1 | ; $Id: VMMR0A.asm 671 2007-02-06 04:23:26Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; VMM - R0 assembly routines.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | ; General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
13 | ; in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
14 | ; distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
15 | ; be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | ;
17 | ; If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox
18 | ; distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox
19 | ; license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph.
20 | ;
21 |
22 | ;*******************************************************************************
23 | ;* Header Files *
24 | ;*******************************************************************************
25 | %include "VBox/asmdefs.mac"
26 | %include "VMMInternal.mac"
27 | %include "iprt/err.mac"
28 |
29 |
30 | %ifdef __X86__ ; The other architecture(s) use(s) C99 variadict macros.
31 | extern IMPNAME(RTLogLogger)
32 | %endif
33 |
34 |
36 |
37 |
38 | ;;
39 | ; The setjmp variant used for calling Ring-3.
40 | ;
41 | ; This differs from the normal setjmp in that it will resume VMMR0CallHost if we're
42 | ; in the middle of a ring-3 call. Another differences is the function pointer and
43 | ; argument. This has to do with resuming code and the stack frame of the caller.
44 | ;
45 | ; @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success or whatever is passed to vmmR0CallHostLongJmp.
46 | ; @param pJmpBuf Our jmp_buf.
47 | ; @param pfn The function to be called when not resuming.
48 | ; @param pVM The argument of that function.
49 | ;
50 | BEGINPROC vmmR0CallHostSetJmp
51 | %ifdef __X86__
52 | ;
53 | ; Save the registers.
54 | ;
55 | mov edx, [esp + 4h] ; pJmpBuf
56 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.ebx], ebx
57 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esi], esi
58 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.edi], edi
59 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.ebp], ebp
60 | mov eax, [esp]
61 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.eip], eax
62 | lea ecx, [esp + 4] ; (used in resume)
63 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esp], ecx
64 |
65 | ;
66 | ; If we're not in a ring-3 call, call pfn and return.
67 | ;
68 | test byte [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.fInRing3Call], 1
69 | jnz .resume
70 |
71 | mov ecx, [esp + 0ch] ; pvArg
72 | mov eax, [esp + 08h] ; pfn
73 | push ecx
74 | call eax
75 | add esp, 4
76 | mov edx, [esp + 4h] ; pJmpBuf
77 | and dword [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.eip], byte 0 ; used for valid check.
78 | ret
79 |
80 | ;
81 | ; Resume VMMR0CallHost the call.
82 | ;
83 | .resume:
84 | ; Sanity checks.
85 | cmp ecx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpCheck]
86 | je .espCheck_ok
87 | .bad:
88 | and dword [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.eip], byte 0 ; used for valid check.
89 | mov edi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.edi]
90 | mov esi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esi]
91 | mov ebx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.ebx]
92 | mov eax, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ; todo better return code!
93 | ret
94 |
95 | .espCheck_ok:
96 | mov ecx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.cbSavedStack]
97 | cmp ecx, 8192
98 | ja .bad
99 | test ecx, 3
100 | jnz .bad
101 | mov edi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esp]
102 | sub edi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpResume]
103 | cmp ecx, edi
104 | jne .bad
105 |
106 | ;
107 | ; Restore the stack.
108 | ;
109 | mov byte [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.fInRing3Call], 0
110 | mov ecx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.cbSavedStack]
111 | shr ecx, 2
112 | mov esi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.pvSavedStack]
113 | mov edi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpResume]
114 | mov esp, edi
115 | rep movsd
116 |
117 | ;
118 | ; Continue where we left off.
119 | ;
120 | popf
121 | pop ebx
122 | pop esi
123 | pop edi
124 | pop ebp
125 | xor eax, eax ; VINF_SUCCESS
126 | ret
127 | %endif ; __X86__
128 |
129 | %ifdef __AMD64__
130 | int3 ; implement me!
131 | %endif
132 | ENDPROC vmmR0CallHostSetJmp
133 |
134 |
135 | ;;
136 | ; Worker for VMMR0CallHost.
137 | ; This will save the stack and registers.
138 | ;
139 | ; @param pJmpBuf Pointer to the jump buffer.
140 | ; @param rc The return code.
141 | ;
142 | BEGINPROC vmmR0CallHostLongJmp
143 | %ifdef __X86__
144 | ;
145 | ; Save the registers on the stack.
146 | ;
147 | push ebp
148 | mov ebp, esp
149 | push edi
150 | push esi
151 | push ebx
152 | pushf
153 |
154 | ;
155 | ; Load parameters.
156 | ;
157 | mov edx, [ebp + 08h] ; pJmpBuf
158 | mov eax, [ebp + 0ch] ; rc
159 |
160 | ;
161 | ; Is the jump buffer armed?
162 | ;
163 | cmp dword [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.eip], byte 0
164 | je .nok
165 |
166 | ;
167 | ; Save the stack.
168 | ;
169 | mov edi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.pvSavedStack]
170 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpResume], esp
171 | mov esi, esp
172 | mov ecx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esp]
173 | sub ecx, esi
174 |
175 | ; two sanity checks on the size.
176 | cmp ecx, 8192 ; check max size.
177 | jbe .ok
178 | .nok:
179 | mov eax, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR
180 | popf
181 | pop ebx
182 | pop esi
183 | pop edi
184 | leave
185 | ret
186 | .ok:
187 | test ecx, 3 ; check alignment
188 | jnz .nok
189 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.cbSavedStack], ecx
190 | shr ecx, 2
191 | rep movsd
192 |
193 | ; store the last pieces of info.
194 | mov ecx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esp]
195 | mov [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpCheck], ecx
196 | mov byte [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.fInRing3Call], 1
197 |
198 | ;
199 | ; Do the long jump.
200 | ;
201 | mov ebx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.ebx]
202 | mov esi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esi]
203 | mov edi, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.edi]
204 | mov ebp, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.ebp]
205 | mov ecx, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.eip]
206 | mov esp, [edx + VMMR0JMPBUF.esp]
207 | jmp ecx
208 | %endif ; __X86__
209 |
210 | %ifdef __AMD64__
211 | int3 ; implement me!
212 | %endif
213 | ENDPROC vmmR0CallHostLongJmp
214 |
215 |
216 | ;;
217 | ; Internal R0 logger worker: Logger wrapper.
218 | ;
219 | ; @cproto VMMR0DECL(void) vmmR0LoggerWrapper(const char *pszFormat, ...)
220 | ;
221 | EXPORTEDNAME vmmR0LoggerWrapper
222 | %ifdef __X86__ ; The other architecture(s) use(s) C99 variadict macros.
223 | push 0 ; assumes we're the wrapper for a default instance.
224 | call IMP(RTLogLogger)
225 | add esp, byte 4
226 | ret
227 | %else
228 | int3
229 | int3
230 | int3
231 | ret
232 | %endif
233 | ENDPROC vmmR0LoggerWrapper
234 |