1 | /* $Id: GVMMR0.cpp 5026 2007-09-25 15:49:09Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * GVMM - Global VM Manager.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2007 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
13 | * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
14 | * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
15 | * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | */
18 |
19 |
20 | /** @page pg_GVMM GVMM - The Global VM Manager
21 | *
22 | * The Global VM Manager lives in ring-0. It's main function at the moment
23 | * is to manage a list of all running VMs, keep a ring-0 only structure (GVM)
24 | * for each of them, and assign them unique identifiers (so GMM can track
25 | * page owners). The idea for the future is to add an idle priority kernel
26 | * thread that can take care of tasks like page sharing.
27 | *
28 | * The GVMM will create a ring-0 object for each VM when it's registered,
29 | * this is both for session cleanup purposes and for having a point where
30 | * it's possible to implement usage polices later (in SUPR0ObjRegister).
31 | */
32 |
33 |
34 | /*******************************************************************************
35 | * Header Files *
36 | *******************************************************************************/
38 | #include <VBox/gvmm.h>
39 | /* #include "GVMMInternal.h" */
40 | #include <VBox/vm.h>
41 | #include <VBox/err.h>
42 | #include <iprt/alloc.h>
43 | #include <iprt/semaphore.h>
44 | #include <iprt/log.h>
45 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
46 | #include <iprt/param.h>
47 | #include <iprt/string.h>
48 |
49 |
50 | /*******************************************************************************
51 | * Structures and Typedefs *
52 | *******************************************************************************/
53 |
54 | /**
55 | * Global VM handle.
56 | */
57 | typedef struct GVMHANDLE
58 | {
59 | /** The index of the next handle in the list (free or used). (0 is nil.) */
60 | uint16_t volatile iNext;
61 | /** Our own index / handle value. */
62 | uint16_t iSelf;
63 | /** Whether to free the VM structure or not. */
64 | bool fFreeVM;
65 | /** The pointer to the ring-0 only (aka global) VM structure. */
66 | PGVM pGVM;
67 | /** The ring-0 mapping of the shared VM instance data. */
68 | PVM pVM;
69 | /** The virtual machine object. */
70 | void *pvObj;
71 | /** The session this VM is associated with. */
73 | /** The ring-0 handle of the EMT thread.
74 | * This is used for assertions and similar cases where we need to find the VM handle. */
77 | /** Pointer to a global VM handle. */
79 |
80 | /**
81 | * The GVMM instance data.
82 | */
83 | typedef struct GVMM
84 | {
85 | /** Eyecatcher / magic. */
86 | uint32_t u32Magic;
87 | /** The index of the head of the free handle chain. (0 is nil.) */
88 | uint16_t volatile iFreeHead;
89 | /** The index of the head of the active handle chain. (0 is nil.) */
90 | uint16_t volatile iUsedHead;
91 | /** The lock used to serialize registration and deregistration. */
93 | /** The handle array.
94 | * The size of this array defines the maximum number of currently running VMs.
95 | * The first entry is unused as it represents the NIL handle. */
96 | GVMHANDLE aHandles[128];
97 | } GVMM;
98 | /** Pointer to the GVMM instance data. */
99 | typedef GVMM *PGVMM;
100 |
101 | /** The GVMM::u32Magic value (Charlie Haden). */
102 | #define GVMM_MAGIC 0x19370806
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 | /*******************************************************************************
107 | * Global Variables *
108 | *******************************************************************************/
109 | /** Pointer to the GVMM instance data.
110 | * (Just my general dislike for global variables.) */
111 | static PGVMM g_pGVMM = NULL;
112 |
113 |
114 | /*******************************************************************************
115 | * Internal Functions *
116 | *******************************************************************************/
117 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor(void *pvObj, void *pvGVMM, void *pvHandle);
118 |
119 |
120 | /**
121 | * Initializes the GVMM.
122 | *
123 | * This is called while owninng the loader sempahore (see supdrvIOCtl_LdrLoad()).
124 | *
125 | * @returns VBox status code.
126 | */
127 | GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0Init(void)
128 | {
129 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0Init:\n");
130 |
131 | /*
132 | * Allocate and initialize the instance data.
