; $Id: HWACCMR0A.asm 2743 2007-05-21 15:18:27Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; VMXM - R0 vmx helpers ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, ; in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE ; distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will ; be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox ; distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox ; license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. ; ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "VBox/asmdefs.mac" %include "VBox/err.mac" %include "VBox/hwacc_vmx.mac" %include "VBox/cpum.mac" %include "VBox/x86.mac" %ifdef __OS2__ ;; @todo build cvs nasm like on OS X. %macro vmwrite 2, int3 %endmacro %define vmlaunch int3 %define vmresume int3 %endif ;; @def MYPUSHAD ; Macro generating an equivalent to pushad ;; @def MYPOPAD ; Macro generating an equivalent to popad ;; @def MYPUSHSEGS ; Macro saving all segment registers on the stack. ; @param 1 full width register name ; @param 2 16-bit regsiter name for \a 1. ;; @def MYPOPSEGS ; Macro restoring all segment registers on the stack ; @param 1 full width register name ; @param 2 16-bit regsiter name for \a 1. %ifdef __AMD64__ %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC %macro MYPUSHAD 0 push r15 push r14 push r13 push r12 push rbx %endmacro %macro MYPOPAD 0 pop rbx pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 %endmacro %else ; ASM_CALL64_MSC %macro MYPUSHAD 0 push r15 push r14 push r13 push r12 push rbx push rsi push rdi %endmacro %macro MYPOPAD 0 pop rdi pop rsi pop rbx pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 %endmacro %endif ;; @todo check ds,es saving/restoring on AMD64 %macro MYPUSHSEGS 2 push gs push fs mov %2, es push %1 mov %2, ds push %1 %endmacro %macro MYPOPSEGS 2 pop %1 mov ds, %2 pop %1 mov es, %2 pop fs pop gs %endmacro %else ; __X86__ %macro MYPUSHAD 0 pushad %endmacro %macro MYPOPAD 0 popad %endmacro %macro MYPUSHSEGS 2 push ds push es push fs push gs %endmacro %macro MYPOPSEGS 2 pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds %endmacro %endif BEGINCODE ;/** ; * Prepares for and executes VMLAUNCH ; * ; * @note identical to VMXResumeVM, except for the vmlaunch/vmresume opcode ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param pCtx Guest context ; */ BEGINPROC VMXStartVM push xBP mov xBP, xSP ;/* First we have to save some final CPU context registers. */ %ifdef __AMD64__ mov rax, qword .vmlaunch_done push rax %else push .vmlaunch_done %endif mov eax, VMX_VMCS_HOST_RIP ;/* return address (too difficult to continue after VMLAUNCH?) */ vmwrite xAX, [xSP] ;/* @todo assumes success... */ add xSP, xS ;/* Manual save and restore: ; * - General purpose registers except RIP, RSP ; * ; * Trashed: ; * - CR2 (we don't care) ; * - LDTR (reset to 0) ; * - DRx (presumably not changed at all) ; * - DR7 (reset to 0x400) ; * - EFLAGS (reset to BIT(1); not relevant) ; * ; */ ;/* Save all general purpose host registers. */ MYPUSHAD ;/* Save segment registers */ MYPUSHSEGS xAX, ax ;/* Save the Guest CPU context pointer. */ %ifdef __AMD64__ %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC mov rsi, rdi ; pCtx %else mov rsi, rcx ; pCtx %endif %else mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; pCtx %endif push xSI ; Save LDTR xor eax, eax sldt ax push xAX ; Restore CR2 mov ebx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.cr2] mov cr2, xBX mov eax, VMX_VMCS_HOST_RSP vmwrite xAX, xSP ;/* @todo assumes success... */ ;/* Don't mess with ESP anymore!! */ ;/* Restore Guest's general purpose registers. */ mov eax, [xSI + CPUMCTX.eax] mov ebx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ebx] mov