_C', 'INT32_C', 'INT64_C',
1404 | 'uint8_t', 'uint16_t', 'uint32_t', 'uint64_t',
1405 | 'UINT8_C', 'UINT16_C', 'UINT32_C', 'UINT64_C',
1406 | 'UINT8_MAX', 'UINT16_MAX', 'UINT32_MAX', 'UINT64_MAX',
1407 | 'INT8_MAX', 'INT16_MAX', 'INT32_MAX', 'INT64_MAX',
1408 | 'INT8_MIN', 'INT16_MIN', 'INT32_MIN', 'INT64_MIN',
1409 | 'sizeof', 'NOREF', 'RT_NOREF', 'IEMMODE_64BIT',
1410 | 'RT_BIT_32', 'RT_BIT_64', 'true', 'false',
1411 | 'NIL_RTGCPTR',) ):
1412 | pass;
1413 |
1414 | # Skip certain macro invocations.
1415 | # Any variable (non-field) and decoder fields in IEMCPU will need to be parameterized.
1416 | elif ( ( '.' not in sRef
1417 | and '-' not in sRef
1418 | and sRef not in ('pVCpu', ) )
1419 | or iai.McBlock.koReIemDecoderVars.search(sRef) is not None):
1420 | self.aoParamRefs.append(ThreadedParamRef(sRef, self.analyzeReferenceToType(sRef),
1421 | oStmt, iParam, offStart));
1422 | # Number.
1423 | elif ch.isdigit():
1424 | if ( ch == '0'
1425 | and offParam + 2 <= len(sParam)
1426 | and sParam[offParam + 1] in 'xX'
1427 | and sParam[offParam + 2] in self.ksHexDigits ):
1428 | offParam += 2;
1429 | while offParam < len(sParam) and sParam[offParam] in self.ksHexDigits:
1430 | offParam += 1;
1431 | else:
1432 | while offParam < len(sParam) and sParam[offParam].isdigit():
1433 | offParam += 1;
1434 | # Comment?
1435 | elif ( ch == '/'
1436 | and offParam + 4 <= len(sParam)
1437 | and sParam[offParam + 1] == '*'):
1438 | offParam += 2;
1439 | offNext = sParam.find('*/', offParam);
1440 | if offNext < offParam:
1441 | self.raiseProblem('Unable to find "*/" in "%s" ("%s")' % (sRef, oStmt.renderCode(),));
1442 | offParam = offNext + 2;
1443 | # Whatever else.
1444 | else:
1445 | offParam += 1;
1446 |
1447 | # Traverse the branches of conditionals.
1448 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCond):
1449 | self.analyzeFindThreadedParamRefs(oStmt.aoIfBranch);
1450 | self.analyzeFindThreadedParamRefs(oStmt.aoElseBranch);
1451 | return True;
1452 |
1453 | def analyzeVariation(self, aoStmts):
1454 | """
1455 | 2nd part of the analysis, done on each variation.
1456 |
1457 | The variations may differ in parameter requirements and will end up with
1458 | slightly different MC sequences. Thus this is done on each individually.
1459 |
1460 | Returns dummy True - raises exception on trouble.
1461 | """
1462 | # Now scan the code for variables and field references that needs to
1463 | # be passed to the threaded function because they are related to the
1464 | # instruction decoding.
1465 | self.analyzeFindThreadedParamRefs(aoStmts);
1466 | self.analyzeConsolidateThreadedParamRefs();
1467 |
1468 | # Morph the statement stream for the block into what we'll be using in the threaded function.
1469 | (self.aoStmtsForThreadedFunction, iParamRef) = self.analyzeMorphStmtForThreaded(aoStmts, {});
1470 | if iParamRef != len(self.aoParamRefs):
1471 | raise Exception('iParamRef=%s, expected %s!' % (iParamRef, len(self.aoParamRefs),));
1472 |
1473 | return True;
1474 |
1475 | def emitThreadedCallStmts(self, cchIndent, sCallVarNm = None):
1476 | """
1477 | Produces generic C++ statments that emits a call to the thread function
1478 | variation and any subsequent checks that may be necessary after that.
1479 |
1480 | The sCallVarNm is the name of the variable with the threaded function
1481 | to call. This is for the case where all the variations have the same
1482 | parameters and only the threaded function number differs.
1483 | """
1484 | aoStmts = [
1485 | iai.McCppCall('IEM_MC2_BEGIN_EMIT_CALLS',
1486 | ['1' if 'IEM_CIMPL_F_CHECK_IRQ_BEFORE' in self.oParent.dsCImplFlags else '0'],
1487 | cchIndent = cchIndent), # Scope and a hook for various stuff.
1488 | ];
1489 |
1490 | # The call to the threaded function.
1491 | asCallArgs = [ self.getIndexName() if not sCallVarNm else sCallVarNm, ];
1492 | for iParam in range(self.cMinParams):
1493 | asFrags = [];
1494 | for aoRefs in self.dParamRefs.values():
1495 | oRef = aoRefs[0];
1496 | if oRef.iNewParam == iParam:
1497 | sCast = '(uint64_t)'
1498 | if oRef.sType in ('int8_t', 'int16_t', 'int32_t'): # Make sure these doesn't get sign-extended.
1499 | sCast = '(uint64_t)(u' + oRef.sType + ')';
1500 | if oRef.offNewParam == 0:
1501 | asFrags.append(sCast + '(' + oRef.sOrgRef + ')');
1502 | else:
1503 | asFrags.append('(%s(%s) << %s)' % (sCast, oRef.sOrgRef, oRef.offNewParam));
1504 | assert asFrags;
1505 | asCallArgs.append(' | '.join(asFrags));
1506 |
1507 | aoStmts.append(iai.McCppCall('IEM_MC2_EMIT_CALL_%s' % (len(asCallArgs) - 1,), asCallArgs, cchIndent = cchIndent));
1508 |
1509 | # 2023-11-28: This has to be done AFTER the CIMPL call, so we have to
1510 | # emit this mode check from the compilation loop. On the
1511 | # plus side, this means we eliminate unnecessary call at
1512 | # end of the TB. :-)
1513 | ## For CIMPL stuff, we need to consult the associated IEM_CIMPL_F_XXX
1514 | ## mask and maybe emit additional checks.
1515 | #if ( 'IEM_CIMPL_F_MODE' in self.oParent.dsCImplFlags
1516 | # or 'IEM_CIMPL_F_XCPT' in self.oParent.dsCImplFlags
1517 | # or 'IEM_CIMPL_F_VMEXIT' in self.oParent.dsCImplFlags):
1518 | # aoStmts.append(iai.McCppCall('IEM_MC2_EMIT_CALL_1', ( 'kIemThreadedFunc_BltIn_CheckMode', 'pVCpu->iem.s.fExec', ),
1519 | # cchIndent = cchIndent));
1520 |
1521 | sCImplFlags = ' | '.join(self.oParent.dsCImplFlags.keys());
1522 | if not sCImplFlags:
1523 | sCImplFlags = '0'
1524 | aoStmts.append(iai.McCppCall('IEM_MC2_END_EMIT_CALLS', ( sCImplFlags, ), cchIndent = cchIndent)); # For closing the scope.
1525 |
1526 | # Emit fEndTb = true or fTbBranched = true if any of the CIMPL flags
1527 | # indicates we should do so.
1528 | # Note! iemThreadedRecompilerMcDeferToCImpl0 duplicates work done here.
1529 | asEndTbFlags = [];
1530 | asTbBranchedFlags = [];
1531 | for sFlag in self.oParent.dsCImplFlags:
1532 | if self.kdCImplFlags[sFlag] is True:
1533 | asEndTbFlags.append(sFlag);
1534 | elif sFlag.startswith('IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_'):
1535 | asTbBranchedFlags.append(sFlag);
1536 | if ( asTbBranchedFlags
1537 | and ( 'IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_CONDITIONAL' not in asTbBranchedFlags
1538 | or self.sVariation not in self.kdVariationsWithConditionalNoJmp)):
1539 | aoStmts.append(iai.McCppGeneric('iemThreadedSetBranched(pVCpu, %s);'
1540 | % ((' | '.join(asTbBranchedFlags)).replace('IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH', 'IEMBRANCHED_F'),),
1541 | cchIndent = cchIndent)); # Inline fn saves ~2 seconds for gcc 13/dbg (1m13s vs 1m15s).
1542 | if asEndTbFlags:
1543 | aoStmts.append(iai.McCppGeneric('pVCpu->iem.s.fEndTb = true; /* %s */' % (','.join(asEndTbFlags),),
1544 | cchIndent = cchIndent));
1545 |
1546 | if 'IEM_CIMPL_F_CHECK_IRQ_AFTER' in self.oParent.dsCImplFlags:
1547 | aoStmts.append(iai.McCppGeneric('pVCpu->iem.s.cInstrTillIrqCheck = 0;', cchIndent = cchIndent));
1548 |
1549 | return aoStmts;
1550 |
1551 |
1552 | class ThreadedFunction(object):
1553 | """
1554 | A threaded function.
1555 | """
1556 |
1557 | def __init__(self, oMcBlock: iai.McBlock) -> None:
1558 | self.oMcBlock = oMcBlock # type: iai.McBlock
1559 | # The remaining fields are only useful after analyze() has been called:
1560 | ## Variations for this block. There is at least one.
1561 | self.aoVariations = [] # type: List[ThreadedFunctionVariation]
1562 | ## Variation dictionary containing the same as aoVariations.
1563 | self.dVariations = {} # type: Dict[str, ThreadedFunctionVariation]
1564 | ## Dictionary of local variables (IEM_MC_LOCAL[_CONST]) and call arguments (IEM_MC_ARG*).
1565 | self.dVariables = {} # type: Dict[str, iai.McStmtVar]
1566 | ## Dictionary with any IEM_CIMPL_F_XXX flags explicitly advertised in the code block
1567 | ## and those determined by analyzeCodeOperation().
1568 | self.dsCImplFlags = {} # type: Dict[str, bool]
1569 | ## The unique sub-name for this threaded function.
1570 | self.sSubName = '';
1571 | #if oMcBlock.iInFunction > 0 or (oMcBlock.oInstruction and len(oMcBlock.oInstruction.aoMcBlocks) > 1):
1572 | # self.sSubName = '_%s' % (oMcBlock.iInFunction);
1573 |
1574 | @staticmethod
1575 | def dummyInstance():
1576 | """ Gets a dummy instance. """
1577 | return ThreadedFunction(iai.McBlock('null', 999999999, 999999999,
1578 | iai.DecoderFunction('null', 999999999, 'nil', ('','')), 999999999));
1579 |
1580 | def hasWithFlagsCheckingAndClearingVariation(self):
1581 | """
1582 | Check if there is one or more with flags checking and clearing
1583 | variations for this threaded function.
1584 | """
1585 | for sVarWithFlags in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationsWithEflagsCheckingAndClearing:
1586 | if sVarWithFlags in self.dVariations:
1587 | return True;
1588 | return False;
1589 |
1590 | #
1591 | # Analysis and code morphing.
1592 | #
1593 |
1594 | def raiseProblem(self, sMessage):
1595 | """ Raises a problem. """
1596 | raise Exception('%s:%s: error: %s' % (self.oMcBlock.sSrcFile, self.oMcBlock.iBeginLine, sMessage, ));
1597 |
1598 | def error(self, sMessage, oGenerator):
1599 | """ Emits an error via the generator object, causing it to fail. """
1600 | oGenerator.rawError('%s:%s: error: %s' % (self.oMcBlock.sSrcFile, self.oMcBlock.iBeginLine, sMessage, ));
1601 |
1602 | def warning(self, sMessage):
1603 | """ Emits a warning. """
1604 | print('%s:%s: warning: %s' % (self.oMcBlock.sSrcFile, self.oMcBlock.iBeginLine, sMessage, ));
1605 |
1606 | ## Used by analyzeAndAnnotateName for memory MC blocks.