133 | */
134 | PGVMM pGVMM = (PGVMM)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pGVMM));
135 | if (!pGVMM)
136 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
137 | int rc = RTSemFastMutexCreate(&pGVMM->Lock);
138 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
139 | {
140 | pGVMM->u32Magic = GVMM_MAGIC;
141 | pGVMM->iUsedHead = 0;
142 | pGVMM->iFreeHead = 1;
143 |
144 | /* the nil handle */
145 | pGVMM->aHandles[0].iSelf = 0;
146 | pGVMM->aHandles[0].iNext = 0;
147 |
148 | /* the tail */
149 | unsigned i = RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles);
150 | pGVMM->aHandles[i].iSelf = i;
151 | pGVMM->aHandles[i].iNext = 0; /* nil */
152 |
153 | /* the rest */
154 | while (i-- > 1)
155 | {
156 | pGVMM->aHandles[i].iSelf = i;
157 | pGVMM->aHandles[i].iNext = i + 1;
158 | }
159 |
160 | g_pGVMM = pGVMM;
161 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0Init: pGVMM=%p\n", pGVMM);
162 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
163 | }
164 |
165 | RTMemFree(pGVMM);
166 | return rc;
167 | }
168 |
169 |
170 | /**
171 | * Terminates the GVM.
172 | *
173 | * This is called while owning the loader semaphore (see supdrvLdrFree()).
174 | * And unless something is wrong, there should be absolutely no VMs
175 | * registered at this point.
176 | */
177 | GVMMR0DECL(void) GVMMR0Term(void)
178 | {
179 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0Term:\n");
180 |
181 | PGVMM pGVMM = g_pGVMM;
182 | g_pGVMM = NULL;
184 | {
185 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0Term: pGVMM=%p\n", pGVMM);
186 | return;
187 | }
188 |
189 | RTSemFastMutexDestroy(pGVMM->Lock);
191 | pGVMM->u32Magic++;
192 | pGVMM->iFreeHead = 0;
193 | if (pGVMM->iUsedHead)
194 | {
195 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0Term: iUsedHead=%#x!\n", pGVMM->iUsedHead);
196 | pGVMM->iUsedHead = 0;
197 | }
198 |
199 | RTMemFree(pGVMM);
200 | }
201 |
202 |
203 | #if 0 /* not currently used */
204 | /**
205 | * Allocates the VM structure and registers it with GVM.
206 | *
207 | * @returns VBox status code.
208 | * @param pSession The support driver session.
209 | * @param ppVM Where to store the pointer to the VM structure.
210 | *
211 | * @thread EMT.
212 | */
214 | {
215 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0CreateVM: pSession=%p\n", pSession);
216 | PGVMM pGVMM = g_pGVMM;
217 | AssertPtrReturn(pGVMM, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
218 |
219 | AssertPtrReturn(ppVM, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
220 | *ppVM = NULL;
221 |
222 | RTNATIVETHREAD hEMT = RTThreadNativeSelf();
224 |
225 | /*
226 | * The whole allocation process is protected by the lock.
227 | */
228 | int rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGVMM->Lock);
229 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
230 |
231 | /*
232 | * Allocate a handle first so we don't waste resources unnecessarily.
233 | */
234 | uint16_t iHandle = pGVMM->iFreeHead;
235 | if (iHandle)
236 | {
237 | PGVMMHANDLE pHandle = &pGVMM->aHandles[iHandle];
238 |
239 | /* consistency checks, a bit paranoid as always. */
240 | if ( !pHandle->pVM
241 | /*&& !pHandle->pGVM */
242 | && !pHandle->pvObj
243 | && pHandle->iSelf == iHandle)
244 | {
245 | pHandle->pvObj = SUPR0ObjRegister(pSession, SUPDRVOBJTYPE_VM, gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor, pGVMM, pHandle);
246 | if (pHandle->pvObj)
247 | {
248 | /*
249 | * Move the handle from the free to used list and perform permission checks.
