/* $Id: VMMR0.cpp 27084 2010-03-05 13:08:58Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VMM - Host Context Ring 0. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_VMM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VMMInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMMR0_DISABLE_PREEMPTION # include #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64) /** @todo check this with with VC7! */ # pragma intrinsic(_AddressOfReturnAddress) #endif /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN VMMR0DECL(int) ModuleInit(void); VMMR0DECL(void) ModuleTerm(void); RT_C_DECLS_END /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** Pointer to the internal networking service instance. */ PINTNET g_pIntNet = 0; /** * Initialize the module. * This is called when we're first loaded. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns VBox status on failure. */ VMMR0DECL(int) ModuleInit(void) { LogFlow(("ModuleInit:\n")); /* * Initialize the GVMM, GMM, HWACCM, PGM (Darwin) and INTNET. */ int rc = GVMMR0Init(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = GMMR0Init(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = HWACCMR0Init(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = PGMRegisterStringFormatTypes(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE rc = PGMR0DynMapInit(); #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogFlow(("ModuleInit: g_pIntNet=%p\n", g_pIntNet)); g_pIntNet = NULL; LogFlow(("ModuleInit: g_pIntNet=%p should be NULL now...\n", g_pIntNet)); rc = INTNETR0Create(&g_pIntNet); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogFlow(("ModuleInit: returns success. g_pIntNet=%p\n", g_pIntNet)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* bail out */ g_pIntNet = NULL; LogFlow(("ModuleTerm: returns %Rrc\n", rc)); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE PGMR0DynMapTerm(); #endif } PGMDeregisterStringFormatTypes(); } HWACCMR0Term(); } GMMR0Term(); } GVMMR0Term(); } LogFlow(("ModuleInit: failed %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Terminate the module. * This is called when we're finally unloaded. */ VMMR0DECL(void) ModuleTerm(void) { LogFlow(("ModuleTerm:\n")); /* * Destroy the internal networking instance. */ if (g_pIntNet) { INTNETR0Destroy(g_pIntNet); g_pIntNet = NULL; } /* * PGM (Darwin) and HWACCM global cleanup. * Destroy the GMM and GVMM instances. */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE PGMR0DynMapTerm(); #endif PGMDeregisterStringFormatTypes(); HWACCMR0Term(); GMMR0Term(); GVMMR0Term(); LogFlow(("ModuleTerm: returns\n")); } /** * Initaties the R0 driver for a particular VM instance. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pVM The VM instance in question. * @param uSvnRev The SVN revision of the ring-3 part. * @thread EMT. */ static int vmmR0InitVM(PVM pVM, uint32_t uSvnRev) { /* * Match the SVN revisions. */ if (uSvnRev != VMMGetSvnRev()) { LogRel(("VMMR0InitVM: Revision mismatch, r3=%d r0=%d\n", uSvnRev, VMMGetSvnRev())); SUPR0Printf("VMMR0InitVM: Revision mismatch, r3=%d r0=%d\n", uSvnRev, VMMGetSvnRev()); return VERR_VERSION_MISMATCH; } if ( !VALID_PTR(pVM) || pVM->pVMR0 != pVM) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; #ifdef LOG_ENABLED /* * Register the EMT R0 logger instance for VCPU 0. */ PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; PVMMR0LOGGER pR0Logger = pVCpu->vmm.s.pR0LoggerR0; if (pR0Logger) { # if 0 /* testing of the logger. */ LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: before %p\n", RTLogDefaultInstance())); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: pfnFlush=%p actual=%p\n", pR0Logger->Logger.pfnFlush, vmmR0LoggerFlush)); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: pfnLogger=%p actual=%p\n", pR0Logger->Logger.pfnLogger, vmmR0LoggerWrapper)); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: offScratch=%d fFlags=%#x fDestFlags=%#x\n", pR0Logger->Logger.offScratch, pR0Logger->Logger.fFlags, pR0Logger->Logger.fDestFlags)); RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(&pR0Logger->Logger, (uintptr_t)pVM->pSession); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: after %p reg\n", RTLogDefaultInstance())); RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(NULL, pVM->pSession); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: after %p dereg\n", RTLogDefaultInstance())); pR0Logger->Logger.pfnLogger("hello ring-0 logger\n"); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: returned succesfully from direct logger call.\n")); pR0Logger->Logger.pfnFlush(&pR0Logger->Logger); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: returned succesfully from direct flush call.