ecx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ecx] mov edx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.edx] mov edi, [xSI + CPUMCTX.edi] mov ebp, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ebp] mov esi, [xSI + CPUMCTX.esi] vmlaunch jmp .vmlaunch_done; ;/* here if vmlaunch detected a failure. */ ALIGNCODE(16) .vmlaunch_done: jnc .vmxstart_good pop xAX ; saved LDTR lldt ax add xSP, xS ; pCtx ; Restore segment registers MYPOPSEGS xAX, ax ;/* Restore all general purpose host registers. */ MYPOPAD mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMXON_PTR jmp .vmstart_end .vmxstart_good: jnz .vmxstart_success pop xAX ; saved LDTR lldt ax add xSP, xS ; pCtx ; Restore segment registers MYPOPSEGS xAX, ax ; Restore all general purpose host registers. MYPOPAD mov eax, VERR_VMX_UNABLE_TO_START_VM jmp .vmstart_end .vmxstart_success: push xDI mov xDI, [xSP + xS * 2] ;/* pCtx */ mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.eax], eax mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.ebx], ebx mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.ecx], ecx mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.edx], edx mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.esi], esi mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.ebp], ebp %ifdef __AMD64__ pop xAX ; the guest edi we pushed above mov dword [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.edi], eax %else pop dword [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.edi] ; the guest edi we pushed above %endif pop xAX ; saved LDTR lldt ax add xSP, 4 ; pCtx ; Restore segment registers MYPOPSEGS xAX, ax ; Restore general purpose registers MYPOPAD mov eax, VINF_SUCCESS .vmstart_end: pop xBP ret ENDPROC VMXStartVM ;/** ; * Prepares for and executes VMRESUME ; * ; * @note identical to VMXStartVM, except for the vmlaunch/vmresume opcode ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param pCtx Guest context ; */ BEGINPROC VMXResumeVM push xBP mov xBP, xSP ;/* First we have to save some final CPU context registers. */ %ifdef __AMD64__ mov rax, qword vmresume_done push rax %else push vmresume_done %endif mov eax, VMX_VMCS_HOST_RIP ;/* return address (too difficult to continue after VMLAUNCH?) */ vmwrite xAX, [xSP] ;/* @todo assumes success... */ add xSP, xS ;/* Manual save and restore: ; * - General purpose registers except RIP, RSP ; * ; * Trashed: ; * - CR2 (we don't care) ; * - LDTR (reset to 0) ; * - DRx (presumably not changed at all) ; * - DR7 (reset to 0x400) ; * - EFLAGS (reset to BIT(1); not relevant) ; * ; */ ;/* Save all general purpose host registers. */ MYPUSHAD ;/* Save segment registers */ MYPUSHSEGS xAX, ax ;/* Save the Guest CPU context pointer. */ %ifdef __AMD64__ %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC mov rsi, rdi ; pCtx %else mov rsi, rcx ; pCtx %endif %else mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; pCtx %endif push xSI ; Save LDTR xor eax, eax sldt ax push xAX ; Restore CR2 mov xBX, [xSI + CPUMCTX.cr2] mov cr2, xBX mov eax, VMX_VMCS_HOST_RSP vmwrite xAX, xSP ;/* @todo assumes success... */ ;/* Don't mess with ESP anymore!! */ ;/* Restore Guest's general purpose registers. */ mov eax, [xSI + CPUMCTX.eax] mov ebx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ebx] mov ecx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ecx] mov edx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.edx] mov edi, [xSI + CPUMCTX.edi] mov ebp, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ebp] mov esi, [xSI + CPUMCTX.esi] vmresume jmp vmresume_done; ;/* here if vmresume detected a failure. */ ALIGNCODE(16) vmresume_done: jnc vmresume_good pop xAX ; saved LDTR lldt