1607 | kdAnnotateNameMemStmts = {
1608 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM16_U8': '__mem8',
1609 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM32_U8': '__mem8',
1610 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_D80': '__mem80',
1611 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_I16': '__mem16',
1612 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_I32': '__mem32',
1613 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_I64': '__mem64',
1614 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_R32': '__mem32',
1615 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_R64': '__mem64',
1616 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_R80': '__mem80',
1617 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U128': '__mem128',
1618 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U128_ALIGN_SSE': '__mem128',
1619 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U128_NO_AC': '__mem128',
1620 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16': '__mem16',
1621 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_DISP': '__mem16',
1622 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_SX_U32': '__mem16sx32',
1623 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_SX_U64': '__mem16sx64',
1624 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_ZX_U32': '__mem16zx32',
1625 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16_ZX_U64': '__mem16zx64',
1626 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U256': '__mem256',
1627 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U256_ALIGN_AVX': '__mem256',
1628 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U256_NO_AC': '__mem256',
1629 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32': '__mem32',
1630 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32_DISP': '__mem32',
1631 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32_SX_U64': '__mem32sx64',
1632 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32_ZX_U64': '__mem32zx64',
1633 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U64': '__mem64',
1634 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U64_ALIGN_U128': '__mem64',
1635 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U64_DISP': '__mem64',
1636 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8': '__mem8',
1637 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_DISP': '__mem8',
1638 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_SX_U16': '__mem8sx16',
1639 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_SX_U32': '__mem8sx32',
1640 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_SX_U64': '__mem8sx64',
1641 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_ZX_U16': '__mem8zx16',
1642 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_ZX_U32': '__mem8zx32',
1643 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8_ZX_U64': '__mem8zx64',
1644 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_XMM': '__mem128',
1645 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_XMM_ALIGN_SSE': '__mem128',
1646 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_XMM_NO_AC': '__mem128',
1647 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_XMM_U32': '__mem32',
1648 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_XMM_U64': '__mem64',
1649 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U128_AND_XREG_U128': '__mem128',
1651 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_XMM_U32_AND_XREG_XMM': '__mem32',
1652 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_XMM_U64_AND_XREG_XMM': '__mem64',
1653 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U128_AND_XREG_U128_AND_RAX_RDX_U64': '__mem128',
1654 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U128_AND_XREG_U128_AND_EAX_EDX_U32_SX_U64': '__mem128',
1655 |
1656 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_I16_CONST_BY_REF': '__mem16',
1657 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_I32_CONST_BY_REF': '__mem32',
1658 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_I64_CONST_BY_REF': '__mem64',
1659 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_I8_CONST_BY_REF': '__mem8',
1660 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_INDEF_D80_BY_REF': '__mem80',
1661 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_NEG_QNAN_R32_BY_REF': '__mem32',
1662 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_NEG_QNAN_R64_BY_REF': '__mem64',
1663 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_NEG_QNAN_R80_BY_REF': '__mem80',
1664 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U128': '__mem128',
1665 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U128_ALIGN_SSE': '__mem128',
1666 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U128_NO_AC': '__mem128',
1667 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U16': '__mem16',
1668 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U16_CONST': '__mem16c',
1669 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U256': '__mem256',
1670 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U256_ALIGN_AVX': '__mem256',
1671 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U256_NO_AC': '__mem256',
1672 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U32': '__mem32',
1673 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U32_CONST': '__mem32c',
1674 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U64': '__mem64',
1675 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U64_CONST': '__mem64c',
1676 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U8': '__mem8',
1677 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U8_CONST': '__mem8c',
1678 |
1679 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_D80_WO': '__mem80',
1680 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_I16_WO': '__mem16',
1681 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_I32_WO': '__mem32',
1682 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_I64_WO': '__mem64',
1683 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_R32_WO': '__mem32',
1684 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_R64_WO': '__mem64',
1685 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_R80_WO': '__mem80',
1686 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U128_ATOMIC': '__mem128a',
1687 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U128_RO': '__mem128',
1688 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U128_RW': '__mem128',
1689 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U128_WO': '__mem128',
1690 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U16_ATOMIC': '__mem16a',
1691 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U16_RO': '__mem16',
1692 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U16_RW': '__mem16',
1693 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U16_WO': '__mem16',
1694 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U32_ATOMIC': '__mem32a',
1695 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U32_RO': '__mem32',
1696 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U32_RW': '__mem32',
1697 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U32_WO': '__mem32',
1698 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U64_ATOMIC': '__mem64a',
1699 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U64_RO': '__mem64',
1700 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U64_RW': '__mem64',
1701 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U64_WO': '__mem64',
1702 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U8_ATOMIC': '__mem8a',
1703 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U8_RO': '__mem8',
1704 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U8_RW': '__mem8',
1705 | 'IEM_MC_MEM_MAP_U8_WO': '__mem8',
1706 | };
1707 | ## Used by analyzeAndAnnotateName for non-memory MC blocks.
1708 | kdAnnotateNameRegStmts = {
1709 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U8': '__greg8',
1710 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U8_ZX_U16': '__greg8zx16',
1711 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U8_ZX_U32': '__greg8zx32',
1712 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U8_ZX_U64': '__greg8zx64',
1713 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U8_SX_U16': '__greg8sx16',
1714 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U8_SX_U32': '__greg8sx32',
1715 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U8_SX_U64': '__greg8sx64',
1716 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U16': '__greg16',
1717 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U16_ZX_U32': '__greg16zx32',
1718 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U16_ZX_U64': '__greg16zx64',
1719 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U16_SX_U32': '__greg16sx32',
1720 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U16_SX_U64': '__greg16sx64',
1721 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U32': '__greg32',
1722 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U32_ZX_U64': '__greg32zx64',
1723 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U32_SX_U64': '__greg32sx64',
1724 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U64': '__greg64',
1725 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_U64_ZX_U64': '__greg64zx64',
1726 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_PAIR_U32': '__greg32',
1727 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_GREG_PAIR_U64': '__greg64',
1728 |
1729 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U8': '__greg8',
1730 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U16': '__greg16',
1731 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U32': '__greg32',
1732 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U64': '__greg64',
1733 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_I64': '__greg64',
1734 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U8_CONST': '__greg8c',
1735 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U16_CONST': '__greg16c',
1736 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U32_CONST': '__greg32c',
1737 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_U64_CONST': '__greg64c',
1738 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_PAIR_U32': '__greg32',
1739 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_GREG_PAIR_U64': '__greg64',
1740 |
1741 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_SREG_U16': '__sreg16',
1742 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_SREG_ZX_U32': '__sreg32',
1743 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_SREG_ZX_U64': '__sreg64',
1744 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_SREG_BASE_U64': '__sbase64',
1745 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_SREG_BASE_U32': '__sbase32',
1746 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_SREG_BASE_U64': '__sbase64',
1747 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_SREG_BASE_U32': '__sbase32',
1748 |
1749 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U8': '__greg8',
1750 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U16': '__greg16',
1751 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U32': '__greg32',
1752 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U64': '__greg64',
1753 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U8_CONST': '__greg8',
1754 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U16_CONST': '__greg16',
1755 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U32_CONST': '__greg32',
1756 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_U64_CONST': '__greg64',
1757 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_I32': '__greg32',
1758 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_I64': '__greg64',
1759 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_I32_CONST': '__greg32',
1760 | 'IEM_MC_REF_GREG_I64_CONST': '__greg64',
1761 |
1762 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_FPUREG_R80_SRC_REF': '__fpu',
1763 | 'IEM_MC_REF_FPUREG': '__fpu',
1764 |
1765 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MREG_U64': '__mreg64',
1766 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MREG_U32': '__mreg32',
1767 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MREG_U16': '__mreg16',
1768 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MREG_U8': '__mreg8',
1769 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MREG_U64': '__mreg64',
1770 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MREG_U32': '__mreg32',
1771 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MREG_U16': '__mreg16',
1772 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MREG_U8': '__mreg8',
1773 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MREG_U32_ZX_U64': '__mreg32zx64',
1774 | 'IEM_MC_REF_MREG_U64': '__mreg64',
1775 | 'IEM_MC_REF_MREG_U64_CONST': '__mreg64',
1776 | 'IEM_MC_REF_MREG_U32_CONST': '__mreg32',
1777 |
1778 | 'IEM_MC_CLEAR_XREG_U32_MASK': '__xreg32x4',
1779 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_U128': '__xreg128',
1780 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_XMM': '__xreg128',
1781 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_U64': '__xreg64',
1782 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_U32': '__xreg32',
1783 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_U16': '__xreg16',
1784 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_U8': '__xreg8',
1785 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_PAIR_U128': '__xreg128p',
1786 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_PAIR_XMM': '__xreg128p',
1787 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_PAIR_U128_AND_RAX_RDX_U64': '__xreg128p',
1788 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_XREG_PAIR_U128_AND_EAX_EDX_U32_SX_U64': '__xreg128p',
1789 |
1790 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U32_U128': '__xreg32',
1791 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U128': '__xreg128',
1792 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_XMM': '__xreg128',
1793 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_XMM_U32': '__xreg32',
1794 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_XMM_U64': '__xreg64',
1795 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U64': '__xreg64',
1796 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U64_ZX_U128': '__xreg64zx128',
1797 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U32': '__xreg32',
1798 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U16': '__xreg16',
1799 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U8': '__xreg8',
1800 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_U32_ZX_U128': '__xreg32zx128',
1801 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_R32': '__xreg32',
1802 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_XREG_R64': '__xreg64',
1803 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_XREG_U8_ZX_VLMAX': '__xreg8zx',
1804 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_XREG_U16_ZX_VLMAX': '__xreg16zx',
1805 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_XREG_U32_ZX_VLMAX': '__xreg32zx',
1806 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_XREG_U64_ZX_VLMAX': '__xreg64zx',
1807 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_XREG_U128_ZX_VLMAX': '__xreg128zx',
1808 | 'IEM_MC_REF_XREG_U128': '__xreg128',
1809 | 'IEM_MC_REF_XREG_U128_CONST': '__xreg128',
1810 | 'IEM_MC_REF_XREG_U32_CONST': '__xreg32',
1811 | 'IEM_MC_REF_XREG_U64_CONST': '__xreg64',
1812 | 'IEM_MC_REF_XREG_R32_CONST': '__xreg32',
1813 | 'IEM_MC_REF_XREG_R64_CONST': '__xreg64',
1814 | 'IEM_MC_REF_XREG_XMM_CONST': '__xreg128',
1815 | 'IEM_MC_COPY_XREG_U128': '__xreg128',
1816 |
1817 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_YREG_U256': '__yreg256',
1818 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_YREG_U128': '__yreg128',
1819 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_YREG_U64': '__yreg64',
1820 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_YREG_U32': '__yreg32',
1821 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_YREG_U128': '__yreg128',
1822 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_YREG_U32_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg32zx',
1823 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_YREG_U64_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg64zx',
1824 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_YREG_U128_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg128zx',
1825 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_YREG_U256_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg256zx',
1826 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_YREG_U8_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg8',
1827 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_YREG_U16_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg16',
1828 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_YREG_U32_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg32',
1829 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_YREG_U64_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg64',
1830 | 'IEM_MC_BROADCAST_YREG_U128_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg128',
1831 | 'IEM_MC_REF_YREG_U128': '__yreg128',
1832 | 'IEM_MC_REF_YREG_U128_CONST': '__yreg128',
1833 | 'IEM_MC_REF_YREG_U64_CONST': '__yreg64',
1834 | 'IEM_MC_COPY_YREG_U256_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg256zx',
1835 | 'IEM_MC_COPY_YREG_U128_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg128zx',
1836 | 'IEM_MC_COPY_YREG_U64_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg64zx',
1837 | 'IEM_MC_MERGE_YREG_U32_U96_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg3296',
1838 | 'IEM_MC_MERGE_YREG_U64_U64_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg6464',
1839 | 'IEM_MC_MERGE_YREG_U64HI_U64HI_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg64hi64hi',
1840 | 'IEM_MC_MERGE_YREG_U64LO_U64LO_ZX_VLMAX': '__yreg64lo64lo',
1841 | 'IEM_MC_MERGE_YREG_U64LO_U64LOCAL_ZX_VLMAX':'__yreg64',
1842 | 'IEM_MC_MERGE_YREG_U64LOCAL_U64HI_ZX_VLMAX':'__yreg64',
1843 | };
1844 | kdAnnotateNameCallStmts = {
1845 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_0': '__cimpl',
1846 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_1': '__cimpl',
1847 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_2': '__cimpl',
1848 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_3': '__cimpl',
1849 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_4': '__cimpl',
1850 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_5': '__cimpl',
1851 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_6': '__cimpl',
1852 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_7': '__cimpl',
1853 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_0_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1854 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_1_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1855 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_2_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1856 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_3_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1857 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_4_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1858 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_5_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1859 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_6_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1860 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_7_RET': '__cimpl_defer',
1861 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_0': '__aimpl',
1862 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_1': '__aimpl',
1863 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_2': '__aimpl',
1864 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_3': '__aimpl',
1865 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_4': '__aimpl',
1866 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_5': '__aimpl',
1867 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_0': '__aimpl_ret',
1868 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_1': '__aimpl_ret',
1869 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_2': '__aimpl_ret',
1870 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_3': '__aimpl_ret',
1871 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_4': '__aimpl_ret',
1872 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_5': '__aimpl_ret',
1873 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_6': '__aimpl_ret',
1874 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_6': '__aimpl_fpu',
1875 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_FPU_AIMPL_0': '__aimpl_fpu',
1876 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_FPU_AIMPL_1': '__aimpl_fpu',
1877 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_FPU_AIMPL_2': '__aimpl_fpu',
1878 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_FPU_AIMPL_3': '__aimpl_fpu',
1879 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_FPU_AIMPL_4': '__aimpl_fpu',
1880 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_FPU_AIMPL_5': '__aimpl_fpu',
1881 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_MMX_AIMPL_0': '__aimpl_mmx',
1882 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_MMX_AIMPL_1': '__aimpl_mmx',
1883 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_MMX_AIMPL_2': '__aimpl_mmx',
1884 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_MMX_AIMPL_3': '__aimpl_mmx',
1885 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_MMX_AIMPL_4': '__aimpl_mmx',
1886 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_MMX_AIMPL_5': '__aimpl_mmx',
1887 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_SSE_AIMPL_0': '__aimpl_sse',
1888 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_SSE_AIMPL_1': '__aimpl_sse',
1889 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_SSE_AIMPL_2': '__aimpl_sse',
1890 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_SSE_AIMPL_3': '__aimpl_sse',
1891 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_SSE_AIMPL_4': '__aimpl_sse',
1892 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_SSE_AIMPL_5': '__aimpl_sse',
1893 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AVX_AIMPL_0': '__aimpl_avx',
1894 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AVX_AIMPL_1': '__aimpl_avx',
1895 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AVX_AIMPL_2': '__aimpl_avx',
1896 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AVX_AIMPL_3': '__aimpl_avx',
1897 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AVX_AIMPL_4': '__aimpl_avx',
1898 | 'IEM_MC_CALL_AVX_AIMPL_5': '__aimpl_avx',
1899 | };
1900 | def analyzeAndAnnotateName(self, aoStmts: List[iai.McStmt]):
1901 | """
1902 | Scans the statements and variation lists for clues about the threaded function,
1903 | and sets self.sSubName if successfull.