\n")); RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(&pR0Logger->Logger, (uintptr_t)pVM->pSession); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: after %p reg2\n", RTLogDefaultInstance())); pR0Logger->Logger.pfnLogger("hello ring-0 logger\n"); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: returned succesfully from direct logger call (2). offScratch=%d\n", pR0Logger->Logger.offScratch)); RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(NULL, pVM->pSession); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: after %p dereg2\n", RTLogDefaultInstance())); RTLogLoggerEx(&pR0Logger->Logger, 0, ~0U, "hello ring-0 logger (RTLogLoggerEx)\n"); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: RTLogLoggerEx returned fine offScratch=%d\n", pR0Logger->Logger.offScratch)); RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(&pR0Logger->Logger, (uintptr_t)pVM->pSession); RTLogPrintf("hello ring-0 logger (RTLogPrintf)\n"); LogCom(("vmmR0InitVM: RTLogPrintf returned fine offScratch=%d\n", pR0Logger->Logger.offScratch)); # endif Log(("Switching to per-thread logging instance %p (key=%p)\n", &pR0Logger->Logger, pVM->pSession)); RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(&pR0Logger->Logger, (uintptr_t)pVM->pSession); pR0Logger->fRegistered = true; } #endif /* LOG_ENABLED */ /* * Initialize the per VM data for GVMM and GMM. */ int rc = GVMMR0InitVM(pVM); // if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) // rc = GMMR0InitPerVMData(pVM); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Init HWACCM, CPUM and PGM (Darwin only). */ rc = HWACCMR0InitVM(pVM); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = CPUMR0Init(pVM); /** @todo rename to CPUMR0InitVM */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE rc = PGMR0DynMapInitVM(pVM); #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { GVMMR0DoneInitVM(pVM); return rc; } /* bail out */ } HWACCMR0TermVM(pVM); } } RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(NULL, (uintptr_t)pVM->pSession); return rc; } /** * Terminates the R0 driver for a particular VM instance. * * This is normally called by ring-3 as part of the VM termination process, but * may alternatively be called during the support driver session cleanup when * the VM object is destroyed (see GVMM). * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pVM The VM instance in question. * @param pGVM Pointer to the global VM structure. Optional. * @thread EMT or session clean up thread. */ VMMR0DECL(int) VMMR0TermVM(PVM pVM, PGVM pGVM) { /* * Tell GVMM what we're up to and check that we only do this once. */ if (GVMMR0DoingTermVM(pVM, pGVM)) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE PGMR0DynMapTermVM(pVM); #endif HWACCMR0TermVM(pVM); } /* * Deregister the logger. */ RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(NULL, (uintptr_t)pVM->pSession); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS /** * Record return code statistics * @param pVM The VM handle. * @param pVCpu The VMCPU handle. * @param rc The status code. */ static void vmmR0RecordRC(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu, int rc) { /* * Collect statistics. */ switch (rc) { case VINF_SUCCESS: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetNormal); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetInterrupt); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT_HYPER: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetInterruptHyper); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_GUEST_TRAP: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetGuestTrap); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_RING_SWITCH: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetRingSwitch); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_RING_SWITCH_INT: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetRingSwitchInt); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_STALE_SELECTOR: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetStaleSelector); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_IRET_TRAP: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetIRETTrap); break; case VINF_IOM_HC_IOPORT_READ: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetIORead); break; case VINF_IOM_HC_IOPORT_WRITE: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetIOWrite); break; case VINF_IOM_HC_MMIO_READ: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetMMIORead); break; case VINF_IOM_HC_MMIO_WRITE: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetMMIOWrite); break; case VINF_IOM_HC_MMIO_READ_WRITE: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetMMIOReadWrite); break; case VINF_PATM_HC_MMIO_PATCH_READ: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetMMIOPatchRead); break; case VINF_PATM_HC_MMIO_PATCH_WRITE: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetMMIOPatchWrite); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetEmulate); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_IO_BLOCK: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetIOBlockEmulate); break; case