; $Id: CPUMR0A.asm 49020 2013-10-10 08:52:52Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; CPUM - Guest Context Assembly Routines. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "VBox/asmdefs.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/vm.mac" %include "VBox/err.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/stam.mac" %include "CPUMInternal.mac" %include "iprt/x86.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/cpum.mac" %ifdef IN_RING3 %error "The jump table doesn't link on leopard." %endif ;******************************************************************************* ;* Defined Constants And Macros * ;******************************************************************************* ;; The offset of the XMM registers in X86FXSTATE. ; Use define because I'm too lazy to convert the struct. %define XMM_OFF_IN_X86FXSTATE 160 ;******************************************************************************* ;* External Symbols * ;******************************************************************************* %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL extern NAME(SUPR0AbsIs64bit) extern NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS) extern NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelSS) extern NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelDS) extern NAME(SUPR0AbsKernelCS) %endif ;******************************************************************************* ;* Global Variables * ;******************************************************************************* %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL BEGINDATA ;; ; Store the SUPR0AbsIs64bit absolute value here so we can cmp/test without ; needing to clobber a register. (This trick doesn't quite work for PE btw. ; but that's not relevant atm.) GLOBALNAME g_fCPUMIs64bitHost dd NAME(SUPR0AbsIs64bit) %endif BEGINCODE ;; Macro for FXSAVE/FXRSTOR leaky behaviour on AMD CPUs, see cpumR3CheckLeakyFpu(). ; Cleans the FPU state, if necessary, before restoring the FPU. ; ; This macro ASSUMES CR0.TS is not set! ; @remarks Trashes xAX!! ; Changes here should also be reflected in CPUMRCA.asm's copy! %macro CLEANFPU 0 test dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], CPUM_USE_FFXSR_LEAKY jz .nothing_to_clean xor eax, eax fnstsw ax ; Get FSW test eax, RT_BIT(7) ; If FSW.ES (bit 7) is set, clear it to not cause FPU exceptions ; while clearing & loading the FPU bits in 'clean_fpu' jz .clean_fpu fnclex .clean_fpu: ffree st7 ; Clear FPU stack register(7)'s tag entry to prevent overflow if a wraparound occurs ; for the upcoming push (load) fild dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.Guest.fpu] ; Explicit FPU load to overwrite FIP, FOP, FDP registers in the FPU. .nothing_to_clean: %endmacro ;; Macro to save and modify CR0 (if necessary) before touching the FPU state ; so as to not cause any FPU exceptions. ; ; @remarks Uses xCX for backing-up CR0 (if CR0 needs to be modified) otherwise clears xCX. ; @remarks Trashes xAX. %macro SAVE_CR0_CLEAR_FPU_TRAPS 0 xor ecx, ecx mov xAX, cr0 test eax, X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM ; Make sure its safe to access the FPU state. jz %%skip_cr0_write mov xCX, xAX ; Save old CR0 and xAX, ~(X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM) mov cr0, xAX %%skip_cr0_write: %endmacro ;; Macro to restore CR0 from xCX if necessary. ; ; @remarks xCX should contain the CR0 value to restore or 0 if no restoration is needed. %macro RESTORE_CR0 0 cmp ecx, 0 je %%skip_cr0_restore mov cr0, xCX %%skip_cr0_restore: %endmacro ;; ; Saves the host FPU/XMM state and restores the guest state. ; ; @returns 0 ; @param pCPUMCPU x86:[esp+4] GCC:rdi MSC:rcx CPUMCPU pointer ; align 16 BEGINPROC cpumR0SaveHostRestoreGuestFPUState %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 %ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS mov xDX, rcx %else mov xDX, rdi %endif %else mov xDX, dword [esp + 4] %endif pushf ; The darwin kernel can get upset or upset things if an cli ; interrupt occurs while we're doing fxsave/fxrstor/cr0. ; Switch the state. or dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], (CPUM_USED_FPU | CPUM_USED_FPU_SINCE_REM) ; Clear CR0 FPU bits to not cause exceptions, uses xCX SAVE_CR0_CLEAR_FPU_TRAPS ; Do NOT use xCX from this point! %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL cmp byte [NAME(g_fCPUMIs64bitHost)], 0 jz .legacy_mode db 0xea ; jmp far .sixtyfourbit_mode dd .sixtyfourbit_mode, NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS) .legacy_mode: %endif ; VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 ; Use explicit REX prefix. See @bugref{6398}. o64 fxsave [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] ; ASSUMES that all VT-x/AMD-V boxes sports fxsave/fxrstor (safe assumption) o64 fxrstor [xDX + CPUMCPU.Guest.fpu] %else fxsave [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] ; ASSUMES that all VT-x/AMD-V boxes sports fxsave/fxrstor (safe assumption) fxrstor [xDX + CPUMCPU.Guest.fpu] %endif %ifdef VBOX_WITH_KERNEL_USING_XMM ; Restore the non-volatile xmm registers. ASSUMING 64-bit windows lea r11, [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu + XMM_OFF_IN_X86FXSTATE] movdqa xmm6, [r11 + 060h] movdqa xmm7, [r11 + 070h] movdqa xmm8, [r11 + 080h] movdqa xmm9, [r11 + 090h] movdqa xmm10, [r11 + 0a0h] movdqa xmm11, [r11 + 0b0h] movdqa xmm12, [r11 + 0c0h] movdqa xmm13, [r11 + 0d0h] movdqa xmm14, [r11 + 0e0h] movdqa xmm15, [r11 + 0f0h] %endif .done: ; Restore CR0 from xCX if it was previously saved. RESTORE_CR0 popf xor eax, eax ret %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL_IN_R0 ALIGNCODE(16) BITS 64 .sixtyfourbit_mode: and edx, 0ffffffffh o64 fxsave [rdx + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] o64 fxrstor [rdx + CPUMCPU.Guest.fpu] jmp far [.fpret wrt rip] .fpret: ; 16:32 Pointer to .the_end. dd .done, NAME(SUPR0AbsKernelCS) BITS 32 %endif ENDPROC cpumR0SaveHostRestoreGuestFPUState %ifndef RT_ARCH_AMD64 %ifdef VBOX_WITH_64_BITS_GUESTS %ifndef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL ;; ; Saves the host FPU/XMM state ; ; @returns 0 ; @param pCPUMCPU x86:[esp+4] GCC:rdi MSC:rcx CPUMCPU pointer ; align 16 BEGINPROC cpumR0SaveHostFPUState mov xDX, dword [esp + 4] pushf ; The darwin kernel can get upset or upset things if an cli ; interrupt occurs while we're doing fxsave/fxrstor/cr0. ; Switch the state. or dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], (CPUM_USED_FPU | CPUM_USED_FPU_SINCE_REM) ; Clear CR0 FPU bits to not cause exceptions, uses xCX SAVE_CR0_CLEAR_FPU_TRAPS ; Do NOT use xCX from this point! fxsave [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] ; ASSUMES that all VT-x/AMD-V boxes support fxsave/fxrstor (safe assumption) ; Restore CR0 from xCX if it was saved previously. RESTORE_CR0 popf xor eax, eax ret ENDPROC cpumR0SaveHostFPUState %endif %endif %endif ;; ; Saves the guest FPU/XMM state and restores the host state. ; ; @returns 0 ; @param pCPUMCPU x86:[esp+4] GCC:rdi MSC:rcx CPUMCPU pointer ; align 16 BEGINPROC cpumR0SaveGuestRestoreHostFPUState %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 %ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS mov xDX, rcx %else mov xDX, rdi %endif %else mov xDX, dword [esp + 4] %endif ; Only restore FPU if guest has used it. ; Using fxrstor should ensure that we're not causing unwanted exception on the host. test dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], CPUM_USED_FPU jz short .fpu_not_used pushf ; The darwin kernel can get upset or upset things if an cli ; interrupt occurs while we're doing fxsave/fxrstor/cr0. ; Clear CR0 FPU bits to not cause exceptions, uses xCX SAVE_CR0_CLEAR_FPU_TRAPS ; Do NOT use xCX from this point! %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL cmp byte [NAME(g_fCPUMIs64bitHost)], 0 jz .legacy_mode db 0xea ; jmp far .sixtyfourbit_mode dd .sixtyfourbit_mode, NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS) .legacy_mode: %endif ; VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 ; Use explicit REX prefix. See @bugref{6398}. o64 fxsave [xDX + CPUMCPU.Guest.fpu] ; ASSUMES that all VT-x/AMD-V boxes support fxsave/fxrstor (safe assumption) o64 fxrstor [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] %else fxsave [xDX + CPUMCPU.Guest.fpu] ; ASSUMES that all VT-x/AMD-V boxes support fxsave/fxrstor (safe assumption) fxrstor [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] %endif .done: ; Restore CR0 from xCX if it was previously saved. RESTORE_CR0 and dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], ~CPUM_USED_FPU popf .fpu_not_used: xor eax, eax ret %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL_IN_R0 ALIGNCODE(16) BITS 64 .sixtyfourbit_mode: and edx, 