1904 | """
1905 | # Operand base naming:
1906 | dHits = {};
1907 | cHits = iai.McStmt.countStmtsByName(aoStmts, self.kdAnnotateNameMemStmts, dHits);
1908 | if cHits > 0:
1909 | sStmtNm = sorted(dHits.keys())[-1]; # priority: STORE, MEM_MAP, FETCH.
1910 | sName = self.kdAnnotateNameMemStmts[sStmtNm];
1911 | else:
1912 | cHits = iai.McStmt.countStmtsByName(aoStmts, self.kdAnnotateNameRegStmts, dHits);
1913 | if cHits > 0:
1914 | sStmtNm = sorted(dHits.keys())[-1]; # priority: STORE, MEM_MAP, FETCH.
1915 | sName = self.kdAnnotateNameRegStmts[sStmtNm];
1916 | else:
1917 | # No op details, try name it by call type...
1918 | cHits = iai.McStmt.countStmtsByName(aoStmts, self.kdAnnotateNameCallStmts, dHits);
1919 | if cHits > 0:
1920 | sStmtNm = sorted(dHits.keys())[-1]; # Not really necessary to sort, but simple this way.
1921 | self.sSubName = self.kdAnnotateNameCallStmts[sStmtNm];
1922 | return;
1923 |
1924 | # Add call info if any:
1925 | dHits = {};
1926 | cHits = iai.McStmt.countStmtsByName(aoStmts, self.kdAnnotateNameCallStmts, dHits);
1927 | if cHits > 0:
1928 | sStmtNm = sorted(dHits.keys())[-1]; # Not really necessary to sort, but simple this way.
1929 | sName += self.kdAnnotateNameCallStmts[sStmtNm][1:];
1930 |
1931 | self.sSubName = sName;
1932 | return;
1933 |
1934 | def analyzeFindVariablesAndCallArgs(self, aoStmts: List[iai.McStmt]) -> bool:
1935 | """ Scans the statements for MC variables and call arguments. """
1936 | for oStmt in aoStmts:
1937 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtVar):
1938 | if oStmt.sVarName in self.dVariables:
1939 | raise Exception('Variable %s is defined more than once!' % (oStmt.sVarName,));
1940 | self.dVariables[oStmt.sVarName] = oStmt.sVarName;
1941 |
1942 | # There shouldn't be any variables or arguments declared inside if/
1943 | # else blocks, but scan them too to be on the safe side.
1944 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCond):
1945 | #cBefore = len(self.dVariables);
1946 | self.analyzeFindVariablesAndCallArgs(oStmt.aoIfBranch);
1947 | self.analyzeFindVariablesAndCallArgs(oStmt.aoElseBranch);
1948 | #if len(self.dVariables) != cBefore:
1949 | # raise Exception('Variables/arguments defined in conditional branches!');
1950 | return True;
1951 |
1952 | def analyzeCodeOperation(self, aoStmts: List[iai.McStmt], dEflStmts, fSeenConditional = False) -> bool:
1953 | """
1954 | Analyzes the code looking clues as to additional side-effects.
1955 |
1956 | Currently this is simply looking for branching and adding the relevant
1957 | branch flags to dsCImplFlags. ASSUMES the caller pre-populates the
1958 | dictionary with a copy of self.oMcBlock.dsCImplFlags.
1959 |
1960 | This also sets McStmtCond.oIfBranchAnnotation & McStmtCond.oElseBranchAnnotation.
1961 |
1962 | Returns annotation on return style.
1963 | """
1964 | sAnnotation = None;
1965 | for oStmt in aoStmts:
1966 | # Set IEM_IMPL_C_F_BRANCH if we see any branching MCs.
1967 | if oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_SET_RIP'):
1968 | assert not fSeenConditional;
1969 | self.dsCImplFlags['IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_INDIRECT'] = True;
1970 | elif oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_REL_JMP'):
1971 | self.dsCImplFlags['IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_RELATIVE'] = True;
1972 | if fSeenConditional:
1973 | self.dsCImplFlags['IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_CONDITIONAL'] = True;
1974 |
1975 | # Check for CIMPL and AIMPL calls.
1976 | if oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_'):
1977 | if oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_'):
1978 | self.dsCImplFlags['IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_CIMPL'] = True;
1979 | elif ( oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_VOID_AIMPL_')
1980 | or oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_AIMPL_')):
1981 | self.dsCImplFlags['IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_AIMPL'] = True;
1982 | elif ( oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_SSE_AIMPL_')
1983 | or oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_MMX_AIMPL_')
1984 | or oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_FPU_AIMPL_')):
1985 | self.dsCImplFlags['IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_AIMPL_WITH_FXSTATE'] = True;
1986 | elif oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_AVX_AIMPL_'):
1987 | self.dsCImplFlags['IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_AIMPL_WITH_XSTATE'] = True;
1988 | else:
1989 | raise Exception('Unknown IEM_MC_CALL_* statement: %s' % (oStmt.sName,));
1990 |
1991 | # Check for return statements.
1992 | if oStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_ADVANCE_RIP_AND_FINISH',):
1993 | assert sAnnotation is None;
1994 | sAnnotation = g_ksFinishAnnotation_Advance;
1995 | elif oStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S8_AND_FINISH', 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S16_AND_FINISH',
1997 | assert sAnnotation is None;
1998 | sAnnotation = g_ksFinishAnnotation_RelJmp;
1999 | elif oStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U16_AND_FINISH', 'IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U32_AND_FINISH',
2001 | assert sAnnotation is None;
2002 | sAnnotation = g_ksFinishAnnotation_SetJmp;
2003 | elif oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_'):
2004 | assert sAnnotation is None;
2005 | sAnnotation = g_ksFinishAnnotation_DeferToCImpl;
2006 |
2007 | # Collect MCs working on EFLAGS. Caller will check this.
2010 | dEflStmts[oStmt.sName] = oStmt;
2011 | elif isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCall):
2012 | if oStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_0', 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_1', 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_2',
2014 | if ( oStmt.asParams[0].find('IEM_CIMPL_F_RFLAGS') >= 0
2015 | or oStmt.asParams[0].find('IEM_CIMPL_F_STATUS_FLAGS') >= 0):
2016 | dEflStmts[oStmt.sName] = oStmt;
2017 |
2018 | # Process branches of conditionals recursively.
2019 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCond):
2020 | oStmt.oIfBranchAnnotation = self.analyzeCodeOperation(oStmt.aoIfBranch, dEflStmts, True);
2021 | if oStmt.aoElseBranch:
2022 | oStmt.oElseBranchAnnotation = self.analyzeCodeOperation(oStmt.aoElseBranch, dEflStmts, True);
2023 |
2024 | return sAnnotation;
2025 |
2026 | def analyzeThreadedFunction(self, oGenerator):
2027 | """
2028 | Analyzes the code, identifying the number of parameters it requires and such.
2029 |
2030 | Returns dummy True - raises exception on trouble.
2031 | """
2032 |
2033 | #
2034 | # Decode the block into a list/tree of McStmt objects.
2035 | #
2036 | aoStmts = self.oMcBlock.decode();
2037 |
2038 | #
2039 | # Check the block for errors before we proceed (will decode it).
2040 | #
2041 | asErrors = self.oMcBlock.check();
2042 | if asErrors:
2043 | raise Exception('\n'.join(['%s:%s: error: %s' % (self.oMcBlock.sSrcFile, self.oMcBlock.iBeginLine, sError, )
2044 | for sError in asErrors]));
2045 |
2046 | #
2047 | # Scan the statements for local variables and call arguments (self.dVariables).
2048 | #
2049 | self.analyzeFindVariablesAndCallArgs(aoStmts);
2050 |
2051 | #
2052 | # Scan the code for IEM_CIMPL_F_ and other clues.
2053 | #
2054 | self.dsCImplFlags = self.oMcBlock.dsCImplFlags.copy();
2055 | dEflStmts = {};
2056 | self.analyzeCodeOperation(aoStmts, dEflStmts);
2057 | if ( ('IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_CIMPL' in self.dsCImplFlags)
2058 | + ('IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_AIMPL' in self.dsCImplFlags)
2059 | + ('IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_AIMPL_WITH_FXSTATE' in self.dsCImplFlags)
2060 | + ('IEM_CIMPL_F_CALLS_AIMPL_WITH_XSTATE' in self.dsCImplFlags) > 1):
2061 | self.error('Mixing CIMPL/AIMPL/AIMPL_WITH_FXSTATE/AIMPL_WITH_XSTATE calls', oGenerator);
2062 |
2063 | #
2064 | # Analyse EFLAGS related MCs and @opflmodify and friends.
2065 | #
2066 | if dEflStmts:
2067 | oInstruction = self.oMcBlock.oInstruction; # iai.Instruction
2068 | if ( oInstruction is None
2069 | or (oInstruction.asFlTest is None and oInstruction.asFlModify is None)):
2070 | sMcNames = '+'.join(dEflStmts.keys());
2071 | if len(dEflStmts) != 1 or not sMcNames.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_'): # Hack for far calls
2072 | self.error('Uses %s but has no @opflmodify, @opfltest or @opflclass with details!' % (sMcNames,), oGenerator);
2073 | elif 'IEM_MC_COMMIT_EFLAGS' in dEflStmts or 'IEM_MC_COMMIT_EFLAGS_OPT' in dEflStmts:
2074 | if not oInstruction.asFlModify:
2075 | if oInstruction.sMnemonic not in [ 'not', ]:
2076 | self.error('Uses IEM_MC_COMMIT_EFLAGS[_OPT] but has no flags in @opflmodify!', oGenerator);
2077 | elif ( 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_0' in dEflStmts
2078 | or 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_1' in dEflStmts
2079 | or 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_2' in dEflStmts
2080 | or 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_3' in dEflStmts
2081 | or 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_4' in dEflStmts
2082 | or 'IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_5' in dEflStmts ):
2083 | if not oInstruction.asFlModify:
2085 | 'or IEM_CIMPL_F_RFLAGS but has no flags in @opflmodify!', oGenerator);
2086 | elif 'IEM_MC_REF_EFLAGS' not in dEflStmts:
2087 | if not oInstruction.asFlTest:
2088 | if oInstruction.sMnemonic not in [ 'not', ]:
2089 | self.error('Expected @opfltest!', oGenerator);
2090 | if oInstruction and oInstruction.asFlSet:
2091 | for sFlag in oInstruction.asFlSet:
2092 | if sFlag not in oInstruction.asFlModify:
2093 | self.error('"%s" in @opflset but missing from @opflmodify (%s)!'
2094 | % (sFlag, ', '.join(oInstruction.asFlModify)), oGenerator);
2095 | if oInstruction and oInstruction.asFlClear:
2096 | for sFlag in oInstruction.asFlClear:
2097 | if sFlag not in oInstruction.asFlModify:
2098 | self.error('"%s" in @opflclear but missing from @opflmodify (%s)!'
2099 | % (sFlag, ', '.join(oInstruction.asFlModify)), oGenerator);
2100 |
2101 | #
2102 | # Create variations as needed.
2103 | #
2104 | if iai.McStmt.findStmtByNames(aoStmts,
2105 | { 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_0_RET': True,
2106 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_1_RET': True,
2107 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_2_RET': True,
2108 | 'IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_3_RET': True, }):
2109 | asVariations = (ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_Default,);
2110 |
2111 | elif iai.McStmt.findStmtByNames(aoStmts, { 'IEM_MC_CALC_RM_EFF_ADDR' : True,
2112 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U8' : True, # mov_AL_Ob ++
2113 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U16' : True, # mov_rAX_Ov ++
2114 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U32' : True,
2115 | 'IEM_MC_FETCH_MEM_U64' : True,
2116 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U8' : True, # mov_Ob_AL ++
2117 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U16' : True, # mov_Ov_rAX ++
2118 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U32' : True,
2119 | 'IEM_MC_STORE_MEM_U64' : True, }):
2120 | if 'IEM_MC_F_64BIT' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2121 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithAddressOnly64;
2122 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_64BIT' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags and 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_286_OR_OLDER' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2123 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithAddressNot286Not64;
2124 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_286_OR_OLDER' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2125 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithAddressNot286;
2126 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_64BIT' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2127 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithAddressNot64;
2128 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_ONLY_8086' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2129 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsOnlyPre386;
2130 | else:
2131 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithAddress;
2132 | else:
2133 | if 'IEM_MC_F_64BIT' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2134 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithoutAddressOnly64;
2135 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_64BIT' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags and 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_286_OR_OLDER' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2136 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithoutAddressNot286Not64;
2137 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_286_OR_OLDER' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2138 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithoutAddressNot286;
2139 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_NOT_64BIT' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2140 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithoutAddressNot64;
2141 | elif 'IEM_MC_F_ONLY_8086' in self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags:
2142 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsOnlyPre386;
2143 | else:
2144 | asVariations = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithoutAddress;
2145 |
2146 | if ( 'IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_CONDITIONAL' in self.dsCImplFlags
2147 | and 'IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_RELATIVE' in self.dsCImplFlags): # (latter to avoid iemOp_into)
2148 | assert set(asVariations).issubset(ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsWithoutAddress), \
2149 | '%s: vars=%s McFlags=%s' % (self.oMcBlock.oFunction.sName, asVariations, self.oMcBlock.dsMcFlags);
2150 | asVariationsBase = asVariations;
2151 | asVariations = [];
2152 | for sVariation in asVariationsBase:
2153 | asVariations.extend([sVariation + '_Jmp', sVariation + '_NoJmp']);
2154 | assert set(asVariations).issubset(ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationsWithConditional);
2155 |
2156 | if not iai.McStmt.findStmtByNames(aoStmts,
2158 | 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S8_AND_FINISH': True,
2159 | 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S16_AND_FINISH': True,
2160 | 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S32_AND_FINISH': True,
2161 | 'IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U16_AND_FINISH': True,
2162 | 'IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U32_AND_FINISH': True,
2163 | 'IEM_MC_SET_RIP_U64_AND_FINISH': True,
2164 | }):
2165 | asVariations = [sVariation for sVariation in asVariations
2166 | if sVariation not in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationsWithEflagsCheckingAndClearing];
2167 |
2168 | self.aoVariations = [ThreadedFunctionVariation(self, sVar) for sVar in asVariations];
2169 |
2170 | # Dictionary variant of the list.