250 | */
251 | pGVMM->iFreeHead = pHandle->iNext;
252 | pHandle->iNext = pGVMM->iUsedHead;
253 | pGVMM->iUsedHead = iHandle;
254 |
255 | pHandle->fFreeVM = true;
256 | pHandle->pVM = NULL;
257 | pHandle->pGVM = NULL; /* to be allocated */
258 | pHandle->pSession = pSession;
259 | pHandle->hEMT = hEMT;
260 |
261 | rc = SUPR0ObjVerifyAccess(pHandle->pvObj, pSession, NULL);
262 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
263 | {
264 | /*
265 | * Allocate and initialize the VM structure.
266 | */
267 | RTR3PTR paPagesR3;
268 | PRTHCPHYS paPagesR0;
269 | size_t cPages = RT_ALIGN_Z(sizeof(VM), PAGE_SIZE) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
270 | rc = SUPR0MemAlloc(pSession, cPages * sizeof(RTHCPHYS), (void **)&paPagesR0, &paPagesR3);
271 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
272 | {
273 | PVM pVM;
274 | PVMR3 pVMR3;
275 | rc = SUPR0LowAlloc(pSession, cPages, (void **)&pVM, &pVMR3, paPagesR0);
276 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
277 | {
278 | memset(pVM, 0, cPages * PAGE_SIZE);
279 | pVM->enmVMState = VMSTATE_CREATING;
280 | pVM->paVMPagesR3 = paPagesR3;
281 | pVM->pVMR3 = pVMR3;
282 | pVM->pVMR0 = pVM;
283 | pVM->pSession = pSession;
284 | pVM->hSelf = iHandle;
285 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
286 |
287 | *ppVM = pVM;
288 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0CreateVM: pVM=%p pVMR3=%p\n", pVM, pVMR3);
289 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
290 | }
291 |
292 | SUPR0MemFree(pSession, (uintptr_t)paPagesR0);
293 | }
294 | }
295 | /* else: The user wasn't permitted to create this VM. */
296 |
297 | /*
298 | * The handle will be freed by gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor as we release the
299 | * object reference here. A little extra mess because of non-recursive lock.
300 | */
301 | void *pvObj = pHandle->pvObj;
302 | pHandle->pvObj = NULL;
303 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
304 |
305 | SUPR0ObjRelease(pvObj, pSession);
306 |
307 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0CreateVM: failed, rc=%d\n", rc);
308 | return rc;
309 | }
310 |
311 | rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
312 | }
313 | else
315 | }
316 | else
318 |
319 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
320 | return rc;
321 | }
322 | #endif /* not used yet. */
323 |
324 |
325 | /**
326 | * Deregistres the VM and destroys the VM structure.
327 | *
328 | * @returns VBox status code.
329 | * @param pVM Where to store the pointer to the VM structure.
330 | *
331 | * @thread EMT.
332 | */
333 | GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0DestroyVM(PVM pVM)
334 | {
335 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0DestroyVM: pVM=%p\n", pVM);
336 |
337 | PGVMM pGVMM = g_pGVMM;
338 | AssertPtrReturn(pGVMM, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
339 |
340 | /*
341 | * Validate the VM structure, state and caller.
342 | */
343 | AssertPtrReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
344 | AssertReturn(!((uintptr_t)pVM & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK), VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
345 | AssertMsgReturn(pVM->enmVMState >= VMSTATE_CREATING && pVM->enmVMState <= VMSTATE_TERMINATED, ("%d\n", pVM->enmVMState), VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
346 |
347 | uint32_t hGVM = pVM->hSelf;
349 | AssertReturn(hGVM < RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles), VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
350 |
351 | PGVMHANDLE pHandle = &pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM];
352 | AssertReturn(pHandle->hEMT != NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
353 | AssertReturn(pHandle->pVM == pVM, VERR_NOT_OWNER);
354 |
355 | RTNATIVETHREAD hSelf = RTThreadNativeSelf();
356 | AssertReturn(pHandle->hEMT == hSelf, VERR_NOT_OWNER);
357 |
358 | /*
359 | * Lookup the handle and destroy the object.