ax add xSP, xS ; pCtx ; Restore segment registers MYPOPSEGS xAX, ax ; Restore all general purpose host registers. MYPOPAD mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMXON_PTR jmp vmresume_end vmresume_good: jnz vmresume_success pop xAX ; saved LDTR lldt ax add xSP, xS ; pCtx ; Restore segment registers MYPOPSEGS xAX, ax ; Restore all general purpose host registers. MYPOPAD mov eax, VERR_VMX_UNABLE_TO_RESUME_VM jmp vmresume_end vmresume_success: push xDI mov xDI, [xSP + xS * 2] ; pCtx mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.eax], eax mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.ebx], ebx mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.ecx], ecx mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.edx], edx mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.esi], esi mov [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.ebp], ebp %ifdef __AMD64__ pop xAX ; the guest edi we pushed above mov dword [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.edi], eax %else pop dword [ss:xDI + CPUMCTX.edi] ; the guest edi we pushed above %endif pop xAX ; saved LDTR lldt ax add xSP, xS ; pCtx ; Restore segment registers MYPOPSEGS xAX, ax ; Restore general purpose registers MYPOPAD mov eax, VINF_SUCCESS vmresume_end: pop xBP ret ENDPROC VMXResumeVM %ifdef __AMD64__ ;/** ; * Executes VMWRITE ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param idxField x86: [ebp + 08h] msc: rcx gcc: edi VMCS index ; * @param pData x86: [ebp + 0ch] msc: rdx gcc: rsi VM field value ; */ BEGINPROC VMXWriteVMCS64 xor rax, rax %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC movzx rdi, edi vmwrite rdi, rsi %else movzx rcx, ecx vmwrite rcx, rdx %endif jnc .valid_vmcs mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMCS_PTR ret .valid_vmcs: jnz .the_end mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMCS_FIELD .the_end: ret ENDPROC VMXWriteVMCS64 ;/** ; * Executes VMREAD ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param idxField VMCS index ; * @param pData Ptr to store VM field value ; */ ;DECLASM(int) VMXReadVMCS64(uint32_t idxField, uint64_t *pData); BEGINPROC VMXReadVMCS64 xor rax, rax %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC movzx rdi, edi vmread [rsi], rdi %else movzx rcx, ecx vmread [rdx], rcx %endif jnc .valid_vmcs mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMCS_PTR ret .valid_vmcs: jnz .the_end mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMCS_FIELD .the_end: ret ENDPROC VMXReadVMCS64 ;/** ; * Executes VMXON ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param HCPhysVMXOn Physical address of VMXON structure ; */ ;DECLASM(int) VMXEnable(RTHCPHYS HCPhysVMXOn); BEGINPROC VMXEnable %ifdef __AMD64__ xor rax, rax %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC push rdi %else push rcx %endif vmxon [rsp] %else xor eax, eax vmxon [esp + 4] %endif jnc .good mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMXON_PTR jmp .the_end .good: jnz .the_end mov eax, VERR_VMX_GENERIC .the_end: %ifdef __AMD64__ add rsp, 8 %endif ret ENDPROC VMXEnable ;/** ; * Executes VMXOFF ; */ ;DECLASM(void) VMXDisable(void); BEGINPROC VMXDisable vmxoff ret ENDPROC VMXDisable ;/** ; * Executes VMCLEAR ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param HCPhysVMCS Physical address of VM control structure ; */ ;DECLASM(int) VMXClearVMCS(RTHCPHYS HCPhysVMCS); BEGINPROC VMXClearVMCS %ifdef __AMD64__ xor rax, rax %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC push rdi %else push rcx %endif vmclear [rsp] %else xor eax, eax vmclear [esp + 4] %endif jnc .the_end mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMCS_PTR .the_end: %ifdef __AMD64__ add