VINF_PATCH_EMULATE_INSTR: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPatchEmulate); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR_LDT_FAULT: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetLDTFault); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR_GDT_FAULT: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetGDTFault); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR_IDT_FAULT: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetIDTFault); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR_TSS_FAULT: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetTSSFault); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR_PD_FAULT: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPDFault); break; case VINF_CSAM_PENDING_ACTION: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetCSAMTask); break; case VINF_PGM_SYNC_CR3: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetSyncCR3); break; case VINF_PATM_PATCH_INT3: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPatchInt3); break; case VINF_PATM_PATCH_TRAP_PF: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPatchPF); break; case VINF_PATM_PATCH_TRAP_GP: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPatchGP); break; case VINF_PATM_PENDING_IRQ_AFTER_IRET: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPatchIretIRQ); break; case VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetRescheduleREM); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_TO_R3: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetToR3); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_TIMER_PENDING: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetTimerPending); break; case VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT_PENDING: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetInterruptPending); break; case VINF_VMM_CALL_HOST: switch (pVCpu->vmm.s.enmCallRing3Operation) { case VMMCALLRING3_PDM_LOCK: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallPDMLock); break; case VMMCALLRING3_PDM_QUEUE_FLUSH: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallPDMQueueFlush); break; case VMMCALLRING3_PGM_POOL_GROW: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallPGMPoolGrow); break; case VMMCALLRING3_PGM_LOCK: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallPGMLock); break; case VMMCALLRING3_PGM_MAP_CHUNK: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallPGMMapChunk); break; case VMMCALLRING3_PGM_ALLOCATE_HANDY_PAGES: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallPGMAllocHandy); break; case VMMCALLRING3_REM_REPLAY_HANDLER_NOTIFICATIONS: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallRemReplay); break; case VMMCALLRING3_VMM_LOGGER_FLUSH: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallLogFlush); break; case VMMCALLRING3_VM_SET_ERROR: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallVMSetError); break; case VMMCALLRING3_VM_SET_RUNTIME_ERROR: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZCallVMSetRuntimeError); break; case VMMCALLRING3_VM_R0_ASSERTION: default: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetCallRing3); break; } break; case VINF_PATM_DUPLICATE_FUNCTION: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPATMDuplicateFn); break; case VINF_PGM_CHANGE_MODE: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPGMChangeMode); break; case VINF_PGM_POOL_FLUSH_PENDING: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPGMFlushPending); break; case VINF_EM_PENDING_REQUEST: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPendingRequest); break; case VINF_EM_HWACCM_PATCH_TPR_INSTR: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetPatchTPR); break; default: STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRZRetMisc); break; } } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS */ /** * Unused ring-0 entry point that used to be called from the interrupt gate. * * Will be removed one of the next times we do a major SUPDrv version bump. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM to operate on. * @param enmOperation Which operation to execute. * @param pvArg Argument to the operation. * @remarks Assume called with interrupts disabled. */ VMMR0DECL(int) VMMR0EntryInt(PVM pVM, VMMR0OPERATION enmOperation, void *pvArg) { /* * We're returning VERR_NOT_SUPPORT here so we've got something else * than -1 which the interrupt gate glue code might return. */ Log(("operation %#x is not supported\n", enmOperation)); return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /** * The Ring 0 entry point, called by the fast-ioctl path. * * @param pVM The VM to operate on. * The return code is stored in pVM->vmm.s.iLastGZRc. * @param idCpu The Virtual CPU ID of the calling EMT. * @param enmOperation Which operation to execute. * @remarks Assume called with interrupts _enabled_. */ VMMR0DECL(void) VMMR0EntryFast(PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu, VMMR0OPERATION