360 | * Since the lock isn't recursive, we have to make sure nobody can
361 | * race us as we leave the lock and call SUPR0ObjRelease.
362 | */
363 | int rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGVMM->Lock);
364 | AssertRC(rc);
365 |
366 | /* be very careful here because we might be racing someone else cleaning up... */
367 | if ( pHandle->pVM == pVM
368 | && pHandle->hEMT == hSelf
369 | && VALID_PTR(pHandle->pvObj))
370 | {
371 | void *pvObj = pHandle->pvObj;
372 | pHandle->pvObj = NULL;
373 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
374 |
375 | SUPR0ObjRelease(pvObj, pVM->pSession);
376 | }
377 | else
378 | {
379 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
381 | }
382 |
383 | return rc;
384 | }
385 |
386 |
387 | #if 1 /* this approach is unsafe wrt to the freeing of pVM. Keeping it as a possible fallback for 1.5.x. */
388 | /**
389 | * Register the specified VM with the GGVM.
390 | *
391 | * Permission polices and resource consumption polices may or may
392 | * not be checked that this poin, be ready to deald nicely with failure.
393 | *
394 | * @returns VBox status code.
395 | *
396 | * @param pVM The VM instance data (aka handle), ring-0 mapping of ccourse.
397 | * The VM::hGVM field may be updated by this call.
398 | * @thread EMT.
399 | */
400 | GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0RegisterVM(PVM pVM)
401 | {
402 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0RegisterVM: pVM=%p\n", pVM);
403 | PGVMM pGVMM = g_pGVMM;
404 | AssertPtrReturn(pGVMM, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
405 |
406 | /*
407 | * Validate the VM structure and state.
408 | */
409 | AssertPtrReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
410 | AssertReturn(!((uintptr_t)pVM & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK), VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
411 | AssertMsgReturn(pVM->enmVMState == VMSTATE_CREATING, ("%d\n", pVM->enmVMState), VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
412 |
413 | RTNATIVETHREAD hEMT = RTThreadNativeSelf();
415 |
416 | /*
417 | * Take the lock and call the worker function.
418 | */
419 | int rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGVMM->Lock);
420 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
421 |
422 | /*
423 | * Allocate a handle.
424 | */
425 | uint16_t iHandle = pGVMM->iFreeHead;
426 | if (iHandle)
427 | {
428 | PGVMHANDLE pHandle = &pGVMM->aHandles[iHandle];
429 |
430 | /* consistency checks, a bit paranoid as always. */
431 | if ( !pHandle->pVM
432 | && !pHandle->pvObj
433 | && pHandle->iSelf == iHandle)
434 | {
435 | pHandle->pvObj = SUPR0ObjRegister(pVM->pSession, SUPDRVOBJTYPE_VM, gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor, pGVMM, pHandle);
436 | if (pHandle->pvObj)
437 | {
438 | /*
439 | * Move the handle from the free to used list and
440 | * perform permission checks.
441 | */
442 | pGVMM->iFreeHead = pHandle->iNext;
443 | pHandle->iNext = pGVMM->iUsedHead;
444 | pGVMM->iUsedHead = iHandle;
445 |
446 | pHandle->fFreeVM = false;
447 | pHandle->pVM = pVM;
448 | pHandle->pGVM = NULL; /** @todo to be allocated */
449 | pHandle->pSession = pVM->pSession;
450 | pHandle->hEMT = hEMT;
451 |
452 | rc = SUPR0ObjVerifyAccess(pHandle->pvObj, pVM->pSession, NULL);
453 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
454 | {
455 | pVM->hSelf = iHandle;
456 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
457 | }
458 | else
459 | {
460 | /*
461 | * The user wasn't permitted to create this VM.
462 | * Must use gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor via SUPR0ObjRelease to do the
463 | * cleanups. The lock isn't recursive, thus the extra mess.