0ffffffffh o64 fxsave [rdx + CPUMCPU.Guest.fpu] o64 fxrstor [rdx + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] jmp far [.fpret wrt rip] .fpret: ; 16:32 Pointer to .the_end. dd .done, NAME(SUPR0AbsKernelCS) BITS 32 %endif ENDPROC cpumR0SaveGuestRestoreHostFPUState ;; ; Sets the host's FPU/XMM state ; ; @returns 0 ; @param pCPUMCPU x86:[esp+4] GCC:rdi MSC:rcx CPUMCPU pointer ; align 16 BEGINPROC cpumR0RestoreHostFPUState %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 %ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS mov xDX, rcx %else mov xDX, rdi %endif %else mov xDX, dword [esp + 4] %endif ; Restore FPU if guest has used it. ; Using fxrstor should ensure that we're not causing unwanted exception on the host. test dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], CPUM_USED_FPU jz short .fpu_not_used pushf ; The darwin kernel can get upset or upset things if an cli ; interrupt occurs while we're doing fxsave/fxrstor/cr0. ; Clear CR0 FPU bits to not cause exceptions, uses xCX SAVE_CR0_CLEAR_FPU_TRAPS ; Do NOT use xCX from this point! %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL cmp byte [NAME(g_fCPUMIs64bitHost)], 0 jz .legacy_mode db 0xea ; jmp far .sixtyfourbit_mode dd .sixtyfourbit_mode, NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS) .legacy_mode: %endif ; VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 o64 fxrstor [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] %else fxrstor [xDX + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] %endif .done: ; Restore CR0 from xCX if it was previously saved. RESTORE_CR0 and dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], ~CPUM_USED_FPU popf .fpu_not_used: xor eax, eax ret %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL_IN_R0 ALIGNCODE(16) BITS 64 .sixtyfourbit_mode: and edx, 0ffffffffh o64 fxrstor [rdx + CPUMCPU.Host.fpu] jmp far [.fpret wrt rip] .fpret: ; 16:32 Pointer to .the_end. dd .done, NAME(SUPR0AbsKernelCS) BITS 32 %endif ENDPROC cpumR0RestoreHostFPUState %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL_IN_R0 ;; ; DECLASM(void) cpumR0SaveDRx(uint64_t *pa4Regs); ; ALIGNCODE(16) BEGINPROC cpumR0SaveDRx %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC mov xCX, rdi %endif %else mov xCX, dword [esp + 4] %endif pushf ; Just to be on the safe side. cli %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL cmp byte [NAME(g_fCPUMIs64bitHost)], 0 jz .legacy_mode db 0xea ; jmp far .sixtyfourbit_mode dd .sixtyfourbit_mode, NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS) .legacy_mode: %endif ; VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL ; ; Do the job. ; mov xAX, dr0 mov xDX, dr1 mov [xCX], xAX mov [xCX + 8 * 1], xDX mov xAX, dr2 mov xDX, dr3 mov [xCX + 8 * 2], xAX mov [xCX + 8 * 3], xDX .done: popf ret %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL_IN_R0 ALIGNCODE(16) BITS 64 .sixtyfourbit_mode: and ecx, 0ffffffffh mov rax, dr0 mov rdx, dr1 mov r8, dr2 mov r9, dr3 mov [rcx], rax mov [rcx + 8 * 1], rdx mov [rcx + 8 * 2], r8 mov [rcx + 8 * 3], r9 jmp far [.fpret wrt rip] .fpret: ; 16:32 Pointer to .the_end. dd .done, NAME(SUPR0AbsKernelCS) BITS 32 %endif ENDPROC cpumR0SaveDRx ;; ; DECLASM(void) cpumR0LoadDRx(uint64_t const *pa4Regs); ; ALIGNCODE(16) BEGINPROC cpumR0LoadDRx %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC mov xCX, rdi %endif %else mov xCX, dword [esp + 4] %endif pushf ; Just to be on the safe side. cli %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL cmp byte [NAME(g_fCPUMIs64bitHost)], 0 jz .legacy_mode db 0xea ; jmp far .sixtyfourbit_mode dd .sixtyfourbit_mode, NAME(SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS) .legacy_mode: %endif ; VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL ; ; Do the job. ; mov xAX, [xCX] mov xDX, [xCX + 8 * 1] mov dr0, xAX mov dr1, xDX mov xAX, [xCX + 8 * 2] mov xDX, [xCX + 8 * 3] mov dr2, xAX mov dr3, xDX .done: popf ret %ifdef VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL_IN_R0 ALIGNCODE(16) BITS 64 .sixtyfourbit_mode: and ecx, 0ffffffffh mov rax, [rcx] mov rdx, [rcx + 8 * 1] mov r8, [rcx + 8 * 2] mov r9, [rcx + 8 * 3] mov dr0, rax mov dr1, rdx mov dr2, r8 mov dr3, r9 jmp far [.fpret wrt rip] .fpret: ; 16:32 Pointer to .the_end. dd .done, NAME(SUPR0AbsKernelCS) BITS 32 %endif ENDPROC cpumR0LoadDRx %endif ; VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL_IN_R0