enmOperation) { if (RT_UNLIKELY(idCpu >= pVM->cCpus)) return; PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[idCpu]; switch (enmOperation) { /* * Switch to GC and run guest raw mode code. * Disable interrupts before doing the world switch. */ case VMMR0_DO_RAW_RUN: { /* Safety precaution as hwaccm disables the switcher. */ if (RT_LIKELY(!pVM->vmm.s.fSwitcherDisabled)) { RTCCUINTREG uFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags(); int rc; bool fVTxDisabled; if (RT_UNLIKELY(pVM->cCpus > 1)) { pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = VERR_RAW_MODE_INVALID_SMP; ASMSetFlags(uFlags); return; } #ifndef VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE_IN_R0 if (RT_UNLIKELY(!PGMGetHyperCR3(pVCpu))) { pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = VERR_PGM_NO_CR3_SHADOW_ROOT; ASMSetFlags(uFlags); return; } #endif /* We might need to disable VT-x if the active switcher turns off paging. */ rc = HWACCMR0EnterSwitcher(pVM, &fVTxDisabled); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = rc; ASMSetFlags(uFlags); return; } ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVCpu->idHostCpu, RTMpCpuId()); VMCPU_SET_STATE(pVCpu, VMCPUSTATE_STARTED_EXEC); TMNotifyStartOfExecution(pVCpu); rc = pVM->vmm.s.pfnHostToGuestR0(pVM); pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = rc; TMNotifyEndOfExecution(pVCpu); VMCPU_SET_STATE(pVCpu, VMCPUSTATE_STARTED); ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVCpu->idHostCpu, NIL_RTCPUID); /* Re-enable VT-x if previously turned off. */ HWACCMR0LeaveSwitcher(pVM, fVTxDisabled); if ( rc == VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT || rc == VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT_HYPER) TRPMR0DispatchHostInterrupt(pVM); ASMSetFlags(uFlags); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRunRC); vmmR0RecordRC(pVM, pVCpu, rc); #endif } else { Assert(!pVM->vmm.s.fSwitcherDisabled); pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } break; } /* * Run guest code using the available hardware acceleration technology. * * Disable interrupts before we do anything interesting. On Windows we avoid * this by having the support driver raise the IRQL before calling us, this way * we hope to get away with page faults and later calling into the kernel. */ case VMMR0_DO_HWACC_RUN: { int rc; STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->vmm.s.StatRunRC); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMMR0_DISABLE_PREEMPTION RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE PreemptState = RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE_INITIALIZER; RTThreadPreemptDisable(&PreemptState); #elif !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) RTCCUINTREG uFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags(); #endif ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVCpu->idHostCpu, RTMpCpuId()); #ifdef LOG_ENABLED if (pVCpu->idCpu > 0) { /* Lazy registration of ring 0 loggers. */ PVMMR0LOGGER pR0Logger = pVCpu->vmm.s.pR0LoggerR0; if ( pR0Logger && !pR0Logger->fRegistered) { RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread(&pR0Logger->Logger, (uintptr_t)pVM->pSession); pR0Logger->fRegistered = true; } } #endif if (!HWACCMR0SuspendPending()) { rc = HWACCMR0Enter(pVM, pVCpu); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp(&pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0, HWACCMR0RunGuestCode, pVM, pVCpu); /* this may resume code. */ int rc2 = HWACCMR0Leave(pVM, pVCpu); AssertRC(rc2); } } else { /* System is about to go into suspend mode; go back to ring 3. */ rc = VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT; } pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = rc; ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVCpu->idHostCpu, NIL_RTCPUID); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMMR0_DISABLE_PREEMPTION RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState); #elif !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) ASMSetFlags(uFlags); #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS vmmR0RecordRC(pVM, pVCpu, rc); #endif /* No special action required for external interrupts, just return. */ break; } /* * For profiling. */ case VMMR0_DO_NOP: pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; /* * Impossible. */ default: AssertMsgFailed(("%#x\n", enmOperation)); pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } /** * Validates a session or VM session argument. * * @returns true / false accordingly. * @param pVM The VM argument. * @param pSession The session argument. */ DECLINLINE(bool) vmmR0IsValidSession(PVM pVM, PSUPDRVSESSION pClaimedSession, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) { /* This must be set! */ if (!pSession) return false; /* Only one out of the two. */ if (pVM && pClaimedSession) return false; if (pVM) pClaimedSession = pVM->pSession; return pClaimedSession == pSession; } /** * VMMR0EntryEx worker function, either called directly or when ever possible * called thru a longjmp so we can exit safely on failure. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM to operate on. * @param idCpu Virtual CPU ID argument. Must be NIL_VMCPUID if pVM * is NIL_RTR0PTR, and may be NIL_VMCPUID if it isn't * @param enmOperation Which operation to execute. * @param pReqHdr This points to a SUPVMMR0REQHDR packet. Optional. * The support driver validates this if it's present. * @param u64Arg Some simple constant argument. * @param pSession The session of the caller. * @remarks Assume called with interrupts _enabled_. */ static int vmmR0EntryExWorker(PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu, VMMR0OPERATION enmOperation, PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReqHdr, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) { /* * Common VM pointer validation. */ if (pVM) { if (RT_UNLIKELY( !VALID_PTR(pVM) || ((uintptr_t)pVM & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK))) { SUPR0Printf("vmmR0EntryExWorker: Invalid pVM=%p! (op=%d)\n", pVM, enmOperation); return VERR_INVALID_POINTER; } if (RT_UNLIKELY( pVM->enmVMState < VMSTATE_CREATING || pVM->enmVMState > VMSTATE_TERMINATED || pVM->pVMR0 != pVM)) { SUPR0Printf("vmmR0EntryExWorker: Invalid pVM=%p:{enmVMState=%d, .pVMR0=%p}! (op=%d)\n", pVM, pVM->enmVMState, pVM->pVMR0, enmOperation); return VERR_INVALID_POINTER; } if (RT_UNLIKELY(idCpu >= pVM->cCpus && idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID)) { SUPR0Printf("vmmR0EntryExWorker: Invalid idCpu (%u vs cCpus=%u)\n", idCpu, pVM->cCpus); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else if (RT_UNLIKELY(idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID)) { SUPR0Printf("vmmR0EntryExWorker: Invalid idCpu=%u\n", idCpu); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } switch (enmOperation) { /* * GVM requests */ case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_CREATE_VM: if (pVM || u64Arg || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0CreateVMReq((PGVMMCREATEVMREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_DESTROY_VM: if (pReqHdr || u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0DestroyVM(pVM); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_REGISTER_VMCPU: { if (!pVM) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0RegisterVCpu(pVM, idCpu); } case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_HALT: if (pReqHdr) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0SchedHalt(pVM, idCpu, u64Arg); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_WAKE_UP: if (pReqHdr || u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0SchedWakeUp(pVM, idCpu); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_POKE: if (pReqHdr || u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0SchedPoke(pVM, idCpu); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_WAKE_UP_AND_POKE_CPUS: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0SchedWakeUpAndPokeCpusReq(pVM, (PGVMMSCHEDWAKEUPANDPOKECPUSREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_POLL: if (pReqHdr || u64Arg > 1) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0SchedPoll(pVM, idCpu, !!u64Arg); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_QUERY_STATISTICS: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0QueryStatisticsReq(pVM, (PGVMMQUERYSTATISTICSSREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_RESET_STATISTICS: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GVMMR0ResetStatisticsReq(pVM, (PGVMMRESETSTATISTICSSREQ)pReqHdr); /* * Initialize the R0 part of a VM instance. */ case VMMR0_DO_VMMR0_INIT: return vmmR0InitVM(pVM, (uint32_t)u64Arg); /* * Terminate the R0 part of a VM instance. */ case VMMR0_DO_VMMR0_TERM: return VMMR0TermVM(pVM, NULL); /* * Attempt to enable hwacc mode and check the current setting. * */ case VMMR0_DO_HWACC_ENABLE: return HWACCMR0EnableAllCpus(pVM); /* * Setup the hardware accelerated session. */ case VMMR0_DO_HWACC_SETUP_VM: { RTCCUINTREG fFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags(); int rc = HWACCMR0SetupVM(pVM); ASMSetFlags(fFlags); return rc; } /* * Switch to RC to execute Hypervisor function. */ case VMMR0_DO_CALL_HYPERVISOR: { int rc; bool fVTxDisabled; /* Safety precaution as HWACCM can disable the switcher. */ Assert(!pVM->vmm.s.fSwitcherDisabled); if (RT_UNLIKELY(pVM->vmm.s.fSwitcherDisabled)) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #ifndef VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE_IN_R0 if (RT_UNLIKELY(!PGMGetHyperCR3(VMMGetCpu0(pVM)))) return VERR_PGM_NO_CR3_SHADOW_ROOT; #endif RTCCUINTREG fFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags(); /* We might need to disable VT-x if the active switcher turns off paging. */ rc = HWACCMR0EnterSwitcher(pVM, &fVTxDisabled); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = pVM->vmm.s.pfnHostToGuestR0(pVM); /* Re-enable