464 | */
465 | void *pvObj = pHandle->pvObj;
466 | pHandle->pvObj = NULL;
467 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
468 |
469 | SUPR0ObjRelease(pvObj, pVM->pSession);
470 | }
471 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
472 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0RegisterVM: permission denied, rc=%d\n", rc);
473 | return rc;
474 | }
475 |
476 | rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
477 | }
478 | else
480 | }
481 | else
483 |
484 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
485 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0RegisterVM: failed, rc=%d, iHandle=%d\n", rc, iHandle);
486 | return rc;
487 | }
488 |
489 |
490 | /**
491 | * Deregister a VM previously registered using the GVMMR0RegisterVM API.
492 | *
493 | *
494 | * @returns VBox status code.
495 | * @param pVM The VM handle.
496 | * @thread EMT.
497 | */
498 | GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0DeregisterVM(PVM pVM)
499 | {
500 | SUPR0Printf("GVMMR0DeregisterVM: pVM=%p\n", pVM);
501 | return GVMMR0DestroyVM(pVM);
502 | }
503 | #endif /* ... */
504 |
505 |
506 | /**
507 | * Handle destructor.
508 | *
509 | * @param pvGVMM The GVM instance pointer.
510 | * @param pvHandle The handle pointer.
511 | */
512 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor(void *pvObj, void *pvGVMM, void *pvHandle)
513 | {
514 | SUPR0Printf("gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor: %p %p %p\n", pvObj, pvGVMM, pvHandle);
515 |
516 | /*
517 | * Some quick, paranoid, input validation.
518 | */
519 | PGVMHANDLE pHandle = (PGVMHANDLE)pvHandle;
520 | AssertPtr(pHandle);
522 | Assert(pGVMM == g_pGVMM);
523 | const uint16_t iHandle = pHandle - &pGVMM->aHandles[0];
524 | if ( !iHandle
525 | || iHandle >= RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles)
526 | || iHandle != pHandle->iSelf)
527 | {
528 | SUPR0Printf("GVM: handle %d is out of range or corrupt (iSelf=%d)!\n", iHandle, pHandle->iSelf);
529 | return;
530 | }
531 |
532 | int rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGVMM->Lock);
533 | AssertRC(rc);
534 |
535 | /*
536 | * This is a tad slow but a doubly linked list is too much hazzle.
537 | */
538 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(pHandle->iNext >= RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles)))
539 | {
540 | SUPR0Printf("GVM: used list index %d is out of range!\n", pHandle->iNext);
541 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
542 | return;
543 | }
544 |
545 | if (pGVMM->iUsedHead == iHandle)
546 | pGVMM->iUsedHead = pHandle->iNext;
547 | else
548 | {
549 | uint16_t iPrev = pGVMM->iUsedHead;
550 | int c = RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles) + 2;
551 | while (!iPrev)
552 | {
553 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(iPrev >= RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles)))
554 | {
555 | SUPR0Printf("GVM: used list index %d is out of range!\n");
556 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
557 | return;
558 | }
559 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(c-- <= 0))
560 | {
561 | iPrev = 0;
562 | break;
563 | }
564 |
565 | if (pGVMM->aHandles[iPrev].iNext == iHandle)
566 | break;
567 | iPrev = pGVMM->aHandles[iPrev].iNext;
568 | }
569 | if (!iPrev)
570 | {
571 | SUPR0Printf("GVM: can't find the handle previous previous of %d!\n", pHandle->iSelf);
572 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
573 | return;
574 | }
575 |
576 | pGVMM->aHandles[iPrev].iNext = pHandle->iNext;
577 | }
578 | pHandle->iNext = 0;
579 |
580 | /*
581 | * Do the global cleanup round, currently only GMM.
582 | * Can't trust the VM pointer unless it was allocated in ring-0...
583 | */
584 | PVM pVM = pHandle->pVM;
585 | if ( VALID_PTR(pVM)
586 | && VALID_PTR(pHandle->pSession)
587 | && pHandle->fFreeVM)
588 | {
589 | /// @todo GMMR0CleanupVM(pVM);
590 |
591 | /*
592 | * Free the VM structure.
593 | */
594 | ASMAtomicXchgU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pVM->hSelf, NIL_GVM_HANDLE);
595 | SUPR0MemFree(pHandle->pSession, pVM->paVMPagesR3);
596 | SUPR0LowFree(pHandle->pSession, (uintptr_t)pVM);
597 | }
598 |
599 | /*
600 | * Free the handle.