rsp, 8 %endif ret ENDPROC VMXClearVMCS ;/** ; * Executes VMPTRLD ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param HCPhysVMCS Physical address of VMCS structure ; */ ;DECLASM(int) VMXActivateVMCS(RTHCPHYS HCPhysVMCS); BEGINPROC VMXActivateVMCS %ifdef __AMD64__ xor rax, rax %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC push rdi %else push rcx %endif vmptrld [rsp] %else xor eax, eax vmptrld [esp + 4] %endif jnc .the_end mov eax, VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMCS_PTR .the_end: %ifdef __AMD64__ add rsp, 8 %endif ret ENDPROC VMXActivateVMCS %endif ; __AMD64__ ;/** ; * Prepares for and executes VMRUN ; * ; * @returns VBox status code ; * @param HCPhysVMCB Physical address of host VMCB ; * @param HCPhysVMCB Physical address of guest VMCB ; * @param pCtx Guest context ; */ BEGINPROC SVMVMRun %ifdef __AMD64__ ; fake a cdecl stack frame - I'm lazy, sosume. %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC push rdx push rsi push rdi %else push r8 push rdx push rcx %endif push 0 %endif push xBP mov xBP, xSP ;/* Manual save and restore: ; * - General purpose registers except RIP, RSP, RAX ; * ; * Trashed: ; * - CR2 (we don't care) ; * - LDTR (reset to 0) ; * - DRx (presumably not changed at all) ; * - DR7 (reset to 0x400) ; */ ;/* Save all general purpose host registers. */ MYPUSHAD ;/* Save the Guest CPU context pointer. */ mov xSI, [xBP + xS*2 + RTHCPHYS_CB*2] ; pCtx push xSI ; push for saving the state at the end ; Restore CR2 mov ebx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.cr2] mov cr2, xBX ; save host fs, gs, sysenter msr etc mov xAX, [xBP + xS*2] ; pVMCBHostPhys (64 bits physical address; x86: take low dword only) push xAX ; save for the vmload after vmrun DB 0x0F, 0x01, 0xDB ; VMSAVE ; setup eax for VMLOAD mov xAX, [xBP + xS*2 + RTHCPHYS_CB] ; pVMCBPhys (64 bits physical address; take low dword only) ;/* Restore Guest's general purpose registers. */ ;/* EAX is loaded from the VMCB by VMRUN */ mov ebx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ebx] mov ecx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ecx] mov edx, [xSI + CPUMCTX.edx] mov edi, [xSI + CPUMCTX.edi] mov ebp, [xSI + CPUMCTX.ebp] mov esi, [xSI + CPUMCTX.esi] ; Clear the global interrupt flag & execute sti to make sure external interrupts cause a world switch DB 0x0f, 0x01, 0xDD ; CLGI sti ; load guest fs, gs, sysenter msr etc DB 0x0f, 0x01, 0xDA ; VMLOAD ; run the VM DB 0x0F, 0x01, 0xD8 ; VMRUN ;/* EAX is in the VMCB already; we can use it here. */ ; save guest fs, gs, sysenter msr etc DB 0x0F, 0x01, 0xDB ; VMSAVE ; load host fs, gs, sysenter msr etc pop xAX ; pushed above DB 0x0F, 0x01, 0xDA ; VMLOAD ; Set the global interrupt flag again, but execute cli to make sure IF=0. cli DB 0x0f, 0x01, 0xDC ; STGI pop xAX ; pCtx mov [ss:xAX + CPUMCTX.ebx], ebx mov [ss:xAX + CPUMCTX.ecx], ecx mov [ss:xAX + CPUMCTX.edx], edx mov [ss:xAX + CPUMCTX.esi], esi mov [ss:xAX + CPUMCTX.edi], edi mov [ss:xAX + CPUMCTX.ebp], ebp ; Restore general purpose registers MYPOPAD mov eax, VINF_SUCCESS pop xBP %ifdef __AMD64__ add xSP, 4*xS %endif ret ENDPROC SVMVMRun %ifdef __AMD64__ %ifdef __WIN__ ;; ; Executes INVLPGA ; ; @param pPageGC msc:ecx gcc:edi x86:[esp+04] Virtual page to invalidate ; @param uASID msc:edx gcc:esi x86:[esp+08] Tagged TLB id ; ;DECLASM(void) SVMInvlpgA(RTGCPTR pPageGC, uint32_t uASID); BEGINPROC SVMInvlpgA %ifdef __AMD64__ %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC mov eax, edi ;; @todo 64-bit guest. mov ecx, esi %else mov eax, ecx ;; @todo 64-bit guest. mov ecx, edx %endif invlpga rax, ecx %else mov eax, [esp + 4] mov ecx, [esp + 8] invlpga eax, ecx %endif ret ENDPROC SVMInvlpgA %endif %endif