VT-x if previously turned off. */ HWACCMR0LeaveSwitcher(pVM, fVTxDisabled); /** @todo dispatch interrupts? */ ASMSetFlags(fFlags); return rc; } /* * PGM wrappers. */ case VMMR0_DO_PGM_ALLOCATE_HANDY_PAGES: if (idCpu == NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_CPU_ID; return PGMR0PhysAllocateHandyPages(pVM, &pVM->aCpus[idCpu]); case VMMR0_DO_PGM_ALLOCATE_LARGE_HANDY_PAGE: if (idCpu == NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_CPU_ID; return PGMR0PhysAllocateLargeHandyPage(pVM, &pVM->aCpus[idCpu]); /* * GMM wrappers. */ case VMMR0_DO_GMM_INITIAL_RESERVATION: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0InitialReservationReq(pVM, idCpu, (PGMMINITIALRESERVATIONREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GMM_UPDATE_RESERVATION: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0UpdateReservationReq(pVM, idCpu, (PGMMUPDATERESERVATIONREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GMM_ALLOCATE_PAGES: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0AllocatePagesReq(pVM, idCpu, (PGMMALLOCATEPAGESREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GMM_FREE_PAGES: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0FreePagesReq(pVM, idCpu, (PGMMFREEPAGESREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GMM_FREE_LARGE_PAGE: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0FreeLargePageReq(pVM, idCpu, (PGMMFREELARGEPAGEREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GMM_BALLOONED_PAGES: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0BalloonedPagesReq(pVM, idCpu, (PGMMBALLOONEDPAGESREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GMM_MAP_UNMAP_CHUNK: if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0MapUnmapChunkReq(pVM, idCpu, (PGMMMAPUNMAPCHUNKREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_GMM_SEED_CHUNK: if (pReqHdr) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return GMMR0SeedChunk(pVM, idCpu, (RTR3PTR)u64Arg); /* * A quick GCFGM mock-up. */ /** @todo GCFGM with proper access control, ring-3 management interface and all that. */ case VMMR0_DO_GCFGM_SET_VALUE: case VMMR0_DO_GCFGM_QUERY_VALUE: { if (pVM || !pReqHdr || u64Arg || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; PGCFGMVALUEREQ pReq = (PGCFGMVALUEREQ)pReqHdr; if (pReq->Hdr.cbReq != sizeof(*pReq)) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; int rc; if (enmOperation == VMMR0_DO_GCFGM_SET_VALUE) { rc = GVMMR0SetConfig(pReq->pSession, &pReq->szName[0], pReq->u64Value); //if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) // rc = GMMR0SetConfig(pReq->pSession, &pReq->szName[0], pReq->u64Value); } else { rc = GVMMR0QueryConfig(pReq->pSession, &pReq->szName[0], &pReq->u64Value); //if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) // rc = GMMR0QueryConfig(pReq->pSession, &pReq->szName[0], &pReq->u64Value); } return rc; } /* * Requests to the internal networking service. */ case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_OPEN: { PINTNETOPENREQ pReq = (PINTNETOPENREQ)pReqHdr; if (u64Arg || !pReq || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, pReq->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0OpenReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, pReq); } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_CLOSE: if (u64Arg || !pReqHdr || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, ((PINTNETIFCLOSEREQ)pReqHdr)->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0IfCloseReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, (PINTNETIFCLOSEREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_GET_RING3_BUFFER: if (u64Arg || !pReqHdr || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, ((PINTNETIFGETRING3BUFFERREQ)pReqHdr)->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0IfGetRing3BufferReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, (PINTNETIFGETRING3BUFFERREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE: if (u64Arg || !pReqHdr || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, ((PINTNETIFSETPROMISCUOUSMODEREQ)pReqHdr)->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0IfSetPromiscuousModeReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, (PINTNETIFSETPROMISCUOUSMODEREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_MAC_ADDRESS: if (u64Arg || !pReqHdr || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, ((PINTNETIFSETMACADDRESSREQ)pReqHdr)->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0IfSetMacAddressReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, (PINTNETIFSETMACADDRESSREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_ACTIVE: if (u64Arg || !pReqHdr || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, ((PINTNETIFSETACTIVEREQ)pReqHdr)->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0IfSetActiveReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, (PINTNETIFSETACTIVEREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SEND: if (u64Arg || !pReqHdr || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, ((PINTNETIFSENDREQ)pReqHdr)->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0IfSendReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, (PINTNETIFSENDREQ)pReqHdr); case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_WAIT: if (u64Arg || !pReqHdr || !vmmR0IsValidSession(pVM, ((PINTNETIFWAITREQ)pReqHdr)->pSession, pSession) || idCpu != NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!g_pIntNet) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return INTNETR0IfWaitReq(g_pIntNet, pSession, (PINTNETIFWAITREQ)pReqHdr); /* * For profiling. */ case VMMR0_DO_NOP: case VMMR0_DO_SLOW_NOP: return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * For testing Ring-0 APIs invoked in this environment. */ case VMMR0_DO_TESTS: /** @todo make new test */ return VINF_SUCCESS; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 && defined(VBOX_WITH_64_BITS_GUESTS) && !defined(VBOX_WITH_HYBRID_32BIT_KERNEL) case VMMR0_DO_TEST_SWITCHER3264: if (idCpu == NIL_VMCPUID) return VERR_INVALID_CPU_ID; return HWACCMR0TestSwitcher3264(pVM); #endif default: /* * We're returning VERR_NOT_SUPPORT here so we've got something else * than -1 which the interrupt gate glue code might return. */ Log(("operation %#x is not supported\n", enmOperation)); return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } /** * Argument for vmmR0EntryExWrapper containing the arguments for VMMR0EntryEx. */ typedef struct VMMR0ENTRYEXARGS { PVM pVM; VMCPUID idCpu; VMMR0OPERATION enmOperation; PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReq; uint64_t u64Arg; PSUPDRVSESSION pSession; } VMMR0ENTRYEXARGS; /** Pointer to a vmmR0EntryExWrapper argument package. */ typedef VMMR0ENTRYEXARGS *PVMMR0ENTRYEXARGS; /** * This is just a longjmp wrapper function for VMMR0EntryEx calls. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pvArgs The argument package */ static int vmmR0EntryExWrapper(void *pvArgs) { return vmmR0EntryExWorker(((PVMMR0ENTRYEXARGS)pvArgs)->pVM, ((PVMMR0ENTRYEXARGS)pvArgs)->idCpu, ((PVMMR0ENTRYEXARGS)pvArgs)->enmOperation, ((PVMMR0ENTRYEXARGS)pvArgs)->pReq, ((PVMMR0ENTRYEXARGS)pvArgs)->u64Arg, ((PVMMR0ENTRYEXARGS)pvArgs)->pSession); } /** * The Ring 0 entry point, called by the support library (SUP). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM to operate on. * @param idCpu Virtual CPU ID argument. Must be NIL_VMCPUID if pVM * is NIL_RTR0PTR, and may be NIL_VMCPUID if it isn't * @param enmOperation Which operation to execute. * @param pReq This points to a SUPVMMR0REQHDR packet. Optional. * @param u64Arg Some simple constant argument. * @param pSession The session of the caller. * @remarks Assume called with interrupts _enabled_. */ VMMR0DECL(int) VMMR0EntryEx(PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu, VMMR0OPERATION enmOperation, PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReq, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) { /* * Requests that should only happen on the EMT thread will be * wrapped in a setjmp so we can assert without causing trouble. */ if ( VALID_PTR(pVM) && pVM->pVMR0 && idCpu < pVM->cCpus) { switch (enmOperation) { /* These might/will be called before VMMR3Init. */ case VMMR0_DO_GMM_INITIAL_RESERVATION: case VMMR0_DO_GMM_UPDATE_RESERVATION: case VMMR0_DO_GMM_ALLOCATE_PAGES: case VMMR0_DO_GMM_FREE_PAGES: case VMMR0_DO_GMM_BALLOONED_PAGES: /* On the mac we might not have a valid jmp buf, so check these as well. */ case VMMR0_DO_VMMR0_INIT: case VMMR0_DO_VMMR0_TERM: { PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[idCpu]; if (!pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.pvSavedStack) break; /** @todo validate this EMT claim... GVM knows. */ VMMR0ENTRYEXARGS Args; Args.pVM = pVM; Args.idCpu = idCpu; Args.enmOperation = enmOperation; Args.pReq = pReq; Args.u64Arg = u64Arg; Args.pSession = pSession; return vmmR0CallRing3SetJmpEx(&pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0, vmmR0EntryExWrapper, &Args); } default: break; } } return vmmR0EntryExWorker(pVM, idCpu, enmOperation, pReq, u64Arg, pSession); } /** * Internal R0 logger worker: Flush logger. * * @param pLogger The logger instance to flush. * @remark This function must be exported! */ VMMR0DECL(void) vmmR0LoggerFlush(PRTLOGGER pLogger) { #ifdef LOG_ENABLED /* * Convert the pLogger into a VM handle and 'call' back to Ring-3. * (This is a bit paranoid code.) */ PVMMR0LOGGER pR0Logger = (PVMMR0LOGGER)((uintptr_t)pLogger - RT_OFFSETOF(VMMR0LOGGER, Logger)); if ( !VALID_PTR(pR0Logger) || !VALID_PTR(pR0Logger + 1) || pLogger->u32Magic != RTLOGGER_MAGIC) { # ifdef DEBUG SUPR0Printf("vmmR0LoggerFlush: pLogger=%p!