601 | */
602 | pHandle->iNext = pGVMM->iFreeHead;
603 | pHandle->fFreeVM = false;
604 | pGVMM->iFreeHead = iHandle;
605 | ASMAtomicXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&pHandle->pVM, NULL);
606 | ASMAtomicXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&pHandle->pvObj, NULL);
607 | ASMAtomicXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&pHandle->pSession, NULL);
608 | ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pHandle->hEMT, NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD);
609 |
610 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGVMM->Lock);
611 | SUPR0Printf("gvmmR0HandleObjDestructor: returns\n");
612 | }
613 |
614 |
615 | /**
616 | * Lookup a GVM pointer by its handle.
617 | *
618 | * @returns The GVM pointer on success, NULL on failure.
619 | * @param hGVM The global VM handle. Asserts on bad handle.
620 | */
621 | GVMMR0DECL(PGVM) GVMMR0ByHandle(uint32_t hGVM)
622 | {
623 | PGVMM pGVMM = g_pGVMM;
624 | AssertPtrReturn(pGVMM, NULL);
625 |
626 | /*
627 | * Validate.
628 | */
629 | AssertReturn(hGVM != NIL_GVM_HANDLE, NULL);
630 | AssertReturn(hGVM < RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles), NULL);
631 |
632 | /*
633 | * Look it up.
634 | */
635 | AssertReturn(VALID_PTR(pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].pvObj), NULL);
636 | AssertReturn(pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].hEMT != NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD, NULL);
637 | Assert(VALID_PTR(pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].pVM));
638 |
639 | return pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].pGVM;
640 | }
641 |
642 |
643 | /**
644 | * Lookup a VM by its global handle.
645 | *
646 | * @returns The VM handle on success, NULL on failure.
647 | * @param hGVM The global VM handle. Asserts on bad handle.
648 | */
649 | GVMMR0DECL(PVM) GVMMR0GetVMByHandle(uint32_t hGVM)
650 | {
651 | PGVMM pGVMM = g_pGVMM;
652 | AssertPtrReturn(pGVMM, NULL);
653 |
654 | /*
655 | * Validate.
656 | */
657 | AssertReturn(hGVM != NIL_GVM_HANDLE, NULL);
658 | AssertReturn(hGVM < RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles), NULL);
659 |
660 | /*
661 | * Look it up.
662 | */
663 | AssertReturn(VALID_PTR(pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].pvObj), NULL);
664 | AssertReturn(pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].hEMT != NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD, NULL);
665 | Assert(VALID_PTR(pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].pVM));
666 |
667 | return pGVMM->aHandles[hGVM].pVM;
668 | }
669 |
670 |
671 | /**
672 | * Looks up the VM belonging to the specified EMT thread.
673 | *
674 | * This is used by the assertion machinery in VMMR0.cpp to avoid causing
675 | * unnecessary kernel panics when the EMT thread hits an assertion. The
676 | * call may or not be an EMT thread.
677 | *
678 | * @returns The VM handle on success, NULL on failure.
679 | * @param hEMT The native thread handle of the EMT.
680 | * NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD means the current thread
681 | */
683 | {
684 | /*
685 | * Be very careful here as we're called in AssertMsgN context.
686 | */
687 | PGVMM pGVMM = g_pGVMM;
688 | if (!VALID_PTR(pGVMM))
689 | return NULL;
690 |
692 | hEMT = RTThreadNativeSelf();
693 |
694 | /*
695 | * Search the handles, we don't dare take the lock (assert).
696 | */
697 | for (unsigned i = 1; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pGVMM->aHandles); i++)
698 | if ( pGVMM->aHandles[i].hEMT == hEMT
699 | && pGVMM->aHandles[i].iSelf == i
700 | && VALID_PTR(pGVMM->aHandles[i].pvObj)
701 | && VALID_PTR(pGVMM->aHandles[i].pVM))
702 | return pGVMM->aHandles[i].pVM;
703 |
704 | return NULL;
705 | }
706 |
707 |