2171 | self.dVariations = { oVar.sVariation: oVar for oVar in self.aoVariations };
2172 |
2173 | #
2174 | # Try annotate the threaded function name.
2175 | #
2176 | self.analyzeAndAnnotateName(aoStmts);
2177 |
2178 | #
2179 | # Continue the analysis on each variation.
2180 | #
2181 | for oVariation in self.aoVariations:
2182 | oVariation.analyzeVariation(aoStmts);
2183 |
2184 | return True;
2185 |
2186 | ## Used by emitThreadedCallStmts.
2187 | kdVariationsWithNeedForPrefixCheck = {
2188 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64_Addr32: True,
2189 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64f_Addr32: True,
2190 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64_FsGs: True,
2191 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64f_FsGs: True,
2192 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_32_Addr16: True,
2193 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_32f_Addr16: True,
2194 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_32_Flat: True,
2195 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_32f_Flat: True,
2196 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_16_Addr32: True,
2197 | ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_16f_Addr32: True,
2198 | };
2199 |
2200 | def emitThreadedCallStmts(self, sBranch = None): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
2201 | """
2202 | Worker for morphInputCode that returns a list of statements that emits
2203 | the call to the threaded functions for the block.
2204 |
2205 | The sBranch parameter is used with conditional branches where we'll emit
2206 | different threaded calls depending on whether we're in the jump-taken or
2207 | no-jump code path.
2208 | """
2209 | # Special case for only default variation:
2210 | if len(self.aoVariations) == 1 and self.aoVariations[0].sVariation == ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_Default:
2211 | assert not sBranch;
2212 | return self.aoVariations[0].emitThreadedCallStmts(0);
2213 |
2214 | #
2215 | # Case statement sub-class.
2216 | #
2217 | dByVari = self.dVariations;
2218 | #fDbg = self.oMcBlock.sFunction == 'iemOpCommonPushSReg';
2219 | class Case:
2220 | def __init__(self, sCond, sVarNm = None):
2221 | self.sCond = sCond;
2222 | self.sVarNm = sVarNm;
2223 | self.oVar = dByVari[sVarNm] if sVarNm else None;
2224 | self.aoBody = self.oVar.emitThreadedCallStmts(8) if sVarNm else None;
2225 |
2226 | def toCode(self):
2227 | aoStmts = [ iai.McCppGeneric('case %s:' % (self.sCond), cchIndent = 4), ];
2228 | if self.aoBody:
2229 | aoStmts.extend(self.aoBody);
2230 | aoStmts.append(iai.McCppGeneric('break;', cchIndent = 8));
2231 | return aoStmts;
2232 |
2233 | def toFunctionAssignment(self):
2234 | aoStmts = [ iai.McCppGeneric('case %s:' % (self.sCond), cchIndent = 4), ];
2235 | if self.aoBody:
2236 | aoStmts.extend([
2237 | iai.McCppGeneric('enmFunction = %s;' % (self.oVar.getIndexName(),), cchIndent = 8),
2238 | iai.McCppGeneric('break;', cchIndent = 8),
2239 | ]);
2240 | return aoStmts;
2241 |
2242 | def isSame(self, oThat):
2243 | if not self.aoBody: # fall thru always matches.
2244 | return True;
2245 | if len(self.aoBody) != len(oThat.aoBody):
2246 | #if fDbg: print('dbg: body len diff: %s vs %s' % (len(self.aoBody), len(oThat.aoBody),));
2247 | return False;
2248 | for iStmt, oStmt in enumerate(self.aoBody):
2249 | oThatStmt = oThat.aoBody[iStmt] # type: iai.McStmt
2250 | assert isinstance(oStmt, iai.McCppGeneric);
2251 | assert not isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCond);
2252 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCond):
2253 | return False;
2254 | if oStmt.sName != oThatStmt.sName:
2255 | #if fDbg: print('dbg: stmt #%s name: %s vs %s' % (iStmt, oStmt.sName, oThatStmt.sName,));
2256 | return False;
2257 | if len(oStmt.asParams) != len(oThatStmt.asParams):
2258 | #if fDbg: print('dbg: stmt #%s param count: %s vs %s'
2259 | # % (iStmt, len(oStmt.asParams), len(oThatStmt.asParams),));
2260 | return False;
2261 | for iParam, sParam in enumerate(oStmt.asParams):
2262 | if ( sParam != oThatStmt.asParams[iParam]
2263 | and ( iParam != 1
2264 | or not isinstance(oStmt, iai.McCppCall)
2265 | or not oStmt.asParams[0].startswith('IEM_MC2_EMIT_CALL_')
2266 | or sParam != self.oVar.getIndexName()
2267 | or oThatStmt.asParams[iParam] != oThat.oVar.getIndexName() )):
2268 | #if fDbg: print('dbg: stmt #%s, param #%s: %s vs %s'
2269 | # % (iStmt, iParam, sParam, oThatStmt.asParams[iParam],));
2270 | return False;
2271 | return True;
2272 |
2273 | #
2274 | # Determine what we're switch on.
2276 | #
2277 | fSimple = True;
2278 | sSwitchValue = '(pVCpu->iem.s.fExec & (IEM_F_MODE_CPUMODE_MASK | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK))';
2279 | if dByVari.keys() & self.kdVariationsWithNeedForPrefixCheck.keys():
2280 | sSwitchValue += ' | (pVCpu->iem.s.enmEffAddrMode == (pVCpu->iem.s.fExec & IEM_F_MODE_CPUMODE_MASK) ? 0 : 8)';
2281 | # Accesses via FS and GS and CS goes thru non-FLAT functions. (CS
2282 | # is not writable in 32-bit mode (at least), thus the penalty mode
2283 | # for any accesses via it (simpler this way).)
2284 | sSwitchValue += ' | (pVCpu->iem.s.iEffSeg < X86_SREG_FS && pVCpu->iem.s.iEffSeg != X86_SREG_CS ? 0 : 16)';
2285 | fSimple = False; # threaded functions.
2286 | if dByVari.keys() & ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationsWithEflagsCheckingAndClearing:
2287 | sSwitchValue += ' | ((pVCpu->iem.s.fTbPrevInstr & (IEM_CIMPL_F_RFLAGS | IEM_CIMPL_F_INHIBIT_SHADOW)) || ' \
2288 | + '(pVCpu->iem.s.fExec & IEM_F_PENDING_BRK_MASK) ? 32 : 0)';
2289 |
2290 | #
2291 | # Generate the case statements.
2292 | #
2293 | # pylintx: disable=x
2294 | aoCases = [];
2295 | if ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64_Addr32 in dByVari:
2296 | assert not fSimple and not sBranch;
2297 | aoCases.extend([
2298 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64),
2299 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 16', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64_FsGs),
2300 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 8 | 16', None), # fall thru
2301 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 8', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64_Addr32),
2302 | ]);
2303 | if ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64f_Addr32 in dByVari:
2304 | aoCases.extend([
2305 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64f),
2306 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 32 | 16', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64f_FsGs),
2307 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 32 | 8 | 16', None), # fall thru
2308 | Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 32 | 8', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64f_Addr32),
2309 | ]);
2310 | elif ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64 in dByVari:
2311 | assert fSimple and not sBranch;
2312 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_64BIT', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64));
2313 | if ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64f in dByVari:
2314 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64f));
2315 | elif ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64_Jmp in dByVari:
2316 | assert fSimple and sBranch;
2317 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_64BIT',
2318 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp' else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64_NoJmp));
2319 | if ThreadedFunctionVariation.ksVariation_64f_Jmp in dByVari:
2320 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_64BIT | 32',
2321 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64f_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp' else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_64f_NoJmp));
2322 |
2323 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32_Addr16 in dByVari:
2324 | assert not fSimple and not sBranch;
2325 | aoCases.extend([
2326 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32_Flat),
2327 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 16', None), # fall thru
2328 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 16', None), # fall thru
2329 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32),
2330 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 8', None), # fall thru
2331 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 8 | 16',None), # fall thru
2332 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 8 | 16',None), # fall thru
2333 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 8', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32_Addr16),
2334 | ]);
2335 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f_Addr16 in dByVari:
2336 | aoCases.extend([
2337 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f_Flat),
2338 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32 | 16', None), # fall thru
2339 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 32 | 16', None), # fall thru
2340 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f),
2341 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32 | 8', None), # fall thru
2342 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32 | 8 | 16',None), # fall thru
2343 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 32 | 8 | 16',None), # fall thru
2344 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 32 | 8', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f_Addr16),
2345 | ]);
2346 | elif ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32 in dByVari:
2347 | assert fSimple and not sBranch;
2348 | aoCases.extend([
2349 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK', None), # fall thru
2350 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32),
2351 | ]);
2352 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f in dByVari:
2353 | aoCases.extend([
2354 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32', None), # fall thru
2355 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f),
2356 | ]);
2357 | elif ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32_Jmp in dByVari:
2358 | assert fSimple and sBranch;
2359 | aoCases.extend([
2360 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK', None), # fall thru
2361 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT',
2362 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp' else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32_NoJmp),
2363 | ]);
2364 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f_Jmp in dByVari:
2365 | aoCases.extend([
2366 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32', None), # fall thru
2367 | Case('IEMMODE_32BIT | 32',
2368 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp' else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_32f_NoJmp),
2369 | ]);
2370 |
2371 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Addr32 in dByVari:
2372 | assert not fSimple and not sBranch;
2373 | aoCases.extend([
2374 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 16', None), # fall thru
2375 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16),
2376 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 8 | 16', None), # fall thru
2377 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 8', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Addr32),
2378 | ]);
2379 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Addr32 in dByVari:
2380 | aoCases.extend([
2381 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 32 | 16', None), # fall thru
2382 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f),
2383 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 32 | 8 | 16', None), # fall thru
2384 | Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 32 | 8', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Addr32),
2385 | ]);
2386 | elif ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16 in dByVari:
2387 | assert fSimple and not sBranch;
2388 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16));
2389 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f in dByVari:
2390 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f));
2391 | elif ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Jmp in dByVari:
2392 | assert fSimple and sBranch;
2393 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT',
2394 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp' else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_NoJmp));
2395 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Jmp in dByVari:
2396 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | 32',
2397 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp' else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_NoJmp));
2398 |
2399 |
2400 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Pre386 in dByVari:
2401 | if not fSimple:
2402 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 16', None)); # fall thru
2403 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Pre386));
2404 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Pre386 in dByVari: # should be nested under previous if, but line too long.
2405 | if not fSimple:
2406 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32 | 16', None)); # fall thru
2407 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32', ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Pre386));
2408 |
2409 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp in dByVari:
2410 | assert fSimple and sBranch;
2411 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK',
2412 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Pre386_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp'
2413 | else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16_Pre386_NoJmp));
2414 | if ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp in dByVari:
2415 | assert fSimple and sBranch;
2416 | aoCases.append(Case('IEMMODE_16BIT | IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | 32',
2417 | ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Pre386_Jmp if sBranch == 'Jmp'
2418 | else ThrdFnVar.ksVariation_16f_Pre386_NoJmp));
2419 |
2420 | #
2421 | # If the case bodies are all the same, except for the function called,
2422 | # we can reduce the code size and hopefully compile time.
2423 | #
2424 | iFirstCaseWithBody = 0;
2425 | while not aoCases[iFirstCaseWithBody].aoBody:
2426 | iFirstCaseWithBody += 1
2427 | fAllSameCases = True
2428 | for iCase in range(iFirstCaseWithBody + 1, len(aoCases)):
2429 | fAllSameCases = fAllSameCases and aoCases[iCase].isSame(aoCases[iFirstCaseWithBody]);
2430 | #if fDbg: print('fAllSameCases=%s %s' % (fAllSameCases, self.oMcBlock.sFunction,));
2431 | if fAllSameCases:
2432 | aoStmts = [
2433 | iai.McCppGeneric('IEMTHREADEDFUNCS enmFunction;'),
2434 | iai.McCppGeneric('switch (%s)' % (sSwitchValue,)),
2435 | iai.McCppGeneric('{'),
2436 | ];
2437 | for oCase in aoCases:
2438 | aoStmts.extend(oCase.toFunctionAssignment());
2439 | aoStmts.extend([
2440 | iai.McCppGeneric('IEM_NOT_REACHED_DEFAULT_CASE_RET();', cchIndent = 4),
2441 | iai.McCppGeneric('}'),
2442 | ]);
2443 | aoStmts.extend(dByVari[aoCases[iFirstCaseWithBody].sVarNm].emitThreadedCallStmts(0, 'enmFunction'));
2444 |
2445 | else:
2446 | #
2447 | # Generate the generic switch statement.
2448 | #
2449 | aoStmts = [
2450 | iai.McCppGeneric('switch (%s)' % (sSwitchValue,)),
2451 | iai.McCppGeneric('{'),
2452 | ];
2453 | for oCase in aoCases:
2454 | aoStmts.extend(oCase.toCode());
2455 | aoStmts.extend([
2456 | iai.McCppGeneric('IEM_NOT_REACHED_DEFAULT_CASE_RET();', cchIndent = 4),
2457 | iai.McCppGeneric('}'),
2458 | ]);
2459 |
2460 | return aoStmts;
2461 |
2462 | def morphInputCode(self, aoStmts, fIsConditional = False, fCallEmitted = False, cDepth = 0, sBranchAnnotation = None):
2463 | """
2464 | Adjusts (& copies) the statements for the input/decoder so it will emit
2465 | calls to the right threaded functions for each block.