\n", pLogger); # endif return; } if (pR0Logger->fFlushingDisabled) return; /* quietly */ PVM pVM = pR0Logger->pVM; if ( !VALID_PTR(pVM) || pVM->pVMR0 != pVM) { # ifdef DEBUG SUPR0Printf("vmmR0LoggerFlush: pVM=%p! pVMR0=%p! pLogger=%p\n", pVM, pVM->pVMR0, pLogger); # endif return; } PVMCPU pVCpu = VMMGetCpu(pVM); /* * Check that the jump buffer is armed. */ # ifdef RT_ARCH_X86 if ( !pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.eip || pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.fInRing3Call) # else if ( !pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.rip || pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.fInRing3Call) # endif { # ifdef DEBUG SUPR0Printf("vmmR0LoggerFlush: Jump buffer isn't armed!\n"); # endif return; } VMMRZCallRing3(pVM, pVCpu, VMMCALLRING3_VMM_LOGGER_FLUSH, 0); #endif } /** * Interal R0 logger worker: Custom prefix. * * @returns Number of chars written. * * @param pLogger The logger instance. * @param pchBuf The output buffer. * @param cchBuf The size of the buffer. * @param pvUser User argument (ignored). */ VMMR0DECL(size_t) vmmR0LoggerPrefix(PRTLOGGER pLogger, char *pchBuf, size_t cchBuf, void *pvUser) { NOREF(pvUser); #ifdef LOG_ENABLED PVMMR0LOGGER pR0Logger = (PVMMR0LOGGER)((uintptr_t)pLogger - RT_OFFSETOF(VMMR0LOGGER, Logger)); if ( !VALID_PTR(pR0Logger) || !VALID_PTR(pR0Logger + 1) || pLogger->u32Magic != RTLOGGER_MAGIC || cchBuf < 2) return 0; static const char s_szHex[17] = "0123456789abcdef"; VMCPUID const idCpu = pR0Logger->idCpu; pchBuf[1] = s_szHex[ idCpu & 15]; pchBuf[0] = s_szHex[(idCpu >> 4) & 15]; return 2; #else return 0; #endif } #ifdef LOG_ENABLED /** * Disables flushing of the ring-0 debug log. * * @param pVCpu The shared virtual cpu structure. */ VMMR0DECL(void) VMMR0LogFlushDisable(PVMCPU pVCpu) { PVM pVM = pVCpu->pVMR0; if (pVCpu->vmm.s.pR0LoggerR0) pVCpu->vmm.s.pR0LoggerR0->fFlushingDisabled = true; } /** * Enables flushing of the ring-0 debug log. * * @param pVCpu The shared virtual cpu structure. */ VMMR0DECL(void) VMMR0LogFlushEnable(PVMCPU pVCpu) { PVM pVM = pVCpu->pVMR0; if (pVCpu->vmm.s.pR0LoggerR0) pVCpu->vmm.s.pR0LoggerR0->fFlushingDisabled = false; } #endif /** * Jump back to ring-3 if we're the EMT and the longjmp is armed. * * @returns true if the breakpoint should be hit, false if it should be ignored. */ DECLEXPORT(bool) RTCALL RTAssertShouldPanic(void) { #if 0 return true; #else PVM pVM = GVMMR0GetVMByEMT(NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD); if (pVM) { PVMCPU pVCpu = VMMGetCpu(pVM); if (pVCpu) { #ifdef RT_ARCH_X86 if ( pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.eip && !pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.fInRing3Call) #else if ( pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.rip && !pVCpu->vmm.s.CallRing3JmpBufR0.fInRing3Call) #endif { int rc = VMMRZCallRing3(pVM, pVCpu, VMMCALLRING3_VM_R0_ASSERTION, 0); return RT_FAILURE_NP(rc); } } } #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX return true; #else return false; #endif #endif } /** * Override this so we can push it up to ring-3. * * @param pszExpr Expression. Can be NULL. * @param uLine Location line number. * @param pszFile Location file name. * @param pszFunction Location function name. */ DECLEXPORT(void) RTCALL RTAssertMsg1Weak(const char *pszExpr, unsigned uLine, const char *pszFile, const char *pszFunction) { /* * To the log. */ LogAlways(("\n!!R0-Assertion Failed!!\n" "Expression: %s\n" "Location : %s(%d) %s\n", pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction)); /* * To the global VMM buffer. */ PVM pVM = GVMMR0GetVMByEMT(NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD); if (pVM) RTStrPrintf(pVM->vmm.s.szRing0AssertMsg1, sizeof(pVM->vmm.s.szRing0AssertMsg1), "\n!!R0-Assertion Failed!!\n" "Expression: %s\n" "Location : %s(%d) %s\n", pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction); /* * Continue the normal way. */ RTAssertMsg1(pszExpr, uLine, pszFile, pszFunction); } /** * Callback for RTLogFormatV which writes to the ring-3 log port. * See PFNLOGOUTPUT() for details. */ static DECLCALLBACK(size_t) rtLogOutput(void *pv, const char *pachChars, size_t cbChars) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cbChars; i++) LogAlways(("%c", pachChars[i])); return cbChars; } /** * Override this so we can push it up to ring-3. * * @param pszFormat The format string. * @param va Arguments. */ DECLEXPORT(void) RTCALL RTAssertMsg2WeakV(const char *pszFormat, va_list va) { va_list vaCopy; /* * Push the message to the logger. */ PRTLOGGER pLog = RTLogDefaultInstance(); /** @todo we want this for release as well! */ if (pLog) { va_copy(vaCopy, va); RTLogFormatV(rtLogOutput, pLog, pszFormat, vaCopy); va_end(vaCopy); } /* * Push it to the global VMM buffer. */ PVM pVM = GVMMR0GetVMByEMT(NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD); if (pVM) { va_copy(vaCopy, va); RTStrPrintfV(pVM->vmm.s.szRing0AssertMsg2, sizeof(pVM->vmm.s.szRing0AssertMsg2), pszFormat, vaCopy); va_end(vaCopy); } /* * Continue the normal way. */ RTAssertMsg2V(pszFormat, va); }