2466 |
2467 | Returns list/tree of statements (aoStmts is not modified) and updated
2468 | fCallEmitted status.
2469 | """
2470 | #print('McBlock at %s:%s' % (os.path.split(self.oMcBlock.sSrcFile)[1], self.oMcBlock.iBeginLine,));
2471 | aoDecoderStmts = [];
2472 |
2473 | for iStmt, oStmt in enumerate(aoStmts):
2474 | # Copy the statement. Make a deep copy to make sure we've got our own
2475 | # copies of all instance variables, even if a bit overkill at the moment.
2476 | oNewStmt = copy.deepcopy(oStmt);
2477 | aoDecoderStmts.append(oNewStmt);
2478 | #print('oNewStmt %s %s' % (oNewStmt.sName, len(oNewStmt.asParams),));
2479 | if oNewStmt.sName == 'IEM_MC_BEGIN' and self.dsCImplFlags:
2480 | oNewStmt.asParams[1] = ' | '.join(sorted(self.dsCImplFlags.keys()));
2481 |
2482 | # If we haven't emitted the threaded function call yet, look for
2483 | # statements which it would naturally follow or preceed.
2484 | if not fCallEmitted:
2485 | if not oStmt.isCppStmt():
2486 | if ( oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_MAYBE_RAISE_') \
2487 | or (oStmt.sName.endswith('_AND_FINISH') and oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_'))
2488 | or oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_CALL_CIMPL_')
2489 | or oStmt.sName.startswith('IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_')
2490 | or oStmt.sName in ('IEM_MC_RAISE_DIVIDE_ERROR',)):
2491 | aoDecoderStmts.pop();
2492 | if not fIsConditional:
2493 | aoDecoderStmts.extend(self.emitThreadedCallStmts());
2494 | elif oStmt.sName == 'IEM_MC_ADVANCE_RIP_AND_FINISH':
2495 | aoDecoderStmts.extend(self.emitThreadedCallStmts('NoJmp'));
2496 | else:
2497 | assert oStmt.sName in { 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S8_AND_FINISH': True,
2498 | 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S16_AND_FINISH': True,
2499 | 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S32_AND_FINISH': True, };
2500 | aoDecoderStmts.extend(self.emitThreadedCallStmts('Jmp'));
2501 | aoDecoderStmts.append(oNewStmt);
2502 | fCallEmitted = True;
2503 |
2504 | elif iai.g_dMcStmtParsers[oStmt.sName][2]:
2505 | # This is for Jmp/NoJmp with loopne and friends which modifies state other than RIP.
2506 | if not sBranchAnnotation:
2507 | self.raiseProblem('Modifying state before emitting calls! %s' % (oStmt.sName,));
2508 | assert fIsConditional;
2509 | aoDecoderStmts.pop();
2510 | if sBranchAnnotation == g_ksFinishAnnotation_Advance:
2511 | assert iai.McStmt.findStmtByNames(aoStmts[iStmt:], {'IEM_MC_ADVANCE_RIP_AND_FINISH':1,})
2512 | aoDecoderStmts.extend(self.emitThreadedCallStmts('NoJmp'));
2513 | elif sBranchAnnotation == g_ksFinishAnnotation_RelJmp:
2514 | assert iai.McStmt.findStmtByNames(aoStmts[iStmt:],
2515 | { 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S8_AND_FINISH': 1,
2516 | 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S16_AND_FINISH': 1,
2517 | 'IEM_MC_REL_JMP_S32_AND_FINISH': 1, });
2518 | aoDecoderStmts.extend(self.emitThreadedCallStmts('Jmp'));
2519 | else:
2520 | self.raiseProblem('Modifying state before emitting calls! %s' % (oStmt.sName,));
2521 | aoDecoderStmts.append(oNewStmt);
2522 | fCallEmitted = True;
2523 |
2524 | elif ( not fIsConditional
2525 | and oStmt.fDecode
2526 | and ( oStmt.asParams[0].find('IEMOP_HLP_DONE_') >= 0
2527 | or oStmt.asParams[0].find('IEMOP_HLP_DECODED_') >= 0)):
2528 | aoDecoderStmts.extend(self.emitThreadedCallStmts());
2529 | fCallEmitted = True;
2530 |
2531 | # Process branches of conditionals recursively.
2532 | if isinstance(oStmt, iai.McStmtCond):
2533 | (oNewStmt.aoIfBranch, fCallEmitted1) = self.morphInputCode(oStmt.aoIfBranch, fIsConditional,
2534 | fCallEmitted, cDepth + 1, oStmt.oIfBranchAnnotation);
2535 | if oStmt.aoElseBranch:
2536 | (oNewStmt.aoElseBranch, fCallEmitted2) = self.morphInputCode(oStmt.aoElseBranch, fIsConditional,
2537 | fCallEmitted, cDepth + 1,
2538 | oStmt.oElseBranchAnnotation);
2539 | else:
2540 | fCallEmitted2 = False;
2541 | fCallEmitted = fCallEmitted or (fCallEmitted1 and fCallEmitted2);
2542 |
2543 | if not fCallEmitted and cDepth == 0:
2544 | self.raiseProblem('Unable to insert call to threaded function.');
2545 |
2546 | return (aoDecoderStmts, fCallEmitted);
2547 |
2548 |
2549 | def generateInputCode(self):
2550 | """
2551 | Modifies the input code.
2552 | """
2553 | cchIndent = (self.oMcBlock.cchIndent + 3) // 4 * 4;
2554 |
2555 | if len(self.oMcBlock.aoStmts) == 1:
2556 | # IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_X_RET - need to wrap in {} to make it safe to insert into random code.
2557 | sCode = ' ' * cchIndent + 'pVCpu->iem.s.fTbCurInstr = ';
2558 | if self.dsCImplFlags:
2559 | sCode += ' | '.join(sorted(self.dsCImplFlags.keys())) + ';\n';
2560 | else:
2561 | sCode += '0;\n';
2562 | sCode += iai.McStmt.renderCodeForList(self.morphInputCode(self.oMcBlock.aoStmts)[0],
2563 | cchIndent = cchIndent).replace('\n', ' /* gen */\n', 1);
2564 | sIndent = ' ' * (min(cchIndent, 2) - 2);
2565 | sCode = sIndent + '{\n' + sCode + sIndent + '}\n';
2566 | return sCode;
2567 |
2568 | # IEM_MC_BEGIN/END block
2569 | assert len(self.oMcBlock.asLines) > 2, "asLines=%s" % (self.oMcBlock.asLines,);
2570 | fIsConditional = ( 'IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_CONDITIONAL' in self.dsCImplFlags
2571 | and 'IEM_CIMPL_F_BRANCH_RELATIVE' in self.dsCImplFlags); # (latter to avoid iemOp_into)
2572 | return iai.McStmt.renderCodeForList(self.morphInputCode(self.oMcBlock.aoStmts, fIsConditional)[0],
2573 | cchIndent = cchIndent).replace('\n', ' /* gen */\n', 1);
2574 |
2575 | # Short alias for ThreadedFunctionVariation.
2576 | ThrdFnVar = ThreadedFunctionVariation;
2577 |
2578 |
2579 | class IEMThreadedGenerator(object):
2580 | """
2581 | The threaded code generator & annotator.
2582 | """
2583 |
2584 | def __init__(self):
2585 | self.aoThreadedFuncs = [] # type: List[ThreadedFunction]
2586 | self.oOptions = None # type: argparse.Namespace
2587 | self.aoParsers = [] # type: List[IEMAllInstPython.SimpleParser]
2588 | self.aidxFirstFunctions = [] # type: List[int] ##< Runs parallel to aoParser giving the index of the first function.
2589 | self.cErrors = 0;
2590 |
2591 | #
2592 | # Error reporting.
2593 | #
2594 |
2595 | def rawError(self, sCompleteMessage):
2596 | """ Output a raw error and increment the error counter. """
2597 | print(sCompleteMessage, file = sys.stderr);
2598 | self.cErrors += 1;
2599 | return False;
2600 |
2601 | #
2602 | # Processing.
2603 | #
2604 |
2605 | def processInputFiles(self, sHostArch, fNativeRecompilerEnabled):
2606 | """
2607 | Process the input files.
2608 | """
2609 |
2610 | # Parse the files.
2611 | self.aoParsers = iai.parseFiles(self.oOptions.asInFiles, sHostArch);
2612 |
2613 | # Create threaded functions for the MC blocks.
2614 | self.aoThreadedFuncs = [ThreadedFunction(oMcBlock) for oMcBlock in iai.g_aoMcBlocks];
2615 |
2616 | # Analyze the threaded functions.
2617 | dRawParamCounts = {};
2618 | dMinParamCounts = {};
2619 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
2620 | oThreadedFunction.analyzeThreadedFunction(self);
2621 | for oVariation in oThreadedFunction.aoVariations:
2622 | dRawParamCounts[len(oVariation.dParamRefs)] = dRawParamCounts.get(len(oVariation.dParamRefs), 0) + 1;
2623 | dMinParamCounts[oVariation.cMinParams] = dMinParamCounts.get(oVariation.cMinParams, 0) + 1;
2624 | print('debug: param count distribution, raw and optimized:', file = sys.stderr);
2625 | for cCount in sorted({cBits: True for cBits in list(dRawParamCounts.keys()) + list(dMinParamCounts.keys())}.keys()):
2626 | print('debug: %s params: %4s raw, %4s min'
2627 | % (cCount, dRawParamCounts.get(cCount, 0), dMinParamCounts.get(cCount, 0)),
2628 | file = sys.stderr);
2629 |
2630 | # Do another pass over the threaded functions to settle the name suffix.
2631 | iThreadedFn = 0;
2632 | while iThreadedFn < len(self.aoThreadedFuncs):
2633 | oFunction = self.aoThreadedFuncs[iThreadedFn].oMcBlock.oFunction;
2634 | assert oFunction;
2635 | iThreadedFnNext = iThreadedFn + 1;
2636 | dSubNames = { self.aoThreadedFuncs[iThreadedFn].sSubName: 1 };
2637 | while ( iThreadedFnNext < len(self.aoThreadedFuncs)
2638 | and self.aoThreadedFuncs[iThreadedFnNext].oMcBlock.oFunction == oFunction):
2639 | dSubNames[self.aoThreadedFuncs[iThreadedFnNext].sSubName] = 1;
2640 | iThreadedFnNext += 1;
2641 | if iThreadedFnNext - iThreadedFn > len(dSubNames):
2642 | iSubName = 0;
2643 | while iThreadedFn + iSubName < iThreadedFnNext:
2644 | self.aoThreadedFuncs[iThreadedFn + iSubName].sSubName += '_%s' % (iSubName,);
2645 | iSubName += 1;
2646 | iThreadedFn = iThreadedFnNext;
2647 |
2648 | # Populate aidxFirstFunctions. This is ASSUMING that
2649 | # g_aoMcBlocks/self.aoThreadedFuncs are in self.aoParsers order.
2650 | iThreadedFunction = 0;
2651 | oThreadedFunction = self.getThreadedFunctionByIndex(0);
2652 | self.aidxFirstFunctions = [];
2653 | for oParser in self.aoParsers:
2654 | self.aidxFirstFunctions.append(iThreadedFunction);
2655 |
2656 | while oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.sSrcFile == oParser.sSrcFile:
2657 | iThreadedFunction += 1;
2658 | oThreadedFunction = self.getThreadedFunctionByIndex(iThreadedFunction);
2659 |
2660 | # Analyze the threaded functions and their variations for native recompilation.
2661 | if fNativeRecompilerEnabled:
2662 | ian.analyzeThreadedFunctionsForNativeRecomp(self.aoThreadedFuncs, sHostArch);
2663 |
2664 | # Gather arguments + variable statistics for the MC blocks.
2665 | cMaxArgs = 0;
2666 | cMaxVars = 0;
2667 | cMaxVarsAndArgs = 0;
2668 | cbMaxArgs = 0;
2669 | cbMaxVars = 0;
2670 | cbMaxVarsAndArgs = 0;
2671 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
2672 | if oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoLocals or oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoArgs:
2673 | # Counts.
2674 | cMaxVars = max(cMaxVars, len(oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoLocals));
2675 | cMaxArgs = max(cMaxArgs, len(oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoArgs));
2676 | cMaxVarsAndArgs = max(cMaxVarsAndArgs,
2677 | len(oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoLocals) + len(oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoArgs));
2678 | if cMaxVarsAndArgs > 9:
2679 | raise Exception('%s potentially uses too many variables / args: %u, max 10 - %u vars and %u args'
2680 | % (oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.oFunction.sName, cMaxVarsAndArgs,
2681 | len(oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoLocals), len(oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoArgs),));
2682 | # Calc stack allocation size:
2683 | cbArgs = 0;
2684 | for oArg in oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoArgs:
2685 | cbArgs += (getTypeBitCount(oArg.sType) + 63) // 64 * 8;
2686 | cbVars = 0;
2687 | for oVar in oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoLocals:
2688 | cbVars += (getTypeBitCount(oVar.sType) + 63) // 64 * 8;
2689 | cbMaxVars = max(cbMaxVars, cbVars);
2690 | cbMaxArgs = max(cbMaxArgs, cbArgs);
2691 | cbMaxVarsAndArgs = max(cbMaxVarsAndArgs, cbVars + cbArgs);
2692 | if cbMaxVarsAndArgs >= 0xc0:
2693 | raise Exception('%s potentially uses too much stack: cbMaxVars=%#x cbMaxArgs=%#x'
2694 | % (oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.oFunction.sName, cbMaxVars, cbMaxArgs,));
2695 |
2696 | print('debug: max vars+args: %u bytes / %u; max vars: %u bytes / %u; max args: %u bytes / %u'
2697 | % (cbMaxVarsAndArgs, cMaxVarsAndArgs, cbMaxVars, cMaxVars, cbMaxArgs, cMaxArgs,), file = sys.stderr);
2698 |
2699 | if self.cErrors > 0:
2700 | print('fatal error: %u error%s during processing. Details above.'
2701 | % (self.cErrors, 's' if self.cErrors > 1 else '',), file = sys.stderr);
2702 | return False;
2703 | return True;
2704 |
2705 | #
2706 | # Output
2707 | #
2708 |
2709 | def generateLicenseHeader(self):
2710 | """
2711 | Returns the lines for a license header.
2712 | """
2713 | return [
2714 | '/*',
2715 | ' * Autogenerated by $Id: IEMAllThrdPython.py 104135 2024-04-03 13:18:38Z vboxsync $ ',
2716 | ' * Do not edit!',
2717 | ' */',
2718 | '',
2719 | '/*',
2720 | ' * Copyright (C) 2023-' + str(datetime.date.today().year) + ' Oracle and/or its affiliates.',
2721 | ' *',
2722 | ' * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as',
2723 | ' * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.',
2724 | ' *',
2725 | ' * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or',
2726 | ' * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License',
2727 | ' * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the',
2728 | ' * License.',
2729 | ' *',
2730 | ' * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but',
2731 | ' * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of',
2733 | ' * General Public License for more details.',
2734 | ' *',
2735 | ' * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License',
2736 | ' * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.',
2737 | ' *',
2738 | ' * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms',
2739 | ' * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0',
2740 | ' * (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included',
2741 | ' * in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the',
2742 | ' * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.',
2743 | ' *',
2744 | ' * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the',
2745 | ' * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.',
2746 | ' *',
2747 | ' * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0',
2748 | ' */',
2749 | '',
2750 | '',
2751 | '',
2752 | ];
2753 |
2754 | ## List of built-in threaded functions with user argument counts and
2755 | ## whether it has a native recompiler implementation.
2756 | katBltIns = (
2757 | ( 'Nop', 0, True ),
2758 | ( 'LogCpuState', 0, True ),
2759 |
2760 | ( 'DeferToCImpl0', 2, True ),
2761 | ( 'CheckIrq', 0, True ),
2762 | ( 'CheckMode', 1, True ),
2763 | ( 'CheckHwInstrBps', 0, False ),
2764 | ( 'CheckCsLim', 1, True ),
2765 |
2766 | ( 'CheckCsLimAndOpcodes', 3, True ),
2767 | ( 'CheckOpcodes', 3, True ),
2768 | ( 'CheckOpcodesConsiderCsLim', 3, True ),
2769 |
2770 | ( 'CheckCsLimAndPcAndOpcodes', 3, True ),
2771 | ( 'CheckPcAndOpcodes', 3, True ),
2772 | ( 'CheckPcAndOpcodesConsiderCsLim', 3, True ),
2773 |
2774 | ( 'CheckCsLimAndOpcodesAcrossPageLoadingTlb', 3, True ),
2775 | ( 'CheckOpcodesAcrossPageLoadingTlb', 3, True ),
2776 | ( 'CheckOpcodesAcrossPageLoadingTlbConsiderCsLim', 2, True ),
2777 |
2778 | ( 'CheckCsLimAndOpcodesLoadingTlb', 3, True ),
2779 | ( 'CheckOpcodesLoadingTlb', 3, True ),
2780 | ( 'CheckOpcodesLoadingTlbConsiderCsLim', 3, True ),
2781 |
2782 | ( 'CheckCsLimAndOpcodesOnNextPageLoadingTlb', 2, True ),
2783 | ( 'CheckOpcodesOnNextPageLoadingTlb', 2, True ),
2784 | ( 'CheckOpcodesOnNextPageLoadingTlbConsiderCsLim', 2, True ),
2785 |
2786 | ( 'CheckCsLimAndOpcodesOnNewPageLoadingTlb', 2, True ),
2787 | ( 'CheckOpcodesOnNewPageLoadingTlb', 2, True ),
2788 | ( 'CheckOpcodesOnNewPageLoadingTlbConsiderCsLim', 2, True ),
2789 | );
2790 |
2791 | def generateThreadedFunctionsHeader(self, oOut, _):
2792 | """
2793 | Generates the threaded functions header file.
2794 | Returns success indicator.
2795 | """
2796 |
2797 | asLines = self.generateLicenseHeader();
2798 |
2799 | # Generate the threaded function table indexes.
2800 | asLines += [
2801 | 'typedef enum IEMTHREADEDFUNCS',
2802 | '{',
2803 | ' kIemThreadedFunc_Invalid = 0,',
2804 | '',
2805 | ' /*',
2806 | ' * Predefined',
2807 | ' */',
2808 | ];
2809 | asLines += [' kIemThreadedFunc_BltIn_%s,' % (sFuncNm,) for sFuncNm, _, _ in self.katBltIns];
2810 |
2811 | iThreadedFunction = 1 + len(self.katBltIns);
2812 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder:
2813 | asLines += [
2814 | '',
2815 | ' /*',
2816 | ' * Variation: ' + ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation] + '',
2817 | ' */',
2818 | ];
2819 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
2820 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None);
2821 | if oVariation:
2822 | iThreadedFunction += 1;
2823 | oVariation.iEnumValue = iThreadedFunction;
2824 | asLines.append(' ' + oVariation.getIndexName() + ',');
2825 | asLines += [
2826 | ' kIemThreadedFunc_End',
2828 | '',
2829 | ];
2830 |
2831 | # Prototype the function table.
2832 | asLines += [
2833 | 'extern const PFNIEMTHREADEDFUNC g_apfnIemThreadedFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End];',
2834 | 'extern uint8_t const g_acIemThreadedFunctionUsedArgs[kIemThreadedFunc_End];',
2835 | '#if defined(IN_RING3) || defined(LOG_ENABLED)',
2836 | 'extern const char * const g_apszIemThreadedFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End];',
2837 | '#endif',
2838 | '#if defined(IN_RING3)',
2839 | 'extern const char * const g_apszIemThreadedFunctionStats[kIemThreadedFunc_End];',
2840 | '#endif',
2841 | ];
2842 |
2843 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asLines));
2844 | return True;
2845 |
2846 | ksBitsToIntMask = {
2847 | 1: "UINT64_C(0x1)",
2848 | 2: "UINT64_C(0x3)",
2849 | 4: "UINT64_C(0xf)",
2850 | 8: "UINT64_C(0xff)",
2851 | 16: "UINT64_C(0xffff)",
2852 | 32: "UINT64_C(0xffffffff)",
2853 | };
2854 |
2855 | def generateFunctionParameterUnpacking(self, oVariation, oOut, asParams, uNoRefLevel = 0):
2856 | """
2857 | Outputs code for unpacking parameters.
2858 | This is shared by the threaded and native code generators.
2859 | """
2860 | aasVars = [];
2861 | for aoRefs in oVariation.dParamRefs.values():
2862 | oRef = aoRefs[0];
2863 | if oRef.sType[0] != 'P':
2864 | cBits = g_kdTypeInfo[oRef.sType][0];
2865 | sType = g_kdTypeInfo[oRef.sType][2];
2866 | else:
2867 | cBits = 64;
2868 | sType = oRef.sType;
2869 |
2870 | sTypeDecl = sType + ' const';
2871 |
2872 | if cBits == 64:
2873 | assert oRef.offNewParam == 0;
2874 | if sType == 'uint64_t':
2875 | sUnpack = '%s;' % (asParams[oRef.iNewParam],);
2876 | else:
2877 | sUnpack = '(%s)%s;' % (sType, asParams[oRef.iNewParam],);
2878 | elif oRef.offNewParam == 0:
2879 | sUnpack = '(%s)(%s & %s);' % (sType, asParams[oRef.iNewParam], self.ksBitsToIntMask[cBits]);
2880 | else:
2881 | sUnpack = '(%s)((%s >> %s) & %s);' \
2882 | % (sType, asParams[oRef.iNewParam], oRef.offNewParam, self.ksBitsToIntMask[cBits]);
2883 |
2884 | sComment = '/* %s - %s ref%s */' % (oRef.sOrgRef, len(aoRefs), 's' if len(aoRefs) != 1 else '',);
2885 |
2886 | aasVars.append([ '%s:%02u' % (oRef.iNewParam, oRef.offNewParam),
2887 | sTypeDecl, oRef.sNewName, sUnpack, sComment ]);
2888 | acchVars = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
2889 | for asVar in aasVars:
2890 | for iCol, sStr in enumerate(asVar):
2891 | acchVars[iCol] = max(acchVars[iCol], len(sStr));
2892 | sFmt = ' %%-%ss %%-%ss = %%-%ss %%s\n' % (acchVars[1], acchVars[2], acchVars[3]);
2893 | for asVar in sorted(aasVars):
2894 | oOut.write(sFmt % (asVar[1], asVar[2], asVar[3], asVar[4],));
2895 |
2896 | if uNoRefLevel > 0 and aasVars:
2897 | if uNoRefLevel > 1:
2898 | # level 2: Everything. This is used by liveness.
2899 | oOut.write(' ');
2900 | for asVar in sorted(aasVars):
2901 | oOut.write(' RT_NOREF_PV(%s);' % (asVar[2],));
2902 | oOut.write('\n');
2903 | else:
2904 | # level 1: Only pfnXxxx variables. This is used by native.
2905 | for asVar in sorted(aasVars):
2906 | if asVar[2].startswith('pfn'):
2907 | oOut.write(' RT_NOREF_PV(%s);\n' % (asVar[2],));
2908 | return True;
2909 |
2910 | kasThreadedParamNames = ('uParam0', 'uParam1', 'uParam2');
2911 | def generateThreadedFunctionsSource(self, oOut, _):
2912 | """
2913 | Generates the threaded functions source file.
2914 | Returns success indicator.
2915 | """
2916 |
2917 | asLines = self.generateLicenseHeader();
2918 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asLines));
2919 |
2920 | #
2921 | # Emit the function definitions.
2922 | #
2923 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder:
2924 | sVarName = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation];
2925 | oOut.write( '\n'
2926 | + '\n'
2927 | + '\n'
2928 | + '\n'
2929 | + '/*' + '*' * 128 + '\n'
2930 | + '* Variation: ' + sVarName + ' ' * (129 - len(sVarName) - 15) + '*\n'
2931 | + '*' * 128 + '*/\n');
2932 |
2933 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
2934 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None);
2935 | if oVariation:
2936 | oMcBlock = oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock;
2937 |
2938 | # Function header
2939 | oOut.write( '\n'
2940 | + '\n'
2941 | + '/**\n'
2942 | + ' * #%u: %s at line %s offset %s in %s%s\n'
2943 | % (oVariation.iEnumValue, oMcBlock.sFunction, oMcBlock.iBeginLine, oMcBlock.offBeginLine,
2944 | os.path.split(oMcBlock.sSrcFile)[1],
2945 | ' (macro expansion)' if oMcBlock.iBeginLine == oMcBlock.iEndLine else '')
2946 | + ' */\n'
2947 | + 'static IEM_DECL_IEMTHREADEDFUNC_DEF(' + oVariation.getThreadedFunctionName() + ')\n'
2948 | + '{\n');
2949 |
2950 | # Unpack parameters.
2951 | self.generateFunctionParameterUnpacking(oVariation, oOut, self.kasThreadedParamNames);
2952 |
2953 | # RT_NOREF for unused parameters.
2954 | if oVariation.cMinParams < g_kcThreadedParams:
2955 | oOut.write(' RT_NOREF(' + ', '.join(self.kasThreadedParamNames[oVariation.cMinParams:]) + ');\n');
2956 |
2957 | # Now for the actual statements.
2958 | oOut.write(iai.McStmt.renderCodeForList(oVariation.aoStmtsForThreadedFunction, cchIndent = 4));
2959 |
2960 | oOut.write('}\n');
2961 |
2962 |
2963 | #
2964 | # Generate the output tables in parallel.
2965 | #
2966 | asFuncTable = [
2967 | '/**',
2968 | ' * Function pointer table.',
2969 | ' */',
2970 | 'PFNIEMTHREADEDFUNC const g_apfnIemThreadedFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End] =',
2971 | '{',
2972 | ' /*Invalid*/ NULL,',
2973 | ];
2974 | asArgCntTab = [
2975 | '/**',
2976 | ' * Argument count table.',
2977 | ' */',
2978 | 'uint8_t const g_acIemThreadedFunctionUsedArgs[kIemThreadedFunc_End] =',
2979 | '{',
2980 | ' 0, /*Invalid*/',
2981 | ];
2982 | asNameTable = [
2983 | '/**',
2984 | ' * Function name table.',
2985 | ' */',
2986 | 'const char * const g_apszIemThreadedFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End] =',
2987 | '{',
2988 | ' "Invalid",',
2989 | ];
2990 | asStatTable = [
2991 | '/**',
2992 | ' * Function statistics name table.',
2993 | ' */',
2994 | 'const char * const g_apszIemThreadedFunctionStats[kIemThreadedFunc_End] =',
2995 | '{',
2996 | ' NULL,',
2997 | ];
2998 | aasTables = (asFuncTable, asArgCntTab, asNameTable, asStatTable,);
2999 |
3000 | for asTable in aasTables:
3001 | asTable.extend((
3002 | '',
3003 | ' /*',
3004 | ' * Predefined.',
3005 | ' */',
3006 | ));
3007 | for sFuncNm, cArgs, _ in self.katBltIns:
3008 | asFuncTable.append(' iemThreadedFunc_BltIn_%s,' % (sFuncNm,));
3009 | asArgCntTab.append(' %d, /*BltIn_%s*/' % (cArgs, sFuncNm,));
3010 | asNameTable.append(' "BltIn_%s",' % (sFuncNm,));
3011 | asStatTable.append(' "BltIn/%s",' % (sFuncNm,));
3012 |
3013 | iThreadedFunction = 1 + len(self.katBltIns);
3014 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder:
3015 | for asTable in aasTables:
3016 | asTable.extend((
3017 | '',
3018 | ' /*',
3019 | ' * Variation: ' + ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation],
3020 | ' */',
3021 | ));
3022 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
3023 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None);
3024 | if oVariation:
3025 | iThreadedFunction += 1;
3026 | assert oVariation.iEnumValue == iThreadedFunction;
3027 | sName = oVariation.getThreadedFunctionName();
3028 | asFuncTable.append(' /*%4u*/ %s,' % (iThreadedFunction, sName,));
3029 | asNameTable.append(' /*%4u*/ "%s",' % (iThreadedFunction, sName,));
3030 | asArgCntTab.append(' /*%4u*/ %d, /*%s*/' % (iThreadedFunction, oVariation.cMinParams, sName,));
3031 | asStatTable.append(' "%s",' % (oVariation.getThreadedFunctionStatisticsName(),));
3032 |
3033 | for asTable in aasTables:
3034 | asTable.append('};');
3035 |
3036 | #
3037 | # Output the tables.
3038 | #
3039 | oOut.write( '\n'
3040 | + '\n');
3041 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asFuncTable));
3042 | oOut.write( '\n'
3043 | + '\n'
3044 | + '\n');
3045 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asArgCntTab));
3046 | oOut.write( '\n'
3047 | + '\n'
3048 | + '#if defined(IN_RING3) || defined(LOG_ENABLED)\n');
3049 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asNameTable));
3050 | oOut.write( '\n'
3051 | + '#endif /* IN_RING3 || LOG_ENABLED */\n'
3052 | + '\n'
3053 | + '\n'
3054 | + '#if defined(IN_RING3)\n');
3055 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asStatTable));
3056 | oOut.write( '\n'
3057 | + '#endif /* IN_RING3 */\n');
3058 |
3059 | return True;
3060 |
3061 | def generateNativeFunctionsHeader(self, oOut, _):
3062 | """
3063 | Generates the native recompiler functions header file.
3064 | Returns success indicator.
3065 | """
3066 | if not self.oOptions.fNativeRecompilerEnabled:
3067 | return True;
3068 |
3069 | asLines = self.generateLicenseHeader();
3070 |
3071 | # Prototype the function table.
3072 | asLines += [
3073 | 'extern const PFNIEMNATIVERECOMPFUNC g_apfnIemNativeRecompileFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End];',
3074 | 'extern const PFNIEMNATIVELIVENESSFUNC g_apfnIemNativeLivenessFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End];',
3075 | '',
3076 | ];
3077 |
3078 | # Emit indicators as to which of the builtin functions have a native
3079 | # recompiler function and which not. (We only really need this for
3080 | # kIemThreadedFunc_BltIn_CheckMode, but do all just for simplicity.)
3081 | for atBltIn in self.katBltIns:
3082 | if atBltIn[1]:
3083 | asLines.append('#define IEMNATIVE_WITH_BLTIN_' + atBltIn[0].upper())
3084 | else:
3085 | asLines.append('#define IEMNATIVE_WITHOUT_BLTIN_' + atBltIn[0].upper())
3086 |
3087 | # Emit prototypes for the builtin functions we use in tables.
3088 | asLines += [
3089 | '',
3090 | '/* Prototypes for built-in functions used in the above tables. */',
3091 | ];
3092 | for sFuncNm, _, fHaveRecompFunc in self.katBltIns:
3093 | if fHaveRecompFunc:
3094 | asLines += [
3095 | 'IEM_DECL_IEMNATIVERECOMPFUNC_PROTO( iemNativeRecompFunc_BltIn_%s);' % (sFuncNm,),
3096 | 'IEM_DECL_IEMNATIVELIVENESSFUNC_PROTO(iemNativeLivenessFunc_BltIn_%s);' % (sFuncNm,),
3097 | ];
3098 |
3099 | # Emit prototypes for table function.
3100 | asLines += [
3101 | '',
3103 | ]
3104 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder:
3105 | sVarName = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation];
3106 | asLines += [
3107 | '',
3108 | '/* Variation: ' + sVarName + ' */',
3109 | ];
3110 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
3111 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None) # type: ThreadedFunctionVariation
3112 | if oVariation and oVariation.oNativeRecomp and oVariation.oNativeRecomp.isRecompilable():
3113 | asLines.append('IEM_DECL_IEMNATIVERECOMPFUNC_PROTO(' + oVariation.getNativeFunctionName() + ');');
3114 | asLines += [
3115 | '',
3117 | ]
3118 |
3119 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asLines));
3120 | return True;
3121 |
3122 | def generateNativeFunctionsSource(self, oOut, idxPart):
3123 | """
3124 | Generates the native recompiler functions source file.
3125 | Returns success indicator.
3126 | """
3127 | cParts = 4;
3128 | assert(idxPart in range(cParts));
3129 | if not self.oOptions.fNativeRecompilerEnabled:
3130 | return True;
3131 |
3132 | #
3133 | # The file header.
3134 | #
3135 | oOut.write('\n'.join(self.generateLicenseHeader()));
3136 |
3137 | #
3138 | # Emit the functions.
3139 | #
3140 | # The files are split up by threaded variation as that's the simplest way to
3141 | # do it, even if the distribution isn't entirely even (ksVariation_Default
3142 | # only has the defer to cimpl bits and the pre-386 variants will naturally
3143 | # have fewer instructions).
3144 | #
3145 | cVariationsPerFile = len(ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder) // cParts;
3146 | idxFirstVar = idxPart * cVariationsPerFile;
3147 | idxEndVar = idxFirstVar + cVariationsPerFile;
3148 | if idxPart + 1 >= cParts:
3149 | idxEndVar = len(ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder);
3150 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder[idxFirstVar:idxEndVar]:
3151 | sVarName = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation];
3152 | oOut.write( '\n'
3153 | + '\n'
3154 | + '\n'
3155 | + '\n'
3156 | + '/*' + '*' * 128 + '\n'
3157 | + '* Variation: ' + sVarName + ' ' * (129 - len(sVarName) - 15) + '*\n'
3158 | + '*' * 128 + '*/\n');
3159 |
3160 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
3161 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None) # type: ThreadedFunctionVariation
3162 | if oVariation and oVariation.oNativeRecomp and oVariation.oNativeRecomp.isRecompilable():
3163 | oMcBlock = oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock;
3164 |
3165 | # Function header
3166 | oOut.write( '\n'
3167 | + '\n'
3168 | + '/**\n'
3169 | + ' * #%u: %s at line %s offset %s in %s%s\n'
3170 | % (oVariation.iEnumValue, oMcBlock.sFunction, oMcBlock.iBeginLine, oMcBlock.offBeginLine,
3171 | os.path.split(oMcBlock.sSrcFile)[1],
3172 | ' (macro expansion)' if oMcBlock.iBeginLine == oMcBlock.iEndLine else '')
3173 | + ' */\n'
3174 | + 'IEM_DECL_IEMNATIVERECOMPFUNC_DEF(' + oVariation.getNativeFunctionName() + ')\n'
3175 | + '{\n');
3176 |
3177 | # Unpack parameters.
3178 | self.generateFunctionParameterUnpacking(oVariation, oOut,
3179 | ('pCallEntry->auParams[0]',
3180 | 'pCallEntry->auParams[1]',
3181 | 'pCallEntry->auParams[2]',),
3182 | uNoRefLevel = 1);
3183 |
3184 | # Now for the actual statements.
3185 | oOut.write(oVariation.oNativeRecomp.renderCode(cchIndent = 4));
3186 |
3187 | oOut.write('}\n');
3188 |
3189 | #
3190 | # Output the function table if this is the first file.
3191 | #
3192 | if idxPart == 0:
3193 | oOut.write( '\n'
3194 | + '\n'
3195 | + '/*\n'
3196 | + ' * Function table running parallel to g_apfnIemThreadedFunctions and friends.\n'
3197 | + ' */\n'
3198 | + 'const PFNIEMNATIVERECOMPFUNC g_apfnIemNativeRecompileFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End] =\n'
3199 | + '{\n'
3200 | + ' /*Invalid*/ NULL,'
3201 | + '\n'
3202 | + ' /*\n'
3203 | + ' * Predefined.\n'
3204 | + ' */\n'
3205 | );
3206 | for sFuncNm, _, fHaveRecompFunc in self.katBltIns:
3207 | if fHaveRecompFunc:
3208 | oOut.write(' iemNativeRecompFunc_BltIn_%s,\n' % (sFuncNm,))
3209 | else:
3210 | oOut.write(' NULL, /*BltIn_%s*/\n' % (sFuncNm,))
3211 |
3212 | iThreadedFunction = 1 + len(self.katBltIns);
3213 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder:
3214 | oOut.write( ' /*\n'
3215 | + ' * Variation: ' + ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation] + '\n'
3216 | + ' */\n');
3217 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
3218 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None);
3219 | if oVariation:
3220 | iThreadedFunction += 1;
3221 | assert oVariation.iEnumValue == iThreadedFunction;
3222 | sName = oVariation.getNativeFunctionName();
3223 | if oVariation.oNativeRecomp and oVariation.oNativeRecomp.isRecompilable():
3224 | oOut.write(' /*%4u*/ %s,\n' % (iThreadedFunction, sName,));
3225 | else:
3226 | oOut.write(' /*%4u*/ NULL /*%s*/,\n' % (iThreadedFunction, sName,));
3227 |
3228 | oOut.write( '};\n');
3229 |
3230 | oOut.write('\n');
3231 | return True;
3232 |
3233 | def generateNativeLivenessSource(self, oOut, _):
3234 | """
3235 | Generates the native recompiler liveness analysis functions source file.
3236 | Returns success indicator.
3237 | """
3238 | if not self.oOptions.fNativeRecompilerEnabled:
3239 | return True;
3240 |
3241 | #
3242 | # The file header.
3243 | #
3244 | oOut.write('\n'.join(self.generateLicenseHeader()));
3245 |
3246 | #
3247 | # Emit the functions.
3248 | #
3249 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder:
3250 | sVarName = ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation];
3251 | oOut.write( '\n'
3252 | + '\n'
3253 | + '\n'
3254 | + '\n'
3255 | + '/*' + '*' * 128 + '\n'
3256 | + '* Variation: ' + sVarName + ' ' * (129 - len(sVarName) - 15) + '*\n'
3257 | + '*' * 128 + '*/\n');
3258 |
3259 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
3260 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None) # type: ThreadedFunctionVariation
3261 | if oVariation and oVariation.oNativeRecomp and oVariation.oNativeRecomp.isRecompilable():
3262 | oMcBlock = oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock;
3263 |
3264 | # Function header
3265 | oOut.write( '\n'
3266 | + '\n'
3267 | + '/**\n'
3268 | + ' * #%u: %s at line %s offset %s in %s%s\n'
3269 | % (oVariation.iEnumValue, oMcBlock.sFunction, oMcBlock.iBeginLine, oMcBlock.offBeginLine,
3270 | os.path.split(oMcBlock.sSrcFile)[1],
3271 | ' (macro expansion)' if oMcBlock.iBeginLine == oMcBlock.iEndLine else '')
3272 | + ' */\n'
3273 | + 'static IEM_DECL_IEMNATIVELIVENESSFUNC_DEF(' + oVariation.getLivenessFunctionName() + ')\n'
3274 | + '{\n');
3275 |
3276 | # Unpack parameters.
3277 | self.generateFunctionParameterUnpacking(oVariation, oOut,
3278 | ('pCallEntry->auParams[0]',
3279 | 'pCallEntry->auParams[1]',
3280 | 'pCallEntry->auParams[2]',),
3281 | uNoRefLevel = 2);
3282 |
3283 | # Now for the actual statements.
3284 | oOut.write(oVariation.oNativeRecomp.renderCode(cchIndent = 4));
3285 |
3286 | oOut.write('}\n');
3287 |
3288 | #
3289 | # Output the function table.
3290 | #
3291 | oOut.write( '\n'
3292 | + '\n'
3293 | + '/*\n'
3294 | + ' * Liveness analysis function table running parallel to g_apfnIemThreadedFunctions and friends.\n'
3295 | + ' */\n'
3296 | + 'const PFNIEMNATIVELIVENESSFUNC g_apfnIemNativeLivenessFunctions[kIemThreadedFunc_End] =\n'
3297 | + '{\n'
3298 | + ' /*Invalid*/ NULL,'
3299 | + '\n'
3300 | + ' /*\n'
3301 | + ' * Predefined.\n'
3302 | + ' */\n'
3303 | );
3304 | for sFuncNm, _, fHaveRecompFunc in self.katBltIns:
3305 | if fHaveRecompFunc:
3306 | oOut.write(' iemNativeLivenessFunc_BltIn_%s,\n' % (sFuncNm,))
3307 | else:
3308 | oOut.write(' NULL, /*BltIn_%s*/\n' % (sFuncNm,))
3309 |
3310 | iThreadedFunction = 1 + len(self.katBltIns);
3311 | for sVariation in ThreadedFunctionVariation.kasVariationsEmitOrder:
3312 | oOut.write( ' /*\n'
3313 | + ' * Variation: ' + ThreadedFunctionVariation.kdVariationNames[sVariation] + '\n'
3314 | + ' */\n');
3315 | for oThreadedFunction in self.aoThreadedFuncs:
3316 | oVariation = oThreadedFunction.dVariations.get(sVariation, None);
3317 | if oVariation:
3318 | iThreadedFunction += 1;
3319 | assert oVariation.iEnumValue == iThreadedFunction;
3320 | sName = oVariation.getLivenessFunctionName();
3321 | if oVariation.oNativeRecomp and oVariation.oNativeRecomp.isRecompilable():
3322 | oOut.write(' /*%4u*/ %s,\n' % (iThreadedFunction, sName,));
3323 | else:
3324 | oOut.write(' /*%4u*/ NULL /*%s*/,\n' % (iThreadedFunction, sName,));
3325 |
3326 | oOut.write( '};\n'
3327 | + '\n');
3328 | return True;
3329 |
3330 |
3331 | def getThreadedFunctionByIndex(self, idx):
3332 | """
3333 | Returns a ThreadedFunction object for the given index. If the index is
3334 | out of bounds, a dummy is returned.
3335 | """
3336 | if idx < len(self.aoThreadedFuncs):
3337 | return self.aoThreadedFuncs[idx];
3338 | return ThreadedFunction.dummyInstance();
3339 |
3340 | def generateModifiedInput(self, oOut, idxFile):
3341 | """
3342 | Generates the combined modified input source/header file.
3343 | Returns success indicator.
3344 | """
3345 | #
3346 | # File header and assert assumptions.
3347 | #
3348 | oOut.write('\n'.join(self.generateLicenseHeader()));
3349 | oOut.write('AssertCompile((IEM_F_MODE_X86_FLAT_OR_PRE_386_MASK | IEM_F_MODE_CPUMODE_MASK) == 7);\n');
3350 |
3351 | #
3352 | # Iterate all parsers (input files) and output the ones related to the
3353 | # file set given by idxFile.
3354 | #
3355 | for idxParser, oParser in enumerate(self.aoParsers): # type: int, IEMAllInstPython.SimpleParser
3356 | # Is this included in the file set?
3357 | sSrcBaseFile = os.path.basename(oParser.sSrcFile).lower();
3358 | fInclude = -1;
3359 | for aoInfo in iai.g_aaoAllInstrFilesAndDefaultMapAndSet:
3360 | if sSrcBaseFile == aoInfo[0].lower():
3361 | fInclude = aoInfo[2] in (-1, idxFile);
3362 | break;
3363 | if fInclude is not True:
3364 | assert fInclude is False;
3365 | continue;
3366 |
3367 | # Output it.
3368 | oOut.write("\n\n/* ****** BEGIN %s ******* */\n" % (oParser.sSrcFile,));
3369 |
3370 | iThreadedFunction = self.aidxFirstFunctions[idxParser];
3371 | oThreadedFunction = self.getThreadedFunctionByIndex(iThreadedFunction);
3372 | iLine = 0;
3373 | while iLine < len(oParser.asLines):
3374 | sLine = oParser.asLines[iLine];
3375 | iLine += 1; # iBeginLine and iEndLine are 1-based.
3376 |
3377 | # Can we pass it thru?
3378 | if ( iLine not in [oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iBeginLine, oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iEndLine]
3379 | or oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.sSrcFile != oParser.sSrcFile):
3380 | oOut.write(sLine);
3381 | #
3382 | # Single MC block. Just extract it and insert the replacement.
3383 | #
3384 | elif oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iBeginLine != oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iEndLine:
3385 | assert ( (sLine.count('IEM_MC_') - sLine.count('IEM_MC_F_') == 1)
3386 | or oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iMacroExp == iai.McBlock.kiMacroExp_Partial), 'sLine="%s"' % (sLine,);
3387 | oOut.write(sLine[:oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.offBeginLine]);
3388 | sModified = oThreadedFunction.generateInputCode().strip();
3389 | oOut.write(sModified);
3390 |
3391 | iLine = oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iEndLine;
3392 | sLine = oParser.asLines[iLine - 1];
3393 | assert ( sLine.count('IEM_MC_') - sLine.count('IEM_MC_F_') == 1
3394 | or len(oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.aoStmts) == 1
3395 | or oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iMacroExp == iai.McBlock.kiMacroExp_Partial);
3396 | oOut.write(sLine[oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.offAfterEnd : ]);
3397 |
3398 | # Advance
3399 | iThreadedFunction += 1;
3400 | oThreadedFunction = self.getThreadedFunctionByIndex(iThreadedFunction);
3401 | #
3402 | # Macro expansion line that have sublines and may contain multiple MC blocks.
3403 | #
3404 | else:
3405 | offLine = 0;
3406 | while iLine == oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.iBeginLine:
3407 | oOut.write(sLine[offLine : oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.offBeginLine]);
3408 |
3409 | sModified = oThreadedFunction.generateInputCode().strip();
3410 | assert ( sModified.startswith('IEM_MC_BEGIN')
3411 | or (sModified.find('IEM_MC_DEFER_TO_CIMPL_') > 0 and sModified.strip().startswith('{\n'))
3412 | or sModified.startswith('pVCpu->iem.s.fEndTb = true')
3413 | or sModified.startswith('pVCpu->iem.s.fTbCurInstr = ')
3414 | ), 'sModified="%s"' % (sModified,);
3415 | oOut.write(sModified);
3416 |
3417 | offLine = oThreadedFunction.oMcBlock.offAfterEnd;
3418 |
3419 | # Advance
3420 | iThreadedFunction += 1;
3421 | oThreadedFunction = self.getThreadedFunctionByIndex(iThreadedFunction);
3422 |
3423 | # Last line segment.
3424 | if offLine < len(sLine):
3425 | oOut.write(sLine[offLine : ]);
3426 |
3427 | oOut.write("/* ****** END %s ******* */\n" % (oParser.sSrcFile,));
3428 |
3429 | return True;
3430 |
3431 |
3432 | #
3433 | # Main
3434 | #
3435 |
3436 | def main(self, asArgs):
3437 | """
3438 | C-like main function.
3439 | Returns exit code.
3440 | """
3441 |
3442 | #
3443 | # Parse arguments
3444 | #
3445 | sScriptDir = os.path.dirname(__file__);
3446 | oParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False);
3447 | oParser.add_argument('asInFiles',
3448 | metavar = 'input.cpp.h',
3449 | nargs = '*',
3450 | default = [os.path.join(sScriptDir, aoInfo[0])
3451 | for aoInfo in iai.g_aaoAllInstrFilesAndDefaultMapAndSet],
3452 | help = "Selection of VMMAll/IEMAllInst*.cpp.h files to use as input.");
3453 | oParser.add_argument('--host-arch',
3454 | metavar = 'arch',
3455 | dest = 'sHostArch',
3456 | action = 'store',
3457 | default = None,
3458 | help = 'The host architecture.');
3459 |
3460 | oParser.add_argument('--out-thrd-funcs-hdr',
3461 | metavar = 'file-thrd-funcs.h',
3462 | dest = 'sOutFileThrdFuncsHdr',
3463 | action = 'store',
3464 | default = '-',
3465 | help = 'The output header file for the threaded functions.');
3466 | oParser.add_argument('--out-thrd-funcs-cpp',
3467 | metavar = 'file-thrd-funcs.cpp',
3468 | dest = 'sOutFileThrdFuncsCpp',
3469 | action = 'store',
3470 | default = '-',
3471 | help = 'The output C++ file for the threaded functions.');
3472 | oParser.add_argument('--out-n8ve-funcs-hdr',
3473 | metavar = 'file-n8tv-funcs.h',
3474 | dest = 'sOutFileN8veFuncsHdr',
3475 | action = 'store',
3476 | default = '-',
3477 | help = 'The output header file for the native recompiler functions.');
3478 | oParser.add_argument('--out-n8ve-funcs-cpp1',
3479 | metavar = 'file-n8tv-funcs1.cpp',
3480 | dest = 'sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp1',
3481 | action = 'store',
3482 | default = '-',
3483 | help = 'The output C++ file for the native recompiler functions part 1.');
3484 | oParser.add_argument('--out-n8ve-funcs-cpp2',
3485 | metavar = 'file-n8ve-funcs2.cpp',
3486 | dest = 'sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp2',
3487 | action = 'store',
3488 | default = '-',
3489 | help = 'The output C++ file for the native recompiler functions part 2.');
3490 | oParser.add_argument('--out-n8ve-funcs-cpp3',
3491 | metavar = 'file-n8ve-funcs3.cpp',
3492 | dest = 'sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp3',
3493 | action = 'store',
3494 | default = '-',
3495 | help = 'The output C++ file for the native recompiler functions part 3.');
3496 | oParser.add_argument('--out-n8ve-funcs-cpp4',
3497 | metavar = 'file-n8ve-funcs4.cpp',
3498 | dest = 'sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp4',
3499 | action = 'store',
3500 | default = '-',
3501 | help = 'The output C++ file for the native recompiler functions part 4.');
3502 | oParser.add_argument('--out-n8ve-liveness-cpp',
3503 | metavar = 'file-n8ve-liveness.cpp',
3504 | dest = 'sOutFileN8veLivenessCpp',
3505 | action = 'store',
3506 | default = '-',
3507 | help = 'The output C++ file for the native recompiler liveness analysis functions.');
3508 | oParser.add_argument('--native',
3509 | dest = 'fNativeRecompilerEnabled',
3510 | action = 'store_true',
3511 | default = False,
3512 | help = 'Enables generating the files related to native recompilation.');
3513 | oParser.add_argument('--out-mod-input1',
3514 | metavar = 'file-instr.cpp.h',
3515 | dest = 'sOutFileModInput1',
3516 | action = 'store',
3517 | default = '-',
3518 | help = 'The output C++/header file for modified input instruction files part 1.');
3519 | oParser.add_argument('--out-mod-input2',
3520 | metavar = 'file-instr.cpp.h',
3521 | dest = 'sOutFileModInput2',
3522 | action = 'store',
3523 | default = '-',
3524 | help = 'The output C++/header file for modified input instruction files part 2.');
3525 | oParser.add_argument('--out-mod-input3',
3526 | metavar = 'file-instr.cpp.h',
3527 | dest = 'sOutFileModInput3',
3528 | action = 'store',
3529 | default = '-',
3530 | help = 'The output C++/header file for modified input instruction files part 3.');
3531 | oParser.add_argument('--out-mod-input4',
3532 | metavar = 'file-instr.cpp.h',
3533 | dest = 'sOutFileModInput4',
3534 | action = 'store',
3535 | default = '-',
3536 | help = 'The output C++/header file for modified input instruction files part 4.');
3537 | oParser.add_argument('--help', '-h', '-?',
3538 | action = 'help',
3539 | help = 'Display help and exit.');
3540 | oParser.add_argument('--version', '-V',
3541 | action = 'version',
3542 | version = 'r%s (IEMAllThreadedPython.py), r%s (IEMAllInstPython.py)'
3543 | % (__version__.split()[1], iai.__version__.split()[1],),
3544 | help = 'Displays the version/revision of the script and exit.');
3545 | self.oOptions = oParser.parse_args(asArgs[1:]);
3546 | print("oOptions=%s" % (self.oOptions,), file = sys.stderr);
3547 |
3548 | if self.oOptions.sHostArch not in ('amd64', 'arm64'):
3549 | print('error! Unsupported (or missing) host architecture: %s' % (self.oOptions.sHostArch,), file = sys.stderr);
3550 | return 1;
3551 |
3552 | #
3553 | # Process the instructions specified in the IEM sources.
3554 | #
3555 | if self.processInputFiles(self.oOptions.sHostArch, self.oOptions.fNativeRecompilerEnabled):
3556 | #
3557 | # Generate the output files.
3558 | #
3559 | aaoOutputFiles = (
3560 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileThrdFuncsHdr, self.generateThreadedFunctionsHeader, 0, ),
3561 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileThrdFuncsCpp, self.generateThreadedFunctionsSource, 0, ),
3562 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileN8veFuncsHdr, self.generateNativeFunctionsHeader, 0, ),
3563 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp1, self.generateNativeFunctionsSource, 0, ),
3564 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp2, self.generateNativeFunctionsSource, 1, ),
3565 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp3, self.generateNativeFunctionsSource, 2, ),
3566 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileN8veFuncsCpp4, self.generateNativeFunctionsSource, 3, ),
3567 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileN8veLivenessCpp, self.generateNativeLivenessSource, 0, ),
3568 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileModInput1, self.generateModifiedInput, 1, ),
3569 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileModInput2, self.generateModifiedInput, 2, ),
3570 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileModInput3, self.generateModifiedInput, 3, ),
3571 | ( self.oOptions.sOutFileModInput4, self.generateModifiedInput, 4, ),
3572 | );
3573 | fRc = True;
3574 | for sOutFile, fnGenMethod, iPartNo in aaoOutputFiles:
3575 | if sOutFile == '-':
3576 | fRc = fnGenMethod(sys.stdout, iPartNo) and fRc;
3577 | else:
3578 | try:
3579 | oOut = open(sOutFile, 'w'); # pylint: disable=consider-using-with,unspecified-encoding
3580 | except Exception as oXcpt:
3581 | print('error! Failed open "%s" for writing: %s' % (sOutFile, oXcpt,), file = sys.stderr);
3582 | return 1;
3583 | fRc = fnGenMethod(oOut, iPartNo) and fRc;
3584 | oOut.close();
3585 | if fRc:
3586 | return 0;
3587 |
3588 | return 1;
3589 |
3590 |
3591 | if __name__ == '__main__':
3592 | sys.exit(IEMThreadedGenerator().main(sys.argv));
3593 |